Boogie Bounce Elite Mini Trampoline | Folding & Silent

Boogie Bounce Elite Mini Trampoline | Folding & Silent Bungee Rebounder For Adults & Children | Adjustable T-Bar Handle & 20st Weight Limit | Includes DVD, Mobile App, Storage Bag & Gripper Socks

Weight: | 9.5 Kilograms |
Size: | 100cm |
Dimensions: | 110 x 110 x 27 cm; 12 Kilograms |
Brand: | Boogie Bounce |
Colour: | Black, yellow |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Boogie Bounce |
Department: | Womens, men, children |
Dimensions: | 110 x 110 x 27 cm; 12 Kilograms |
Size: | 100cm |
Das Trampolin wird gut und sicher verpackt nach Hause geliefert.
Der auf und Abbau ist mit ein wenig bung schnell und unkompliziert gemacht. Da man hiermit Aktion reichen Sport macht, ist aber beim Aufbau besonders auf alles zu achten. Fr die Kinder gibt es einen extra Schutz der angebracht werden kann.
zustzlich gibt es eine DVD und eine App in die man schnuppern kann. Auch gefallen mir die Socken die dabei liegen damit man einen sicheren Halt hat. Das springen darauf klappt gut und fhlt sich sicher und qualitativ an. Der Griff kann in der Hhe angepasst werden und es ist fr weit ber 100kg zugelassen.
In der Tasche kann alles problemlos aufbewahrt werden und auch fr den Transport klappt es so ganz gut.
Hier gibt es ein gutes Mini Trampolin welches schnell auf und ab gebaut ist. Es kostet mehr Platz als erwartet aber es macht Spa und wirkt qualitativ. Das Preis Leistungsverhltnis passt und 4 sind verdient.
Ich hoffe ich konnte Ihnen ein paar ntzliche Informationen zukommen lassen und bedanke mich recht -lich frs Lesen.
Wir bekommen hier einen Karton mit dem Kompletten Inhalt.
Der Aufbau ist relativ simpel. Ich fand gut das die Sprungbasis schon gleich montiert war, denn ich hatte schon mal ein soles trampolin da musste man dies selbst spannen und das ist ein enormer kraftakt.
Hier muss man die Basis nur ausklappen, was allerdings auch nicht ganz so einfach ist. An den beiden Klappteilen ist ein Verbindungselemet welches man durch einen Stift sichert.
Danach mssen die Fen angesteckt werden diese sind mit einen Metallknopf gesichert, durch das eindrcken kann man die Fe auch wieder abnehmen.
Der Haltegriff wir ebenfalls eingesetzt und mit einem Stift gesichert. dann muss nur noch die Sicherheits Abdeckung drauf und schon kann es losgehen.
Es knnen viele verschiedene bungen gemacht werden, es federt sehr gut.
Auf der DVD sind einige bungen gezeigt an diesen kann man sich prima orientieren. Die Videos mit den Anleitung sind sowol fr Anfnger als auch fr Fortgeschrittene.
Leider wird mir immer schwindelig nach kurzer dauer, aber das liegt nicht am Trampolin selbst.
Jetzt kommt leider der Teil der mich doch etwas enttuscht hat. Die Klappfunktion ist zwar ganz gut und sinnvoll, aber denoch braucht es immer noch enorm viel Platz zum Lager. Denn solange der Fu fr die Halte stange dran ist, klappt es sich nicht ordentlich zusammen. Auch fr die Aufbewahrung in der tasche muss das gante Trampolin komplett demontiert werden, d.h. alles Fe wieder ab. Das htte ich mir anders gewnscht und vorgestellt.
Denn da bin ich ganz ehrlich, jedes mal das komplett neu aufbauen habe ich keine Lust und den Platz es auf dauer so stehen zu lassen habe ich nicht.
Fazit: guter aufbau da Basis vor Montiert, Federung sehr gut und auch stabil, es ist wirklich leise und es macht schon Spa, leider die Klappfunktion eher schwierig und zum platzsparend Lagern komplett abzubauen.
Im really happy with this fitness trampoline and i’d highly recommend it. The bungees make it super easy to assemble and it folds down well meaning i can store it discreetly and without it taking up space! It also feels really safe and sturdy when i’m using it.
Side note – I also downloaded the Boogie Bounce app and the routines are great, it gives me a real workout!
I had wanted a rebounder for a while, having had one years ago and was excited to try this out.
I built it outside in the garden when the weather was nice and warm and it was an enjoyable experience. Some parts were stiff but I believe they were meant to be. It was easy enough to put together and I took it slowly, step by step.
I was very excited to try it out and had it out in the garden for two days rebounding in the shade when the weather was nice and there was no rain.
I eventually brought it into the house and decided to keep it up in the living room permanently; even though it is easy enough to fold and store in the bag that it comes in. I know myself, as if I kept it stored in a bag, I just would not put it together again and it would just stay there; so I decided it was best to keep it in a spot in the living room where I can use it while watching tv.
I was only able to do 5 mins to begin with before I tired; but eventually built this up.
I am keen to try out the workouts on the app. It would be nice if the app workouts were on tv, rather than just on the mobile phone; but I am going to try and mirror my phone to my tv so that I can use the tv to do workouts to on an 85 inch tv screen rather than a mobile phone as it’ll be easier for me and more motivating.
It’s compact, foldable, stable, easy to use, enjoyable, safe, sturdy, and I love it! It is practical as it folds and you can take it with you if you went on holiday.
I am so glad to get this mini trampoline and I am very satisfied with it. It doesn’t require any tools to assemble and can be done in two minutes, just snap the trampoline apart and secure the frame and feet. It just takes a certain amount of force when opening the trampoline. I love that it can be folded, and the compact design can save space.
In addition to trampoline, there are three pairs of non slip socks and dvd, which is no use to me. It can also record your daily exercise through the downloaded app, which is especially important and my favorite. There’s also a storage bag to prevent the dust when you want to fold it away.
This trampoline is very stable, bouncy and noiseless, and will hardly disturb family or neighbors. For those who don’t like to go to gym, this mini trampoline is ideal exercise equipment.
The grip and stability of the trampoline are commendable. Another thing that needs to be Noted is that you can press the handrail hard, which will cause dumping due to imbalance. Also lay a cushion under the trampoline to prevent the floor from scratching. It’s better to stop for 15 minutes at the beginning of bounce, otherwise it will be sore all over.
Mine arrived this morning. Whilst setting it up, and finding a couple of the legs soooo stiff to attach, I was actually thinking: do I really need this? Why did I buy it? Where will I even put it? Etc. Etc.
However, once it was set up and I tried it, I realised it’s my best purchase in ages. So much fun! I cycle a lot, do weights, yoga, calisthenics. Along with cycling, this is the most fun, but I don’t even have to leave the house!
It’s silent to use, due to the bungees, and easy to put on and then remove the legs to fold away (once the legs have loosened slightly). And it looks really cool, too. Once back in its bag, it’s reasonably compact. I wish I could leave it set up, but don’t have the room.
One thing I’d have liked, would have been for the stability handle to be optional as I don’t think I’ll need it and it’s a bit cumbersome. Even so, it’s fine and I’m very happy with this rebounder (a million miles away from the 30 one we bought when our son was little!)
All in all, I’m glad I chose this foldable, bungee version. Looking forward to bouncing again tomorrow.
I’m genuinely surprised how much I love this – I thought it would be good fun, maybe a bit of novelty, but with osteoarthritis in many joints, I know I have to be careful. Low impact is absolutely key, as is taking things at my own pace. And I can – we’ve set this up in the conservatory, which doesn’t get sun till the afternoon, so I can happily spend 10 minutes or half an hour or so, each morning, depending on how creaky I am that morning. We set it up easily and quickly, I did find it quite tough to open up (my husband had to do that) so I wouldn’t be continually folding it and taking it with me, but someone younger and fitter would have no problems taking it to the local park or beach, for instance. It’s very sturdily built, and strong enough to take a bit of a fatty like me!
I haven’t used the app or dvd, I’m not really bothered about that, I just like to be able to bounce away, twisting my waist (definitely trimmer there) and I feel much fitter and more energetic even after a short time. It is a bit pricey, I can’t deny that, at 200, but it certainly feels like a quality product and I hope, will last me a good long while.
That said, I had a look over this unit and it looks very well built, not that I have anything to compare it to but this must be up with the best of them. The fabric, springs and framework are all of a great quality and look to be made to last. In the instructions it gives a maximum weight of 20 stone so it has to be very sturdy to be able to support that sort of weight jumping up and down on it.
My daughter has been using this most days for a couple of weeks now and she tells me that we should have persevered with it as she finds it very stimulating and says that it’s the best workout that she has ever had. That I can believe but I still think it would have given me a heart attack and a broken leg, lol.
A great part of using this is that it’s easily portable so it can be taken to classes or fitness groups if needed and without having to take it to pieces, it simply folds to be able to carry and easily fits into a car.
Along with the trampoline comes some decent non slip socks, a DVD if anyone still has a player, lol and a storage bag to keep it all tidy. This can also be connected to an app for keeping records of workouts and more, my daughter hasn’t used that side of it as her phone broke but it sounds to me like a great idea to use as a workout diary etc’.
Excellent quality exercise device that for the energetic will be terrific fun as well as giving them a great workout.
This was great. I found it so easy to fit together. I loved the carry bag that came with it for easy transportation. There was a video inside so you could and bounce along. My girls took hours of pleasure from bouncing on it.
Mini exercise trampoline, ideal for one. The trampoline is easy to assemble clip on the legs and the handle push the two sides apart and it springs I to shape, the pull in the sping clips for safety, you don’t want it to collapse on you. To disassemble just unclip pull the handle and remove the legs. Everything can be packed into the carry bag .
Nice touch having the trampoline socks though not really my size they fit my wife perfectly.
There are also a number of spares including the buggy cords for the trampoline. There is also a DVD with assembly and excercise content, and QBR cards to link to online content relating to things you can do.
One of the push clips was a bit stiff but I imagine over time this will relax, and I assembled this out of the box before looking at the instructions so it’s fairly simple to assemble.
This mini trampoline is good. It is easy to assemble and use. It is sturdy and good quality.
I am really loving this mini-trampoline. I’m using it for running and of course bouncing and it’s been great for exercise when I have had to stay inside. It was really easy to set up – everything involves clips and fasteners that need no tools – and it is very solid despite my weight. I can’t say I am drawn to any of the supporting programmes but I am definitely getting extra exercise and fun and I would recommend this.
Constructing this took a mere 10 mins to do. It is perfect for young children to hop about on and with the handle being there provides extra support and safety. It is colourful and even adults can give it a go. The trampoline bed is strong and sturdy, giving the best jumps.
This is so funny that this item popped up on vine for a review! My partner has been showing me videos of these on the likes of Tiktok and has been nagging me to get her one for her Birthday in a few months time. When this popped up on vine I thought I would grab it her as a treat to test! The item arrived professionally packaged but does require building. This process took about 10 minutes and then also included are accessories to use while counting and also a DVD / APP to download which has basically professionally made workout routines which is wonderful. The bouncer is made for adults and takes the weight of me too which I’m close to 21 stone! She’s been playing with it all week and highly appreciates it. It’s also a very nice touch to include the gripper socks too. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Adjustable height and storage bag for transport included.
The children absolutely love the trampoline and are exercising without realising, they are using the handlebars trying to outdo each other with tricks they make up. The socks are slightly too big for them but they already have trampoline socks.
The jumping mat is nice and tight, forcing you to put additional effort into each bounce resulting in a more effective workout.
It does take quite some force in order to open the trampoline during set up, but it has become easier the more I do this, either because it’s loosening up or I’m just used to the process now. There is some slight movement of the handlebars within the frame when bouncing, but this feels normal and doesn’t impede any workout.
When different family members want to use the trampoline, the handlebar can be altered and secured again in seconds with 3 height settings.
The app downloads and gives you a free 3 month trial. I did have an issue with this as I logged out and couldn’t log back in. I had to reregister so lost my free subscription. Lots of programmes to follow and subscription is good value and low cost.
Really easy to use the trampoline with the app. I attached my phone to the handle with a bike phone holder making it easier to see. Also comes with a dvd which I have yet to watch as I do not own a player.
We had so much fun whilst exercising with this. My teenage daughter loves it and I found it a way of exercising I am more likely to continue as it wasn’t boring and repetitive.
My daughter now insists we get another so we can exercise together having fun.
I highly recommend
Surprisingly lightweight and virtually silent yet bounces the exact same way as the rigid trampolines in class. Easy to assemble but read the instructions BEFORE you try to take down to avoid injury, i learnt that the hard way! Love that it folds up so compact in its own little storage bag. Quick and easy delivery. Very happy.
I had the original BoogieBounce trampoline but when we moved house and I got pregnant we didn’t have the space for it so I had to reluctantly let it go.
When I saw the elite, I had to have it! It’s so quick and simple to set up and pack away, and I was able to get bouncing a lot sooner than I expected after my c-section. Another great upgrade is the switch from springs. The springs used to be quite loud, these bands are practically silent.
The app is also fantastic, especially for the cost of the monthly subscription. HonestlyI can’t recommend this system enoughI even took it away with me this weekend