BroadLink RM4 pro S and Sensor Cable Set, Universal RF IR

BroadLink RM4 pro S and Sensor Cable Set, Universal RF IR Remote Control Hub with USB Cable Temperature Humidity Monitor USB Cable, Works with Alexa, Google Home, IFTTT

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Set up in 3 steps

Download the new app BroadLink in Apple App Store or Google Play (support IOS 8.0 / Android 4.0 and above) and configure the device according to the app instructions.

Find Your Control Panel or Learn Button

Industry top level development technology. BroadLink Patented Global Cloud Service technology and plenty of remote control database enable fast and reliable operation.

Learning mode is available, you can define a remote and learn buttons if you couldn’t find your remote in our database.

Voice Control with Alexa

Make sure the devices can be remotely controlled from external networks. In Amazon Alexa/Google Home Apps, enable the skill/service named BroadLink, link account and discover devices.

Note: voice control is in limited functions, visit our support page for detailed supported appliances list. We will constantly update the list when new functions are available.

Something you need to know

(1) Make sure your phone is connected to 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network before adding device (5GHz is not supported)

(2) The Wi-Fi password should contain no more than 32 characters and no special characters which are not available on standard keyboard layout.

(3) If you have difficulties to add device in smart configuration mode, please refer to Indications on the manual to try AP configuration.

(4) RM4 pro IR only supports 433MHz fixed code remote and code learning, not 315MHz or rolling code

Function Control IR, RF appliances Control IR, RF appliances Control IR appliances Control IR appliances Control IR appliances Control appliances on and off
Device Size 84.4mm x 84.4mm x 31mm 84.4mm x 84.4mm x 31mm 47mm x 47mm x 42mm 47mm x 47mm x 42mm 55mm x 55mm x 65mm 80mm x 45mm x 53.5mm
App Control
Alexa and Google Voice Control
USB Cable Type Regular Power Cable Temperature and Humidity Sensor Cable Regular Power Cable Temperature and Humidity Sensor Cable Regular Power Cable none
Support Sensor Cable x x

Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 3.1 cm; 95 Grams
Model: RM4 pro S
Manufacture: Hangzhou BroadLink Technology Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 3.1 cm; 95 Grams

70 Responses

  1. ConradShumack says:


    damit kann man die Funkcodes der Fernbedienung fr das Fernotron System von Rademacher anlernen und replizieren.
    Auch kann das Gert erfolgreich in Home Assistant eingebunden werden. Endlich sind die Rolles “richtig” smart.
    Und super Preis-Leistung!

  2. AileenMccleary says:


    Gi da qualche anno possedevo un broadlink RM4 pro+ (forma triangolare) che funzionava egregiamente con tutti i telecomandi di casa attivati con Alexa. Questo acquisiva tutte le frequenze che gli davo in pasto: TV, Condizionatore, Cancello elettrico e Tenda da sole (ovviamente non rolling code). Da qualche tempo purtroppo non dava pi segni di vita e quindi ho deciso di riacquistare un broadlink RM4 pro+. Ho acquistato l’attuale broadlink RM4 pro+ (forma quadrata) pensando fosse il medesimo a parte l’estetica, in realt questo, contrariamente a quello triangolare, supporta solamente frequenze da 315 MHz a 433 MHz non rolling code (il mio vecchio cancello elettrico lavora a 307.42 MHz . A malincuore o dovuto effettuare un reso per mancata compatibilit.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Used it to get simple controls of items that have a remote but are not “smart” devices. I found if you are trying to get it so Alexa has control of your device set up “scenes” in the Blink app that comes with this. You can get Alexa to do it, but it works better if you do the fine tuning in the Blink app and then just hav3 Alexa run the scene.

  4. LonaWLVKzeevys says:


    Ich habe die den Broadlink RM4 Pro S und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Die Einbindung in ein Hybrid-Netzwerk (2,4/5GHz) funktioniert ohne Probleme. Auch die Einbindung meines Acomax Funk Rolladenmotors funktioniert sehr einfach. Die Anbindung an Alexa ebenso.
    Vielen Dank!
    Empfehlung fr jeden, der mit sich hardert….

  5. Anonymous says:


    Finalmente ho risolto un grande problema e cio quello di poter gestire a distanza la mia tenda da sole; con questo prodotto finalmente lo posso fare. L’installazione stata relativamente facile ma l’abbinamento del telecomando della tenda non lo stato per niente. Infatti ho dovuto fare svariate prove prima di riuscirci. Alla fine sono soddisfatto del risultato

  6. JosieWaters says:


    En mi caso es muy practico para controlar en remoto el aparato del aire acondicionado, no solo encender/apagar, sino modificar la temperatura, frio/calor, etc. Tambien se puede configurar para otros equipos por infrarrojos, como el televisor etc. Compr este modelo porque adems puedes controlar equipos de radiofrecuencia como una puerta de garaje, la pena es que solo admite la banda de 433 MHz y en mi caso necesitaba la banda de 868 MHz que no cubre.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Bambaka planlar yaparak evdeki elektrikli kepenkleri akllandrmaya alrken bu rne denk gelmek harika bir ans oldu. Kumanda frekansn tantp hemen aktif edebiliyorsunuz. Bir ok rn ierisine entegre ediliyor. tv, klima, led, panju

  8. Anonymous says:


    Was a bit skeptical reading the reviews, but the product is awesome.
    Setup was simple and quick, no hickups. Using it for an RF remote control. Was reading in reviews that the device doesn’t work for frequencies other than 433.92, which isn’t true. When learning RF signals, the device prompts you to enter the exact frequency that it expects (to 2 decimals). However, I would stick to entering whole number frequencies (e.g. 433), and moving a few mhz up and down until signal is found, as the device does have a few mhz +/- tolerance. You can later fine tune it.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Very easy to setup and program. Works very well with my motorized shades.

  10. Stanesha Rivers says:


    j’avais besoin de creer des routines pour automatiser ma salle cinma, cet appareil parfaitement rpondu mes attentes pour gerer mes appareils infrarouge et radio frquence comme mon cran motoris par exemple, posseder absolument, bien plus fficace que les tlcommandes universelles qui valent trois fois son prix !!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Produto entrega o que promete. Comprei para usar junto com Google Home e Alexa para ligar e desligar ventiladores Arno Ultimate atravs do comando de voz, j que esses ventiladores utilizam controles com rdio frequncia.

  12. MartyRamey says:


    Passerelle trs pratique pour commander la Dominique maison et le tout compatible avec Echo dot Alexa d’Amazo

  13. DebraHarless says:


    Facile da installare e controllo perfetto di tutti i telecomandi

  14. ArletteSidhu says:

     United States

    A veces le hablas Alexa y la cortina no responde

  15. SamanthaRenard says:


    Ottimo controllo delle apparecchiature sia in modalit IR che RF. Molto migliorato rispetto alle versioni di anni precedenti.

  16. Rizwan Virk says:


    Mi ha permesso in modo rapido e veloce la connessione di casa

  17. LuciaLeony says:


    Tlcommande pratique et simple intgrer dans sa domotique. Permet en mme temps de surveiller temprature et humidit. Intgration trs sympa sous HomeAssistant.

  18. DallasRMWiwb says:


    Die Einrichtung und Einbindung in Alexa ist grottig, alte Gerte sind nicht aufgefhrt und wenn ein Gert den ein/aus Schalter an zwei verschiedenen tasten auf der Fernbedienung hat wirds haarig. Ich habs ber Routinen gelst, aber gedacht ich das so auch nicht. Nach der langen einstellProzedur funktioniert er aber sehr gut. Ich hoff ich muss das nie wieder machen.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Tutto quello che ti serve per gestire a distanza tutto ci che in casa. Dal climatizzatore, televisore, videocamere, televisori e molto altro ancora.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Many devices are listed, but teaching is needed. Luckily teaching is very easy to do. I haven’t figured out how to customize controller view/buttons in application. Buttons could be good to have reorganised or new buttons added to view. Variable brand devices are now starting and closing by one touch and conrolling is much easier.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Acheter pour remplacer notre tlcommande logitech. Le logiciel peut paratre compliqu au dbut mais on s’y fait vite
    Il y a un vraiment grand catalogue d’appareils dj disponibles c’est parfait
    On peut ensuite facilement des scnarios pour allumer en une fois plusieurs appareils (tv ampli box)
    Je recommande !

  22. AnalisaDeakin says:


    La existencia de este tipo de aparatejos me parece una pasada.

    La experiencia con el mismo ha sido estupenda, tanto para controlar AC, como ventiladores de pie y techo. Hay veces que no pilla bien la frecuencia o la accin cuando tienes que configurarlo manual, pero, todo es cuestin de pelearte con ello. Desde ah, todas las automatizaciones que puedes montar en casa es tremendo.

    La opcin con cable que tiene temperatura/humedad es estupenda.

  23. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Consegna puntuale, di piccole dimensioni viene fornito senza trasformatore; funziona molto bene sia in rf (l’ho usato per le 3 tende esterne) sua in ir (lo usi per il condizionatore). Per ir ci sono gi memorizzate le funzioni principali di diversi dispositivi (tv, condizionatori), ed comunque possibile abbinare il device attraverso la lettura del telecomando in dotazione.
    Da dentro casa comando le tende esterne rf. Per l’ir opportuno che il dispositivo sia vicino o se posizionato a una certa distanza, punti il ricevitore ir.

  24. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    En general es un buen dispositivo domtico, muy til y funciona bastante bien, pero a mi gusto debera incluir gua de instalacin y funcionamiento en el idioma del,pas en que se vende. Por otro lado sera un producto genial si en lugar de un solo emisor de infrarrojos, llevar varios, ya que en una habitacin no tienen por qu estar todos los aparatos a manejar en el mismo sitio, por lo que los que no estn frente al emisor no funcionan, cosa que no ocurre con el emisor de radio frecuencia. Bastar con colocarlo cerca de nuestro BroadLink RM4 pro. Si se mejora este detalle sera imbatible. Por otro lado la APP s es bastante mejorable ya que no se distingue si la tv, vdeo, u otro aparato est encendido o apagado.

  25. NoemiMcfarlane says:


    Poder controlar por voz y tambin desde fuera de casa tanto el aire acondicionado como la TV, me parece futurista. Lo compr porque nos bamos de vacaciones, necesitaba poder apagar y encender el aire desde fuera que es verano y necesitaba tener cierto control sobre la temperatura que tengo peces tropicales. Muy recomendable!

  26. Nick Reisman says:


    I really like the idea behind this device. I have a small apartment with 12 electric roller blinds. Setup was easy for individual blinds and groups. Blind control from the app and using Alexa works well. The main shortcoming is effective range. The blind that is furthest from the device is about 30 feet away, with line of sight, but it will often take two or three attempts before this blind responds. Other, closer blinds will sometimes fail to respond as well. Since our cheap handheld remotes work flawlessly, I can only attribute this issue to weak signal from the RM4.

    Having said all that, it is surprisingly convenient to have voice control for your blinds.

  27. MikelGarner says:


    Confirmado! Funciona con IR y RF! Lo unico que he encontrado a faltar es que tiene una libreria muy pequea, nada en comparacion con la que ofrece TUYA.

  28. JeffereyShumway says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    L oggetto si presenta bene in plastica lucida e porta a corredo un sensore di temperatura umidit nel cavo usb di alimentazione, nella parte inferiore oltre al qr code per la configurazione c’ la predisposizione per esser fissato al muro. Preso per controllare in modo smart tramite assistenti vocali e IFTTT il condizionatore tramite IR e il cancello di casa con RF devo dire che funziona tutto a meraviglia, per il condizionatore mi ha proposto dall applicazione dei telecomandi compatibili e al secondo tentativo funzionava tutto, per il cancello invece ha “clonato” il telecomando che avevo sintonizzandosi sulla stessa frequenza.

    Veramente utile

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Funciona bien, copia todas las seales infrarrojas y de radiofrecuencia, tambin se integra con Alexa ms fcil que con Google el nico pero, podra ser el idioma el cual puede funcionar mejor si tuviera todo con traduccin an as se puede usar muy intuitivamente

  30. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFunziona bene, facile da installare.
    Purtroppo non gestisce i radiocomandi con codici rolling (tipo motore per tende Cherubini).
    Ho dovuto fare reso.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Prima di comprare questo articolo mi ero informato ed avevo riscontrato molti commenti positivi.
    Installare e configurare i telecomandi abbastanza semplice e se si vuole prendere qualche sicurezza in piu’ non affidandosi ai server del produttore, ci sono a disposizione molte librerie software.
    Quando e se trover il tempo di testarle aggiornero’ la mia recensione.
    Avrei preferito anche un controllo cablato (non wireless) ma va benissimo anche cos.
    Quello pero’ che mi premeva commentare immediatamente la potenza ed il raggio di azione del segnale di frequenza.
    Ho configurato facilmente un segnale a 433,92 Mhz e la portata notevolissima ed inaspettata.
    Riesco a raggiungere device lontani diverse decine di metri e su piani diversi.
    Considerando che il motivo principale per cui l’ho comprato era il domotizzare un cancello la cui centralina ricevente posta a 25 mt di distanza, sono soddisfattissimo.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Funciona perfectamente y facil uso e instalacin , lo nico que no funciona bien es el sensor de temperatura no coge la temperatura correcta, marca 3 grados de ms

  33. JackiSpielvogel says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Muy fcil de instalar y configurar. Lo he vinculado a un Echo dot con su skill y enseguida me ha reconocido los mandos IR que haba configurado en el broadlink, pude do ordenar por voz el manejo de esos dispositivos. No he podido configurar los mandos de las persianas que van por RF seguramente porque usen Rolling code, que no es compatible con el broadlink.

  34. MartaDenmark says:


    I really wish it was smaller, slimmer and a usable shape. you can tap on the thing and it echo’s for all eternity. I don’t know why its that hollow. It didn’t work with my altise portable aircon but that’s ok. I got it to control my Topping DX7 Pro DAC, this was my first time doing this Home Assistant stuff.

    I have an Elgato Stream Deck with HA plugin so I can control my DAC’s volume, output, mute and gain directly now! its great.

    It was really easy to setup into Home Assistant.

    I like my DAC on my desk but this RM4 Pro is way to big and ugly, I wanted to move it further away or hide it but the DAC wouldn’t pick up the IR signal anywhere else. I ended up getting an IR repeater and taped the receiver on front of the RM4 Pro and the transmitter on a little slim stand close to the DAC but it looks nice.

    so yeah, product is good but way to bulky and ugly to place in the open.

  35. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Comprato per comandare il cancello in RF da aleza ma l’applicazione di Broadlink e Alexa non si parlano bene quindi il cancello diventato una lampadina da accendere :S.
    Invece con il condizionatore di una nota marca funziona bene.

  36. Anonymous says:


    Un dispositivo cos piccolo (RM4Pro) che ti migliora la vita. Ho sostituito tutti i miei telecomando di casa, quello della televisione, di Sky, soundbar, Vodafone TV, luci, allarme e persino il cancello di casa. Dal telefono si fa tutto. Tornare a casa e dire ‘Hey Google apri il cancello” mentre stai guidando non ha prezzo 🙂
    Installazione semplicissima e ottima la applicazione intuitiva e semplice. L’unica cosa attivare la banda 2.4Ghz del router. Consigliatissimo

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Make sure you understand if the product you want to control is IR (Infrared) or RF (Radio controlled). I nearly bought the IR only one, then realised I needed the better / more expensive one that did RF as well.

    I purchases this to protect some old paintings and old books in a room from strong morning sun from the East. We had remote control blinds that we manually controlled.

    Now all automated with time, room temperature, and whether outdoors is sunny or not.

    We purchased the RM Pro with sensor.

    My only ask would be an option to have a separate sensor lead as opposed to it being part of the USB power cable. It would give a few more options on placing it

    As I said brilliant.

    In our home network we have already a separate 2.4Ghz-only WiFi network split off and only used for “simple”/”old” devices e.g. oven! I don’t know how the product works with router / access points that are in default setting and broadcast a single network name on 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz.

  38. AngelitaCorser says:


    I know many people have trouble setting it up. And say it doesn’t work. But it does. It’s not simple sometimes to set up but there are videos and articles to explain the process. Saying that app does look outdated and would be great to do 800mh signals ( hope new versions). P.s. love how I can say hi google set my living room aircon to low speed or set my living room aircon to 23 degrees. Also I love that I can set up scene where I can pre set temperature and fan speed and aircon and name it let’s say” heating on”. Then I could say google activate heating on. And my two aircons will turn on to desired temperature and I do this 15 min on the way back home from my ca

  39. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo acquisto, compatibile con alexa, facile da installare e l’app molto intuita da usare. Io lo uso soprattutto per il controllo vocale della tv e mi trovo molto bene. Inoltre piccolo e discreto.

  40. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo aspettato prima di recensire Broadlink RM4 pro S, ho voluto verificare se effettivamente era in grado di fare quello che credevo, ebbene S! Scaricata l’app Broadlink, facile e intuitiva, sono riuscito a collegare/memorizzare il telecomando di 7 tapparelle elettriche che ora posso comandare singolarmente o totalmente, inoltre riesco a comandare due tende da sole elettriche esterne. Tutto questo gestibile dall’app Broadlink ma non mi sono accontentato! Ho collegato il tutto ad Alexa e quindi comando vocalmente tutte le aperture, chiusure e stop di tutte le tapparelle e tende. Ci vuole un p di tempo e pazienza ma funziona tutto regolarmente.

    Domotica a poche spese

  41. Ralph16Esudayky says:


    Il completo collegamento con Alexa non scontato. Utilizzato per il controllo remoto di un ventilatore da soffitto Fanaway, ha richiesto diversi tentativi di configurazione e alcune funzioni non vengono interpretate correttamente dall’assistente vocale o non sono fruibili.

  42. Anonymous says:


    este dispositivo funciona muito bem, tenho ligado alexa, sempre consigo mudar de canal ou de volume da tv/box
    s para o ar condicionado e que tenho de criar os modos na app, e pelo menos ainda nao consigo ligar com a alexa
    mas o meu principal objetivo era abrir o porto de casa, com auxilio da internet, e funciona lindamente com a app.. basta agora andar so com o telemovel, s tive que fazer com que o aparelho “sincroniza-se” com o sistema do porto e esta feito

  43. SergioVelasquez says:


    Ich habe mir den “BroadLink RM4 Pro S” gekauft, um meine alte Logitech Harmony zu ersetzen und die Sprachsteuerung ber “Alexa” zu nutzen.
    Ich habe ALLE Gerte einbinden knnen (Fernseher, Beamer, elektr. Leinwand, Funksteckdosen, LED-Strips…). Teilweise musste ich Funktionen manuell anlernen, aber auch das war keine Problem.

    Und ja, man muss sich mit der Materie auseinandersetzen und ausprobieren.
    Letztendlich kann ich nun alle Gerte per Sprachbefehl steuern. Dies gilt fr einzelne Kommandos (z.B. Sender umschalten), aber auch fr komplexe Szenen (KINO: Beamer an->HDMI1, Leinwand runterfahren, Beleuchtung aus…)

    Fr diese Preisklasse, absolut TOP !

  44. Anonymous says:


    I can control my motorised awning and aircon through iPhone. Easy to customise the remote control signals.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPremesso che il mio garage a codice fisso sono rimasto molto sorpreso della potenza del segnale che in RF viene emesso dal dispositivo. Sono riuscito a configurare il prodotto per utilizzarlo per aprire la basculante del garage dal quarto piano di casa mia. Inoltre con mio vivo stupore ho collegato anche il cancello condominiale che si trova a 10 metri in linea d’aria con il balcone. La configurazione stata molto intuitiva. Dopo averlo collegato alla corrente ho scaricato l’app dallo store di android e ho aggiunto il dispositivo che si collegato alla wifi di casa. Dopo questo passaggio ho aggiunto il controllo remoto copiando i segnali dei pulsanti relativi al garage e al cancello. In chiusura ho aggiunto le scene che sono state individuate da alexa e ho potuto utilizzarle da subito con la voce. Infatti le scene vanno create prima nell’app ufficiale broadlink diversamente Alexa non le potr trova e non le riesce ad importare. Prodotto molto leggero e di facile installazione mi ha sorpreso molto per la sua potenza di segnale. da quando lancio il comando vocale passano massimo 2 secondi per vedere il cancello azionarsi. lascio qualche foto e 1 video per capire la facilit d’uso.

    ottimo prodotto per rendere smart cancelli automatici e basculante garage

  46. Conor Allison says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAmazingly, I bought this little device over 1 year ago. It has been continuously plugged-in & working flawlessly ever since! I literally use it daily with Alexa voice commands to control multiple devices around the house. I control my TV; ceiling fan; mini-split AC Unit; and a bunch of cheap IR outlet plugs that I have connected around the house. At first, the phone App used to be clunky and weird-looking, but now it feels and looks more polished. However, I rarely use the app since I have all devices controlled by voice or automated routines.

    This little device connects via WiFi and can basically learn the signals of any RF or IR remote controls. You point the remote to the Broadlink and it learns it. So I bought a pack of dirt cheap IR outlet plugs here on Amazon. I made several appliances smart and able to be controlled with voice commands or automated routines. This now includes my printer; paper-shredder; power outlet next to my bed (to avoid overcharging my phone at night); LED lights strips behind TV; and high capacity external HDD connected to my main computer. The benefit of using IR plugs versus WiFi plugs; is that WiFi constantly consumes data and bandwidth frequencies on your WiFi Router. Which leads to slowing down your WiFi. Also the more WiFi devices you have the more potential security holes you have in your home network for hackers. Thus, this device helps solve these problems. The cheap IR plugs help turn any dumb devices to smart devices. I believe Broadlink also has their own brand of smart outlets but I have not used those.

    The pro version that comes with an indoor temperature and humidity sensor cable (pic attached) costs a bit more. However, it is totally worth it since you can use it to set up automated routines to turn on/off your AC unit or dehumidifier once your indoor temperature or humidity reaches a certain level.

    The only 2 inconveniences about this device are; (1) device does not come with wall USB-A wall power brick, you have to provide your own; (2) that the “sensor cable” (which also powers this device) is way too short. I guess optionally you could get a USB extender cable if necessary. Just wish it had been a little bit longer. I just connected my Broadlink next to my nightstand since it is closest to my bed in order to get the best temperature reading for when I sleep. Also comes with optional wall mounting attachment. I definitely recommend this device. Well worth it for its versatility of multiple uses and longevity.

    1+ Year Review, Still Loving it! 😍🤩

  47. ReyesEames says:


    Strumento fantastico!
    In abbinamento con Alexa mi ha permesso di rendere “intelligente” la mia casa.
    Ho memorizzato i telecomandi delle tapparelle, del condizionatore, della tv, della sound bar, e delle lampade smart, ed ora riesco a gestire il tutto con la voce: quando vado a Letto mi basta dire “Alexa buonanotte” e tutto si spegne in automatico, e al mattino, “Alexa buongiorno”, e apre le tapparelle. Naturalmente, si riesce a gestire anche la singola unit.
    Purtroppo, per ora, non tutti i telecomandi vengono riconosciuti, soprattutto quelli a radio frequenza (RF), e quindi mi manca di abbinare il cancello e la tenda da sole, ma confido negli aggiornamenti del BroadLink.
    Solo per questo ho dato 4 stelle.
    Fate attenzione a quale modello acquistare: se avete dei telecomandi a Radio Frequenza, oltre a quelli Infrarossi, dovrete acquistare il modello adeguato.

  48. Robert Jones says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUtilis pour grer une tl, un ampli home-cinma, un bandeau led et des lampes led.
    La commande fonctionne bien pour la tl, lampli et le bandeau led qui sont exactement dans l’axe de l’metteur mais la commande des ampoules qui ne sont pas dans l’axe fonctionnent alatoirement et rarement.
    Autre lacune, c’est la gestion des tlcommandes RF, autant l’infrarouge est pratique et facile mettre en uvre autant a parat trs compliqu pour la RF et jusqu’ prsent je n’ai pas encore russi en paramtrer une seule…
    Serait un top produit si la gestion des tlcommandes Bluetooth tait prise en compte.

  49. DorothyTaft says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Fa il suo lavoro di telecomando universale connesso in maniera eccellente. molto potente, sono al terzo piano e sono riuscito a configurare, oltre a TV ed altri apparecchi elettronici, anche la possibilit di alzare la sbarra del parcheggio condominiale! Ovviamente tutto dopo averlo correttamente settato, forse la parte pi complicata anche se siete pratici di tecnologia.

  50. TaraCuningham says:


    Je l’utilise principalement avec ma domotique jeedom et son plugins ddi et cela fonctionne sans problmes avec absolument tous mes appareils tlcommande. En plus cette nouvelle version me donne la temprature grasse son cble USB.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPed este producto para poder controlar la temperatura de los aires acondicionados de los.cuartos de mis.hijos sin tener q levantarme de la cama, al igual q para controlar ventiladores de techo (que estos van con radio frecuencia). Cost un poquito aprender a “copiar” las funciones de los mandos de los ventiladores (pero no es algo que se haga todos los das como para saberlo hacer sin mirar algn tutorial). Solo hay que encontrar la ubicacin donde ste dispositivo est dentro del alcance de los elementos que queremos controlar. Yo en mi caso lo coloqu en lo alto de un mueble de un pasillo y llega a las dos habitaciones que me interesaban controlar.
    Recomendable en estos tiempos en que todo lo gestionamos a travs del mvil (o incluso si se estropea el mando original).

  52. Anonymous says:


    Me va muy bien porque estoy domotizando toda la casa, enchufes, persianas, etc.. y necesitava un segundo para el otro lado del piso. Lo he comprado con el sensor por una oferta pero el sensor para m es intil. Lo valoro con 4 y no con 5 porque la app tiene mucho que mejorar. Falta que la pongan en castellano y las rutinas del tiempo funcionan a su manera. Como punto negativo, tampoco tienen servicio tcnico en castellano. Mi mayor deseo es que se pudiera sincronizar con Google Weather para hacer rutina que cuando llueva suba los toldos porque no acierta. Considero que es un elemento imprescindible para la domotica en casa.

  53. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ogni tanto i server sono pieni e non sempre prende i comandi per accendere i dispositivi come il condizionatore, tolto questo trovo davvero utile questo dispositivo con l’integrazione di Alexa.
    Consiglio a chi ha un condizionatore con una marca non presente, prima provate le marche della lista che magari ha le stesse frequenze del vostro condizionatore cos con Alexa avrete maggior controllo del vostro condizionatore

  54. Pete Larson says:


    Vorab eine kleine Empfehlung: Ein USB zu USB Verlngerungskabel bietet sich hier an, es sei denn, man hat direkt eine Steckdose neben dem Gert.

    Nachdem nun bei mir mittlerweile viele Lichter und Gerte ber das Handy gesteuert werden knnen, gab es immer einige Gerte, bei denen das nicht so einfach mglich war, wie zum Beispiel der Fernseher.

    Mit diesem Infrarot-Hub ist auch das kein Problem mehr. Genau diesen zu kaufen war unter anderem damit begrndet, dass er sich so gut in meinen schon laufenden Home Assistant eingliedern kann. Dabei braucht man zur Nutzung nicht einmal einen Account beim Hersteller sondern ein vollstndiger Offlinebetrieb ist mglich! In meinen Augen eines der grten Pro-Argumente fr das Gert.

    Leider geht dabei auch die Mglichkeit verloren, bereits existierende Gertekonfigurationen zu nutzen, allerdings ist das Anlernen einer gesamten Fernbedienung im Home Assistant innerhalb einiger Minuten erledigt. Ich denke das ist ein fairer Tausch dafr, dass ich dafr nicht den doch sehr… gewhnungsbedrftigen Datenschutzeinstellungen zustimmen muss.
    Falls jemand ein hnliches System nutzt wie ich, empfehle ich die offizielle Dokumentation vom Home Assistant. Fr die Benutzeroberflche gibt es dann einige “remote-card”s, die nutzbar sind, ich habe ebenfalls eine eigene erstellt.

    Zurck zum Hub: Das reagiert auf alle Befehle sehr schnell und korrekt und hat bis jetzt jedes einzelne meiner zu bedienenden Gerte bedienen knnen. Die RF-Funktion konnte ich leider nicht ausprobieren, weil ich dafr leider keine entsprechenden Gerte besitze. Der Temperatur und Feuchtigkeitssensor ist eine nette Spielerei. Ich hab allerdings das Gefhl, dass er durchschnittlich ein wenig wrmer anzeigt, als es eigentlich ist, aber vielleicht liegt das auch am Abstellort.

    Insgesamt bin ich also voll zufrieden und wrde es bei Bedarf wieder kaufen!

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersArrived quickly and small enough to ho through letterbox. Found it quite easy to set up, plenty of videos on you tube to help. We had to get a better skill than the one Alexa offered for SKY Q but now the box is absolutely great. We now don’t need a remote and can ask Alexa to ” turn on BBC or FILM 4 etc. So good we have just ordered another for another room.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Conoc la marca con el rm3 y con este he dado el paso porque ya tiene RF y adems viene con el sensor de temperatura. Mejorara la precisin del sensor, sobretodo el de humedad ya que vara un 15 % con respecto a uno de precision y de grados +-1 C . El resto funciona bien. Se integra perfetamente con Google assistan que es con lo que yo lo he probado.

    Mi puntuacin 7/10

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    eplacing logitech as they have pulled the plug on their product line (and it was pretty bad), this is very good, 2 minutes to install and get working, 5 minutes to have basic control over tv, hifi and STB. Alexa integration is ok, on par with others.

    Good product, easy to use

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is the second time I tried a BL.. Had many issues with earlier model. This one is superb and works flawlessly. It’s only downside is not having Bluetooth which could allow pairing with Fire TV if collaberating with Amazon.
    Amazing bit of kit. I think it’s time for ‘bye bye’ Samsung Hub too. Samsung are leaving the smarthome market. This Amazon sold model supports European IR frequencies not USA lower frequency.

  59. Stephan6332 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Does what is says and turns “dumb” appliances into smart home integrated devices. Eg. I have 5 Rf plugs (not supplied) dotted around the house connected to my smart home for 1/5 the cost of smart plugs that this rm pro controls. As long as the rm pro is pointed at ir devices it works well also.

  60. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo preso questo prodotto perch uno dei pochi in grado di emettere onde radio oltre che IR.
    Dopo diverse ore per configurarlo ho per scoperto che NON in grado di gestire le tende con teleconando Somfy poich il comando invia segnali diversi di volta in volta e il telecomando universale non in grado di replicarle.

    Ho effettuato il reso, ma non colpa del prodotto ma di Somfy a mio avviso. Per il resto era assolutamente fantastico, come IR ottimo, trasforma in smart mezza casa, compresi vecchi impianti home theatre e simili. Consigliatissimo

  61. Nathan Carvell says:


    Easy to set up and works as advertised -well designed

  62. Anonymous says:

     Australia 🇦🇺

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI already have a RM Mini so when this one became available it was an easy choice. If you are not tech savvy you can use the Broadlink App and that will work, but if you really want to take things to the next level integrate with HomeAssistant, plenty of help available on YouTube. The integration of a temperature and humidity sensor is a nice touch too.

  63. Rachele78R says:

     Australia 🇦🇺

    Fantastic product works exceptionally well with my TV, Roller Shutter and Air Conditioner. The Temperature and Humidity sensor and the ability to connect RF and IR devices make setting up automation a breeze.

  64. Anonymous says:


    another awesome product of this brand, I use it to control my TV and electrical shades, no issue so far
    super convinience, you can have i

  65. NicoleDunckley says:

     Australia 🇦🇺

    I haven’t tried to connect with 315 mhz devices but based on the description here it wouldn’t work. Saw some on Alibaba that would do it. Seems really strange that some would do it and some wouldn’t and now it’s something i have to look out for when buying devices which is a bit annoying.

    Was really easy to setup and use though. I have an eight year old portable air conditioner with which I use a third party universal remote and it connected straight away. Easy. And now i can operate it with Alexa. Love it.

  66. AimeeSainthill says:


    Very happy with the device overall it has allowed me to integrate my AC, TV, Stereo, Robotic Vacuum with Alexa and IFTT so I am able to automate their operation.

  67. RochellEXO says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersThe only reason I’m not giving this product a 5* review is that they are misleading with how it works with Alexa, and that it has really a weird learning curve. Other than that I LOVE this thing!

    I’ll try to teach you what I’ve learned so that, hopefully, you can love this device as much as I do.

    Firstly, if the item is in the database, and you add it in via the database, then it will become a scene immediately. It has to be a scene to connect to Alexa. Also, don’t forget you need to add broadlink as a skill in your alexa app as well. If it’s not an item in the database then you can add it as a “user define”. I prefer to add items as a user define, I’ve found that it works better for me in the ifttt and alexa apps. If it is a user define you must make a scene for each individual button you add IF you want that button to have voice control. Let’s say my fan remote has 3 buttons: power, oscillate, and speed. I wanted to be able to tell my fan to turn on and oscillate, but I don’t care about controlling the speed of the fan with my voice. I would only make two scenes: one to turn on the fan, and one to make it oscillate. I could still control the speed via the broadlink app or the remote itself, but I wouldn’t be able to voice control it.

    Let’s learn about voice control, since it’s a little weird too. You can only turn scenes on in Alexa. Meaning I can’t say “turn off fan” you have to say “turn on fan off”. As a side note, all this device can do is emulate the buttons on your remote so technically you should just say, “Turn on fan” to get it to turn off, since most power buttons turn the device on and off. Controlling devices vocally through scenes themselves is hard and extremely confusing. So make it a TON easier on yourself by using alexa routines.

    Routines are life.

    I have 3 different devices with three different remotes that I have to use every time I want to watch TV or play video games. Instead of having to fumble remotes I can say three words to Alexa and she will turn my TV on, my soundbar on, and the TV switched to the correct aux device almost immediately (pics of what some of my routines look like). It operates from top to bottom, so first it turns on my TV, then my sound bars, then switches to the auxiliary cord my nintendo switch or fire stick is plugged into (depending on which routine I trigger). Most of my routines are voice activated but they can be activated by time, action, location etc.

    My smart home, and remote count, is drastically improved by this affordable device.

    Has a learning curve, totally worth i

  68. Anonymous says:

     Australia 🇦🇺

    What an amazing product… have been able to automate blinds by time and temperature to close and open and the BroadLink Library is extensive and covers most of the known remotes.
    And setup is easy if you know the exact frequency of your remotes. Has exceeded my expectations on performance.

  69. ClayFikesznzna says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I have both a harmony hub with a remote and this broadlink rm4 pro i just got today. Set up was easy on my iPhone however it was a nightmare on my Galaxy S7 (and im an android person) i kept getting errors as well being told it wouldnt work on my network. Had i not tried it on the Iphone i probably would have filed a return. Now for the actual product, its very small, easy to hide. The harmony hub is leaps ahead in terms of ease of use and UI. The only benefit this one has , is it includes a universal RF controller which ive gotten to work great with my lights and other RF devices that the harmony would not do. In my opinion one is not a replacement for the other, however harmony was a lot easier for me to setup. Over all though the device works, and i couldnt find anything else that offers this. Hopefully the android issue was just something i experienced.

  70. MarquitTurley says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersVery nice, I connect my device in living room with no problem at all, added my smart tv, air conditioner, fan, air purifier, very fast and linked it to my existing Google nest mini to using with speak assistant with no problem at all.

    I can use my google assistant to on-off, set temperature of my air conditional with no problem at all –> my air conditioner brand found in the library can fast to add it.

    I use my google assistant to on-off my fan –> because my fan not common brand so I use learn function to learn from my fan ir remote control with no problem at all.

    I use my google assistant to on-off my air purifier –> same as fan my air purifier is local OEM brand so I use learn function to learn the it remote control and add the devide to broadlink app with no problem, after add the device I also link it all to google assistant.

    I can use my google assistant to on-off my tv –> Same as my air conditioner, my tv is LG smart tv so added to broadlink device with no problem at all with the library data.

    Very satisfied with the result, actually can set condition in broadlink app for the devices but since I just set up today so will do it later.

    Actually before I tried the same product with other not famous brand same device, it can add my tv to the device and used with google assistant, but other devices only can add by learn the remote control but only can use my phone as remote, the learned function couldn’t use in my speak assistant normally. Very disappointed.

    Then I decided purchase this “Broadlink RM4 pro” and try it, all function normal and link to speak assistant with all devices also operate with no problem by the speak assistant. And the temperature & humidity sensor also function with no problem in broadlink app, I can add it to my speak assistant but not yet know how to use it with speaking. ;D

    Thank you, very happy. Recommended the item.

    Very Satisfied with the RM4 pro Functio