Coolfel Motivational Water Bottle with Time Markings, 1l

Coolfel Motivational Water Bottle with Time Markings, 1l Sports Water Bottle 500ml Kids Water Bottles, BPA Free Tritan Leakproof Reusable Drink Bottle with Fruit Filter for Gym, School, Running
This is a nice size as some are very big but unfortunately my daughter wanted the full litre bottle so I’ve inherited this instead! Looks great quality and vibrant colours. Only issue would be the strap getting wet when washing as doesn’t seem to be removable
I love the colour and size and the fact that you can lock the lid and that it doesn’t leak and holds plenty of water and the strap is great for carrying i
These bottles are great, easier to clean than the ones with fiddly straws etc. the colour is nice and it feels sturdy and solid, good size too, would buy agai
It’s a water bottle what can I say
It doesn’t leak and comes in an array of lovely colours so you can easily identify your own if in a large household/group
Perfect size and it doesn’t leak. Brought this to replace my last water bottle which I lost some
Time ago. This one is good quality and will suit just about anyone
My daughter says this is her favourite water bottle & so as it’s hers I have given it 5 stars. Personally I find the spout too wide for comfort, but that’s a question of preference
Bought for school for my son he loves the colour and that he can show me how much he’s drank (he’s only 7) he tries to beat the lines huge for us he wasn’t drinking during school and would come home with a headache
The bottle itself feels very good quality, colours are fab and it is very sturdy. I bought it for my 8 year old for school and he loves it. The handle on it is very practical and it is definitely leakproof which was one of the functions I was worried about but I am extremely happy with it!! I cannot fault it and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Produkt sieht gut aus und luft auch nicht aus. Perfekt fr die Schule
Super Trinkflasche fr meinen 4 jhrigen Sohn. Er kommt gut damit zurecht und sie hlt dicht.
Polecam jak najbardziej corka codziennie bierze do szkoy nie przecieka .miao mog polecic
This is very clever. For a long time I would carry water using my hands and it was difficult. I’d spill often and it isn’t effective to carry by palm.
This device holds liquids. Water can be carried in this device so no more hands. Why has no one thought of this before now?!
Hab ich fr meine 3 jahrige gekauft damit sie spass beim trinken hat, klappt wunderbar. Die Farben sind groartig und sie is schn dicht.
Benutze sie noch nicht all zu lange, aber tglich. Bisher macht sie einen guten soliden Eindruck, scheint auch vernnftig dicht zu halten, lsst sich am Riemen angenehm tragen und sieht auch gut aus. berlege mir noch eine zweite Flasche zu hole
Die Flasche ist farblich sehr schn und auch absolut auslaufsicher.
Ich habe diese Flaschen fr meine 5 jhrigen Jungs gekauft fr den Sport. Ich kann mir sagen TOP!!!! Kein auslaufen, selbst beim schtteln. Sie sind auch schon runter gefallen und sie sind heile geblieben. Ich bin rundum zufrieden und die Kids freuen sich ber ihre neuen Trinkflaschen.
Super, gefllt sehr!
La compra de esta botella fue toda una sorpresa!!! Es sper bonita, de calidad y lo mejor de todo es que sper prctica, tanto para nios como para mayores. Es de tacto suave, colores muy bonitos y llamativos, con gran capacidad, boquilla para beber fcilmente, es de fcil limpieza y con cierre de seguridad.
I use this bottle every day and night since receiving it. Because of my health condition I have to drink little but often so with the feature of when to take a drink written on the side of the bottle as a reminder.
Trs jolie gourde et fait parfaitement son job. Ma fille en est ravie pour l’cole Pas de fuite dans le cartable!
Die Flasche ist einfach Praktisch, schn, und motiviert mich mehr zu trinken und fr den Preis kann man nichts falsch machen.
Super Flasche auch wenn man Sie mit Kohlensurehaltigen Getrnken fllt, luft sie nicht aus. Reinigung ist sehr einfach. Das handling ist kinderleicht.
Flasche ist tip top. Wir wollten lediglich eine Ersatzdichtung nachbestellen da wir eine Dichtung verloren haben. Da es die Dichtungen nicht einzeln gibt haben wir eine komplette Ersatzflasche bekommen. Das nenne ich mal einen super Service
Ich habe die Flaschen in verschiedenen Farben gekauft ob 500 ml oder auch 1 l .Farben Mega fr Kinder Hnde super zu ffnen und auch fr mich super um endlich genug zu trinken. Luft nichts aus. bei Kohlensurehaltigen Getrnken da kann ich nicht Beurteilen ob sie Auslaufsicher sind.
Die Flasche ist fr die Schule und erfllt alle Anforderungen.
Die Flasche ist fr meine Tochter. Sie war begeistert. Die Flasche sieht toll aus und luft bei Sprudel nicht aus.
Tolle Flasche.
Sind auslaufsicher,jeden Tag in der Splmaschine. Kind findet die Farben toll und sind stetiger Begleiter in Kita und bei Freizeitaktivitten.
Absolute Kaufempfehlung
Wir haben zuerst nur eine fr unser Sohn gekauft. Wir waren sehr begeistert und er auch. Farblich und system der Flasche. Danach haben wir uns alle so eine Flasche gekauft. Jeder in seiner Lieblingsfarbe. Wir benutzen sie zum wandern, zuhause und in der Schule.
Die Trinkflache hat wie ein gummiberzug, was die Flasche handfest macht. Also sie rutscht nicht aus der Hand.
Schn verarbeitet und sehr sportlich aufgebaut.
Noch habe ich den Text auf der Flasche nicht verstanden, ist mir aber auch nicht wichtig.
Sehr zu empfehle
I bought this water bottle for my daughter, and I was very impressed with the quality. It has a sort of matte feel to it and so far (a few weeks in) no leaks and no complaints!
Auslaufsicher, leicht, einfacher Verschluss zum ffnen. Perfekte Trinkflasche fr Erstklssler!!
Colore top! Non esce una goccia d’acqua quindi finalmente tutti gli oggetti nella mia borsa sono salvi. 500ml credo sia perfetta per le esigenze di una mezza giornata (almeno per me). Ho notato che da quando ho questa borraccia bevo anche di pi. Consigliatissimo!
Eine tolle Flasche fr meinen Sohn . Er liebt die Farbe . Und ist Auslauf siche
good little bottle, I’d probably say its more suitable for children but i still use it for work anyway. just don’t do what i did and forget to lock it, if you don’t, the opening button is too easy to open accidentally causing a huge spillage in your bag.
Auslaufsicher. Praktischer sicherer Verschluss.Einsatz fr smtliches Obst fr den Geschmack ist auch cool. Insgesamt zufrieden. Wird jeden Tag benutzt fr die Schule
Ich habe die Flasche jetzt zum Sport mitgehabt und bin begeistert. Ich hatte kaltes Wasser mit Tee eingefllt und es hat auch ne ganze Weile gekhlt. Der Verschluss ist sehr gut. Die Farbe ist toll, macht richtig was her. Ich bin begeistert.
The photos of the drinking part is very hard to see I thought it was a straw drinking bottle, ordered & when it came it wasn’t. Contacted seller & they refunded my money although this was my mistake excellent service & communication thank you
This is a really light and sleek bottle for everyday use. It has a good capacity for water intake. It is convenient to carry around all day long. This is a sturdy plastic bottle which looks good too.
Good quality bottle. Easy to drink from and clean. Leakproof. I love the colour. Would recommend. Currently priced at just under 13 which is far for the quality you receive.
This is a cool water bottle in a smaller size which is perfect for taking out and about or for kids to take to school without taking up too much room in their bags.
Lately water bottles seem to have gotten ridiculously bigger and I found it hard to get a smaller version my daughter could take to school. She can’t lift some of these 2L ones that are popular now! Then I saw this 500ml bottle and it has a very cute ombre pink and turquoise design, messages for motivation to drink, and a flip up lockable lid that is just perfect for her.
The matte finish looks great and offers more grip if condensation builds on the outside of the bottle. There is also rubber grip and a wrist loop on the lid of the bottle for easy holding and carrying around.
The lock feature works well and the lid flips open at the press of a button. It is an open mouth bottle so I don’t have to worry about a silicone straw getting all nasty inside.
My daughter is very happy with it and at 10.99 it doesn’t break the bank but it is a similar cost to the bigger bottoms which I don’t think is fair. Would still recommend this bottle though.
As manoeuvrable as the strap is, why cant I remove it it for the washing up bowl? Must I endure the extra drying times from the fabrics damp?
This bottle is great to the touch as it employs a soft texture unprecedented. I like that it truly is leakproof and has an adaptor to encourage the fusion of fruit in water.
Gave to my middle son who just started yr8, much better size 500ml, as before he used a 1ltr which was just in the way and akward and got easily damaged.
But this one is small perfect fitting in his bag, and obv gona weigh less…but holds alot, has chug mouth piece and lock for the lid so no accidental spills and best dont leak!!
I love the Matt look of this bottle, it looks great and very stylish . There are so many different colour options which means you can choose the one which suits you best. It is also useful as you can have different colours for different family members.
The bottle is a good size for the gym or drinking when working. The strap makes it easy to carry around too.
The bottle is easy to fill and drink out of. You can use one hand to open and close which is good when busy. It doesn’t leak when in my bag as the lock mechanism works very well to keep the lid secure.
It’s an amazing bottle. My daughter absolutely loves it and is actually drinking more now. The only downside is the size, the 500ml is quite small. But apart from that is great.
Love the colours on this 1 Litre water bottle.
Motivational messages to keep you on target through the day.
No straw included, but a removable infusion filter is included if you want to place fruits in the water compartment.
Beautiful fade blue colour and reminder and motivation for drinking more water throughout the day. The lid is easy to open with one hand, nice silicon gasket = leak proof closing. There is a flip up ring which prevents accident spillage when place inside school bag or gym bag.
The bottle is rigid and won’t change shape under normal pressure, can withstand rough handling and not spill any water.
How many times have we bought bottles for kids for school and its been dropped and cracked…hopefully not with this one as this bottle is lovely, it is quite light weight but seems as though its made out of pretty tough material that hopefully wont crack if dropped so easy. The hole to drink our is a nice size but does NOT require or need a straw. The hole you drink out when closed is sealed with a nice silicon seal attached to lid and also the air hole that lets air in to make it easier to let the drink flow, so I have had NO issues with leakage, especially over my kids school books. There is a handle attached to the bottle which as you can see from the picture you are able to write on with a normal biro pen and it won’t just rub off as the handle is not made from rubber it feels like a webbing material(have only showed a part of the name so cannot be made out as it is my childs). You have some guides on the bottle which helps you to space out drinking. My daughter has a problem drinking enough but has been coming home saying look mum I did it. So at present it is motivating her to drink more. I would definitely get another bottle like this. I think it’s great value. And my daughter loves it and loves the colours.
This BPA free plastic water bottle arrives inside a plastic bag inside a cardboard box. The water bottle is blue and yellow but other options are available at the time of this Amazon Vine review.
It has a fabric carrying loop in blue, which can be attached to a carabiner or similar on a rucksack; it feels comfortable and easy to carry. It also has a locking mechanism (which is simple and effective to use) and one touch opening revealing a fixed drinking spout (there is *no* attached to a straw inside) — very handy!
This water bottle has a 500ml capacity (with a scale on one showing oz and ml and another scale on the other side with some times and motivational phrases), which is a good size for a teenager or adult, being not too large but not too small either. It has a good weight to it empty and is not too heavy when full too. This is a quality product that I am very pleased with and am happy to recommend.
The price point of 10.59 (at time of this Amazon Vine review) seems reasonable for its quality and usefulness too.
My daughter loves the look of this bottle. The colours are fantastic, bright, vivid and magical. She is very happy with the markings and motivation on the bottle as well, and the fruit filter is a nice addition as well.
For me, as a mother, I love that this bottle helps me to keep track of how much water she is drinking during the day.
Also, this bottle is:
– comfortable to hold,
– easy to wash (I am not risking putting it in a dishwasher, because I do not want to damage the writing or general look of the bottle)
– leakproof. I found it laying on the floor on its side and not a drop was lost. Wonderful, especially because I have a wooden floor
– the wrist strap is very practical, especially for children that are prone to dropping things.
An additional benefit of this bottle is the fact that it came in a very presentable package (you can see it in the video) and this makes it a really lovely gift, already packed.
My colleague’s favourite colour is purple so I knew this bottle would be the one for her! It’s good quality, has a lockable lid, filter for adding fruit / teabag / ice to the water and a carrying handle. There are motivational reminders on the side to make sure you’re getting the recommended amount of water each day. Overall, a very nice water bottle.
I love this water bottle for my yr8 sons lunch box/school bag because it’s the perfect size and has a really strong clip on it so no accidental opening when being bumped at school. The other thing I really liked is that it hasn’t got a see-through silicone mouth piece. They always go black with mould no matter how well you clean them. I also loved the colour but more importantly it’s water tight. I’m very happy to recommend and I hope my video helps
The bottle is exactly what I was looking for. I don’t drink nearly enough water so the time reminders are just the motivation you need to drink up! The vibrant colour is lovely and perfect for when you put it down and can’t remember where, making it easily recognisable. The wrist strap is very handy (no pun intended)! I haven’t yet used the little fruit basket, but it’s nice concept. The fact that the bottle is dishwasher-safe is a huge bonus in my eyes. I needed a bottle for the gym specifically, but I’m not using this all day.
I ordered this not as a gym bottle, but specifically for using when in the car.
On first inspection when I removed the lid, there was absolutely ZERO smell … For me, smell is one of the key things I look for – so this one having zero small was a big plus
The bottle material is strong and feels comfortable and easy to hold and grip, while the nylon strap is also very well stitched and pretty soft to hold. Overall quality is great and definitely feels like it would survive the odd drop.
These is also an inner filter cap which enables you to put fruit or ice in the bottle but stops it from blocking the drinking hole.
The lid is double locked, one by the action of closing the main lid and then another physical latch that goes over the main lid lock.
There is NO straw and so the action to get liquid out is gravity fed, in other words you have to tip the bottle upwards … obviously need to be careful if using in the car.
I am not really a fan of ‘motivational’ marking, so good to see this bottle also has good old fashioned measurement marks in ml and oz.
At 10.99 (at the time of review – August 2022), for me that’s good value for this decent bottle and just order another 500ml for my wife to use in the car as well, an easy and definite 5 imho.
This 500ML bottle is great for kids or as a smaller bottle for outings. It comes in a variety of colours but opted for the blue as preference. It has markings on it however, this is only for consuming 1L after 1 x refill of water in a day, which the average adult should be consuming more. The lid locks to secure in place and prevent spillage and it’s easy to open to refill. The spout is easy to drink from but isn’t a straw or includes this as an option. A filter at the top will stop any fruits or ice from coming to the top and blocking the opening as well which is a nice touch. Overall an impressive BPA free bottle for the price.
I ordered this for my son who is only 5 and loves the colour. I must say its really sturdy and well made and is just perfect Size for a for little hands to carry.
This coolfel water bottle is 500ml and light weight, BPA FREE and comes with water filter also motovational writing to keep you going all day.
It beautiful blue colour, the bottle is priced at 9.99 (at the time of review) which is very reasonably priced in my opinion for the quality.
Just perfect for my son’s school use. I would highly recommend.
I got this for my daughter to take to Leeds festival as you were only allowed empty drinks bottles. So she was very happy with it until they realised that they had left the silica gel inside and had been drinking all day out of it. I googled it and it doesn’t appear that there would be any adverse effects but it begs the question why its in there in the first place. Its a bottle for water so does it matter if there’s condensation inside.
Other than that the bottle is a good thickness plastic, is easy to hold and has a good drinking straw.
I think it’s good value for money but just remember to take the silica gel out before use.
Most of use never meet our hydration goals for the day, and this simple water bottle may well make it easier for you. The idea is simple, fill the bottle in the morning, and carry the bottle with you (in the car, gym bag, or just carry it from the supplied lanyard) The side of the bottle not only has measurements of how much water you have drunk, but encouraging messages and target times to reach. I now this sounds childish, but our brains are wired to have goals and seek rewards, and it does a surprisingly effective job of helping you stick to good water intake every day.
The bottle itself is dishwasher safe, and I would recommend washing it straight away, as there is that slight taste that you associate with drinking from plastics, but one cycle through the dishwasher sorted it out. The lid is recommended to be hand washed, and the product cannot be put in the microwave.
`inside the lid is a small basket for those that like to flavour their water with slices of fruit. strawberries and lemon or lime works well.
This is a great size for us to use as we’re going to Disneyland Paris tomorrow so it’ll be a lot cheaper to fill up from the fountains. It holds a litre and as it’s a lightweight bottle it’ll be manageable to carry. It’s got a good strong closure system, no leakage. Very happy with this, I git the purple colour which I live as it’s not too bright.
As a sports water bottle its capacity seems a little small.
First, it’s of good quality. The tightness of the cap and the quality of the water bottle are good. High-quality plastic is durable, and the handle straps are designed for easy portability. The latch design of the lid allows it to increase the seal of the lid when carrying it, and also avoid leakage when dropped.
My son loves its exterior design. Gradient blue with a blue frosted texture.
It is more suitable for children to use as a school water bottle than a sports water bottle. It has the size and capacity and is suitable as a school water bottle.
The Bottle is made from a nice sturdy plastic and the colours are vibrant. The time markings and text on the outside is printed well in a shimmery silver colour.
The bottle comes with a standard plastic drinks bottle spout which you have to tip the bottle up to drink out of.
The box also contains a cleaning brush and a filter which goes into the bottle to stop large chunks flowing through if you put chopped fruit in.
Good product, would recommend.
1l Sports Water Bottle 500ml Kids Water Bottles, BPA Free Tritan Leakproof Reusable Drink Bottle with Fruit Filter for Gym, School, Running
In love with the colour of this bottle, it’s so pretty! Lovely soft touch plastic too. Handy carry strap and time markings to keep track of your water intake.
Would recommend.
This is without question one of the best quality water bottles I’ve had. It’s easy to clean, leak proof and brightly coloured! The water doesn’t taste funny and it has a removable fruit container within. Great value for money!
Really helps keep me up with my water amount through the day trying to drink at least 2 L to help with headaches and migraines and have found it helps with my backache