Elvie Stride Wearable Breast Pump Electrical

Elvie Stride Wearable Breast Pump Electrical – Hospital-Grade | Hands-Free Wearable Electric Breast Pump with 2-Modes & 150 ml Capacity per Cup

Single image 1WearableHands FreeSettingsSS Features
Smart, slimline wearable electric breast pump Smart, slimline wearable electric breast pump Hands-free, hospital-grade electric breast pump Hands-free, hospital-grade electric breast pump Capture extra milk in-bra with hassle-free, one-press expression Catch every last drop of milk with leak-free confidence
Units included 2 (Double) pump 1 (Single) pump 2 (Double) pump 1 (Single) pump 1 (Single) pump 2 cups
Power type Electric Electric Electric Electric Silicone (semi-manual suction) Collection cup (no suction)
All-in-one wearable Yes Yes No (tubes connect in-bra cups to motor) No (tubes connect in-bra cups to motor) Yes Yes
Hands-free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
App features Yes (all) Yes (all) Yes (some) Yes (some) No No
Milk capacity 150 ml each 150 ml each 150ml each 150 ml each 120 ml each 30 ml each
Battery Rechargeable Rechargeable Rechargeable Rechargeable None None
Sizing 3 Breast Shield sizes available 3 Breast Shield sizes available 3 Breast Shield sizes available 3 Breast Shield sizes available One universal size One universal size


What’s the difference between Elvie Pump and Elvie Stride? Elvie Pump is our most advanced breast pump. It provides Elvie’s most sophisticated in-bra smart pumping technology. It’s smaller, quieter and smarter than Elvie Stride. Being totally tube free, Elvie Pump is the option for ultimate discretion. It offers mums game-changing freedom to move and feel confident pumping anywhere.Elvie Stride offers mums discreet pumping, hands-free movement and smart app features. It also has hospital grade performance. Unlike Elvie Pump, there is a small Hub which sits outside of the bra. This can be clipped to a belt or clothing to keep your hands and body free to move.

Does Elvie Stride work with all cup sizes? Elvie Stride is designed to fit in a standard nursing bra and cup size makes no difference to how it works.

Finding the right Breast Shields to fit your nipples is the key to good fit. Because your nipples will change size before and after birth, it’s important to check fit regularly. We have a handy guide to Breast Shield sizing on our site that lots of pump owners find helpful.

Are different Breast Shield sizes available? Every pump comes with a 24 mm Breast Shield attached to each Cup. Packs of two 21 mm or 28 mm Breast Shields are also available to purchase. Our Breast Shields are sized based on the width of the base of your nipple. You can measure the width of the base of your nipple with a ruler. The Breast Shield sizes are as follows:

  • Base of nipple width between approximately 16 mm and 18 mm = 21 mm Breast Shield
  • Base of nipple width between approximately 18 mm and 21 mm = 24 mm Breast Shield
  • Base of nipple width between approximately 21 mm and 25 mm = 28 mm Breast Shield

The size of your nipples may change over the course of your breastfeeding journey, so please check them regularly.

How and when do I clean and sterilize Elvie Stride? Elvie requires to be cleaned after each use and a daily sterilization. Please follow the instructions on the App or on Elvie’s support pages.

Brand: Elvie
Origin: USA

67 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Habe sie schon mehrmals genutzt, wenn ich ohne Baby unterwegs war, es ist sehr praktisch, da man beide Hnde frei hat, die Pumpleistung empfinde ich auch als stark genug, hnlich der elektrischen aus der Apotheke. Das man sie Nicht sieht ist Quatsch. Vor allem wenn man nur die Single hat.von der Lautstrke her ungefhr so als ob ein Handy vibrieren wrde. Also in einem ruhigen Raum , wenn nur einer spricht ,hrt man sie deutlich.
    Nichts des so trotz, eine enorme Erleichterung fr den Alltag und auch fr unterwegs, da man nicht an eine Steckdose gebunden ist.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Es sensacional, el mejor es mi segundo hijo y con los dos hice lactancia en diferido mientras trabajaba, esta sacaleche prob con la segunda despus de haber utilizado la marca como medela( que ojo tb va boen) solo que este es el Ferrari sacaleches te permite saberte leche mientras trabaja sin tener que esconderte

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The tab used to pour milk out keeps ripping. I have only used the pump for 3 months and the is ripping on both of them. Fearing the day I can’t open the containers and end up losing all of the milk from having to take them apart.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I am SO HAPPY with the Elvie. I disliked my Willow very much. When I got the Elvie and liked it I wanted to stock up on extra parts and Amazon made that easy. These were great and in factory sealed packaging

  5. CharlaHardman says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch habe vor einigen Wochen mein erstes Kind bekommen und hatte mich akribisch auf alle Notwendigkeiten vorbereitet. Auf einer meiner Listen stand auch eine Milchpumpe zu kaufen. Ich habe so eine kleine hndische gekauft und dachte hoffentlich werde ich sie nicht bentigen. Der kleine hatte dann aber einiges an Gewicht verloren und so musste ich zustzlich noch pumpen. Die Hebamme riet sofort zustzlich abzupumpen. Die Pumpe die ich gekauft hatte war eine Katastrophe, hat mich total deprimiert gemacht, der Gedanke mit dieser hndischen Pumpe abzupumpen. Also habe ich eine elektrische ber die Apotheke gemietet, doch auch diese war sehr schwierig, stationr, konnte mich nicht bewegen und habe auch noch eine Hand dazu bentigt.

    Ich bin dann auf die Elvie Double Stride Pumpe gestoen und was soll ich sagen, es war die beste Entscheidung! Es ist ein Game Changer und absolut tolles Produkt. Sie funktioniert wunderbar, ist einfach zu bedienen. Und effektiv, also es kommt viel Milch in kurzer Zeit im Vergleich zu der vorherigen Pumpe. Es hat ein paar Mal gedauert bis ich bei der ersten Nutzung die Pumpe richtig in den BH gelegt hatte, danach lief es wie am Schnrchen. Auch das Design ist sehr schn und einfach zu reinigen (was fr mich wichtig war). Haptisch fhlt sich alles sehr schn an durch die matten Silikonteile, auch die Fernbedienung ist leicht und einfach zu bedienen, nur ein paar Knpfe. Was ich auch toll finde ist, dass die Cups in verschiedenen Gren kommen, da ja jede Brust anders ist. Bevor sie pumpt, gibt es eine Stimulationsfunktion was ich sehr gut finde, nur fr kurze Zeit, dann geht es ins Pumpen ber. Ich finde die automatische Ausschaltfunktion auch ziemlich praktisch.
    Fr Frauen wie mich, die viel unterwegs sind und Pumpen werden ein absolut tolles Produkt. Ist super einfach damit zu reisen. Und fr das Pumpen zu Hause nicht mehr wegzudenken.
    Nichts kleinteiliges , schne groe Silikonteile, die einfach zu reinigen und einfach zu handhaben sind. Klar sind die Produkte nicht die gnstigsten auf dem Markt aber man erhlt wirklich ausgezeichnete Qualitt und die Double Stride ist auch ein guter Kompromiss wenn man nicht gleich auf die komplett kabellose umsteigen mchte.
    Ich nutze sie berall und kann gleichzeitig auch dinge erledigen im Haushalt, am Computer, etc. Preis Leistungsverhltnis ist sehr gut und ich kann sie Euch auf jeden Fall empfehlen!

  6. GreggCowan says:


    It is easy to wear, use, clean and storage. It is discreet and silent and has been very useful and convenient to use. As with any pump, there is some learning and getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it is worth it and gives you some freedom to do easy tasks while pumping.

    I would recommend it without a doubt!

  7. LuciennAkeroyd says:


    Mi mujer y yo acabamos de tener nuestro primer hijo y como padres primerizos tenamos muchas dudas sobre la lactancia y que sera lo mejor para nuestro bebe y nosotros. Lo que tenamos claro es que queramos dar leche materna durante los primeros meses con la opcin de poder turnarnos sin depender exclusivamente del pecho materno.

    La compra del Elvie Stride doble ha sido un acierto, ya que permite sacar leche de una manera prctica, rpida y sin dolor, lo que facilita poder hacer mas planes en el da a da y organizarte para que el beb no tenga que depender en todo momento de la madre.

    Rápido y perfecto para organizarse mejor con la lactancia

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersYa saba que esta marca funcionaba muy bien y despus de tantas recomendaciones de la gente, me dispuse a investigar un poco ms, Y Lo que me he encontrado ME HA ENCANTADO! por muchas razones:

    1. Para mi era IMPRESCINDIBLE tener un sacaleches “manos libres”. Me parecen tremendamente engorrosos los sacaleches que tienes que sujetar o que tienes que comprar un sujetador especial para aguantarlo. Con este NO PASA y me parece LA BOMBA!

    2. Soy super negada con las tecnologas y me daba miedo comprar un sacaleches que luego no supiera poner en marcha. Me alucina que venga con una app. Es super fcil de descargar y con enchufar el dispositivo y conectarlo va Bluetooth al mvil, ste lo detecta rapidismo. La app te va explicando paso a paso cmo funciona: desde las partes que tiene, a cmo lavarlo, hasta como ajustarlo al pezn (la caja viene con 2 soportes de diferente tamao). Esto ltimo me parece super super bueno a tener en cuenta porque hay sacaleches que solo vienen con un tamao y te obligan a comprar otro, en caso de que no te encaje. Este modelo de Elvie viene con dos soportes diferentes, y MENOS MAL, porque a mi me encajaba mejor el pequeo! En caso de que ninguno de los dos te encaje, desde la app te dan la opcin de pedir uno ms grande.

    3. Haba ledo mucho sobre el tema “ruido” pero vamos… nada de lo que asustarse! Ya podis ver en el vdeo que lo del ruido es anecdtico! Como veis, si pulsas al botn “+” la extraccin es ms “larga” y el ruidito tambin se alarga, pero si necesitas extracciones ms “cortas” le das a “-” y tan sencillo! el ruidito se acorta y listo.

    En resumen: ESTOY ENCANTADA. Dispositivo moderno, manos libres, poco ruido y CON LA APP! Que el embarazo nos deja sin neuronas y que la app te vaya marcando e indicando ABSOLUTAMENTE TODO, es una SUPER AYUDA!

    ¡Fantástico! SÚPER SÚPER recomendable

  9. MelbaGuayiyinw says:

     United Kingdom

    The Elvie stride has been amazing for me! I really struggled with breastfeeding my newborn in the first couple of months due to an undetected tongue tie but using the stride meant I could keep my milk supply up and saved my breastfeeding journey! I loved how discreet it was so I could pump when I was out and about as well and found that I was able to get all my milk out in a short pumping session. I also used an Elvie single pump and loved that too for convenience but having the double stride meant I could pump both breasts at the same time which was great. Overall I’m so happy I purchased the Elvie stride and have been able to give breast milk to my baby!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Saved my breastfeeding journey!

  10. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNutze es seit 2wochen und es funktioniert super. Lieber Mal Geld in die Hand nehmen und in etwas investieren was sich lohntund es lohnt sich wirklich! Ich habe meine Hnde frei fr anderes und das abpumpend luft nebenbei.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAlready loving this pump more than my mom cozy. Got two extra ounces my first time using it. So easy to work and wear it. Only downfall is you have to pump both sides at the same time and sometimes I like to do one side and then the next. See pros and cons below. With a few tweaks this product could be one of the best wearables on the market.

    Good suction so far
    Less bulky than other wearables
    Dishwasher safe/easy to clean
    Get almost every last drop out of container (my other device always had some left I couldn’t get out)

    Doesn’t display the pumping time on device
    You have to pump both sides at the same time
    A little tricky pouring the milk from the spou

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this to replace my broken medela pump and it’s amazing! So much easier as can be used hands free. Much better than the medela pump and the app is very handy.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for moving around and going to work. The wires don’t bother me and cups are lighter not having the motor in the bra. I bought the 19mm nipple cushions and really like the suction. I find it to be more gentle and silent than some other pumps.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’m an exclusive pumper and I was reticent to spring for a wearable pump since so many of them have poor reviews. However, I just can’t squeeze in as many sessions as I needed in a day to keep up with my son’s increasing demand, and I need something for when I start work anyway.
    I received this pump yesterday. With my Spectra S2, I pumped 2x for 30 minutes in a 6-hour span and got 11oz total. With the Elvie Stride, I pumped 3x for 25 min in 6 hours and got 9oz. I am happy with that in exchange for being able to move around freely and use both hands, instead of stuck to the wall or lugging a motor. But I’m hoping being able to do more sessions will increase my supply, too.
    Realistically, I don’t expect this can completely empty the breast each time. I think it will work great as a side pump, not a main pump.

    I use 19mm maymom inserts, the fridge hack, and a pretty supportive sports bra. I was able to diaper, feed, and interact with my 2mo baby, but awkwardly. Chores, reading a book, and using the treadmill were a breeze. We’ve already taken to calling these the “roboboobs”.

    Overall, I am really happy with my splurge.

  15. FelicaWalck says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI’m an exclusive pumper and these work great for being out. I usually have to pump for about 30 minutes to empty (with a wall pump I can empty in 16-20 minutes) and can’t use it all day or I’ll end up with a clogged duct but it is the best portable pump I’ve used. It’s super quite so I don’t feel embarrassed pumping out in public with it. The only thing I find annoying is it can be a pain to clean.

  16. LanceSLAUun says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I love my Elvie stride! It is so convenient to use as a busy mom of 2 under three. The costumer service is amazing! I needed a part replaced and they were very responsive/kind and helped fix my problem within days!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is my favorite pump! I love that it’s completely hands free and I can move around and do things while I pump. How ever the pump just randomly stop working and I’ve only had it for less than a month. I do recommend how ever this one just didn’t last for me.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The only complaint I have is that there’s not a way to cover the little hole at the top of the pump and therefore there is spillage if you aren’t super super careful (or exhausted during those overnight pump sessions). I wish the piece covered all of the holes at the top and not just the larger one because it is frustrating. Otherwise this is great!

  19. FatimaKirtley says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI love this breast pump so much. It is a for real game changer I did lots of research before choosing this one and I’m so glad I did!

    I love this breast pump so much. It is a for real game changer I did lots of research before choosing this one and I’m so glad I did!

  20. fN6uF7mH9g says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHab Philipp Avent, Medela, gnstige chinesische Marken ausprobiert. Elvie ist das teuerste aber leider auch das beste. Super handlich und super leise.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Not only it’s convenient to use because it’s hands-free and you’re not stuck to the wall, but it works better at extracting milk than my wall pump (Medela Pump In Style).
    I like that it’s quiet and doesn’t hurt my ear like the wall pump!

  22. BillKrausrw says:

     United States

    I was hesitant to spend the money on these but it was so worth it. These don’t leak, the suction is great, and the mobility I’ve gained is priceless. 10/10

  23. Victorina5314 says:

     United States

    Bought this for my daughter after she was struggling to nurse her newborn and I had several friends who highly recommended it. My daughter absolutely loves it. She said it was a game changer!

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I have quite a few pumps, however when it came to hands free this one was amazing! Easy to clean, easy to pump and hands free. Only down is you can’t use it while it charges, so you have to remember to charge it. It’s so discreet and convenient! I’d recommend this pump

  25. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have been using by Elvie pump for 2 months now. I have a Medela, but I love my Elvie. I couldn’t get my son to latch, so I am an exclusive pumper. I think I would have lost my mind without Elvie.
    1. it fits on very large breasts just fine- I was really worried about this- I get a great suction and I am able to fully empty
    2. I am able to move around great- go grocery shopping- clean the house- I dont love bending over in them- I try to avoid it, but you can do it with minimal leakage
    3. good battery life- I can do two pumps before I need to charge it.
    4. Ive been able to keep my milk supply up due to regularly pumping because I have my hands free
    5. price is middle of the road

    1. it is louder than I would like- its not noticeable if there are background sounds, but in a dead quiet room- you can hear it
    2. you really need to scrub the breast shields to get them clean- I clean them once a day and keep them in the refrigerator between pumps.
    3. it does take me longer to empty- I wear mine for 40 min. at a time- but I feel like this is a small price to pay for freedom.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersMeine Frau hatte viele Pumpen in smtlichen Variationen ausprobiert.
    Diese hier ist wirklich Klasse.
    Man mchte gar nicht meinen, dass eine einzelne Pumpe so Kraftvoll ist. Einige kennen vielleicht die groen Doppelpumpen die man sich in der Apotheke ausleihen kann. Diese steht hier dem Premium Modell in nichts nach.
    Vorteil: Man kann sie je nachdem was Frau trgt unauffllig unter der Kleidung tragen. Von der Lautstrke hier ist sie nicht gro auffllig, aber sie ist auch nicht komplett lautlos.
    gesteuert wird sie per App die sich leicht bedienen lsst. Sie lsst sich natrlich auch ohne App steuern.
    Der Preis ist ordentlich… Aber dafr bekommt man hier wirklich eine richtig gute & vor allem zuverlssige Milchpumpe.
    Meine Frau ist sehr glcklich damit gewesen. Und daher kann ich eine klare Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis pump has changed my life! I use it all the time now because it works so good for me. It’s quiet enough that I can use it at work (I’m a nurse) I can even wear it into patient rooms when I need too and they don’t hear it. The suction is great and I don’t even use high settings I was stimulation 3 and expression 5 and I pull the same as I do with my wall pump. The cups do look a little frumpy in the chest area I just wear loose shirts or through a jacket on while I pump. Seriously this has probably helped my supply because I can pump more often even if we are out or busy. The only things I don’t love is that I can only pump about 3- 30 minute sessions without charging but that’s manageable and while I think it’s easy to clean, it’s a little hard to dry and the parts need to be pretty dry to work well.

  28. ChiquitMcLoud says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI exclusively pump and my 4 month old is only breastmilk. This pump was a game changer for me going back to work. A nurse in the NICU had actually recommended it and then a coworker had told me about it too. I highly recommend especially for moms that work in a busy environment that aren’t able to get away from what they are doing easily to go pump. I am a manager in retail and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to pump as often as needed but with this I can pump whenever no matter how busy I am.
    The suction isn’t bad its not like my regular pump I use at home, but for such a small thing it has a good amount of suction. The battery life is okay. I get 2 or 3 40 minute sessions when it is fully charged. Which isn’t bad just sucks when I have my low supply days and have to pump more often.

    Overall I would recommend this. The only way people know I’m pumping is because my chest looks bigger but if you don’t know me and you just walk by me you would never know.

  29. JonelleArida says:

     United Kingdom

    After having cheaper pumps which have either not pumped efficiently or have broken, this has been worth the money.
    As they sayit’s better to pay more for a quality item then to buy cheap & have to keep replacing.
    I wish I just purchased this from the beginning!!!

  30. AleciaHutchins says:

     United Kingdom

    There’s a lot to like about this. It’s runs almost silently which is appreciated. In fact it is almost too silent and you can almost forget that it is there! I found it comfortable and efficient. A couple of issues though. You only get one shield which was fine for me but at this price point you would have thought other sizes might have been included. The other thing is the app. I found it difficult to use. As a pump it’s excellent but and worth buying for that alone.

  31. Stephan9487 says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI like the pump but it has a lot of pieces so the cleaning & sanitation process is so complicated.
    I try to use it as less as I can whenever I remember how long it’ll take me to clean it.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought this so I could pump without having to leave my desk at workreading mixed reviews I was skeptical, BUT this pump is hands down AMAZING! The suction isn’t painful, it’s more natural like when nursing and if I had to bend over to pick something up, NO SPILLS! It’s also not as loud as a regular pump so I was never questioned about it by patients coming and going in the office because they never noticed. That being said, it is definitely bulky but our uniforms are black so it’s not as noticeable as if I were in a lighter color.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDie Milchpumpe ist sehr unauffllig zu tragen. Beim Betrieb hebt sie sich unter dem T-Shirt kaum ab und ist sehr leise.

    Der Pumpvorgang ist laut meiner Freundin, die sie benutzt, sehr angenehm.

    Eine tolle Punpe fr hohen Komfort im Still-Alltag.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent breast pump. I really like that it connects to an app on your phone.

    I’m very impressed about how silent it is.

    Really easy to use and very good quality.

    Would definitely recommend this.

  35. cpcable says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI originally had the spectrum pump and it worked well for my first baby. It was a bit of a faff to get all set up and I would have to make sure I was wearing a special pumping bra unless I wanted to hold both pumps. I gave it away when I was done to a friend. When I got pregnant with my second, I decided to invest in a hands free pump since I was going to have a tot running around. THIS PUMP IS SO CONVENIENT. I never really pumped with my old one because it was slightly uncomfortable and a hassle to set up – with elvie, I pump once or twice a day and can set up in seconds and can get up and do things for my toddler or my newborn. I feel like despite having a less powerful suction, it’s helped me produce more milk as well. I never felt like I could produce extra for a milk supply while breastfeeding my first, but I get 9oz total each pump and can still nurse my newborn afterwards. I feel like it mimics a baby nursing better than the spectra. I definitely recommend. I used to hate pumping and now I’m so thankful for it!

  36. SewPetiteGal says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My Mofit broke 2 months in so I ended up getting this. It hooks up to an app on your phone so you can see how much you’re pumping for the entire day and track from time of day to every day. I honestly wish I bought this from the start. The only complaint I have is that the battery has to be charged every day so I wish that lasted a little longer. Over all, I love it and can’t wait to use it when I have my next child.

  37. Reagan8200 says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI love that you can control the pump with your phone and track the ounces. The suction is really good! The battery doesn’t last that long and you have more parts to clean.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI really like this pump it pumps as well as my spectra s2. I had to buy the smaller breast shield but I am glad they have that as an option. My main complaint is the battery life. It only does about 1.5 pumps per charge. I exclusivsly pump so this gets irritating. It wouldn’t be so bad if it could run while plugged in but it shuts off when you plug it in. The clip it came with for the belt was nice but broke really fas

  39. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I had the Momcozy and it would just leak from the nipple area and the cup. Just the slightest wrong move and it would open and leak all my milk.
    The Elvie Stride!! I contemplated on buying it because of how expensive the original one I thought the Stride would be expensive but it’s really not! I love it sooo much!! It doesn’t leak, easy to clean, less parts, and the best suction!! I’m in love with it that I’m just gonna exclusively pump from now. Definitely worth it!!

  40. JillianSNM says:

     United Kingdom

    My son was born at 37 weeks and would just fall asleep mid feeds. This pump is amazing – really has made it easy. I’ve bought extra parts as well so I’m not washing them after every pump which helps during the nights.
    The app is good and easy to use. I mainly use it to check how long I’ve been pumping as I never remember to look at the time when I start.

  41. Connor Sheridan says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I used the Willow Gen 3 with my first son in 2021. I had way more problems than successes – I tried everything for it to work since it was so expensive (customer service, factory resets, etc). I pulled it out to use again with most recent pregnancy (2022). Never got it to properly work once. I went researching for a semi-affordable wearable pump that actually works. I have only used this pump 2 times since I received it yesterday and am VERY impressed. Feels so much lighter and discreet in my bra compared to willow and my output has been the same and even better than when I use my Spectra 1. I feel like it empty’s me as well. Would highly recommend!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Wow, I’ve used it only once but already I’m in love. I pump to bottle feed, so the portability is such a nice change. I was able to change my babies diaper and into pj’s while pumped! The suction wS great and didn’t hurt me or make me sore like my spectra does. I also yielded more milk than what I usually do with my spectra for less pain and more convenience! Probably will not be using the spectra anytime soon. If you’re thinking about buying this….just buy it. You won’t be disappointed.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI am a first time mom, but this is my second pump. I was lucky enough to be able to work remotely with my little one so I didn’t have to worry about this until I did. For my first two months back at work I pumped with my spectra and could not, no matter how hard I tried give enough time to pumping to produce enough milk for my girl while still being able to devote enough of my time to work. My search ensured. I could not afford a willow despite how much I wanted one, but after days of reading reviews I decided to buy the Elvie. On my first pump at work after a very short test drive at home, I found that it worked incredibly well. The suction was better than the spectra, the motor was quiet enough that I could work while using it, and best of all I wasn’t stuck in a quiet dark room for 30 minutes at a time unable to properly perform my work. There are two very small drawbacks. The plugs do pop off easily, but when open make lining the flanges up easy. The second, and it’s only happened once, but losing six ounces of milk makes me obligated to mention that the seal wasn’t perfectly lined up so when I pulled it out of my bra it opened and I lost every drop. With a girl who now goes through 24 ounces at daycare I can’t afford to lose any milk let alone six ounces. This was a learning experience for how I remove it and it hasn’t happened again. Overall this is a very, very good pump and I would definitely recommend it!

  44. ErickKuester says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great futuristic breast pump that comes with an app to record session data.
    It’s hands free and fits in your nursing bra easily with the remote in your pocket.
    I gave this to my friend who is breastfeeding and she loves how silent this is. The quality is very high and feels and looks very durable.
    It’s rechargable so no batteries are required.
    There’s no complaints with this at all apart from I guess it’s so expensive due to the app. I get its connected to innovation but is it needed. I’m not sure if keep using the app in every day use.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Die Milchpumpe ist sehr kompakt und passt in den BH. Wenn man eine weitere Bluse trgt, fllt die Pumpe gar nicht auf.
    Der Pumpaufsatz ist ber ein Schlauchsystem mit der eigentlichen Pumpe verbunden, die man am Hosenbund oder Grtel befestigen kann.
    Die Pumpe kann per App (Android und IOS) gesteuert werden.
    Die Lautstrke der Pumpe ist hrbar, aber nicht bermig laut.
    Es kann in 10 verschiedenen Modi bedient werden. Insgesamt knnen pro Pumpeinheit ca 150 ml abgepumpt werden.

    Die Pumpe ist unauffllig, leise und die Pumpleistung ist wirklich sehr gut. Deshalb gebe ich gerne 5 Sterne.

    Sehr gute Milchpumpe, kann man unauffällig unter einer weiten Bluse trage

  46. Armando dela Cruz says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis is the best pump I have ever had! I had 2 automatic pumps which I had to hold. Blah! I got the b because 1 was through insurance and the other one was about 100 dollars. I then said I wanted a hands free pump. They always say you pay for the quality of an item which is sooo true. The suction is not rough like the other 2 I got and in the app you can set a timer and it also can keep track of how much you pump! Which am always in a daze when her doctor ask how much is she eating. I don’t normally leave reviews but this pump is freaking amazing. I wish I would’ve done some research on pumps while I was pregnant and I could’ve been landed this pump . I say money well spe

    This is the best pump I have ever had! I had 2 automatic pumps which I had to hold. Blah! I got the b because 1 was through insurance and the other one was about 100 dollars. I then said I wanted a hands free pump. They always say you pay for the quality of an item which is sooo true. The suction is not rough like the other 2 I got and in the app you can set a timer and it also can keep track of how much you pump! Which am always in a daze when her doctor ask how much is she eating. I don’t normally leave reviews but this pump is freaking amazing. I wish I would’ve done some research on pumps while I was pregnant and I could’ve been landed this pump 🤣. I say money well spent 😍

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Elvie Stride Wearable Electric Breast Pump simple and convenient to use.

    It has two modes which are Stimulation and Expression, both have 10 intensity settings that you can choose from that’s suitable for you. Since it’s lightweight and small, you can use it hands-free so that you can walk around without restriction. Also, for more convenience it has and app so you can remotely monitor your pump and control it.

    My wife tried it and was quite impressed. The pump is silent and discreet, not that it’s unnoticeable but it’s much convenient to use. The two modes are very helpful to choose what’s more effective. Furthermore, the app is a clever way to monitor the pump but I have to say that it’s a bit faulty so I hope they fix that.

    Overall, it’s quite remarkable and simple to carry while traveling. For the price of 169.00, it’s very useful so I recommend it.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This pump literally changed the way I used to pump. It has made the whole process so much easier and less of a hassle. This is a wearable breast pump. And the best thing is that it works really fast. It comes with 2 modes and has a capacity of 150ml. it really helped me with my 2nd baby. As it saved me the time and gave me the chance to feed my baby with less hassle. I started using it when my baby turned 4 months. And she is now 10 months and this pump is going great.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This breast pump comes in a retail cardboard box and inside you’ll find

    Attaching the pump seems like a bit of a faff at first but it only takes a few uses and it’ll be quick to setup every time you want to use it. When applying the suction cup to your nipple, you have to make sur that your nipple is in the middle of the suction hole of the cup as it’ll be uncomfortable as it rubs against the sides of the hole. It’s not fiddly and you have a plug on the top of the cup that you can remove to see where your nipple is positioned. Make sure you put the plug back when you’ve finished though as this will allow the mil to spill out if not properly sealed. You can then attach the tube to the main interface hub which can be attached to you so you can pump while on the go.

    Using the app is simple and it even allows for firmware updates to the interface hub. The app allows you to control the pump from your phone, so you don’t have to reach down for the interface in public, so no one knows that you have a breast pump setup. It connects to your interface hub via Bluetooth, and it is all setup through the app with easy-to-follow directions to pair your app with your interface hub. You only need to pair it once and it will remember the connection.

    To start the pump, hold the power button for a couple of seconds and the hub will be on. Press the play/pause button to start the pump cycle. It always starts in stimulation mode which stimulates the breast which encourages more milk to flow to the nipple. After a couple of minutes, it automatically changes the expression mode where it starts to pump to express the milk. Both the stimulation and expression modes can be manually controlled with the + and — buttons to increase or decrease the power. The power is shown with a series of little LED lights which circle the top of the hub, and it shows more lights the more you increase the power. Once you’ve completed the cycle, you can remove the tubes and wires to the hub and remove the milk cups. You do have to break the seal as the cup will be vacuumed against your breast so you need to pull your nipple back with your finger to allow some air to go inside the cup and the cup will be released. You can then unplug the stopper and pour the milk directly into a storage container for future use.

    There are three sizes of breast shields are available which are 21mm, 24mm, and 28mm. You get the 24mm breast shield include din the pack but if you need a size smaller or larger, then you will have to purchase one of the other sizes separately.

    This pump is very gentle and extremely comfortable. It is also very quiet so is perfectly fine to be used in a quiet environment. I love the fact that it all comes apart for easy cleaning and the cups are detachable from the main hub so can be easily placed in a bag if you don’t have time to set it up before you go out. It’s a little fiddly at first but once you’ve done it two or three times then it gets really easy to set up and it can be done in under a minute. I can highly recommend this if you’re currently expressing. I was using a handheld expressor before using this and I couldn’t go back. I also seem to be getting more milk with this one too which is a huge plus..

  50. EulaliaF79 says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good quality pump that allows you to easily and discreetly pump. The pump is easy to set up and simple to use, it allows you to fill 150ml which is great, there are also different breast cup sizes so you get the best fit you need. The pump is rechargeable which is great. There is also an app that you can connect to that allows you to adjust the intensity and also see the history of your pumps which is great. The app is a little glitchy but overall worked well.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have seen these Elvis pumps absolutely everywhere. So many people recommending them on social media. When I looked it up and found the price my stomach fell out of my butt. It was a lot. So when this came up I was ecstatic. It is excellent quality. So very easy to use and very discreet too. I can just go about with my kids and pump as I go. You can connect the pump to an app on your phone which is good. The cup holds up to 5oz or 150ml. Very good pump.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis pump is sooo awesome! I got a Freemie pump while I was pregnant and that thing was an absolute nightmare lol. I hated the way it looked in your bra and it leaked all over the place. Plus, it was a PAIN to clean. This pump is soooo much better. It is so worth the money. I had to pay full price for this pump since I already got one for my baby already. The suction is great, and I get out the same amount of milk as if I was using my manual pump. I manually pumped for months before buying this. My freemie died on me and I just wanted something to take the milk off by an oz or two. It worked so well so I just stuck with it lol. I had to go away from my baby for the weekend and needed a hands free pump. This one did the trick! I highly recommend buying this pump. The motor is a little loud if you are in a room with a small number of people. However, if you are out in public, no one will hear the motor. I pump 30 mins with this pump, it seems to need those extra 10 mins to get all the milk out. I don’t mind since it’s hands free. There have been a pump session or two where I don’t feel like I have been emptied all the way so I just use my manual pump for 5 mins to get that extra half oz out. I would take away two things with this pump; 1: pump for at least 30 mins. If you do less, you may not get all the milk out. 2: manual pump out the rest if you feel like you aren’t emptied. You shouldn’t have to manually pump much at all if the pump works for you. Make sure everything is on tight or otherwise it won’t suction properly. This pump is so easy to wash compared to the Freemie. The charge is good, I usually charge the pump after two sessions. If any of your parts are broken, worn down, or just straight up don’t work, call Elvie and they will send you new parts for FREE! My motor broke and they shipped one out to me the same day. It’s a great pump and I highly recommend it!

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This pump has been a total game changer for me. It made breastfeeding so much more sustainable just because I wasn’t locked into sitting in one place for 20 minutes. The system as a whole is wonderful for the on-the-go parent and has definitely made it easy for me to continue my pumping journey. The suction power could be stronger, I usually ended up on the higher end. I like that I can control it from my phone because it is a little easier to use than the buttons on the control. The cups hold about 6oz and never leak. The downside is you have to guess at the exact oz pumped but my guesses were always pretty good. It’s super easy to travel with this and I’ve pumped around people with no issues. I love that this fits in my mini pump bag.

  54. LeoraMcLerie says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersWe are extremely happy with the pump, it’s features, and it’s ease of use. I also have to highly commend Elvie’s customer service, one of the easiest I have ever dealt with. However, do not buy this pump off of Amazon. These pumps are stocked in Amazon warehouses, however they are returnable and Amazon does not have a great process for checking to see if they are opened. The first pump we received had been opened and had some hair on the inside of the box, Amazon sent a replacement that appeared to be unopened however had a pump session saved on the pump from 2 months before we ever received it. We contacted lv, and they did more than they needed to to make it right for us, especially since it was not their fault. Make it easier on yourself and buy directly from Elvie.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI had my baby at 33 weeks premature and so I have had to start exclusively expressing fairly quick post birth to ensure I could give my son breastmilk via his feeding tube. The Stride has really been a game changer in that respect as it encouraged my milk supply to start and then to keep it up, the double has just made it even more efficient and in a stressful time I have managed to establish a supply of breast milk and then be able to pump it freely and got very good volume every time I pump.

    As I have been in the hospital post birth the discreetness of the stride has been great as was on a shared ward, it really is very quiet and discreet and has made me feel much more confident about pumping when I have had no experience of it before. In terms of other pros, I had to use the hospital’s Medela pump for a short while and I would say the Stride is far gentler on my nipples and I haven’t had any discomfort. I found the Stride slightly fiddly to set up but once set up I have found it really straightforward and easy to use multiple times a day. I would really recommend the Stride and I wouldn’t be where I am in my breastfeeding journey if wasn’t for being able to pump and get my milk supply going as quickly as I could, its gentle but really powerful and efficient!

  56. JacquelRagan says:

     United Kingdom

    I didn’t have the chance to use a lot the pump yet, but it seems pretty good so far. It’s light and easily wearable letting your hands free, although you will need a tighter bra to make sure that it stays in place. Very easy to disassemble and clean. It has two suction modes and you have the possibility of buying a smaller or larger size for the breast shield, which is helpful to make pumping more efficient and comfortable. It’s pretty quiet and discreet; I wouldn’t say that you can wear it without being noticed (at least if you have small breasts like me), but it gives you the freedom to do something else whilst you pump, which makes your life easier, specially if you are planning to pump quite often.

    Great pump so fa

  57. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 71 From Our UsersAfter 4 days of testing the spectra..vs the Elvie Stride (my opinion – take it/leave it and be sure to test what is best for you)..I am a business owner and in front of a computer all day..so this is for the modern working EP.

    1. Output. Down with the Spectra S1 by about 2 ounces compared to Elvie Stride (contrary to what LC told me would happen indicating the only way I will fully empty is with a spectra s1…wrong.. – – remember to always test out what is best for you). Where is there a breast pump testing subscription…lets go Amazon…get this rolling so we can try out breast pumps since there are only about 100 freaking pumps on the market. Goodness.
    2. The traditional flanges are not for methe pumping bra (still can’t get the flanges to be secured in the kindred bravely pumping bra
    3. Tubing sucks on spectra – I could not walk around it gets caught on everything and moves the flange from the nipple. So many times this happened to me but I also need to sit my butt down but who has time to be sitting for 30 straight minutes in the optimal position when having trad’l flanges on…!
    4. Cleaning – bulky parts – Elvie has less and stores in the fridge with the fridge hack better in the elvie plus bag it comes with..throw the cups in there…and then throw them in the fridge – nice!
    5. Discreet – way better with the Elvie cups..these flanges are frankly in the way! I go out for walks with the elvie stride cups, I am on calls, I just look busty.
    6. Power/comfortable – Elvie cups are better for me, Flanges are so uncomfortable and I have to haul around that huge power machine
    7. Mobile/hands free – could not type- awkward with spectra – I forget the elvie cups are on when typing/working.
    8. Sitting position – have to have shoulders back with spectra otherwise milk seems to back up if not leaning forward frequently..
    9. Sound – Elvie quieter
    10. PowerI find it to be the same.. the hub on Elvie Stride is powerful..the optimal settings I have had to do is stimulation for 2 minutes..then expression upped from 5-6 on Elvie and now more milk.
    11. Charges – more charging on stride, less on Spectra
    12. How often – Yield is far better now and always going 30 minutes, with 2.75 hour frequency and by 3 hr mark pumping for 30 minutesat 25 min my yield goes down and it took me a week to get it back!! My last pump has been at 8pm and my next pump is at 7am and can maintain at this volume with the first pump in morning being a “Power Pump”—google for the cycle..total with rests is 60 min. Earlier the pump the better..if I could just get up earlier like I use toif I started my pump session at 530a wow the milk would be higher and still a good yield a few hours later. It is lower the later you go in the AM since prolactin is dropping..now that all makes sense why I had good milk yields when I was up with Fred at 1am and 5am!
    13. beau cushions work great with elvie stride – more comfortable, too!

  58. ReginalFeagin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI would like to start by saying that the actual breast pump is absolutely amazing and is the best pump I’ve used by far (and I’ve tried like 6 different kinds!). However, the app is absolutely shocking. If you’re considering buying this pump solely because of the app, so you can easily track your sessions, you’ll be severely disappointed! I’ve never known an app as bad – it seemed okay at first, but it doesn’t save any of my sessions, disconnects, randomly turns off the timers I set and you can’t manually enter sessions either. The whole app is just really, really bad. I’m hopeful that the developers will figure it out eventually, plus it’s pretty cool to be able to use the app as a remote control for the pump (when it wants to work!).

    The pump is probably as close to silent as a breast pump could ever be. It’s really impressive – almost too impressive! The fact that it’s super quiet and comfortable means that, if I don’t set a timer, I forget that I’m wearing it and end up pumping for way too long!

    There are 3 different size flanges available to suit the size of your nipples. This single pump only comes with the middle size of 24mm, but you can buy size 21mm or 28mm if necessary.

    The entire pump design is just flawless, in my opinion. It all looks and feels extremely high quality and thoroughly well thought out. It’s so easy to assemble and disassemble to clean and sterilise. The remote is easy to use, looks really cool and clips onto your clothes with the provided case and clip too. It’s quick to fully charge after a pumping session and super easy to pour out milk into a container, without any milk spilling. No leaks from the pump at any point of use and absolutely no issues with it whatsoever.

    I’m in love with the pump but the app is such a disappointment, at the moment anyway! If the app is improved then definitely a 5 star product. Happy to recommend at the moment, solely for the use of the pump without using the app.

    Amazing breast pump - terrible app!

  59. Meredith L. says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’m going to keep it short and sweet. This pump is very much so a win in my book. I feel like I just have sensitive nipples because I tried the Pump in Style Medala and I ended up with a bruised nipple and it just made me dread pumping. I then tried another brand of pump and I did not get nearly half as much as I did from the Medala pump even with pain. This pump gives me the comfort and great milk output I have been looking for. Not to mention the portable, almost silent feature of this pump. It’s well worth it!

  60. Katie Lee says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersIt feels like I read a million reviews before taking the leap in making this purchase. I had bought this pump for work, but what really gets me is the convenience of situations I never anticipated.
    First off, my job doesn’t really allow me to easily walk away. I’m a manager and not super confident in all of my employees, especially if we’re short staffed. I find the cups to be relatively discreet, but still a bit bulky looking. I end up wearing my jacket to compensate.
    By time I get out of work, it ends up being feeding time. The other day, my daughter had already eaten, so I was going to need to pump. Well, I had to pick up my older kids from their uncle’s and they were taking forever. Left to go pick up my second youngest to drop him off at a birthday party. Went back for the older two and then still had to drive to actually pick up the baby. Absolutely no time to go home to pump. I was thrilled to just put the pump on and continue on. That was just my first unanticipated scenario that worked out well.
    Pros- Easy to use and clean. Feeling of freedom. Outstanding convenience. Really good suction.
    Cons- The measuring on the side is hard to read accurately. The battery could last a little longer. Doesn’t last 3 full sessions if you let the pump run until auto shut off each time. To me, the biggest flaw is needing to remove all the cup pieces in order to get ALL the milk. You do get the majority of the milk pouring it though.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I like the convenience of being able to do things around the house while pumping. It does make it very difficult though to hold your baby while wearing the Elvie. It’s hard to pick them up and cuddle them up close to you because of the containers.

  62. Nightwing2303 says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is an okay pump. It could help with supply because you’re not missing pumping sessions when you’re busy, in the car, etc. As you know, missing pumping sessions is awful for supply. So it could help maintaining supply so it doesn’t drop from misses sessions. However, it should not replace your hospital grade pump, don’t use this as a main pump. I think everyone should have a hands free pump like this. Suction is decent but could be much better. Medela Symphony almost always gets out more, however at times the Elvie has gotten out the same amount. This is not a silent pump, not super loud but definitely not silent.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersLove this pump! I had tried the willow which I felt was super painful and within a few uses one stopped working. I then tried momcozy and that one was bulky and leaked super easily. This one fits pretty easily in my bra I am a larger size so I was worried but it fit nicely. I leaked once but only because I was bending and twisting to wrangle my toddler. I’ve cooked, drove, done housecleaning and have had no issues. It’s not super loud either. The only thing I was annoyed with is the piece that allows you to make it one pump or two at a time fell off the first use and I can’t find it so I’m committed to double pumping always. The charge seems to last for about 3 pump sessions and it charges super fast!

  64. FlorenceMesa says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAt the end of the day, it was worth it to be free. I’m a full time pumping Mama. And though I’m happy to provide food for my baby, it’s still not “fun” and wears on you to pull yourself away from life every 2-3 hours.

    This pump allows me to be free from the wall and take care of my family. The suction compares to Spectra. (Though I use that pump a lot too) I love that I can be free to help get everyone ready for dinner or get ready for work and pump. Not to mention pump at work bc it’s just not feasible to take time away every time I need to pump.

    Down side, for it to be that small it has to have multiple smaller pieces. You lose a few more drops of milk with this despite every best effort. Other downside, your not supposed to wash the caps. I find that hard and therefore store it with electrical parts. And the replacement parts for this are expensive. And you can’t just buy the caps.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersJust used my new Elvie Stride for the first time tonight. I had twin about 5 weeks ago, so I was really looking for a pump that would allow me to tend to my babies while also pumping and not being attached to the wall and a bunch of wires. First I’ll say it’s not QUITE as portable as it looked, and its quite bulky on my chest, but it’s possible I just need a tighter bra to hold it in place better. Another drawback is that you really can’t see your nipple once it’s on, so it’s hard to tell if the placement is exactly right the way you can in traditional pumps. You also can’t really see the milk coming out and it’s hard to tell how much you’re getting until you stop and take it out of the bra. Interestingly, it pumps WAY more in the afternoon and evening than my medela hospital rental pump, BUT it does not seem to fully empty my breasts. I think it’s better at stimulating milk production but not as good at expressing every last drop. I always end uo having to hand express the last 10-20 mls. Another plus us it’s pretty easy to clean. So overall it does a decent job and it was nice to be able to walk around and get things done, even if it felt and looked a bit weird. 4/5

  66. TomasBeaurepair says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersI wish I would have known about this pump sooner. I was back to work for almost 2 weeks before I found out about it. I didn’t have time to pump as often as I’d like at work & my lil one was eating more than I could pump in a day. This pump can be worn while I’m working so I am able to pump more often & now I’m pumping just as much or more than what he eats. With a tighter fitting top, it is noticeable. If you wear a looser fitting top and there’s some background noise, you can use this pump without others noticing. I need to use it a little longer than my Spectra to fully empty my breasts, but since it’s hands free, I don’t mind. This pump has saved my milk supply! So happy with this purchase!!!

  67. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersOverall this pump is great. It makes me feel free to pump in the car and make dinner etc. I feel less miserable pumping with the elvie hands free than I do the traditional spectra that I also have. however, like others have said, you still have to pump with the spectra or other more powerful pump to fully empty. I definitely don’t feel like I fully empty with the elvie. Some people have said this pump doesn’t work as well with big breasts, but I have 36E and it fits fine. It takes longer than a traditional pump to put the pieces together is a drawback and the battery doesn’t last as long as it says it does, however it charges back up very quickly. I wish the breast cups were not rounded at the bottom cause the milk is easy to spill out when you try to set down the attachments. Also, I feel like the suction bruises my nipples but overall this pump feels better to use than traditional flanges in my opinion, I did have to get a size 28 flange to fit me bette