Ergon Men's Sm Pro Bicycle Saddle

Ergon Men's Sm Pro Bicycle Saddle

Driver and wheel together as one unit. The design of our saddles and handles is matched to the shape of the body and leads to a better distribution of opposite forces. Uncomfortable pressure points and related complaints are eliminated.
Ergon developers are also passionate cyclists. They develop and test new concepts and ideas extensively where they are used – in the heat of the race, on the road, in the forest and on the bike paths throughout the city.
100% of our research and development performance takes place under one roof in beautiful Koblenz in Germany. From computer simulations to fast 3D prototypes to the final form of the product, each process is closely linked and subject to careful control.
Pro riders and teams.
Professional drivers play an important role in developing our products. The sporty competition drives demands to a higher level, while the detailed feedback from riders who spend life in the saddle leads to improved product design for everyday cyclists.
Weight: | 363 Grams |
Size: | S/M |
Dimensions: | 35.56 x 27.94 x 7.62 cm; 362.87 Grams |
Brand: | Ergon |
Model: | 440 012 02 |
Colour: | Black-Red |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ERGSL|#Ergon |
Department: | Men's |
Dimensions: | 35.56 x 27.94 x 7.62 cm; 362.87 Grams |
Size: | S/M |
la uso da un po, funziona benissimo e anche dopo parecchie ore non da nessun fastidio
It took me a few rides to get this adjusted properly, but then I took a 60 km MTB ride with 1,250 meters of elevation gain with NO pain and NO numbness! Wonderful! My only concern is that, because my sit bone measurement falls on the border between the s/m and m/l sizes, that the m/l i bought might be a bit too big for me – but no way to know without buying the smaller size, which I am not about to do. Overall a great improvement for my MTB. I am very satisfied.
Velmia bicycle seat is just as good ergon just lighte
This is the best saddle that I have ever been on, will definitely purchase again!
Really comfy saddle, even if you have had a month off the bike low weight is a bonus.
Super Qualitt und Komfort. Msste ich etwas einfahren aber mchte es echt nicht mehr missen. Sieht Klasse aus mit die Titan/Inox Gestell und leicht. Die Verarbeitung, Qualitt ist absolut erste Klasse!
Nothing negative at this point, needed a quality saddle for my new PNW dropper post.
Nach mehreren Sattel habe ich dann diesen probiert.
Und siehe da, er passt wie angegossen.
Keine schmerzen mehr kein Taubheitsfgefhl.
Echt klasse.
Ob er bei jedem passt kann man nicht sagen da auch ich 4 Anlufe gebraucht habe. Da jeder unterschiedliche Hftknochen hat.
Die Qualitt ist sehr gut und das Material hlt sich gut.
In der Mitte hat er ein Belftungsloch um nicht zu sehr zu schwitze
I have 3 bikes and 3 Ergon saddles. Mountain and Road bikes. All good!!
Overall it’s a fine seat. I won’t replace it. However, for some reason it feels a little wider between my legs & rubs my thighs a bit more than my other ones.
I bike quite a bit (200 hours & almost 2,000 mountain biking in 2021). I love the Ergon grips. I wanted to love this seat. It’s “passable” but not much more. Dunno why I don’t love it.
A bit on the expensive side, but I guess you get what you pay for.
Love the look and quality.
No bicycle seat is truly comfortable, but this one is perfect for a few hours and doesn’t kill you on all day, long rides.
I have a 2021 Scott Spark and the OEM saddle was awful at best. This is very comfortable.
Optisch garnicht soo anders als der Originale, aber tatschlich wesentlich angenehmer.
Wrde ich jedem weiterempfehlen.
Very comfortable for my wider sit bones. Definitely an improvement over the previous several narrower seats. Looks great on my SC 5010!
Most comfortable saddle ive ever used. Haven’t put any 15+ mile days in on it mtb yet but on a 5-10 mile ride i no longer wear a chamois. The saddle is freeing in more ways than one. It might be a hefty price to pay for a seat… but youll be thanking yourself, on a long climb some day down the line, that you spent that extra $$ so your rides are more enjoyable, your boys can breathe free and you can walk properly and free of stiffness post ride.
I’ve been doing 60k+ MTB rides and this saddle has made the last parts of them really enjoyable. It is not cheap, but it’s a good price to pay for your future.
Attention to detail lets it down a bit compared to other famous manufacturers who sell for half the price, but have the trims elegantly hidden. Time will tell how well it holds in terms of durability, but the blue paint had slight marks from use after the first ride.
Extremely comfortable and low friction when riding. Did a couple back to back 20 mile rides and it was a huge improvement from my old Specialized Phenom saddle.
Ich bin nach rund 1000KM immer noch sehr zufrieden. Man darf sich aber nicht einreden, dass man dann gar keine Schmerzen mehr am Allerwertesten hat und auch die ersten Touren nach langer Pause merkt man. Aber es hat sich deutlich verbessert! Auch des Mannes besten Stck dankt es.
Pleased to receive this, very hard to get anywhere. Reviews indicate this is the best MTB saddle. Mistakenly thought it was not the pro version, missed the small print identifying the three different versions sent in the same package.
Also erstmal kam der Artikel noch vor Heiligabend, grosses Lob an Lieferant u Paketzusteller, bin vom Sq Lab 611 gewechselt, endlich schmerzfrei an den Sitzknochen mit diesem Ergon ! Habe noch einen identischen v einem anderen Lieferanten daher konnte ich schon vor 2 Wochen testen. Der Sattel sieht in Stealth dazu noch sportlich gut aus u macht insgesamt einen wertigen Eindruck, habe die Pro Version, die wird hier wirklich gnstig angeboten. Kaufempfehlung !
Comfy for long rides and seems to decently compliant and absorbs bumps well. Went with S/M version. It weighed in heavier than expected though :-/
Really good for long rides. I ride a lot of xc and with a chamois this has made 10+ mile rides really enjoyable.
This is the fourth mtb seat I have tried, no being comfortable with previous ones and am very pleased with the comfort, weight and quality of this seat! It is firm and provides a comfortable ride for hours on end! I have it on my YT Capra Pro Race enduro bike, I do alot of uphill pedaling and downhill and it is GREAT! Highly recommend, just make sure to use the Ergon web to choose the right size for you!
Nach langem Suchen und Probieren hab ich mich fr diesen Sattel entschieden, weil er doch etwas komfortabler als der SQ Lab 611 ist. Bei beiden habe ich brigens keine Probleme im Dammbereich.
An excellent mountain bike saddle. I purchased it for better support under my sitbones than my WTB Pure. The Pure is excellent, but a tad too comfortable. Hard to describe, but I’ve realized I’d rather have ergonomic support than squishy comfort. Better for my hips long term.
It took a good month to adjust and horrible saddle soreness, but now it is really good once I found the sweet spot and it broke in. I don’t even wear padded shorts and I go on 20 plus bike rides every day of the week.
EDIT: after installing with carbon assembly paste the creaking is much improved but still there is some creaking.
You get what you pay for and this saddle is top notch. Be sure to measure your sit bones on the Ergon site to make sure you get the right size.
Increased riding comfort with the SM Pro was felt imediately, I can’t believe I rode my factory saddle 3 years. Also, the improved seat geometry made a noticeable difference in my cornering ability. Overall, the Ergon saddle has changed my riding experience… like night and day.
Lange Zeit bin ich mit dem Standard Selle Italia Sattel ab meinem Mountainbike herumgefahren. Er war wahnsinnig unbequem und nach kurzer Zeit ziemlich schmerzhaft.
Es war an der Zeit und ein neuer Sattel musste her. Nach ausfhrlicher Recherche bin ich auf den Ergon Herren Sm Pro gekommen.
Und es liegen Welten zwischen diesem und meinem alten Sattel. Ich fahre jetzt schon ein paar Wochen damit rum und ich bin absolut zufrieden. Sehr bequem und wertig.
To the highest points on my ride,I can’t fault this saddle,I can walk away from an all-day ride now.
1st ride, saddle wasn’t even dialed in how I really liked it and it felt great. No more numbness or pain anywhere. Felt great from the first ride. Can’t wait for it to break in and get the fit just right. This is for the SM Pro model.
Cmodo y ligero. No es barato, pero creo que merece la pena.
Sellino preso per metterlo sulla mia mtb da trail/enduro
Sono soddisfatto sia della comodit sia della forma posteriore che non ostacola nei fuorisella estremi,cosa che mi capitava con la sella che avevo in precedenza.
La ricomprerei
Bester Sattel, richtig einstellen, draufsetzen, spass haben. Ist sein Geld wert. Lieferung auch Top.
The best saddle I ever have. I now can ride for very long without any pain and discomfort.
Great looking saddle…but most of all, a lot more comfortable that my previous SDG.
Picked this up on a whim since it’s color matches my Norco Sight C9 in red/black. Turns out it matches REALLY well! It also is a damn good seat that feels very comfortable The back actually kicks up a bit and it really wants to keep you in the saddle when pedaling uphill, which is nice.
The only bummer about this saddle is that in medium/large it is quite wide towards the back. On one hand, that’s good for comfort. On the other hand, it will be somewhat annoying when moving around on a mountain bike with a dropper at first. You can get used to it though pretty fast, and it’s hardly a deal breaker.
I did contact Ergon customer service and was surprised to hear that this finish is both normal and acceptable.
Sella molto comoda, qualche grammo in pi della mia vecchia sella, ma che dire…. Macinare km e non sentirli
Amazing saddle, I used to suffer badly after a long ride on the trails, even with top end padded shorts. After a full, brutal day at BikePark Wales, where everything hurts, my backside finally isn’t one of them! To the extent that I didn’t think about it all day.
It’s weird as it doesn’t strike you as comfy when you get on, but you get used to it instantly and there is zero discomfort.
If you have the chance to get your hands on one, do it! As they are currently hard to come by, You won’t regret it!
Ich hab mir den SM Pro von Ergon bestellt und so schnell wie mglich gegen mein Brett getauscht. Und siehe da. Es ist wie wenn man auf einem anderen Bike sitzt. Das Brett hat sich in einen wohlgepolsterten Fernsehfauteuil verwandelt.
Nach einer dreitgigen MTB-Tour kann ich sagen dass es sich 100%ig ausgezahlt hat!
Wo ich jedoch enttuscht bin, ist die Verarbeitung. Nach grade mal vier Touren ist an den Seiten die rote Farbe praktisch abgeschliffen. Und nein, nicht in Kombi mit einer Jeans, sondern einer Endura bike-short. Das darf bei einem Sattel von ber 100,- nach so kurzer Zeit einfach nicht passieren.
Von daher kann ich den Sattel in der Funktion auf jeden Fall empfehlen. Er htte auch 6 von 5 Sternen bekommen, aber nur in schwarz. So sind es blo vier Sterne.
LIKE: Quality of build (early days, will report back if anything fails on this product), Comfort (larger ‘sit bone’ area – I ordered large size). Fixing point, supplied for saddle bag attachments (built into seat design, very good). Length (adequate for me), Weight; ok. Seat rails; long enough for your required seat position (long enough to allow adequate reach adjustment between seat and handle bars)
DISLIKE: Price (expensive but, it’s your ass)!
Good price for the saddle. I’ve fitted it but haven’t had chance to try it on a decent ride yet.
Believe the hype. This is simply an amazing saddle. For the first time in a long time, I actually forgot about the saddle during my ride, it is that comfortable. No aches or pains, no constant shifting to try and find the best position. It just bloody works and you can get on with riding the bike. Very pleased and happy to say the best saddle I have ever used. Buy one, it does not disappoint.
Da ich bislang von Ergon nie enttuscht wurde, war ich auch hier voller Erwartungen. Ich fahre sehr viel und sehr oft mit dem MTB auf Trails, Touren und Endurostrecken sowie Downhill-/Bikeparks. Oft mit Taubheitsgefhl nach lngerem sitzen. Wie bei ERGON beschrieben: Knochenabstand messen und bestellen. Ich lag mit 11-12cm genau zwischen M und der nchstgreren Variante, habe mich aufgrund der schmaleren Optik fr den kleineren entschieden. Ein Vergleich zeigte jedoch, dass die grere Variante doch bequemer ist, Rckgabe & Erstattung liefen problemlos. Der Sattel kommt mit einem Befestigungsclip fr Topeak-Zubehr unter dem Sattel (nette Beigabe), verstndlicher Anleitung zur Ausrichtug etc (weiteres auf der ERGON-Website zu finden!)
und wirkt sehr wertig. Mit unter 250g braucht er sich fr die gebotene Qualitt und Bequemlichkeit absolut nicht verstecken. Der Preis ist hoch, jedoch in seiner Klasse gerechtfertigt. Montage wie gewohnt relativ einfach.
Er entlastet sehr stark den Dammbereich und hat somit meinen Beschwerden entgegengewirkt. Anfangs fhlt es sich etwas ungewohnt an aber gut.
Ich bin generell top zufrieden und fahre den Sattel mittlerweile seit einem guten Monat ohne grere Beschwerden.
Der Sattel verusacht weder Gerusche, noch hat er Spiel.
Bislang fr mich eines der besten Upgrades am Bike.
Hatte davor noch standart Sattel montiert (auch recht bequem aber eben nur auf langer Strecke mit Radlerhose).
Der neue “Ergon Herren SM Pro” in schwarz ist selbst mit Jeans “deutlich bequemer als mein bisheriger.
Bin begeistert!