eufy Security eufyCam 3 2-Cam Kit Security Camera Outdoor

eufy Security eufyCam 3 2-Cam Kit Security Camera Outdoor Wireless, 4K Camera with Integrated Solar Panel, Forever Power, Face Recognition AI, Expandable local storage, Spotlight, No Monthly Fee

  1. T8871

    Forever Power Security with BionicMind

    S330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3)

  2. T8871

    Forever Power

    2 hours of daily direct sunlight extends battery life to near-infinite power.

  3. T8871

    Notice 4K Ultra HD Detail

    With 4K UHD, you’ll see the small details of any person that walks onto your property.

  4. T8871

    BionicMind Recognition

    BionicMind differentiates family and strangers with facial recognition. Accurate up to 99.9%.

  5. T8881 04

    Expand Your Local Storage

    Store more videos on HomeBase 3 with up to 16TB of expandable storage on a portable hard drive.

  1. T8881 07

    Filter False Alarms

    No more alerts about family members coming home—you decide which notifications are important.

  2. T8881 08

    Get Daily Security Briefings

    Receive a security report with BionicMind giving you important info ahead of time to take action.

  3. T8881 09

    Understand in a Glance

    Get in-depth knowledge in seconds with categorized events and the power to search faces and objects.

  4. T8881 10

    Monitor Only the Areas You Want

    Set activity zones to finetune your security for peace of mind.

  5. T8881 06

    Centralized Security

    Manage your entire security ecosystem from one central location with HomeBase 3.

1Fiter False Alarms 2Security Briefings3Categorized Events 4Adjust Activity Zones5eufy EcosystemT8871T8871T8871

Quick Setup

Secure your home in just a few minutes with installation free from complicated wires, and then stay protected 24/7 with the wide 135° wide-angle lens.

T8871Motion Sensing Spotlight

Frighten would-be intruders and see what’s happening outside your home. The motion activated spotlight ensures a clear image, even at night.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Built-In Solar Panel

With solar panels directly on the body, this camera stays charged and always ready. A true set-and-forget experience for security.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />

eufy Security eufyCam Series


S330 eufyCam (eufyCam 3)


S300 eufyCam (eufyCam 3C)


eufyCam 2C Pro


eufyCam 2C


eufyCam 2 Pro

Resolution 4K 4K 2K 1080p 2K
Battery Life A Lifetime with Forever Power 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 1 Year
Integrated Solar Panel
AI Face, Human, Vehicle, Pet Face, Human, Vehicle, Pet Human Human Human
AI Self-Learning
Local Storage Built-In 16GB EMMC Built-In 16GB EMMC Built-In 16GB EMMC Built-In 16GB EMMC Built-In 16GB EMMC
Expandable Storage
Field of View 135° 135° 135° 135° 140°
Monthly Fee No No No No No

Is eufyCam 3 compatible with Apple HomeKit?

No. It is compatible with Alexa and the Google Assistant currently. HomeKit is still undergoing development, please stay tuned!

How efficient is the built-in solar panel charging?

Tests show that with full exposure to direct sunlight for 2 hours, the camera can keep working for an entire day. However, this depends on the strength of the sunlight. Install your camera in a position that exposes it to as much sun as possible.

Is HomeBase 3 compatible with other eufy Security products?

HomeBase 3 is compatible with all eufyCam models, eufy Battery Doorbells (except E8213), and eufy Sensors. It will be compatible with all eufy Security devices by the end of 2022, with the exception of eufy Wired Doorbell.

Does the system support 24/7 recording?

No. The camera is battery-powered and is designed to offer a balance between battery life and event capturing.

Can I use HomeBase 3 on Wi-Fi?

No. HomeBase 3 can only be connected to the router by cable to ensure a perfect connection. HomeBase 3 can not connect to your network via Wi-Fi.

Weight: 399 g
Dimensions: 12.8 x 6.4 x 6.4 cm; 399.16 Grams
Model: T88713W1
Part: T88713W1
Colour: Black+white
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Lithium Ion
Manufacture: Anker
Dimensions: 12.8 x 6.4 x 6.4 cm; 399.16 Grams
Quantity: 1

40 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce modle pour protger les ouvrants de ma maison.
    Mais aprs diverses rglages de sensibilit, la dtection ce dclenche qu’ partir de 4/5 m de la camra… donc a reste vraiment peu. Sur le papier c’tait crit 9m.
    Sinon les images sont de trs bonne qualites. Le stockage des vidos ne prend pas beaucoup de place et le fait de les stocker dans une base c’est top, et pas besoin d’abonnement.
    Donc pour rsumer, c’est bien quand on installe une camra juste au dessus et ct d’une porte.

  2. Anonymous says:


    L’efficacit de ses camras de surveillance avec recharge solaire et dtection humaine, animal et vhicule et tout simplement parfaite. La qualit de dtection, de l’image, du son, et l’autonomie infini permet rellement de se sentir en scurit sur tous les paramtres, la qualit et la simplicit d’utilisation et de mise en route, permet vraiment une installation confortable et scurisant. Je recommande vivement ce produit Eufy 3 et ses deux cameras.
    Seule ombre au tableau, la dure de vie, des camras dont les Piles ne sont pas changeables a priori et donc une incertitude sur la prennit dans le temps de la recharge et de la qualit des camras. Affaire suivre.

    Oui Eufy 3 est beaucoup mieux que le 2

  3. Anonymous says:


    Trs satisfait de mon achat .La mise en place est ultra simple . L’application vous guide pas pas.
    La qualit est trs bonne .
    J’ai contact le vendeur pour discuter et il rponds trs vite .
    Je conseille grandement.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A joy to set up, although still tinkering with the multitude of features. Saying that, you’ll will be up and running before you know it. Positioning the cameras was a bit of trail and error but the live feed to my mobile/tablet I soon found optimal coverage.

    There really are too many features to cover, but trust you are going to be impressed with what you get for your money. I love the system and really glad I bought the S330. Amazing

  5. GlennaLynas says:


    Das einzigste was ich hier bemngeln kann, das ist die Aufnahme Nachts in Farbe, hier reicht meiner Meinung nach der kleine Strahler in der Kamera nicht ganz aus um hier gute Aufnahmen zu machen.

    Ansonsten ein sehr gutes Produkt, welches leicht zu Installieren ist.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Nervt ein bisschen, wenn ich den “Zuhause”-Modus aktiviert habe und er uns alle erkennt, aber jedes mal eine Meldung gibt, wenn er uns entdeckt. Das knnte dann eingespart werden. Ansonsten perfekt.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe wanted some camera around the house for peace of mind.
    Easy to install and easy to setup; it took around 1 hour from opening the box to completion.
    You will need a drill, screwdriver and a small ladder or something sturdy to stand on, camera needs to be ~2-3m high.
    Solar charging is great! Almost 60 days in and both have not dropped below 94% at all. After a few sunny days they charge back to 100%.
    Both have at least 2 hours of direct sunlight on clear days, however on overcast days there is still a visible charge increase, this can be viewed within the power settings.
    Facial recognition sometimes causes laughter in the house when it thinks the postman is my Father because they have a similar coloured shirt. It also sometimes struggles if people are carrying a child.
    All in all a brilliant product with no huge complaints.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersWarum ich von Arlo zu eufy gewechselt bin ?

    Da hier Funktionen Angeboten werden, die bei Arlo eine monatliche Gebhr Kosten !
    Da ich immer wieder Probleme mit dem Arlo System hatte, Live Bild wurde nicht geladen oder sehr langsam, Lautsprecher ging nach einem Software Update nicht mehr, nach einem Software Update hatte man bei einem der Kamera Lautsprecher nur noch Strgerusche.
    Bisher sind mir solche Probleme mit dem eufy System nicht aufgefallen und ich hoffe das bleibt auch so !

    Die Inbetriebnahme der Basis Station und die Einbindung der Kameras ging sehr einfach, in der App wird hier wirklich eine tolle und umfangreiche Anleitung bereit gestellt.

    Die Anbringung der Kameras und die Aufstellung der Basisstation, gestaltet sich dann schon schwieriger, auch wenn die Anleitung in der App gut zeigt wie man die Kameras richtig anbringt und wo man sie besser nicht anbringen sollte.
    Bei der Basis Station sollte man drauf achten, das man mglichst wenig Wnde zwischen den Kameras und der Basis Station hat, den diese Verbinden sich nur mit der Basis Station und nicht ber das WLAN, was manchmal echt praktisch wre, wenn es diese Mglichkeit geben wrde.
    Bei mir ging sich das bei 2 Beton Wnden noch relativ gut aus, habe so 2~3 Striche Empfang , die mir hier angezeigt werden, das Live Bild wird schnell geladen und hat wirklich eine gute Video Qualitt.
    Bei den Videos merkt man aber das hier manchmal ein ruckeln ist, ich denke das liegt daran das hier die Videos in einer niedriger FPS Rate aufgenommen werden.

    Die Montage der Kameras gestaltet sich dann doch schwieriger als gedacht, da man hier wirklich aufpassen muss wo der Schatten hin fllt, meiner Schtzung nach sollte die Kamera mindestens 3 Stunden direkten Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt sein, vor allem wenn die Kamera durch viele Bewegungen fters ausgelst wird, dann geht der Akku auch schnell runter.
    Ich habe eine Kamera sehr gut platzieren knnen, diese erhlt so 4~ Stunden Sonne, wenn sie da ist und es nicht bewlkt ist, bei der anderen bin ich immer noch auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Platz, vor allem da die Bewegungserkennung auch nur bis maximal 10 Meter funktioniert, das knnte wie bei mir schon zu einem Problem fhren, wenn man eine sehr lange Einfahrt hat und alles drauf haben will, bin aber sehr zuversichtlich, das ich heute den passenden Platz gefunden habe, aber hier sollte man wirklich gut berlegen und schauen wo man sie montiert, sonst wird das Solar Panel unntig, wenn es zu wenig Sonne bekommt und man rgert sich einfach nur wenn man sieht, wie der Akku langsam und stndig runter geht, statt das er voller wird 😀

    Was ich auch sehr gut finde, ist diese K.I Erkennung, bin mir aber immer noch nicht sicher, wie lange es braucht um Personen gut von anderen Personen unterscheiden zu knnen, ob sich die Fahrzeugerkennung irgendwann verbessern wird, derzeit wird manch mal ein Auto maskiert, dann die nchsten Autos nicht mehr, ich hoffe sehr das sich das noch verbessern wird, die Tiererkennung von Katzen funktioniert aber sehr gut, aber hier steht auch noch BETA dabei, denke also hier wird noch optimiert bis das final sein wird !
    Ich hoffe auch sehr das manche Funktionen auch noch erweitert werden, es steht zumindest dabei, das in Zukunft die Oberflche noch verbessert und erweitert werden soll, vor allem die Informationen zur Solar Ladung.

    Weitere positive Dinge, die mir aufgefallen sind,
    der Lautsprecher ist wirklich sehr Laut, man kann sich gegenseitig sehr gut verstehen 😀
    die LED Beleuchtung ist wirklich sehr hell und auch die Nachsicht ohne Beleuchtung ist wirklich sehr gut und sehr weit !

    Was mir nicht so gefallen hat, das man die Ansicht in der App von mehreren Live Streams nicht gleichzeitig offen haben kann, sondern nur einen !

    Was noch spannend wird, wie sich diese Anlage auf Dauer schlgt und wie sie so ber den Winter kommt, ob das Gehuse der Kameras das ganze Sonnenlicht gut vertrgt, wie lange die Akkus so halten werden, da man sie leider nicht wechseln kann !

    In der kurzen Zeit wo ich das Produkt nun habe, kann man es schwer jemand empfehlen, aber bisher kann ich sagen, das sich die Basis Station und die Kamera und das Solarpanel sehr hochwertig anfhlen, Software der App luft bei mir auf IOS ohne Probleme.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem ich die Kameras der 2Pro Serie von Anker leider mit einen Stern bewerten musste, hier mal eine andere fast durchweg positiv Bewertung. Dieses Kameraset von Anker war mein erstes was ich von dieser Firma nach langer Recherche gekauft hatte. Ich wurde fast in keinem Punkt in meinen Erwartungen enttuscht. Die Video Qualitt ist sehr gut, die Nachsicht knnte ein wenig besser sein. Installation ging entsprechend einfach von der Hand und kann auch von jemandem erledigt werden der nur geringe Kenntnisse von der Einrichtung einer Kamera hat. Die App ist noch ausbaufhig, besonders negativ ist mir aufgefallen das man keinen Zeitplan inklusive gleichzeitigen Geofencing aktivieren kann (der Mitbewerber kann das, hat aber nicht so eine gute Video Qualitt ). Der Akku wird im Sommer bei ausreichender Sonne durch das integrierte Panel geladen, im Winter funktioniert das leider nicht. Also im groen und ganzen fr dieses Produkte 4*

  10. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie Qualitt und Einsatzgebiete der Kameras sind durch die Autarkie ber das PV Panel hervorragend. Auerdem haben mich die hohe Auflsung und das eigene WLAN Netzwerk durch die beiliegende Basis (Verbindung via LAN Kabel mit Internet) berzeugt.
    Die Kameras knnen wirklich kabellos und auch ohne regelmiges Demontieren zum Aufladen betrieben werden.
    Das einzigste was wirklich Bauchschmerzen macht ist die KI fr die automatische Gesichtserkennung, diese wird wahrscheinlich inkl. Standortdaten auf Servern in Asien (….) berechnet und gesichert.
    Daher musste ich mind. 1 Stern abziehen – ein Datenschtzer wrde wahrscheinlich “0 Sterne” geben und vom Kauf oder Nutzung der Funktion abraten.

  11. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Schnelle und leichte Installation. Die verschiedenen Alarmsysteme sind gut, da variabel anpassbar.
    Luft stabil. Nur die Gesichtserkennung verwechselt als Personen die sich hnlich sehen. Kann man aber anpassen.
    Bin komplett zufrieden mit diesem System.

  12. AgnesMelancon says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDas System ist durchdacht, die Kameras wirken hochwertig und die Bilder sowie Videos sind sehr gut. Natrlich gibt es auch bei guten Dingen verbesserungspotential und hier mchte ich empfehlen dem Paket einen kurzen und in Gro gedruckten Startgiude “Erste Schritte” mit beizulegen. Manche Einstellungen sind in der App versteckt nur zu finden, Systempunkte die nicht klar sind werden zwar durch “?” erklrt, leider aber nur auf Englisch. Auch hier empfehle ich den Ausbau auf Deutsche Hilfeseiten.Zu Langlebigkeit der Akkus, der Hombase und aller anderen Komponenten kann ich leider noch nichts sagen.

  13. GregoryThrossel says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersLes camras Eufy sont toujours au top
    La bote est vraiment de qualit suprieure
    L’installation est facile et rapide
    La possibilit d’ajouter un disque dur pour le stockage est un gros plus.
    La reconnaissance faciale fonctionne bien galement, elle est lie la Homebase 3 et non aux camras, vous pouvez brancher une camra de gnration prcdente sur la homebase 3 et cela lui rajoutera la reconnaissance faciale

    Ayant dj des camera Eufy, je n’ai pas fait attention et je ne l’ai dcouvert qu’aprs l’installation, cette nouvelle Homebase 3 n’est pas compatible avec HomeKit alors que la prcdente l’tait, incomprhensible, d’o mon toile en moins.

  14. LouellaVachon says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sehr gute Installation ohne Probleme , hat alles gleich geklappt, Bildqualitt sehr gut, reicht ber 30m fr den Garten.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We have seen many recommendations on YouTube so we were pretty confident of the wireless camera system.
    Easy to set up, works very well, Wi-Fi needs to be reliable.

  16. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie Lieferung erfolgte zgig nach Bestellung und war sehr gut gegen Transportschden geschtzt. Dieses WiFi-Kamerasystem entspricht in vollem Umfang der Spezifikation. Hervorragende Konnektivitt der Kameras mit dem Server. Das System ist sehr gut und unkompliziert auf die persnlichen Bedrfnisse konfigurierbar. Inbetriebnahme gelingt innerhalb weniger Minuten. Die Befestigung der Kameras und deren Ausrichtung ist simpel und solide. Die Kameras verfgen ber eigene Solarzellen, die bei entsprechender Sonnenbestrahlung die Akkus selbstttig aufladen. Ansonsten sind die Kameras mit Hilfe des mitgelieferten Ladekabels am Server oder entsprechenden Ladegerten aufladbar. Je nach Nutzung der Kameras halten die Akkus nach Herstellerangabe mehrmonatig. Ausgezeichnete und zuverlssige Aufzeichnung von Videos mit hoher Auflsung. Die Kameras sind auch mit LED-Lampe bestckt die in der Helligkeit gesteuert und auch fr eine Alarmfunktion genutzt werden knnen. Lokale Speicherung im eigenen Server, der mit Festplatten bis 2 TB unkompliziert erweiterbar ist. Die Software ist ber den Server updatebar. Als berwachungs”-Monitore kann jedes handelsbliche Smartphone oder Tablet verwendet werden, sobald die Eufy-Security-App aufgespielt ist und die Gerte im gleichen WLAN wie der Server betrieben werden. Diese Generation von Kameras mit der neuen Software verfgt ber eine sehr Funktion, die eine Definition von Datenschutzzonen gestattet. Darber hinaus kann man auch den Aufzeichnungsbereich der Kamera definieren.

    Meiner Ansicht nach ein sehr empfehlenswertes Produkt.

  17. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBonjour,

    Je suis quip Eufy depuis plusieurs annes.
    Cette nouvelle base et les nouvelles camras sont vraiment un bon en avant comparer aux anciennes.

    La reconnaissance faciale est vraiment un plus et fonctionne parfaitement.
    La dtection est vraiment mieux.
    La qualit des vidos est vraiment top de jour comme de nuit.
    La base et certaines camras sont loigns de plus de 10 mtres et aucun problme de signal.

    La nouvelle base permet aux anciennes camras de profiter de la reconnaissance faciale.

    Je suis compltement satisfait des camras Eufy.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMam ten produkt od pocztku lutego 2023.Jestem bardzo zadowolony.Mimo zimy,zachmurzenia naadowanie kamery po 10 dniach 100%,zapis 20-30s.Zasig kamer koo domu z baz wszdzie bardzo dobry.Jakoc obrazu bardzo dobra,aplikacja dziaa bez zarzutu.Rozpoznawanie twarzy dobre.Dla mnie wana spraw byo,e nie ma adnych przewodw zwizanych z cznoci i adowaniem.Dziki temu te kamery s mobilne i mona zmienia miejsce instalowania jeeli zaistnieje taka koniecznoc

  19. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersKamery jak na tak du baterie, nawet mae.
    Na obecn chwil testuje je i pki co bardzo mi si podoba jako dwiku przez mikrofon i zasig do stacji gwnej.

    Opcja z rozszerzana pamici to co dla mnie plus rozpoznawanie twarzy i sylwetki, zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie, pki co jestem zadowolony.

    Edit po 3 miesicach uywania .
    Homebase 3 jest cay czas aktualizowany i wietnie rozpoznaje ludzi zwierzta i samochody, czasami jest sytuacja e myli ludzi midzy sob ale po odpowiednim “treningu” powinien radzi sobie lepiej.

    Plusy jak dla mnie to wietna komunikacja midzy urzdzeniami i wietna jako audio video oraz to e urzdzenia s cay czas aktualizowane.

    Minus i to jak dla mnie duy to kwestia panelu sonecznego w kamerze z homebase 3.
    Moim zdaniem panel nie jest wydajny na tyle by zdoa naadowa kamer ktra kilkanacie razy dziennie wysya nagrania do bazy.
    A wic albo umiecisz kamer w mniej ruchome miejsce albo zastpisz j eufycam 2 pro z panelem sonecznym, ktry moim zdaniem jest bardziej efektywny w adowaniu urzdzenia.

    Plusy to bardzo du elastyczno w ustawieniu dla siebie wszelkich powiadomie , automatyzacji , jestem bardzo zadowolony.

    Oglnie urzdzenie oceniam na 8 w skali do 10 , myl e jest jeszcze duo do zrobienia, cay czas wysyam zgoszenia i propozycje.

    Czy jest warty tej ceny, myl e tak, po dodaniu dodatkowych kamer za ktre trzeba oczywicie zapaci, tak zdecydowanie wietne urzdzenie

  20. Judi84Xhrqqvnb says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very good security System with its own storage option. This is what like most about it. It is very good and responsive. very well made and of good quality. It comes with 16 GB of storage and you can add your own hard drive inside. It is the type of hard disk that goes inside and has an adaptor incorporated. So it is not the type you connect with an USB cable.

    The cameras are quite heavy and have a very stylish aspect. You have to make sure you place them at a distance not too far from the router. Also they can recharge through solar power and also with a cable. If you place them in a place hard to get solar light it might be a problem. I don’t think the cable would be easy to place outside as it is not too long so it is best to have it in a sunny place. Also if you don’t have it use the light it won’t need too much battery. The battery seems to last quite ok. I am very satisfied with it.

    The hub that connects to the internet needs to be connected to the modem with a cable. This one looks stylish and looks good but in a way blends in.

    There are lots of options and settings and you can even add different faces to be recognised by the cameras as to not trigger the alarm. The alarm is not very loud and could have been a bit louder. It also has lights and that work with the sound too so it scares people off. It is important not to place it facing a busy area as it will triger the alarm and motion detection sensors and will drain the battery faster.

    This is very easy to set up and the app is very easy to use and very intuitive. The settings are very easy to acces and also the video recordings can be accessed from anywhere within the app, which is very convenient. I made the video attached to show how it works with the app and how to control it.

    I might seem expensive for only 16GB storage, but it’s a good price for the quality this has. Note I have it inside but in the pack you have everything needed for mounting it outside. Very satisfied with it.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is by far the best system of four I used in the past. I will be expanding with more cameras already ordered!

  22. NoeliaSwinford says:

     United Kingdom

    I took a while to decide where to position the cameras. Getting back to previously visited control screens on the app proved challenging. Once setup it works well.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI was not sure about the best security device to purchase.
    My requirements were –
    1. Battery or Solar power operated.
    2. Easy to install
    3. Easy to use.
    4. No monthly subscription fee.

    Eufy ticked all the boxes easily and I purchased the Eufy cam. It was very easy to start with. Instruction provided are clear and app makes it quick.

    Mounting Eufy cam on walls was also straight forward , a couple of drills and all done. So 10/10 experience on purchase and installation.

    Pros –
    Easy to install.
    Video quality is great and each detail can be viewed clearly.
    No mandatory monthly subscription.
    16GB inbuilt memory (actual available is around 9 GB).
    Solar charging is a good for battery life.

    Cons –
    Face recognition is not that great.
    Camera starts capturing video after some movement so sometime it is able to capture only the back of a person not the face. (May be I need to play with some settings to make it more efficient).
    Night time movement recognition is slow and in limited area.

    Overall, I am happy with my purchase and I would definitely recommend it.

  24. Renee Hartwick says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersInstalacja nie moe by prostsza, bo kamery maj wasne zasilanie i wbudowany panel soneczny. W soneczne dni doadowuje baterie bardzo skutecznie. Przy duym zachmurzeniu oczywicie poziom baterii spada. Pierwsze poczenie z baz jest bardzo proste a pniej wszystko ju po prostu dziaa. Aplikacja na telefon jest przejrzysta i dobrze pomylana. Powiadomienia nie s byskawiczne i od wykrycia do powiadomienia na telefonie mija kilka sekund. Jako obrazu mimo kompresji jest bardzo dobra. Rozpoznawanie twarzy i kojarzenie ich z sylwetkami naprawd dziaa. Samochody, koty i psy te s wykrywane. Zdarzaj si pomyki, ale aplikacja i urzdzenia s do czsto aktualizowane, wic mona si spodziewa, e bdzie co raz lepiej. A ju jest dobrze. Polecam.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This system not only was easy to install, once up and positioned correctly has managed to stay up for a month with only the sun for energy.

    2 cameras placed at opposite ends of the house, connected via WiFi and the nas storage box.
    Picture quality is excellent in day or night.
    Face recognition is still learning but picks up quick.
    Construction is solid and seems like it could take a kicking and keep on working.
    Easy access via your phone app.
    Can get notifications to your push device.
    Playback via your phone is easy and good quality.
    I can’t recommend this enough. It’s great, works well. Good quality and spot on.

    It’s great for people who don’t want lots of cables to install.

  26. EddyMatney says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a pair of wireless cameras complete with a home storage hub for them to connect to.
    Set up is very easy, everything is clearly explained and there are voice prompts from the cameras as you set them up.
    The picture is superb, on my phone I can pinch to zoom in and the quality is easily the best I have seen, the range of view is very impressive, I thought a fixed camera was going to be hopeless, but I was wrong, I can look round and focus in on every corner of my drive even though the camera is on one side facing just in front of my front door.
    The only real limitation is that the cameras are not suitable for any north facing location, with no sun the batteries are going to need recharging via a USB lead which would soon become a chore.
    The face recognition feature is awesome, as well as recording a set amount of time each time the camera is triggered it also provides a close up of the face of the person detected automatically, you can even load photos of family, friends and frequent callers so the camera will recognise them!
    You can set the camera to fire up when they see a human or a vehicle or an animal in any combination.
    When you download the app it appears that you have to get a subscription cloud-based program to use it, but you do not, if you scroll down you will find a non-subscription app as well (IOS) which was a relief!
    My phone chimes every time someone triggers the camera and if anyone were to tamper with any of our cars, at any time of the day or night I would get great, useable images from these cameras.
    I have to admit, I was not enthusiastic about the price of them but after a month’s use I can confirm they are properly good!
    Happy to help!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I would highly recommend this product. Quick and easy to set up. The sound and pictures quality is really good too. Adds to our peace of mind around home security.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our Users+ La synchronisation des 2 camras avec la base se fait sans problme
    – l’installation murale est amliorer mais on y arrive. Le support mural devrait tre en mtal et se fixer sous la camra.
    + la qualit 4k des images et vidos sont parfaites !
    + le logiciel est dj trs bien depuis le smartphone, a fonctionne sur pc aussi. Il peut bien sur voluer.
    – Il y a la dtection de visage mais c’est amliorer. Il faudrait par exemple pouvoir associer/ajouter, dans la base BionicMind AI, tout “visage inconnu” pris par la camra, un “visage familier reconnu” enregistr dans la base en question,aussi pour les voitures personnelles qui se garent. Cela amliorerait considrablement l’outil et le rendrait presque parfait.
    – il faudrait pouvoir supprimer automatiquement les vidos de visages connus, aprs validation, dans un interval de temps defini. a conomiserait le disque dur.
    + les panneaux solaire permettent de rester 100% pour une exposition seulement de quelques heures le matin en ce qui me concerne. J’ai remarqu cependant pour cela, qu’il faut pour chaque camra, dans le “gestionnaire d’alimentation”, laisser sur “autonomie optimale de la batterie”. Dans mon cas, je garde une batterie toujours 100% ou presque lgrement moins mais cela rarement, mais pour ceux qui ont un ensoleillement toute la journe, il devrait pas y avoir de problme avec une config plus gourmande en batterie.
    + pour les zones d’activit je suis arriv avoir une dtection optimale. Je n’ai pas coch la case cocher “toutes les autres motions” mais les autres cases le sont. En fait, il faut dlimiter la zone de faon assez prcis sans trop dborder + jouer avec la sensibilit de dtection en n’hsitant pas la diminuer, puis faire des essais.
    – pour les zones de confidentialit c’est pas optimale du tout, car c’est 2 rectangles horizontaux que l’on peut pas faire pivoter. Dans mon cas, c’est inutilisable. Il faudrait des rectangles dessinables comme dans la dfinition des zones d’activits
    – prix : un trop cher

    En bref : super concept ne pas abandonner mais amliorer ! Je recommande !!

    questions : o achet des camras supplmentaires sans base ? est ce qu’il y a la possibilit pour la HomeBase 3 d’avoir une “eufy batterie de secours” comme pour la HomeBase 2?

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’ve had this set up up and running now for around 3 weeks and wanted to test it for a while before I reviewed to give a more thorough review.

    In short this system has been a fantastic upgrade to the usual smart ‘ring’ style cameras with apps, there’s no need to subscribe or pay monthly for any features or storage which in the long run does save money over such systems. It was super easy to set up as there’s no need to hardwire or drill through the home as each camera has its own solar panel, despite miserable British weather the last 3 weeks they have charged successfully without much sunlight in sight.

    The best parts:
    – plug and play unit, nothing complicated during set up and installation with good instructions.
    – the app is very crisp and intuitive to use on the whole (I have had an issue with watching live footage for more than a few minutes for some reason) but lots of features that are easily accessible.
    – solar chargers have proven to be fantastic, much better than I expected with UK Autumn/Winter weather.
    – AI face detection has proven to be reliable for the most part, it’s only questioned it around 5 times in 3 weeks of comings and going which is much better than any other system with similar facial recognition abilities I’ve tried.
    – the image quality is second to none, 4K and true 4K, can easily read number plates etc when needed.

    The only niggle I have with the whole unit so far is that when watching live footage it has shut me out a few times with the app crashing, it will work for a short time but no more than a few minutes. This isn’t a huge deal for me as it’s not a ‘want’ of mine in a CCTV system to watch live but it’s something I hope Eufy fix with a software update in time.

    To finish I’m very pleased with this set up, it’s cheaper than professional installs and way above any cheaper doorbell systems I’ve owned. I would like a third camera to cover the side of my property so here’s hoping they sell additional cameras. Fully recommended!!

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is some top home security tech, so I’m going to run you through the installation process as I experienced it:
    – Mostly a straight forward installation of the home base but it needs an Ethernet cable connection – so this impacts where it can go in my home.
    – The app talks through the installation of the cameras well, giving you clear instructions on how high the cameras should be set.
    – Whilst installing the cameras it indicates the strength of the Wi-Fi signal for the camera, as well as giving a live feed for you to see the scope of the camera. Love this feature as its very useful to ensure your cameras are placed in an appropriate place before you drill into the wall!
    – When charging the cameras you can plug them directly into the home base, meaning a lot less time is spent trying to find a usb plug – however only one usb cable is provided, so unless you have your own you can only charge one camera at a time.
    – The cameras being solar powered is a very good feature, although it does impact where you can install them. I wanted one to cover my back gate, but as this side of my house in shadow, it isn’t within the scope of these cameras to be placed there – that said, it is still much much easier thand rilling cables through walls!
    – The picture quality from the camera is great, although there is a delay of a few seconds from the live feed.
    – Biggest disappointment is the storage. The Homebase only has 16GB of storage available, and whilst you can install an extra hard drive into the device to increase it that comes at an additional expense. There is also cloud storage available, but this comes as part of a subscription.
    – Overall very impressed with the product, but feel like you should get more storage at this price packet.

    Some very clever solar powered CCTV cameras

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I think this security camera set up will appeal to a lot of people, the two camera set up is ideal for front and back garden security.

    With all the modern features and some nice bonuses too like the forever power , AI features for human and animal detection and the fact that it can power itself up through solar power in any weather environment.

    It makes this an excellent investment as it can almost virtually look after itself once you have gone through the initial set up with account and app.

    I like that there is no monthly payment like a lot of cameras , so although expensive at almost 500 the fact that the cameras can self power with solar panels and saving money on monthly subscriptions it kind of takes the sting off the price a little.

    The cameras have excellent vision at 4k , whether in daylight or night time and the details are very clear.

    The aesthetics of the cameras are really nice too , not too big , especially considering the solar power capabilities of them , nice streamlined look and don’t stand out like a sore thumb.

    If they were sightly cheaper they would be an absolute bargain, easy to set up , superb 4k recording with high internal storage too that can be extended with memory card.

    The features are brilliant, artificial intelligence to gradually recognise regular visitors or distinguish between animals and humans , the self powered forever power, no big fees for subscriptions, if they were cheaper they would be a no brainer but I still think they could be worth the investment in the long run.

    They provide excellent modern security but are expensive to purchase but not to run.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThere are things I really like about this cam, and some things that are kind of annoying. I’ll list them out.

    The Good:
    Easy setup, Great picture quality, Pretty good person detection (not 100%), great wireless range, great battery life with solar charging.

    The Average:
    AI detection is hit and miss, sometimes it knows it’s me, sometimes not.

    The Bad:
    Watching the cams live from the web or the app, I get tons of request timeouts and it’s hard to watch it for any period of time live, really annoying, even when it does work it seems to have a time limit (I know watching live can drain the battery, I’m aware, but sometimes I need to). As an engineer I’d love API access to create my own integrations.

    Mostly great, a couple of things let it down a tad

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSolar Camera- this is very well presented, with a good instruction booklet. Although I have used several cameras before, I haven’t used one with a hub or solar panels before. So before you start you have to charge each camera for up to 8 hours, but these can only be done one at a time as only one jack plug type charging cable is supplied. Not a problem, but unless you have a spare( I haven’t) then you need to allow time enough to charge both before initial set up.
    You have a cable to connect the hub to your wi fi box, and this isn’t very long, so will need to sit quite close to it. It also uses the jack plug cable to plug in to the mains continuously.
    The App is good and the straightforward installation instructions meant the system connected to my phone immediately. First you do the hub, then the cameras.
    As I say, I have used quite a few cameras, and this one has the furthest signal connection of any I have used, so a massive, massive plus! Where I live has thick stone walls, and this has always caused signal disruption to the router in the past, but this camera could be placed where none were previously.
    The picture quality is very good, and especially the colour night vision function which seems much better than the usual Infra Red. You can use that if you prefer though.
    The app itself is very easy to navigate, and easy to put onto my partners phone, with full ability to share management of the cameras- which isn’t always as simple as it should be with other cameras I have used.
    The two way sound works well, and you can adjust the spotlight brightness.
    You can secure them by enabling the anti theft function. There are several security modes to choose from which is great, and everything is simple to navigate.
    After a week of usage, in pretty awful October/ November daylight, both cameras are still fully charged, which is great.
    The big selling point with this system is the AI component, which can be programmed to ‘ learn’ peoples faces and identify them. You submit a picture and can update that with additional cameras shots, so instead of your alert saying ‘ human’ or ‘ person’ you can put a name to a face, quite literally. This works sometimes, but if anyone has ever seen themselves just mooching about outside, caught on camera, then you will understand that some of the gormless, unflattering faces you can make are never going to look like an image taken when you know the camera is on you! All in all, I am super impressed with this and recommend it highly.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    After using these cameras for a couple month now by far the best cameras I owned the 4k recording crystal clear 8x zoom big help
    Batteries level great aswell and solar charging great for topping up the battery and lastly the ai Edge lovely touch eufy got it right on this feature

  35. OnitaTKEbch says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Tremendous equipment a bit on the pricey side however a great additio

  36. MajorTPXSdtncns says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    picture quality is good.all good design in this, face recognition, resistance, local storage, Spotlight, etc.Recommend!

    Good product without a doubt, recommended!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Like it to have the solar panel with self charging, it is also easy to install and connect to the app. Functions such as night vision and face detection are working very well with high quality vision. I have been using for almost a week now, and can always detect my neighbours cat coming over.

  38. KOWTeresit says:

     United Kingdom

    Been waiting a few years for this product. Other solutions were always complex and expensive. I even bought a NAS ( QNAP ) to include Security. That would have involved a lot of work, including cabling with POE etc and cost, so never got around to it. The NAS is just full of music and backups etc. The difference with Eufy is that it solves all these problems. No cables, Reliable 2.4 GHz connectivity and responsive app connection. All I need. Thank you Eufy Good job.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThese cameras are definitely the best I’ve tried. With my job I’m lucky enough to try different brands from Nest, Blink, Ring, Neos and these are 100% the best so far.

    They have by far, the best amount of options for customising settings. From recording activation time, length of recording and the best feature is seeing the amount of power you’re getting from the solar panel.

    The face detection is also very good, and you can add family’s photos meaning it will know them the next time they visit. I’ve got mine set to alert me to cars and humans but have turned off pet detection as we do have a lot of cats which pass under the cameras

    The 4K quality is also great and is a massive benefit over 1080p cameras as I can now zoom in down the drive while retaining the image quality. I can also see how these won’t need charging at all as mine have been up with winter weather and have already charged via the solar panel. (Ignore the first day as I was unboxing them inside)

    I’ve also manged to cancel all of my subscriptions now I am recording locally to the hard drive. Fitted a 2TB HDD so shouldn’t have to delete any clips for a long time.

    The only downsides I’ve found so far is the iPad app as this doesn’t seem to fit the screen very well. And I can’t get either of the cameras to work when viewing from a web browser. I would also really like to buy two more cameras to see how the hub three will handle more than 2 devices but they aren’t cheap. (close to buying another pack of two with another hub)

    Don’t let any of the above put you off as these issues I’m sure will be fixed by Eufy. Will hopefully be ordering more add on cameras and will be recommending to all my customers.

    Definitely the best camera system you can buy!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our Users1st time using eufy products. Set up really easy and managed to do this following the instructions. Only downside is the Homebase 3 doesn’t support Wi-Fi and needs to be kept on an Ethernet cable which could make positioning a little tricky depending on where your router is. Lucky to have BT disks so have used the Ethernet port in the back of 1 of the mesh disk.
    Looking forward to adding more cameras and adding to the review.

    Working well so fa