JMDHKK Anti Spy Detector, Bug Detector, Hidden Camera

JMDHKK Anti Spy Detector, Bug Detector, Hidden Camera Detectors ,Camera Detector, GPS Detector ,Bug Sweeper for GPS Tracker GSM Listening Device Hidden Camera Laser in office car or meeting or hotel

Get familiar with the common Bugs and Surveillance Devices
1. Active wireless cameras.
2. Active GPS trackers.
3. Active wireless tapping on the landline phone or cellular phone.
4. Active wireless eavesdroppers
5. Magnetic GPS trackers turned on or off.
6. Active GSM /CDMA/DECT/3G/4G/5G bugs.
7. Active bugging transmitter operating over Wi-Fi network, Bluetooth.
8. Active body-carried illegal transmitters.
9. All camera lenses on both wired cameras and wireless cameras.
Weight: | 204 g |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 11 x 5.49 x 2.21 cm; 204.12 Grams |
Model: | K88 |
Part: | K88 |
Colour: | K88 Advanced Anti Spy Detector |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium Ion |
Manufacture: | Biznlink |
Dimensions: | 11 x 5.49 x 2.21 cm; 204.12 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
I must say, this is an amazing little gadget.
I originally bought it out of curiosity, and I found that it really lives up to the product description. Its functionality is almost perfect, I tested it using their so-called RF detect mode on Wi-Fi routers and smartphones, and it worked flawlessly, I believe it’s because electronic devices emit strong signals that are easily detectable. Then, I tested it on my AirTag, and it was also very easy to locate.
I also used the so-called Magnetic mode to test the AirTag, and it could be detected, but you need to be closer for it to work, probably because the AirTag has a weak magnetic field. When I used it to detect a Chinese made GPS tracker, I was amazed! ! it detected it from quite a distance. As for camera detection, I can only say that this product will be very helpful, but when it identifies something like a camera, you still need to make your own judgment. For someone like me who is into electronic gadgets and doesn’t travel frequently or stay in hotels where privacy might be an issue, I may not use it often, but I would definitely carry it with me. In summary, this little gadget has left me astonished. The user instruction is easy to understand.
Easy to use and effective. Found two spy cameras in my condo and a gps in my suv.. needless to say, I am much more observant of whom I let in my personal spaces.
Awesome found everything that shouldn’t have been there thank god for this device!
It does exactly what it was designed to do. Great product.
It alarmed at my internet and not at my phone, maybe a little more trial with the uni
At first felt like it was a good representation of what it should do,I was mistaken very quickly. Validated the whole process.
I like this product, but it’s not the most user friendly so read the instructions first!
Excellent service and a high-quality product. Easy to understand instructions and if you follow them exactly you will get results. I am very impressed and it comes in a decent box also.
RF and IR detector. Works easily and well. Have not used it to detect MR yet. Also detects some electric cable emission. Nest used with all appliances off. Strange activity detected in some switched off devices that do not require WIfi ie stronger than electric emissions.
Good for detector RF activity.
A bit difficult to get used to at start. Instructions are not as clear I would have liked but after playing around it by myself I soon got the hang of it.
I was living in emergency accommodation and never felt safe. I saw this and thought I’d give it a go.
I purchased with mobile phone/ USB data blockers
After being convinced that I was being spied on.
I quickly discovered that there was a recording device in the door handle of my room. A tiny little camera hidden within a screw.
I also found a camera hidden inside of a smoke alarm/sprinkler above my bed.
It also detected something inside of the bathroom that I was unable to locate. All I know is that it was around the mirror.
Quickly after discovering this and reporting I noticed the two rooms next to mine were quickly made vacant.
I continued using it and there was also something detected around the window frames.
I complained to the correct authority and presented my findings and it was not investigated as far as I am aware but I was moved out within just a few days.
An excellent product that did exactly what I was hoping it would do.
Works fine but I did need to read the instructions to get an understanding and how the modes work and how to select them correctly but then it is easy to use.
Very simple but effective and nice and loud if needed. It also doesn’t take up much space at all so a must when going to unknown hotels and sleeping accommodations.
I got it just as a extra precaution when in a air BnB
this part is stolen but well worded
If you are worried about being spied on in an Air BnB or hotel, there is a good chance the devices used in those types of scenarios would be hardwired or internal recording devices, and NOT be detected. So, this device is good for finding some types of bugs, but I would not have high confidence in considering a room “all clear” after just sweeping it with this detector.
This came quickly and was in a wonderful study box, great directions abs produc
Love the way the screen shows levels little hard to figure out the buttons and what does White but so far so good will update
It does what it should. I like it. Im a beginner but this pin points metal really well.
Seems to work as indicated. Great for piece of mind. Wish is would tell what signals it is detecting but for the price it is decent.
Brilliant pin pointer, works very well even on the smallest of things!
I decided to try this one and its 4x more powerful than the GP and does what it’s meant to do.
I really thought it was going to be like a cheap toy, I was taken back by the packaging.. Nothing cheap about any of it. It showed quality from the moment I unpacked it, as for accuracy it is superb. Understand it’s not a magic wand. Just like anything you have to be patient and learn how to finesse using it as with any tool you’ve never used before but in the long run you will find what your looking for guaranteed on top of that it’s fun to use and learn, it’s not a chore. I highly recommend this product. It returns privacy to its rightful owner… You!!
Blessings to the real guys to know what’s going on around you.
I just bought one of your Anti spy can you make sure it accurately works as says in your information section ,i am good in this kind of gadget and i will know if it dosent do what it says or gives me not accurate reading i will return it back please dont send me something does not work if it says what it does i will wright a good review 100%
When i order the product there was something missing and i made a contact with the customer service by email and they did send me a new package in only 2 days . Thank you . Am really happy
I do have to say that the sensitivity settings were difficult. It seems like it went from picking up almost nothing, to frustratingly beeping at everything. They did eventually find a good middle ground that seemed to only catch the broadcasting objects. It obviously won’t catch everything, like it needs to be broadcasting to be caught, but it has given them a lot of fun. Cant’ wait till they can clear hotels for us once travel is possible again.
Off the bat, this device has a ton of features. From all the different frequencies and types of devices it could detect- some I had not even previously been aware of- the full capabilities of this in terms of detection are great. Testing it at home, I was able to detect the things that I knew would give off those frequencies. The sensitivity adjustment has served me well too, as it was able to detect them sometimes from as much as 2 feet away. In general, you do need to be pretty close to the item in question to find it. All that means is it will take some patience (and a lot of beeping) to sweep the room, and you learn from the manual what areas are the most common to find these devices.
The manual is long, but its a little hard to figure out certain things as a beginner. I found youtube tutorials useful for that. The seller here also has a couple quick videos introducing you to various features.
This device is lightweight and easy to pack in the sturdy box it came in, so will be easy to bring along your travels. I do think it is good to have the peace of mind of having one of these on hand, and I’ll be bringing this along with me for mine.
It is very important to realize the limitations of this device and what it is good at detecting. This detector is best suited to detect any device giving off RF signals. So, it will work well to detect a WiFi based pinhole camera, for instance. It will also detect listening bugs that are actively transmitting audio. It will detect devices actively using a cellular connection, and will also detect intermittent signals if you are patient enough to wait for a connection to be made. This device will NOT detect devices that are hardwired or that record internally. So, this will not detect a camera connected with an ethernet cable (many permanent cameras are hardwired like this with a POE connection). This will also NOT detect a camera that records all video/images to an internal SD card. If you are worried about being spied on in an AirBnB or hotel, for example, there is a good chance the devices used in those types of scenarios would be hardwired or internal recording devices, and NOT be detected. So, this device is good for finding some types of bugs, but I would not have high confidence in considering a room “all clear” after just sweeping it with this detector. In summary, this detector will find all the “low hanging fruit”, but will not detect devices installed by anyone who knows what they are doing.
This unit does do a pretty good job detecting RF devices, and this is where it shines in my opinion. There can be some issues with high background RF levels, so you just have to keep an eye on the signal gain and adjust it up/down as necessary. Keep in mind if you are operating in a high RF environment, you will have to turn the gain down and have to get the detector relatively close to the RF emitting device in order for it to be detected.
This unit does detect magnetic devices, but you have to have the probe very close to the magnet in order for it to be detected. I tested with a hard drive neodymium magnet, which is quite strong, and had to be right in front of the magnet, within about an inch, in order to detect it. This mode is meant to detect magnetic GPS trackers that you can attach to a car, and I am not sure how successful this will be for that. You will have to move the probe head over literally every square inch of magnetic material on your car in order to accurately sweep the entire vehicle. This would take an exorbitant amount of time.
This is meant to identify the reflections from camera lenses, such as tiny pinhole camera lenses. This mode does not work all that well. It just shines red light around the room using some LEDs, and you are supposed to look through a red filter that helps to highlight any reflections coming from the room you are in. In practice, there are a lot of objects around most rooms that are somewhat reflective (any slightly shiny objects), so you get a lot of false positives. In addition, the reflection from a pinhole camera lens is quite dependent on the incident light angle. This means you have be looking straight at the camera lens, and cannot be off axis or else the light will not reflect well. So, you cannot just stand in the center of a room and scan in a circle around you — you have to walk parallel to all the walls/objects, and move your head in the vertical plane to maintain a perpendicular angle to any object you are scanning where you want to detect a pinhole lens. I attempted to illustrate this effect using a keychain pinhole camera that I usually keep in my car in case I need to record any incidents with police or other motorists. It was a bit difficult to get a good photo through the red filter on this device, but you can see in the image pointing straight at the keychain that the camera lens is quite obvious. Once I move off axis, it is no longer very obvious.
The product itself is solid and comes with everything needed. It has an RF antenna and a really long, flexible probe for magnetic detection. It also comes with the ubiquitous USB charging cord that everyone who has any electronic gadgets at all has a pile of sitting in a box somewhere. That went into my box.
The instruction manual is, in my opinion, very well done. It is in plain English and easy to understand. I only found a few minor errors. It is much better than the majority of manuals for electronic devices made in China. Because this is a somewhat complex device with a lot of features and functions, the manual is necessarily thick. I was able to learn everything that I needed about the device that I needed to know from the manual.
One thing that the manual instructs is that before attempting to detect bugs or whatever, all electronic devices. I did not do this. I tested it around my mesh wifi with a node on each end of the house and my Macbook sitting on a table. It was very sensitive to all of those things and even with the sensitivity turned way down, it detected these item easily. It also detected my Garmin GPS watch, my thermostat, my alarm panel, my smart lock, my microwave, my Echo Show, and my TV. It is a very sensitive device. It easily detected every camera that I had, including those on my phone and on the Echo Show.
Based on the results of my test, I think that it will prove useful in a hotel room setting. There’s not a lot of electrical things in a hotel that could cause interference so things like bugs and, much more likely, hidden cameras could be detected.
I don’t need all the bells and whistles on this defectors. I don’t think there is anyone will track me by GPS or put a listening device around me because I am nobody. Not a big shot from any big company and I don’t own any business. I only want a scanner for hidden camera for my family’s privacy when we are staying in hotel rooms during travel a peace of mind.
I read the user’s manual and it is easy to follow and understand. It is written in plain and simple English. Not much funny and incorrect foreign language translations on some manual from some cheap made in China products I have purchased before. I understand the basic features of the detector and how to operate what I care for by reading it once.
I tested it with my own wireless cameras in the room, my camera lens on my smartphones and tablets. I can easily locate their lenses under the blinking red light through the view finder easily. I can also detect wireless signals from my wireless cameras through the RF mode. I know they are not hidden, but at least I can tell the detector actually work and I can practice my detective skill with this gadget. The only thing I dislike about it is the calibration. I need to walk outdoor or away from any electronics to recalibrate before the best accuracy. Wish it can be done by just a click of a button or something.
They recommend you turn off everything before detecting. Otherwise if your house is full of wifi items, you’ll get lots of false notifications.
*they give you a nice box to put it into
*they give you a USB card
*they give you a very detailed manual with tips and instructions but don’t expect it to be easy
*I was able to find the cameras I knew about using the view finder and the blinking red lights. The lights are really noticeable, they are not stealthy at all. My whole driveway was blinking.
*it found my fitbit which I didn’t realize I had on.
*it found my wifi items in my home.
*It seemed to detect some wifi items through 2 walls until I found out where it was detecting.
*can’t really test magnetic detection unless someone puts a gps tracker on me? Catch 22. haha.
-When you put it on vibrate and mess around with the sensitivity dial it comes off vibrate and starts making noise which is annoying.
-You get a lot of false positives. Things set it off like: my in ceiling lights
Overall, i think it does some of the job but it’s difficult to tell how many are false positives vs. real targets. I’ll definitely be using it and learning how to be more effective at detecting.
I bought this for the protection of my x. Because I still love her. But don’t know. I’m sorry