KTS Laser Therapy System for Hair Growth, Hair Regrowth
KTS Laser Therapy System for Hair Growth, Hair Regrowth Helmet & Hat for Men and Women, Hair Loss Treatment for Thinning Hai
From the brand
KTS Hot Selling Products
Dimensions: | 24.2 x 21.9 x 13.2 cm; 1.04 Kilograms |
Brand: | KTS |
Colour: | Blue,Red |
Manufacture: | YJT |
Dimensions: | 24.2 x 21.9 x 13.2 cm; 1.04 Kilograms |
Reference: | LED-K |
I bought this item exactly 12 months ago. Prior to this had professional LED laser therapy at the clinic for 6 months with micro needle and minoxodil.
So once I stopped the clinic treatments I realised im loosing lots of hair. I was still using Minoxidil but it didnt have the full effect combined with red laser therapy So I bought this helmet.
I have to admit after using it 1.5 month the hair stopped falling (minoxidil treatment was not stopped)
after 3 months my hair were as full as back in the clinic PROVING THE HELMET WORKS PERFECTLY FINE!
i stopped after 3 months and started loosing hair again. I have now started to use it again for 1 month and can see improvements again!
I try to use it 2x times a day in the morning 20-30min (red) and evening 1hour (red)
I do use the blue lights every now and then and still using micro needling + Minoxodil!
So yh i do recommend it highly!
Sto usando il casco da due mesi..e devo dire che ho molti capelli in ricrescita. Venivo da una caduta abbondante da stress che mi ha fatto perdere densit nella parte superiore. Serve molta costanza, io lo uso una volta al giorno in abbinata con massaggio, lozioni ed integratori. Non smetter di usarlo finch non sar soddisfatta dei miei capelli.
Je l’ai achet il y a maintenant 3 mois et je l’utilise 2 fois par jour pendant 40 minutes. Le rsultat ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain mais ma coiffeuse m’a confirm qu’au bout de 3 mois il y avait une efficacit et que des petits cheveux repoussaient. Avec le dbut de la quarantaine, je commence avoir un dbut de calvitie mais ce produit semble avoir stopp la chute tout en favorisant la repousse.
L’efficacit de lumire est relle mais je pense que ce produit est utile pour un dbut de calvitie et non quand celle-ci est trop avance.
Mes cheveux ont retrouv de la brillance et de la densit. Il y a une pousse nouveau cheveux en cours, c’est faible mais j’en suis qu’au tout dbut.
D’aprs la description je m’attendais un bonnet. En faite il s’agit d’un casque ( une coquille dur. Bmol il faut rester assis prs d’une prise pour l’utiliser.
Je pensais que je pourrais le mettre comme un bonnet et vaquer mes occupations et qu’il y aurait une batterie. J’tais decu la rception mais a a l’air de me faire du bien alors je me dis que c’est cela qui compte le plus 7
Ho questo prodotto da 40 giorni
Lo faccio 40 minuti al giorno tutti i giorni.
Applico foligain spray ogni giorno
Assumo zinco in capsule
Avevo la parte centrale della testa completamente priva di capelli diramata e in questi giorni inizio a vedere i primi capelli ricrescere
Aggiorner tra 2 mesi la recensione
Penso sia la mia prima recensione qui su Amazon ma ho deciso di scriverla perch penso possa essere utile per tutti quelli che sono arrivati a cercare questo prodotto. Dopo 1 mese abbondante i risultati ci sono. Ho abbinato il caschetto anche a una serie di impacchi per i capelli, ma direi che globalmente il risultato stato super positivo sulla mia alopecia da stress. La cosa fondamentale la costanza nell’uso del casco (almeno 3 volte alla settimana da 40 minuti).
Spero di essere stata utile
It arrived quickly and in good conditions.
It switches on and off, I see the blue and red lights. I must say that the helmet is cheaply done, it is not hergonomic and way too big for my head. I had to tape 2 sort of belts that will keep it steady, otherwise it would be impossible to wear. I also added tape internally because my hair would get entangled inbetween the helmet’s rubber band. It’s clearly a cheap product, and that’s why we choose it against the more expensive ones!
But as I said, it turns on and off so I’m trying to use it every day.
It’s been about 10 days so no results yet, but I will update in 2-3 months.
For now I’m giving it 3 stars, but if it works I’ll give it a 5. If it doesn’t it will get a 1
I’m starting to see growth so I’ll give the promised 5 stars. I see the little hair there, they’re about 2cm. Not a massive amount, but a beginning.
Plus, I haven’t had hair shed despite the strictly diet I’m doing (i generally get that).
I’ve been using this at least 2-3 times every week, I’ll carry on for 2-3 months and then report back.
This device, to my surprise, actually works! You have to remember that hair grows slowly so you have to give your hair time to grow out before you can truly tell it’s working.
My hair is especially slow growing, but after 2 solid months of using it at least once daily, I am seeing a beautiful, healthy hair growth peeking out all over my scalp. And I will continue using it, I wish I would have known this sooner.
I’ve tried all sorts of things to get my hair to be healthy again, and this was the missing piece of the puzzle. Really incredible!
Love this product been using for nearly a year now and seeing great results .The team are also great to get back to you for any issues with the products thank you so much Guys !!!!
Hay que utilizarlo por lo menos 3 das cada semana. Los resultados los he visto a los 4 meses. Me gusta que tenga los dos colores, el rojo para mejorar el crecimiento y el azul antibacteriano. Tambin existen gorras pero el coste es bastante superior.