Mini PC, 8 Cores Core i9-10880H Processor(Up to 5.1GHz

Mini PC, 8 Cores Core i9-10880H Processor(Up to 5.1GHz), 16GB DDR4 256GB SSD Mini Computer Windows 11 Pro Desktop Computer Support 4K HDMI, DP Dual Display 2.4G/5G WiFi, BT4.2, Gigabit Etherne
Let’s learn about WEIDIAN Mini Computer

Q1: What is in this box?
- A1:1x Powerful mini pc, 1x Power Adaptor , 1x DP to HDMI Cable, 1x HDMI Cable, 1x User Manual (Note: Some models are not equipped with DP Cable because the package sent before does not include DP Cable).
Q2: What is the specific operating system?
- A2:This mini pc CPU 7th generation CPU do not support the installation of Windows 11 system. Other models come pre-installed with Windows 11 pro. If you need to upgrade Windows 11, please contact we for a tutorial.
Q3:How to enter the BIOS interface?
- A3:Please press the start button and then continuously click the delete button to enter the BIOS interface.
Q4:How to set Auto Power On?
- A4:This mini computer cannot directly set Auto Power On Function in BIOS. If you need to set up, please contact we to get the tutorial video.
Please: If you encounter any difficulties, please be sure to cont*act us
Weight: | 1.69 kg |
Dimensions: | 15 x 13.7 x 6.5 cm; 1.69 Kilograms |
Brand: | WEIDIAN |
Colour: | 8 Cores 10th Gen Core i9-10880H |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | WEIDIAN |
Dimensions: | 15 x 13.7 x 6.5 cm; 1.69 Kilograms |
Apres 2 ans d’utilisation intensive de ce Minipc…je l’adore. Studio d’enregistrement nous avons une dizaine de pc qui tournent 24/24. J’ai achet celui-ci en 2021 pour remplacer mon pc de bureau. La bonne surprise: je peux aussi travailler sur mes sessions Cubase Pro les plus lourdes, faire du montage dans DaVinci Resolve sans problme. La deuxime bonne surprise est le SAV. Suite un problme d’alimentation j’ai contact le SAV et j’ai eu un suivi de la panne trs ractif avec une personne attentive, le minipc est reparti aprs 3 jours d’changes avec eux. En fait l’alimentation externe tait en cause. Rien de bien mchant. Merci Weidian!
LLeg varios das antes de lo previsto. Tras solucionar un pequeo problema de conexion con un cable HDMI, va perfecto, muy rpido, potente y silencioso. Windows 11 pro en castellano y ni un problema ms. Estoy encantado.
MiniPc facile da installare, molto silenzioso con diverse connessioni disponibili.
Ottima l’ assistenza online in caso di necessit.
Consigliatissimo per chi vuole risparmiare spazio sulla scrivania.
Have been using this for just less than a year since upgrading from a 10 year old PC and this is more than perfect, super fast, and super easy to set up. Amazing and responsive customer service after sales as well.
Thank you very much for the team that helped me a lot during the whole purchase procedure. Unfortunately we had a small problem and even though I needed to return the device, the support from the team was amazing. The quality of the device is unquestionable. You are a high quality and honest company.
If it is imperative to have a low noise computer then probably consider to go for a fan-less one. Heat can also be a bit of concern. In any case the product performs excellently.
The best: a very good quality support and help from the seller.
I purchased a Weidian minicomputer after noticing the specification and size of the unit. It really is small enough to slip into your ruck sack or briefcase.
I also noticed a good discount in the Amazon Prime Sale.
My unit came with 16gb of memory and a 256 Gb NVMe SSD, Intel I9 processor and 4k graphics.
The unit exceeded my expectations. I am now enjoying apps which open at lightning speed truly impressed by how my work which involves websites, educational papers and blogs with lots of photo content has been improved.
During the process of setting up the computer I wanted to upgrade to Windows 11 which was already in use on my laptop, increase the RAM to 64GB and add a further 1Tb NVME SSD to this tiny computer.
Having experience of adding memory etc. I was again surprised by the ease of fitting the upgrade. Simple straightforward just a few minutes.
Even when I encountered problems with the software upgrade the support which was quickly organised t, was thorough and professional the upgrade required to the computer’s BIOS created a blip in the mother board, requiring replacement, the new unit duly arrived the next day the process went flawlessly. I am now typing this review in windows 11. The computer fully upgraded to my personal specification not one I am forced to buy because of the mass production used by large computer organisations.
I would whole heartedly recommend this computer and the company with its brilliant support.
Definitely 5
Este es el quinto equipo que compro y hasta ahora “0” incidencias.
Utilizo los equipos para aplicaciones industriales y tiene grandes prestaciones. El sistema inicia muy rpido y trabaja muy cmodo con aplicaciones de alta carga de CPU.
El vendedor hasta ahora un “10”.
-A cualquier consulta responde casi de manera instantnea
-Me envi un video muy explicativo para el arranque automtico por corte de luz.
-Me arreglo gilmente el tema de Factura e IVA.
El nico aspecto a mejorar, es el plazo de entrega aunque que insisto, se cumpli exactamente lo establecido pero es de aproximadamente 15 das.
Avvio di windows senza problemi, reattivit superlativa, ricchezza di porte, silenziosit della ventola, il cui funzionamento a stento si percepisce, calore non eccessivo, sicuramente gestibile dal sistema. In conclusione, un gioiellino, senz’altro da consigliare.
La consegna stata puntualissima, nel primo giorno del periodo preannunciato in sede di ordinativo.
L’assistenza, alla quale mi sono gi rivolto per delucidazioni, si rivelata solerte ed efficace.
Lo staff appare tangibilmente orientato alla qualit massima sulla frontiera delle tecnologie disponibili.
Es pequeo y prctico, no ocupa nada, obviamente al ser un i7 de dcima generacin se calienta un poco pero va muy fluido.
PC konnte nicht mehr gebootet werden. Fehler wegen Garantieanspruch an Amazon gemeldet. Rasche Kontaktaufnahme durch Technikberatung. Sehr gute Vorschlge durch die Technikberatung, dadurch konnte ich selber den PC von WEIDIAN wieder in Gang setzen, Ich habe mit Anleitung der Technikberatung selber ein BIOS Update machen knnen. Danach konnte ich Windows 10 wieder aufspielen. Die Anleitungen hiefr erhielt ich von der Technikberaterin zur Verfgung gestellt. Sehr professionelle Abwicklung und freundlicher Kontakt. Kann ich nur empfehlen. Jederzeit wieder. DANKE
This is so amazing what a little thing can do! I’m so amazed!
O produto superou as minhas expectativas. Excelente relao preo/qualidade. Um bom investimento, para quem procura uma soluo compacta e funcional.
Mini-PC utilis pour le dveloppement quip de 2 crans 27″ : modle avec 32Go RAM / 512Go SSD.
La petite taille permet de l’avoir sur son bureau sans que cela ne gne : c’est trs pratique pour l’accs aux ports USB en faade.
Dmarrage hyper rapide et puissance de traitement incroyable.
La ventilation ne s’entend pas : trs apprciable quand on y passe toutes ses journes.
Le prix, l’poque tait trs bas pour la qualit du produit.
Le prix a un peu augment mais il reste raisonnable vu la qualit du produit
Le dlai de livraison a t relativement rapide.
La communication avec le vendeur est toujours trs agrable et professionnel.
Je n’ai eu aucun problme en 10 mois d’utilisation intense.
Je conseille fortement ce produit et ce super vendeu
Entregado en plazo y en perfectas condiciones. Pequeo y potente. Poco ruidoso. La instalacin de Windows 10 Pro viene en Ingls. El SSD lleg configurado en tres particiones, un nmero excesivo a mi parecer. Carece de puerto C . Excelente relacin calidad/precio
Trs agrablement surpris par les performances de ce mini pc. Je l’utilise pour streamer avec ma PS4 et avec la charge de travail demand le ventilo ne fait pas normment de bruit et chauffe trs peu. Si vous n’avez pas trop de place pour votre setup je le recommande vivement.
Gekauft hab ich den Rechner zur Nutzung im HomeOffice fr die Citrix-Anwendung.
Meine Kriterien waren Win10, viel Hauptspeicher, gute Grafikkarte, Anschlu mehrerer Monitore ber verschiedene Anschlsse (HDMI, DP, USB-C), mehrere USB-Anschlsse fr Peripheriegerte.
Ich habe den Rechner jetzt mehrere Monat in Gebrauch, es passt fr mich. Er ist schnell, aktuell sind zwei Monitore angeschlossen, einer 34-Zoll. Daten hab ich auf externer Festplatte. Auch nach 10 Stunden ist der Rechner hchstens handwarm.
Fr meine Bedrfnisse perfekt und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Installationen und Anbindung an WLAN etc problemlos.
Un peu inquiet d’acheter ce producteur pas trs connu mais aprs 1 mois d’utilisation la satisfaction est totale : rapidite, compatibilits , fonctionnalit et nombre important des ports USB. Un rapport qualit / prix imbattable . Je recommande viveme