NexiGo StreamCam N930E with Software, 1080P Webcam with Ring
NexiGo StreamCam N930E with Software, 1080P Webcam with Ring Light and Privacy Cover, Auto-Focus, Plug and Play, Web Camera for Online Learning, Zoom Meeting Skype Teams, PC Mac Laptop Desktop
2MP Full-HD (1920×1080)
2MP Full-HD (1920×1080)
5MP 2K QHD (2560X1440) Sony Sensor
Field of View
36-90° Adjustable View
Privacy Cover
Refresh Rate
2K@30FPS, 1080P@60FPS
Windows 7/8/10/11, Mac OS, Andriod, XBOX, Skype, Youtube, Zoom, Windows Live@Messager, Hangouts etc instant messaging applications
Windows 7/8/10/11, Mac OS, Andriod, XBOX, Skype, Youtube, Zoom, Windows Live@Messager, Hangouts etc instant messaging applications
Windows 7/8/10/11, Mac OS, Andriod, XBOX, Skype, Youtube, Zoom, Windows Live@Messager, Hangouts etc instant messaging applications
What an amazing picture. Audio is clear and the built-in light was an unseen bonus.
Very easy to install, worked with all my apps, and was even able to take HD pictures.
I was impressed and wowed, very glad I chose this one.
The NexiGo StreamCam N930E is an excellent addition to my streaming setup. Its 1080P resolution provides crisp and clear video quality, perfect for video conferencing and content creation. The integrated ring light is a game-changer, allowing me to adjust the brightness to suit various lighting conditions.
The privacy cover is a thoughtful addition, providing peace of mind when the camera is not in use. The included software makes customization easy, although I did find it slightly challenging to navigate at first.
Overall, the NexiGo StreamCam N930E offers great value and quality for beginners and seasoned content creators, with only minor room for improvement in the software interface. Highly recommended!
The light on the device is amazing. Hides all the stuff you hate about the way you look. Can adjust too for more or less light.
When we tested it my voice was not quite clear enough but we will test my Mac to see what that was all about soon.
Every thing else is above & beyond. So satisfied.
Ich hatte vorher eine Kamera mit integriertem Lautsprecher, leider ohne Einstellungsmglichkeiten fr die Bildqualitt. Daher hab ich mir diese gekauft, obwohl sie keine Lautsprecher hat. Wenn die noch dabei wren, dann wre diese Kamera perfekt.
Habe diese Kamera als Alternative fr die integrierte Kamera des Lenovo Ideapad 3 (grottenschlecht) gekauft.
# Plug&Play hat problemlos funktioniert auf Win 11
# DIe Bildqualitt ist schon mal wesentlich besser und fr den Preis anstndig
# Die Software zur Einstellung der Tonwerte ist ok, aber Hauttne insbesondere unter Kunstlicht bleiben dennoch nicht gefllig.
# Der LED-Ring gibt Licht ab, dass gengt, um in vlliger Dunkelheit das Gesicht gut auszuleuchten. Darber hinaus aber wenig bis kein Effekt mehr bei bestehender Grundausleuchtung (Raumlicht)
# Die Kamera-Aktiv-LED scheint nicht zu funktionieren. Fnde ich aber schon wichtig.
# Das eingebautes Mikrofon gibt einen guten Klang – sagt zumindest die Gegenseite bislang.
# Autofokus funktioniert unauffllig
# Der beigefgte Shutter wre wohl zum aufkleben. Die Lsung scheint mir hier schon arg provisorisch, als wre die Idee dazu erst im nachhinein entstanden.
Ich finde die Kamera fr diesen Preis schon sehr in Ordnung. Fr mich und meine Videokonferenzen gengt sie allemal, denn sie hat eine adquate Bild- und Tonqualitt. Gute Kamera fr den Alltagsgebrauch. Wer wesentlich mehr will, muss dann sicher auch wesentlich mehr investieren.
The privacy shutter is included, but the buyer sticks it over the lens themselves. The shutter slides off of the stuck part of the privacy shutter, and separates from the body of the privacy shutter. This can easily be lost.
The good news is that it comes with two. The bad news is that the privacy shutter was an afterthought.
Der Webcam an sich funktioniert ganz gut ohne Installation. Das Licht bringt nichts. Lieber eine separate Lampe oder ein besserer Platz mit viel Tageslicht.
I have ordered close to 10 cameras at the same time. Different models different brands. I had to find the right lens angle and quality of camera.
Let me tell you the light capture with this is incredible. It probably comes from the 110 degrees angle. More light comes in. I work in the practically complete darkness and that camera makes it look like it is bright. All that in 1080.
Weird thing is that I had 3 nexigo as part of the 10 camera but the other nexigo didnt have that quality of picture
It was easily set just plug it in, it balances ok on top of my monitor, but let the lens cap moves it. The lens cap clicks on which disturbs the camera so I just rest it on, the mic is ok but a bit flat.
I work from home and have a few monitors I use, I don’t like using my laptop monitor and the camera on it wasn’t great either. I had to have a ring light to balance out the colors and keep me from looking like I was working in a dark closet. I decided to purchase this camera and haven’t even had to use the light on it! It has a great picture quality for what I need, and getting it up and running was a breeze!
Good video quality, base will screw into most tripods, only complaint is the “lense cover” it’s just a stick on shutter not an actual part of the camera.
Fr die Arbeit im Homeoffice habe ich mir die NexiGo Streamcam zugelegt. Zuvor habe ich mir viele andere Webcams und Rezensionenangesehen, um die Qualitt abzuwgen, da mir gerade fr meine Meetings ein gutes Bild sehr wichtig ist. Letztendlich landete ich hier, und bin mehr als nur zufrieden.
Es ist eine simple Plug-In Kamera, es mssen keine Treiber oder Programme installiert werden. Auf der Website von NexiGo findet man aber eine Software, die man auch auf meinem Foto sehen kann. Dadurch kann man die Kamera nach Belieben anpassen, und den Autofokus ein oder ausschalten. Bei anderen, gnstigen Anbietern kenne ich es meist so, dass diese nderungen gar nicht vorgenommen werden knnen. Das ist also schonmal ein riesiger Pluspunkt.
Mit der Kameraqualitt selbst bin ich ebenfalls sehr zufrieden. Sie ist deutlich besser als die der Konkurrenz, besonders enttuscht bin ich von den groen Marken. Natrlich ist es nur eine Webcam, aber dafr eine sehr gute! Ohne besondere Einstellungen sieht das Bild gut, natrlich, und sehr weich aus. Je nachdem wie es einem gefllt, kann man das dann ndern. In dem Programm kann man auch verschiedene Voreinstellungen speichern, wenn man dann schnell wechseln mchte. Also – mega gut und individuell anpassbar.
Mitgeliefert wurden auch aufklebbare Privatsphre-Schieber, die ich allerdings nicht benutzt habe. Die Packung war klein und enthielt alles wichtige – dazu kann man nichts negatives sagen. Das Licht, welches man mit einfachem Tippen in 3 verschiedenen Stufen einstellen kann, funktioniert wunderbar und hat eine gute Helligkeit, ohne zu Blenden. Also ebenfalls ein Pluspunkt. Man kann die Kamera leicht neigen, und dadurch auch das Blickfeld anpassen – nicht wie bei einem 360 Kugelding, aber gengend fr den simplen Gebrauch. Das Mikrofon hat einen guten Klang, allerdings hrt man ein Rauschen – ich habe mich allerdings nicht viel damit beschftigt, da ich ohnehin ein Headset benutze.
Wenn ihr nach einer guten, soliden Kamera fr die Arbeit, Streamen oder Videochats braucht, dann kann ich euch die NexiGo auf jeden Fall ans Herz legen.
Laptop cameras are okay but the angles are aimed up, not level. The wins with this camera start with the 1080p, unless you are not photogenic, then this is not a win because this camera is crystal clear. Many are 720p and blur the subject like your first drink. The monitor clip works fine, it can be tripod mounted, the camera has a light ring for darker settings and a camera cover that slides open and closed very simply. Overall it is everything listed in the description.
The video is jerky and the light is not all the bright and remember if you wear a glass the defection of the light will show on your glass unless you have a antiglare coating on it.
Fr den Preis ein unschlagbares Einstiegsmodell, das Ringlicht bietet eine gute Helligkeit zur Beleuchtung. Das Bild ist solide. Besser als ich fr den Preis erwartet habe. Klare Empfehlung als Einstiegsmodell.
Finde die Webcam gut, man darf aber keine Wunder erwarten. Bildqualitt ist gut und ausreichend fr Teams/Skype. Vergleichbar mit den Kameras von Notebooks. Nachteil ist das man die Kamera nicht richtig verdecken kann. Dazu wird nur ein kleines Plastikteil mitgeliefert was man drber kleben soll. Das funktioniert aber nicht gut. In Summe fr mich kein riesen Problem, weil man anhand einer LED sieht ob die Kamera an ist oder nicht. Was mir sehr gut gefllt, die Kamera ist Plug/Play. Man muss keine Software installieren, sie wird sofort in Teams/Skype erkannt und funktioniert.
Does the job. Looks to be well made. Image quality is OK, but not broadcast quality – but I don’t need that for Zoom and Teams calls, so happy. For the price, it is as least as good as I would have hoped. Downloadable app is idiot proof as well.
Picture quality is great. The light output is sufficient for my office requirements. The button to turn the light on and off does not work well and can be challenging. The way the camera attaches to a monitor can be tricky and unstable.
Don’t expect Go Pro quality or functionality. I purchased this for my 9 year old son. He is creating a YouTube channel. The instructions were a bit confusing and it took an hour to figure out turning off the lap top camera so we can use this one. Great for Zoom calls
I was “.” close to returning this because after installing the drivers and program I felt like a middle-school boy watching the scrambled Playboy channel when my parents were asleep hoping to see the shape of a breast or if I was really lucky, a nipple. No matter the setting, the image was a hot scrambled mess. Nothing during the install told me I needed to reboot but those haunting L1 Tech Support calls I’ve made in years past were whispering in my ears. “Have you turned it off and back on yet?”
Now I had unplugged the USB and plugged it back in several times with no luck. But when I finally listened to the voices in my head, success. No other problems. Quality is great. Works like a charm.
My face is poorly lit on Zoom calls unless I turn on the light of the NexiGo. Thus the light is a very useful feature. One big caveat: You probably need an auxiliary power cord for the USB hub you are plugging the NexiGo into. Otherwise, not enough power to use the camera and light at the same time.
I purchased one of these for my home office and one for my work office. I have been generally pleased with the quality of video. In my home office, the picture is a little grainy and I have had some challenges with proper color balance that I am still trying to resolve, hence the 4 star review. However, the camera does have some nice features to adjust color temperature and other video settings.
Good picture
Easy setup – just plug it in and go
Ring light is very nice with four brightness settings – just tap the light to toggle between brightness levels.
Privacy cover is garbage and a joke. This is an aftermarket stick on privacy cover for a laptop. There is no way to install it without blocking one of the Mic, light sensor or part of the ring light. I feel the advertising on this part is very misleading. Just unplug the camera if you’re worried about privacy.
everything works as described. the picture quality is decent, the included simple privacy cover works as well
the autofocus(AF) works by default on windows, but you do need to install the app on macOS to enable it. AF performance is just okey. the light could be a bit brighter as i always had to choose the brightest level.
overall it’s great and i am glad i picked this one over any more expensive ones as its got more functionalities, overall good image quality and yet cheaper price.
Ich hatte lange mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mir frs Homeoffice eine separate Webcam zuzulegen. Da die Preise im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie aber enorm in die Hhe geschnellt sind, habe ich von meinen bevorzugten Modellen (z.B. Logitech) immer mehr Abstand genommen. Ich habe es nicht eingesehen, so viel Geld auszugeben.
Auf dieses Modell stie ich rein zufllig. Der Preis und die Rezensionen waren vielversprechend, weswegen ich die Webcam dann auch bestellt habe. Heute kam sie gut verpackt an. Habe sie direkt ausgepackt, an meinen Laptop gehngt und in Teams erste Tests gemacht.
Was ich sehr gut finde, ist das Ringlicht. Per Berhrung kann die Lampe in 3 Stufen zugeschaltet werden. In den Einstellungen kann man auch die Hz-Zahl verndern (mglich ist 50 oder 60 Hz). Damit habe ich die lstige Flackerei meiner LED-Lampen (was mich bei meiner integrierten Webcam extrem genervt hat) in den Griff bekommen. Die Bildqualitt finde ich soweit (und verglichen mit meiner alten, integrierten Webcam) sehr gut. Ob ein haupt- oder nebenberuflicher Streamer damit glcklich werden wrde, kann ich nicht beurteilen.
Insgesamt macht die Webcam aber einen sehr guten Eindruck. Auch die mitgeschickte Webcam-Abdeckung (von der brigens zwei im Paket lagen!) macht, was sie soll. Aber je nachdem, wie sie angebracht ist, verdeckt sie entweder die linke oder die rechte Seite neben der Linse (was man auch in anderen Rezensionen lesen kann). Ich verdecke bei geffneter Abdeckung das Mikrofon, weil ich ohnehin nur per Headset telefoniere und nicht auf das Webcam-Mirkofon angewiesen bin.
Falls es den ein oder anderen interessiert:
die Abmessung der Abdeckung betrgt 27×16 mm im geschlossenen und 41×16 mm im geffneten Zustand. Die ffnung hat die Mae 13×13 mm. Die Abdeckung wird sicherlich eine krzere Lebensdauer haben, als die Webcam (daher liegen vermutlich auch 2 Stck bei). Aber das finde ich jetzt weniger tragisch – ist in meinen Augen ein “Cent-Artikel”.
Abschlieend kann ich so viel sagen, dass die Webcam Stand jetzt fr meine Videochat-Anforderungen im Homeoffice vollkommen ausreicht. Sollte sich das bei regelmigem Gebrauch ndern, werde ich die Rezension entsprechend anpassen.
I was looking for a webcam to attach to my extended screen (I do not use my laptop screen). Because I am looking at my screen while the camera is on the side, I look like I am talking sideways on zoom calls. . It is just better to look straight in the direction of the camera for video calls, so I needed one.
In a camera, I was looking for the following
– Decent quality (Just good enough for video calls)
– No fish lens effect
– Preferably not wide-angle
– Preferably decent colour
– With optional ring light that I can keep off unless required
– Privacy protector (Camera cover/slider)
I was worried because you get a lot of fake reviews these days, it’s hard to trust the reviews. But, here’s what I got –
– The camera quality – Far better than what I get with my laptop camera, no fish lens effect, not that wide an angle
– The attached picture is without the use of any ring lights. I didn’t use the one with the camera. My room is lit with lamps that throw lights at the walls because I don’t like it in my face. I think the camera captured the colour and light in my room just right.
– The ring light with the camera is good though. You can keep it off. I prefer to not use any, because direct lights give me headaches, but the one with the camera is good if someone needs good lighting on their face for some reason.
– Could use it out of the box
– Attaches easily to the screen
Overall, I am absolutely satisfied and got what I was looking for.
Using the camera to stream to twitch from my Xbox and it’s great from the most part, I don’t use it’s built in mic as it’s not the best quality but the picture is great for the price
The only issue I have, and I’m not sure if it’s a camera issue or and issues with twitch/Xbox
But when I stream my voice will be out of sync with the camera. Which isnt a huge problem but it does ruin some clips my viewers capture
Solid product. I wish it had zoom controls and a remote. That would make it unbeatable. There is a nearly comparable but more expensive version with those features. They are quite different in some ways. Also wish this unit had more flexible mounting options. I had to McGuyver my mounting. I have a Microsoft Studio as my backup (the daily driver this displaced) and there is no loss in picture/video quality. I’d even say a fair bit of gain. The mike works well enough but I don’t use it. I have a Yeti Blue on my desk. Ring light can be a minus if you wear reflective glasses. Gives you an alien white-oval-eyes look. Can turn on/off easily. Can’t speak for its long-term durability but for now, it would seem that you can save some of those Logitech dollars.
Solid product. I wish it had zoom controls and a remote. That would make it unbeatable. There is a nearly comparable but more expensive version with those features. They are quite different in some ways. Also wish this unit had more flexible mounting options. I had to McGuyver my mounting. I have a Microsoft Studio as my backup (the daily driver this displaced) and there is no loss in picture/video quality. I'd even say a fair bit of gain. The mike works well enough but I don't use it. I have a Yeti Blue on my desk. Ring light can be a minus if you wear reflective glasses. Gives you an alien white-oval-eyes look. Can turn on/off easily. Can't speak for its long-term durability but for now, it would seem that you can save some of those Logitech dollars.
Great webcam always really clear good sound and has 3 light dimmer modes had this around 6 months now not had one problem with it. Works on messenger. Discord and steam fine. Plug in and play
I would recommend this produc
Great webcam very reliable and good picture and sound
This little camera does what it is supposed to do. I get a nice clear image for video calls and meetings. I use an external mic when recording, as the sound is typical of built in mics. However, the auto-focus is a nightmare. I used it for a video that I had to submit quickly- ie I didn’t take the time to review it- and the camera was zooming in and out- visibly refocussing constantly. Extremely distracting. You can and should turn this feature off. Turned off- the camera works fine. I didn’t find the light ring particularly helpful. It is bright and changes levels as advertised, but maybe it is just too small for the effect I needed. I set up my own lighting. However this camera did not cost more than one without the light ring- so still a good deal.
I got this because I was tired of everyone looking up my nostrils and me getting a bad neck looking down at my laptop camera during my meetings.
This camera sites very nicely on my External LG ultra fine monitor.
In terms of the light, it sometimes has the desired effect depending on the lighting condition in the room. It’s not very powerful so works best if it is darker in the room such as evenings or winter days.
Mine is plugged into a USB hub, works with my windows 10 and macOS devices, not for my iPad Pro though.
I added this to an OBS setup I have, which includes two other cameras with much higher price tags. This is an impressive piece of gear, especially for the price. It will hold its own against cameras costing much more.
I chose to not give it 5 stars for two reasons. First, the “privacy cover” is a joke. It is just a stick tab that will fail probably the second time you use it. Also, the Auto-focus pumps noticeably, even on a static head shot at about 4 feet. OBS allows me to turn it off and manually focus. Depending on what application you are using, this could be an issue. The light ring is better than expected, but I don’t really need it, so it didn’t weigh into my review. If it’s your only source of front light, it may not be adequate.
I recently purchased a Mac Mini M1 so obviously I need a HD webcam for work and recreation… there were so many I was literally getting confused which one would be the “better” camera. I first went with the EMeet Nova 1080P webcam, but I didn’t like the video quality and there was no way to adjust brightness, contrast, etc. So I returned that and got the Nexigo N930E for a little more money (it was between Nexigo or the Akasa v50 pro (which is more of an action camera but can be set as a webcam and it is more expensive). The Nexigo camera definitely has way better video quality (and for the price) and I like the ring light feature (three levels of lighting) and a webcam cover (which you have to affix yourself). The audio quality is decent but I use my XLR microphone for my audio. I did some video and audio tests on Quicktime. If I set the recording quality to Maximum and had my audio being captured via my XLR microphone, I did noticed that the video capture seem to lag; seems better when recording quality is set to High. If I set the recording quality to Maximum and had both video and audio captured via Nexigo, the video recording is seamless. It’s a little thing, but overall I am very satisfied with this webcam.
The video quality is great, a big upgrade on my laptop’s built in camera. It captures so much more light, plus the built in light source adds extra light when you need it. I still use my laptop’s built in mic though for Teams. While the camera’s built in mic has lower noise than the laptop’s, fair play, the small amount of noise it does have is higher pitched which Teams doesn’t do as a good job of filtering out, perhaps even accentuating it, so all my colleagues were asking what the noise was.
Superb picture/video quality. I compared it the Logitech C920 side by side and found the results of the NexiGo to be brighter and with more color saturation.
The light does make a difference and I like that I can control it independently regardless the webcam is on or off
It was purchased to use in Zoom meetings with the MacBook Pro, when it is closed, and an external monitor is being used.
I easily integrated it on both an 2015 iMac and a 2019 MacBook Pro running OS 11. I used my current USB-A hub to connect it to the MacBook Pro, which has thunderbolt ports.
The camera field of view is narrower than the iMac camera, which is good for Zoom meetings (not sure why some cameras have a wider angle lens).
The ring-light works well, and the 3 brightness levels are a nice feature; just touch to turn on/off or change brightness.
The lens cover is a paste-on, is thin, and is fully functional. I mounted it vertically, so it didn’t interfere with the microphone; however it does block some of the ring-light when open.
The tilt angle on the camera is controlled via its monitor attachment. The more the clamshell is closed the lower the tilt angle. It is only held onto the monitor by gravity.
When you use this camera with Zoom on an Apple computer, use Zoom preferences (found within dropdown under Zoom on the menu bar) to switch audio and video to the camera.
This little cam has made a big difference in my video calls. I have an older Dellxps, the one with the camera at the bottom of the screen, a location that renders the camera utterly useless. I’ve gone through a myriad of cheap external cameras over the years, most of which sucked and didn’t last long. You get what you pay for. Naturally my expectations were quite low for this one too, but to my surprise, it’s fantastic. It sits on top of my thin screen with quite a lot of stability and the picture is unexpectedly bright and clear, even in relatively low light. Look guys, I’m not filming loreal commercials here – I use it for business and family video calls and not much else. And within that context, it has far exceeded my expectations. It’s the little cam that could. As for the mic, I have no idea, but nobody has complained or asked me to sit closer or farther from the mic. So yay for that.
This was a fantastic replacement for my built in laptop webcam. Resolution is good, inbuilt light is a neat touch and is all plug and play.
As others have said, its a shame the privacy cover is a stick on afterthought. But the price means I can forgive that and still give 5 stars. This is a bargain.
Good quality camera and microphone. Very easy to set up and the camera has a useful stand/clip on the back to fix to your computer or TV. Also has a light controlled by a button on the front. Would recommend
Totally plug and play – out of the box, plugged in and up and running. Good picture quality, ring light is effective.
Only one small gripe (the difference between 4 and 5 stars) – as other reviewers have noted, the webcam cover is a joke. A piece of plastic that you stick on the front of the camera. Clearly an after thought and not part of the original design.
Two are supplied, which suggests that they wont last long. I broke one as I opened it.
The cover wasnt’ a key feature for me, and I was aware of it – but it is a shame that it is so crap.
Bought this for a zoom meeting on my ancient PC. I am very much a computer novice and this was definitely plug and go. Straightforward and successful, auto-focus with clear images and suitable lighting. I wish all IT apparatus was as user friendly.
Great size and well built. Needed a webcam for working from home. The light around the camera is really useful and gives it that extra lift when you need it.
Very easy to install, worked with all my apps, and was even able to take HD pictures.
I was impressed and wowed, very glad I chose this one.
The privacy cover is a thoughtful addition, providing peace of mind when the camera is not in use. The included software makes customization easy, although I did find it slightly challenging to navigate at first.
Overall, the NexiGo StreamCam N930E offers great value and quality for beginners and seasoned content creators, with only minor room for improvement in the software interface. Highly recommended!
Product is very easy to set up and use, almost a plug and play!
Great and clear camera
I don’t use the audio for this device, but the video is clear and I like that it has a privacy screen and a ligh
Comprei para o meu filho fazer lives dos jogos e ele adora.
I love this camera. Exactly what I needed to kick out background light.
The light on the device is amazing. Hides all the stuff you hate about the way you look. Can adjust too for more or less light.
When we tested it my voice was not quite clear enough but we will test my Mac to see what that was all about soon.
Every thing else is above & beyond. So satisfied.
Well made, easy to attach, light up feature works well, focus is good, plug and play. Nice cam at a good price point.
Camera quality is good. Video is good and captures sound. It does what I expect it to do.
I like it, it works well, you do have to do some color correction but it works pretty good
Ich hatte vorher eine Kamera mit integriertem Lautsprecher, leider ohne Einstellungsmglichkeiten fr die Bildqualitt. Daher hab ich mir diese gekauft, obwohl sie keine Lautsprecher hat. Wenn die noch dabei wren, dann wre diese Kamera perfekt.
Habe diese Kamera als Alternative fr die integrierte Kamera des Lenovo Ideapad 3 (grottenschlecht) gekauft.
# Plug&Play hat problemlos funktioniert auf Win 11
# DIe Bildqualitt ist schon mal wesentlich besser und fr den Preis anstndig
# Die Software zur Einstellung der Tonwerte ist ok, aber Hauttne insbesondere unter Kunstlicht bleiben dennoch nicht gefllig.
# Der LED-Ring gibt Licht ab, dass gengt, um in vlliger Dunkelheit das Gesicht gut auszuleuchten. Darber hinaus aber wenig bis kein Effekt mehr bei bestehender Grundausleuchtung (Raumlicht)
# Die Kamera-Aktiv-LED scheint nicht zu funktionieren. Fnde ich aber schon wichtig.
# Das eingebautes Mikrofon gibt einen guten Klang – sagt zumindest die Gegenseite bislang.
# Autofokus funktioniert unauffllig
# Der beigefgte Shutter wre wohl zum aufkleben. Die Lsung scheint mir hier schon arg provisorisch, als wre die Idee dazu erst im nachhinein entstanden.
Ich finde die Kamera fr diesen Preis schon sehr in Ordnung. Fr mich und meine Videokonferenzen gengt sie allemal, denn sie hat eine adquate Bild- und Tonqualitt. Gute Kamera fr den Alltagsgebrauch. Wer wesentlich mehr will, muss dann sicher auch wesentlich mehr investieren.
The good news is that it comes with two. The bad news is that the privacy shutter was an afterthought.
Der Webcam an sich funktioniert ganz gut ohne Installation. Das Licht bringt nichts. Lieber eine separate Lampe oder ein besserer Platz mit viel Tageslicht.
Let me tell you the light capture with this is incredible. It probably comes from the 110 degrees angle. More light comes in. I work in the practically complete darkness and that camera makes it look like it is bright. All that in 1080.
Weird thing is that I had 3 nexigo as part of the 10 camera but the other nexigo didnt have that quality of picture
It was easily set just plug it in, it balances ok on top of my monitor, but let the lens cap moves it. The lens cap clicks on which disturbs the camera so I just rest it on, the mic is ok but a bit flat.
Good video quality, base will screw into most tripods, only complaint is the “lense cover” it’s just a stick on shutter not an actual part of the camera.
Es ist eine simple Plug-In Kamera, es mssen keine Treiber oder Programme installiert werden. Auf der Website von NexiGo findet man aber eine Software, die man auch auf meinem Foto sehen kann. Dadurch kann man die Kamera nach Belieben anpassen, und den Autofokus ein oder ausschalten. Bei anderen, gnstigen Anbietern kenne ich es meist so, dass diese nderungen gar nicht vorgenommen werden knnen. Das ist also schonmal ein riesiger Pluspunkt.
Mit der Kameraqualitt selbst bin ich ebenfalls sehr zufrieden. Sie ist deutlich besser als die der Konkurrenz, besonders enttuscht bin ich von den groen Marken. Natrlich ist es nur eine Webcam, aber dafr eine sehr gute! Ohne besondere Einstellungen sieht das Bild gut, natrlich, und sehr weich aus. Je nachdem wie es einem gefllt, kann man das dann ndern. In dem Programm kann man auch verschiedene Voreinstellungen speichern, wenn man dann schnell wechseln mchte. Also – mega gut und individuell anpassbar.
Mitgeliefert wurden auch aufklebbare Privatsphre-Schieber, die ich allerdings nicht benutzt habe. Die Packung war klein und enthielt alles wichtige – dazu kann man nichts negatives sagen. Das Licht, welches man mit einfachem Tippen in 3 verschiedenen Stufen einstellen kann, funktioniert wunderbar und hat eine gute Helligkeit, ohne zu Blenden. Also ebenfalls ein Pluspunkt. Man kann die Kamera leicht neigen, und dadurch auch das Blickfeld anpassen – nicht wie bei einem 360 Kugelding, aber gengend fr den simplen Gebrauch. Das Mikrofon hat einen guten Klang, allerdings hrt man ein Rauschen – ich habe mich allerdings nicht viel damit beschftigt, da ich ohnehin ein Headset benutze.
Wenn ihr nach einer guten, soliden Kamera fr die Arbeit, Streamen oder Videochats braucht, dann kann ich euch die NexiGo auf jeden Fall ans Herz legen.
Fr den Preis ein unschlagbares Einstiegsmodell, das Ringlicht bietet eine gute Helligkeit zur Beleuchtung. Das Bild ist solide. Besser als ich fr den Preis erwartet habe. Klare Empfehlung als Einstiegsmodell.
Finde die Webcam gut, man darf aber keine Wunder erwarten. Bildqualitt ist gut und ausreichend fr Teams/Skype. Vergleichbar mit den Kameras von Notebooks. Nachteil ist das man die Kamera nicht richtig verdecken kann. Dazu wird nur ein kleines Plastikteil mitgeliefert was man drber kleben soll. Das funktioniert aber nicht gut. In Summe fr mich kein riesen Problem, weil man anhand einer LED sieht ob die Kamera an ist oder nicht. Was mir sehr gut gefllt, die Kamera ist Plug/Play. Man muss keine Software installieren, sie wird sofort in Teams/Skype erkannt und funktioniert.
Ottima qualit dell’immagine. Un po’ meno l’audio. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo
Does the job. Looks to be well made. Image quality is OK, but not broadcast quality – but I don’t need that for Zoom and Teams calls, so happy. For the price, it is as least as good as I would have hoped. Downloadable app is idiot proof as well.
Happy buye
Picture quality is great. The light output is sufficient for my office requirements. The button to turn the light on and off does not work well and can be challenging. The way the camera attaches to a monitor can be tricky and unstable.
Don’t expect Go Pro quality or functionality. I purchased this for my 9 year old son. He is creating a YouTube channel. The instructions were a bit confusing and it took an hour to figure out turning off the lap top camera so we can use this one. Great for Zoom calls
Now I had unplugged the USB and plugged it back in several times with no luck. But when I finally listened to the voices in my head, success. No other problems. Quality is great. Works like a charm.
The camera arrived on time, was easy to install and the image is perfect. I could not have asked for more.
I purchased one of these for my home office and one for my work office. I have been generally pleased with the quality of video. In my home office, the picture is a little grainy and I have had some challenges with proper color balance that I am still trying to resolve, hence the 4 star review. However, the camera does have some nice features to adjust color temperature and other video settings.
Ace product. Picture is great & it sits really easily on top of my screen. Saves me having to keep opening up my laptop! Can highly recommend.
Either the privacy shield covers the mic or the power on light. Bad design!
As far as there rest of the camera it performs adequately. While the quality is low I did not expect much for this price level.
A great camera and improvement to the camera in my laptop
Good picture
Easy setup – just plug it in and go
Ring light is very nice with four brightness settings – just tap the light to toggle between brightness levels.
Privacy cover is garbage and a joke. This is an aftermarket stick on privacy cover for a laptop. There is no way to install it without blocking one of the Mic, light sensor or part of the ring light. I feel the advertising on this part is very misleading. Just unplug the camera if you’re worried about privacy.
everything works as described. the picture quality is decent, the included simple privacy cover works as well
the autofocus(AF) works by default on windows, but you do need to install the app on macOS to enable it. AF performance is just okey. the light could be a bit brighter as i always had to choose the brightest level.
overall it’s great and i am glad i picked this one over any more expensive ones as its got more functionalities, overall good image quality and yet cheaper price.
This camera is perfect for what I needed. Good quality
Es una excelente camara con buena iluminacion, yo la utilizo para mis juntas diarias en google meet o zoom
Auf dieses Modell stie ich rein zufllig. Der Preis und die Rezensionen waren vielversprechend, weswegen ich die Webcam dann auch bestellt habe. Heute kam sie gut verpackt an. Habe sie direkt ausgepackt, an meinen Laptop gehngt und in Teams erste Tests gemacht.
Was ich sehr gut finde, ist das Ringlicht. Per Berhrung kann die Lampe in 3 Stufen zugeschaltet werden. In den Einstellungen kann man auch die Hz-Zahl verndern (mglich ist 50 oder 60 Hz). Damit habe ich die lstige Flackerei meiner LED-Lampen (was mich bei meiner integrierten Webcam extrem genervt hat) in den Griff bekommen. Die Bildqualitt finde ich soweit (und verglichen mit meiner alten, integrierten Webcam) sehr gut. Ob ein haupt- oder nebenberuflicher Streamer damit glcklich werden wrde, kann ich nicht beurteilen.
Insgesamt macht die Webcam aber einen sehr guten Eindruck. Auch die mitgeschickte Webcam-Abdeckung (von der brigens zwei im Paket lagen!) macht, was sie soll. Aber je nachdem, wie sie angebracht ist, verdeckt sie entweder die linke oder die rechte Seite neben der Linse (was man auch in anderen Rezensionen lesen kann). Ich verdecke bei geffneter Abdeckung das Mikrofon, weil ich ohnehin nur per Headset telefoniere und nicht auf das Webcam-Mirkofon angewiesen bin.
Falls es den ein oder anderen interessiert:
die Abmessung der Abdeckung betrgt 27×16 mm im geschlossenen und 41×16 mm im geffneten Zustand. Die ffnung hat die Mae 13×13 mm. Die Abdeckung wird sicherlich eine krzere Lebensdauer haben, als die Webcam (daher liegen vermutlich auch 2 Stck bei). Aber das finde ich jetzt weniger tragisch – ist in meinen Augen ein “Cent-Artikel”.
Abschlieend kann ich so viel sagen, dass die Webcam Stand jetzt fr meine Videochat-Anforderungen im Homeoffice vollkommen ausreicht. Sollte sich das bei regelmigem Gebrauch ndern, werde ich die Rezension entsprechend anpassen.
In a camera, I was looking for the following
– Decent quality (Just good enough for video calls)
– No fish lens effect
– Preferably not wide-angle
– Preferably decent colour
– With optional ring light that I can keep off unless required
– Privacy protector (Camera cover/slider)
I was worried because you get a lot of fake reviews these days, it’s hard to trust the reviews. But, here’s what I got –
– The camera quality – Far better than what I get with my laptop camera, no fish lens effect, not that wide an angle
– The attached picture is without the use of any ring lights. I didn’t use the one with the camera. My room is lit with lamps that throw lights at the walls because I don’t like it in my face. I think the camera captured the colour and light in my room just right.
– The ring light with the camera is good though. You can keep it off. I prefer to not use any, because direct lights give me headaches, but the one with the camera is good if someone needs good lighting on their face for some reason.
– Could use it out of the box
– Attaches easily to the screen
Overall, I am absolutely satisfied and got what I was looking for.
Using the camera to stream to twitch from my Xbox and it’s great from the most part, I don’t use it’s built in mic as it’s not the best quality but the picture is great for the price
The only issue I have, and I’m not sure if it’s a camera issue or and issues with twitch/Xbox
But when I stream my voice will be out of sync with the camera. Which isnt a huge problem but it does ruin some clips my viewers capture
haven’t used the microphone. image is generally good except when object is lit from front of back even with light on full powe
Solid product. I wish it had zoom controls and a remote. That would make it unbeatable. There is a nearly comparable but more expensive version with those features. They are quite different in some ways. Also wish this unit had more flexible mounting options. I had to McGuyver my mounting. I have a Microsoft Studio as my backup (the daily driver this displaced) and there is no loss in picture/video quality. I’d even say a fair bit of gain. The mike works well enough but I don’t use it. I have a Yeti Blue on my desk. Ring light can be a minus if you wear reflective glasses. Gives you an alien white-oval-eyes look. Can turn on/off easily. Can’t speak for its long-term durability but for now, it would seem that you can save some of those Logitech dollars.
Low light vision is great and picture quality is above average. Works well with Linux and Windows OS
Extremely easy to install, and great picture quality. Excellent value for money!
I would recommend this produc
This little camera does what it is supposed to do. I get a nice clear image for video calls and meetings. I use an external mic when recording, as the sound is typical of built in mics. However, the auto-focus is a nightmare. I used it for a video that I had to submit quickly- ie I didn’t take the time to review it- and the camera was zooming in and out- visibly refocussing constantly. Extremely distracting. You can and should turn this feature off. Turned off- the camera works fine. I didn’t find the light ring particularly helpful. It is bright and changes levels as advertised, but maybe it is just too small for the effect I needed. I set up my own lighting. However this camera did not cost more than one without the light ring- so still a good deal.
This camera sites very nicely on my External LG ultra fine monitor.
In terms of the light, it sometimes has the desired effect depending on the lighting condition in the room. It’s not very powerful so works best if it is darker in the room such as evenings or winter days.
Mine is plugged into a USB hub, works with my windows 10 and macOS devices, not for my iPad Pro though.
I added this to an OBS setup I have, which includes two other cameras with much higher price tags. This is an impressive piece of gear, especially for the price. It will hold its own against cameras costing much more.
I chose to not give it 5 stars for two reasons. First, the “privacy cover” is a joke. It is just a stick tab that will fail probably the second time you use it. Also, the Auto-focus pumps noticeably, even on a static head shot at about 4 feet. OBS allows me to turn it off and manually focus. Depending on what application you are using, this could be an issue. The light ring is better than expected, but I don’t really need it, so it didn’t weigh into my review. If it’s your only source of front light, it may not be adequate.
Solid product, ring light really good and picture quality more than good enough for meetings and gaming. The privacy covers are stick-on but work ok.
I recently purchased a Mac Mini M1 so obviously I need a HD webcam for work and recreation… there were so many I was literally getting confused which one would be the “better” camera. I first went with the EMeet Nova 1080P webcam, but I didn’t like the video quality and there was no way to adjust brightness, contrast, etc. So I returned that and got the Nexigo N930E for a little more money (it was between Nexigo or the Akasa v50 pro (which is more of an action camera but can be set as a webcam and it is more expensive). The Nexigo camera definitely has way better video quality (and for the price) and I like the ring light feature (three levels of lighting) and a webcam cover (which you have to affix yourself). The audio quality is decent but I use my XLR microphone for my audio. I did some video and audio tests on Quicktime. If I set the recording quality to Maximum and had my audio being captured via my XLR microphone, I did noticed that the video capture seem to lag; seems better when recording quality is set to High. If I set the recording quality to Maximum and had both video and audio captured via Nexigo, the video recording is seamless. It’s a little thing, but overall I am very satisfied with this webcam.
The video quality is great, a big upgrade on my laptop’s built in camera. It captures so much more light, plus the built in light source adds extra light when you need it. I still use my laptop’s built in mic though for Teams. While the camera’s built in mic has lower noise than the laptop’s, fair play, the small amount of noise it does have is higher pitched which Teams doesn’t do as a good job of filtering out, perhaps even accentuating it, so all my colleagues were asking what the noise was.
Superb picture/video quality. I compared it the Logitech C920 side by side and found the results of the NexiGo to be brighter and with more color saturation.
The light does make a difference and I like that I can control it independently regardless the webcam is on or off
Works well even in relatively low light…good value for money
It was purchased to use in Zoom meetings with the MacBook Pro, when it is closed, and an external monitor is being used.
I easily integrated it on both an 2015 iMac and a 2019 MacBook Pro running OS 11. I used my current USB-A hub to connect it to the MacBook Pro, which has thunderbolt ports.
The camera field of view is narrower than the iMac camera, which is good for Zoom meetings (not sure why some cameras have a wider angle lens).
The ring-light works well, and the 3 brightness levels are a nice feature; just touch to turn on/off or change brightness.
The lens cover is a paste-on, is thin, and is fully functional. I mounted it vertically, so it didn’t interfere with the microphone; however it does block some of the ring-light when open.
The tilt angle on the camera is controlled via its monitor attachment. The more the clamshell is closed the lower the tilt angle. It is only held onto the monitor by gravity.
When you use this camera with Zoom on an Apple computer, use Zoom preferences (found within dropdown under Zoom on the menu bar) to switch audio and video to the camera.
The camera quality is excellent, with a much better field of view than standard PC cameras. The different lighting levels helps to get a good picture.
This was a fantastic replacement for my built in laptop webcam. Resolution is good, inbuilt light is a neat touch and is all plug and play.
As others have said, its a shame the privacy cover is a stick on afterthought. But the price means I can forgive that and still give 5 stars. This is a bargain.
Good quality camera and microphone. Very easy to set up and the camera has a useful stand/clip on the back to fix to your computer or TV. Also has a light controlled by a button on the front. Would recommend
Only one small gripe (the difference between 4 and 5 stars) – as other reviewers have noted, the webcam cover is a joke. A piece of plastic that you stick on the front of the camera. Clearly an after thought and not part of the original design.
Two are supplied, which suggests that they wont last long. I broke one as I opened it.
The cover wasnt’ a key feature for me, and I was aware of it – but it is a shame that it is so crap.
Everything else is great.
Webcam offers very well lite picture with great contrast. Works great with TEAMS and Zoom. Plug and play with windows 10.
Bought this for a zoom meeting on my ancient PC. I am very much a computer novice and this was definitely plug and go. Straightforward and successful, auto-focus with clear images and suitable lighting. I wish all IT apparatus was as user friendly.