RENPHO Foot Massager, Shiatsu Foot and Calf Massager Machine

RENPHO Foot Massager, Shiatsu Foot and Calf Massager Machine with Heat and Remote, Deep Kneading and Rolling Calf Massage, Leg Massager with Handle

Brand: | RENPHO |
Origin: | China |
RENPHO Foot Massager, Shiatsu Foot and Calf Massager Machine with Heat and Remote, Deep Kneading and Rolling Calf Massage, Leg Massager with Handle
Brand: | RENPHO |
Origin: | China |
This massager is a must buy. It works so well, is quiet, has multiple functions and is easy to move around. We use it daily. If you are looking for a foot, calf and forearm massager this is the one.
Me gusto mucho el aparato tengo una enfermedad autoinmune y se me ponen los pies muy tiesos y me duelen con el aparato me a mejorado bastante mi nieta se volvi adicta al aparato muy recomendable
Lavorando sono praticamente in piedi tutto il giorno e piedi e gambe ne risentono. Il massaggiatore ha aiutato e non poco. Chiunque lo abbia provato ha sentito le stesse sensazioni di benessere e rinvigorimento
Ho ben quattro massaggiatori per piedi elettrici in casa (!!!!) perch non riuscivo mai a trovare quello giusto. Finalmente con questo sono soddisfatta. quello pi completo, ha i rulli sotto per massaggiare la pianta del piede e i cuscini ad aria che fanno i lati e un po’ il collo del piede. Sia i rulli che i cuscinetti sono regolabili per una pressione pi o meno intensa (io imposto sempre al massimo). Non ho mai provato a usarlo sulle braccia.
incluso un piccolo telecomando, ma non l’ho neppure provato. I pulsanti dell’accensione e impostazioni fanno un “bip” molto forte, abbasserei il volume del bip, non che serva cos assordante.
Io ce l’ho da un mesetto e sembra molto solido, fatto con plastica di qualit.
Quant aux appareils de massage performants, sans gros budget on a peu de possibilits.
N’y croyant plus trop j’ai dcid de faire l’essai avec cet appareil, et je dois avouer que c’est une bonne surprise.
Les rglages de chaque spcificit permettent de personnaliser les sances en fonction des besoins de chacun, chaleur, pression, vitesse, dure et sens du massage shiatsu.
voir dans le temps mais aprs quelques semaines j’en suis contente.
Se lo regal a mi marido para navidades y est encantado. Juega mucho al pdel y lo utiliza despus de sus partidos para relajar los gemelos y los pies. Dice que se queda como nuevo!
Eso s, si no tienes mucho espacio en casa hay que tener en cuenta que ocupa bastante espacio. Es algo “aparatoso”. Pero merece la pena la compra.
Great relief from this machine. Can change the levels of intensity and heat. Very happy overall, Wish it would grab my calves more though. Easy to carry and move out of the way.
Ik snap niet waar de mindere reacties vandaan komen. Ik heb alle recensies gelezen en bijna tegen gehouden door de negatieve maar ben zo blij dat ik alsnog gekocht heb! Ik ben enorm kritisch zelf en ik vind ‘m echt fantastisch!
Het is goed om te weten dat je het uiteraard niet met handen massage kan vergelijken maar van wat ik massage stoelen heb geprobeerd van een paar duizend euro vind ik dit net zo goed tot beter voor het been gedeelte. Ik gebruik het vooral voor mijn kuiten aangezien ik daar spieren gescheurd heb gehad en dus het vaak stijf is, maar voeten massage is ook errug fijn!
-Je kan los de kneed massage en air bags van elkaar bedienen, fijn plus puntje.
– Wat sommige reacties waren over de afstandsbediening die het slecht doet, geen idee mijne doet het perfect.
– De warmte is heel fijn en aangenaam en in te stellen en kan ook uit.
– Het apparaat ziet er degelijk en netjes afgewerkt uit.
Kortom, ik ben nog niet vaak zo snel overtuigd geweest van een product en mijn man noemt me altijd gierig want ik ben voorzichtig met geld uitgeven en ik ben heel blij dat ik dit heb gekocht, is het echt waard.
Ich war sehr an verschiedenen elektrischen Massagegerten interessiert, habe sie aber nicht gekauft. Und dann kam der Tag, an dem ich dieses Gert bei Amazon sah. Ich habe alle Bewertungen studiert, alle Videos angeschaut, alle Informationen auf der Website des Herstellers studiert, mich mit meiner Frau beraten))) Ein paar Klicks und die Ware ist bestellt, am nchsten Tag habe ich sie.
Das erste fette Plus fr sthetischen Genuss beim Auspacken. Das Massagegert sieht aus wie ein Raumschiff aus der Zukunft. Futuristisches Design ist das zweite mutige Plus
Und dann voller Freude und Vergngen fr jeden Tag. Dies ist das qualitativ beste Fumassagegert, das ich je verwendet habe. Und ihr Vorteil ist, dass sie die Beine, Waden und Hnde massieren knnen
Das Massagegert funktioniert sehr gut, es gibt viele Modi, Heizung. Vollstndiges Eintauchen in Entspannung und Vergngen
Das Massagegert kann bequem im Sitzen am Schreibtisch verwendet werden, dann wird die Arbeit zum Vergngen und die Produktivitt steigt
Im ersten Monat hatten wir stndig Konflikte darber, wer heute die Massage durchfhren wrde. In unserer Familie gibt es sieben Personen und der Kampf um ein Massagegert ist eine ernste Situation
Die Pflege ist ganz einfach, manchmal wischen wir es innen und auen mit einem feuchten Tuch ab
Ich empfehle!
As a dance teacher who spends 6-8 hours on my feet every day, I was struggling with constant stiffness and pain in my calves and feet. But since purchasing the RENPHO Foot Massager, my life has changed for the better.
This product is simply amazing. The foot massage is just as wonderful as the calf massage, and it provides instant relief from any stiffness or pain. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall well-being and sleep quality since incorporating this massager into my daily routine.
The build quality is excellent, and the massager is well-made and durable. The various massage settings and intensity levels allow me to customize my experience and target specific areas of discomfort.
The only downside is that the remote doesn’t always work properly, but this is a minor inconvenience that doesn’t detract from the overall effectiveness of the product.
Overall, I would highly recommend the RENPHO Foot Massager to anyone who spends long hours on their feet or suffers from foot and calf pain. It’s truly a life-changing product and has made a significant difference in my daily comfort and well-being. It’s definitely worth the investment!
Czytajc inne komentarze miaem wtpliwoci co do masaera, ale po jego uytkowaniu mog podzieli si opini:
Masaer wykonany jest bardzo dobrze, uyte plastiki i materia, spasowanie oraz cz mechaniczna jest na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Duo moliwoci regulacji. Masaer skada si z ,,rolek masujcych” oraz poduszek powietrznych po bokach. Mona regulowa zarwno prdko rolek jak i poziom pompowania poduszek. Poduszki dociskaj przyjemnie nog do rolek przez to jest efekt intensywniejszego masau. Dodatkowo jest regulowany poziom podgrzewania, szczeglnie fajny efekt jest przy kolejnym masowaniu.
Masowanie ydek i stp jest naprawd super przez co produkt jest warty swojej ceny. Porwnywanie masaera do ludzkich doni jest nonsensem ale po zaakceptowaniu powtarzalnoci mechanicznych ruchw (sterownik urozmaica masa poprzez rytm nadmuchiwania bocznych poduch, coraz bardziej intensyfikuje i robi czasowe odstpy) nogi (ydki i stopy) po masau s zrelaksowane. Ja uywam go do ,,masau sportowego” po treningach. Doskonale nadje si dla koszykarzy, tenisistw, biegaczy itd. Z masaera korzystaj wszyscy domownicy – wszyscy wyraaj si pozytywnie (ustawia si kolejka).
Oglna ocena 9/10
Received today, 2 days earlier than expected, and it was incredibly easy to work. I have size 12 and have had severe plantar fasciitis pain recently. Works incredible and covers the whole foot. Highly recommended.
Veramente bello e rilassante. Pressione giusta per i miei gusti. La pecca il telecomandino che vista la sua scarsa copertura praticamente inutile. Per il resto perfetto! Consigliato.
I bought this for my wife, she really enjoys it.
I didn’t find the different positions as comfortable but the foot position works grea
Very happy with my purchase, use it for my feet and lower leg’s, it does help ease leg pains.
I really like this product. For those saying it doesn’t get hot enough, I disagree, it got plenty hot for me. I didn’t love the remote, it doesn’t work well at all. Pretty useless really. I also would have liked some kind of memory so I don’t have to press a bunch of buttons every time I want to set it to my preferred settings.
Unit itself works very well and does massage feet calfs well. It is badly let down by the poor remote control as it doesn’t actually work and even the magnetic it sticks on to isnt that strong. I feel.that thisnis the only let down.
A ton of settings, super sturdy. Great after a long day.
Wife loves. The kids fight to try and use. Nothing more to say. It really does message the full foot and feels great after working in the yard all day.
I bought for my wife and I , but my wife has pretty much adopted this thing. When she gets home, she soaks her feet and does about an hour with the foot massager. It’s a little more expensive, but TOTALLY worth it!
Great Product! Worked wonderfully on my feet and I am glad I bought this! My Firestick remote turns it on as well so I have to be careful not to get it too close the the unit.
Enjoy using it. Very effective for tired feet and legs. It has different strength settings. As I like strong massage, it is perfect for me. The best thing is it is not too big/ bulky like other foot massagers and less expensive as well. It works very well on feet and legs by changing the position of the machine. Overall I am satisfied with the massager.
I was sold on this one when it said it could fit a 19″ calf. I have plantar fasciitis, which you feel in your feet, but having tight calves actually makes it worse, so I needed a massager that massages my calves too. It is super customizable, and I’m able to give it more air compression for my feet and less for my calves.
J ai achet ce masseur car je bosse 12h par jour .
Chaque aprs midi et chaque soir je fais 15 min, cela m vite d aller chez l angiologue pour faire mes sances de pressotherapie .
J en suis ravie , il est un peu bruyant et lourd mais cela me soulage car j ai une mauvaise circulation sanguine .
Je recommande et je ne regrette pas du tout mon achat .
Il est top pour les chevilles les mollets et les pieds .
Trs agrable si on aime simplement les massages, presque miraculeux si on a un mauvais retour veineux, une tendances aux crampes et/ou les pieds qui gonflent en fin de journe. Les niveaux rglages sont nombreux (mais simples), et permettent d’adapter le massage son besoin ou son envie. Il est lgrement bruyant au moment du gonflage, mais a reste tout fait raisonnable et n’empche pas par exemple de regarder la tl pendant l’utilisation. Je ne regrette pas mon investissement.
No est mal, es un poco “aparatoso” y el mando funciona mal, lo he devuelto porque no le veo utilidad para mi.
Everyone that’s used it, has loved it. Great for aching feet. Move your feet up and down to a different position to target different areas of the foot.
Bought this for my husband, but my kids have taken it over. Somebody is always using it. I have no complaints about this massager, it works great and is very easy to use and it is pretty light weight.
Great product – great quality. Will update this review if need be.
Very easy to use, pain relief and comfortable, the wife loves it. Only down side is the massager is a little heavy but no real detriment .
Cet article est trs bien pour les mollets et les pieds je ne regrette pas mon achat moi qui ai des problmes d’impatience et le syndrome des jambes sans repos
I have a problem with my calves where they need constant massaging. My wife is super happy I got this, as she can now take a break.
Once the air pillows compress your feet, you can feel the massage pins get to work and you’ll be in ecstasy.
As no one has said here about the weight, it is 15kg
Hi remote will not work. Tried several batteries but no luck. Can you send me a replacement?.
When I first looked at this on Amazon, it felt a bit pricey compared to others I had looked at. Anyway, I went with it. It arrived a couple of days ago and it’s had good use. Very easy to use, lots of settings and versatile positions. The construction is also solid.
Very pleased.
Does a great job. A little noisy but other than that, perfect!
It is very good, the only problem is that the power cord is very short.
Now let’s come to this after lot of research my husband ordered this and to be honest on its first sight I fell in love with this such beautiful piece and then we plugged it and I put my feet in .. ohh and I can say it that it changed my life instantly, it may sound like a fairy tale and but this is the first ever buy which brought so much relaxation and happiness to my life . I used it for 15 mts and already on cloud nine .. since then I just can’t stop smiling . Thankyou renpho for this awesome machine . Highly recommended.
Bought to replace a similar model from another brand that stopped inflating. Works well so far, but have encounted interference from multiple other TV remotes.
Ever curious, I tried it out before wrapping it up… What a surprise!!!
I had my first full night sleep in over a decade!
My feet always hurt >>Not that night. WOW!!!
I have since purchased another 2 units for gifts (including a gift for myself).
I have also contacted the seller for a minor question, and I can only give them the highest praise for answering my request promptly and with utmost care for my well being.
That is how all businesses should function.
Trs facile d’utilisation magnifique au top trs agrable je l’utilise matin et soi
Best investment i’ve made to help with my achy legs. The remote control can be finicky but easy to use when near machine. Rollers and massage settings are great, I really feel them working on my achy feet and calves. Haven’t tried using on arms but will soon.
Mais comment je faisais avant ???
Incroyable sensation de bien-tre et d’apesanteur.
Now have used product about a week. The remote is worthless. You turn it on and when you push other buttons, heat, intensity, etc. It shuts off other switches you had activated.
Appareil conforme la commande. Cadeau pour ma maman qui a 77 ans et qui l’ apprcie pour son fonctionnement peu bruyant et sa facilit d’utilisation. Seul bmol le poids pour le soulever.
Really work better than expected. Remote is a little finicky but overall I’m impressed. I use everything on max except the air pressure because it gets really tight. I wear a size 13 and works grea
Everything else was great to use
The product does good but some like me feel that it could and should knead a little harder;
I used it to help heal my tendinitis in my heel of my foot Just be careful with the air mode on the remote it can squeeze your foot really tight Just adjust it for comfo
I got this when it was on sale for 200 the retail price is 300 but this was a bargain especially at what it can do and I must say I’m very impressed I’ve none stopped using this machine ever since I got it and it feels soo good after 30 minutes of use my whole body felt like jelly I was smiling all the way through If I could give this a 10 star I would because its well worth the money and you need to buy this machine I recommend it to everyone .
Remote control doesn’t work all the time but good idea. Massager is heavy but does the job. Recommended
Sogar mein Mann mag die Massage 😉 Amerikanische Fe scheinen empfindlich zu sein 😉 Fr mich ist die Massage nicht zu fest auch auf den hchsten Stufen mit Kompression alles angenehm.
199 sind ok, 299 wren zu viel.
Tglich im Einsatz, hoffentlich hlt er lang ! Eine Fukupressurmassage ersetzt er nicht, den Fu lockert er aber deutlich.