SNUNMU Mini PC,16 GB RAM+256 GB M.2 SSD,Windows 11 Pro,Intel

SNUNMU Mini PC,16 GB RAM+256 GB M.2 SSD,Windows 11 Pro,Intel Celeron J4125 Mini Computer,Support 2.4G&5.0G WiFi, 4K UHD, Gigabit Ethernet, Bluetooth 4.2

What We Care For You
1.Uninstall any program or app that isn’t needed or used. Once done, there was enough space to update Windows.
2.Add a SSD or HDD into this mini pc and clone the win 10 into the SSD or HDD, which will make the device run more smoothly.
3.Regularly delete the software distribution folder in windows directory to keep updates size use down. This folder is used for updates for windows.
4.Installing unofficial systems may cause driver incompatibility or instability. We highly recommended to install the official factory system.
5.Install our VESA mount on the back of the TV or monitor for saving space.
Q1: How to set auto power on when power failure?
A1: Boot this mini pc and press “Delete” key — Enter into “BIOS Interface” — Select “Boot” in the interface — Select “Automatic Power On” ——Select “Auto Power on” — Press “F4” key to save and exit.
Q2: When I enter into BIOS interface, any suggestions?
A2: Please turn on the pc firstly. And then press and hold the DEL key until enter the BIOS.Under Boot Options —–Boot option#1——-choose “windows boot Manager”, then press F4 to save and exit.
Q3: How can I change the operating system?
A3: Insert the flash drive first, press ‘delete’ to enter the BIOS, then select startup, select boot, and then press enter to enter the system priority boot menu, set the flash drive for priority boot, and then enter save.
Weight: | 900 g |
Dimensions: | 12.95 x 12.95 x 4.57 cm; 900 Grams |
Brand: | SNUNMU |
Model: | GK3-16+256 |
Colour: | 16GB RAM+256GB ROM |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | SNUNMU |
Dimensions: | 12.95 x 12.95 x 4.57 cm; 900 Grams |
Ho acquistato questo mini PC perch avevo un monitor, una tastiera e un mouse inutilizzati, e l’ho comprato perch ormai abbiamo tutti i laptop e un fisso, in alcune occasioni, pu essere utile.
L’hardware basico ad eccezione della RAM che di 12 GB che si sentono rispetto ad (.
Fa tutto quello che deve fare, navigazione, office, streaming, videoconferenze (webcam USB da installare in proprio).
La ventola non entra mai in funzione eccetto durante lo streaming ed un po’ rumorosa.
Il WiFi (chipset Intel) mi ha dato sempre qualche problema di connessione alla rete tanto che dovevo a volte riavviare e talvolta disinsatallare i driver.
Ho risolto con una dongle WiFi USB.
Devo dire che il problema credo sia dovuto ai driver Intel mal sopportati da Win11 e che, in seguito ai vari aggiornamenti del sistema operativo, sono diventati ancora pi problematici.
Infatti con Sistema Operativo Linux questo non accade.
Comunque del problema ho informato il venditore che, immediatamente mi ha offerto la sostituzione gratuita.
Ho per fatto presente che, oltre all’assurdo di sostituire un PC che fondamentalmente funziona e quanto questo costerebbe anche all’ambiente, avrei anche dovuto resettare il pc e reinstallare tutto sul nuovo.
Ho proposto quindi che mi rimborsassero quanto speso per la dongle e cos hanno fatto.
5 stelle al venditore, EMBYE, per la seriet, la disponibilit e la rapidit di risposta.
Como ordenador cumple todo lo que le pides los vdeos en HD van de maravilla en 4k depende de la conexin que tengas y no le pidas peras..por lo dems es una buena compra, falla un poco la tarjeta de wifi bluetooth se conecta y se desconecta, es problema de win10-11 le conectas un USB y tira millas o lo conectas por cable sin problema, por o dems buena compra. De momento casi un mes sin problemas sin ruido silencioso
L’ ho comprato per un amico,per l ufficio,lui lo usa per mail ,fatture in Cloud,per lo pi in web,ma comunque le prestazioni sono buone, lo collegato dietro al monitor con il suo supporto vesa, ed venuto un bel PC ufficio minimal.”con questo non si gioca,ma e un buon PC base”..openoffice,gimp,ecc
ottimo minipc silenzioso e versatile non per il gioco. Lo consiglio
lo uso per navigare in internet e per vedere filmati, funziona perfettamente e al contrario di alcune recensioni per ora lo trovo silenzioso e non scalda.
unico difetto che ho trovato l’impostazione della lingua italiana per chi non conoscendo Windows 11 potrebbe essere laboriosa. Infatti alla prima accensione non ha chiesto la scelta della lingua e ha proseguito con l’attivazione in inglese. meno male che non era in cinese.
Sto utilizzando questo mini pc da una settimana ed il giudizio assolutamente positivo. Per le applicazioni office e streaming ha prestazioni eccellenti e consuma meno di 10 W misurati con il wattmetro.
Per completare la configurazione installer un SSD da 1 TB, per il momento per i dati utilizzo un disco esterno collegata alla porta USB3 (velocissima).
Il prodotto visto le dimensione e ottimo per lo streaming e posso dire che le prestazioni mi hanno soddisfatto.
Facile da usare ed installare gi il secondo che acquisto per lavoro e per casa. salva molto spazio ed veloce
Venditore serio e professionale
Lieferung sehr schnell, macht was er soll, er ist absolut leise und ich kann am Fernseher surfen oder Prime, Netflix und eigene Filme schauen, Musik, Office, Downloads usw . Seit ein paar Tagen wurde er kostenlos auf Windows 11 Version 22H2 upgedated, ich konnte noch keinen Unterschied, auer Benachrichtigungs-Stummschaltung, zum “alten” Windows 11 feststellen.
Was man ihm hoch anrechnen muss, ist dass er eine externe mechanische HDD 2,5″ ohne zustzliches Netzteil nur ber sein USB mit seinem eigenen Netzteil fehlerfrei zieht.
Wo ich den einen Stern abziehen muss ist, dass nach dem Upgrade auf eine 1TB SSD Platte das interne WLAN nicht mehr funktionierte, dubioser Weise wenn die HDD nicht eingebaut ist und neben den Rechner liegt funktioniert alles, baue ich sie auf den dafr vorgesehenen Platz und den PC wieder zusammenn findet das WLAN nichts mehr, muss wohl ein Problem mit der Datenleitung bzw. Stromversorgung der SSD und der WLAN-Antenne sein, war jetzt auch kein Weltuntergang, vielleicht hat das auch nur meiner… hab einfach einen WLAN-USB-Stick verwendet was leider einen der 4 USB- Steckpltze kostet, fr mich jetzt kein Grund zum Umtauschen.
Update: Der Kundendienst hat mich auf ein YouTube-Video verlinkt, in dem gezeigt wird, wie man die WLAN-Antenne anders verlegt, dazu muss man den Kleinen aber komplett zerlegen und das Resultat war eher bescheiden, sprich er hatte ein schwaches WLAN-Signal, dass immer wieder mal abbricht und das Ende vom Lied war dann doch wieder mein WLAN-USB-Stick und das interne WLAN im Gertemenager deaktivieren. Wenn man also keine zustzliche Festplatte einbaut, oder nur extern betreibt funktioniert alles perfek
I got this and im having trouble setting uo i have a bluetooth keyboard and its connected to my tv but the keyboard wont connect so cant even get past the language choosing lol
Great little machine. Does all I require. No noise heard from fan. I bought 2TB internal SSD at same time, this was straightforward to fit if a little fiddly.
Funziona perfettamente. Ho installato Ubuntu per far girare un bot 24/7, eccellente. Non scalda per il mio utilizzo. Da bios si puo impostare di accendersi automaticamente se salta la corrente
Il prodotto rispetta le caratteristiche indicate dal produttore. Il Mini PC efficiente e decisamente adatto al ruolo per cui l’ho comprato ( media server e streaming ), anzi regge anche piccoli giochi come LoL o TfT a dettagli bassi. Per il prezzo a cui viene venduto un Best Buy!
Der Mini PC hat ein gutes Preis- Leistungsverhltnis. Ausstattung ist u. Funktion sind OK.
Habe den Mini PC an mein TV-Gert (4K) angeschlossen und kann flssig Videos schauen. Besonders angenehm ist, dass der Mini PC absolut leise ist.
Prodotto eccezionale, sono molto contento di questo acquisto, veloce e versatile. Me lonsto godendo veramente
Der Mini-PC ist super, kompakt schnell und super… Funktioniert sogar mit drei Bildschirmen angeschlossen… Also mehr als ich erwartet habe beim Kauf… Klare Kaufempfehlung
very quick, works very well for something so small, impressive!!
Needed a new PC with plenty of grunt for work and this has been just the job. All peripherals connected with no problem and also got online very quickly. Very small size barely takes up any space. Good one!
So I’ve now had this machine for two days and it has been a ride, however, I now have something not only working but exceeding my expectations. In my original review I detailed the nightmare I had upon receiving this mini PC. I ended up ditching Windows completely and decided I would install a Linux distribution as a last ditch effort to get the thing working. I downloaded and installed Ubuntu and the difference is night and day. Its snappy and responsive, runs everything I need it to and works like a charm. This little PC is also whisper quiet most of the time and is perfectly capable of running my main ultra wide monitor and a smaller second monitor at the same time. Now the machine works I have given the item 4 stars, I knocked off one star for all the difficulty I had getting this thing to work.
Where to begin? I received this little pc today to use for work. Light tasks such as word processing, spreadsheets etc nothing over the top. It was well packaged and comes with a vesa mount to hide it behind the monitor, a nice touch. This is where any compliments I have end.
I plugged it in, turned it on and it sat at the windows loading screen for almost half an hour. I figured something was wrong and gave it a hard reset, same thing. No problem, I’m technically minded so I booted into the advanced recovery options. I tried a startup repair, couldn’t run it. Tried a recovery point, didn’t work. Reset the entire OS and reinstalled from the harddrive, after a lengthy install, same problem. So, I made a recovery usb from my main PC but that didn’t work either. Made an install usb to install windows from there. This finally worked and it booted into a fresh version of Windows 10. Everything seemed to be working fine, connected to the internet and downloaded chrome. The install finished but alas, there was no chrome on the desktop, in the start menu, it was no where to be found.
Something strange was going on so I restarted the pc. Upon booting up and signing in chrome was sat there happy as Larry on the desktop as if it had never gone walkabout. Okay no problem, opened up chrome “you aren’t connected to the internet”. Strange that was working fine before. WiFi network wasn’t showing up under the toolbar icon, hmmmm. Into the network settings we go, the WiFi card was disabled, strange but no problem. Right click and enable, problem solved, except it wasn’t, the card still said disabled. Right click, enable, little popup tells me its enabled but it’s not. Fine, ethernet it is. Plug it in directly to the router, that’s not working either. Head into the device manager, WiFi card isn’t even in the list but shows in the network center, the ethernet card is in the device manager but not in the network and sharing center.
Basically nothing works and I’ve wasted 4 hours trying to get basic functionality working on this device. I still can’t access the internet and the little box freezes up when trying even the simplest of tasks. To add insult to injury it literally just randomly restarted while I was typing this up on my phone. Waste of time, waste of effort and seems to be a waste of money.
PC wird als Brorechner eingesetzt. Macht was er soll. Bei Grafikanwendungen geht der eingebaute Lfter an, was manchmal sehr nervig ist.
Devo dire che funziona molto bene fa il suo in tutto, sono contento di questo acquisto
For my needs this is ideal. Set up was incredibly easy, all my worries about time, effort or losses completely unfounded. All my files are on the cloud so no storage issues, I browse the web, watch Netflix and use MSOffice, so no great loading.
Tiny box mounts behind display, desk space and floor space freed up, all the connections i need
Un PC in miniatura,ottimo per chi lo utilizza a casa e non ne fa un uso professionale. Molto soddisfatto
Der Mini PC erfllt bei uns einfache Standardaufgaben wie Email, , MS Office zur vollen Zufriedenheit. Gehuse macht einen wertigen Eindruck, Software war vorinstalliert, einfache Inbetriebnahme
Sehr gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis. Das Design dieses Mini-PC macht auch im Wohnzimmer eine gute Figur. Ich habe noch eine zustzliche SSD eingebaut auf der ich parallel zu dem vorinstallierten Windows 11 noch Linux Mint 21 installiert habe.
Mit 12GB RAM ist der Mini-PC den normalen Office-Andorderungen ganz gut gewachsen
Ich habe mehrere Anwendungen in Docker Containern laufen was ohne Probleme sowohl unter Windows 11 als auch unter Linux funktioniert.
Hin und wieder luft der Lfter im normalen Office-Betrieb kurz an, der Geruschpegel ist jedoch nicht strend.
Als Gaming-PC setze ich den Mini-PC nicht ein, aber kleinere Spiele wie Mahjongg zum Zeitvertreib schafft er auch.
Zwei Dinge knnten an dem PC verbessert werden: 1.) Die Lftung geht andauernd an/aus/an… Sie ist zwar nicht laut, doch nervt es etwas. Hier sollte eine grere Spanne zwischen Start- und Endtemperatur der Lftung eingestellt werden. 2.) Isolierung der USB3 Anschlsse scheint ungengend. Trotz der Verwendung teurer und abgeschirmter USB-Kabel interferriert das USB3-Signal mit dem 2.4GHz Signal meiner Funk-Eingabegerte. Entsprechend muss ich davon ausgehen, dass die Anschlsse selbst schlecht zueinander abgeschirmt sind.
Ich hab einen mglichst kleinen PC als zweit System gesucht damit ich nicht andauernd am rum Taben bin.
Durch die Artikel-Beschreibung kann man sich ja schon ein gutes Bild von der zu erwartenden Leistung machen und ich wurde nicht enttusch
Client lger de bonne qualit. Suffisant pour de la bureautique. Pour le prix, rien a dire pour le moment aprs 1 mois. A voir si il tient ses promesses dans le temps.
Excelente producto, muy rpida y muy practica, con un tamao mini suple perfectamente a cualquier ordenador. Estoy muy contento de haber adquirido este Mini PC. Muy recomendable.
No hace ruido, para uso personal , en total todo genial
No tiene nada que envidiar a ordenadores de marcas ms conocida y por tanto ms caras, yo lo utilizo como tpv para un negocio y me encanta el rendimiento y el poco espacio que ocupa, pues donde lo tengo puesto es un espacio muy limitado
Estoy contento con el mini PC, es la primera vez que utiliz uno y lo he comprado para el sistema domtico de mi Hogar, lo he ampliado con un SSD para el que trae tenga el sistema operativo y el otro datos, si consigo aprender lo suficiente quiero instalar otro de respaldo de este.
Probabilmente tra qualche mese lo sposter in un ufficio, dove potrebbe sostituire un computer pi potente, ma sono indeciso a farlo proprio a causa della ventola intermittente.
Spero che il produttore o il venditore mi aiutino a risolvere questo problema, cos potrei mettere la quinta stella che il prodotto secondo me meriterebbe, e valutare un eventuale ulteriore acquisto (sto cercando un ulteriore mini pc da far funzionare come server e sarei orientato per la versione con 256 Gb di SSD).
Immer gerne wieder:-)
un minipc de qualit et performant pour les enfants windows 10 instal d’origine avec 2 hdmi et vga
Habe Emulatoren darauf am laufen, funktioniert soweit alles zufriedenstellend
To be fair I wasn’t expecting much. Windows 10 pre-installed so easy enough to get started. I’m only using it to stream media from and it handles 4K content very easily with no issues. Plex owner’s dream.
Fan can be a little noisy, apparently can be fixed by checking the amount of thermal paste but I don’t intend on bothering – it’s not too bad if you like your content loud.
Rapid little micro pc works well with the work related applications and movies
Ideal for my needs and at a terrific price.Perfect.
ero alla ricerca di un mini pc da utilizzare a casa.
dopo varie ricerche e aver letto mille recensioni mi sono imbattuto in questo prodotto.
premettiamo che una marca che non conosco e non ho mai sentito.
mi sono fatto attirare dallo sconto che c’era al momento dell’acquisto.
prodotto arrivato in un giorno grazie al prime.
scatola nella norma e imballo ottimo.
piacevolmente stupito dalla velocit del prodotto.
si attiva in 5 minuti, silenzioso e oramai dopo 10 giorni di utilizzo mai un errore.
acquisto da consigliare a tutti coloro che cercano un prodotto per uso domestico con limitate dimensioni e budget di spesa.
Lo quera para un uso multimedia, Youtube, Netflix,Reproductor de videos , whatsapp-web etcc. Tena un reproductor Tv Android en una casita aislada con energa solar. Estaba harto del reproductor android, solo poda hacer una tarea y el rendimiento era tosco , lento y problematico con algnas apps. Esto es otra historia , mand a paseo Windows y le puse Ubuntu, va bastante bien , ni punto de comparacion con el Android. Puedo hacer varias tareas a la vez , lo uso para muchas cosas , por ejemplo programas vectoriales de disseo mientras escucho algn video de youtube y de vez en cuando chateo por whatsapp web. Todo esto era inpensable antes. El rendimiento es bastante bueno con relacin al precio , el soplido del ventilador no es nada molesto y el consumo estupendo teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias de estar con energa solar . La calidad , el tiempo dir .
It is good for general use and watching films ,really easy to setup ,you can connect wireless accessories or hardwire in and then depending if you are using a projector monitor etc.This is a great deal though and it is very fast and works well.seems to boot up incredibly quickly ,reliable solution then you can consider this pc.all in all I am very impressed by this device.Thanks
I purchased this along with a cheap touchscreen monitor, to sit on top of a basic digital piano. With this setup, I can use pdf music instead of books, use programs such as Audacity to record music, and follow tutorials on YTube etc – but with better visibility (and cheaper) than via a tablet. The mini pc has been perfect for this. Not sure how it would cope with gaming, but it is fine for music and basic streaming services.
On powering up it went into a typical Windows 10 setup routine but froze at the point when it wanted to set a pin code. I had to crash out of the routine by powering down and then restarting. At this point I discovered that the user “manual” was completely useless ..
Fortunately I have worked with computers since the 1970’s when they took up a huge space … were programmed with punched cards, and were just as pernickity as the PC’s of today. So I have the necessary patience to “fiddle” so by skipping the section where the pin was entered I got it going at last.
This is definitely NOT a machine for beginners, but once set-up is a joy to use. It is VERY quick. I’m not a gamer, I mostly use my pc for graphics and video where speed of memory and raw processing speed make a real difference, and this pc excels.
This is a lovely little mini PC, very easy to hide away for a super tidy desk or streaming media PC setup. The specs are pretty good for the money but the Celeron processor and lack of a proper GPU mean there’s no chance of it running any even remotely modern games. As long as you’re OK with that then this is a perfecty capable machine for daily tasks like web surfing, email and wacthing streaming media.
It does support 4K but performs better at 1080p, which looks fine to me even on a fairly big display. It works well for streaming media so could be an ideal, low power media PC attached to a TV where you’d also get the ability to use normal Windows stuff as well if you add a bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
Setup was easy, just the usual Windows 10 procedure of setting up WiFi, logging into your Microsoft account and installing a whole bunch of updates (do this when you’re not in a hurry, it took quite a while and needed a couple of reboots).
After that it booted straight into Windows 10 as you’d expect and you’re up and running. The fan is quite audible when it’s running (it goes on and off) so that might affect where you plan to put it. Even being behind a monitor / TV would help to muffle the sound quite a bit.
The SSD storage is adequate for basic stuff but would fill up quickly if you’re dealing with lots of media files. Still I think it’s perfectly good value at the price and it would be easy to add more storage at a later date.
Overall it’s great, as long as you have sensible expectations of what it can do.
Most homes have PC monitors today wether the householders know it or not. Basically, if one has any up to date TV then he / she has a monitor. PCs can be costly depending on the specs and what one wants from them and this little mini PC isn’t bad at all, in fact it catually surprised me.
Windows 10 Pro comes pre-installed and needs to be set up so one does need to set aside a good hour or more as there are numerous updates that need to be installed and one’s Broadband speed will determine how quickly this PC can be in use after removal from the packaging. It does help if one already has a Microsoft account as that will save the time it takes to create one.
I am surprised at how low the cost of this mini PC is as I paid nearly 200 for my full version of Win 10 Pro but got ther DVD with the purchase so I have a hard copy in case anything badly goes wrong and a reinstall is needed without any Internet access. However, if one takes away the retail price of Win Pro then there isn’t much left for the hardware and yet this little box of tricks is reasonably fast for the cheap Intel “Celeron” Processor. The Celeron Chip is the low end of Intel’s Chips and usually have little performance in them yet this appears to perform better than one would expect of a low quality chipset.
This mini PC has more than enough RAM, which is an unusual thing to hear from me as I normally say that one can never have enough. At 12GB of RAM this can easily cope with multi tasking however do not expect the 128GB HDD to run smoothly for too long as it will soon start filling up. There are solutions though as one can add another Hard Drive (SSD) to increase the storage capacity and / or can connect an external Hard Drive to one of the USP Ports. Although there are 3TB and 4TB HDDs available they do tend to be expensive and yet the much cheaper 1TB and 2TB are easily adequate and will take a long, long time to fill up.
The PC, like all Windows PCs is simple to set up, just connect a keyboard and mouse and follow the prompts. It will help if this mini PC is connected by Ethernet cable rather than the much slower Wifi as updates are quite large. Once the Set Up is complete one can quickly check that this is genuinely a Win 10 Pro product and not a Home or Student version by checking in the settings or better satill simply looking in the Admin Tools in the main menu as there are two programs that only come with the Pro versions as they were mothballed a long time ago but some, like myself, still prefer to use them as although theyr are outdated they still perform much better than many of the apps and browsers of today’s availablility. Those two programs are “Internet Explorer” and “Windows Media Player”. Internet Explorer is still a great web browser and Media Player still works well but don’t expect 4K (UHD) playback through it.
Overall, this mini PC has impressed me and it looks very good when projected onto my 100″ screen / monitor. It is reasonably fast is, well built, the Celeron Chip has impressed for a low end chip, the overall quality is very good when considering the price so this is both good quality and good value. I am recommending this mini PC but also advise that you buy / use a better HDMI cable as they have cut costs with the short one that is provided.
: Top Tip : This is not a gaming PC.It is not designed to be. Do not buy and expect it to be able to do everything a normal PC can… It is a specialised mini-PC, that is specially designed to be a TV box, or PVR.
: Top Tip : Expand it using an external HD (Hard Disk), preferably a SSD (Solid State Drive), to give more storage room, and make it a more than capable TV and Media hub.
Note : I ordered the 12GB RAM + 128 ROM version.
Other versions are available, for varying prices.
: At 249.90, at the time of writing,
This :
: SNUNMU Mini PC,12GB RAM+128GB ROM,Intel Celeron J4125 (up to 2.7 GHz) Small PC Computer,Windows 10 Pro, Dual WiFi 2.4/5G, BT 4.2, 4K HD, 2 HDMI + 1 VGA Micro Compact Desktop for Home Office Business
Looks to be a very capable little PC, ideal for using as a media centre, or TV recording hub.
Is it any good?
Is it good value?
Will I get a lovely cup of tea , at any point during this review?
And possibly even a biscuit ?
Well… the answers to these, plus perhaps, one or two, extra, questions, we might accidentally stumble across, during the course of my meandering, and often erratic, review, we should take a closer look… …
Packaging :
It arrives in a lovely, shiny, professional, retail ready box.
The level of packaging is not excessive, or profligate, and is just enough to keep the product safe, and out of the box in good condition.
It makes a very good first impression.
Recycling :
All of the packaging can be recycled, including all of the inner contents.
Contents :
Out of the box, and the contents are easily catalogued:
1 x Mini PC,
1 x Power Adapter,
1 x HDMI cable,
1 x User Manual,
1 x VESA Mount
A fine set of ingredients (ingredients is what I went for here… yes. And I am sticking to it too!) that gives you everything needed to get up and running, straight out of the box.
Build Quality :
It has no ragged edges, no mould marks, or dodgy junctions.
The level of finish applied to the product is excellent.
It’s all beautifully finished, and looks the business.
Features :
The mini PC is very compact.
It measures : 5.11 x 5.11 x 1.96 inches.
That is pretty small, and makes wall mounting the PC beside your TV on the wall, easy, and very possible.
The mini PC features a fast, and powerful, Intel Celeron J4125 processor.
It is more than capable, with a base frequency of 2.00 GHz and the burst frequency that can reach 2.70 GHz.
It has 4 cores, meaning that it can process more things, at a faster speed.
It will make your viewing experience smoother, and capable of running faster, and with less lag.
It comes equipped with 12GB of DDR4 memory.
This is plenty of RAM to provide the system with enough memory to be really fast.
It also comes with a large SSD, that has 128GB of storage in a fast, and powerful Solid State Drive (SSD), that will provide enough storage to allow for plenty of hours of TV, Video, or music, to be stored, and fast enough to be useful as a media centre.
This can be expanded further should you wish, with a larger pair of DDR memory sticks, or a larger capacity SSD.
You should, if you are going down the media centre path, think of expanding the storage, with an external drive, to store all those TV shows, Box Sets, and Movies.
An external USB or 2.5 inch SATA HDD/SSD or M.2 NVME SSD, all would offer different ways to upgrade storage.
This mini PC supports dual, or triple, display via 2 HDMI ports and 1 VGA port
Very useful if you are planning on using it to display on two, or even three screens.
4K UHD graphics capability will give a picture quality that is pretty amazing looking, as 4K videos are stunning to look at.
An included VESA wall mount, makes this mini PC easily mountable onto a wall, perhaps behind a TV.
That way it is hidden, but still easily accessible.
The mini desktop computer supports 2.4 / 5G dual band WiFi.
With the onboard Ethernet port, it means that this mini PC is very connectable, and can be hooked up to the internet, giving blazing fast access to the apps needed to run this as a Media Centre PC, such as Netflix, Amazon, iPlayer, and many more.
Going with the Ethernet, rather than Wi-Fi would make a strong and stable connection, that won’t drop out as Wi-Fi can.
Bluetooth is onboard too, giving access to the multiple Bluetooth accessories that you should hook up to.
A keyboard, and mouse, are required, and with Bluetooth, you can choose the wireless versions.
It has the most up to date, and fastest Bluetooth 4.2 onboard.
Set Up :
Setting up the mini PC is easy.
It is simple to set up, and if you need a bit of help, the instructions are clear, and easy to follow.
Should you wish to wall mount it, instructions are available, and there are plenty of “How To…” videos out there to help.
Performance :
The PC performed perfectly during testing.
It was very quick to boot up, with the Windows loading up within seconds.
The PC felt quick, agile, and very fast.
The large 8GB memory is plenty, and lightning quick, and the speedy SSD makes loading the OS, and any programs and Apps, quick and painless.
It runs videos as smooth as a box of buttered frogs .
The sound quality is excellent too, after hooking it up to the soundbar, or Home Cinema system.
The Bluetooth connection is reliable and quick, giving fast and steady mouse, and keyboard connections.
The HDMI, and VGA, connections are stable, and give a steady, and pin sharp picture quality.
Down Sides :
No downsides were noted during testing.
Value :
The mini PC is very good value.
It is a very good bundle, and all looks to be a well priced bit of kit.
I would happily pay the asking price.
Summary :
Overall, this mini PC is excellent.
It is very well designed, with some nice design choices.
It is well put together, with good quality components, and well matched hardware.
It performed perfectly during testing, and is a joy to use.
It is quick, steady, and reliable.
It was a pleasure to use, and I would happily have it as my media centre PC.
Recommendation :
I do not hesitate to recommend it highly.
It is one of my favourite products I have ever reviewed.
If you want a media centre, or even a compact little PC for office work, this little gem could be the answer to your prayers.
It is a good Mini PC, aimed squarely at the media centre market.
Now… about that cup of tea?
Ooh, lovely.
I hope you enjoyed our time together .
Thank you for reading my review .
Ich bitte um Umtausch. Freundliche Gre Peter Trennwolf
Windows 11 compliant.
But better than my old Windows 10 desktop. Works well for office programs and internet.
Den Service angeschrieben, das Problem beschrieben, Video gemacht und zack ein Neues Gert bekommen. Jetzt bin ich sehr gut zufrieden und kann es empfehlen.
Amazing mini PC. Does just what I need. It was easy to set up, the instruction booklet was a nice helpful resource, even though I did not need it, but for someone new to computers it would be useful. Runs super smoothly once set up though. The computer is quiet with my work load and no heating up issues. The speed and ease of working is almost equivalent to my Lenovo laptop, which is pretty fast. Fantastic unit and amazing for its size. The build quality gives you the confidence to move it around. It feels great in my hands and fits behind my monitor neatly. Very happy with mini PC.
This is a pretty powerful mini PC.
It has Windows already installed and for the size it’s pretty fast and works well.
The ports are enough for me as I’m just using the HDMI and USB
For a small machine, it has wifi and is easy to connect to.
This machine is lightweight and portable which I love.
Well engineered machine and works really well.
This is a brilliant little pc that can be used in so many ways and for some many things, from a bonified regular PC type use to even using in a media cabinet to stream and run apps though, it’s got impressive specs for a mini PC too, with 12 GB of DDR4 and a 128GB SSD which can be changed out for a much bigger drive if needed to use as a media server etc, build quality is great and it doesn’t sound like a mini jet engine like some, it also comes complete with windows 10 pro installed so is ready to go out of the box, I tested it for my regular type use, word processing, watching videos and browsing the web and had a nice smooth experience so this gets top marks from me.
I dont do gaming so cant comment on its capabilities in that area, but for office work it works perfectly and I got a second screen.
Installed an extra SSD to give me some local storage although I mainly use networked storage (NAS) and it was so simple to install.
BT Keyboard and Mouse saves even more space and wires.
Loving it so far.