Tria Beauty 4X Permanent Hair Removal Laser, Home Salon IPL

Tria Beauty 4X Permanent Hair Removal Laser, Home Salon IPL for Body and Face, Fuchsia, 0.82 kg

Which is better?
Who is Tria’s Hair Removal Laser technology suitable for?
Step 1: Prep Your SkinCleanse, shave and towel-dry for the most effective treatment. | Step 2: Select a Treatment LevelCustomise your comfort level with three treatment levels. Start on low, and work your way up to a higher setting. | Step 3: Choose an Area and BeginYou’re one pulse away from smooth skin. After each pulse, lift and place the tip in an overlapping pattern. |
- Wheeland R. G. (2007). Simulated consumer use of a battery-powered, hand-held, portable diode laser [.] A safety, efficacy and ease-of- use study. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 39(6), 476-493
- Haedersdal, M., Beerwerth, F., & Nash, J. F. (2011). Laser and [IPL] hair removal technologies: from professional to home use. The British journal of dermatology, 165 Suppl 3, 31-36.
- Wheeland R. G. (1995). Cosmetic use of lasers. Dermatologic clinics, 13(2), 447-459.4
- Gold, M. H., Biron, J. A., & Thompson, B. (2015). Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Intense Pulsed Light Source for Facial Skin Hair Removal for Home Use. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 8(7), 30-35.
- Haedersdal, M., Beerwerth, F., & Nash, J. F. (2011). Laser and [IPL] hair removal technologies: from professional to home use. The British journal of dermatology, 165 Suppl 3, 31-36.
Brand: | Tria Beauty |
Origin: | Thailand |
This can really hurt in places, a sign that yes the machine is effective. Laser hair removal isn’t totally painless but other machines didn’t give the same intensity as this.
After 3 uses the hairs are going, really going and treatment is only once every 2 weeks initially not twice a week.. there’s no trigger too. It automatically senses when you place it on your skin and fires.
And it’s quick. The last IPL to I used you had to wait 5-6 seconds before the next firing, this is almost instant…
Light window is small so you need to spend time to get coverage but, the battery only lasts 20 minutes so you’ve no chance of covering a whole area in one session.
For me I can get upper chest done. I then have to charge to do abs.. it’s a small niggle on an otherwise brilliant but painful machine.
If you were doing legs then I’d say 4 sessions would be needed due to battery… Don’t let this put you off though..
However, the extra power does mean that using it can be a bit painful, so try to find something like a cold lotion or a bag of ice cubes to numb the skin while using it.
Seems to be doing the job, very glad I purchased.
Regalo per mia figlia che ha molta peluria su gambe e braccia
Per il momento provateo solo su gambe , inguine e cosce ed rimasta molto soddisfatta
I risultati sono garantiti
Ha poca durata di carica ma basta avere la pazienza di organizzarsi
Ha vari livelli di forza in base ai tipi di pelle e di resistenza
Lo ricomprare i e lo consiglio
I’m particularly impressed with the result on my upper-lip which I used to thread every 3 days or so pre-tria and now laser once or twice a year at most. I rarely went above setting 3 as it was too painful for me, usually sticking to 2 and that was effective enough!
It would be perfect if the head was bigger.
Resulto que un mes despues de devolverla SI le haban desaparecido los pelos de la zona donde lo aplico. Fue un fallo que no supiera identificar el funcionamiento de la mquina y por eso la devolvimos. Error, y por eso volvimos a comprarla de nuevo.
Resumen: FUNCIONA de primera tal como dice el fabricante, es segura y muy facil de usar, solo hay que tener un poco de paciencia (1 mes mnimo) para ver los resultados
NO TIENE NADA QUE VER CON LA DEPILADORAS DE DESTELLOS, que solo tienen menos de la dcima parte de potencia que esta y claramente no funcionan. Que no os enganen con los miles de destellos por segundo porque no hacen nada.
Esta si hace y solo da un pulso cada vez pero y se nota como un piquillo en la piel, al menos yo lo percibo asi (depende de la potencia que uses) en el nivel 4 (tiene 5) y si que atiza bien y funciona, ya lo creo.
Curiosamente, no hay ningun otra depiladora laser como esta en el mercado, las he buscado y solo aparecen lad de destellos (kk). Podria ser porque son una seria competencia de las tiendas de depilacion (Unico, etc)?. Cierto que las tiendas usan unas maquinas con una ventana mas grandes y mas potentes pero no pueden subir la potencia mucho porque te queman , de hecho en algun caso les ha pasado porque ponen a chavalitas que muchas veces no tienen ni idea (y cobran de miseria) y al final es dificil demostrar que te quemaron ellos (firmas un papelito para eximirlos de responsabilidad).
Bueno, que la depiladora Tria funciona de verdad.
I love this. I have really struggled with leg hair, it has always been course and thick, especially my thighs and bikini line, even right after I shaved it was never completely smooth. I couldn’t sleep without long pj’s as my hair was too spiky and uncomfortable. I could never understand people who said they forgot to shave, or ones who said they hadn’t shaved in a week but you couldn’t tell, I could never forget or even go out after 1 day, it really knocked my confidence. I only waxed for about 10 years and after 9 my hair did start getting thinner but I was still having to wax every 2-3 weeks. I started thinking about lazer removal but the price was high and no guarantee of how many courses I would need. My friend suggested I try this first. It took about 4 months of doing it bi weekly before I noticed a difference, but then I really noticed a difference, my hair was much thinner, when I shaved my legs were much smoother and there were patches where the hair was not growing at all, my bikini line dissapeared completely, after a year, I noticed that I was only shaving once a week and even then my hair was so thin, I didn’t really need to worry. I then got complacent and stopped using the lazer as frequently as I had and then would notice more hair, after 1 session the hair would then go again. I think it’s brilliant, I have saved a fortune on waxing, I’m a lot more confident and happier about my leg hair, I think there are only 2 faults with the lazer, 1 is that you can only use it for so long (about 20 min for me) before you need to charge it, but its biggest fault is its operator!
Only down side is the weight and the battery life which make it tough to get big areas done in one. Sometimes this is actually a welcome break though!!
lo consiglio a tutte.
Almost as effective as your local laser clinic, but at a fraction of the price. And by effective, I mean its highest intensity strength, not the long term results. Hairs began falling out within a couple of days.
Takes long to do, but I did it while watching a show so time flew by.
Time consuming due to small head (on legs especially)
Battery needs recharging after about half an hour, so you need free time on your hands for large areas.
Slightly painful, but much less painful than professional ipl
It is fda approved so I know it’s safe on my skin, unlike other home laser machines.
This is a diode laser, so should be more effective.
No pain immediately after I finished.
es buneo. noto que van perdiendo fuerza los pelos. es raro el zumbido que hace. lo malo es que es pequeo el circulo y tenes que hacer muchos disparon para cubrir zonas grandes. excelente depiladora de hoga
Tria only works on fair skin to medium. If you are dark and tanned and have black or ginger or blonde hair this product is likely to be not right for you. On Dark skin it can damage your skin. Sorry I hate it that all people cannot use this product.
For the Men sack crack this is a no no but it’s fab for chest hair and other areas. I have given 4 * because you have to have a particular skin type. Has a safety lock to guarantee you to use on surface of skin. I’m new to this but think it really works happy with results.
WARNING: YOU MUST CHARGE THIS PRODUCT AT LEAST EVERY THREE MONTHS or after 6 months it will die set a message on your phone to charge monthly as a reminder.
I’ve had this for years now and I love it
The only down side is the head is really small so it takes long time to finish one area but it does really work .
I should admit that I have not used it religiously for the past two years, and so with regular use I can only imagine that the results are better. There are periods where I will use it consistently – over maybe a month or two – and then periods of about the same amount of time where I haven’t done anything.
I’ve used it on my underarms with a good result. When I use it consistently, I usually find that I can go about a month before needing to think about it again. The hair gets thinner and lighter, so while after a couple of weeks you’re able to see the hair, it doesn’t bother me because it’s so thin and light that you can only see it if you’re looking for it. It doesn’t really bother me about there being a little fuzz there, because it’s definitely an improvement on before. But if you’re expecting complete permanent hair removal, you’ll likely be disappointed.
As for my bikini line, on the places I’ve used it most, I’ve seen the best results, and can usually go 2-3 weeks without another treatment.
The only criticism I would have is that the laser head is pretty small (about a 1cm circle), so at the start it takes a while to cover even a small area. But I don’t see how this could be improved upon, because after all, it is a laser. I’ve never done my legs with it as I imagine it would take forever. But after a while, you spend less time with each session, as there is less hair. The pain isn’t excruciating, but I do have to wince often enough. I have a very low pain threshold though, so I imagine most women would be able to tolerate it easy enough. It does get less painful with each session too. One other thing to note would be the fact that it makes loudish beeping noises as you turn it on and use it, so you can’t really do it completely privately.
I imagine with regular and continued use, you’d really see the best results. And I do plan to adopt a better schedule for using it because it has yeilded good results for me, even using it somewhat sporadically.
All in all, I feel it is worth the money, even in that it reduces the time spent thinking about hair removal. I would reiterate that it’s not a magic bullet, but if you’re happy enough with lighter, thinner and a significantly reduced amount of hair, then this is definitely worth purchasing.
The head is small, and the zap rate appears to be optimal at about 10 seconds interval. It has an intelligent logic to decide whether the laser is permitted to fire.
Very easy and safe to use.