Waterdrop RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System, TDS
Waterdrop RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System, TDS Reduction, 400 GPD Fast Flow, Tankless, FCC Listed, 1:1 Drain Ratio, USA Tech Support, Model: WD-G2-B, Black
Reduce contaminants larger than 0.0001 μm
The waterdrop RO water filter systemis so exquisite that any contaminants larger than 0.0001 μm cannot pass through the filters, including cysts.
Reduce common contaminants
The reverse osmosis systemreduces over 90% of TDS, chlorine, odor, chloramine, scale, turbidity and bad taste after complete flushing.
Reduce carcinogens and heavy metals
Reduction of carcinogens: chromium (hexavalent), chromium (trivalent), cadmium, cadmium compounds, and ferric oxide.
Reduction of heavy metals: lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, and aluminum.
Reduce chemical residues in water
Reduction of inorganic pollutants: arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds, fluoride, etc.
Reduction of organic pollutants: asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, phenytoin, nitrate, nitrite, bisphenol A, trichloromethane, PFOA, etc.
Weight: | 25.8 Pounds |
Dimensions: | 43.99 x 15.01 x 35.31 cm; 11.7 Kilograms |
Model: | WD-G2-B |
Batteries Required: | No |
Dimensions: | 43.99 x 15.01 x 35.31 cm; 11.7 Kilograms |
Easy to install. Our toxic California water tastes great now.
Ne ho gi installati 2, non sono un idraulico ma pratico di fai-da-te sono molto facili da installare, l acqua ha la stessa qualit di un altro ad osmosi che ho da anni a casa. Le bottiglie in plastica sono una follia
Ottimo articolo e ottimo rapporto prezzo qualit, facile da montare, meglio se con l’aiuto di un idraulico se non si pratici, design unico e futuristico, promette una manutenzione minima, fa una pulizia automatica periodica e necessita solo la sostituzione dei filtri quando segnalato dalle spie realtive, che avvisano quando le cartucce filtro sono quasi esaurite e poi esaurite, anche con segnali acustici. Dopo aver lungamente guardato in giro e valutato varie offerte da pi costose a meno costose, dall’osmosi alla microfiltrazione, alla fine ho optato per questo modello, molte anche le recensioni positive e formidabile il rapporto qualit prezzo, ovviamente per l’installazione occorre arrangiarsi, ma anche con l’intervento di un idraulico resta comunque un articolo conveniente e raccomandabile. Se avete pi spazio per installarlo e volete spendere un po’ di pi, esiste il modello con tre filtri invece di due, ma per le mie necessit era sufficiente questo modello
Acquistare acqua in bottiglie di plastica significa perdere tempo e fatica , oltre a produrre montagne di rifiuti. L’acqua in vetro ha dei costi allucinanti e comunque crea ingombro. La soluzione? Un filtro ad osmosi inversa!
Rispetto ai tradizionali sistemi, con questo dispositivo l’ingombro minimo anche se ha due stadi di filtrazione in meno.
L’ho installato in un’ora , perch dovete considerare l’eventuale necessit di fare un foro da 25mm (1″) per posizionare il rubinetto.
Detto questo molto semplice da collegare, anche se richiede una certa dimestichezza con il fai da te. Se non avete mai fatto piccoli lavori di idraulica in casa meglio lasciar fare ad un professionista.
La confezione contiene tutto il necessario e vi serviranno pochissimi attrezzi.
Il rubinetto in acciaio spazzolato ben fatto, i tubi di collegamento sono di buona fattura, la valvola di alimentazione adattabile ai raccordi da 1/2″ed 1/4″.
Il manuale rapido in italiano vi spiega chiaramente come procedere ad installazione e messa in servizio.
Innanzitutto il fattore economico, se considerate tempo,costi e fatica per l’acqua in bottiglia. La spesa facilmente ammortizzabile e successivamente avrete ottima acqua a pochissimi centesimi al litro.
Non c’ un ingombrante serbatoio da gestire con il rischio di una ricontaminazione batterica causata dai ristagni. Gli elementi filtranti sono 2 (per questo modello) anzich 4 o pi da dover gestire e sostituire .
Il rapporto di acqua pulita / acqua di scarico migliore rispetto ai sistemi tradizionali con serbatoio (a parit di prezzo) .
Manutenzione semplicissima, per sostituire i filtri basta ruotare di 90 la caruccia ed estrarla.
Eventualmente ogni 3/4 mesi pulire il tubo di scarico che si innesta con un attacco rapido nello scarico del lavandino.
Il sapore dell’acqua molto leggero e non ha retrogusti strani, paragonabilissima all’acqua minerale.
La comodit di non dover continuamente trasportare pesanti confezioni e stoccare voluminosi rifiuti (ed anche l’ambiente ringrazia).
L’installazione semplice ma dovrete tenere conto che probabilmente dovrete fare un foro per l’installazione del rubinetto sul vostro lavello/top e servir valutare lo spazio necessario per posizionarlo dove pi comodo.
Dovrete tenere conto del materiale di cui fatto il lavello per forare con una fresa a tazza, inox e resina sono materiali relativamente facili, se dovete forare un top di marmo o il classico lavello smaltato meglio pensarci bene.
Se non siete pratici di idraulica potrebbe essere scomodo montare valvola e rubinetto nello spazio angusto sotto il lavello e rischiereste possibili perdite per una errata guarnizione delle giunzioni.
La portata di erogazione non altissima , un litro al minuto. Considerate per che per salire in auto, andare al supermercato e tornare vi prende il tempo per riempire almeno 20 caraffe da un litro.
Sono soddisfatto, con una spesa non eccessiva ho risolto tre problemi. Non devo piu fare pesanti spese al supermercato, non ho pi montagne di plastica da smaltire, a breve termine avr un risparmio economico concreto.
Il sistema ben fatto, non d assolutamente la minima impressione di materiali scadenti. Arriva con tutto quello che serve, natro
Gli elementi filtranti hanno una buona durata (va poi in base a durezza ed impurit della vostra acqua di rete), indicativamente un anno per il filtro a carboni attivi e due per le membrane di ultrafiltrazione. Consiglio di prendere un filtro a carboni attivi da subito (CF) e non pensarci pi per due anni circa. Gli elementi filtranti sono semplicissimi da sostituire, roba da pochi secondi.
La pompa di pressurizzazione poco rumorosa , praticamente un ronzio quando si apre il rubinetto.
Purtroppo lo stesso modello ma con portata superiore ha (in Italia) una differenza di prezzo a mio parere ingiustificata. Su siti di e-commerce americani la versione 600 galloni/giorno costa poche decine di dollari in pi, mentre per noi sono un paio di centinaia di .
Se il budget per voi non un problema vi consiglio di valutare sistemi Waterdrop pi performanti in termini di filtrazione , produzione e con un rapporto di scarico ancora pi vantaggioso.
Per una famiglia media di 4 persone un’ottima soluzione che garantisce ampiamente il consumo di acqua pura.
Machine was purchased to replace a failed system by another supplier .. simply disconnected the old one and replaced in moments with this super sleek looking machine
What an improvement in water taste brilliant and neat installation as there is no separate storage tank
Despus de comparar muchos equipos me decid por ste por ser compacto, econmico, facil de instalar, fcil de sustituir los filtros y de flujo directo. El principal inconveniente es que slo se suministra a travs de Amazon y eso puede suponer a medio plazo dificultad de conseguir recambios.
Me ha encantado. Se acabaron las garrafas del sper. El sabor excelente tambin. Segn mis pruebas desperdicia muy poca agua comparado con otros sistemas (Ver video) Me ha decepcionado que el primer litro no tiene la misma calidad en cantidad de particulas ppm. Osea, que es conveniente desechar y dejar coorrer los primeros 40 segundos y luego llenar el vaso o la jarra y las botellas que vayamos a consumir.
easy to install. even easier to change filters. No more store bought water bottles
I had someone install for me but they seemed to have no problems with installations. It is tankless so takes up little space and filters are easy to change. The water does not come out as fast as from the tap but the rate was fine, just takes a few seconds longer to fill glass.
Me gusta en general todo instale una mquina de hacer hielo y utilizo esta smosis para suministrar una buena agua para la misma
I like the fact that you waist a lot less water than a regular RO
I had my doubts with how compact this was, we live in central Texas and between the lack of rain and record hot days our local water source developed a flavor from certain bacteria and algae. This system completely got rid of the dirt flavor and the water is excellent, I actually want to drink it now instead of forcing myself
Ottimo acquisto. Facile da installare. Io ho acquistato a parte un rubinetto con 2 aeratori da dove scendono 3 serpentine… una collegata con la macchina dell’osmosi Inversa, una dell’acqua calda e l’altra dell’acqua fredda normale. Ho fatto delle analisi con i reagenti che potete notare nelle foto e l’analisi del TDS. In entrata il TDS risultata 110 in uscita il TDS in uscita con la machina Osmosi Inversa 16. L’acqua ha un buon sapore. Contentissima del mio acquisto.
Ottimo prodotto, installazione semplice e subito operativo. Ha portato la mia acqua di rubinetto da una durezza di 26F a 5F. Rapporto di scarto verificato ed effettivo a 1:1 come pubblicizzato. Ottimo acquisto.
La mia esperienza parte da una unit non funzionante, installata, ma purtroppo continuava a scaricare acqua senza fermarsi, infatti dopo circa 30min andava in blocco. Contattato direttamente via mail il servizio clienti, si sono rivelati molto celeri e professionali, alla fine, quando hanno appurato che la mia unit era difettosa, hanno provveduto ad inviarmi una nuova unit completa. Questa volta andato tutto bene. Non posso che raccomandare questo prodotto e il loro servizio di assistenza.
I can continue to use the drinking water without waiting.
Installato da qualche giorno, sembra essere davvero ottimo, ha ridotto di 6 volte i TDS nell’acqua (analisi fatta con un tester acquistato a 10 su Amazon) ed ha eliminato sapore e odore sgradevole
This device seems to be working well for my sink water dispenser faucet and for water to my fridge. The taste is good (much better than the city water). And, I like the “on demand” feature of this unit. No more tanks, to hold the water in reserve, that might become moldy over time and no more 3 1/2 gallons of water wasted per gallon of filtered water.
It works very well and the water quality increased enormously. However, if you would like it to work properly, it is better to get a plumber to install it. It is really not a DIY job.
Goede waterdrop.
Makkelijk te installeren, echt goede beschrijving en spullen.
Top product.
This system works very well. Very quiet. Flow is acceptable. I like the idea that it is on demand and you don’t have to wait for a tank to fill. Taste is the same as bottled water. Haven’t done a water test yet , but expect the results to be excellent.
Simple install,trs peu d’encombrement ,et surtout facilit d’utilisation et d’entretien(changement des deux filtres )ni bombonne ,ni tuyeau dans tous les sens !!
I had to drill a hole in my cabinets to fish an extension cord through to power this off the fridge outlet. Plumbing was pretty easy if you’ve ever replaced a faucet, otherwise get a pro to install it. I wish I had a better place to run the waste pipe other than drilling a hole in my plumbing but I drilled into the top of an easily replaceable p-trap so it’s not a huge deal. Filtered water from a tap has been wonderful. Brita filters don’t do a thing for our water so it’s been nice not buying any bottled water. You could easily run this into a fridge with the right fittings if you want it cold. We just fill up a massive tank we keep in the fridge and drink from that. Its also nice never having to clean out the coffee maker since the water is so pure.
Buy this if you want <10 PPM water on tap. Don't buy it if regular filtered or tap water is good enough for you.
La verdad es que me pens el comprarlo porque le un comentario previo en el que deca que el sabor era raro y, nada de eso, tiene el mismo sabor que cualquier agua filtrada por smosis.
Es muy fcil de instalar y tiene un tamao muy contenido (al no tener depsito). Lo nico que me preocupa es el tema de los filtros de repuesto en un futuro, aunque igual no es un problema.
Lo recomiendo 100%
Took me a long time to make the decision but boy am I pleased I made that decision no more bottled water for me at home.
Really great model, was easy to install and the filters are cheap enough which is a bonus. I had to reach out to the customer support to clarify some details in the manual, they were fast to reply and very helpful.
All in all it’s a great product and a happy customer
Had this for sometime now and it’s working great. Still really pleased with the water it produces and no more worries about running out of bottled water. Just do it the planet will love a little more.
I recommend this filter. Our water is very hard and taste awful. Now we love it.
Removes chlorine and fluoride from tap water and filters out other nasties too. Dirt, heavy metals, minerals and organic residues – all gone
Not too difficult to install if you have some basic plumbing skills.
Takes up much less space under your sink than a tank model – see the picture.
If you look carefully, you’ll see I added an extra component – a Geekpure 10 Inch Inline Alkaline Water Filter Kit. This puts back the healthy minerals such as calcium and gives the water an excellent taste.
Received filter right away have been using it for about 2 weeks and no complaints. It was fairly easy to install. I can hear it start working when I use the filter which was a little unexpected but not so noisy that it’s a problem. Overall very satisfied with this filter.
Perhaps one of great investments around my home. I’ve had it for over 1.5 years.
It saved me time & money from going to store to buy 5 gallon refills for our water cooler.
I’ve replaced one filter already at about one year mark.
Installation was straight forward. Mine took time because I had to drill hole into the sink to pass the faucet. From a previous reviewer, I got a great advice: I BOUGHT A CONNECTOR that connected the black sink tube to the grinder. SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRILL ONTO THE SINK DRAINAGE PVC!
Instructions were straight forward.
I’m not too handy so if I can do it, anyone can.
The RO system is great, water tastes amazing.
I recently moved and lost the connecting piece that comes with the kit. I reached out to customer service and they immediately sent me out a replacement. Super helpful.
I bought this for two reasons: low waste flow (1:1 waste) and because of pfas in my public water. RO is the only know way to reliably remove pfas. This works exactly as advertised. Easy to install. Taste is great, better than even brita water. Flow rate is good. That faucet that comes along with it works well. After 4 months no problems.
I do a TON of research before purchasing items online, especially health-related. I have a newborn at home now and we’ve had to use city water and boil it because it can be so disgusting. RO systems can be hit or miss, but let me tell you- this one’s a HIT. I have a family member who works extensively in water purification for under-developed countries and he actually specializes in RO. He gave this system an A for quality. He also gave it an A+ for affordability and I give it an A++ for easy installation and peace of mind. Filters are unbelievably easy to change as well. I would love to gift one of these to my sister who has to also use gross city-water.
Rarely do I write reviews but absolutely HAD TO for this product. Not only was it easy to install, when I had some issues getting it to perform the way I expected and reached out to the company, they went WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND in helping me to arrive at a satisfactory place. They have a customer for life and I will order from them before any other, if they have it and I need it, I’m buying from them. Thank you again Ecolife Technologies / Waterdrop!!!
The first unit that I received and installed had a leak from the case of the unit. I reported this, with a photo of the leak, to Aquacrest. Even though it had been more that 28 days since the purchase (as I had no time to install it before then) they immediately sent a replacement unit with no further questions asked.
The new unit was installed with no problems and is working fine and as expected.
The customer service was excellent and they replied to my emails straight away.
Easy to install: Took me 40 minutes to install everything as it was straight forward. Make sure you have a drill machine.
Taste: it tastes really good, same as the water from filtered water bottles.
Highly recommend this produc
Very convenient and sleek design. I was hesitant to get water system when i looked at the amount of space it would take under the sink. I live in a small home and this is perfect.
Same sort of pressure as old system but water keeps going rather than running out halfway through a kettle full! Pump runs quietly when tap is on and the stops the moment the tap is off rather than running for 20 min to refill a tank. Easy to install, easy to change the filters.
So at 1st I was having some issues With the filter system. The TDS will rise in the filters while it sits so you have to run the water for a few seconds before getting a glass to clear it out. After getting ahold of customer service Is the system works as advertised And they’re also sending me one of their new top filters for free cant argue with tha
My builders fitted this in my new kitchen. We cleaned the kettle at the time of install and it has remained clean. My only gripe is the flow rate isn’t great. Takes a little longer than I’d like to fill the kettle, apart from that I’m happy with it.
Bought this as a replacement for my 10 year old 5 filter RO because unable to get replacement filters anymore. How technology as moved on to compare with my old RO first it costs me 70 to replace all 5 filters second no storage tank which made my wife very happy so a lot more room under the sink third the water waste was 3 to 1 meaning you waste 3 litres to get 1 which is not good if you are on a water meter this is 1 to 1 which is far better. So if you are looking for at a system that is compact, cheaper easy to fit filters and less waste and more room under the sink just do like l did and and compare it with the other RO and make your choice, so I hope this can help you make your decision.
Okay, after working with customer service and some really nice people we have resolved most of my issues. The filters are still a little expensive, but not so much as buying another unit or replacing filters constantly with cheaper units. I would definitely recommend the water drop units and if you have any issues just reach out to their customer service members. Constantine was wonderful and helped me out a great deal to resolve my problems.
I bought this unit at the end of June of this year. So it has been installed for less than 6 months and both filters are saying they need replaced already. I had no warning that they were going to need replaced either. When I looked yesterday, both lights were blue and everything was fine. Today, both lights are a reddish and the unit does absolutely nothing. Where was the warning? And for the filters (There are only 2 in mine) cost half what I paid. So, that comes out to about $125 every six months after I already paid $245 for the original unit. No, thank you! I’ll go back to the old style and you can keep this overpriced crap.
Time scale to install take longer than I thought 30 mins ? Only if pipe work are in place and power socket…
The filter is very simple to install ( with the right tools in hand), realistically it shouldn’t take an average person more than 1 hour to complete. the quality of the waters nutrient is also great, im getting an average of 5-10 PPM and PH of 7.6. Filter replacement seems expensive but compared to the old version of the 5 filter system you will change this less often, which in my calculations will work out the same if not cheaper in a yearly period. not to mention the amount of space you save under your sink… great quality product! thank you
Very high quality. Basically gave you everything you need to install. I think the water tastes so fresh
it is a bit loud but works very well, can definitely taste the difference.
Easy set up, and good results. Only complaint would be it takes a little while to fill a cup of water, but overall very satisfied with this system and ease of install
This was easy to install and fits well under our sink. We are happy with it so far.
We have been looking for a cost effective reverse osmosis water filtration system that was easy to install to improve the quality of your drinking water, this system ticks all the boxes.
I have been using the tank versions of RO filters for years. As I moved, I wanted to try the tankless variety. First, the installation was super easy. I even took the occasion to install a new faucet at the same time since I was going to be under the sink. Both projects together took me less than 2 hours. I also watched the online tutorial from Waterdrop and also watched a couple of others on YouTube (there are several). Very easy install and if you follow instructions precisely you should not have any leaks. I tested the water before installation and saw about 180ppm for my tap water. After installation it test around 119ppm. Not what I was looking for so I let the water run for a few seconds to clear the pipes and it dropped down to 35ppm which is exactly what I was looking for. So takeaway is let the water run for a few seconds to ensure you are getting fresh water being pumped. Don’t forget you need a plug to make this work. Your garbage disposal probably already is plugged in to a plug.
Im not very good at plumbing. Ive done a few minor things like change a toilet, swap out a faucet. I was worried this was going to be a little difficult for me, but I was able to get it installed in like an hour. I followed the directions it came with and found them to be very accurate. The hardest part was drilling a hole in my granite countertops. I found a tool on amazon and a video on youtube and got that done with out issue though. The space this thing takes up under our sink is minimal vs what the system my mom has at her house with the tank and filters.. The downside to this tankless system vs the one mom has is the speed the water comes out. Moms blasts out and will fill a gallon really quickly. This tankless one is much slower and takes 3x longer to fill a gallon, but I can fill 5 gallons faster because once her tank is empty it takes a while to fill back up and ours just keeps on going and never runs out.
It was a great buy !! I bought it 10 months ago. The hardest part was drilling the hole in my countertop, as it was something I had never done before !! Other than that, I found the official instructions and videos not so detailed, so I had to find some help from a few YouTubers, and found some very useful and comprehensive videos on installing the systems. of this brand. I needed to drill another hole in the drain pipe, and that was the other tricky part, but it wasn’t that hard, just you won’t get a quick install if it is your first time drilling your pipeline and counter 🙂
The best of this system:
– There is no tank, so if you have a small counter space, this is a great choice.
– The quality of this purified water, it considerably reduces all these bad particles, chemicals and heavy metals
– The taste of water is simply delicious and you get it in seconds.
– You can do the installation.
– The price could be a bit high but for the quality and performance I found it very fair.
Overall, this is a great product and I’m very, very happy with it!
Cosa dire, prodotto molto bello e di stile, ottimo per chi non molto pratico di faidate oppure avete 0 spazio per installarlo.
Entrando dello specifico ,ci provo perch nn sono un chimico, provato al pari di uno a 6 stadi e devo dire che cambia il sapore tra i sistemi e questo waterprof leggermente meno efficace ad eliminare i residui nel acqua. Pressione poca perch non ha il serbatoio per l accumulo e quindi molto lento nel riempire magari una brocca di acqua se avete ospiti x intenderci. Ma devo dire che le dotazioni sono di prima scelta, cominciando dai tubi e dal rubinetto sono ottimi e bellissimi.
Ritornando alla differenza chimica, residuo fisso di almeno il doppio di uno a stadi multipli x intenderci. Io parto da un acqua di pozzo , ma magari se lo usi x un sottolavello x acqua gi potabile forse potrebbe essere un ottima soluzione . Se per siete dei perfezionista e volete essere tranquilli e avete spazio devo sconsigliarlo.
This filtration system has been working flawlessly for the past year. I have just changed the CF filter and it was a breeze.
Family loves the fact that it doesn’t run out of water like the previous filtration system we had.
I live in South Central Florida. Where we live, we utilize well water. I installed a whole home filter system a while ago and, unfortunately, started with an RO tank system that took up my entire under sink area. The learning from that system as it was pressure driven only, as my whole home filter would reach the filter lifespan cycle, pressure would reduce, causing the pressure to drop below operating levels to keep sufficient water from the RO System.
This system, however, has been a wonderful change (albeit the first day, I will update later this year.). Yes it’s motorized, however it really isn’t that loud as long as you don’t rest the unit on a wall or pipe. (water leaving the normal faucet is much louder. Steady flow every time, and no more worrying about a tank to fill. The only change I need, which I knew going into this, is a requirement to take the power input to my disposal and wire a receptacle under the sink. Easy work around for now though as we’re going to redo our entire kitchen in the spring.
At the moment, couldn’t be happier. Much sturdier than my GE tank system, better fittings, simpler overall. So much for bottled water runs, happy about this.
Pretty easy to set up, no leaks so far (4-5 months?), Water tastes good and even though the flow is not that of a system with a tank, it’s endless at the same consistent pressure. Great buy for my house.
Easy install watch the youtube video takes 20 min tops. No leaks water comes out at an even flow. I filled 6 5 gallon buckets so 30 gallons in about 30 minutes. Worth the money!!!
Installation was a little cramped getting everything plugged in and I had to have an outlet installed to be able to bring power to the filter. After everything was installed it has worked great!
Such a simple system to install and doesn’t taste like anything. Like water should be!
I live in Texas so tap water is basically recycled pee and who knows what else from lake water swill. Now I’m not buying 6-8 gallons a week to drink for the fam. What I like is the simple filter swap out and no waste tank. Waste tube goes right into drain line on non-garbage disposal sink side (I have a double sink so it worked out for install)
I no longer have to carry around over 30 gallons of water a month to ensure kidney health. I only shop once a month. That’s $1540 in 4 yrs. I bought a 4 yr warranty, the unit and extra filters for 4 yrs. Water tastes great and over 4 years I will save about $1060.
This is a very attractive unit and if I had more counter space, I would happily display it. The water’s flavor is very good. I have no complaints but wished the water came out faster.
Adquirimos el producto porque el agua en nuestra zona tiene mucho sabor y en ocasiones color, y hasta ahora venamos consumiendo agua mineral, pero es un despropsito la cantidad de basura en plstico que se genera y la cantidad de espacio que necesitas para almacenar y nos decidimos por filtrar el agua. En general estamos muy contentos con el producto. La instalacin es rpida si tienes espacio para trabajar debajo del fregadero, pero si no lo tienes se puede alargar bastante. Respecto del filtrado, es muy bueno , el agua sale con buen sabor y sin color, pero estara bien que tuviera un poco ms de flujo de salida, por lo dems todo OK.
Works much better than our old system. The only thing is it needs the minerals added for flavor but it was easy to install and takes half the room as our old system.
Really makes water with a chlorine taste go away completely. But to fill a gallon jug to have cold water in fridge. Takes about 3 min. Really slow out put. But did make water drinkable.
The product is overall good, after fixing the leakage from input water tube(it flooded my cabinet under sink, that is why I could give it rating 4 of 5). The ppm from tape is 500, the ppm from filtered water is about 65, it is my expectation, thanks!
Great product, easy to install with simple instructions and links to videos to assist. I waited several years to purchase a R,O, system and I am glad that I chose this one. The water is now awesome!
Very happy with the performance of this RO system. We hooked it up to both the faucet, and as the water input to our ice maker. It works great, has consistently provided clear, clean, nice tasting water. It takes up much less space than our older tank system.
Good filter system, worth the purchase!
Compared to my 14 month 4-stage pressure tank system, which i paid $350 for and the pump failed after 15 months and it took 90 minutes for the filter change and purge process, the Waterdrop is a dream. I installed the unit in less than an hour, instruction (with youtube video) were excellent. The design, engineering and materials were far better than the $350 system and filter replacement takes less than a minute. I would highly recommend this system especially to the mechanically challenged regarding the ease of filter replacement.
I am very happy with the purchase. I was able to install it although I do not have previous plumbing experience much. One tip though to use plumbing tapes when connecting the fresh water. I did it without it and it was dropping while using the filter. Plumbing tape solved the issue.
I found this product super easy to install. I ended up changing my faucet at the same time and it was a few extra twists of a wrench to install this along side it. The compact size makes it fit well under my sink.
Make life simple with this system, it is quick and easy to install, fits nicely under the sink and comes with a nice faucet. The water tastes great and you can add your own minerals back into the water. I love not having to make frequent trips to the store. Best purchase for better tasting water!
This is a great system. We had another one and the water came out so slow. This one will fill a glass in seconds and fits nicely under our sink. The water tasted great as well. I would highly recommended this product and the price was reasonable also.
Takes up very little space under the sink. Installs in minutes. Produces filtered water instantly at good pressure. Whisper-quielet.
Let the water run for about 60 seconds each time you use it.
This unit was purchased to replace a traditional RO system with a TANK, from another manufacturer -which was a nightmare. Do yourself a favor and buy a TANKLESS RO system like this. One connection, and you are done. No pressure drop due to tank needing to refill, only two cartridges to change, which last twice as much as the other brands. Strongly recommended. Customer service is great.
My osmosis kicked off saying I needed more filters, I unplugged it til the light on osmosis quit flashing then plugged it back in, tds still only 19,Expensive filters $75-$80 for 1 and $26 for the othe
Old sink, took a while to undo old stuff, but read instructions, watched video, installation was easy enough. Really nice there’s no tank. A little bulkier than expected, but does the job and fits under sink. Great water stream and pressure. Water tastes crisp and like nothing, which we like.
Great product so far.
Has a 30 min shut off where the system has to be reset every time it goes past 33 min.
Kinda annoying but water is great. 20 ppm from tap water. Increased the alkaline of our tap water by a little over a full point. From 7.3to 8.5 ph. Water has absolutely no taste.
Great for hydroponic systems as well.
Installed this thing in a few minutes to replace my old tank RO system. The filters are cheaper than the other ones and the water itself actually has a lower TDS count that the old system (about 16ppm). The only downside is it does make a little bit of noise when it runs and after replacing filters you have to let it run for 30 solid minutes.
We love the space saving factor of this RO. We had our plumber install it. We watched the video and read the instructions but didn’t feel comfortable tackling a plumbing job on our own. It fits perfectly in the small narrow cupboard next to the sink that was probably built for cookie sheets or something. What a space savor. No big tubs under the sink. Very slight delay before water comes out each time you use it. Not an issue at all. I’ve shared the link for this to so many friends. Buy this.
It says what it does and does what it says. With that being said, 12 seconds to fill a water bottle is a long time. Your about 4 minutes to fill a gallon jug. I use this on pre filtered, softened well water. I am hoping that making less waste water pays for itself over time being my house is on a bladder pressure tank. The taste is slightly different from my other RO system I replaced. But it got better after a few gallons had been run thru it after the start up procedure.
Now onto the install….
Once I uninstalled my other RO system and returned my plumbing back to normali-sh, installing this system was pretty simple. It does however require an outlet under the sink so you can plug it in (which you probably have for your garbage disposal). That’s where the trouble comes in. Depending how that outlet was wired will determine if this will work. My outlet was wired so that its only hot when the wall switch is turned on (aka garbage disposal). SO until I could get an electrician friend over we just unplugged the garbage disposal and left the switch on to use the water drop. Only time will tell how well it holds up. Got 7 yrs out of a whirlpool RO unit. It’s been in a few months now and were adjusted to it.
First off, I live in an area with very poor water quality. The water is poor in terms of hardness and overall TDS. These are the two primary attributes that affect taste and can easily be measured. A simple TDS meter can be had for less than $15 on Amazon. Hardness/scaling is generally noticed by water spots on your dishes, and white or green crust that builds up on your faucets. Water from my tap tested at over 500 TDS which is extremely bad.
As far as the installation, it really is quite simple. When they say an average person can install this in 30 minutes, they are being accurate. I took my time reading through all the instructions and watching the video installation and probably finished in no longer than 45 minutes. A simple drill should be all you need. Drilling a quick hole in the drain pipe & installing a slot for the included water faucet, if you don’t already have one, are the only things that may give you pause. These are covered in the manufacturer’s YouTube video and I felt more than comfortable after watching it. Many people likely wouldn’t need to drill a slot for the faucet, but I did. They give you a sizing circle but I actually went much smaller as the actual faucet is smaller than indicated by the sizing circle.
As originally mentioned, my water tested at over 500 TDS. Using the highest quality Samsung fridge filter from WaterDrop my TDS dropped by about 100 and was in the low 400’s, which is still quite high. After completing draining I tested my water at approximately 100, which was higher than expected. As I ran the water a bit longer I saw it drop further. After running through some cycles the faucet started producing water that tested as low as 40 in terms of TDS. This is extremely good in terms of where I started. The system claims to reduce TDS by about 90% or more and that’s right where I am at. If you have a better starting point, your results should be even better.
Other Thoughts
Overall I’m thrilled with this little device. My in-laws have a traditional R/O system that takes up the entire cupboard under their sink. Doing some research, these can have issues with mold growth if left unused for any sort of prolonged period. I feel much better with this system and it fits in nicely aside my waste disposal unit. This system has a water waste ratio of 1:1 meaning that for every one cup of filtered water you produce, you produce one cup of water waste that goes down the drain. This is actually substantially better than most systems I’ve seen but worth noting if you care about that. It produces a sort of low hum when in use but I actually kind of like it. It lets me know it’s working. I drink tea almost every day and now I finally have good water that won’t cause build up on my electric kettle. The taste is akin to bottled water as well.
Additional Considerations
One of the things that bugs me is that my fridge produces ice that ends up flaking in water. As it melts you can tell there are clear particulates in your water. These are termed as “harmless” and should just be minerals that are in your pipes but I definitely don’t like it. Going forward I may pick up a second unit to hook up behind my fridge. The only challenge would be figuring out how to connect direct to the unit since it would not be directed to the included faucet. Overall I think this is one of the best purchases I’ve made in the past year and have been happily using the system for over a month now.
Sorry for the harsh language… but in the summer our town water takes on an algae taste. It’s like drinking lake water. We opted for two of these instead of a Culligan install. Slightly less money for two installs plus much cheaper filter replacements. We hired our fav plumnber to install them right.
I have had RO and filtration systems for 30 years, installing several over that time, and replacing the filters, etc.. This has been the easiest install, with the best components. Higher quality components, as well as each hose being labled, and pre-marked for depth. And these are the bonus points.
If you have installed a system before, it may have used the hanging cartridge filters. I am not a fan of those. They almost always leak on install, or filter replacement, and have to be taken off and put back on a couple of times. I have tried food safe lubricant, and it helps, but they can still leak. If you overtighten, it can wrinkle the gasket, and they can leak. I just replaced my older system, after it leaked and destroyed my cabinet floor and sidewall. I had to rebuild my kitchen cabinet, with the counters still installed. At that point, I was done with cartridge filters.
I saw the Waterdrop systems referenced in a FB group I was in, so I checked them out. They system is bigger than the impression in the photos. It’s 25 lbs big. But if you think about it, that’s a good thing. More filter surface area inside, longer lasting filters. They twist out and back in, and you don’t even have to turn off the water. Easy peasy. Filters are more expensive, but fixing that cabinet wasn’t either. Water leaks are the greatest enemy of a house owner. Filtration systems come with risks, so spend a little to reduce the risks.
I did purchase a remineralization cartridge, and installed at the same time. It improves the flavor off of straight RO water. SoI didn’t taste the RO water straight out of the filter. Out of the cartridge, after the filter, it’s delicious. TDS of 40, after the cartridge. TDS of supply is about 150.
It’s a powered system, and uses a larger supply tube than typical RO systems. We got back a lot of space by getting rid of the reservoir bottle. I know that some RO systems output is a result of the pressure differential across the membrane. My guess is that the pump inside of the unit boosts that pressure differential to increase the output. Anyway, you may need a multi-plug of some type, and plug it into the dishwasher outlet, along with the dishwasher. Not the disposal, as you keep that one turned off, normally.
Initial installation review:
1) took 30 mins to install, very easy
2) TDS went from 134 to 9 ppm
3) hardness dropped from approximately 250 to approx. 50
4) taste was as good as bottled water If not better!
This does not purify your existing faucet, you’ll have to install another faucet (it comes with one). I used the sprayer hole for the new RO faucet and replaced existing faucet with a pull down sprayer, this way I wouldn’t have to drill a hole in the sink
I’ll update over time.
We finally gave up on the reverse osmosis system.
What a waste of water.
After a few days of careful study, we bought the house.
All of that was filtered out, the cost was taken into account, and the purchase was a very simple decision.
The machine has been running for four days, and it has been running flawlessly.
I couldn’t ask for more.
Our water quality is very poor, less than 500 tons.
The aftertaste is terrible!
Due to our installation, the water is as good or better than our previous RO system.
Love it!
Encredibly happy with this purchase. I have been researching and looking for a really good filteration system that would be no hassle, convenient, less expense and maintenance over time and a great value. This hit all the marks with my research and peoples past reviews. Mounted it under the kitchen sink in no time. My family could taste the difference right away. So glad I found this!
Took about 23 minutes too hook up. I collected the flush water for plants so it wasnt wasted. Night and day with our water. We have so much chlorine and other crap in our tap water smells like a pool. And this filtration system is cool clear water!!!. Love it!!
I’m incredibly impressed with the ease of installation on this unit. It took me a bit longer than the projected time due to issues with how the sink had been installed, but I honestly believe that if it weren’t for those issues (which had nothing to do with Waterdrop) it could have been done in 15-20 minutes. It’s also a lot quieter than I had expected. Some reviews mention noise, but if I have my cabinet closed it can’t be heard at all.
One thing I will say, not for the sake of complaining since it’s not your fault, but just for the sake of feedback – My sink is a stone sink installed on a thick granite counter top. So the length of the threaded portion of the faucet was barely as long as the thickness of the two pieces. Once you factor in the supplied plastic washer, it was not long enough. I ended up having to use a brass washer instead. So it could be worth making that part slightly longer if other customers say they find similar issues.
This thing is great! It’s not all that much more than the other under sink filters and it does a way better job at filtration. Installation was very straightforward, but drilling a hole in the sink was a very loud process that required a special step down bit for the drill. Only slight drawbacks are that this is a lot slower than my previous passive filtration system, it takes up a bit of space under the sink, and you need an outlet available… but I feel it is definitely worth it for the quality.
The quality of the product seems top notch and it was relatively easy to install. I also had to put a separate T junction with a valve for a waterline to my Subzero fridge for the ice maker. Everything seems to be working and water tastes great. Hoping it will last for a long time and I do recommend this product.
The water tastes good and has TDS 24 ppm last time I checked (300 ppm before filtering). The product is solid and has good quality from an installation kit to the product itself. Time will tell but I like the product so far. Will recommend to family and friends. Keep doing what you’re doing best. Cheers.
The quality of the water is amazing. The system is mostly silent, however, it keeps making audible noises when not in use. Can be a bit annoying. Installation was easy.
Surprised how well the same tap water taste after passing through the system. I let water run for minute before I tested PPM, consistently water delivered is at 8 PPM. Tap water in my home is 150~ PPM. Also i have tasted the water from other RO’s which have tanks and don’t run on power. My personal experience tell that Waterdrop RO water tastes better.
Note (my personal experience): I drilled 1-3/8 inch hole in granite as recommended in the manual. However one inch hole is more than sufficient and easier to align the tap.
When I first purchased this I was very excited because of the simplicity of changing filters. Having owned RO systems for over 20 years I know what a pain it is to change filters.
Installation of the Waterdrop was a breeze. In a matter of a few minutes, everything was working perfectly. TDS levels were acceptable, and the unit operated very quietly. However, after a few days of usage, I noticed that the TDS levels rose when the unit was not in use. After running the unit for a while, the TDS levels would go back down.
I contacted Waterdrop about this issue and to my surprise they quickly came up with a solution to solve my problem. What is even more surprising is that they are a company that actually cares about the customer, which is rare in these times. Most companies today seem to only care about the sale, and not providing quality service to their customers after the sale.
In summary, I am very happy with my purchase, and even happier that I’m dealing with a company that will do whatever it takes to make things right!
For years my wife and I used a Britta on the faucet water filter. They were clunky and in the way and when we decided to replace our kitchen faucet, we wanted something different. We have been looking at whole house filters and other RO water systems with tanks. However we didn’t have the space for a tank under the sink, but we did have just enough room for this tankless RO system. Waterdrop was a brand we haven’t heard of before and this unit was just release a couple of months before we purchased it on Amazon. After comparing the feature and the advantages and disadvantages of the tankless system, we chose the Waterdrop G2 for its ease of use and installation as well as the longevity of it’s 2 cartridges (CF -last 1 year and MRO last 2 years),
The faucet is brushed nickle color that matches brushed stainless pretty good. We had a hard time trying to figure that out so if you wondering, yes the faucet that comes with this unit matches brushed stainless. You can also use your own water faucet too, it just goes in the soap dispenser hole in your sink, or the hose hole if you have a spray hose, or there are direction on how to drill your own.
Pros: Easy to install, Waterdrop has a great video on how to install this unit hosted on Youtube. Great look, awesome tasting water, easy to change cartridge, TANKLESS, and compact size. 1 and 2 year longevity of the replacement cartridges, we bought an extra set to have ready for changing. There is a light that tells you the status of your cartridges and if they are ready to need to change. It is quiet, there is some noise when dispensing water but it really is not loud or annoying.
Cons: Cost, we could buy a lot of Britta cartridges for what we paid for this, but it was a lifestyle choice and we love it. Lack of name recognition for the Water Drop company, is this company going to be around a while or did we just sink $400 in a system we won;’t be able to get replacement cartridges in 10 years down the road? So far so good, they continue to develop their products and they have other larger systems. You will need enough space (see product description) under your sink for the tankless system. You will need an electrical plug to power the unit, it will not work during a power outage, it needs electricity to push the water through the cartridges without a tank. It will waste water back-flushing the system, it’s about a 1:1 gallon ration of waste. It back-flushes to remove the impurities taken out of the water, so that is a given. Back-flushing is automatic. It can be bit slow but not much slower than other filter to dispense water. Don’t expect to use this for anything other than drinking water.
We really love the taste of the water and the convenience this system provides. Before writing this review, my wife and I both spoke about how happy we are that we made the investment in this system. We both have increased our water intake since installing it. We would recommend that you research and consider this system if you are looking for a reverse osmosis system.
Package came banged up. I thought maybe its just the box. Nope, it has been used, tank has scuff marks. plastic wrapper was just pushed into the box, bolts were lose in the box.
I forgot to update my review.
Water drop customer service reached out to me and asked me exactly what happen with order almost immediately after contacting Amazon. They provided me with exceptional customer service and helped me get my replacement water drop overnight.
Love this machine. The installation was easy – if you already have a whole on the countertop (if you don’t, please get a better hole saw to speed up the process)
I love the space saving part the radio of waste water is way lower than the traditional R.O. Systems.
The only concern is since its power-operated, When power outage – it’s gone. Or if the power part failed, it’s gone.
I am impatient when it comes to drinking plain water. I like it to be clean and filtered, but waiting for it isn’t my thing. I love this system. It is slower than the normal tap but not by enough that you feel like you need to whip out your phone and start reading news while waiting for a glass. I am very happy with this purchase and will recommend this system to family and friends.
Compact and perfect, water flow is good. The TDS has been up and down with this, measuring 250 sometimes, and down to 50, so I’m not sure, but my tap water is usually around 800 really high, and this is much better for my fish tank. I drink it now instead of bottled water, and honestly it tastes like nothing, it’s very pure water, but it doesn’t have that extra taste of bottled water, probably the minerals is what I’m missing. But that’s ok. there are mineral drops, and inline mineral filters if I really care that much.
I almost did not buy this because I could not find enough information if the ice machine on my fridge would work or not. I have a Samsung refrigerator and it’s new. The tap water pressure was strong and would make a lot of noise filling. I attached this, and the first 24 hours, it produced half as much ice as normal. I was disappointed. But my smart fridge must auto change settings due to the pressure, the low pressure of this system, and it now allows it to fill the ice up all the way for a longer time, and it works perfect. I know I got lucky because this may not work with other refrigerators as well.
I just received this today and got it installed in about 30 minutes (I’m slow). Ran the water until the light stopped blinking. Water tastes the same as the place I normally visit to refill 5 gallon jugs which supposedly have 12 filtration steps. The pump noise is really nothing to fret about compared to my 5 gallon cooled dispenser when its pump is running. So far it’s filtering as good as I’d hoped. I just hope the filters will still be available for sale years down the road!
I love this product because it is tankless, it saves water 1:1 gallon, easy to install, easy instructions and online videos. However it does not have a kit for ice maker if you want to connect it to your refrigerator. Since I don’t know what parts I will need or if it will fit, therefore I had to hire a plumber to install it because he had all the necessary parts to connect it to the ice maker tubing for ice making and drinking water.
One problem is if you have a previous tank filtration system then you might have a previous input water tubing from your cold water supply valve so you will have to cap that water tubing opening in order to use the Waterdrop feed water adapter because the Waterdrop feed water adapter will have its own input water tubing which has already been attached to the feed water adapter. Therefore you will have to either cap your cold water supply valve where the input water tubing was so it will not leak when you can connect the Waterdrop feed water adapter into your cold water supply valve . The plumber was able to cap where the opening was for the old input water tubing. Overall I love this WD-G2-B so far and it makes very little rumbling noise when in use.