BEELINE Bike GPS Computer – Velo 2 | Wireless Global

BEELINE Bike GPS Computer – Velo 2 | Wireless Global Navigation Map | Weatherproof & 11+ Hours Battery Life | USB Charging | Sat Nav for Cycling with a Strap Mount Included | Glove Friendly

Dimensions: | 4.64 x 4.64 x 1.73 cm; 25 Grams |
Model: | Beeline Velo 2 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. |
Manufacture: | Beeline |
Dimensions: | 4.64 x 4.64 x 1.73 cm; 25 Grams |
Aufgrund einiger “nicht-5-Sterne-Bewertungen” war ich ein wenig skeptisch, hatte mich aber nach einem absoluten Fehlkauf des Garmin Edge Explore 2 bewut fr eine komplett andere Art der Navigation entschieden. Ich wurde nicht enttuscht.
Im Gegensatz zur schon unterirdischen Bedienerfhrung des Garmin passte beim Velo 2 einfach alles:
– Intuitives Interface
– Spielerisch einfache Ersteinrichtung
– berraschend gute Kartendarstellung in der App
– Sichere und auf 10m absolut exakte Navigation
Ich hatte bis gestern das besagte Garmin zum Test. ich werde das Gert in einer anderen Rezension noch bewerten. Hier geht es aber um das Beeline Velo II, und da bin ich uerst positiv berrascht.
Top: Das Beeline Velo 2 wirkt federleicht, ultramodern und einfach funktional.
Die Routeneingabe kann gekoppelt per Beeline App erfolgen oder auch per Strava (nicht so meins und auch teuer) oder als Import von GPX-Dateien (z.B. Komoot). Insbesondere letztere App hat einfach die Nase vor bei MTB-Routen, das Beeline kann das einfach nicht, mu es aber wegen der Importmglichkeit auch nicht. Der Import kostet nichts, die Route ist danach als Nebeneffekt sicher auf dem Handy gespeichert.
Mein Vorgehen war simpel: Vorgefertigte Route von Komoot als GPX im Handy exportieren, in die Beeline App importieren und schon ist man startklar.
Die Navigation – auch mitten im Wald – war absolut flssig, Abweichungen abseits der geplanten Route fhren aber zu Irritationen in der Navigation. Geplante Routen in der Beeline App sind aber auch offensichtlich auf Rennradsport ausgelegt: Straen ber alles.
Die Planung also in Komoot. Die Navigation ist dann superflssig in der Beeline App abgespeichert, die Anzeige erfolgt dann auf dem Velo 2-Display. Ich konnte brigens das Display sehr gut ablesen, auch im hellsten Sonnenschein keinerlei Beanstandung, die Fotos zeigen das auch glaube ich deutlich. Wer hier meckert braucht eventuell eine besser entspiegelte Sonnenbrille.
Mein Fazit – bisher: Tolles Gert, sehr gnstig und auf Strae ausgelegt. Wer wie ich Offroad fhrt braucht eine andere App, von der man die Route dann exportiert. Das kann notfalls auch unterwegs geschehen, eine mangelnde Live-Untersttzung sehe ich – auch aus Kostengrnden – nicht wirklich als Manko.
Die Highlights
– Schnelles und sicheres GPS, auf 10m genau, auch bei 50 km/h
– Klare, schnrkelose Anzeige mit dezenter akustischer (“Piep Piep”) Untermalung
– Keine Sensorenuntersttzung (Gottseidank, dafr habe ich meine SmartWatch)
– Ausgezeichnet programmierte App mit erstaunlich guten Karten, schlgt Google bei weitem
– Sehr einfache Erstellung von Routen mit Wegpunkten, intuitiv und schnell
– ndern von Routen durch Ziehen an Wegpunkten (Dreiecke), wie auf dem Desktop bei Google
– Sehr niedriger Preis im Vergleich mit Garmin oder Wahoo und trotzdem bersichtlicher
– Ein stylisches Leichtgewicht
– Routenerstellung fr Rennrder und Straen optimiert (ist mir wayne, dafr benutze ich den Marktfhrer)
So. Ich bin ganz offensichtlich sehr angetan von dem Velo II und vergebe 5 Sterne, ohne wenn und aber 🙂 Das Gert htte meiner Meinung nach einen Red Dot Award fr Design verdient. Goodbye ihr alten Platzhirsche Garmin und Wahoo.
Aber auch so: Klasse Teil!
I purchased the Beeline Velo 2 for a 14-day cycling trip between London and Edinburgh. In the past, I would plan the route in Komoot and use my iPhone to navigate. This time, I decided to try Velo 2 for its simplicity and to avoid having my expensive iPhone attached to the handlebar and taking daily abuse. I was THRILLED that I gave Velo 2 a try!
Full disclosure, I did NOT use the Beeline app to create the daily routes. I am really comfortable using Komoot to plan my routes, though I could have easily done the same in the Beeline app. Once I created 14 daily routes, importing them into the Beeline was a snap. Each days’ ride showed up in the “Ride” tab, so it was just matter of selecting the day’s route and heading out. I put my iPhone in airplane mode to save battery life and off I went.
My riding buddy also had the routes and used his Wahoo to navigate. 99% of the time we were in agreement when to turn (and there were a million turns each day), and I would say Velo 2 was more likely to be correct. Each day we rode down a combination of paved, hard packed gravel rails-to-trails, and even a few spots along the eastern coast that could be called walking paths.
For me, the Velo 2 simple display is pure genius. It gives you just enough information to easily anticipate turns, and an audio cue that is nearly perfect. My only tiny complaint was I am getting hard of hearing and wish the audio turn que was a bit louder – but it’s perfectly fine for most riders. Originally, I thought the audio que was coming from my iPhone but only realized that wasn’t the case when I let my buddy try out the unit on his bike and realized the sound actually came from within the Velo 2.
As you can guess, it rains a lot in the UK, so the Velo 2’s water resistance was tested for many hours. I never had a problem. Not quite sure if it is in fact waterproof, so I don’t suggest you forget to take it out of your jersey and run it through the washer – which I almost did!
The claimed battery life of 11+ hours seems correct. We rode most days from 8:00 to 16:00 and the Velo had more than 50% battery life left. I charged it each night, so I never actually ran it until it died to find out the true battery life, but from my experience, 11+ hours seem reasonable.
In summary, I LOVE the Velo 2 and will continue to use it as my cycling computer. Some reviewers had less than perfect experiences with their Velo 2, but my 14-day, 8+ hour per day, rainy, sometimes bone jarring ride, has sold me. I hope the developers at Beeline resist all attempts to make it more complicated. Its beauty is its simplicity. If you want a detailed color moving map, heart monitor, altitude, etc. then Velo 2 is not for you, BUT for the rest of us, it is an amazing solution.
Plasticky but nice build, you can control the brightness and the sound quite loud, easy navigation and user friendly, the minus part is you need the app to start the journey.
I had bought the original Velo device and found it unhelpful to the point where it was clear the device wasn’t working correctly so returned it. I recently bought an e-bike so plan to commute. The Velo 2 is exactly what I am looking for. Simple, clear navigation and low power consumption. A major improvement on the original and I’m delighted with the device
Was eine coole Idee! Endlich mal win Gadget was man wirklich gebrauchen kann!
Das connecten mit App&Handy wat super einfach, das Gert hat mein Handy sofort erkannt und danach ist die Einrichtung ganz einfach und geht schnell. Der Bildschirm ist ausreichend gro und das Gert ist leicht.
Works perfectly.
Fee free.
Satellite GPS mapping and super easy to use.
Has a app to load routes. Or just use the app.
But my phone is busy with other apps open.
Helps find bike safe routing!!!
It’s super easy to set up, and when going out all I have to do is open the app and press start there. That’s it.
The whole thing about finding community routes doesn’t really work here and the map isn’t able to find bio trails in my area which is a massive bummer because I still need to use Google to get a rough idea of where I want to go but the compass mode helps with not having to check my phone as often.
Over all for the price pretty damn decent!
My phone is now safe in my pocket as I follow the arrow on the beeline. So simple and does take awhile to get used to how simple it is. Minimum information ie turn this way. You just follow the arrow
Tolles und einfaches Hilfsmittel . Sieht cool unauffllig am Bike aus. Gut lesbar , auch bei Sonnenschein. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Hallo. Ich habe lange berlegt was fr mich das beste Navi ist. Ich habe bis jetzt immer mit dem IPhone navigiert aber das ist nicht gut fr das Telefon. Erstens ist der Akku immer sehr schnell leer und zweitens bei einer gewissen Hitze navigiert bez. reagiert es nicht mehr. Heute habe ich zum ersten Mal eine Tour mit Beeline gemacht. Ich bin total zufrieden. Es ist gut ablesbar und es sagt mir neben der Uhrzeit sogar wann ich am Ziel angekommen werde. Mein iPhone hatte ich dabei in der Tasche und der Akku wurde deutlich geschont. Super Sache
Received this two days ago – paired immediately with my phone and easy to set up. It’s already suggested two interesting alternative ways to work and the tracking and feedback is excellent. Can’t see why I’d want anything more complicated.
The app is easy to use. The app can choose a route for you or you can upload your own gpx file. Works best when it chooses the route, but satisfactory when you upload gpx file.
The device is also easy to mount on your bike and very easy to use while on the move.
Simplissime, et gnial
Quel bonheur aprs les dfaillants Twonav et inutilement compliqu Garmi
I am impressed with the route-finding capability of this unit when paired with an iPhone. The screen is clear. Logs rides well. Setup was a bit hit and miss, but a bit of patience and time and I got it all working in 10 minutes. Subsequently just need to power it on. The route logs are very good. Seems sturdy and well made. I like the facrt I don’t need to put the phone on to the handlebars now. Recommended.
A very good little gadget for cycling. You’ll never get lost again.
Great bike gps tracker, set it up relatively easily and the app is also really easy to follow. Has navigation which is easily followed. Can also log your rides and check stats which are great features. Even in areas with no signal, don’t need to worry as it’s constantly updating redirecting me to my route. Most definitely gives me piece of mind especially if riding at night time. Compass mode is easy to follow and reliable. Overall would recommend this, yes it’s a little pricey but a investment.
Excellent product very intuitive good battery life. Love trying to beat the estimated time of arrival.
I ordered this to be used by my partner who loves to go out bike riding.
He didn’t find it overly easy to set up (he’s not massively tech-savvy) but he got there in the end. He said the GPS works really well and acts as a phone GPS where it will reroute if you take the wrong direction.
The price is steep but the quality is really good. Definitely recommended.
Really useful for route planning. I love how discreet it is compared with most other cycle computers or set-ups involving mounting a phone as it’s not immediately obvious what it is until up close.
This device is very easy to install onto your bicycle and helps you find your path even in the middle of nowhere.
It’s much smaller than a smartphone but is doing the same job with finding locations.
A smartphone can easily be damaged or fall off the holder which will not happen with this gadget.
It’s quite simple but very efficient.
I like this GPS device and can gladly recommend it to all bike riders
I have used it a lot now, and it saves me from planning a route manually. Just set the Start point and end point, and it will sort your route for you with three choices from fast to balanced to quitest. It includes the cycle paths where appropriate, I just love it..
It’s not cheap, but this bike GPS from Beeline is wonderfully simple and intuitive to use. It’s a sleek little thing that seems really well built and is fully waterproof which, let’s face it, is a must in the UK. I found connection really simple and not only found it useful for guiding you to your destination in the most efficient way, but by using the compass mode on a day when you don’t mind seeing where your whim takes you, it’s such a greta way of having an enjoyable ride and still ending up in the right place. I can actually see this making me take the bike out more often which can only be a good thing.
Only tested this out on local rural roads as it hasn’t been the weather for cycling. Quite easy to set up once the instructions are followed to pair through the app rather than your mobile phone. No problems with setting the route and re-routing when directions changed which seemed quite prompt when going off course. Look forward to extensive testing in town environment weather permitting but initially looks a reliable route finder without exposing your mobile to the elements.
This bike GPS computer is great. It’s easy to use but was difficult to setup. Fits and works perfectly on my bike though. Amazing!
Plus – i can found roads what Im not found before. If I miss turn, its re-route other roads. Make small beep to remain to need soon turn.
Minus – are phone app (iPhone) can rotate map, just zoom in and out.
not offline maps, in UK wales some place we dont have any internet, not 3G and not 4G and than you are lost if you dont know where are you.