Bluetooth Item Finder and Key Finder,ATUVOS Tag Bluetooth

ATUVOS Smart Bluetooth Item Finder, Compatible with Apple Find My (iOS Only), Key Finder Locator, Luggage Tracker for Suitcases, Wallets, Bag, Replaceable Battery, IP67 Waterproof, 1 Pack, White


ATUVOS Tracker Specifications

Dimensions 34.21*34.21*10.70 mm
Weight 11g (1 Pcs)
Range Up to 200 ft (60 m)
Battery CR2032 Coin Cell Battery, DC 3V
Connectivity Bluetooth
Compatibility iOS Devices
Firmware Update Find My app
Voice Control Siri
  1. tracker

    Quickly Find Your Lost Items

    Use Find My app to tap the ring button and follow the familiar sound to find it.

  2. tracker

    Out of Bluetooth Range

    the Find My network connects millions of Apple devices globally and can help locate your belongings.

  3. airtag

    Never Lost Your Belongings

    If you accidentally leave your tracker behind, the Apple Find My app sends instant notifications

  4. airtag

    Add Contact Information Before Using

    If someone finds your lost tracker, he can contact you by closing the tag with NFC-sensing devices.

  5. airtag

    If someone’s ATUVOS tracker lands on you

    your Apple device will automatically detect it and send a message to inform you.

  1. airtag
  2. airtag

    It has a IP67 waterproof rating, so don’t worry that it will not work once it encounters water.

  3. airtag

    Long-lasting Battery – Up to 1 year

    Its unique cover design also prevents children from opening the device easily.

  4. airtag
1Protect Your Privacy2IP67 Waterproof3Replacable Battery4Battery Replacement

How to pair the ATUVOS tracker with your Apple phone?


What phones and tablets are compatible with ATUVOS?

ATUVOS tracker works with most iOS devices.

Do I need to pay to use ATUVOS’s finding features?

No, It is free to use for our finding features like play the sound, find my phone, see its location on a map, and more.

Does ATUVOS tracker have a GPS function?

NO, ATUVOS trackers are dependent on a connection to a Bluetooth enabled device. They are more cost-effective, lighter and use less power than GPS trackers.

74 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Tried and tested before we put it in our cases works a treat linked to our mobile phones we can now track our cases when going on holiday at the airport. excelle

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good buy these u can use them for many things we used them for our cases on holiday or u can use them for the car or keys or kids!! Great for the money

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGot these to put on cat collars.

    They were very easy to set up, Bluetooth range is probably not as high as advertised even in clear line of sight but it’s still decent for the price.

    In terms of the water resistance, I wasn’t expecting much especially since my cat dunks it in the water bowl and doesn’t mind being out in the rain but they’ve done quite well. So far 1 stopped working but after opening it up, cleaning with isopropyl and letting it dry, it’s working fine again.

    For the price they are grea

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI have many AirTags so I can make a fair comparison. As far as I can see it is functionally identical to an AirTag working seamlessly with “Find My” In some ways better as it has a hole in to make attaching it to things easier!
    Edit: It doesn’t have the “precise location” facility – where a recent iPhone can guide you to it over the last few metres by Bluetooth. Not a problem as I have this in my car as a car tracker (where did i park?) and precise location didn’t work the one time i lost my keys as work with an Apple AirTag

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got these a few days ago,,, and so they have not been tested in anyway… but synced with iPhone and whenever I leave the tags behind… it tells me that I’ve left them behind… however late the notice come up on my iPhone or I realised about the notice.
    So, it is working and doing what it supposed to do, I guess!

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThese are surprisingly good little Bluetooth trackers. I have one on my dog’s collar and it had already come into its own when he ran off after a female dog in season. I had no idea where he was so marked his device as lost in Find My app. 20 seconds lately it told me he was 500 metres away and showed his location on the map. I ran over and there he was focused on his task which I quickly intervened in before mistakes could happen. The strength of this, as with Apple AirTag, is that it connects anonymously through any iPhone of which there are gazillions – and to my mind puts the system way above Tile. These are cheap trackers that work well.

  7. [email protected] Don Duncan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIt’s not quite as good as an AirTag but it’s not as expensive either dose everything except one thing an AirTag dose you can view it’s location on find my maps you can make it play a noise ( That’s louder than an AirTag) but it won’t tell you how many feet away it is and in what direction it is etc.

    One other thing is you don’t need to buy a case/key ring for it as it has a hole for that.

    I would buy it again.

  8. JasonSherer says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Man kann die Batterie tauschen und wie ich jetzt festgestellt habe auch bei 30 Grad in der Maschine waschen.

    Ich hab den Tag vor ca. 18 Monaten im Gebrauch. Die Batterie habe ich vor kurzem getauscht. Ging problemlos. Nachdem ich den Schlsselbund vorhin aus versehen mit gewaschen habe dachte ich: das war’s. Da er noch lebt und tut dachte ich mir, jetzt schreibst du mal ne positive Rezension. Anders als die Apple Tags kann der von Atuvos nicht auf den Zentimeter geortet werden, da kein U1 chip. Dafr kostet er nur die Hlfte und kann doch recht ordentlich ber das wo ist? Netzwerk von Apple gefunden werden. Fr mich voll ok.

  9. EuniceLionel says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDESCRIPCIN
    Localizador de objetos por bluetooth con pila remplazable para dispositivos Apple

    Para Android hay otros modelos en Amazon como ste:

    – Medidas: 35 x 35 x 10 milmetros
    – Dispositivos compatibles: Google, Alexa
    – Sonido: 60 – 80 dB
    – Proteccin Ip: IP67
    – Peso: 60 g
    – Duracin de la batera: ~3 aos
    – Proteccin IP: IP67
    – Alcance: Hasta 250m
    – Fecha lanzamiento: 12 octubre 2021

    1 – Buscador Atuvos
    1 – Manual de usuario

    * Buscar de Apple

    * 23 de Abril lo de 2023: 16,99

    * Es muy til para tener localizadas cosas diarias y encontrarlas con facilidad.
    * Bonito diseo
    * Compatible con Buscar de Apple
    * La pila dura mucho tiempo
    * Se puede sustituir las pila
    * Aviso tras prdida
    * Ms econmico que el de Apple
    * Sonido fuerte
    * Fcil de configurar

    * Viene sin funda para poder colocarlo en el llavero
    * NO funciona con Android

    8 en VALORACIN
    Atuvos es un dispositivo Bluetooth diseado para ayudar a los usuarios a encontrar objetos o para tener localizado:
    – Llaves
    – Carteras
    – Telfono mvil
    – Mascotas
    – Otros artculos importantes.

    El dispositivo funciona mediante la conexin a una aplicacin mvil que utiliza tecnologa Bluetooth para localizar objetos cercanos.

    El localizador Atuvos es compacto y porttil, lo que lo hace fcil de llevar en el bolsillo o en la cartera, es resistente al agua, por lo que no tiene que preocuparse por daarlo si se moja.

    Una de las ventajas del Tile Mate es su sencilla configuracin. Despus de descargar la aplicacin mvil y sincronizar el dispositivo, se puede comenzar a utilizar de inmediato. La aplicacin proporciona una ubicacin del objeto al que est conectado el Tile Mate. Adems, si el objeto perdido est fuera del alcance del Bluetooth, la aplicacin puede registrar la ltima ubicacin conocida.

    Este dispositivo slo es compatible con la App nativa de Apple: “Buscar” y su funcionamiento es tan bueno como el Airtag de Apple. Tiene incluso la opcin de que si pierdes tu localizador y otro usuario de Apple est cerca puede conectarse a l y compartir su ubicacin para que puedas localizarlo. Es una opcin muy til, ya que de este modo ya recuper una vez un localizador de Apple.

    Sin embargo, el dispositivo no se puede localizar si no est dentro del radio de accin bluetooth del mvil que tiene la App vinculada u de otro dispositivo Apple, es decir, por si solo no tiene conexin remota. En este caso te da un aviso al mvil cuando se pierde la conexin con el localizador y recuerda la ltima ubicacin registrada.

    Para localizar tu localizador extraviado, slo tienes que entrar en la App Buscar y entrar en las opciones de tu dispositivo y reproducir un sonido para que puedas encontrarlo.

    Entre los inconvenientes, es su limitado rango de Bluetooth, que suele ser de unos pocos metros. Si el objeto perdido est fuera de ese rango, el Tile Mate no ser capaz de encontrarlo.

    Al igual que el AirTag, tienes la opcin de cambiarle la pila. Su autonoma es aproximadamente de un ao, dependiendo del uso que se le d. Lleva una pila de botn CR2302.

    Es un dispositivo que ocupa muy poco espacio, ms o menos como una moneda de 2.

    Tiene un bonito diseo, con un acabado blanco mate y viene con un altavoz incorporado para hacerlo sonar y poder ubicarlo. En el propio localizador hay un botn que si lo pulsas pues hacer reproducir un sonido en el mvil para poder encontrarlo.

    Est fabricado de un plstico duro y resistente, con un hueco para colgar en el llavero. En Amazon puedes encontrar fcilmente fundas compatibles para protegerlo mejor.

    Su diseo es resistente al agua y al polvo (IP67) por lo que no te tienes que preocuparte por salpicaduras o lluvia

    El Atuvos es una buena opcin para aquellos que tienden a perder sus objetos con frecuencia. Es compatible slo con Apple y su aplicacin es fcil de usar y la capacidad de hacer sonar el dispositivo para encontrarlo rpidamente es muy til.


    Espero que mi comentario te haya podido servir de ayuda


  10. EstelleP03 says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto molto buono avendo gi un AirTag questo sembra molto simile, codificato subito con l’iPhone e niente vediamo come va! Peccato che mi arrivato gi un po’ scarico!


  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI LOVE these tags – bought them as a cheaper alternative to Apple AirTags and now after trying them, I can’t see any benefits to spending more on an AirTag. Super easy to set up and use with the Apple ‘Find My’ app, the various beeping sounds make it clear when turning the device on and off and the location is very accurate. For example we landed in a large international airport and were waiting a long time at our posted luggage carousel. After a while I decided to check the location of the tags and our suitcases were on a carousel at the other end of the hall. We could have been waiting for another hour or so for the bags if it wasn’t for this handy bit of tech. I’ll be implementing these in my daily life now to help keep track of things I don’t want to use. Cannot recommend enough at such a fabulous price point that gives you peace of mind. I can’t comment much on battery life, as we only kept them switched on whilst travelling portions of our trip (then turned off to conserve battery) but they didn’t die on us in doing this.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought a set of four to use with my iPhone 8, as they were half the price of AirTags. They work well. Only problem I’ve had is a battery in one ran out without warning.
    These tags are quite thick – almost 1cm – so are bulky in my wallet, but are OK for key rings and bags.
    I don’t know if they track as accurately at close range as AirTags do, as my iPhone can’t track items within feet. But they do what I need.

  13. James Alcala says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersPremetto che sono gi possessore di un AirTag A**le. Avendo bisogno di un altro tag “trova oggetti” ho optato per qualcosa di pi economico per evitare di spendere di nuovo 30/40 euro circa.

    L’installazione e l’accoppiamento sono stati rapidi. Non serve installare nessuna app dato che il tag compatibile al 100% con l’app predefinita “dov'” del vostro dispositivo A**le dove avevo gi associato il mio vecchio AirTag. Infatti ora li ho entrambi in griglia.
    Possiamo dar un nome al nostro tag, ed assegnargli anche un emoticon (presa dalle moltitudini di emoticon presenti in tastiera). Caratteristica simpatica!

    Il range lo stesso identico a quello dell’ AirTag.

    Il rilevamento e la ricerca all’interno dell’app “dov'” non sono identiche per.
    L’AirTag usa l’opzione “trova” (icona verde con freccia bianca rivolta verso “su”), mentre quest’altro utilizza l’opzione “indicazione”, quindi si va ad aprire l’app “mappe”, cio la nostra app predefinita di navigazione. Un p macchinoso come processo ma accettabile. Non abbiamo quindi la classica schermata di “cerca al tesoro” nel caso di AirTag, dove abbiamo la frecciatina full screen che ci indica la direzione da prendere con la distanza che c’ fra noi e l’oggetto da trovare. Ecco nel caso devo ritrovare le chiavi in casa o in ufficio non posso utilizzare l’opzione “indicazione” (dato che dovrei utilizzare l’app “mappe” impostata a navigazione pedonale) ma dovr utilizzare esclusivamente l’opzione di “suoneria” con segnale acustico senza poter contare sull’opzione della freccia che mi indica dove andare con i metri rimasti tra me e l’oggetto. Un p complicato girare in casa con il navigatore…

    Il dispositivo a differenza dell’ AirTag ha un volume dell’altoparlante pi alto e con una melodia pi udibile. Oltre al dispositivo in se non troviamo nulla. Avrei preferito, visto la presenza di un asola, un laccetto in dotazione. Giusto per un primo utilizzo…
    Con l’asola possiamo attaccarlo a chiavi od altro senza star a comprare eventuale cover, cosa che io ho dovuto fare nel caso di AirTag. Certo AirTag rimane pi minimale e carino ma anche questo non mi dispiace. Rispetto alle concorrenti T**e o F**o non ha nessun tipo di bug, problemi o cose simili.

    La batteria sostituibile come l’ AirTag e la durata la medesima di un anno come dichiarato. Non ho avuto la possibilit, chiaramente, di stabile se fosse vero oppure no.

    Il packaging ben fatto. Nulla da dire. Spedizione rapida!

    Prezzo molto pi vantaggioso rispetto all’ AirTag ed alle 2 concorrenti sopracitate che oltretutto necessitano della loro app dedicata per il funzionamento.
    Io l’ho pagato scontato 15,99 euro invece di 19,99 (offerte del giorno).
    Dall’altra parte abbiamo l’AirTag con un costo al momento 34,99 euro invece di 39,99 (pagato 29,90 con gli sconti del Black Friday). Ecco perch ritengo che il rapporto qualit/prezzo sia fra i migliori disponibili al momento.

    Non ho avuto nessun tipo problema quindi non ho dovuto interfacciarmi in nessun modo con l’assistenza o con il venditore (disponibilissimo peraltro) ma ritengo che all’occorrenza sar il top.
    Istruzioni anche in Italiano molto chiare ed a prova di “boomer”, come si suol dire….
    Il venditore non appena ho acquistato il prodotto si premurato di fornirmi tutta l’assistenza nel caso di problemi con l’accoppiamento o altro. Non ho avuto nessuna difficolt, il tutto stato di una semplicit unica.

    OTTIMO rapporto qualità/prezzo

  14. Laura says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    So I bought 2 of these as my mums always losing her purse or keys and I thought ok let’s have one for each, price was good compared to Apple tags and these are compatible with Apple products. I set this up yesterday and sent my mum packing lol and minutes later it was telling me she is home! So yea I would recommend this produc

    Works with Apple products

  15. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEs un producto muy til lo recomiendo es sencillo y funciona muy bien.
    No es un airtag pero cumple perfectamente.
    Funciona solo con IPHONE.

  16. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Funziona a correttamente unica nota negativa che la batteria appena aperto et gi all’80%

  17. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Userson trovavo le chiavi della macchina. ero disperato anche perch rifarle costa davvero tanto. per fortuna sono “riapparse” e allora ho deciso di acquistare un “ricerca chiavi”. questo gps che ho preso ha un buon rapporto tra qualit e prezzo. forse il volume della suoneria un po’ basso. per il resto ok. anche facile da associare al cell iphone.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bought for holiday luggage but not yet used for that. Alarm load enough to locate within the house and tracking within a few hundred meters works fine though need to test much further. Too soon to assess battery life yet but pleased so fa

  19. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Bluetooth-Verbindung ist stabil und funktioniert auch ber weitere Distanzen, mit Wnden und hnlichem im Weg. Die App “Wo ist?” ist intuitiv und einfach zu bedienen. Das Produkt ist vergleichsweise gnstig. Jedoch wirkt das Gert nicht besonders robust und sollte daher wohl besser nicht grober Handhabung ausgesetzt werden.

  20. Judi84Xhrqqvnb says:

     United Kingdom

    I can’t fault these so far . At about the same price as one AirTag for a two pack they are good value and so simple to set up. Just press the button on the tag and then hit the plus icon in Find my and give the tag a name . Hopefully they will keep performing

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great value

  21. Bradfor6558 says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersAtuvos un buon prodotto che pu rappresentare una valida alternativa all’Airtag. L’importante conoscerne bene le caratteristiche prima di acquistarlo. Innanzitutto come Airtag funziona solo con iPhone e si integra con l’applicazione Dov’ (se avete Android non compratelo), piuttosto affidabile ma NON consente la rilevazione di precisione perch non supporta il chip U1 (per capirci vi dice dove si trova l’oggetto ma non potete trovarlo preciso al centimetro). La caratteristica che mi piace maggiormente che non suona quando lo prende mia moglie (non ha l’iPhone), mentre con l’airtag collegato alle chiavi dell’auto sarebbe un grosso problema a causa del sistema di antitracciamento. Il suono non potentissimo ma un po’ pi potente dell’Airtag. Non mi piace molto il modo in cui si cambia la batteria, fattibile ma abbastanza scomodo.

  22. Don Pontes says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A good value Apple compatible tracker. Super easy to set up and works well.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    So far this item has been successful in keeping me advised as to where my luggage is at any moment in time.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI recently purchased the ATUVOS Smart Bluetooth Item Finder, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed with this little device. As someone who is always misplacing my keys or other important items, this keyfob has been a game-changer for me.

    The setup process was incredibly easy – all I had to do was sync the keyfob to my phone in the FindMy Iphone App. From there, I was able to customise the settings to fit my needs.

    The keyfob itself is compact and lightweight, making it easy to attach to my keys or slip into my pocket. And the tracking feature is incredibly accurate – I was able to find my keys in a matter of seconds when they were hidden under a pile of papers on my desk.

    Overall, I highly recommend this item finder to anyone who is prone to losing their keys or other important items. It’s a small investment that has already paid off for me.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought 3 pice of trackers After 3 wks,1 battery it’s done I have to Chenge Battery ,the trackers it’s ok but battery it’s short Life

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOverall, I am pleased with this purchase. The product was easy to set up and is light/small on my keyring. My only tiny gripe was that the included battery only lasted a week before needing replacing. I’ve had the replacement in for a few weeks now and all seems fine. I think this may be because the product didn’t have one of those plastic tags to activate the item so it was using battery since it was built. Maybe. Still, overall, I’d buy it again.

  27. Bill Thomas says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Ordered the pack of 4, managed to set up 3 quite quickly but had problem with the last one not being found by the app.
    Contacted seller through Amazon and the issue was resolved very quickly and politely,
    Very happy with the purchase and service.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersHaving received the initial tracker and using it, the battery life appeared to be last 3 days vs. 1 year. However, upon hearing the feedback, FreshVoco provided funds for a new battery to see if that was the fault, but when it wasn’t, kindly sent a replacement tracker.

    Having had the new tracker in operation for a couple of weeks now, I can say the new product works great, proximity it’s pretty spot on AND, service and aftercare from FreshVoco was amazing.

    Thank you!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Item is small and basically an air tag at a fraction of the price! Awesome bit of kit and does exactly what it says, highly recommend!

  30. Julia Pugachevsky says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNeat and worked well. Loved the idea that I didn’t have to buy a fob as the ATUVOS has a ready-made hole to use your own. Can’t really comment on the battery life as I have only had them a couple of months but so far so good.

    Did the job. Laughed when messaged that they were close but somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic!

  31. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCompr uno para mis llaves principales. Y acab comprando otro para las llaves del coche.. Funcionan genial. He realizado varias pruebas y de todas ha salido airoso:

    – Salir de casa sin las llaves del coche y en cuanto te alejas del radio de accin, te manda un aviso de que te has dejado las llaves del coche en casa
    – Dejar las llaves del coche en el trabajo, salirme del radio de accin, y avisarme de que me he dejado las llaves del coche en el trabajo (con lo cual la localizacin funciona genial y guarda la ltima ubicacin donde hayan estado juntos el mvil enlazado y el tag)
    – Dejarle a una persona la llave del coche y hacer seguimiento segn se iba moviendo. Si bien aqu, dependes de la red de Apple, iba viendo cambios en la ubicacin del tag segn se mova la persona.. En un momento determinado, lo puse en modo perdido, y la persona pudo leer el aviso de perdido con su mvil, donde apareca mi numero y mi nombre y el texto que tena puesto

    Para que te recuerde que te has dejado las llaves no hace falta ponerlo en modo perdido.. te avisa automticamente (puedes marcar o desmarcar desde las opciones del tag en la app Buscar del iphone)
    Para que a alguien que encontrar el llavero y quiera molestarse en acercar su mvil para leer (la lectura funciona en IOS y Android), tienes que poner el tag en modo perdido

    De momento, muy contento con la compra espero que duren Me imagino que para Android habr similares, pero como soy usuario de Apple, no me he preocupado en mirar.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Used the tags in suitcases on a recent trip. Worked well and gave me peace of mind that the cases were put on the flight.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Been using it for a while now, and it seems to work well, will update the review once it’s been over few months

  34. JewellPorteous says:

     United Kingdom

    This item is a good safety and security item to include in luggage.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We’ve lost our spare car key (keyless entry car) and a replacement was 350! So I decided on one of these; very easy to set up, nice and small and works perfectly.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems to be doing the job at the moment with but not impressed about the battery. Might have bought more.
    This seller has given me 12 credit to buy batteries! Most excellent customer service. Highly recommend.

  37. Jason Mitchell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I found this device a not easy to understand, lots of bleeps, no status.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI have 3 tags now, they all worked straight out the box and, all work perfectly.
    What I like, in particular, is that there is no need to purchase an additional tag holder, unlike another brand.

  39. KCWGarfiel says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLoved this, cheaper version of apple air tag and completely the same use!! Definitely recommend for travellers. Lasted my whole 13hr flight there and still in use now!

  40. eknight says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersDas ABER zum fehlenden U1 Chip folgt weiter unten, zuerst kommen wir wir zum allgemeinen Teil.
    Da die originalen Apple AirTags immer teurer werden und mittlerweile viele gnstigere Alternativen auf dem Markt sind, habe ich mich unter anderem fr einen ATUVOS Tracker entschieden.
    Er ist klein und ein extra Schlsselanhnger wird im Vergleich zu den Apple AirTags nicht bentigt.
    Der groe Nachteil ist jedoch der fehlende Ultrabreitband-Chip (U1) von Apple.
    Damit kann der ATUVOS Tracker nicht wie ein AirTag zielgenau mit Richtungspfeilen auf dem
    IPhone lokalisiert werden.
    Dafr ist das Piepgerusch, welches man jederzeit vom Iphone aus auslsen kann deutlich lauter und in der Regel auch vollkommen ausreichend.
    Von der Dicke her ist es gerade noch so in Ordnung, da man keine weitere Hlle bentigt.
    Wer es noch etwas dnner haben mchte, kann sich auch noch einmal die Chipolo Tracker ansehen. Er ist ungefhr zum selben Preis zu bekommen, wenn man Angebote nutzt.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really happy I got this key finder.

    I’ve lost many keys over the years, due to stupidity and forgetfulness, so thought I’d give this a go, it works well and can connect to find my on IPhone, if I do misplace my keys I can locate them with my phone thanks to the alarm on the finder.

  42. Jeffery Balastia says:


    Il prodotto ottimo. Ci sono alcuni video in rete che ne spiegano nel dettaglio le funzioni consiglio di guardarli. Fa tutto quello che fa Airtag tranne la realt aumentata (carina ma non vale la differenza di prezzo), ad un prezzo molto pi competitivo. In pi lo puoi spegnere se non lo usi e non suona nel caso lo si voglia nascondere
    Facile da usare, nonostante non vi siano le informazioni in lingua italiana. Unico neo forse lo spessore che non lo rende utilizzabile nel portafogli, ma per tutto il resto come chiavi, zaini, valigie, auto, persino il cane va benissimo e consente di localizzare l’oggetto praticamente ovunque e con buona precisione.

    ottima alternativa all'Airtag della Apple spendendo meno

  43. Celso Bulgatti says:


    Den Tracker kann man ohne extra Zubehr an ein Schlsselbund befestigen. Ich habe auch im Auto und an meinem E-Bike einen Tracker
    Zum Vergleich habe ich einen AirTag – der ist genauer in der Wegbeschreibung ( auf kurzer Strecke im Raum) Dafr bimmelt dieser hier lauter und man kann ihn ebenso schnell finden.

  44. johnboy says:


    Habe es nur ausprobiert und es hat funktioniert. Es kam aber noch nicht zum Ernstfall deshalb wei ich nicht, ob es funktioniert wenn ich nicht wei, wo mein Schlssel is

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are small and seen to work well. Good to have the key ring hole. Pairing is easy. If I was being picky, the battery was only 85% on all devices and it seems fiddly too change the battery. A black option world be good, too. Overall, good value at around 13 each.

  46. DonnellAcevedo says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple to set up and add to ‘Find my’ devices on IOS.

  47. Ree ReallyRee says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, you don’t have to pay for an app
    First time I used them in my luggage, the airline lost the cases, I was able to track them and got them back within 2days

  48. YvonneDellinger says:


    Mi piaciuta la funzionalit non mi piaciuto la possibilit di resettare tramite tasto fisico. Un malintenzionato che lo trovasse pu disabilitarlo e vanificarne l’utili

  49. DanialBrobst says:

     United Kingdom

    They work really well…unsure about the battery life ye

  50. MXHEllenrkpra says:


    Ansich eine tolle Sache.
    Habe sie nur gekauft um eine frs Auto zu haben falls es mal geklaut werden sollte.
    Das Teil ist sicher verstaut das man es nicht so leicht findet.
    Was mich strt, das auch mal Meldungen kommen das das Auto zurck gelassen wurde obwohl ich grade Fahre. Ich hoffe nur das diese Meldungen auch kommen wenn man sie wirklich braucht 😉
    Daher nur 4 Sterne

  51. TMXPreston says:


    Ich habe mir die Atuvos Keyfinder aufgrund des gnstigen Preises angeschaut und muss sagen, sie sind fr (in meiner Bestellung) sehr gnstige 13 perfekt.
    Die Einrichtung erfolgt innerhalb von ein paar Sekunden in der “Wo ist?” App und ab da kann dann den Finder dort sehen.
    Die Qualitt ist okay, nicht vergleichbar mit einem Airtag, aber eben auch deutlich gnstiger. Das Gehuse ist aus Plastik, wirkt aber relativ gut verarbeitet.
    Einzig die Lautstrke des Trackers knnte etwas hher sein – aber das ist Jammern auf hohen Niveau.

  52. Anonymous says:


    ist gut, obwohl kein Nahbereich Modul, Piepton ist laut genug um Gegenstand zu finde

  53. Rex8644avhwf says:


    Un ottimo localizzatore bluetooth che per il prezzo (trovato a 16 con il black friday) ne vale sicuramente l’acquisto. Ne ho due, uno nascosto nella bici, uno nello zaino.

    – non ha il chip U1 dell’ airtag Apple quindi la localizzazione precisa tramite ultra wide band non disponibile ( per dispositivi Apple)
    – batteria non completamente carica quando ho aperto la confezione
    – confezione: perch non farla tutta in cartoncino? Sarebbe pi eco friendly.
    – pulsante a parer mio inutile

    – bel design, compatto
    – comparativa prezzo-prestazioni ottima
    – firmware aggiornabile
    – supporto rete Apple FindMy (questo figo)
    – durata batteria 1 anno

    Tutto quello che devi sapere

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Took a while to figure it out but don’t set up as airtag use setup other devices and it finds it straight away, simple process from there. I bought a two pack and one of the batteries was virtually dead so had to change it and both were shipped switched on which is a waste of battery.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to pair with ‘find my’. Seemed to be accurate with location. Recommended purchase.

  56. Rizwan Virk says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich habe mir die Tracker gekauft, um meinen Koffer auf Flugreisen zu berwachen. Dafr optimal, da dafr keine zentimetergenaue Ortung erforderlich ist.

  57. ClaritaAntoine says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Habe vier dieser Tags gekauft fr die Autoschlssel.
    Funktionieren bisher super.
    Schade aber das es die nur in einer Farbe gibt. Htte gerne fr jedes unserer zwei Autos eine unterschiedliche Farbe gehabt um sie besser zu unterscheiden.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Dire che sono uguali agli Airtag di Apple davvero eccessivo.
    Il design tutto sommato accettabile, hanno anche l’occhiello per poterli inserire in un portachiavi, in ogni caso soggettivo.
    La batteria dura pochissimo, evidentemente il sistema ottimizzato male.
    Funziona si con l’eco sistema Apple (e solo con Apple) ma gli manca la funzione per localizzare con precisione l’oggetto.
    Il venditore mi ha inviato un articolo sostitutivo e questa volta sembrano funzionare decisamente meglio, molto gentili e disponibili.

  59. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Si configura benissimo con IOS a me capitato si bloccasse ho tolto e rimesso la batttera ero funziona bene

  60. JulissaClune says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Funktionierten einwandfrei und haben bei Urlaubsreisen immer beim Kofferfinden geholfen. Es beruhigt ungemein, wenn man sieht ob der Koffer mitgekommen ist oder noch am Flughafen steht.

  61. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Im Vergleich zum Apple Airtag find ich keine groen Unterschiede. Der Schlsselfinder macht auch was er soll. Piept nur, wenn er gesucht wird und der Standort in wo ist” ist auch sehr genau. Fr den Preis echt top

    Leider war die Batterie schon halb leer bei Ankunft. Zum Glck kosten die nicht die Welt!

  62. LeahYuankabibu says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    We bought this device as we were going away to Spain, and there had been a lot of problems at airports with missing luggage and horror stories about people not able to find their luggage. It was very easy to set up and link to a mobile phone, when you pack your case, switch it on and place it in the case. When you arrive a your destination it’s easy to locate the case, no more waiting for ages at the carousel, just saunter up when you can see it is on its way. We will be using it again definitely, very impressed with this gadget.

  63. QuyenKrimper says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gnstige Airtag Alternative wobei alleine die “Haltese” schon alleine einen deutlichen Mehrwert findet; allerdings wohl mit dem neuesten iOS treten Schwierigkeiten auf. Bin der Dritte im Bekanntenkreis, bei dem das “koppeln” erst nach lngerer Zeit geklappt hat. Ein Zurcksetzen wie in der Anleitung beschrieben ist leider auch nicht mglich. Aber wenn es mal geklappt hat, dann funktionieren die Super (aber bitte beachten, dass sie einige Funktionen weniger als die Originale haben)

  64. MarisaSchrader says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    ottimo,funziona bene,nulla da dire,l unica cosa la posizione del gps non e molto precisa.

  65. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Habe die Echten von Apple”, diese sind mir fr viele Dinge fast lieber. Als Schlssenanhnger und am Hundehalsband. Hier bentige ich keine cm genaue Ortung. Ist vollkommen ausreichend & Batterie kann erneuert werden. Suchton ausreichend laut.

  66. KareemGolder says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Facilissimo da installare, il venditore mi ha contattato autonomamente per inviarmi una guida su come installarlo ma comunque davvero facile.
    Prodotto leggerissimo e piccolissimo con un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
    Ottimo il foro per il portachiavi

  67. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Atuvos Schlsselfinder funktioniert gut und zuverlssig. Er ist definitiv eine Alternative zum AirTag von Apple.
    Apple hat allerdings den Vorteil, dass es hierzu jede Menge Zubehr gibt, das ist beim Atuvos leider nicht der Fall.
    Definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung.

  68. TandyIMDmcjoxxt says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ho preso questi tag per curiosit e perch si dice che siano compatibili con il sistema “dov’ ” di iOS.. Verissimo! praticamente uguale ai pi costosi AirTag della mela! Sembrano pi leggeri e anche pi resistenti alle righe, in quanto hanno un case con rifinitura opaca che le nasconde. Utilizzano la stessa batteria cr2032 degli AirTag ma sono un po pi spessi di questi. In compenso hanno una comodissima asola per poterli attaccare al portachiavi. Unica pecca secondo me il pulsante di accensione e spegnimento, perch se qualche male intenzionato ritrova il vostro oggetto smarrito, lo potr spegnere e addirittura resettarlo per poterlo riutilizzare su un altro account! Spero che risolvano eliminandolo nella prossima versione! Per il resto praticamente il clone economico degli AirTag e credo che siano gli unici ad utilizzare il sistema “dov’ ” di Apple

  69. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wer sich das Geld fr einen originalen AirTag sparen mchte, ist hier sehr gut mit dem Tracker von Atuvos bedient. Dieser lsst sich schnell und unkompliziert auf dem IPhone einrichten und ist auch von der Ortung ziemlich genau. Der Tracker ist eine hervorragende Alternative und erfllt seinen Zweck.

  70. AlishaHoadley says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Qualche difficolt nella configurazione iniziale, istruzioni non in lingua italiana. Per fatte seguire da una mail del venditore con le istruzioni italiano e le scuse. Comunque ero gi riuscito guardando i video. L’articolo funziona; non il massimo della precisione ma non so se dipenda da quanti segnali di localizzazione riceve o se intrinseco del prodotto. Servirebbe compararlo ad un tag Apple per capirlo.
    Dimenticavo: a casa quasi tutti con il marchio della mela…

  71. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIm Gegensatz zum AirTag von Apple ist dieser Tracker grer und geringfgig dicker. Optisch ist er natrlich nicht so hochwertig wie das 3 mal teurere Modell von Apple selbst und auch die Konkurrenzprodukte von Pebblebee und Chipolo sehen durch ihre dunkle Frbung und flachere Bauweise geflliger aus.

    An sonsten macht der Tracker genau das was, seine Konkurrenten auch machen, und genau so schnell (oder langsam) und ist damit nicht besser oder schlechter als die anderen Tracker ber Apples “WoIst”-Netzwerk.

    Die Nahfeld-Tracking-Funktion funktioniert leider ausschlielich nur mit Apples AirTag, alle Tracker von Drittherstellern bieten diese Funktion nicht. Dafr haben die aber einen lauteren Lautsprecher, und lassen sich im Nahbereich ber den abgeschickten Ton suchen und Finden.

  72. Marika Hill says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Alternativa economica ad apple airtag al momento sembra un buon prodotto.. valuteremo in futuro per il prezzo consigliato

    Alternativa ad airtag

  73. Daniel Van Boom says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNutze den Atuvos Tag um im Arbeits-Alltag als Auendienstler nichts bei Kunden zu vergessen, so wie Werkzeuge ect., falls ich doch wider Erwarten ohne alles eingesammelt zu haben abfahre erhalte ich nach wenigen Minuten einen Hinweis, dass der getaggte Gegenstand nicht dort ist wo ich gerade mit dem Mobiltelefon bin, also umdrehen und nochmal die vergessenen Dinge aufpicken. Super Sache, werde mir noch weitere anschaffen. Habe 08-2022 24,90 bezahlt, aktuell bei AMZ mit 30% fr das Paar beworben:

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Using it for my golf clubs which I am travelling abroad with. Hope I don’t actually need to use it!