Camping Mat, Lightweight Inflatable Sleeping Pad Bed 10cm
Camping Mat, Lightweight Inflatable Sleeping Pad Bed 10cm Thick Self Inflating Single Air Mattress With Pillow for Outdoor, Hiking, Backpacking, Hammock, Tent, Camping
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![camping sleeping mat](
![camping sleeping mat](
Weight: | 780 g |
Dimensions: | 200 x 70 x 10 cm; 780 Grams |
Brand: | BLUEVER |
Model: | CQSD0002 |
Dimensions: | 200 x 70 x 10 cm; 780 Grams |
CONTENUTO PACCO: Il pacchetto contiene un materassino BLUEVER da campeggio, una borsa per il trasporto e istruzioni per l’uso.
DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO APPENA APERTO: Il materassino BLUEVER un materasso ad aria singolo con uno spessore di 10 cm, una dimensione di 200 x 70 cm e un peso di 0,76 kg. E’ disponibile in un colore verde bosco. Realizzato in nylon 40D con rivestimento in TPU, resistente allo strappo e pu sostenere un peso massimo di 150 kg. Il materasso dotato di una pompa a pedale integrata per un facile gonfiaggio e sgonfiaggio e di una valvola extra per la compressione quando il momento di fare le valigie.
FUNZIONI: Il materassino BLUEVER presenta una pompa a pedale integrata che consente un gonfiaggio e un sgonfiaggio rapidi e facili. La valvola extra permette di comprimere il materasso per ridurre al minimo le dimensioni della confezione e facilitare il trasporto. Il materasso inoltre leggero e portatile, perfetto per l’escursionismo, lo zaino in spalla e il campeggio, inoltre presenta un design pieghevole con pulsante laterale che consente di unire due o pi cuscini per dormire.
SENSAZIONI/CONCLUSIONI: Il materassino BLUEVER si presenta come un’ottima soluzione per chi cerca un materasso da campeggio leggero e facile da trasportare. La pompa a pedale integrata e la valvola extra per la compressione rendono molto semplice il gonfiaggio e lo sgonfiaggio del materasso. Il materiale resistente e mi piace la possibilit di unire pi cuscini; questi sono un vantaggio aggiuntivo che fanno la differenza in campeggio. Lo consiglio per chi cerca una soluzione pratica e leggera per il campeggio.
L’ho preso per mio figlio che ha 9 anni… e riesce in autonomia a gonfiarlo e sgonfiarlo. Lo usa per gli scout!
Lleg a tiempo. Se hincha con facilidad, al principio parece que tarda pero despus coge presin rpido. Es cmoda
I used it for on top of my cab mattress so i would get a more comfortable sleep & be well rested to drive
Fcil de inflar, ideal para viajar como es mi caso en Moto
Die Matratze ist schnell aufblasbar und schnell wieder zu verrumen. Klein und leicht. Bequemer und handlicher als eine Isomatte
Our family are campers and my brother in particular likes wild camping with minimal kit, but as he’s got older he does need something a bit more comfortable to sleep on than just the floor or a thin camping mat, and this ‘self inflating’ mat has been an ideal solution for him (do note self inflating is a little misleading in the title, it does need you to use the integrated foot pump to inflate – it’s not magic !).
The report from my brother is that it’s easy to inflate and deflate, comfier to sleep on than a flat camping mat or the floor and lightweight and compact to carry. Great solution with lots of uses, especially as it’s also expandable by adding other units and joining the, together, very clever. Five stars from my brother and it’s being well used in his adventures. Worth the 30 investment for regular camping.
There are a ton of really expensive mats out there and most people think that they need to buy one in order to have a decent nights sleep, however there are now LOADS of really good quality CHEAP matts being made in china, etc that are just as good and sometimes even better than the expensive ones.
This matt pumps up really fast and it stays up all night, not once has it gone down or lost air in the night on me. The matt is nice and thick and keeps me off the ground, it is comfortable and I get a great nights sleep on it no matter the weather. The matt also packs down to almost nothing.
Finies les mauvaises nuit sur un bout de canap trop court ou un tapis dur: ce matelas gonflable s’emmne partout et se gonfle en un clin d’il, au pied, grce une pompe intgre.
Les dimensions sont correctes (2 m par 70 cm) mme si la largeur est un peu juste mon got (il ne faut pas bouger la nuit c’est sr !).
Pour dgonfler, pas de galre non plus, une valve permet de vider l’air rapidement.
Le sac de transport est fourni, et le tissu doux sur la peau.
Une bonne solution pour les ftes chez les potes !!
Est guay por varios aspectos
El sistema de hinchado, tiene la bomba de inflado en el interior y solo presionandola bien con el pie o la mano, la llenas de aire en poco tiempo.
Luego pesa muy poco, algo importante si vas a viajar con ella encima
Por lo demas, es estrechita, no tiene mucho grosor, tiene una forma de almohada para que al menos levantes un poco la cabeza.
Un matelas trs compact Ne prend que trs peu de place, facile ranger, tout lger, et assez confortable pour cette paisseur. Points positifs :
une pompe est intgre dans le matelas
modle compacte qui tient dans un cylindre de 30 x 15 cm,
poids plume de 1.5 k
une paisseur de 6 cm et un oreiller intgr,
Prix correc
Tengo varias colchonetas de funcionamiento de inflado similar a esta de la marca BLUEVER, aunque este modelo me ha sorprendido la rapidez de inflado es ms rpida que las otras que tengo.
Una vez inflada tiene unas medidas de 200x70x10 cm adems en la parte de la cabeza incorpora la forma de la almohada, y si tienes varias colchonetas iguales, en los laterales incorpora botones para poder unirlas y formar un colchn ms grande.
Adems es muy ligera pesa 760g otras que tengo que me parecan ligeras pesan 1kg. La construccin es mediante Nylon + TPU y la forma que tiene es cmo pequeas bolsas de aire, me ha recordado a los colchones con muelles ensacados, soporta segn fabricante hasta 150Kg. esto no es mucho pero para mi caso ms que suficiente, aunque ojo con ponerse una persona encima de otra y algn empujoncito que igual no lo aguanta.
El sistema de inflado es similar a otras colchonetas de este tipo, incorpora una bomba de pie que se activa presionando en la boca de entrada de aire del tapn.
Parece bastante resistente y es aislante, eso es importante si el suelo es hmedo, no da la sensacin de que vaya a daarse o pincharse con facilidad.
En conclusin destacara de este modelo frente a otros similares, la velocidad de inflado y el peso que es muy ligera, si te es importante estos aspectos me parece muy buena opcin.
Espero que te haya sido til mi opinin. Muchas gracias por leerme.
I am really happy with this lightweight inflatable mattress. The mattress feels well made, strong and a super comfortable. I like that there are multiple ways to inflate it which is very helpful depending on you circumstances or needs.
Overall, I haven’t had any issue with it thus far, it’s convenient, excellent quality and I feel its good value price.
>> Lieferung & der erste Eindruck:
Geliefert wird die Luftmatratze in einem kompakten passenden Beutel. Dieser ist auch gro genug, hier wird auch beim wieder einpacken nichts gequetscht. Im Paket enthalten sind die Luftmatratze selbst sowie der Aufbewahrungsbeutel und auerdem werden eine Bedienungsleitung sowie 3 Patches zum Flicken. mitgeliefert.
Der erste Eindruck ist wirklich gut. Die Luftmatratze macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck und ist an den Nhten etc. gut verarbeitet.
Ist die Luftmatratze einmal ausgerollt, dann findet man am Fuende einen Stopfen, dieser wird genffnet. Ist der untere Stopfen geffnet fllt sich die Pumpe an dieser Stelle, mit dem Fu kann nun die gesamte Luftmatratze aufgepumpt werden. Innerhalb weniger Minuten war diese dann vollstndig aufgepumpt.
Ein groer Vorteil ist einfach, dass die Luft nicht direkt entweicht beim Aufpumpen. Die Luft wird ber das Ventil am Kopfteil spter wieder ausgelassen.
Der Liegekomfort ist super, ich lag sehr bequem auf der Matratze und kann hier wirklich nichts bemngeln.
>> Fazit:
Hier erhlt man eine sehr gute aufblasbare Luftmatratze im unaufflligen Grn fr das Camping ets. Die Matratze ist sehr leicht und der Komfort ist sehr gut. Ich kann diese Isomatte / Luftmatratze von Bluever nur empfehlen 🙂
Matelas avec gonfleur intgr, a l’air solide.
Livr avec 2 rustines et un sac de rangement
Ce Matelas est trs juste pour un adulte mais parfait pour un enfant qui vient dormir l’improviste
The size is great for the taller person but obviously there is a limit to it’s length. It should accommodate the vast majority of people comfortably, and the 150kg limit is ample for most too.
A great idea to incorporate popper type fastening buttons along both sides to allow for two or more to be joined together, should you desire more bed space for yourself or when another person sleeps alongside you. Could be great for families where the parents get to have their young child next to them with two or three of these connected together.
The inbuilt foot pump functions very well at inflating it. Alternatively a powered device can be used to inflate this far faster. Deflating is really simple. Just undo the plug as shown in the photo and the air rushes out. Fold the sides in and from the other end roll/fold it up dispersing the remainder of the air. A material elastic band holds it together before placing it inside its pull chord storage bag (as shown in the first photo.
Also included is a repair kit.
Ingenious. Great value for camping or just to be used as an air bed for a visiting guest or when crashing somewhere.
Ich kann diese Isomatte absolut empfehlen, sie ist sehr gut und stabil verarbeitet. Sie ist super leicht zum transportieren, lsst sich schnell in der mitgelieferten Tasche einpacken. Mit elektronischen Luftpumpe ist sie in weniger als zwei Minuten voll aufgeblast und bereit. Zu empfehlen.
I do a lot of wild camping and camping and used this on my recent wild camp, it’s really comfortable at 10cm thick and keeps you well off the ground , it has a built in pillow and an integrated foot pump for easy inflation, it takes just over a minute to fully inflate and saves you having to inflate by mouth.
I like the green colour of the mat and its a good length and width, I’m 6ft 3 and over 18 stone and found it quite spacious and comfortable to lie on , I had a good night’s sleep on this mat.
The only gripe is the lack of insulation, so it’s not the best option for winter camping, but for camping from spring to autumn, its a good budget option for wild camping and trekking.
It packs away small In its carry pouch , it’s small enough to keep inside your backpack and I under 1kg so its quite lightweight too.
You can still blow it up by mouth or use a small electric pump too , but the foot pump dies work well.
The mat feels durable and well made , a good quality comfortable camping mat that is thick and comfortable to lie on.
A good budget option for wild camping, family camping, festivals or as a spare sleeping mat for guests, you don’t feel the hard ground at all on this mat.
This is a wonderful, fast inflating airbed that is surprisingly comfortable. Inside the packet you get the airbed, a carry case/bag, a repair patch and a small information pamphlet.
When I first unpacked this air bed, I thought it was far far too long, as it looked to be about 8 foot long, however upon inflation, it shrinks down to about 6 1/2 foot in length, due to the air pockets inside filling up and expanding.
inflating this bed is very quick. Making sure that the pillow end is closed and sealed correctly, you open the valve at the foot end, and placing your foot over the valve, parallel to the bottom of the bed you simply start pumping. In my test it took about 45 seconds to a minute, but if you use an electric pump, that took 15 seconds roughly.
Deflation is simply opening the valve at the headrest and allowing the air to escape. The bed folds up very easily into a relatively small size, which is great if you are camping and lack space in your rucksack. The folds stay where they were before you pumped the bed up, so you know where to fold to get it back to the original size.
The bed is really comfortable to sleep on, especially on your back, but when you turn on your side, like all airbeds its slightly less comfortable, especially on your shoulders.
One other thing to commend the makers on, there are press studs down the side, which you can use with another airbed to make this into a double aur bed, which really is a fantastic idea.
This is a highly recommended airbed, and is one we will be packing in the car to use when we are out. Great build quality, and a very reasonable price, makes this a must buy.
Tambin me ha gustado mucho que se hincha con el pie, dndole a la bomba que lleva incorporada al final de la colchoneta. No necesitas de un hinchador, ni nada. Se hincha rpida y fcilmente. Y tambin me ha gustado que la parte de la almohada se puede ajustar el inflado. Cosa que est muy bien porque as cada uno se pone la almohada como le gusta.
Para desinflarla tambin es rpido y fcil. Luego la enrollas, le pones la goma elstica para que quede sujeta y no se desenrolle, y la pones en la bolsa de transporte que viene con el producto. Queda perfectamente guardada y es muy fcil de transportar ya que ocupa muy poco y tiene un peso ligero de 0,76kg.
La colchoneta tiene unas medidas de 200x70x10cm. El largo est bien, pero el ancho creo que podran haber puesto unos centmetros ms, ya que se puede quedar corto para segn que personas. Y la almohada puede tener una altura de 15cm.
Segn el fabricante puede soportar un peso mximo de 150kg (esto no lo he podido comprobar).
La colchoneta tiene incorporados unos botones en el lateral por si compras ms colchonetas poderlas unir con estos botones.
Tambin han incluido un pequeo kit de reparacin de pinchazo.
Pongo fotos y un vdeo del da que la recib en casa, para que podis verla, ya que creo que una opinin visual te puede ayudar a decidirte. Espero te sea til mi resea
Gone are the days of the huge, bulky metal frames and way-past-their-better-days mattresses of the camp beds that would take up a copious amount of space in the garage. Gone too are the days of foam camping mats that were never worth the trouble of lugging around when you went camping and somehow never rolled back up compactly, no matter how tight you pulled the bungee strap.
This inflatable camping mat is nothing short of a revelation. No pump to find/add to your camping gear, no blowing the thing up until your ears pop and your lungs ache You simply lay the mat out, use your foot to compress the integral inflator at the bottom of the mat and insert the plug. It took me about two minutes. It takes about the same amount of time to deflate and roll it back up.
The mattress itself is astonishingly comfortable and supportive. I lay down on it to try it out and could hardly bring myself to get back up. I definitely won’t be ashamed to provide it to guests staying over.
The mat is very compact and lightweight, and would not be burdensome to carry on a camping trip. It has press studs to help you fold it neatly before rolling it back up, and these can also be used to attach to another mat, thereby converting it to a double size. Everything about this mat is well-designed. It even has an inbuilt – and comfortable – pillow. Five stars aren’t enough.
se gonfle au pied grce un gonfleur intgr. livr avec 3 rustines. Bonne qualit.
Esterilla ideal para camping, ya que plegada ocupa muy poquito y una vez inflada, es muy comoda y tiene un buen tamao.
Para inflarla, tan solo tenemos que presionar varias veces sobre una bomba que trae dentro de la estrerilla que va cogiendo aire del exterior y echandolo en el interior. Cuanto tiempo tardeis en inflarla depende del impetu con que le deis a la almohadilla.
Una vez inflada, pones el tapon y no sale nada de aire.
La hemos probado en el jardin 3 dias seguidos y sigue como el primer dia, sin haber perdido nada de aire.
Para desinflarla, quitamos el tapon de la parte inferior y vamos enrollando la colchoneta para hacer que vaya saliendo todo el aire.
La almohada es una maravilla, ya que te deja la cabeza elevada y no te despiertas con el cuello partido.
Tienes la opcion de unir varias entre si para hacer una cama mas grande, ya que trae unos enganches en los laterales que van a presion.
Se trata de un colchn hinchable color verde militar.
En la caja nos viene nicamente el saco y un parche por si se pincha, lo cual me ha desilusionado, pues me esperaba que viniese por lo menos con un hinchador de pie.
Su construccin es de nylon, el cual se siente resistente. En cuanto a tamao, mide 2m de largo y 70cm de ancho, por lo que es nicamente para una persona.
Una vez hinchado no es muy grueso, pero lo suficiente como para ser cmodo y que una vez deshinchado sea fcilmente transportable. A destacar que la zona de la cabeza es un poco ms ancha, haciendo como su fuese una almohada, lo cual se agradece a la hora de dormir.
Como conclusin me ha gustado bastante, y por su tamao, es ideal para ir de camping.
This seems a really nice alternative to the other self inflating pads I have used that usually contain a foam pad and self loft, this one however is an air bed of sorts and very comfortable when lying on your back but as with all, they become less comfortable if you turn to the side as you start to feel the hard floor along the side of your body.
How does it work…So whilst pumping with your foot in a rhythmical fashion, a one way valve and a sponge material draw in air. It takes time but gets there in the end, however there are plenty of handheld electric pumps that would do this in a fraction of the time thank god! lol, the inflating method is actually very effective but takes some effort.
Haven’t been out and about with this yet but I am sure it will do the job. This pad seems more sturdy than the others I have used in the past and hopefully it will hold it pressure overnight.
Had not realised these can also be adjoined with other similar pads using press studs that line the sides of the pad, I think they call it splicing. Nice touch this!
Inflarla lleva solo un minuto gracias a su mini-bomba de pie y al tener una boquilla grande desinflarla al igual se hace en nada, todo un record en inflar/desinflar.
Pesa poqusimo y mide 2m de largo por 70cm de ancho y su grosor es de unos 10cm algo justito pero aguanta bien el tipo, le bajo una estrella pues aunque tenga la zona de la almohada ms elevada (para simular una) me resulta baja e incomoda por lo que para estar ms a gusto le pongo una toalla para que quede ms alta (pero esto es algo personal).
Su material se ve correcto ni el ms resistente ni el ms frgil, antes de usarla miro bien que no haya ninguna piedrecita afilada o algo as que la pueda pinchar, un punto positivo es que es impermeable.
4 estrellas, sacarla e inflarla se hace en tiempo record y sin necesidad de inflador, lo compacta y ligera que es enrollada es un punto muy a su favor, pues es un placer llevarla en la mochila, me hubiera gustado que fuera algo ms ancha (por mi complexin).
Erstens die Verarbeitung: die Isomatte ist sehr hochwertig verarbeitet und verfgt ber mehrere Lagen. Diese sorgen dafr, dass sie erstens wasserabweisend ist und zweitens sehr stabil. Sie ist eine Mischung aus Isomatte und Luftmatratze. Womit ich zum zweiten Punkt komme.
Zweitens: die Technik. Diese Luftmatratze verfgt ber eine eingebaute Fupumpe. Mit ihr kann man relativ schnell die Luftmatratze aufpumpen und muss somit nicht eine zustzliche Luftpumpe mitnehmen. Das aufpumpen geht recht komfortabel mit einem Fu und innerhalb krzester Zeit steht die Luftmatratze zur Verfgung.
Das drauflegen ist sehr angenehm und beraus bequem. Trotz der Luftrippen die erst einmal unbequem aussehen liegt man ganz hervorragend darauf es fhlt sich an wie eine Mehrzonenmatratze. Mit einer Gre von 200cm Lnge, 70 cm Breite und 10 cm Hhe und einem Gewicht bis 150 kg eignet sich diese Luftmatratze auch fr grere Personen perfekt.
Gegenber all dieser Technik und Bequemlichkeit stehen die winzigen Packmae: mit 27 cm Lnge und 12,5 cm Durchmesser ist diese Luftmatratze fast schon winzig. Somit eignet sie sich auch ganz hervorragend fr Backpacker oder, wie mich, fr Motorradfahrer.
Eine super tolle Isomatte, aufpumpbar, zu einem Preis der meiner Meinung nach vollkommen angebracht ist, hierfr vergebe ich fnf Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Eine super tolle Isomatte, aufpumpbar, zu einem Preis der meiner Meinung nach vollkommen angebracht ist, hierfr vergebe ich fnf Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Five stars and this, inflatable camping mat, really deserves them! I can’t find all the repair patches in the pack despite three being included in the packing list. I found one. Still gets five stars because it’s excellent and so comfortable!
I took less than TWO MINUTES to inflate and SEVEN MINUTES to pack away!
IT IS SMALL and LIGHT when packed away! See pic
The built in pillow is great.
It is very long and would suit a tall person
It has a series of, strong, pop studs along it’s length? I don’t know what these might be for but they are strong. They are spaced about a third of a metre apart. The product description mentions ‘sleeping air pads’ but I don’t know what this means?
Seems very well made.
I’m thinking of buying more.