EIVONDA Punching Bag for Kids 160cm Inflatable Ninja Boxing

EIVONDA Punching Bag for Kids 160cm Inflatable Ninja Boxing Bag with Air Pump Kids Punching Bags for Practicing MMA Karate Taekwondo and to Relieve Pent Up Energy in Kids

Size: | L |
Dimensions: | 18 x 18 x 5 cm; 770 Grams |
Brand: | EIVONDA |
Colour: | New Ninja Red |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | EIVONDA |
Age: | Kid |
Department: | Children's |
Dimensions: | 18 x 18 x 5 cm; 770 Grams |
Size: | L |
Ho comprato questo sacco da box per il compleanno di mio nipote,regalo super gradito,gli piaciuto un sacco e non smette pi di giocarci. Ottimi materiali,fatto bene,nulla da dire. Spedizione veloce
L’ho comprato per mio nipote. gonfiabile e viene fornito con la pompa. Sotto c’ una camera per l’acqua per renderlo stabile. robusto e resiste ai colpi di un ragazzo di 11 anni. Un sacco da box di buona qualit che mio nipote si diverte a usare. Siamo entrambi soddisfatti.
Molto carino,facilissimo da gonfiare ottimo per bambini di 7/8 anni!grande il giusto e non enorme come tanti altri. La qualit della plastica buona! Lo acquisterei dinuovo
Molto bello davvero un ottimo prodotto la base di sotto si riempie con l’acqua oppure con la sabbia per chi c’ l io l’ho riempito con acqua e de sufficiente si mantiene benissimo la base di sotto lo consiglio per chi sta cercando questo tipo di prodotto
Il regalo di Natale per il mio bimbo!! Abbiamo cercato un po’ ovunque un pungiball che andasse bene per il nostro bimbo di cinque anni e mezzo dopo che gli sono stati regalati dei guantoni da boxe.
stato scelto quest’articolo per la grafica, in quanto il ninja disegnato sullo sfondo nero stupendo e soprattutto per la possibilit di poterlo sgonfiare e riporre una volta che non dovesse servire o che dovesse essere portato in qualche parco per poter essere usato da altri amici.
La confezione che arrivata racchiude in un sacchetto rosso molto bello da vedere ll sacco stesso, la pompa manuale con relativo tubicino ed adattatori per gonfiaggio, le istruzioni (in italiano) e 2 toppe in caso dovesse bucarsi il sacco.
Il gonfiaggio facile,bisogna attaccare la pompa alle valvole e iniziare a gonfiare con la mano.
Non so se sono stato sfortunato io o tutte le pompe in dotazione sono fatte cos, ma ogni 3×2 il tubo si staccava dalla pompa ed essendo da solo non potevo Reggello e gonfiarlo, cos ho preferito il gonfiaggio con mini compressore e nel giro di pochi minuti il sacco era gi pronto per poterci giocare.
Per la base le istruzioni dicono di riempirlo con circa 15 litri di acqua il resto ad aria, in caso si avesse paura di una eventuale perdita di liquido si pu optare per la sabbia, ma questo a mio avviso rendera impossibile un futuro utilizzo dell’acqua e difficoltoso togliere sabbia.
Mio figlio si divertito molto a prendere sia a calci che pugni il sacco, attualmente non abbiamo notato nessuna perdita di acqua, il materiale plastico sembra essere molto resistente e ben fatto.
This is a great product for children who need to release their energy. It is a great way to encourage kids to practice their martial arts skills in a fun way. The kids love it, and it doesn’t take up a lot of space.
This is the best punching bag for use in kids’ homes or in a youth center. It is durable and easy to use. The kids love it and the parents love it because it is so easy to store. I love that it can be used for MMA and boxing. The air pump is very convenient for inflating the product and it comes with a carrying bag. I love that it is compact and lightweight, making it easy to take it with me to the gym or to friends’ homes.
EIVONDA is an inflatable punching bag for kids. My kids love to play with this punching bag and work out their pent-up energy. I find that it is a fun way to help my kids with their self-confidence. The bag is easy to inflate and deflate and I love that it is small and portable, so it’s easy to take from one place to the next. The air pump is also easy to use, which means it doesn’t take long for the bag to inflate.
La qualit semble vraiment bonne. La pompe de gonflage est inefficace mais pass cet inconvnient et une fois le pied rempli d’eau il fait son job. Il semble solide. mon fils de 3 ans se jette dessus et se met cheval et pour le moment pas de souci
Fr kleinere Kinder sehr gut da der Sack nicht hart ist.
Unser Sohn 4. Jahre liebt es
Ce l’ho da circa tre settimane e ancora non si sgonfiato, veramente bello e divertente, lo consiglio
Prodotto arrivato ben imballato, all’interno vi sono tutte le parti descritte.
Molto facile da montare, basta infatti mettere della sabbia o dell’acqua nella base e gonfiare la parte superiore con aria, si pu gonfiare con la pompa in confezione in 5 minuti e via!
E’ stato comprato per far sfogare il mio nipotino ma non nascondo che ogni volta che ci passo vicino gli do anche io un pugnetto!
Ero preoccupata che la plastica fosse troppo sottile e si rompesse subito ma una volta arrivato non ho avuto pi dubbi.
Prodotto consigliato!
Spero di esservi stato utile!
Divertidoooooooooo para los niosssssss y no tan niosssss
Duro y resistente
Se trata de un saco hinchable con la base mas grande que se puede rellenar de aire, agua o area dependiende de donde lo quieras dejar en casa
Para inflarlo trae el inflador y las bocas para inflarlo , pero en mi caso lo inflamos con un compresor
es de plastico duro ,bastante duro y resistente
Al ser de 1,60 metros lo puedes usar tanto para golpes de puo como patadas
Es perfecto para cansar a los nios en casa
Fantastico,.. ero perplessa all inizio perch pensavo fosse troppo per il mio bimbo che ha 2 anni ma si diverte un monte!! veramente bellino e soprattuto Comodo con la pompetta per gonfiarlo
Ho messo solo un peso per farlo stare fermo ma veramente fantastico!!!!
This is great mybson does teakwando and this helped him practised his sparring pucjes and kicks when needed. Was easy to essamble just blow it up with air once you have done that to stablize it add some water into the base and your away. You may need to refill the air as it does sink after a while but we did not have an issue with this. Good to be gifted, good as a boxing, teakwando or karate punch/kick bag.
This punching bag is about 5ft 6 in height and quite wide. It’s a lot bigger than I expected so was pleasantly surprised.
The vinyl is thick and sturdy and the inflation ports are decent quality. You are provided with a large foot pump to inflate it which is good but I prefer to use an electric pump as it’s thicker.
The base can be filled with water or sand so the punchbag stays standing in one spot.
At 17.99 it’s a relatively inexpensive gift to help your kids burn off a bit of energy.
This is an absolutely amazing punching was really impressed with the quality of the materials it feels like really thick bounty castle material. It has a really cool design on the front which my son absolutely loved it’s stand at the stated 160 cm which is pretty tall approximately 5′. It is very sturdy I personally filled it up with approximately 10 liters of water and it had no issues bouncing back even after hitting it pretty firmly. My son has been consistently punching this for approximately a month now and has come across no issues whatsoever. It did come with a manual foot pump however I personally used an electric one which we had lying around it took approximately 5 to 7 minutes to fill with the electric pump however if filled with the foot pump which has been provided it will take a lot longer and a lot of energy to fill it up due to its size. Once he has been inflated and filled with water at the base it is very difficult to manoeuvre so I will definitely recommend having it in the position where you would like it to stand before filling it with water and air. This is an absolutely amazing high quality and very durable punching bag my son and myself have had hours of fun punching it and playing around with it. This would make an absolutely amazing present as it came very well packaged and was delivered very quickly. I have seen similar products for a lot higher price and therefore I can definitely recommend this product.
El saco esta bien pero el inchador no vale mucho
I figured this would be fun for my children to get into after hard day slaving over text books.
It is, mostly with the little guy, my daughter still bashes it on occasion though.
The material seems fairly sturdy, it feels similar to the type the splash pools are made of, then again every splash pool I have had has popped a leak at some point.
The base has a slot for 15 liters of water, or whatever you want. We chose water, that way if we pack it away its simply needs to be emptied.
It works OK, although with water there is a little extra movement at the base, but so far it has been fine.
It is easy enough to keep in a corner for the odd beating.
It is for children so expect your adult mitts to easily knock it about.
This is not a blow up punching bag so it’s not really for serious boxing more play the kids love it and it’s fun but not sturdy more for little kids 3 -8yrs old
Really great product. Easy to set up, come with the manual pump for filling up the air. Also designed with water fill in the base for better stability. Toy is in great size, good quality of material. I think it is rigid and reliable.
Bought for my son for Christmas. It didn’t come in a box just an bag. It seems good quality and a good size for my tall 7yr old. Comes with a pump and all the bits you need for it.
Bought ostensibly for my 6 year old cousin but his little brother loves it too.
Attracted by price and good reviews, and it provides good value for money.
We used water for the base (yes you do need to weigh it down, which was really easy to do with our hose (probably a pain without). Same goes for the air – electric pump definitely the way forward (as a side note, if you don’t have one, get one, especially if you have children!).
Item when pumped up was surprisingly robust, and no damage so far caused apparently. Its been very beneficial for the boys parents too as it wears them out before bed!!
Well packaged for delivery and arrived promptly.
The large punch bag is supplied with a small manual pump to inflate the 3 air chambers.
The base has a bigger cap to fill with water to hold the inflated bag upright when being hit from all angles.
Well made and stands up to some heavy abuse for overly bairns. Hours of fun at a party.
Well priced too.
I love this ninja boxing bag, it’s great. It’s completely different and a fun toy that any child could engage with. On that note I think this would make an excellent gift!
I opted for the red version and it looks bright and colourful. The quality of the painted ninja is excellent. The plastic feels thick and durable and all the valves appear well made and fit for purpose. You receive a manual pump to inflate the boxing bag. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can use an electric one it states not to use a high powered pump so manual it is! The base requires filling with water to provide weight and stability. I like that this can be assembled and then deflated and emptied and packed away when not is use.
At 17.99 (Sept ’22) I think this is value for money and a fun toy for children of all ages. Very happy to recommend to others.
My son is a tall 5 year old and you can see from the photo how big it is! Only buy if you have space and a tall ceiling!
Excellent quality, easy to blow up. Comes in the post nice and compact with a pump. Pump works excellently. The bottom needs to be filled up with water to keep the punching bag in place.
Overall any child would be extremely happy to recieve this!
This punch bag is great. My son really wanted one but we are limited in space. This appealed to me because its huge and a significant punching bag when inflated, but it can essentially just be deflated to a small size and be easily stored while not in use.
I just used water in the bottom section to add weight and ground it. I have basically half filled it… but once I had done done this I made the mistake of filling the rest of that empty space with air until it was full. It will tip if you do this. Once I let that extra air out of the bottom section it functioned perfectly and had a nice bounce back action that you would expect.
Another thing to note is that the main section of the punching bag had the inflation hole at the top. Obviously the pump hose doesn’t reach that high as it inflates so make sure you have the space to lay it down as it inflates to full.
The quality is good, feels similar to a bouncy castle. It’s thick and should be very strong.
This inflates easily using the pump provided. Takes a while with the included pump but I used an electric pump and inflated quickly. It’s very tall when inflated. Cute little ninja character in the front. The bottom can be filled with water or sand for stability. Great for kids to practise any contact sports on or use up any pent up energy. Feels quite thick material and looks well made
My cousins lad is adament he is going to be a ninja when he grows up!
When I turned up with this he was buzzing! Telling his mum that his training starts now!
We popped the base in a black sack, then used a hose to fill it up, once done up we could easily carry it in doors an blow the top bit up.
The training has been intense, the best bit is when he hits it hard enough that it tries to fight back!
Its a good price at 17.99, seems a decent quality, although I’m not sure how long it will last with the battering its getting lol
The only dissapointment is that the packaging isn’t great if you was to be giving this as a gift, just a plastic bag, but it hasn’t impacted the Ninja training though!
It’s a fun item that the kids have really enjoyed. It’s quite large, standing at 155cm by my measurements when fully inflated, so it’s been out in the garden for us. The material is smiilar to matte-finish paddling pool material and I expect it will last for a good while (but not forever). Maybe a couple of summers as a garden toy.
It arrived as described and was solid and sturdy enough to take quite a beating from my kids! Inflating it took a while – the included pump is essentially useless and is just a waste of plastic and packaging. As soon as I tried to use it, the hose popped off! One star off for the waste of including the pump, the item would be much better if it was a bit cheaper and didn’t include the pump.
However, it didn’t take too long to inflate using an electric pump (which I highly recommend for use with this item!) and it’s given the children plenty of fun, so I can recommend it.
My son wanted to have a punching bag so he can start growing his muscles, he is only 5 ok? He loves it!! Keeps me entertained for a while and takes off all that extra energy he brings from school! He loved it! It is a safe toy and it is good for him to discharge energy.
This inflatable is really tall standing at about 5 feet. It took about 5 minutes to pump up with an electric air pump which I would definitely recommend as the foot pump that comes with it works fine but would take about 30 minutes to pump it up full.
The base can be inflated if you want to throw it around or filled with water or sand. It takes 15 litres of water to fill fully but I filled it with 5 litres of water then just pumped it up and it was bouncing back fine. If you’re really going to whack it then filling it up with the full 15 litres of water or sand will keep it upright no matter how hard you bash it.
It’s made from really durable material. It feels more like bouncy castle material than a paddling pool. We were really hitting it and I had no worries about it popping.
The kids (and me if I’m honest) had great fun whacking and tackling it. I’d definitely recommend.
It’s ok, it’s a little fiddly with the pump you get with it so I ended up using a different one, it’s also not that easy to fill up the base with water, especially if you don’t have a hose that’d of made the job easier and quicker, once it was up though the kids had great fun punching and launching themselves at it.
Nice quality and easy to use. My little ones ar kicking the bad guy every day. Is so funny to see them fighting with the bad guy. Good for them to practice kicks from a young age, sports are good for everyone. From my point of view, is suitable for every age. Thanks
Awesome punching bag for kickboxing and karate skills. My boys attend karate and kickboxing sessions and now they can also train at home. Great quality and easy to set up (tricky part was the pump which came with punching bag I had to use my own) other than that I can highly recommend for kids and adults also. It’s suitable for indoor and outdoor activities. Great value for money
This is great and comes with a air pump. It’s lightweight, portable and can be used both inside and out. The punch bag is good quality and offers a fair amount of resistance when being hit. Good for training and new starters who are just taking up the sport.
You stick water in the bottom and put air into it to blow it up. It will bring hours of endless fun. My Kid will get this for his birthday soon so hopefully he will like it. From what I have tested so far, it is easy to set up and put away which is great. It is good for the price.
This punching bag is good fun it blows up well and takes a beating.
There’s three valves to blow up, it comes with a foot pump but I’d recommend an electric pump to save some time. Each valve blows up well.
The weight is definitely needed as if you just have it on its own it flies everywhere.