eXtremeRate Cosmic Red Rubberized Grip Programable RISE4

eXtremeRate Cosmic Red Rubberized Grip Programable RISE4 Remap Kit for ps5 Controller BDM 010 & BDM 020, Upgrade Board & Redesigned Back Shell & 4 Back Buttons for ps5 Controlle

More Stylish Accessories
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√ | BDM-010/020 | BDM-010/020/030 | BDM-010/020 | BDM-010/020/030 | BDM-010/020 | BDM-010/020 |
Dimensions: | 15 x 9 x 1.5 cm; 30 Grams |
Model: | YPFU6005 |
Manufacture: | Extremerate |
Dimensions: | 15 x 9 x 1.5 cm; 30 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Ich bin absolut begeistert von dem eXtremeRate RISE4 Remap Kit! Dieses Produkt hat mein Spielerlebnis auf eine ganz neue Ebene gehoben.
Zunchst einmal war die Installation einfach und unkompliziert. Das Remap Board passt perfekt in meinen Controller und die Anleitung war leicht verstndlich. Innerhalb von 20-30 Minuten war alles einsatzbereit.
Die Schwarz Gummierten Grips auf der Rckseite des Gehuses fhlen sich groartig an. Sie bieten eine verbesserte Griffigkeit und verhindern das Abrutschen whrend intensiver Spielsitzungen. Die Qualitt des Materials ist erstklassig und ich bin mir sicher, dass sie eine lange Lebensdauer haben werden.
Die Wei Back Paddles Rcktasten sind ein echtes Highlight dieses Kits. Mit ihnen kann ich die Tastenbelegung meines Controllers individuell anpassen und somit mein Gameplay optimieren. Es ist wirklich praktisch, wichtige Aktionen auf die Paddles zu legen und dadurch schneller reagieren zu knnen. Das hat definitiv meine Reaktionszeit verbessert und mir einen Vorteil verschafft.
Insgesamt bin ich mit dem eXtremeRate Programmierbaren RISE4 Remap Kit mehr als zufrieden. Die Qualitt, die Funktionalitt und die einfache Installation machen dieses Produkt zu einer klaren Empfehlung fr alle, die ihr Spielerlebnis auf der PS5 verbessern mchten. Fnf Sterne von mir!
Ergnzung: Ich mchte auch die hervorragende Kundenservice-Erfahrung von eXtremeRate hervorheben. Leider hatte eines der Buttons auf dem Remap Board eine Fehlfunktion. Doch nachdem ich das Problem dem Kundensupport gemeldet habe, reagierten sie sofort. Sie waren uerst freundlich und hilfsbereit. Ohne weiteres Zgern schickten sie mir umgehend ein Ersatz Remap Board zu.
Der schnelle und effiziente Kundenservice hat mich wirklich beeindruckt. Es ist groartig zu wissen, dass eXtremeRate sich um seine Kunden kmmert und bereit ist, Probleme umgehend zu lsen. Das gibt mir zustzliches Vertrauen in die Marke und das Produkt.
Insgesamt kann ich eXtremeRate nicht nur fr ihr hochwertiges Produkt, sondern auch fr ihren ausgezeichneten Kundenservice empfehlen. Vielen Dank fr die schnelle Reaktion und den Ersatz!
Fortunatamente fatto per 2 modelli di pad,quindi riesci a gestirti da solo il montaggio,ma attenzione a come lo fate altrimenti ne servir un’altro.purtroppo non ci sono le istruzioni,quindi adoperatevi di video YouTube per riuscirci senza problemi
The Rise4 is possibly the most comfortable back button/paddle layout available. I really appreciate the fact you have two buttons that take more pressure to press if you have a more firm grip but the paddles are there for quicker button presses as they are easier to click in. That being said if you have a firm grip in a FPS or battle royals game you might accidentally press the paddles more often than you want unless you rest your fingers on the K3/K4 buttons. If the paddles took more pressure to click then this would be running up in the top 3 of best pro controller setups. I will be getting the metal buttons as a replacement as it’s stated those have a stronger button/paddle press and would most likely be best for me. If you have a loose grip this may be the best option for you. The grips are great and I can find myself playing for hours before ever wanting a break for my eyes and not for my eyes as they never get stiff or sore from the controller. That’s how comfortable this remapkit is. Lastly, I reiterate the fact it is very little downside to this kit but the installation video itself is sorta stupid. It shows every step with elevated music playing when it would be a great add to maybe voice over it and add picture assembly instructions with the product. Unless another company or extreme rate themselves come out with another design that is more comfortable than this rise4 kit, I and I assume many others will be forever using this on our PS5 controllers.
Utilissimo e facile da montare seguendo il video tutorial su youtube . Avendo provato anche la versione in acciaio consiglio questa in plastica per leggerzza e risposta al tatto . I due tasti aggiunti K3 e K4 sono molto comodi e posizionati in modo da poterli facilmente toccare con i medi semplicemente spostando leggermente il dito . Cambiano totalmente il modo di giocare, assolutamente consigliato.
Aqu mi experiencia despus de la instalacin, an no he jugado pero ya hice unas pruebas y los gatillos se sienten sensibles al toque (no duros de presionar), considero que debes de jugar un buen rato para adaptarte ya que a primera mano me sent invadido ya que nunca haba usado botones extra en mis mandos.
La calidad del material se siente barata a comparacin de la calidad del mando pero una vez instalado no se percibe gran diferencia.
La instalacin fue “sencilla” ya haba abierto controles de ps5 antes y eso me ayud bastante.
Los mejores video tutorales estn en ingls y muy bien detallados.
La versin que compr fue la de fibra de carbono y honestamente se siente muy lisa, me hubiera gustado algo de textura para tener mejor agarre, hoy hace mucho calor y con las manos un poco sudadas puede ser molesta la falta de grip.
Cuando el mando vibra he notado que algo dentro suena como si trajeras plsticos sueltos, algo que antes no pasaba ya que el control es nuevo y lo compr al mismo tiempo que el extremeRate.
La programacin es muy sencilla y funciona de manera universal para cualquier juego. Es decir, si programas un gatillo a un botn (x) ese gatillo funcionar siempre como si presionaras (x) hasta que cambies la programacin de ese gatillo.
En resumen lo recomiendo completamente, pensaba comprar un dual sense edge pero adquir mi mando en 950 pesos mexicanos y el extreme rate rise4 en 899 en el hot sale, eso da un total de 1,849, algo que no est ni cerca de los mandos scuff ni del edge.
Si ms adelante encuentro alguna falla o desgaste lo actualizar.
Very fiddly to fit rather than complicated. Requires some patience to assemble properly but once done these b buttons feel sturdy and smooth clicking at the same time. I just hope they last which is why I purchased the metal type.
Scuf for 250 nahhhh ps5 with this so much better. Easy install with a 2022 dual sense cheers
Care is needed, but if you can stick two lego bricks together and undo a screw then you can do this! (take photos of each step for reference just in case)
I did not solder – I only need the plug-in functions.
Blue Gripy is grippy and blue. The rubber grips are integrated with the shell, so no peeling edges like the stick-on ones. They don’t make my hands smell like rubber either, which is a plus!
They feel robust, all the haptics still work. Best value back-button option I’ve seen.
Only negatives are 1 it’s easy to press them by accident (especially passing the pad back and forth). You can mitigate by making the triggers stiffer or dampen the action – lots of tips online but I left mine stock and just be more careful. 2 doesn’t fit the official dock. I knew this in advance, it’s still a shame.
Installation was easy enough, and the paddles work very well.
If you want a SCUF controller without forking out the ridiculous prices, go for this.
Took a while to install, but there is plenty of online video tutorials.
Bought 4 of these in the last 2 months. 3 for the playstation and one for Xbox. Only reason I gave it 3 stars for installation is because if you want to have the touchpad and l3 and r3 there’s a bit of soldering involved and you basically have to take the whole pad appart. If you only want the triggers and normal buttons remapped it’s a 5 for installation as it’s pretty straight forward. Love the products extremerate dose and will definitely continue using them.
Relatively easy kit to install as the instructions are very clear to follow. Even the soldering part is very easy if you have a soldering iron. Thus is my 2nd one to mod now. Just be aware of the model numbers before purchasing as it may not be suitable for you particular controller.
Saw this after I considered spending 100+ on a pro controller for the back paddles/buttons.
Seemed a little daunting at first when I watched the video before buying it. However, once I had everything in front of me it was a lot easier than expected. Video tutorial was great, everything fit perfectly, parts seem a quality material.
Only thing I would say is that it gets a bit fiddly putting one or 2 cable back in, but I just used the tools provided for some additional leverage.
Worked first time! Great produc
Very easy to install. Takes like 30 mins taking your time. Its a must have, basically makes the controller into a scuff controller at less then half the cost of a scuff.
if your going to fit the Rise2 or Rise4 back button kit you might want to install the eXtremeRate hair trigger kit at the same time as as your going to strip the pad down for both… takes about an hour to install (taking your time) this is the same time with or without both hair triggers kit and Rise kit…
my personal recomendation is to cut rumble motor wires and remove rumble motors (which are stuck in with adheseive tape) reducing pad weight, and cut wires for haptic trigger motors (if fitting hair trigger)…
probably done if you have a spare dualsense pad you dont mind loosing if you do the install wrong… can be fiddly to do install, but well worth the effort… not for the faint hearted.. suggest you watch install videos several times before purchase to help decide if your up to the installations
Very clicky, satisfying and comfortable. Easy to install with no soldering required (unless you want to map L3/R3 or the touch pad to the back buttons) and everything you need is included. The grip shell feels amazing. This is THE best thing you can buy for the best controller on the market and it’s DIRT cheap. Go ahead and grab yourself one
Few small issues installing but support was good. Will need a soldering iron if you want full functionality
Fantastic customer service. The best I’ve seen. I had a slight issue with mine but they’re sorted it. Would highly recommend.
Eveyrhink u need is in the box , and after installing it is like a Scuf but for half the price
Installation was spot on. Super easy. Just be careful taking it apart. Aside from that. It feels real good. I already noticed the difference using back buttons.
Build quality of the components seems to be good for most of the components
Had to return to for a refund as parts are missing
UPDATE – Before returning to Amazon I contacted the manufacturer via their website and explained I was missing parts, after sending them the requested photo of what I received the replacement parts were shipped to me at no cost to myself. Very good customer service. Will be ordering another soon for my second controller.
Changed from 3 stars to 4. Would have been 5 if the whole package came as correct but manufacturer was very helpful!
Great product. Great tutorials on their YouTube channel. Top buy
Obviously stick drift is a massive issue so I replace my controller every 6 months and because of how easy it is to take out I reuse it for my new controller and sell the old one on eBay
Again another excellent product from extremerate easy to do your self. I will be trying out these other products and I will let all of you know if they are excellent or rubbish watch this space.
Easy to install all u need to do is follow any video on how to install.very simple
The customer support is very responsive and helpful
Was, as most reviewers say, a little nervous going into this but found a very useful video on YouTube and the guy walked me through everything. I was only remapping the X and O buttons so didn’t need to worry about soldering( you only solder for the R3 and L3 buttons).
Easy enough to go through even though I was convinced at a certain point I’d have to reopen it to fix something but all worked out well first time round, thankfully!
Still need time to get used to having back buttons(I have the 4 buttons attachment) but can already see a bit of improvement in the short time I have played.
Once installed and everything is attached it is surprisingly sturdy. One tip I would give is if you feel one of the buttons K1 or K2 isn’t clicking properly as if it’s stiff you will need to take off the top part of the K3 and K4 attachment and screw the little chip board down tighter.
Overall great investment and would highly recommend!
So following the online step by step video, this was super easy to install and works a treat! The textured back is worthwhile too
It can always be a bit daunting when taking apart official controllers… this came with everything needed and I was extremely impressed with the kit! There was a video online which was really easy to follow along with and get the kit installed. I wasn’t personally looking for the touch pad click or L3 and R3 controls, which meant no soldering at all.
Reason for me to upgrade to this was that I was fed up of using ‘the claw’ grip when running in elden ring and with this install it makes life sooo much easier and more comfortable, only thing which wasn’t perfect for me, (and was more personal preference), I went for the rubberized grip but did find it a bit ‘nobbly’, but fits the hand as well as the original pad, my partner however prefers this to the original. Material is high quality and easy to program once you know how, (follow the install video again for easy guide) Very happy with my purchase, the kit in general and have played with it for over 100 hours now and still looks brand new. 100% would purchase agai
Easy to install, dropped the controller 4 times already and thought it’d break each time but it’s holding up well. I’m 2 months in with it, had to get used to not pressing the back 2 buttons by mistake, don’t really use k3 k4 plus seems like it would be hard to anyways. Amazing product.
This is a great product, however I personally couldn’t get used to it, the back plate with the paddles is just too big and sticks out too much for me to comfortably grip the controller. It is easy to install (didn’t do the soldering part) and it was easy to disassemble after I decided it wasn’t working for me.
Fairly easy to install with basic electrical and assembly knowledge. I bought the PS4 version a few years back and this ps5 version is far better and of superior quality.
Overall a 5 star product when considering how much a professionally made fps modified controller costs.
Installation was easy, however I have disassembled controllers before to clean up joysticks, so not a beginner. Installation took about 20minutes and I followed craigs instruction on YT. Grip itself is non slippy – extremely non slippy I would say. K1 and K2 buttons are easy to press and use. K3 and K4 are a bit harder to get used to, but that would be because I only used official sony ps4 attachememt. Ergonomically, I like button placement more in this than in ps4 attacheme
Love the extremerate mod for the PS5 controller. Easy to install when following the tutorial. I will be getting another for my 2nd controller. Wish I had found them sooner.
Took a couple of hours and a bit fiddly but it was well worth the build. Quite fun to install and they look and feel somewhat great, just need to get used to how the paddles align with your fingers like other reviewers have stated
This is great add on for your PS 5 controller. It makes you normal controller into premium pro controller. But, I would only recommend it for people have DIY skills. The installation is not easy and made it worse, there is no instructions in box. There are YouTube video. Only after watching the video, I found out it requires iron soiling to board to connect L3,R3 and touchpad. I don’t have it so I have to bypass those tree buttons. After that, it was not too bad.
You feel great after it done.
Install was fairly straight forward, All working good so far.
Have used extreme rage products on both ps4 and ps5 and all has been well.
Easy to install along with the hair triggers this is the 4th one I’ve done now I love their products
This mod is good and works perfectly, except, for me at least, the K3 K4 buttons are in a very awkward position and pressing them doesnt feel as natural as the paddles.
I was using the metal 2 paddle version and it feels great. I hope this rise 4 mod gets the same treatment soon.
After using a 2 button kit, when I saw this on social media, I had to get it. Swapping out the parts was a simple and direct swap. Now I have to get use to having 2 extra buttons. Though the K3/K4 buttons is usually where I place my finger to support gripping the controller when I use.