GoPro HERO11 Black – Waterproof Action Camera with 5.3K60

GoPro HERO11 Black – Waterproof Action Camera with 5.3K60 Ultra HD Video, 27MP Photos, 1/1.9″ Image Sensor, Live Streaming, Webcam, Stabilizatio

New Night Effects
HERO11 Black features three new Time Lapse modes that let you get creative after dark. Star Trails uses the Earth’s rotation and stars to capture beautiful light trails across the night sky. Light Painting lets you create brilliant brush stroke effects with moving light. Vehicle Light Trails uses night-time traffic to record stunning light trail footage.
Power Tools
Nail shots the easy way with Power Tools. HindSight captures up to 30 seconds of footage before you start recording—even if you press the shutter too late, you’ll still get the shot. There’s also Scheduled Capture, which lets you set your GoPro to turn itself on and capture a shot up to 24 hours in advance, and Duration Capture, which makes it easy to capture video clips from 15 seconds to 3 hours long.
Webcam + Live Streaming
Use the HERO11 Black as an ultra versatile webcam or live stream your next activity as you vlog with buttery HyperSmooth video stabilization and sharp resolution.
Rugged + Waterproof to 33ft (10m)
Completely waterproof and as tough as ever, HERO11 Black is versatile enough for any adventure. It’s built to take a beating and keep going, whether you’re ripping through mud, snow or water (to depths of 33ft/10m). The durable and scratch-resistant lens cover adds even more protection and can be easily replaced if needed.
Weight: | 127 Grams |
Dimensions: | 29 x 48 x 66 millimetres |
Brand: | GoPro |
Model: | CHDHX-111-RW |
Part: | CHDHX-111-RW |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 29 x 48 x 66 millimetres |
La GoPro Hero 11 Black presenta un design familiare, ma offre un sensore da 1/1,9 pollici con un formato originale di 8:7, che aumenta notevolmente la versatilit dell’azione. Questa action cam orientata verso i creatori di contenuti digitali, consentendo la creazione di video verticali e quadrati ideali per i social media. Il sensore pi grande offre una risoluzione fotografica di 27 megapixel e una stabilizzazione avanzata con HyperSmooth 5.0. La registrazione avviene ora a 10 bit, e la qualit video e foto adatta anche per professionisti, tranne in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione. L’app Quick offre funzionalit aggiuntive come gli Highlight automatici e la gestione dei file sul cloud. La batteria Enduro offre un miglioramento dell’autonomia ma potrebbe ancora migliorare. io la uso molto durante i miei trekking o le uscite in ebike ed ha sempre risposto positivamente in tutte le occasioni!
Die Bildschrfe, Farbwiedergabe und der Dynamikumfang sind absolut herausragend. Sowohl bei Tageslicht als auch bei schwachen Lichtverhltnissen bleiben die Aufnahmen scharf und voller Details.
Was diese Kamera wirklich auszeichnet, ist ihre HyperSmooth-Stabilisierungstechnologie der nchsten Generation. Die Videos sind unglaublich flssig und stabil, selbst in den turbulentesten Situationen. Diese Technologie verleiht den Aufnahmen eine professionelle Note und macht Nachbearbeitung fast berflssig.
Die HERO11 ist uerst benutzerfreundlich. Das verbesserte Touchscreen-Display ist reaktionsschnell und intuitiv zu bedienen. Die Mens sind gut strukturiert und leicht zu verstehen, was die Anpassung von Einstellungen zum Kinderspiel macht. Die Mglichkeit zur Sprachsteuerung ist ein zustzliches Plus fr eine bequeme Bedienung whrend der Aufnahme.In puncto Robustheit und Haltbarkeit ist die HERO11 Spitzenklasse. Das robuste Gehuse schtzt die Kamera vor Sten, Staub und Spritzwasser. Ob beim Klettern, Surfen oder Biken, diese Kamera hlt den extremsten Bedingungen stand.Die Akkulaufzeit wurde verbessert und bietet nun noch lngere Aufnahmezeiten, was besonders bei ausgedehnten Outdoor-Abenteuern von Vorteil ist.
Auch die drahtlose bertragung von Aufnahmen auf andere Gerte ist reibungslos und zeitsparend.Zustzlich zur Kamera selbst bietet GoPro eine breite Palette von Zubehr, um die HERO11 an jeden individuellen Einsatz anzupassen. Von zustzlichen Halterungen bis hin zu externen Mikrofonen, die Mglichkeiten zur Erweiterung sind nahezu unbegrenzt.
Zusammenfassend ist die GoPro HERO11 ein Spitzenprodukt, das die Erwartungen bertrifft. Mit ihrer beeindruckenden Bildqualitt, der fortschrittlichen Stabilisierung und der Benutzerfreundlichkeit ist sie die perfekte Wahl fr Abenteuerlustige, Sportbegeisterte und jeden, der hochwertige Aufnahmen in allen Lebenslagen wnscht.
Ich bin absolut begeistert und kann sie uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
fantastic camera, nice package one battery usb two diferent holders all in perfect qualitty. if you will think a qualitty of pictures or videos is not as you was waiting for but look some YTB video, everything is about settings. have nice day.
Well, this never turned up. I had to chase for an answer and it turned out it wasn’t in stock and no date of arrival could be given, so I had to get a refund and find another retailer in short notice. In fairness, I heard the same story from several retailers of GoPro suddenly arriving at the stores and removing all stick without warning or explanation. So if I was rating the company, or this retailer it would be a 1 star due to lack of communication and for allowing me to pay for an unavailable product. But. I did find one, and the camera was great. Easy to install. Easy to use. I liked the voice commands ( essential for a lone traveller whilst driving, so I didn’t have to take my eyes off the road). But I did have to muy the radio and sometimes clise the windows and at times speak really loudly fir it to hear. Take care with the memory card though. I bought a high speed one for capturing video but the camera immediately warned me that it was too slow. I was already on the road and now have videos with a lot of lag. The stabilisation is incredible though, for all but the bumpiest roads.
Lo primero que me llam la atencin fue la calidad de imagen. El nuevo sensor de imagen realmente hace maravillas, liberando un campo de visin ms amplio y alto que cualquier otra cmara HERO. Las pantallas LCD delantera y trasera son un toque brillante, permitindome enmarcar mis tomas a la perfeccin. Ya sea que est capturando paisajes impresionantes o momentos emocionantes, s que obtendr imgenes ntidas y vibrantes con la HERO11 Black.
La estabilizacin HyperSmooth 5.0 merece su fama. Ganadora de un Premio Emmy, esta funcin mantiene mis tomas perfectamente rectas, incluso si la cmara gira 360 grados completos. Es como tener un equipo de produccin cinematogrfica en la palma de mi mano! Adems, la posibilidad de grabar en resolucin 5.3K y tomar fotos de 27MP agrega un nivel de detalle impresionante a mis recuerdos, haciendo que cada momento vuelva a la vida con una claridad increble.
Una de las caractersticas que ms me impresion es cmo la HERO11 Black se integra perfectamente en mi vida diaria. Despus de mis aventuras, simplemente la conecto para cargarla y luego puedo relajarme mientras mis contenidos se cargan automticamente en la nube. Pero eso no es todo! La magia sucede cuando esos contenidos se convierten en asombrosos videos destacados que se envan directamente a mi telfono. Es como si tuviera mi propio editor de video personal trabajando en segundo plano.
Hablemos de relacin calidad-precio. La HERO11 Black ofrece mucho ms de lo que esperaba a un precio que realmente vale la pena. La cantidad de funciones y la calidad de los resultados superan con creces su valor, convirtindola en una inversin que vale la pena para cualquiera que quiera capturar momentos especiales de manera excepcional.
En resumen, la GoPro HERO11 Black ha superado todas mis expectativas. Desde la captura hasta la creacin de videos destacados automticamente, esta cmara es una maravilla tecnolgica que se adapta perfectamente a mi estilo de vida activo. Su versatilidad, calidad de imagen y funciones avanzadas la convierten en una eleccin insuperable para todos los aventureros y amantes de la tecnologa. No puedo recomendarla lo suficiente!
ce que j apprci :
– sont le slow motion facile utiliser mais pas donner le tous le monde sinon mal de crne garantie lol
-j apprci la camra devant qui peut faire aussi webcam
– ecrant tactile
-la portabilit (lgre…rien dans la poche..discrte)
-chargeur USB C
ce que j apprci moin …:
-la batterie s’use vite
– la protection en option payante bien tendu alors que sur la 7 c tais offert
-Le cloud payant 24/ans dure pour 1 ans puis 57 je trouve cela relativement cher heureusement que cela reste une option mais j ai peur qui le passer en priorit au fure et a mesure des future go pro
I professionisti ci tireranno fuori cose mai viste.
Consiglio di provare gli StarTrail che sembrano fatti da esperi, anche al primo tentativo!!!
Di sicuro robusta e pratica.
Si possono acquistare senza problemi anche quei pacchi di accessori compatibili (visto il prezzo degli originali), cos da avere un bel set di diverse alternative.
Consiglio un coperchietto per far uscire il cavo di alimentazione, molto utile di notte con le lunghissime esposizioni.
Se la usate in acqua (il suo vero ambiente naturale) ricordatevi un’impugnatura galleggiante.
L’ho abbinata ad una SanDisk Extreme da 256GB e adesso per poco pi di 30 euro non ho alcun problema di spazio.
Le nuove funzioni sono pazzesche. L’instant rec impagabile.
Non ho ancora testato l’app per il cell ma sembra molto ben fatta.
Invece non credo che far l’abbonamento GoPro, al momento quei vantaggi e quelle opzioni non mi servono.
Pro – Tutti.
Contro – Scalda abbastanza. Accessori originali molto costosi.
This is an outstanding Go Pro, packed full of features and the video quality is miles ahead of it’s competitors. I have procrastinated over buying one for ages, but went for it and it’s been the best purchase. Was great on holiday, have some amazing footage. I will use it a lot as it’s so small you can fit it in your pocket.
The only thing which they never seem to get right is the battery life. I know filming at 5K or 4K probably does take a lot of power and would expect it to last for 6 hours straight, but sometimes wasn’t even getting an hour and if you do film for that long it gets red hot. I didn’t notice any over heating problems that I know people have mentioned, it does get hot but hasn’t shut down. I do hope they release and up date or a new battery that does last longer.
aber man muss ein wenig experimentieren mit den Einstellungen der Schnittsoftware
Flat und Schrfe gering bei der Gopro 5 und der 11. sind 2 verschiedene Welten
habe die Dateien so wie immer bearbeitet und das Ergebniss war horror ( Magix Video Deluxe 23er Version)
Ghosting und andere Gries Effekte
musste die Schrfe um 2/3 reduzieren und die Farbsttung um die Hlfte
Auch der MPEG 4 Codek ist suboptimal , benutze den HEVC stattdessen
das Filmchen oben ist in 5.3K aufgenommen und in 4K gerendert
aber Amazon und Co kompimieren stark , das Org. sieht schrfer aus !
Die Kamera selbst ist super
Stabilation wirklich gimbel Like
Werde die Kamera noch weiter testen und evl ein Update hinzufgen
hoffe ich konnte helfen
Kaufempfehlung von meiner Seite
With the media mod I can fit DJI mics as well, and it fits nicely on to my Zhiyun Crane M2S
buena calidad como siempre de los productos de gopro. la unica pega que le pongo es que en el ao que estamos ya, todava gopro no soluciona el tactil. cualquier pantalla chinorra hoy en dia responde mejor que esta. y la bateria tambien se queda algo corta auque sea la enduro sigue siendo poco. por lo demas todo una maravilla. calentamiento lo normal en estas camaras ( un poco elevado llegando a pagarse antes por temperatura que por falta de bateria)
I bought this for my son to use whilst he rides his motor cycle on our roads. It is small enough for him to mount it to his helmet and not obstruct his vision or movement. It enables him to be able capture any unexpected incidents.
Obviously GoPro are renowned for their quality products.
This is quite a bit bigger than the Hero 7, affording slightly larger displays, front and rear – not huge, but nice. The front screen can be used as a monitor or as a status display.
The 11 offers 5K with image stabilisation throughout. As well as different resolutions and frame rates, the camera also has a number of aspect ratios.
The battery is bigger, and although it does have a quite decent life, you will need to find spares. The picture quality is brilliant – at 4 and 5K, colours pop.
There are 2 microphones – top and front – and their quality is great. Very clear voice pickup. I use a foam cover on the camera as a windshield. It reduces the wind noise, but important sounds like commentary are picked up perfectly.
Unlike earlier models, there isn’t an option to plug the camera into a computer and transfer your media. You do actually have to remove the card and put it in a card reader.
By default, GoPro expects you to use their cloud service. Pug the camera into the mains and it will connect to your network and begin uploading files to GoPro. The camera gets very hot and it’s a long process. If you take lots of clips of only a few seconds each, then the process would be quicker. This auto-upload feature also reformats your card once the upload is complete.
GoPros can be quirky, touch wood, I’ve not. had an issue with the 11 yet. I swore I’d never pay GoPro prices again, but I’m glad I did.
If you want to describe what’s better in this camera against some competitors
– it’s waterproof without special casing (but use common sense, check the battery door is sealed, don’t do deep dives etc.)
– it has the best adjustable stabilizer of all action cameras I’ve seen so far (stable but not looking unnatural)
– it’s quality built like an action camera should be
– it’s the most popular camera out there and has the biggest amount of accessories made for it. Other brands just followed with their products
– it’s super simple to use compared with some other cameras
– it has the best picture quality out there. This is a challenging statement, but each comparison video I’ve seen, even made by followers of other brands, wasn’t really trying to dispute that part, plus side by side videos simply spoke for themselves
– you still have to have some skills to get cinematic quality videos out of it, but it has loads of settings to explore and equally good auto modes
The annoying things (with my thoughts on them)?
– it needs a mod to be able to install an external mic. Not essential because the built-in one is really good, but that lack of functionality is deliberate to get more money out of customers
– battery lasts for around 1.5h (in 4K 30fps), which doesn’t sound like much, but then again I have rarely seen anyone uploading a longer video. It’s an action camera not a vlogging one. Besides original spare batteries are really cheap
– the overheating problem. This is the most brought up issue around GoPro’s in general. I personally haven’t experienced it shutting down on me, and I have filmed a 4h constant video (with 3 batteries in total, but just replaced and recording again) in 4K 30fps. And I managed to keep it the whole time in black silicone casing too. The truth is – all high quality, miniature action cameras heat up when using high resolutions over long time. Keeping them still or in casing doesn’t help either – they’re designed to be cooled by air while moving. Use them properly and you won’t get them shutting down on you (like trying to shoot a high quality video right after a software update). Again – don’t buy an action camera, if what you’re really after is a vlogging camera
The real issues I found are around what you will experience in any high quality, sophisticated electronic device – software bugs. If they are occasional and get addressed in software updates – I’m happy to forgive and forget.
One issue I found in my GoPro is that sometimes it will do funny things when using the locked horizon setting. You’re best using that feature if you really need it, not whenever you use the camera. I had it set up on a mini tripod and the recording looked like the camera kept moving on its own…
Sometimes when you switch it on, it won’t load properly (only happened once with mine really). The picture will look funny, the touch screen won’t be responsive. A quick restart and all is sorted.
In general – I honestly think I made the right choice. Just a quick snapshot of why I haven’t picked another action camera. I was also considering
– DJI pocket 2 – a great vlogging camera more than an action one, but flimsy and not waterproof without the casing, which is huge and uncomfortable to use
– DJI Osmo Action 3 – continued issues with focus and unnatural stabilizer, in general worse than the GoPro (although a bit cheaper)
– Insta 360 (any model really) – great action cameras that give you powerful editing features. But pretty much every upload ends with huge amount of complicated post-processing, because it records in 360 degrees the whole time. Also not as rigid built as the Gopro
– any non-market leading action camera – a range of issues from weak stabilizer, focusing problems, lack of different recording modes, poor, buggy software, discontinued updates etc.
– any larger cameras like mirrorless etc. – exactly that, they’re larger and not action cameras
I hope my observations will help you pick your preferred action camera. I hesitated for quite a while before I made my choice. Why GoPro 11 and not 10 or 9? They are only marginally cheaper and have less features, but for that simply watch one of the detailed tech reviews of this camera on YouTube.
Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.