Hommie Hydroponics Growing System, 12 Pods Indoor Herb

Hommie Hydroponics Growing System, 12 Pods Indoor Herb Garden with LED Grow Lights, Indoor Garden Plants Germination Kit with Visible Water Level Window, Silent Pump System, Touch Panel, Smart Time

Package Contents:
- 1 x Light1 x Water Tank Cover Board
- 1 x Telescopic Rod
- 12 x Transparent Round Covers
- 1 x Power Adapter
- 1 x Solid Nutrient Solution A
- 1 x Solid Nutrient Solution B
- 24 x Seedling Blocks
- 12 x Planting Baskets
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x Water Tank with Pump
Hommie Hydroponics Growing System
- Using high-performance chip-emitting LED lamp beads to maximize the photosynthesis of plants, which is 5 times more efficient than traditional plant cultivation methods
- The Hydroponics Growing System has a Visible Water Level Window, which allows you to observe the water volume in the tank at any time.
- Material: Aluminum Alloy+ABS+PC
- Telescopic Rod Max Height: 50cm/19.69in
- Product Weight: about 2000g/4.4lb
- Product Size: 40 x 18 x 9cm/15.7 x 7.1 x 3.5″
Dimensions: | 38.1 x 17.78 x 7.62 cm; 2.03 Kilograms |
Model: | SP201 |
Part: | SP201 |
Manufacture: | Hommie |
Dimensions: | 38.1 x 17.78 x 7.62 cm; 2.03 Kilograms |
This is my first hydroponics system and I actually love it. Grows everything with ease
The light is nice on it the motor you barely know it’s working plants haven’t died but don’t see how it’s doing anything
The construction is relatively well finished and modern looking. It was straightforward to assemble, and setup the lighting program. The light is bright, with lots of LED points, and has multiple spectrums for vegetative or fruiting. It has this interesting feature where you can actually change the light strength by percentage, as well as setting a adjustable timer for the light. You can set it so it runs only 1 hr every 24 hrs. I’m not quite sure how the pump runs but it does turn on and off throughout a day.
The water tank is a bit smaller than I would like for a 12 pod garden and it will drain very fast once plants grow past 4″ tall, but it is still 4 liters which is decent among tabletop hydroponic gardens. This is particularly important as this kit uses a chemical plant food commonly used in generic hydroponic gardens. The plant food works ok for growing but it has a delicate balance with pH and nutrient burn, so if you add a bit too much or the water level drops too quickly and it concentrates, plants die quickly. Therefore, I normally just add some pure water every now and then, then switch out the entire tank of solution after one top off of plain water. The small tank size makes me have to do this more often, so I planted less leafy herbs in it that drain moisture slower. An alternative is to use other hydroponic nutrients that don’t burn when you top it off, like the Aerogarden nutrients.
Overall, it’s a pretty good and adjustable system among generics. I like it better than the other sets I have, except the Aerogarden, and it comes in a pretty nice packaging if you want to give it as a gift for a home gardener. One particularly small but great feature is it has the water input outlet in the front, away from the light stem, so it is much easier to fill and drain water.
My house due to its position stays quite cool (or even cold!) even in spring and summer which makes it hard for me to get my seeds to germinate. This was quick and easy to set up. Controls the immediate environment allowing the seeds to germinate and grow.
Fast shipping. It contains planting baskets and two nutrient solutions. Perfect for school and home!
I ordered this to start growing my own cilantro. After a month of trying I have a few buds, but that’s about it. It seems like it would work if you actually knew what you were doing (I definitely don’t) so it is a good way for amateurs like me to start. We will see how this goes over the upcoming months
a fait quelque temps que je m’intresse ce genre de jardin d’intrieur en culture hydro.
Ici le concept est trs intressant : Comment se crer un micro jardin dans un appartement ou dans un espace rduit et l’intrieur.
On dispose d’une serre bien pense avec contrle tactile.
On a aussi tout le ncessaire pour commencer part les graines, cad les blocs de semis, les liquides nutritifs…
Par contre, on n’est pas vraiment sur de la culture hydro, en tout cas pas ce que j’avais en tte. Pour moi l’hydro on fait germer les graines et ds que les racines sont sorties, on cale le bloc pour que les racines touchent l’eau du bac et a pousse sans terre. (Il n’y a pas d’ge pour se cultiver, c’est le cas de le dire ^^)
On dispose de 3 modes d’clairage en fonction de l’tat de croissance de la plante (graine, croissance et floraison).
C’est top pour les jardins aromatiques pour y faire pousser tout ce qu’on trouve dans le commerce , mais qui sera quand mme moins bon que du “fait maison” (basilic, persil, ciboulette…).
Avec un peu de prise en main et d’habitude, on peut passer aux oignons, tomates, poivrons…
Mon fils de 8 ans tait vraiment impatient et ravi de recevoir ce systme de culture hydroponique de la marque Hommie
J’ai pour ide de lui apprendre toucher et travailler la terre, c’est pour moi trs important et il adhre compltement
Je trouve cet ensemble trs ludique au design plus qu’attrayant
Nous faisons a dans notre cuisine, c’est aussi le gros avantage de ce type de dispositif compact et qui se fond bien dans la dcoration
Nous avons pris beaucoup de plaisir, c’est important de le dire
Nous avons pu faire pousser quelques petites herbes aromatiques aprs tre all en vitesse nous procurer quelques graines non fournies j’avoue que j’aurai trouv apprciable ce tarif l, d’avoir 3 petites graines pour dmarrer
Ce coffret comprend :
– des lampes de culture LED qui offrent une super luminosit
– un rservoir d’eau avec une pompe silencieuse
– 24 blocs de semis
– 12 paniers de plantation
– un adaptateur secteur
– un grand panneau de commande tactile cran LED
Il dispose galement de 3 modes d’clairage en fonction de l’volution de votre plantation: semis, vgtal et floraison, il en est de mme pour la hauteur de la lampe qui peut elle aussi tre rgle
Trs bien pens
La pousse est assez rapide, le rsultat est visible en peines quelques jours
C’est quelque chose de trs en vogue et nous avons vraiment pris plaisir dbuter cette chouette exprience que nous comptons poursuivre
Excellent rapport qualit prix
Je recommande
Super ide cadeau
This is a rather noisy item (the pump for the water makes an noise) but the idea is good. Unfortunately only the plants in the centre seem to be growing. My grandson loves checking how they are growing. To me this item seems a bit expensive.
This is my first experience with growing systems and I was a bit reluctant in the beginning. Well – no more. It’s simply great and it works as intended.
The assembly is super easy.
It doesn’t take much space and the power consumption is next to nothing.
The water pump is very quiet.
The light is super bright.
My plants are already growing!
Strongly recommended.
Reason to buy it was….to have some plants suteble for a space, without natural light.
Ease of maintaining.
Nice to see.
Fan to “play” with
This gadget is very handy if you want to grow plants such as herbs indoors. It is definitely tricky to set up especially if you have never used one before. I watched some videos on YouTube which really helped. So far it does seem to work well. We have just been experimenting with some simple plants so far but it’s definitely more effective than trying to grow plants in a pot. Obviously you aren’t going to be able to grow a lot of food in one of these but a consistent supply of herbs will be amazing.
What a great device for a good price. I love the chance to turn the lamp brightness up or down. The adjustable height has been great for my mature orchid plants. The timer is wonderful for extending daylight hours. I’m looking forward to testing out the seedling tray, pump and plant food. I would highly recommend this to green and not so green fingers
La culture hydroponique est ralise sur un substrat neutre et inerte (ici une sorte d’ponge), ce substrat tant irrigu par une eau enrichie en sels minraux et en nutriments essentiels la croissance des plantes cultives.
Ce systme de culture Hommie est bas sur ce principe. L’assemblage du systme est simplissime. Il suffit de visser le pied de la lampe et de la fixer ensuite au bac. On remplit ensuite le bac avec un peu moins de 4L d’eau claire, on sme 2 ou 3 graines (non fournies, mais on peut y planter peu prs n’importe quoi, il suffit ensuite de les transplanter quand les plantes deviennent trop grandes) dans les substrats, on glisse les substrats dans leur petit panier, on glisse le tout dans les emplacements du bac. On couvre ensuite avec les petits couvercles transparents qui font serre.
Il suffit ensuite de brancher le systme, de rgler la luminosit (fonction du stade de croissance de la plante) ainsi que la minuterie qui gre alors les cycles d’irrigation de la pompe (assez silencieuse mais qu’on entend quand mme un peu) et les cycles de lumire.
Aprs une semaine, on voit dj les premires pousses (j’ai sem du basilic et de la coriandre qu’on peut voir sur les photos).
Lors de la croissance, on rajoute les nutriments dans le rservoir d’eau pour nourrir les plantes. Et voil…
Je n’ai pas trouv de substrat “Hommie” sur le site Amazon, mais il existe tout un tas d’autres marques qui ont l’air compatibles dans leur forme et taille. Il suffit de rechercher avec les mots “ponge hydroponique” J’essaierai si jamais Hommie ne fournit pas ces accessoires d’ici l. L’intrt est qu’on n’est pas verrouill avec un seul fournisseur (comme Nestl et ses cafs). Quant aux nutriments, on trouve plthore d’offres.
Un systme vraiment amusant et efficace donc.
Indoor herb all year , don’t know if it would be cheaper to by hers or the cost of buying the seeds and the electricity it consumes
I embarked on experimenting with the Hydroponics systems to see whether it would yield anything for me or not. This Hommie Hydroponics Growing System is doing pretty well so far and the seeding stage is proving successful. I used it to grow lettuce, mint, and thyme. The fastest seedling happened with the lettuce as the leaves grew in 4-5 days. The mint and thyme took some more time, around 15 days. Now the plants are in the vegetation stage.
The system adjusts everything as needed. The pump works automatically and the water basin needs minimal attention. It has 3.8 litres capacity which lasts for quite a while. Seedling doesn’t need any fertilisation, but once vegetation stage kicks in, the solutions that come with the system need to be mixed with the water.
What I am worried about is that this system is not deep enough for the roots once they grow big. This is something highlighted by many people in the hydroponics community. I am yet to experience issues but I will make sure to update this review if this system doesn’t work.
The lights’ intensity depends on the stage the plants are at. The light stand is adjustable and goes up and down depending on the height of the plants.
All in all, a good system so far and I hope to share more updates if I get lettuce, thyme, or mint out of it.
je n’ai pas encore recu les graines pour l essayer donc je vous parle que de la qualit de fabrication
bac recepteur d eau avec pompe immerge fonctionne trs bien aucun bruit .
qualit gnrale de plastic bien faite les asjustements sont parfait
les leds fonctionne trs bien , l’eclairage de l ecran led et largement visible .
le seul point ngatif c’est la fixation du plexi au niveau de led sa fait bricolage .
le kit et fournie complet pret a l emploi j ai aucun doute sur sont fonctionnement d autre commentaire montre et indique celui ci fonctionnel
merci d avoir lu
As described and as advertised.
Well packaged and well presented.
This would make a nice gift for anyone looking to start hydroponics.
Easy to assemble and relatively intuitive to setup.
Good starter kit.
Easy to use – easy to see water levels – good sized overhead of plants full spectrum lighting.
We have a relatively cold house (age and location) so we won’t be starting sowing over the winter but will use this to kick start chilli seeds before the spring starts and should produce a better harvest.
Basic testing shows a lot of promise, but real test will be in the start of spring, and we will report back on any issues.
Love this! Bought a variety pack of herb seeds off amazon and planting them and setting this machine up was very simple. They’re growing great. I must have put my instructions in with the recycling by accident which sucks because now i’m struggling a bit with the plant food and lighting schedules. When i did have the instruction booklet it was well written with pictures and clear instructions every step of the way…… but now i can’t remember them all …. silly me!
This machine is high quality. Perfect for growing kitchen herbs all year round without having to barely remember to water them. Also, very mess free with there being no soil and totally fuss free with them not needing sunlight thanks to the good quality light unit.
I love it and if you’re into home cooking i believe you will too, just keep that instruction booklet handy for future reference because you’ll likely need it!
I like that there are preset programs for the lights and pump to provide the best conditions for 1:- germinating and starting seedlings/corms/rhizomes, 2:- growing vegetables, and 3:- growing plants on to produce flowers.
The pump is pretty quiet and seems to circulate the water efficiently. It would have been nice if there had been a few more growing medium blocks provided, there are only enough for two plantings, it would also be nice if the company sold the extra blocks and bottles of nutrient solution, as it is I have to guess which would be best from the wide choice available on Amazon.
The only other comment I would make is that it does seem a bit expensive, the cost at the time of writing is 79.99, which seems like quite a lot of money. It is only justifiable as a hobby purchase as there is no way it would pay for itself in improved crops etc. It is far too small to justify itself that way.
I found the shape of this model to be unique with its curved front that is also curved on the light board to match the reservoir tank shape. That doesn’t change the function of the unit but it does give it a nice look. Another unique thing about this unit is the ability to adjust the light brightness from 10-100%. Most growers don’t have that option. There are details about this setting in the instruction leaflet that explains the suggested % or each different growing stage.
Things I really like about this grower:
>The shape as mentioned above.
>The timing function, so nice to have flexibility to make custom settings.
>Light intensity settings.
>The seedling blocks are very porous which will allow the roots to easily exit the block to reach the water resivoir. Many come with synthetic blocks that actually inhibit root growth.
>The seedling blocks have a nice wide hole for the seeds to be placed. Some are so small that you have to cut it to fit in larger seeds like the cucumber seeds shown in my pictures.
>The manufacturer included an extra set of seedling blocks.
>Great instructions with actual pictures.
>It comes with just about everything you need to get started. You just need seeds, and I also use seed pod labels to cover the seedling block to prevent algae growth on them, but I always have those on hand and mine fit these net pots great!
>Packaged very well. Everything was safely packed and all of the accessories were very neat and orderly inside.
What I didn’t care for in this grower:
Wow! This is the absolute Rolls Royce of hydroponic growing systems. I have tried for years to grow salad on my kitchen windowsill, but never with much success, probably because of lack of light. But, using this, I have been able to germinate lettuce, rocket, coriander, and spinach seeds even in the ‘off’ season. The system is really easy to set up thanks to the excellent instructions. And the little modules look so sweet with their mini greenhouse tops. My only quibble is the price; it is very expensive.
This grow lamp comes with everything I need for seedlings.
I was looking for something like that so I can grow my herbs in the winter time.
The lamp seems to be very well built, easy to follow the instructions. It has few different modes also it is easy to maintain. Low power consumption, yet again very important nowadays. What I like is that the light can be raised as plants are growing.
Overall good product, highly recommended it!
This is a nifty little device if you are looking to grow plants indoors. I found it easy to set up. It comes with detailed instructions that made planting easy for me.
In addition, the device comes with 3 different modes depending on what I want to do.
Moreover, it requires very less maintenance plus has a large, clear LCD. I planted the seeds and could see a plant grow within a few days. Amazing.
However, it’s a bit overpriced.
This is a super, compact all in one hydroponics system that takes up very little space so it can be sited almost anywhere. It has a high quality fit and finish and comes with everything you need to start off including seed holders and plant food.
I love that the telescopic lighted arm is able to be adjusted in height and it has a good degree of friction so that the lighting head doesn’t drop. It’s ideal if you want to grow plants from seeds indoors and its easy to use and operate and the pump is relatively quiet.
The led display is bright and there is a visible water level window. I am going to be using this in my conservatory but it’s ideal for small apartments, kitchens and schools. *Recommend*.
Can’t wait for my wee plants to start growing.
This was very easy to set up and use with a detailed and easy to understand instruction booklet.
It comes with little soil pods so all you have to do is add your seeds to them and go.
So far it seems to be working great but it’s early days so still waiting for the first shoots to pop up
Indoor growing system
What a fantastic little kit, to help make growing plants/vegetables indoors, even easier than before and even more so if you’re in the UK and aren’t always guaranteed the right weather!
This growing system seems fairly well made, durable and easy to use. The size is good, it doesn’t take up as much space as I’d have assumed it would have, this is roughly 39cm x 18cm x 9.5cm. You have a touch screen panel on top, you can see the water level inside, you can adjust the light height to suit different plants, from 16cm up to 43.5cm.
You have 3 modes, these are seedling, veg and bloom. To begin with, you’re probably looking at around 18 hours of lights on, in the veg mode it could be roughly the same and the bloom would be around 12 hours, this could differ potentially on certain plants. Each mode will use certain coloured LED lights for what’s required for the state the plants are in. You can see which mode it’s in, see what percentage of light is on and the time length, on the panel above.
It comes with 12 sights to grow your plants, so you can grow different types, at one time if you want to. You have 12 baskets, 12 soil squares ready for planting seeds in and 12 lids, which can be used for covering any unused sights. Make sure the lights are always at least 10-15cm above the plants.
I do think this is a fab kit that makes growing plants and vegetables easy for anyone, anywhere. I would recommend it. Seems worth the price.
This Home Hydroponics system is fantastic value for money. I have an Aerogarden which is about 1/2 the size of this product and whilst it works really well, it is just too small for salad plants when the start to grow. Due to the increased size of this system i thought it would be ideal to swap out the Aerogarden.
Inside the box you get almost everything you need to start growing immediately, growing medium, plastic covers, plant food, the only thing you need to add is the seeds for whatever you wish to grow.
Set up of the device was straightforward, taking around 10 mins to fully complete. On top of the LED light panel is an LCD display which you programme the desired growing stage, seedling, veg and bloom. You can also select the intensity of the lights, this is all described within the instruction manual. The unit holds 3l of water, which again is much bigger than my previous hydroponics system – so for holidays etc when you are not around to fill with water as frequently the extra water capacity would make this would be ideal. The watering system is definitely not as sophisticated as the Aerogarden which pumps water to each seed pod, this system just pumps water around the base unit to stop it going stagnant and to distribute the food, however i feel that this will work just fine. The cost difference between the two is huge, and at less than half the price of my much smaller system i feel this is fantastic value for money.
The unit draws around 24w of power when at 100% light intensity, so it is also fairly cheap to run.
Overall if you are looking for a hydroponics system then you can not go wrong with this device – highly recommend product! I am eager to see my seeds start to develop and this time have the room to grow to their full potential!
I hope that you found my review helpful.
Takes about half an hour to set up, including sowing the seeds .
The unit is easily assembled .
Seeds were on offer as it’s late season and bought an assorted pack of lettuce seeds, some dill which seems to have a year round sowing cycle and some cress hoping for some instant results .
Sowing the seeds into the growing medium is more difficult than I thought. I found it best to put three seeds into the palm of the hand , press the growing cube onto the seeds and tip it over and place in holder.
Then it was just a question of setting the time and lamp brightness , I put it at 40% for germination for 8 hours . There is no discernable heat from the LED lights so you are relying on ambient heat of the room .
So it’s on, the light unit is bright and there’s a quiet hum of the pump circulating the water .
There is a spare set of the cubed growing medium after this planting finishes .
Time will tell how long the components last and how successful the plants turn out.
Will report back later.
Ive ever used growing systems before and Im amazed by this one!
Already some of the seeds i plated started to grow!
Im so excited to see more of it!
Its really easy to work with i has its sensors buttons on the top depending on what process you need ( seeding, growth and flowering )
It has a pump that circulate the water you put in.
AND ALSO 2 bottles of nutrient solution that’s explained in the manual.
Great Windowsill mini Garden in an instant! No mess! Easy to set up, It has absolutely everything you need, growing pots with growing materials, plant food for your seedlings! Modern egornomic design you just simply add your choice of seeds and water! That’s it, Looks so cute! The pump really is silent you don’t know it’s on! It’s automated with sensors, 30 second on and off accordingly, The lighting is designed no too intrude too! Just Gorgeous Gardening on hand on your Windowsill, I’m using for growing herbs as tired of buying those tiny plastic wasteful bags with hardly anything in! This is the way forward very Excited too have fresh herbs on hand too cook with super soon! The lighting packs a punch so I’m sure it won’t take long, Plus this will work out fantastic value for money in the long run! Easy to set up and plant up in the foam growing pots you even get little plastic lids to give them a boost! Ideal for all the family to use, or fun with your children or grandchildren, it’s very nice looking, of a sturdy build, made from high quality materials, built too last, worth the money, also ideal for any Gardner’s or beginners and those who don’t have much space or no garden at all, this is perfect!
I found that putting this all together easier than I thought it would be I found the instructions were good to follow but there are no seeds included in the box but fortunately I had some rocket salad ,sweet basil and all year round lettuce seeds to use so I put them individually in each of the seed blocks on Monday and I can’t believe this but they have started to grow into seedlings already this is only Thursday that’s just four days this is a really good and promising system I will post more photos on this page as and when they get bigger I am really amazed by what happened so far so I am excited to see what happens nex
This hydroponic system is well made with a clear led display panel, easy to see water gauge and adjustments for brightness and timer. It is a slate grey colour with a smooth finish and clear instructions for getting started.
I found last summer that my seeding took a long time to germinate so I am looking forward to starting my tomatoes, peppers and hanging basket plants in this system. It will also give me the ability to have an indoor garden through the winter.
79.99 at the time of writing is not cheap but this could make a lovely present for a gardener.
80 at time of review
Takes under 5 mins to unpack and click together. The overhead light extends higher than I expected, which is great when things start to really grow, which I shall be doing over the winter months.
The included manual / leaflet whilst relatively simple, covers everything very clearly and is very easy to follow. As the days are getting shorter and shorter it will be nice to have some cherry tomatoes etc growing in the kitchen filling the air with their fragrance!
Hope my review was helpful
This is a complete starter kit for anyone wanting to start growing indoors using hydroponics. The kit includes the base with light, 12 plant baskets and 24 seed blocks, food.
It’s easy to assemble and you could be up and running in a few minutes. All you need is water.
There’s a visible water level making it easy to know when to top up.
There is a seedling mode to pro your root growth then a veg mode to produce leaves.
Looking forwards to eating kale, spinach etc soo
This is great, especially with the looming cold weather. Excited for my peppers to start blooming. This literally has everything you need. Light weight, easy to use
If you’re looking to grow plants from seeds indoors, all year around, this Hydroponics Growing System will be ideal.
It’s easy to set up and has minimal maintenance. There are three modes to select from depending on what it is you’re looking to grow; seedling, veg and bloom.
There are 12 growing baskets in total, but the more you plant, the more the plants are likely to obstruct each other for light.
It has a clean LED display and water level window, so you can keep an eye on conditions and progress.
All in all, it’s a good growing system, albeit perhaps slightly on the expensive side at 79.99, which was the price at time of writing.
I hope you found this review helpful.