Link Cable 6M Compatible with Meta/Oculus Quest2/Pro,PICO 4
Link Cable 6M Compatible with Meta/Oculus Quest2/Pro,PICO 4 Accessories PC/Steam VR,Stouchi Virtual Reality Headset Cable Long High Speed PC Transfer Fast Charging USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for Gaming PC
How to use our cable on your Quest2/Pro?
On your PC, go to website, go to Setup page and click “Download software”.
Open the app and click “Install Now.”
Turn on your Quest2/Pro device.
Plug your USB cable head into a compatible PC port, then plug the USB-C end into your Quest2/Pro’s charging port.
Put on your headset.
You should see a pop-up: “Allow access to data. The connected device will be able to access files on this headset.” Select Deny.
You’ll then see an option to “Enable Link Use”. Select Enable.
What can I do when my wired link is unsuccessful?
Check if the graphics card meets the wired link requirements.
Try restarting the computer.
Check if the headset is on low power. If yes, please keep the headset power enough and try again.
Check the computer’s USB 3.0 driver and graphics card driver updates, and ensure that the PC software and Quest2/Pro versions are updated to the latest.
Make sure the cable is into all available USB 3.0/3.1 ports and is connected directly to your computer without extra adapters or hubs.
Check if Air Link is turned off. If it is not turned off, the wired link performance will be affected.
If you cannot solve the problem through the above methods, we will provide you with te chnical su pport.
Dimensions: | 17.2 x 17.1 x 2.9 cm; 250 Grams |
Model: | CTC6-White |
Manufacture: | Stouchi Limited |
Dimensions: | 17.2 x 17.1 x 2.9 cm; 250 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Contenuto del pacco: Il pacco contiene solo un cavo di collegamento da 5 metri.
Descrizione del prodotto: Il cavo di collegamento USB C premium Stouchi di colore nero, sottile e leggero e offre prestazioni eccezionali. realizzato con materiali di alta qualit e ha una lunghezza di 5 metri. Il cavo supporta un throughput massimo di 5 Gbps per offrire un’esperienza di gioco fluida.
Sensazioni/Conclusioni: Il cavo di alta qualit e offre prestazioni eccezionali. La lunghezza di 5 metri ideale per un’esperienza di gioco senza limitazioni. Il design ad angolo di 90 gradi e il cinturino in velcro attaccato sono comodi e funzionali. Nel complesso, un ottimo prodotto ad un prezzo ragionevole e lo consiglio a chiunque.
Link Kabel 5m,Kompatibel mit Meta/Oculus Quest2/Pro PICO 4 Zubehr und PC Steam VR,Stouchi Virtual Reality Headset Kabel,Hochgeschwindigkeits PC Datenbertragungs,USB 3.0 auf USB C Kabel fr Gaming PC
Mir wurde dieses Produkt im Rahmen des VINE Programms kostenfrei zur Verfgung gestellt, was aber keinen Einfluss auf meine Rezension hat.
Diese Produkte bewerte ich so wie jedes gekaufte.
Es tut was es soll.
J’ai pris ce cable afin de me permettre la connexion d’un casque Oculus sur PC.
Il possde un embout USB-A mle et un embout USB-C mle inclin a 90.
Sa longueur de 5 mtres est agrable, cela permet de pouvoir avoir de la marge et de pouvoir jouer tout en restant prudent, un accident est tout de mme possible.
Le cable n’est pas fibr a l’extrieur ce qui me faisait peur pour la solidit mais pas de soucis la dessus, aprs plusieurs heures de jeu, je n’ai rien signaler.
Il possde un bon dbit, je n’ai pas eu de latence lors de l’utilisation (tout dpendra galement du PC utilis).
Je recommande ce cable
Fonctionne parfaitement avec mon casque Oculus Quest 2 l’utilisant sur pc c’est parfait. Pas de perte et aucune interfrence signaler.
Hace exactamente para lo que se cre. El materia del que est echo es perfecto.
Das Kabel an sich ist in Ordnung, aber es wurde mir ein gebrauchtes geliefert. Es war nicht neu weil es sogar noch in der Schachtel der Retoursendung des vorigen Kufers war, diese Verpackung war offen und das Kabel nicht ordentlich aufgerollt.
Se trata de un cable de datos para la Oculus Quest de la marca Stouchi. Esta marca tiene su propio store en Amazon y cuando crees que es experta en la fabricacin de cables que pareciera que lo es, te salen con productos como un collar para perros o un toallero.
Aunque las Oculus Quest 2 (ahora Meta Quest 2) disponen de una gran vasriedad de juegos que puedes disfrutar utilizando el dispositivo por s mismo, algunos de los mejores juegos de RV son exclusivos de PC.
Si buscas una conexin lo ms estable posible, este cable Link es tu mejor opcin. La conexin por cable es mucho rpida y no se ver afectada por la velocidad de tu Wi-Fi.
El cable tiene 5 metros, lo cual te da bastante independencia para poder moverte con tu Quests. La conexin a las Quest tiene forma de ele que es perfecto para aprovechar la longitud del cable y quede recto. Igualmente tiene unas tiras para que la ates a las correas de las gafas.
Es un cable que es totalmente compatible con las Quest 2, pero tambin con las Pico y las Pro (si alguien puede comprrselas) y por un precio casi irrisorio respecto a las de la marca te hacen la misma funcin. El cable es de muy buena calidad, es USB 3.0 de tipo engomado, pero se le ve muy resistente.
Espero que mis comentarios os hayan sido de utilidad y os hayan entretenido. Gracias por leerme
un cavo di collegamento compatibile con il visore Oculus. Si presenta di colore nero e spesso; l’impressione iniziale che sia fatto molto bene. Il cavo non intrecciato ma la guaina abbastanza robusta e morbida risultando quindi flessibili. la lunghezza di 5 metri idonea all’utilizzo per cui pensato. Il connettore USB-C a forma di L naturalmente comodo per essere inserito nel visore. Funziona bene ma pi economico dell’originale.
Pu essere utilizzato come qualsiasi altro cavo di ricarica USB; ad esempio io l’ho utilizzato per caricare lo smartphone e trasferire i dati dallo smartphone al PC. In entrambe le situazioni, anche se non ordinarie, si comporta bene; supporta infatti la ricarica rapida e il trasferimento dei dati.
un ottimo cavo che risulta leggero e morbido consentendo di non essere avvertito quando lo si utilizza allacciato al visore.
Tres pratique pour mon Quest 2.
Le cable est solide et de trs bonne qualit.
J aime aussi relier le Quest sur le pc, pour voir ce qui s’y passe lol .
Ravi de ce cable et une belle longeur , j adore .
Eigentlich ist das USB-C Kabel von STOUCHI als Link Kabel fr die Oculus Quest2gedachr Es eignet sich aber auch sehr gut fr andere Datenbertragung in Hochgeschwindigkeit.
Auf Grund seiner ppigen Lnge von 5m ist es fr Virtual Reality Headset ideal, es nimmt aber auch andere Verwendungen nicht bel. Die Isolation besteht nicht aus Textilgewebe, sondern aus glattem Kunststoff, der aber ebenfalls einen guten Schutz bietet. Das Kabel verzeiht es schon mal, wenn man versehentlich drauftritt. Der Kunststoff ist zudem elastisch und macht das Kabel ausreichend flexibel. Gleichzeitig schtzt er die inneren Leitungen vor allzu starken Knicken.
Auch die Stecker sind exakt gearbeitet und machen nicht den Eindruck als wrden sie schnell kaputt gehen.
Der Preis geht fr ein derart langes und gut verarbeitetes Kabel durchaus in Ordnung.
Recientemente he comprado por el black friday unas gafas virtuales para usarlas con la play en el que viene un cable bastante corto y quera probar con un cable mucho ms largo para poder colocarlo en el soporte mientras que carga ya que donde est el enchufe se encuentra bastante retirado y no era cuestin de dejarlo colgado al aire y la verdad que carga bastante bien y tambin se puede utilizar directamente conectado a la Play como un mando de cable aunque la inconveniente de usarlos directamente conectado es que se puede tropezar con el cable a la hora de moverse. Es verdad que al principio no hara un poco pero cuando te vas acostumbrando o usar las gafas la verdad que es como si lo usaras toda la vida por eso necesitaba un cable mucho ms largo para cuando se acabe la batera puede seguir utilizndolo y este viene con un recubrimiento mucho ms grueso que el original. Lo que no s si las gafas tienen una carga rpida porque este cable hay que decir que no es de carga rpida tampoco indica si es de carga rpida por lo cual me hace pensar que las gafas no se pueden realizar como una carga rpida igual que los mviles.
Pour pouvoir dans un premier temps recharger le casque pendant de longues sessions de jeu…
La longueur est top et la connectique fait trs srieuse. Malheureusement sur mon portable DELL XPS 13 pouces, j’ai une alerte sous Windows quand je branche le casque avec ce cble. Le portable est pourtant bien branch sur le secteur mais je pense que l’alimentation n’est pas suffisante…
Dommage pour moi, je vais devoir investir dans un PC fixe pour profiter du cble et de l’oculus avec les jeux PC.
Trs clairement je ne possde pas d’Oculus.
Mais ce cble est trs pratique pour connecter un cran en USB C (moyennant un adaptateur USB A / USB C).
Les connectiques ont l’air assez solide.
La conception du cble en elle mme est de bonne facture, seulement 2W se dissipent entre chaque ct avec 17W en entre soit 11% de perte .
Par contre, la chute de tension est assez consquente 5V -> 3V sous 3A attention donc si vous vous en servez en chargeur…
Bref, pour un occulus, c’est largement suffisant !
This is a good quality cable that does the job fine
Le cble est trs large et trs robuste. La vitesse et l’alim est au dessus largement de la concurrence
Cable Link de alta velocidad USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 GEN 1 – 5 Gbps) de 5 metros de longiitud con toma USB-C en esquina para que quede perfectamente ajustada a las Quest 2. Este cable, adems de proporcionarte carga para tus Meta/Oculus, te permite tambin poder jugar a travs del PC con juegos de SteamVR o de Rift.
Se presenta en una pequea caja y el aspecto del cable es francamente bueno, tipo Premium lo mires por donde lo mires: encapsulado de aluminio, cable grueso y bien apantallado pero muy flexible, velcro fijador a las Quest para que no se salga, extremos preparados para sufrir torsiones, chip interno..
Al ser de 5 metros, te da libertad suficiente como para poder moverte a tus anchas sin problemas, sin embargo, si lo quieres algo ms largo, tambin se vende el de 6 metros. A mi personalmente, la casa no me da para tanto, pero bueno tambin depender de donde tengas el PC y donde te pongas tu a jugar, de modo que mide bien antes para ver lo que necesitas y tener un buen margen adicional para moverte.. XD
Aparte de para las Quest 2, te sirve tambien para la Pro, y las Pico 4VR. Lo nico que debes asegurarte antes que tu PC o porttil cumplen con los requisitos mnimos para que todo vaya bien y fluido durante el juego. Y por supuesto, debers conectarlo a un puerto USB-A 3.0 de tu odenador.
Por unos 20-25 tienes un cable equivalente al original y oficial, pero 4-5 veces ms barato e igual de funcional. Lo tienes en varias medidas y 2 colores a elegir, blanco o negro. Muy recomendable, sin duda.
Espero que esta pequea revisin te haya sido de utilidad.
Da es sich hierbei lediglich um ein Datenkabel handelt halte ich meine Rezension relativ Kompakt, getestet habe ich es an einer Oculus Quest 2 und einem Computer bzw. einem Netzteil fr die Quest 2.
Fangen wir mit einem berblick an, bei dem Paket ist das Link Kabel enthalten, bereits beim Auspacken fiel mir ein sehr Chemischer unangenehmer Geruch auf.
Der Versand, dieser Erfolgte schnell und sicher. Das Kabel fand den Weg zu mir.
Die Qualitt, das Kabel wirkt durchaus sauber Verarbeitet und etwas Robust. Ich habe hier keinen Schnitttest durchgefhrt, da wie ich finde die Isolation des Kabel recht dnn erscheint, den Biegetest jedoch bestand das Kabel recht gut. Der Chemische Geruch haftete an den Kabel auch noch Tage nach ffnung. Ich denke dieser kommt von der Produktion.
Die Handhabung, durch die 5 Meter bietet sich hier ein recht groer Bewegungsraum. Ich konnte so meine Quest 2 laden whrend des nutzen, jedoch sollte man hier vorsichtig sein, da das Kabel dennoch eine gewisse Stolpergefahr verursacht.
Fazit, als Zusatz fr die Quest 2 vermutlich nicht schlecht.
‘ayant pas de casque oculus, j’ai test ce cble sur la recharge en mode rapide qui n’a pos aucun problme, mais surtout utilis sur le transfert de donne sur des gros fichiers. les fichiers ont vite t transfr bien que le cble soit trs long. ce cble la particularit d’avoir un embout coud. prix correct pour la longueur du cble.
Cble pour VR qui fonctionne parfaitement bien. Il est assez rigide et solide.
Je le recommande
Grand cable de type c et usb trs grand et souple ! Top pour utiliser un appareil touten le rechargeant !
Stndig sind die nativ mitgelieferten Kabel zu kurz, also habe ich mir jetzt ein paar dieser 5m Teile bestellt.
Damit kann ich alles abdecken.
Zum Laden sind sie aufgrund der Leitungslnge und damit einhergehenden Verlustleistung vielleicht nicht am geeignetsten mit Blick auf Energieeffizienz, aber ansonsten verrichtet das hier sauber seinen Dienst. Von Latenzen merke ich nichts.
5m lang, leider NICHT nylonummantelt, sonder kunststoffbeschichtet, frchte ich, dass es in 2-3 Jahren ersetzt werden muss, weil diese billige Beschichtung mega klebrig werden kann.
Daher nur 4 Sterne.
Un cble efficace, d’une longueur de 5 mtres ce qui laisse de nombreuses possibilits, et qui permet d’excellents dbits.
Je recommande.
Super tough feel to it. Build quality is excellent. Works very well…
Muy buena opcin para reemplazar o como alternativa al cable original que se vende aparte para las quest 2.
El cable tiene en su totalidad 5 metros, y uno de los extremos, el que tiene el conector tipo C viene doblado 90 grados y el conector est fabricado en metal para facilitar la conexin a los cascos y que mantenga su resistencia. El material que han utilizado es goma, tipo TPU, la cual recubre en su totalidad en cable, es muy flexible y resbala bastante bien por las superficies, lo que va a ayudar a que no tengas problemas al usarlo con las gafas.
La batera de las quest 2 no se me descarga con este cable, cosa que pasaba con otros cables y la conexin la noto muy estable y fluida.
Junto con el cable viene una tira para sujetar el cable, que en mi caso he usado para enganchar el cable al lateral de las gafas para que no se pueda desconectar en algn movimiento.
Como nico punto negativo, echo de menos que traiga un adaptador USB 3.0 a Tipo C para poder tener un cable Tipo C – Tipo C
Una buena opcin en definitiva si tu ordenador tiene puertos USB 3.0 libres.
Si tienes un conector USB Tipo C necesitars un adaptador adicional no incluido
Although the intended use of this cable is for use as a cable for use on a headset, as it is the standard USB C to USB A it can also be used as a really robust and long cable to charge most phones.
I own a Samsung Z Fold 3 and an older Samsung Note 9 and this cable, when paired up with a socket with inbuilt USB ports, is going a great job of charging my devices. I’ve replaced a shorter cable that tended to get damaged by being pulled and twisted. With the extra length of this cable and thicker sheath it seems far less likely to suffer the same fate.
5 stars
Funktioniert bei mir mit der Quest 2 besser als ein USB-C Kabel,top !!!
This is a decent charger, works well. I use it more as I prefer a longer lead for charging my phone as my plug socket is situated quite far from where I use my phone or devices so the length of this charging wire is perfect and charges my phone fast enough to
Ich habe mir jetzt zu meiner Oculus Quest 2 noch eine Pico 4 gekauft wegen der besseren Bildqualitt. Fr meine Quest habe ich mir damals das sndhaft teure Original PC Link Kabel erworben. Fr die Pico 4 habe ich jetzt etwas gnstigeres gesucht und bin dabei auf dieses gnstige Kabel gestossen. Ich kann damit keinen Unterschied bei der Bildqualitt feststellen. Das Kabel ist zwar ein bisschen dicker und deshalb nicht ganz so biegsam wie das Original Kabel, aber dafr kostet es auch nur einen Bruchteil dessen. Mit dem abgewinkelten USB-C Stecker hlt es auch ganz prima in der VR Brille. Das Kabel hat fr mich sogar noch einen Vorteil gegenber dem Oculus Kabel weil es neben dem abgewinkelten USB-C Stecker auf der anderen Seite einen USB 3.0 Stecker hat. Damit konnte ich das Kabel direkt Vorne an meinen PC anstecken im Gegensatz zum Oculus Kabel das zwei USB-C Stecker hat, und das ich nur mit einem Adapter von USB-C auf USB 3.0 anschliessen konnte. Angesichts des Preises und der Funktionalitt kann ich dieses Kabel auf jeden Fall empfehlen.
Command pour recharger mon Occulus.
Je ne joue pas avec la liaison pc, uniquement sur l’Occulus en direct. Je m’en sers donc pour la recharge quand je joue en statique, ou quand la batterie commence faiblir.
Le cble est lger et ne se sent pas. la recharge fonctionne correctement bien que pas hyper rapide.
Attention au choix de la couleur, j’ai un occulus blanc (je ne savais pas qu’il en existait des noirs :-p) le cordon noir dnote un peu, dommage.
It stays in my headset and I can play all day
Big fan of this link cable for the Oculus Quest 2.
Good value for money and exceptional length for wired connection.
Great for those looking for Steam/PC VR games to be used with the Quest 2.
Reus heure dite.
Cable de 5 mtres, gain en caoutchouc pour la protection, les connecteurs sont solides.
Excellent pour le recharge rapide.
Un trs bon transfert des donnes.
Idal pour travailler de son gsm sur son ordinateur de son canap.
Juste excellent
Tres bon rapport qualit prix
Pas de longs discours pour un trs bon produit. Je n ais trouv aucun dfaut.
Cable trs trs long que je recommande aussi bien que pour casque de jeu vido ou mme en tant que cble de chargeur pour tlphone !!
Le cable est de trs bonne qualit bien pais avec la sortie type C qui est mis sur le ct et qui donc vite justement de casser le cble force de l’utiliser.
Je recommande
Bon rapport qualit prix
Le cble est de couleur noir, il mesure 5m.
Ce n’est pas un cble tress, il est recouvert d’un plastique lisse. (Il n’est pas du tout rugueux).
Les connecteurs sont bons.
Ce cble permet l’utilisation de son casque VR Oculus depuis le PC, il permet aussi de charger le casque pendant son utilisation.
C’est aussi un cble qui permet de transfrer du contenu vers son casque ou autre priphrique.
Le cble est assez souple et lger lors de son utilisation en jeux.
Un petit velcro est fournis pour l’attacher quand on le plie.
C’est un bon rapport qualit prix.
La description est conforme.
Das Link Kabel kommt in einem Karton und zustzlich in Plastik verpackt an.
Am PC wird meine Meta Quest 2 direkt erkannt.
Man sollte bedenken, dass man mit dem Kabel etwas eingeschrnkt ist, was sich nur ber zwei Wege lsen lsst.
Entweder man installiert z.B. einen Deckenhaken, damit das Kabel nicht von unten oder hinten kommt und die Hnde blockiert.
Die zweite Mglichkeit ist nur die Wireless-Methode, welche deutlich teurer und mit ggf. einer Latenz verbunden ist.
Ich kann das Kabel nur empfehlen. Es ist gut abgeschirmt, es liegt ein Klettverbinder bei, welcher das Kabel zustzlich an der Brille hlt und den Anschluss entlastet und es ist preislich bei aktuell knapp 21 fr die fnf Meter absolut zufriedenstellen
Bewertung der einzelnen Bereiche
Wie auf den Bildern des Verkufers zu sehen:
Ich habe das Produkt kostenlos zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen.
Dabei gebe ich meine Erfahrung mit dem Produkt wieder, ohne in jeglicher Weise mit der Firma, welche das Produkt herstellt/verkauft in Kontakt zu stehen.
It is a really great cable, no way I’m spending 100+ on the oculus one Lol. It hasn’t disconnected for me once and I recommend you buy it. It has a Velcro strap which holds the cord in place and keeps your usb-c port safe from any damage. The only down side I’ve experienced is that the cable is a little heavy but Not enough to ruin the fun for me. Don’t be scared to buy it because of the reviews as it worked great for me. I will check back in a month and let everyone know if it is still working good.
Don’t (yet) have a Quest to test with but as a stand-alone long USB cable it does work. Intention is once Santa has been this year that we will be able to use it for the intended purpose.
Will happily charge my Samsung and as long as I use the right plug, supports Fast Charging too. Cable is thicker than most, likely due to the length, this does restrict the movement on it slightly but may mean its more durable than a flimsy cable.
This is amazing values and works perfectly – no need to dish out more cash on a cable!
This has allowed us to play steam games such as Skyrim VR on our oculus quest 2. It downloads stuff to the quest 2 fast and whilst it’s plugged in it even charges up the oculus too!
The length is fantastic, allowing much freedom. The quality is great. It passed the test from Oculus Quest 2 as a compatible cable. The bandwidth / speed is really good.
At under 20 this is a bargain when comparing to the official and other replica cables. No need to spend more when this cable does everything the more expensive cables do with ease!
This is a bargain cable for using your Quest with a pcvr setup to increase your gaming library.
I grabbed this as my WiFi isn’t good enough to cast to my headset so wanted a good long wire to play SteamVR games with worrying about the cable getting snagged.
This is perfect and performed flawlessly.
It’s strong, but lightweight and there was no problems with the signal or connection.
J’utilise ce cble pour ma manette de PS5, il est TRS LONG donc super pratique pour jouer tout en chargeant la manette.
La QUALIT EST EXCELLENTE et le fait que le port TYPE C SOIT SUR LE CT vite qu’il ne se torde et casse.
A noter que ce cble est compatible avec la charge rapide et se branche en USB 3.0.
My brother in-law and my sister love long cables. Especially when they need to charge things while laying in the bed or on the road on their car. The length is amazing and just what they like. No more tugging and damaging cables to get a better reach
168g for the whole 5M cable! It’s extremely lightweight and feel really sturdy. I think it is quite value for the price!
Surement identique au cble officiel.
Pour en avoir test plusieurs il semble vraiment parfait en tout point
Le casque ne semble pas se dcharger en jouant !!!!! La batterie ne s’abime donc plus en jouant sur PC.
Le cble est rugueux, on pourrait croire que c’est un dsavantage mais non grce cela ils ne vient pas glisser dans vos pattes…
Il est lgrement plus cher que les autres mais prenez celui-l sans hsiter !
Well made cable, impressed thickness and fast changing… This is a proper usb cable
Nos encontramos con un cable link para las Oculus Quest 2 de 5 metros y con una terminacin acabada en un ngulo de 90 grados para que no fuerce tanto el cable con el movimiento continuo. Este tipo de cables vienen genial para exprimir todo el jugo de las Oculus Quest 2, el poder conectarlas al ordenador y si tenemos un ordenador de “gama alta” podremos tener una fluidez increble con unos grficos de primera. Yo tengo una RTX 3080 y un i5 12600k, lo he estado probando y puedo jugar cmodamente con todo al mximo y pocas veces me ha rozado menos de los 90hz que ofrece el visor.
Os recomiendo poner una brida o dos del cable que sale del visor (si lo vamos a dejar fijo y lo preferimos a la portabilidad) para sujetar mejor el cable y que el punto de fijacin este en la brida, as de esta manera no forzaremos el puerto Tipo-C del cable. Si no queremos poner unas bridas por el engorro que es quitarlas, luego para mover el visor de un lado a otro o para utilizarlo inalmbricamente, podremos tirar de unos tiras de velcro que podremos encontrar en cualquier tienda de informtica e incluso el cable viene con una de estas tiras.
Lo nico que echo en falta en este cable es la falta de mallado textil para ofrecer un extra de resistencia a largo plazo, por todo lo dems es un cable que cumple con su cometido a una cuarta parte del precio del cable “original”.
I use a graphics tablet in the classroom and normally have it on wireless so I can move around, but when the battery fails I need USB and this is long enough to fix those issues.
Ce cble est top, il convient parfaitement la configuration que j’ai chez moi. Avec sa longueur de 5M je peux jouer mes jeux SteamVr ou oculus sans me soucier de la batterie, il permet de jouer en directe sans lag ou perte de connexion comme a peut arriver avec Airlink. Il est assez rigide et les finitions sont trs bonnes je pense qu’il devrait bien durer dans le temps au vu de la qualit propos je recommande pour tout les possesseurs de Meta Quest 2 ou pour tout autre type de casque de ralit virtuelle
Il permettra aux joueurs qui font de longues parties de jouer sans avoir recharger toutes les 3h
I wil use this for my streaming hub and charging my VR Head Set. Rubberized Cable hich with stand the VR and power on demand with mt stream hub. reocommended. Great Price
I made the order for the quest glasses because it was always a problem when I wore it and had to charge at the same time. Even if you need it for a cell phone this will help a lot. The cable is quite thick and appears to be sturdy. In the picture you can see that compared to the iphone cable it is much thicker.
Bon cble aucun problme de liaison ou de vitesse de transfert entre le casque et le pc. Le seul problme que j’ai rencontre c’est deux fois le cble c’est un peu dtach du casque.
I own the official link cable and after picking this one up I’ve found virtually no difference. Not much to say really, worked with no issues, charging my quest 2 just fine and working great with PC link. I’ve not experienced any juddering or loss of quality compared to the official cable.
If you’re on a budget I would recommend this any day.
This is a fantastic replacement cable for my oculus.. not only does it allow you to charge your headset well but Is fantastic for pc sessions with the oculus.
It came very professionally packaged unlike some other cables I have purchased before and comes with a warranty card where you can register your product which is fantastic.
My only issue was the insanely strong plastic smell that comes from the cable after opening it, which lead to me leaveing it out to air for a day or two before I could use it…
Other than this Its a great replacement cable
Yet another fantastic alternative to the official Oculus Quest 2 Link Cable. I seriously don’t understand why Facebook/Meta charge the price they do for those things. This is a wonderful 5 metre cable that works effortlessly with the Quest 2. It supports USB 3 and passed the USB 3 speed test in the Oculus desktop application, and I had no problems at all using it for playing Beat Saber on my PC. The cable feels high quality and yet has a nice flex to it rather than being stiff and rigid. Its replaced my more expensive cable since it also feels a lot lighter. In my opinion the black also looks nicer! Wish more companies did black cables.
Overall it’s a fantastic cable and I would highly recommend it for the price. There really is no point buying a more expensive cable when this one does everything! Time will tell how it holds up long term but I shall update this review if anything happens.
Before I got this cable and a few others I was using a Huawei AX3 WIFI 6 router via airlink/virtual desktop, but was getting micro stutters that were ruining games like beat saber etc. Now with the cable everything is smooth.
Start the oculus quest app(usually starts by itself, when cable is in) , plug in the cable or switch on the quest 2; if you are leaving it plugged in you should get a message in the headset asking to allow access to data. Choose deny, it should then ask to enable oculus link to which you allow.
I ran the cable test (go to oculus app, devices, quest 2 and touch, USB test) and got 2.4gbs.
The battery still drains while you are using the quest but I get around 6-7 hours instead of the usual 2 when using the headset alone.
The cable feels very good quality, and a little stiff (which I like as it stays away from my face and body if I bend it outwards a little). It comes with a Velcro cable tie, which I have wrapped around my head strap to help support the cable weight.
Out of the link cables I have, my braided one has started to fail, with frequent disconnects. This one has not given me any disconnects and is working perfectly, I hope it stays that way unlike my previous braided cable.
Highly recommended.
About PC VR Link Cable :
It’s highly quality and durable.
16ft/5m cable.
A must have if your have a VR Oculus to connect to your PC.
I highly recommend
IT arrived in a card box and some plastic. It worked perfectly good as a link cable there isn’t much else to be said really it was smooth and the cable seems to be made of some good quality materials and was long enough to play some games with for 15.99 you can’t go wrong it’s a solid cable
While I wouldn’t say this is the lightest link cable I’ve tried, it is way up there in terms of quality. The coating feels like it’ll take a lot of wear and tear – I certainly won’t worry too much about stepping on it while in play. When you consider the weight of the headset that you’re dealing with while playing, I’d go for quality over lightness anyway. Great length, and build quality akin to first-party accessories, at this price? What’s not to love.
Parfait quand on a plus de batterie sur l’occupas. On peut alors jouer directement sur secteur sans tre embt par la longueur du cble qui est norme.
There are lots of USB C cables on Amazon that would work with VR, however having an angled connector and a strong, flexible & durable cable will go a long way (hehe) to ensure your gaming sessions have no disctraction.
Only used it a few times so far, but it does give you an impression of a quality item that will last. I feel bad to give it 4 starts as it beats most competition in value, HOWEVER why oh why did you paint the connectors in this weird blueish metal grey colour that is a mismatch with Quest 2? Should have left it black or even white, as now it is killing my OCD.
**The BAD**
– The mismatched colour of connectors…
**The GOOD**
– Well priced
– Appears good quality, especially the rubbery flex material
If you want to use your Quest to play more intensive games or steam games from your pc, you will need to connect it. There are options for wireless transmission but you can’t beat a solid wired connection. This cable does the job perfectly. Being 5m means you don’t need to be right near your pc to play. The end that connects to the headset is shaped in a way that sits nicely along the side of the headset.
It’s a good quality cable that doesn’t end up all twisted and tangled. Great buy and so much cheaper than the insanely priced official 5m cable.
I wanted to try a link cable for the Quest 2 as I was having mixed results using Airlink and Virtual Desktop so got this cable, and it is working flawlessly. Half Life: Alyx works with no stutters or jerkiness like I got when wirelessly connecting to the Laptop.
There is the addition of a Velcro strap that you use to wrap around the rear of the head strap so that the wire stays out of the way.
The cable itself is relatively light for a 5m (15 foot) cable. I have tried another cable that was much thicker and therefore much heavier, which does start to add weight to your neck over prolonged use, which this cable does not suffer from (I have just had a 2 hour VR session with no tiredness or neck ache).
The plug into the Quest is a standard USB C connection so no adapter is needed, and the port into the PC/Laptop is a USB connection. Using this cable whilst playing also allows the Quest 2 to charge whilst in use.
Overall this is a must have item for anyone with a Quest/Quest 2 that wishes to play PCVR games and has had stutter or jerkiness using wireless connections (Air Link and Virtual Desktop)
This cable is useful for any USB-C device as the 5 metres allows to charge with out being tied down to standard 1 metre cables.
Very thick and durable cable
The price at time of review is a little higher than can get other cables of the same size however its durabilty warrents the extra.
Bought for our Oculus VR headset. Very strong feel to the cable. Has a velcro strap so can attach cable to headset as shown in my photos. Can be used also to charge other electrical items that have USB C compatability. Very reasonably priced for a well made cable. This will last me years!!!
Delivery as always was quick, I got it next day after order with Prime. Already tried it but I never wanted to use it with a VR headset I was on the hunt for a very long charging cable. I charged my iPad Pro and my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra as well. Works perfectly and supports Samsung Fast Charging too. With its length and flexibility it reaches everywhere in my room. Looks strong so I’m expecting it to last for a long time. Satisfied with the purches.
After I bought my Oculus Quest I wanted to play some of the more intensive PC games I already owned, but I wanted to save some money when buying the link cable, so I found this alternative, and it works perfectly. It’s really long which is helpful when I’m standing far from my computer playing VR in a big room, and I didn’t find that it got tangled easily when playing more intense games which is good too. Overall I think I’m going to keep this cable and really enjoy the games I get to play now thanks to it.