Mini Motorised Exercise Bike , Pedal Exerciser Under Desk

Mini Motorised Exercise Bike , Pedal Exerciser Under Desk Bike for Leg and Arm Recovery, Indoor Desk Cycle Fitness Workou

Mini Exercise BikeMini Exercise BikeTvdugimMini Exercise BikeMini Exercise BikeMini Exercise Bike

6-level speed adjustment

The rotation speed of the pedal can be adjusted in 6 steps. You can do exercises that suit you based on your muscle strength and physique that day.

Quiet motor

The upgraded and optimized motor runs more stably and the noise is lower than 50db.

Safer to run

There is a voltage conversion component inside the host, which can convert the input voltage into a safe working voltage to ensure safety

Dimensions: 41 x 33.7 x 15.1 cm; 5.12 Kilograms
Brand: Tvdugim
Dimensions: 41 x 33.7 x 15.1 cm; 5.12 Kilograms

23 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Mon mari est assis dans son canap et regarde la TV comme d’habitude. Je lui ai plac les pieds dans l’engin qui pdale pour lui. Il est silencieux et peut donc encore suivre son programme sans soucis. Le seul problme, c’est qu’il faut placer un poids devant l’appareil sinon il glisse et s’loigne. Aprs, c’est le premier jour et il faut voir dans le temps si l’utilisation sera quotidienne et non mensuelle ou annuelle. En tout cas, le rameur que nous avons dj depuis 2 ans n’a pas t un succs car il est trop bas et demande trop d’efforts. Cet appareil ci pourrait bien tre le parfait appareil pour les paresseux

  2. Anonymous says:



  3. EnriquetaRickar says:

     United Kingdom

    As I’m still, and most likely to stay, remote, this is a great idea for using under my desk.
    Though it does take a bit of getting used to, it basically does what it says on the tin.
    It fits with ease under my desk and I can use it throughout the day.
    It’s not noisy, which is a great help if you don’t want to let the rest of the house know you’re on it!
    Overall, once you’ve got used to the controls and adjusted to this, it’s a great way of keeping up some form of fitness, which is crucial if you have a sedentary job and/or lifestyle.
    Price wise, it’s a little on the expensive side, but it’s well made and seems durable to go the distance.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are great for rehabilition exercises. Also recommended for elderly folk to get their legs moving

    Build quality is really good, there is a bit of noise when using, but nothing excessive and about expected

    Perfect alternative to an exercise bike, especially is space is an issue

    Super easy to use too.


  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This motorised under desk bike for leg and arm recovery doing great job I must admit, it can increase blood circulation and joint movement for sure.
    It has 2 modes, automatic and manual, front and rear bidirectional rotation, 3 ways of use, 6 programs, and 6 speed adjustments.
    It has very easy to read display panel, and you will find there: distance, start/stop, speed, time, direction, calorie, and power.
    The weight capacity is up to 220lbs (about 100kg).
    It also has internal iron frame support and it’s more durable.
    Great triangular design, very stable operation.
    It is good value for money product, for really reasonable price i must admit.
    I can easily highly recommend it to anyone.

  6. KristiAstudillo says:

     United Kingdom

    This is mini exercise bike for arms and legs.

    Things I liked:
    – works cycling forward and backwards
    – various speed settings
    – supports auto or manual motorised action

    Overall, if workout on arms, then I’d recommend wearing some sort of workout gloves. Also, use an anti-slip mat as the unit will slip and slide around.

  7. Tabitha19W says:


    e bello va benissimo x riabilitare gambe ,i piedi ,xche’ e elettrica,i pedali si muovono da soli,l’unica pecca,se mi posso permettere,quando il piede si scancia dai pedali,girano ancora,con il rischio,che la persona possa farsi male,era meglio mettere un sensore,cioe’ quando il piede non e appoggiato,la bici si ferma.potrebbe essere un idea futura,cmq x il mo.ento e ottima,calcolate che mia madre non muove da sola le gambe.grazie

  8. Pretty in Pink says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been trying to get into shape nowadays. Going to the gym with my little one is something I cannot manage. This bike is quite handy. It’s small and can be kept anywhere without occupying much space.
    Although the bike came disassembled, I was able to assemble it in no time with the instructions provided. The bike looks solid and is easy to use. It comes with a clear LCD that displays the time, calories burned, and distance.
    Moreover, the bike comes with 6 programs, 6-speed adjustments, and 2 modes. A remote is also included for hassle-free usage. The range is good plus it’s responsive as well.
    I use this bike daily to tone up my legs and burn those calories. All in all, it is a nice, solid product.
    However, I would have liked it if the bike came with an adjustable pedal strap. Otherwise, it works pretty well

  9. Rajee says:

     United Kingdom

    This arrives in a sturdy cardboard box measuring approx 15cm x 40cm x 31.5cm.

    It’s packed with styrofaom inserts & the bits are wrapped in plastic so it arrives in perfect condition.

    Putting it together is very simple & you don’t even need instructions to do it.
    Just fix the 2 bars on the base (2 screws each, allen key to tighten them included) then add the 2 clearly marked pedals (spanner to do them up included).
    You don’t need any additional tools to do this & it takes no more than a couple of minutes before you are ready to plug it in & use it.

    There is a small rubbery mat included which is just big enough to sit the machine on – I just used it on my wooden floor.
    You can use it without the remote, or use the remote (requires 2 AAA batteries not included).

    The machine itself feels very sturdy & well made, but the remote looks like it will break the first time it falls on the floor.

    There is an included instruction leaflet which I needed (didn’t want to use the remote because it’s unbranded & I’ll lose it now too many things come with remotes that all look too similar) to use the on the machine controls.

    It has a power button, a stop/start button, a faster speed button, a slower speed one & a change direction one.
    The remote has the same.
    On the machine, there is a red LED display when the power is on.
    It will automatically work for 30 minutes once you hit start, but if you hit the stop/start button, it will remember how many minutes would be left & stay on that unless you use the power off to turn it off completely.
    This comes with a 3 pin plug on an approx 1m 45cm lead which needs to plug into the back of the machine.

    In use, there is some difference between the speeds & the lowest ones are very slow so feel almost relaxing to use. The faster ones are not that fast but there is a difference.

    I couldn’t use this under my desk as my knees would smash the underside of the desktop every time the pedals reach the top of their orbit when the underside of your foot would be approx 30cm higher than when on the floor, so if you are long legged it might be worth consdering that before you place it anywhere.
    I also couldn’t use this with my desk chair which has wheels.
    I ended up sliding the chair around with my feet in the (uncomfortable) pedal straps.
    There is a small amount of adjustment available in the size of the straps (you need to use the screwdriver head on the other end of the allen key to change them), but not much.
    I found my feet slipped slightly so they were not in the straps enough and as my feet were moving away from me with the pedals it was awkward to get them back in the right position.
    I plan to completely remove the straps.
    I wouldn’t try to use this at my desk again or on a chair with wheels as it just didn’t work for me there.
    I will use it while sat on the sofa watching tv though.

    It’s not quiet, but it’s not very noisy either. I would have been able to work with the noise if I hadn’t been banging my knees as I slid around on my chair.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great little machine, it’s easy to put together and offers a good option for exercise while seated. It doesn’t offer loads of resistance but it’s only a small machine so that’s to be expected. Not too bad at all.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a handy little exercise bike and perfect for small flats or just having under a desk to exercise with.
    The bike is well made, and you realise that when you go through the assembly process with solid metal legs bolts securely on and the pedal mechanism feels really strong as well. The display has some good options on it, and you can also change them from the remote control but the remote didn’t come with any batteries and I find the display a little hard to read from a distance away. It has an assisted mode which was great for some knee physio exercises and getting more movement through them to build up strength and you can go either way, but you do have to power it on and change direction modes each time you want to change that setting.
    the power is from a figure 8 connector and its shame this isn’t something like USB-C so you could use this with a power bank as it might not always be near a plug when you want to use it and the power cable isn’t very long.
    Overall, for 59.99 its good you can use it powered or without but for all the benefits it needs to be powered. And with the power options this takes away some of the flexibility of having one this small, so then it’s a little pricey, maybe if its less than 50 it becomes better value for money.

    4.0 out of 5 stars good little exercise bike but power could be bette

  12. Anonymous says:


    Bello, semplice il montaggio, quando in funzione veramente silenzioso, se proprio vogliamo trovare un neo: il tappetino anti-scivolo avrebbe potuto essere un poco pi grande.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Cet exerciseur me permet de bouger tout en faisant autre chose. Seul petit problme, il faut que je le cale contre un mur pour pdaler sans qu’il glisse. Ce n’est gnant.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Fcil de usar. Lo tengo desde hace tres dias, casa da he hecho los 30 minutos a velocidad 5 mientras me dedico a leer en mi libro digital. Por el momento satisfecho con la compra, hay otros con similares o idnticas caractersticas a precio mucho ms elevados. A mi mujer tambin le han entrado ganas de utilizarlo.

  15. Sean McKenna says:

     United Kingdom

    Mom loved it. The pedals turn smoothly and it is quiet and very sturdy. Will be good for her to get exercise when she cannot get outside.

  16. Blair says:

     United Kingdom

    Both knees are injured, as part of physical therapy and recent surgery. Very quick setup, easy to use both with feet and arms.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Cadeau pour la fte des mres..
    Apparemment, convient trs bien, personne de + de 80 ans. Merci.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Ne prends pas de place, silencieux. Trs apprciable de pouvoir tre active au bureau. Pour les sdentaires, c’est l’idal pour pratiquer du sport sans trop d’effort.

  19. FunnyFaceBeauty says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived today, used it for the first time. Easy to assemble. Well built, decent design. Remote control, as well as readout display on exerciser bike is pretty basic, but sufficient enough. After 30 minute usage no overheating of bike’s motor. Seems OK, only time will tell. Reasonable price.

  20. KandiceNoblet says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I like the fact you dont get out of breath using i

  21. Carolyn says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’m certain this little mini bike will be very good for circulation. I purchased it because I’m diabetic and too sedentary for my age.

    It’s solid easy to assemble and the remote control is great.

    Get it into a comfortable position with your calves not touching anything.

    I’m unsure at to whether speed 1 through to speed 6 makes much difference as I can’t feel any really.

    I very much doubt this will actually build any muscle and I think I will have to use it two or three times a day to burn some fat (for me 30 mins at a time) but that’s just me.

    I think if you have mobility issues and bad circulation this will be a winner. I am 58 and consider this a good buy. It is a little noisy but just turn the tv up a bit or wear headphones if you are working.

    These mini bikes would help working people a lot if used regularly I’m sure.

    Would recommend

    4 stars because it doesn’t tell me which setting is best to use.

    Read review good item.

  22. Leah Bjornson says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The quality is good, but the price is very cheap, I love i

  23. Caleb Denison says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been having a problem with my legs recently and my mom saw this and told me about this product. I use it morning and afternoon and find it grea