OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB Visualiser for Classroom, Online

OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB Visualiser for Classroom, Online Learning, Teaching, with Microphone, Visualiser for Stop-motion, Timelapse Video, with USB Type-C Adaptor, Works with PC/Mac/Chromebook
OKIOCAM S2 – New and Improved Design

Featured Applications
OKIOCAM Snapshot and Recorder: Take snapshots and videos. Digitize documents and record video lessons.
OKIOCAM Time-Lapse: Create exciting time-lapse videos. Adjust the playback speed, add music, trim, and perfect your videos before they are automatically uploaded to Google Drive.
OKIOCAM Stop Motion: Make your own props from scratch or use things from around the house to make cool stop motion videos.
Complete your OKIOCAM experience with the OKIOCAM Software Kit!
The OKIOCAM Software Kit includes a variety of useful software to provide additional functions to your OKIOCAM. Use the Camera Control Software to customize your camera’s color, white balance, sharpness and more. Present with advanced control like 6x digital zoom and freeze frame using Snapshot and Recorder, and have students use our Time-lapse and Stop Motion apps to unlock their imagination through exploration of a variety of video creation techniques!
Weight: | 480 g |
Dimensions: | 17.5 x 7.1 x 3.8 cm; 480 Grams |
Brand: | OKIOLABS |
Model: | OKL-S2 |
Colour: | S2 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | OKIOLABS |
Dimensions: | 17.5 x 7.1 x 3.8 cm; 480 Grams |
A well built document camera. Very solid and sturdy. The image quality of the camera is decent, not stellar. It’s more than adequate for document presentation, though. It’s pretty plug and play and can be used with different apps. I just downloaded the apps from Okiolabs and got it working very quickly. It’s nice that they have different apps for different camera functions, including using it to make Stop-Motion films- very neat. The controls are simple and work well and the whole thing is very compact, especially when folded up. I would definitely recommend this for the price.
First off this is definitely something for beginners and not professionals. But still it works really good. That stand is small and folds easily so it very easy to take with you. The stand is also weighted so you don’t have to worry about it tipping over. This was very easy to use and store.
Die Okiocam S2 von Okiolabs gefllt mir sehr gut! Ich habe sie im Rahmen von Lerngruppen-Treffen als auch kleinen Kolloquien eingesetzt und sie hat einen groen Mehrwert, wenn es zur Vorstellung von Inhalten geht. Die Nachvollziehbarkeit und der Lernerfolg steigen enorm! Aber auch das Prsentieren selbst geht viel mheloser.
Die Benutzung ist selbst fr mich Technik-Laien mit zwei linken Hnden sehr einfach und intuitiv. Die Installation an meinem Machbook geschah von selbst und dann war die Kamera auch schon am Start. Fr die Verbindung war sogar ein USB-C Adapter dabei. Mir reichen die Basis-Funktionen, weitere lassen sich jedoch auf der Webseite einsehen und herunterladen. Zur Abbildung reicht die Kamera-App auf dem Mac, zur Bedienung nutzt man die Knpfe an der Kamera selbst.
Die Kamera-Qualitt ist klasse, alles scharf und auch kleineres kann sie problemlos darstellen. Stark ist die Fokussierung. Das Mikrofon der Kamera nutze ich jedoch nicht, die Stimme erscheint manchmal etwas blurred” und Papier-Geraschel kommt als Lrm an.
Zur Kamera selbst: sie ist richtig gut, robust verarbeitet. Sie ist stabil, berall angenehm anzufassen und der Standfu ist unten fr einen besseren Halt wattiert. Der Arm lsst sich variabel verstellen und verbleibt in der Position, solange man nicht selbst ran geht.
Zusammengeklappt ist sie platzsparend verstaubar.
Fazit: die Kamera ist zur bloen Bildbertragung richtig klasse. Die Tonqualitt ist ausreichend, aber nicht der Knller. Ich finde die einfache Handhabung sehr schn und ich arbeite richtig gerne mit ihr. Empfehlung von mir!
This is an amazing little device. I can scan documents, artwork or record videos. It even has a mic on it for zoom meetings and other similar websites. This would be AMAZING for teachers, office workers or anyone looking to scan their documents and save digital copies. It scans documents beautifully and I can save them onto my MACBOOK PRO. You can take this on the go. It barely weighs much and slides right into my purse or laptop carrier. Anyone wanting to save their digital artwork might want to give this a try as well. It’s SO versatile and I LOVE IT so far.
If you want a way to share your projects and don’t care about audiences streaming in 4k, this little cam is perfect for you. The professionals among us might consider spending a little more, but for $80 you can feel good about what’s going on here if you’re just trying to get your feet under you. We’ve played with it for a few weeks now, both streaming and uploading recorded content, and the feedback has been generally positive. Things get dicey with small print (see video), but otherwise we’re pleased with the performance.
I haven’t needed to download their software, either. Windows 11 detects it as just another webcam and lets you switch in the middle of Zoom or Teams calls. It also works with the Windows video recorder, no issues there. I’ve used it a few times for show-and-tell with work colleagues and friends, and its been fine. I don’t think it’s well-suited for professional presentations unless you have a good lighting setup, but for my amateur needs it does everything else just fine.
Ich bin wirklich sehr zufrieden mit der Kamera, wenn sie funktioniert. An meinem Laptop funktioniert sie einwandfrei, aber an dem meiner Tochter, fr welchen ich die Kamera gerne benutzt htte, wird sie einfach nicht erkannt. Beides sind aktuelle Windows Laptops. Nach ber einer Stunde ausprobieren und auf der Hilfeseite der Firma surfen, haben wir es dann aufgegeben, muss sie halt mit meinen Laptop benutzen, mit dem ging die Installation auch spielend leicht. Einfach eingesteckt, Programm heruntergeladen und es funktioniert.
Das Bild ist sehr gut. Man kann sehr nah an die Sachen rangehen und trotzdem ist alles gut zu erkennen. Auch das Licht lsst sich einfach steuern. Sehr ideal!
Einziger Nachteil ist, dass man alles nur in einem Dateiformat abspeichern kann, zumindest habe ich keine andere Mglichkeit entdeckt. So erkennt mein Schnittprogramm die Videodatei leider nicht. Was ich sehr schade finde, weil die Aufnahmen wirklich gut sind.
Die Kamera ist gut verarbeitet und steht auch stabil auf dem Tisch. Man kann sie sehr gut, auf das auf dem Schreibtisch liegende Papier richten, was bei vielen Webcams nicht der Fall ist, ohne das man den Standfu mit im Bild hat.
This OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB 2-in-1 Document Camera has worked well for both of my kids for remote schooling. It’s simple to use, and helps a lot with their schoolwork when they are manually filling things out like lab reports. This makes it quicker and easier for us to capture and submit with their assignments than trying to use a regular scanner – and you can see the images fair more clearly and less grainy than their school-provided laptop with camera. I like that it’s not complicated to use, and has been working well for us for several weeks with no issues. It’s well made and seems to focus reasonably well on still items we’re trying to capture, and it also gives another view for us when using webcam. Overall – works as it should. It gets two thumbs up from me!
Everything works decently. This seems more like an amateur device, so I wouldn’t expect professional digital quality. But for general use it works fine. Connects easily. Works well for stop motion captures and basic document capture.
Der Lieferumfang beinhaltet:
* Dokumentenkamera mit USB-A Anschlusskabel
* USB-A auf USB-C Adapter
* Kurzanleitung (mehrsprachig)
Die Dokumentenkamera wird nach dem Anschlieen an den PC schnell erkannt. Als Webcam mit Mikrofon kann sie theoretisch direkt benutzt werden.
Fr weitere Funktionen wird eine Zusatzsoftware benutzt. ber die Okiolabs Homepage kann diese Software bezogen werden. Allerdings verfgt die Software nach der Installation nicht ber ein gltiges Zertifikat bzw. mein Anti-Viren-Programm gibt eine Sicherheitsmeldung von sich. Es lsst sich aber auch genug Gratis-Software im Netz finden, um mit der Dokumentenkamera richtig zu arbeiten.
Mit der entsprechenden Software lsst sich die Dokumentenkamera einwandfrei benutzen. Sowohl die Auflsung als auch die Konstruktion wissen zu berzeugen. An dem verstellbaren Kameraarm sind fr das Kabelmanagement zwei Halterungen angebracht, damit das USB-Anschlusskabel nicht vor die Kamera fllt. Nach der Wunscheinstellung wird die Position auch ber lngere Zeit beibehalten und musste nicht nachjustiert werden.
Die Belichtung, der Fokus und eine 180-Wende sind ber die Tasten an der Kamera mglich.
– einfache Einrichtung der Dokumentenkamera
– USB-A Anschluss und Adapter fr USB-C beiliegend
– robuste Konstruktion
– Einstellmglichkeiten auch ber die Tasten an der Kamera (Belichtung, Fokus und 180-Wende)
– gute Auflsung
– bentigt eine Zusatzsoftware, um mit der Dokumentenkamera zu arbeiten
Eine praktische Dokumentenkamera, um ausgedruckte Papiere oder handschriftliche Informationen darzustellen. Die Kamera liefert klare Bilder und lsst sich mit wenigen Tastendrcken an der Kamera einstellen. Die Konstruktion hlt die eingestellte Position und muss nicht stndig nachgezogen werden. Abgesehen von der Zusatzsoftware, die laut meinem Anti-Virenprogramm eine Sicherheitslcke darstellt, ist die Kamera einwandfrei. Insgesamt bin ich zufrieden.
Die OKIOCAM von OKIOLABS ist eine gute Kamera zum aufnehmen aus der Draufsicht.
Ob fr Dokumente, zum Tattoos stechen (bungen auf Tattoo Haut), fr generelle Bastelarbeiten und noch viel mehr!
Ich finde sie Klasse und sie liefert ein super Bild und eine ganz gute Audio Qualitt.
Kann sie weiterempfehlen 🙂
Diese Dokumentenkamera der Marke OKIOLABS wurde mir im Rahmen des Amazon Vine-Programms freundlicherweise kostenfrei zur Verfgung gestellt. Dafr mchte ich mich zunchst bei Amazon und natrlich auch beim Hersteller recht herzlich bedanken.
Dass ich dieses Produkt kostenfrei erhalten habe, nimmt jedoch keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Bewertung.
Recht einfach, aber ausreichend gut geschtzt verpackt, kommt die Okiocam S2 bei einem zuhause an. Fr den Preis knnte ich mir zwar eine ansprechendere Verpackung vorstellen, aber subjektiv betrachtet, strt mich sowas nicht.
Wesentlich mehr berzeugen konnte dann aber der erste Eindruck des Produkts. Material- und Verarbeitungsqualitt wirkten ab dem ersten Moment sehr gut und das hat sich auch ber den gesamten Test nicht verndert. Das Produkt ist sehr solide gefertigt und berzeugt darber hinaus durch eine hohe Stabilitt in der Praxis sowie einfache, aber sonst nicht immer vorhandene kleine Lsungen, fr die blichen Probleme mit solch einer Kamera.
Gleich als erstes benennen mchte ich hier die gut gelste Kabelfhrung, welche das nervige Kabel im Kamerabild vermeidet (wie ich es von vielen anderen Visualizern kenne) und auch die hohe Flexibilitt in der Ausrichtung der Kamera. Auch diese ist nach meiner Erfahrung nicht immer gegeben. Hier lsst sich die Kamera wirklich sehr flexibel in ihrer Position ausrichten. Finde ich klasse!
Was mir schon vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme zustzlich positiv aufgefallen ist, war, dass die Gelenkarme sehr zuverlssig in Stellung bleiben. Auch nach mehrfachen Ein- und Ausklappen bleiben diese immer stabil. Auch hier habe ich persnlich schon ganz andere Erfahrungen gemacht. Und wo wir gerade beim Ein- und Ausklappen waren:
Ja, diese Dokumentenkamera kann (wie meist) sehr kompakt zusammengeklappt und somit platzsparend verstaut werden.
Doch kommen wir zum Wesentlichen, der Praxis!
Die Inbetriebnahme ist tatschlich spielend leicht. Einfach via USB am Gert (bspw. Laptop) einstecken und schon wird die Kamera automatisch erkannt und kann auch direkt verwendet werden. Ein Adapter von USB-A auf USB-C ist im Lieferumfang enthalten (falls bentigt).
Nun kann die im Laptop integrierte Kamerapp verwendet werden, oder man ldt sich alternativ eine Visualizer-App herunter, in welcher man weitere Einstellungsmglichkeiten erhlt.
Okiolabs bietet hier auch eigene Softwarelsungen an, welche den Funktionsumfang sprbar erweitern knnen. ber die Homepage knnen diese kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Leider war es mir nicht mglich alle zu testen, doch der Mehrwert ist in jedem Fall gegeben und ich wrde auch jedem dazu raten, diese Softwarelsungen sich mal anzuschauen. Denn was man hier zustzlich erhlt, wertet das Produkt nochmal wesentlich auf. Unter anderem knnen hier Time-Lapse, Stop-Motions, Snapshots oder aber auch Prsentationsmodi abgerufen werden. Darber hinaus erhlt man mehr Kontrolle ber die Einstellung der Kamera, wie bspw. Farbtemperatureinstellungen (Weiabgleich) oder auch spezifischere Einstellung bei der Bildschrfe etc.
Die Kamera selbst (ohne Software) bietet zwar nicht allzu viele Einstellungsmglichkeiten, jedoch sind all die blichen vorhanden, die man zur Nutzung einer Dokumentenkamera bentigt. Am Kamerakopf sind smtliche Bedienungsknpfe vorhanden. Oberhalb kann ber die Plus-Minus Kpfe die Belichtung reguliert und ber den Knopf mit dem Viereck (bei Bedarf) der Focus justiert werden. Die Kamera fokussiert aber auch automatisch immer das, was sie als Hauptteil des Bildes (im Zentrum) wahrnimmt. Die Fokussierung funktioniert hierbei sehr gut und flssig. Seitlich am Kamerakopf befindet sich noch ein grner Knopf, ber welchen das Bild (links-rechts) gespiegelt werden kann.
Mit einer maximalen Auflsung von 1440p bietet die Kamera eine richtig gute Bildqualitt. Alles in meinem Test wurde sauber und auch ausreichend hell dargestellt. Wir nutzen diese Kamera hauptschlich, um Zeichnungen ber eine Projektionsleinwand zu zeigen. Hierfr wird die Kamera ber einem Blatt Papier positioniert, sodass man der Zeichnung als Zuschauer folgen kann. Ich persnlich sehe aus meiner eigenen Erfahrung den Nutzen solch einer Kamera in erster Linie darin, Dinge die man mit seinen Hnden macht, oder eben Dokumente” die man vor sich hat, Teilnehmern eines Meetings oder einer Veranstaltung besser darstellen zu knnen. Doch insbesondere auch in Schulen oder sonstigen Bildungseinrichtungen, ist diese Art der Verwendung natrlich mehr als sinnvoll!
Darber hinaus kann diese Kamera jedoch auch fr virtuelle Meetings verwendet werden. Hierfr wrde ich aber empfehlen, sich nicht auf das integrierte Mikrofon der Kamera zu verlassen. Dieses ist zwar besser, als ich es erwartet htte, aber man merkt schon, dass hier die Mikrofontechnik natrlich nicht das Hauptmerkmal des Produkts ist. Es ist okay und kann genutzt werden, aber gerade in der heutigen Zeit, in der virtuelle Meetings aufgrund der Pandemie nicht nur hufiger, sondern auch qualitativ anspruchsvoller geworden sind, wrde ich eher zu einer externen Mikrofonlsung raten.
Alles in Allem kann man meiner Meinung nach aber abschlieend festhalten, dass man hier eine ausgesprochen gute Dokumentenkamera erhlt, die letztlich alles bietet, was man erwarten darf. Die Material- und Verarbeitungsqualitt ist mehr als solide, die notwendige Funktionalitt ist vorhanden und in der Praxis berzeugt die Kamera mit einer guten Bildqualitt sowie einer sehr einfachen, aber auch flexiblen Handhabung.
Meiner Meinung nach gibt es hier nichts zu beanstanden und auch den Preis von aktuell 89,00 finde ich absolut angemessen. Deswegen gibt’s von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung und natrlich auch die vollen 5 Sterne!
Ich bedanke mich frs Lesen
The OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB Visualiser is an excellent tool for anyone who uses visual aids in the classroom, online learning, or teaching. It is a versatile visualiser that can be used for stop-motion, timelapse video, and more. It is designed to work with PC, Mac, and Chromebook, which makes it very convenient for teachers and students.
One of the standout features of the OKIOCAM S2 is its high-resolution camera, which captures images and videos in 1080p HD quality. The camera has a wide-angle lens, which allows you to capture a large area, and a built-in microphone, which allows you to record audio along with your video. It also has a high-quality LED light, which makes it easy to see small objects and details.
The visualiser is also very easy to use, with a simple plug-and-play design that doesn’t require any additional software or drivers. It comes with a USB Type-C adaptor, which makes it easy to connect to your computer. It also has a flexible arm, which can be adjusted to any angle, making it easy to capture images and videos from any angle.
The OKIOCAM S2 is also very portable, making it easy to take with you to different classrooms or even to use in your home. It’s lightweight and has a small footprint, which makes it easy to store and transport.
It also has a variety of features that makes it an excellent tool for stop-motion and timelapse video. It has a built-in intervalometer, which allows you to set the time between shots, and a built-in remote control, which makes it easy to take shots from a distance.
Another great feature of the OKIOCAM S2 is its ability to work with multiple platforms and devices. The visualiser is compatible with a wide range of devices such as PC, Mac and Chromebook, this allows it to be used in a wide range of educational settings, such as online classes and hybrid classes.
Overall, the OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB Visualiser is an excellent tool for anyone who uses visual aids in the classroom, online learning, or teaching. It is a versatile visualiser that can be used for stop-motion, timelapse video, and more, has a high-resolution camera, easy to use and compatible with a wide range of devices. It’s portability and built-in microphone, remote control and intervalometer make it an ideal tool for teaching, learning and presentations.
Angekommen ist das Produkt sehr gut geschtzt und ohne jegliche Beschdigungen.
Die Verarbeitung hat mich sehr berzeugt und war in einem einwandfreien Zustand ohne jegliche Beschdigung.
Natrlich bezieht sich dies nur auf mein Exemplar und ist kein Versprechen dafr, dass auch alle anderen ohne Beschdigung ankommen.
Die Qualitt ist ebenfalls hervorragend und genau so, wie man es sich vorstellt.
Das Produkt erfllt seinen Zweck voll und ganz.
Entsprechend bin ich sehr zufrieden hiermit und kann keine negativen Punkte feststellen.
Die Funktion ist Top.
My daughter wanted this and she said it’s great and works really well.
Die “OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB 2-in-1 Dokumentenkamera1440p mit Mikrofon fr Prsentationen im Klassenzimmer, Online-Unterricht, Nachhilfe, Visualizer fr Stop-Motion, Zeitraffer, PC/Mac/Chromebook” kommt in einer – verblffend kleinen – Pappschachtel an. Mit in der Verpackung enthalten sind ein Adapter, mit dem man den USB-A-Stecker auch in USB-C Buchsen stecken kann, sowie eine kurze, mehrsprachige Bedienungsanleitung – auch in Deutsch. Auf der Website von Okiolabs kann man sich bei Bedarf mehr Untersttzung holen und sich auch Software zum Betreiben der Kamera herunterladen.
Die Kamera ist kleiner, als ich mir das vorgestellt hatte, erfllt aber vollkommen ihren Zweck. Sie ist, obwohl meist aus Plastik, ordentlich verarbeitet und macht einen robusten Eindruck. Der Arm, an dem die Kamera befestigt ist, ist schwenk- und verlngerbar, so dass man ihn auf seine Bedrfnisse einstellen kann. Nicht ausgezogen deckt das Kamera-Aufnahmefeld ziemlich genau eine DIN A4 Seite ab. Der Fu ist mit Metall beschwert und recht standfest. Die Konstruktion ist gut geeignet, um z.B. Buchseiten oder kleine Muster “hands free” ber den Rechner zu bertragen. So hat man die Mglichkeit, Dinge zu zeigen, ohne die Kamera in der Hand halten zu mssen.
Zur Software: Sobald man die Kamera einsteckt, beginnt die Installation – vllig automatisch. Man kann dann auf die Kamera mit blichen Programmen, wie z.B. Teams zugreifen (ein Mikrofon ist auch eingebaut) oder man ldt sich Programme von der OKIOLABS Website herunter, habe ich zum Ausprobieren gemacht. Das klappt alles ziemlich einfach und ist weitgehend selbsterklrend.
Die Bildqualitt ist gut, die Auflsung mit 1920 x 1440p bei bis zu 30 FPS hoch und fr viele Zwecke vllig ausreichend, kommt aber wegen eines deutlich merkbaren Bildrauschens fr Dokumentenaufnahmen nicht an einen Scanner heran.
Fazit: Fr 109 (Stand 02/2023) erhlt man eine uerst brauchbare und handliche Dokumentenkamera, sehr gute 4 Sterne von mir.
This is essentially an update of the OHP. I use this sort of thing as a teacher, although the one I have at school is much more powerful with a 12x optical zoom.
Nevertheless, this is a neat piece of kit. As a webcam, it works really well, and the quality of the camera is very good. It has a macro setting, so rather than a zoom, one can just move the camera closer! The ability to havea camera positioned at just the right angle is such a good thing. The whole telescopic mount, that folds down to a neat handy size, is great, too.
Die OKIOLABS OKIOCAM S2 USB 2-in-1 Dokumentenkamera kommt sicher verpackt ins Haus. Nach dem Auspacken halte ich ein wertiges Gert in den Hnden. Die Installation erfolgte problemlos und die Kamera steht bis zu einem gewissen Punkt sicher und fest. Wenn man den Arm aber zu weit noch vorne neigt, kippt sie doch. Obwohl der Standfu beschwert ist, scheint das nicht ganz ausreichend zu sein. Aber das ist nur ein minimales Manko, denn so weit neige ich den Arm in der Regel nicht nach vorne.
Die Qualitt ist sehr ansprechend. Auch das integrierte Mikrofon funktioniert sehr gut. Die Beschreibung entspricht den Tatsachen. Ein Aufbau ist hier nicht notwendig. Sie ist fertig montiert im Karton und muss nur aufgestellt werden. Nach dem Verbinden mit dem USB Kabel, ist die Kamera sofort einsatzbereit und wurde von Windows auch gleich erkannt. Die Bilder sind scharf! Auch beim Abfotografieren, wird alles gut erfasst.
Ein Kleinigkeit, die nachteilig sein knnte: Das Kabel ist fest verbaut. Bei einem Defekt kann ich es nicht tauschen und muss die ganze Kamera entsorgen.
lots of features, ability to zoom on or out, take stills and all folds up into a small compact space. Great looks, smooth material design from a well designed camera on an arm.
Fr die schnellen Leser nehme ich meine Bewertung vorweg, nachfolgend erlutere ich Ihnen die Details meiner Entscheidungsfindung, meine Eindrcke zum Produkt.
Die Dokumentenkamera entspricht ihrer Artikelbeschreibung, wird ansprechend und zutreffend prsentiert und erfllt in der Praxis Ihrer Zweck recht gut, so vergebe ich im Fazit 5- Sterne.
An sich habe ich nur einen kleinen Kritikpunkt, der mich zu einer minimalen Abwertung auf 5- Sterne fhrt.
Meine Kritik bezieht sich hier auf die Standfestigkeit. Ja es stimmt, der Hersteller hat den Standfu beschwert, so soll die Dokumentenkamera sicher stehen. Sie tut es auch, doch neigt man den Ausleger zu weit ber den Standfu hinaus nach vorne, beispielsweise ber ein Buch oder ein Megert, kann der Standfu kippen, dafr ist er dann doch noch etwas zu leicht.
Ich wnsche mir, dass der Hersteller etwas mehr Gewicht in den Standfu integriert. Selbsthilfe ist recht einfach, denn der Standfu ist eine Platte, so kann man leicht auf ihr etwas zustzlich beschwerendes auflegen.
Ja das war es auch schon, also mit der Kritik.
Damit zur Funktion und diese ist denkbar einfach, zudem wirklich gut.
An meinen beiden Windows Laptops, einmal Win 11 und einmal Win 10, funktioniert das Gert als echtes Plug & Play, es ist also direkt einsetzbar und erfordert keinerlei Installation, so schtze ich das.
Alle auf dem Rechner vorhandenen Medien Anwendungen, die auf eine Kamera zugreifen, erkennen die Dokumentenkamera direkt. Whle Sie hier in der Gertauswahl einfach statt der Selfie-Webcam, die externe Dokumentenkamera als Bildquelle.
Wenn Sie beispielsweise in einem Video-Meeting sind, ich verwende hier berwiegend die Teams Anwendung, knnen Sie im laufenden Meeting von der Laptop Kamera oder Webcam auf die Dokumentenkamera umschalten, um ein Print Dokument oder kleine Gegenstnde vorzustellen. Bei mir ist das gerne mal ein Megert, oder eine Leiterplatte, wenn ich daran etwas erklren.
Ebenso kann die Dokumentenkamera dazu genutzt werden, Print Unterlagen als Bild in den Rechner zu berspielen, was natrlich auch via Smartphone Foto oder Scanner geht.
Die Kamera hat hierbei aber den Vorteil, sie liefert direkt an den Rechner und man kann die Aufnahme auch direkt an der Kamera auslsen, so muss der Rechner nicht bedient werden.
Die Bildqualitt empfinde ich dem Zweck angemessen gut und ausreichend, als Dokumentationswerkzeug im Archiv, wo Wert auf hchste Auflsung gelegt wird, wrde ich sie nicht einsetzen.
Ich persnlich setze sie am liebsten fr Vortrge oder Schulungen ein, als zustzliche Kamera, um ein Werkstck oder hnliches zu erklren.
Aus meiner persnlichen Erfahrung heraus und wenn Ihr Anwendungsfall hnlich liegt, spreche ich eine uneingeschrnkte Kaufempfehlung aus. Zu einem recht attraktiven Preis, aktuell knapp ber 100, bekommt man ein sehr ntzliches Werkzeug.
Einzig die Bodenplatte knnte etwas schwerer sein, dann knnte man den Ausleger mit der Kamera weiter schwenken, ohne Kippgefahr des Bodens. Legen sie ein zustzliches Gewicht auf die Platte, schon steht die Kamera absolut stabil.
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Aufmerksamkeit bei der Lektre meiner Rezension. Wenn Sie mchte, geben Sie mir gerne ein Feedback oder einen “Daumen” dazu, ich freue mich darber.
I am especially keen to use this to project documents in my classroom. I can take something like an exam paper and immediately project the contents. Previously I would have to scan at 10 which is more time-consuming and can’t be done on the spur of the moment. My machine had no problems recognising this undertreated just like a normal web cam. The instructions provided are minimal, but it is fairly self-explanatory. The quality on a text document is perfectly acceptable. You can play about with the settings and the amount of light you have available seems to affect things as well. My machine had no problems recognising this and it treated just like a normal WebCam. The instructions provided are minimal but it is fairly self-explanatory. The quality on a text document is perfectly acceptable. You can play about with the settings and the amount of light you have available, seems to affect things as well. overall, I’m pretty happy and for the projection of documents, it does a good job.
Since I talk to students online, it is important to have a document camera. When fully extended, this camera focuses on a piece of paper making it easy to share the image, allowing what I am writing to be read easily. The proportions of the image are the same as a computer screen, rather than a piece of paper. As a result, the full page cannot be seen. It is possible to use third party software to rotate image, solving this issue, but that has not been necessary. The base of the camera is a little too close to the page occasionally getting in the way, but that is a minor quibble. I did not rate the auto focus since this is a fixed focus camera. Even when I use an automatic focus camera, I fix it to avoid it focusing on my hand as it moves rather than what I write. A more advance auto focus variant is available, but I do not need it.
Overall this camera has been great. It is much better than the improvised camera on a clamped piece of wood that I had been using. It even works well as a webcam!
I am a college, professor, and what interested me about this, what is the ability to use it in lieu of an overhead projector. I like the idea of something quick and easy, but I didn’t have to order in to my classroom. I could just have it on hand.
It works relatively well. I think there’s a bit of a learning curve as I seem to have trouble getting documents and things position properly, but I could deal with that. The bigger issue is with lighting, sometimes it’s great, sometimes not so much. It works reasonably well most of the time, but when it doesn’t, it takes a long time of fiddling to try and get it to look bright enough , and to be perfectly honest under those circumstances, I just don’t have the time to be fiddling.
I have to say, although I don’t use it all the time, and more often than not will probably continue to have the overhead projector brought in, this isn’t too terribly expensive, nor is it particularly large or heavy, so it’s nice to have it in my bag to use spur of the moment.
would I buy it again? Sure, why not. What I spend much more than $80 on it? Probably not. It’s a nice little piece of equipment, but it’s not perfect yet.
Nach Ankunft des Pakets war ich erst einmal ber die Gre verwundert. Ich habe schon viele Dokumentenkameras benutzt – diese waren aber um ein Vielfaches grer.
Die Kamera macht aber trotz ihrer kleinen Gre das was sie soll.
Das fest angebrachte USB-Kabel einmal am PC eingesteckt erkennt Windows die Kamera PlugnPlay wie eine Webcam und kann z.B. mit der App “Kamera” ein Bild sehen. Auch andere Programme erkennen die Kamera sofort. Fr ein DINA4 Blatt reicht die Entfernung und die Brennweite noch gut, grere Objekte werden nicht abgebildet.
Die Kamera steht sicher, da der Fu beschwert und gummiert ist.
Viele Mglichkeiten der Einstellung bietet sie zwar nicht – mehr braucht man aber im Normalfall auch nicht. Sie lsst sich einfach einstellen, sie behlt ihre Position.
Die Auflsung und Qualitt des Bildes sind gut – ich bin berrascht.
Fr den Preis finde ich die Kamera eine gute Wahl fr einfache Aufgaben. Schade, dass das USB-Kabel fest angebracht ist – ein Defekt des Kabels macht die Kamera unbrauchbar.
So what actually is this product? Essentially, it is a small 2K webcan on a stand. The whole package is very small and can be easily transported in your laptop bag. The stand measures 7cm x 9cm, so it only has a small footprint and should fit on the smallest of desks. The stand is also weighted, so it stands firmly, even when the camera is fully extended. The camera is attached to the end of a hinged arm. When fully extended, it stand completely vertical at around 35cm. You won’t get the full height, as the stand will need to be tilted at an angle to fit a document underneath it on your desk. I found that the working height was about 25cm from the desk, once you’ve position the camera to avoid the stand.
Once you have positioned everything, you have a long enough lead to fit into your computer. There is a USB A connector on the end of the lead. There is also a USB C converted in the package. The converter feels like a slight afterthought – Everything in the package is white, apart from the converter which is black. Not a deal breaker by any standard, but it does break the ‘all white’ aesthetic sliughtly. There are clips on the arms that allow you to clip the lead on to. This means that the lead doesn’t get in shot when you are using the camera.
The supplied instructions are a little basic. There are a lot of pages in the quick start guide, but this is for multiple languages. There isn’t too much start up information. Essentially, you need to plug the camera in and then go to the Okiolabs website to learn more!
I own a Mac. I checked the app store, but there are no apps available. Instead, you’ll need to go to the Okiolabs website for downloads. Once you get there, you will need to navigate to the software tab to find the free software. The choices are:
Okiocam live
Okiocam snapshot and recorder
Okiocan camera control
Okiocam timelapse
Okiocam stop motion
Okiocan firmware update
There is no description on the software webpage as to what each download does. I would have liked to have seen a description so that I knew exactly which app did what. I opted for the Okiokam live and stop motion apps, as these were pretty self explanatory and suited to my needs. There were Windows and Mac options for each. Chromebook was also available, but only for a couple of apps. It may be worth checking which appas are available if you are a Chromebook owner. A couple of the Mac apps were also only for OS monterey or below. Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to give the app permission to access your camera. Initially, everything was upside down, until I realised that the blue button on the side flips the image. There is also a button to focus the image and +/- buttons for exposure.
Within the app, there are additional controls, including the option to zoom in. Because this is a digital zoom, I found that the image quality degraded as soon as you used it. Once positioned, my working area on the desk was about 18cm high x 33 cm across.
I managed to piece together a short stop motion film. Were I to be doing this properly, I would ensure that I lit everything correctly. Having created the film, this was where I encountered my first real problem – the film was saved as a .webm file. This is an incompatible format that doesn’t play well with QuickTime or other software packages such as Final Cut. There was no option in the app to change it to a more compatible format like .mp4 or .mov. This means that you will need to convert each clip that you create if you are doing stop motions.
Meine Tochter nutzt dies fr die Schule und ist Hoch auf begeistert! Nahezu seit Zustellung tglich im Einsatz. Auch fr Zeichnungen. Der PC hat sie erkannt. Man muss allerdings das Kostenlose Programm Downloaden etc. ist aber nicht schlimm und dauert nicht lange!
USB-A und USB-C Anschluss mglich.
Super toll und sie funktioniert bislang echt super, keine Probleme etc. Getestet unter Windows 10 (Fr andere von uns leider keine Beurteilung). Ob der Preis gut oder zu hoch/niedrig ist, knnen wir nicht sagen, da wir keine solche schonmal als Referenz hatten.
Die Kamera ist in zusammengeklapptem Zustand klein, handlich und auch nicht allzu schwer. Ihr knnt sie jedoch auseinanderklappen, das Gestell ist sogar ausziehbar, so dass sich der Radius deutlich vergrert. Kamerakopf und Gestell lassen sich auch noch flexibel verstellen. Insgesamt wirkt das Gert sehr wertig.
Auf meinem Notebook mit Windows 11 bekam ich die Kamera ohne zustzliche App nur mit Zoom zum Laufen. Mit der integrierten Kamera klappte es nicht. Ich habe dann die in der Anleitung empfohlene App downgeloadet, was zum Glck sehr schnell ging. Damit lsst sich die Kamera tadellos bedienen und es sind auch noch einige zustzliche Einstellungen mglich.
Ich finde das Bild erfreulich scharf, vorausgesetzt, man benutzt die Fokussierung. Die Kamera funktioniert fr kleine Dokumente, grere in Din-A4-Gre, Buchseiten oder auch Videos. Sie funktioniert wie versprochen.
As noted by other reviewers, this is a great camera as long as it has great lighting. As soon as there is a little bit of dimness in a room; however, it becomes completely useless as it produces an image that is far too dark and grainy. I recommend this camera as long as you have either a very bright room or some artificial lighting that can make up for any dark spots your room may have. The app works great and the camera even comes with a USB-A to C adapter, which was a really nice touch.
Mein Rechner erkennt die Kamera leider nicht selbstndig, ich musste mir dafr das Programm laden. Das ist allerdings auch mein einziger Kritik Punkt.
Ansonsten funktioniert sie super.
Die Verarbeitung ist top.
Die Qualitt der Bilder ebenfalls.
Sehr schnes Gadget.
Really easy to set up and use with clear instructions camera quality is really good
Very high quality and well made. Quite easy to use, just plug and play. Although it does not have the zoom feature. The positive and negative buttons are to change the brightness. And have the re-focus button as well. There is one more green button which flip the image/video upside down.
Actually I have use it as a very helpful tool for my home office, not only using as a web cam(the video quality better than the build-in on my MacBook Pro), but also good for me to capturing documents in the meeting.
I do recommend this product. It is a must have tool for home office.
I obtained this item at a crucial time where I needed to digitise images taken from A1 and A2 drawings for a project I am working on.
Out of the box you receive three items:
+. The camera
+. A USB C adaptor
+. A quick start guide
The camera itself is well made with good resolution considering the size of lens and sensor. After plugging it into my iMac, I followed the link in the quick start guide to the OKIOCAM site and downloaded the necessary drivers. First thing I noticed is that there are issues with the driver for Mac, but actually, whilst the camera was a little slower than I would have liked to start up, it didn’t take me long to get it set up and to produce some more than rudimentary images which will be ideal for my needs. The really positive aspects for me were:
+. Light weight and compact size when folded
+. USB powered
+. Well defined images
+. High quality base which provides a steady platform when positioned to take an image: I used a kitchen table for my attached image.
Following installing the driver and software on my iMac it was time to install the same on my iMac Air 2022. it was here that the USB C adapter came into its own; the iMac Air only has type C ports. Installed on my laptop really does permit you to use this camera in a multitude of settings. I have not had an opportunity to use this item on a Windows PC, but I can only assume that it will work just as well if not better without the slight time lag due to driver issues.
I have only just started to explore the functions of this device. I am fortunate to have a portable projector, which combined with the camera and my laptop will permit me to enhance many aspects of my “working” life. For the first time, I can start to provide interactive presentations.
Certainly one for my laptop bag: compact, lightweight and sturdy. I have much to discover what I can do with this device, but if nothing else, I now know that I have the ability to copy large documents.
Diese Kamera ist eine Kamera, eine WebCam, ein Overheadprojektor und ein Fotoapparat.
Ist finde dieses Ding genial.
Man braucht zum nutzen die kostenlose Software die man schnell und einfach runterladen kann da sie nicht sonderlich gro ist. Man kann verschiede Software-Alternativer herunterladen, je nachdem fr was oder wie man diese Kamera nutzen will.
Einfach per Plud-And-Play anschlieen, die Software erkennt die Kamera sofort und problemlos.
Man muss sich nicht erst mit seiner E-mail Adresse anmelden um sie nutzen zu knnen. Sie kommt halt NICHT aus China
Die Software ist megaeinfach und intuitiv zu benutzen.
Die Kamera wird per USB angeschlossen, ein Adapter aud USB_C liegt mit dabei.
Die Bilder und Videos sind von guter Qualitt, da gibt es absolut nichts zu bemngeln.
Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Der SDtnder ist aus Metall und hlt die Kamera immer in der gewnschten Position, durch sein Gewicht findet er einen sicheren Stand.
+ Einfache Installation
+ Super Standsicherheit
+ Gutes Bild
– Kabel fest verbaut
Als EDV-Beauftragter eines groe Forschungsinstituts bin ich verantwortlich fr zahlreiche Computer und Zusatzgerte, darunter auch viele verschiedene Kameras und Scanner. Zudem durfte ich hufig Webcams und andere Aufnahmegerte (Mikroskop-Kameras, Fotoapparate, Sofortbildkameras) fr Amazon testen.
Diese stationre Dokumentenkameras schnitt bei meinem Test sehr gut ab. Sie kann einen klassischen Scanner aus meiner Sicht nicht ersetzen, stellt aber einen erheblichen Vorteil zu Handybildern dar und ist besonders fr Videoaufnahmen und Live-Streams, besonders im Bereich der Lehre, sehr ntzlich.
Ich kann einen Kauf empfehlen.
[Material & Verarbeitung]
Das Gehuse ist rundum aus sehr hochwertigem, harten, weien Kunststoff du auch tragende Elemente sind aus besagtem Kunststoff gefertigt. Trotz der Verwendung von Kunststoff, wirkt die Konstruktion extrem robust und stabil. Die Gelenke sind aus Metall und lassen sich sehr gut bewegen, bleiben dann aber auch super in Position. Fehler in der Verarbeitung sind nicht erkennbar, sodass ich die Material- und Verarbeitungsqualitt als perfekt bewerte. Ich erwarte eine sehr lange Lebensdauer der mechanischen Bestandteile.
[Aufbau & Installation]
Die Kamera wird vollstndig montiert geliefert. Sie ist bei Lieferung zusammengeklappt und lsst sich in Sekunden aufstellen. Eine Aufbau ist also eigentlich nicht notwendig.
Auch die Installation gestaltet sich sehr einfach. Direkt nach dem Verbinden ber USB, werden automatisch (fast unmerklich) Treiber installiert und die Kamera ist sofort einsatzbereit. windows-native Kamera-Apps erkennen die Kamera ebenso wie bekannte Freeware, wie OBS. Hier besteht kein Unterschied zu Webcams.
Die Basis ist deutlich beschwert und an der Unterseite gummiert. Die Konstruktion ist damit extrem standsicher und rutschfest. Hier gibt es von mir ein groes Lob!
Der Ausleger ist voll ausgefahren und direkt nach unten gerichtet offensichtlich so designt, dass ein DIN-A4-Blatt vollstndig abgebildet werden kann. Der Ausleger kann aber auch leicht so eingestellt werden, dass auf kleinere Bereiche gezoomt wird, was auch whrend einer Aufnahme sehr flssig funktioniert.
Die Kamera eignet sich somit super, um Bcher oder andere Printmedien im Stream zu zeigen oder eben auch um Live bungen oder Unterrichtseinheiten auf Papier durchzufhren.
Die Knpfe an der Oberseite werden verwendet, um das Bild um 180 Grad zu drehen bzw. um die Helligkeit der Aufnahme zu variieren, was je nach Beleuchtung sehr hilfreich sein kann. Andere Einstellungen mssen softwareseitig getroffen werden, im normalen Anwendungsfall ist mehr aber nicht ntig.
[Bildqualitt] ()
Die Bildqualitt ist gut und liefert auch ber die Flche eines DIN-A4-Balttes eine scharfe Aufnahme. Die Auflsung ist dabei sehr gut, um Handschrift oder Zeichnungen gut zu erkennen. Grundstzlich kann man natrlich auch Dokumentseiten fotografieren, was gut funktioniert und auch brauchbare Bilder produziert. An die Qualitt auch eines eher gnstigen Scanners kommen die Aufnahmen wegen relativ viel Bildrauschen aber nicht heran und kann diesen aus meiner Sicht also nicht ersetzen.
[Energieversorgung] ()
Die Kamera wird, wie bei USB-Kameras blich, ber ein USB-A-Kabel mit Energie versorgt, welches auch zur bertragung des Bildes verwendet wird. Das funktioniert hervorragend, zumal es eine gute Kabelfhrung gibt, die verhindert, dass das Kabel ins Bild hngt. Kritisch sehe ich, dass das Kabel fest verbaut ist. Das bedeutet, dass ein defektes USB-Kabel einen Totalschaden bedeutet und vom Handy wissen wir, dass es sich hier um eine typische Schwachstelle handelt. Warum hat man hier nicht eine USB-C-Schnittstelle gewhlt? Das kann ich in der Preisklasse ehrlichgesagt nicht verstehen.
Vielen Dank.
I got this camera as I do some technical content on my Youtube channel which often means I need a camera pointing down at my desk when working on some fiddly stuff.
This camera does OK for that.
It is very compact when folded up, so easy to transport when necessary.
The description describes it as a 1440p camera, but I’m not so sure about that, it looks more like an up-scaled 720 image. This could have been down to a lack of light, as this camera doesn’t include any kind of lighting. When I compared the image side by side with my 1080p camera (with ring light), the 1080 image looked a lot better. This was a side-by-side comparison, with both cameras having the same light source.
The camera itself is easy to use, Windows 11 just sees it as a standard webcam.
There are some controls on the top for focus and exposure, but I didn’t see much of a change when using them. The most useful button is the one that does the 180 degree flip, this makes getting the image the right way up when switching between the facing image, and the table top image.
The instructions were minimal, with just a quick start guide and a link to some software. I tried the software, but really wasn’t impressed, so uninstalled that pretty quickly.
Works well in OBS as a video source, and I’ve also used in Teams meetings without any problems.
This visualiser is absolutely brilliant. It’s fantastic for remote meetings as a software developer as now I can easily work on architecture diagrams over video call just like we used to on a whiteboard. The picture quality is great and ideal for this purpose though I have to say while it can technically be used as a scanner I wouldn’t really call it one. The result is really just taking pictures of documents rather than actually scanning them. Super easy to install on windows and had no issues using it for video calls. It would be nice if it came with a light to illuminate what you’re showing but that appears to be a feature of the pro model. It’s great that it can be used as a webcam because now it can just take a permanent place on my desk as a webcam with the simple flexibility of switching to a visualiser when required.
This is quite a well made usb camera, which is great for document scanning, stop motion video or even as a web camera. You can angle the camera to suit your needs and plug it into virtually any usb device (or usb-c, using the included adapter).
You have various buttons on the top. One rotates the image 180 degrees, there’s a focus button that seems to work really well and exposure buttons. Sadly, I didn’t seem to be able to work these but it’s possible they may only work with certain devices.
For the price, I would have expected some sort of lighting on it. Without a decent level of lighting, the camera is far too dark. I found my phone camera to be fairly light in the test environment, whereas the camera on this couldn’t detect any light at all and presented a black image. The phone LED light was enough to illuminate the subject matter, but lifted a foot behind the camera it would almost disappear.
This is certainly recommended, but only when used in perfect daylight or an environment with decent artificial lighting. It’s simple to use and I had no problem with it plugged into my phone using the included usb-c adapter. I simply downloaded any external USB camera app, which worked flawlessly. The microphone is also active on the camera.
Very easy to set up. Smooth range of motion along with a good picture quality make this a really good product for the price.
The OKIOCAM S2 comes with a built-in microphone, which allows you to record audio and video simultaneously, making it perfect for online lectures and presentations. The visualizer is designed with a high-resolution camera that captures detailed images and videos.
It’s a great option for those looking for a visualizer that will enhance the online learning experience and make it more engaging and interactive.
This is a good alternative to a scanner as you can easily pull it out and use their software to photograph things that won’t fit in a scanner. It’s versatile as it can be used as a web cam too. I like the way I can use it to photo things quickly at the desk. The camera folds up to a small flat unit that I can just slid back under my monitor out of the way. It is easy to use and items can be manipulated to get the picture that you want. I photo portions of a document by zooming in or out and it’s easy to get a portion of a page in a book or other large items that is difficult to get with a scanner.
Very simple to use document scanner. Buttons to operate it are on the software and the physical camera. Pretty good joints to allow a lot of options. It also folds nearly flat which is great for storage. It’s also great that it doesn’t need power other than through the usb port. The biggest issue I’ve found is that it can’t handle larger or different size books. At its max height a square book is very difficult to fit the whole page in. I would hope there was an option to attach it to another stand if you need more height. Make sure you get a good light as well. That would have been nice to have a small light underneath where the camera is.
Delivered in its own branded box
Inside the box sits this impressively small document camera complete with adjustable stand complete it’s no bigger than your mobile phone .
It comes with a usb plug that can be put into any computer and enables you to share files . Not only can you use it as a document sharing stand you can flip the camera and use it as a web cam .
There are three buttons on the back of the camera which allow you to change the focus .
It has a detailed instruction manual with plenty of issue solutions .
This will make presentations a piece of cake . It’s Compact , Portable and needs no drivers . The picture quality is excellent .
At the time of writing this review it was priced with a discount at 70 which is an absolute bargain even at it’s full price it’s worth every penny .
very easy to set up and use. The computer didn’t recognise it, but the manual sends you to their support page where you can download their software, after which it worked fine on the laptop, but not on the PC.
Very intuitive as both scanner and webcam, my only problem was it is too short to get a full page view of a large book.
I’ve really enjoyed working with the Okiocam S2, but first let me say what it’s not. It’s not a professional level document camera. It lacks a light source for illuminating what you are recording, so you either need to have a good light source or buy one. It doesn’t include a platform to place the objects on, so you have to provide a proper backdrop as well. It lacks a digital port or HDMI port for direct connection to digital screens. But none of these limitations are an issue for me.
The camera has a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1440, which is better than standard HD (approximately 3 megapixels). The stand is nicely weighted and sturdy enough to hold the camera steady with no concerns of it falling over and it folds into a very neat little package (fits in an 8 1/2″ x 3″ x 1 3/4″ box) making it very portable. It can take high quality photos of documents up to approximately 12″ x 8″ placed directly beneath it. You can also place the stand on a stack of books and still have the camera directly above larger documents, which works better than raising the camera to its highest position and photographing the document at an angle.
Okiolabs website provides three apps you can download: Snapshot and recorder, Stop Motion, and Time-lapse. You can find how-to videos on YouTube which will show you how to use the Stop Motion and Time-lapse software to add easy to implement features useful for presentations. Timelapse is a useful feature for educational videos where you can modify a document under the camera, perhaps adding bullet points, highlighting different passages or to illustrate artistic talents in a time compressed video. You can also use this camera and the Stop Motion app to prepare stop action “movies.” I found this feature fun to play with and useful to prepare educational videos or to make videos for YouTube. One of the things that makes it easy to use is that it leaves a ghost image from the previous photo so you can make very small movements of objects so you can stitch these frames into video and control the number of frames per second you choose to show as a stop action video.
On a Windows 11 laptop, the doc cam was plug-and-play with Zoom, Microsoft Team, and Debut, a commercial program I use. Thanks to a very good microphone, it also serves as an excellent 3 MP webcam. You can stand 10-15 feet away from the camera and still record your presentation without having to raise your voice. This would be very useful for online meetings where the location has several participants spaced around a small table.
The webcam is a good quality one.You can use it as a standalone webcam or a document sharer. The webcam has a good picture quality and I would recommend i
I got this to replace my Elmo that takes up too much space on my desk. I am very happy with this decision. On top of taking a lot less space on the desk, it’s a lot easier to store and not as bulky when it’s sitting there not being used. It’s a great find and a great buy.
Love, love, love! This camera is great! It is perfect for meetings and school. I can share notes and drawings very easily! It is easy to set up and is very small and lightweight. The camera and picture quality are great! The auto focus works really well. I will be recommending this to anyone looking for a camera presenter!
I got this Okiocam S2 document from Okiuolabs to allow my wife and kids to do some photo and document scanning. For myself, I have a flatbed scanner that I like to use, but that’s too time consuming and challenging for them. So, I think this will be a much easier way to go.
There’s really no assembly required, only positioning the articulating arm and tucking the cable into the cable guides. The photo head extends well and can rotate 180 degrees. The cable is really long and has a silicone zip tie to bundle the cable for storage. It also includes a USB-A to USB-C adaptor if you need it.
I used an older Windows 10 system’s “Camera” app which recognized the Okiocam right away. The camera has brightness controls that give a good range to lighten or darken the image as well as a 180 degree rotate button. It has a focus button, but I found the images were always well focused without any assistance required. The windows camera app can also record video if you want. The instructions mentions their own software that you can download, but I saw no reason to try it.
I am going to use this as I teach a high school science class so I can project my paper onto the screen as I solve problems.
The Okiocam also has a microphone, so this could be used for Skype/Zoom as well. I didn’t test that as I didn’t have a need for that. It did work in some very low light conditions, though the resolution suffered a little, as can be expected.
I did find it took a little bit of effort to get used to positioning the documents and getting the height of the camera right to capture all of a page without a lot of excess space on a side. With scanning book pages, it is also a little tricky to get the page flattened well and not get your fingers into the captured image.
Overall, the images turned out well–even small text was legible. It wasn’t crystal-clear perfect, but if the goal is to capture legibly, this works fine.
I think this will come down to quality vs. convenience. For me, I like the quality of my flatbed scanner. For my wife, she will like the convenience of this, being able to view the actual image and capture it in a single click, rather than waiting for a scanner to run and do its thing.
1. CAMERA QUALITY is Very Good
2. AUTO FOCUS is good…*Note: The Product running program significantly affects this Auto Focus
3. PICTURE QUALITY is also good
4. VIDEO QUALITY is good
5. Product INCLUDES a weight to hold the Product’s Position
1. PRODUCT does NOT have a LIGHT
This product works great, hardware download was easy. Camera has a very nice and clear picture. I use to scan documents to my computer. Would recommend to others.
This webcam works well for sharing documents in a video conference, but also works well as a regular webcam. The stand allows it to be raised to a height of 14.5 inches, which I find to be a good height for focusing on my face while seated at my desk. Picture quality is good and colors are accurate. My laptop recognized it as 1080p (1920×1080), but it is also capable of 1920×1440. Overall, I’m very pleased with this camera.
It works fine with the Windows 10 camera app, which will take photos or record videos. The plus/minus exposure buttons and the 180 flip button and the auto focus button all work with the default windows 10 camera app. The only way I could get it to capture an entire 8.5 by 11 page in the MS app was to put this device on top of the box it came in to raise it higher off my desk. But that was with using the default windows 10 app. Their app will let you zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, and it has several other features that the Microsoft app does not.
Their tech support is good. Their website for this product is also good. There is a terrible, occasional interference if I use this with my Dell desktop ,whether I set the flicker to 60hz or 50hz, which are the only two options. But this is not a flicker issue. Their website refers to it as “glitching.” It’s like some other device or a fan is causing interference with the screen. I turned off the office lights, but I still get this disturbance on my screen every 10 to 20 seconds. I plugged it up to my USB 3.1 port on the back of the computer thinking it might be a power problem, but it was not. I still had the issue on my Dell Optiplex after I installed their latest firmware update I got from their website. So this camera glitches frequently on my main computer or monitor enough that video recording is impossible, but the flicker is non-existent on my HP Pavillion. This camera and the Okiolabs app and the Microsoft camera app work flawlessly on my HP Pavillion.
Note, your pictures and videos are going to be saved as .webm format with this device.
I haven’t used it yet, but I was so shocked to see how small this document camera was out of the box. The size is very convenient for on the go. I wished it came with a pouch to keep the documents and usb-c connector all together.
It is very easy to adjust this however I want. The camera head has the control buttons on top of it and the bottom of the base has rubber to keep it from moving while in ise.
Once I use this, I’ll update my review.
I have a scanner as part of my printer, but when you need a picture of something in a book, it’s hard to get that inside edge. This small, but powerfull little camera allows you to position the camera in just about any position to get the picture just right. It can also be used as an object camera to snap pictures of items you want to sell. When folded up, it’s pretty compact, but feels pretty stable when all the way extended and takes a picture with a layout of a piece of paper. (A little larger than 8.5″x11″) The camera arms can be moved to get closer to the document or object or it has a digital zoom also. there is an auto-focus and it works well. You can manually adjust also. There is a free Windows app that once installed controls the camera and takes snapshots or video of the area in view. Having extra light on either side of the camera to illuminate the are helps with the contrast, especially on lighter documents. You do have some aperature and speed control while in the app. I want to use it so I can enlarge music pages for easier reading.
So what is it?…It is a top quality webcam mounted on a articulated arm designed to be a webcam or a document/table top visualizer allowing you to record/stream live images from above.
Absolutely premium build quality on this product and folds down to virtually flat allowing for total portability in the supplied case. Fits perfectly into my laptop case pocket with very little bulge. Would be very useful for a creator of art or as a business tool or even as a projector for teaching, you name it!
I am using it as a webcam, straight and simple, as the Okiocams camera quality trumps anything my laptop can offer however in the future this product may become more useful to myself.
The complimenting software available via the Okiolabs website works incredibly well and is fully intuitive, the buttons on the camera do take a little getting used to finding without looking at the unit but after a few uses muscle memory takes over.
Really enjoying using this device…it makes an excellent webcam and I have absolutely no reservations about it…well done OKIOLABS
My son uses this with his tutor so he can monitor and interact with him like he is sitting next to him. This camera is an amazing value for what it is. Great product.
Very easy to set up and get running. I have tested this out on my iMac and my MacBook Pro. First, I just want to get out of the way a couple of very minor negative issues. I personally found the LED light not quite bright enough, but it wasn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination. I also thought the picture quality wasn’t quite as sharp as I would hope for, but by no means was it terrible. That said, I still think the review warrants 4 stars which are worthy of a recommendation to you.
Beyond those issues, the visualiser is very easy to set up. Has been designed and manufactured to a high standard. The instructions are simple, yet easy to follow. Once plugged into my Mac, the software was quick to download and install. Your mouse then effectively becomes the control for the visualiser and webcam. I haven’t used all the features as there are so many. For example, there is some stop-motion functionality, that my son is keen to try with Lego.
I think if you are a teacher of fine art, graphic design, electronics, etc., then this could be a very handy item to own. It works with Microsoft Teams and Collaborate on Blackboard VTE if you use those.
This is a sturdy little gadget that enables you to display items onto your laptop via the visualizer.
You plug it into your laptop and download the app and supposedly away you go.
The picture quality is not the best but is sufficient for the purposes and you can adjust the picture settings as desired.
Unfortunately I have been unable to get it to display full screen despite reading the instructions on the app – they would only tell me how to view in preview mode which is whatcive shown on the video.
I have spent about half an hour trying to get this to work – probably something very simple but it should be easier.
I will try again another time to see if I have more success and will update the review then.
Ok, well this is a bit of a specialised item. If you only want a webcam then this would be a rather overpriced and unnecessary choice. However, for regular group meetings, zoom events, lectures, displays, presentations, demonstrations and education purposes then I can see that this camera and adjustable stand from Okiolabs would certainly be a useful piece of kit.
It is very well designed and built, made from premium materials, it feels sturdy and durable. The stand and base have a nice weight and the multi-position adjustable arm and camera stay exactly where they are positioned. Various buttons on the camera control the LED light, the focus and the orientation etc., and some of these functions can also be remotely controlled from the software.
Note that this camera can only be used with Okiolabs software on a Windows PC, Mac or Chromebook. It can not be used by directly plugging it into a projector, TV, mobile phone, android or ios tablet etc.
The free Okiolabs software is easily and quickly downloaded from their website. The three main software apps allow the operation of the camera for; 1) – capturing or creating still pictures (snapshots) and video, 2) – creating stop-motion animated videos, and 3) – creating time-lapse videos. The software is easy to use and is actually quite fun to play around with. These tools are obviously very useful for teachers and presenters.
1. It seems that videos can only be saved as .webm format files which cannot be readily imported to most current video editors without first converting them to a more common format.
2. Despite being capable of 4K, I have not so far been overly impressed with the video quality, though this may well be down to my poor setup, lighting, focusing and my general lack of experience with the device.
3. The USB cable could be longer (I had to use a USB extension).
4. Price.
This visualiser has been an absolute godsend in my classroom. We now have smart TVs which we mirror onto with our Macbook Pros for teaching, and the school got rid of the old (cumbersome and defunct) visualisers a few years ago.
This visualiser by OKIOLABS (I am reviewing the OKIOCAM S2 Pro version) is incredibly easy to use. It’s compact and easy to carry from class to class as well. It comes in a simple cardboard box and folds down flat. It also comes with a zip-up soft case and USBc converter (it has a standard USB connector on its cable).
You need to go to the website to download the software (Windows or Mac) for your device. This ease easy and once installed (quick) the camera software opens as shown in my short clip. You can zoom in and out with your mouse, the control panel or one of the buttons on top of the camera. It has a light that can also be switched on and off. The image can also be flipped at the touch of the other button (or the control panel on the software. The picture can be tweaked using one of the many menu options too (colour, brightness etc.)
The image quality is fabulous. I am using it mainly to show and edit children’s work in so that the whole class can see, and also modelling close detail to them. It’s perfect for this!
The camera can also be used for conference video calls and I can see how this would be far better than just using a laptop’s buit-in webcam as it can be positioned wherever you want.
The camera is currently selling at a Prime price of 129 which I think reflects its value. It’s an excellent camera and I highly recommend it!
This camera is really good. Picture quality is clear and precise. Used this to show my sister how to make a dish and it was easy to angle as need be. It was easier to use than a std tablet camera as I was able to angle this close enough to my chopping board and pot to show method correctly. It is pricey but worth it if you are into creative stuff or teach from home.
Definitely recommend
Very stable connection, great speed. It is projecting very natural and clear picture. Compatible and easy to use. I can recommend it!
The stand is pretty stable, easy to adjust the heights and angles. It is like a mini desk light with camera.
The camera itself if pretty good at 4K, comes with LED and mic. ( However, I can only tried up to 1080HD on my ancient laptop )
This is just nice for the Teams meeting, handy for those on the spot notes or drafts.
The back buttons allow you to flip and zoom, also LED on/off, without getting to the program. Would be nice if the brightness can be adjusted too.
The cable should be better placed, ie: hidden coming in from the side rather than the back. Looks better and improve flexibility.
Can be folded flat and store into the included pouch.
Price wise, slightly steep at 129, could have gone a step up to cover A3.
I’m so impressed with this not only is it light weight and compact the quality is unbelievable, from the actual device itself to the picture quality and features, it’s so incredibly clear and detailed on screen I’m amazed, definitely worth every penny, my old one cost way more and I did think that it had a good picture etc until I used this, I’m very happy with it and would highly recommend this to anyone who uses them wether for work or personal, I honestly can’t rate it high enough
Very slick and minimalistic- ideal for an already congested desk. I use it when carrying out online tutoring. At first it was a nightmare to get into perspective, as the image would always appear the wrong way up when using teams. After a lot of fiddling about, I realised it needs to be used on the separate camera app on the desktop, which then needs to be screen shared.
To be fair to the item it does do what it sets out to do which is to show you on your laptop, screen monitor or on projector or online to a class of students your presentation and the main feature is the mobile camera and the fact that you can change at any point the position is one of the highlights.
The installation is not extremely complicated, all you need is to go on the website and download the main software which is very simple to use with the option to close up zoom and increase light.
It has an led light attached which you can turn on and off from the camera itself ..its made for highlighting documents definitely not to light up a dark room.
All in all, if you need a good camera for your presentations, training or teaching this will do the trick.
This is just the job, i run online quizzes and use this for a pictionary type round, the quality of the image is good, nice sharp colours and good lighting.
It all comes in a nice case along with good clear instructions. there is a website for further tecnical queries.
Quick and easy to get going with.
Very good
This OkioCam S2 Pro is a compact device that I’d liken in function to an overhead projector for your PC or other device. You can also use it as a webcam. The unit comes well presented in a box about the size of a box of tissues which includes the unit, a carry case plus connection leads and a well written/illustrated user guide with links to software if you need it. The unit in its case is the size of a large wallet and that includes the foldout stand.
I am a keen member of a model car forum and have used this Okiocam to show my latest acquisitions to other modellers. The picture quality is very high and it certainly lives up to its 1080P HD billing. The unit uses a Sony sensor which seems to prefer lighter conditions but the camera head includes LED lighting which is very handy. Colour and detail rendition is very good plus there’s an autofocus to optimise sharpness.
The included software is well designed and offers additional functionality such as recording, time lapse and motion control etc. I also fund the device integrates well with Zoom and Teams etc. The button controlled 4x digital zoom button is handy too plus it’s easy to rotate images etc. without reverting to software.
I rate this OkioCam as a real discovery for lots of online activity plus it’s much better than the average webcam. The build quality is good as is the supporting software and the unit occupies only a small footprint on your desk whilst delivering excellent picture/audio quality. This would be an invaluable product for schools, training centres and other learning activities as well as the home office.
This is such a great camera- I thought my current web camera was good until I plugged this one in- it’s so high def you could see the individual thread detail on my top. When I used it with the light it made me look really blue when I was closer to the camera but when I placed the camera behind my laptop this looked much better. The image remains really clear with no loss of quality when using the zoom function. It’s very compact, with two forward-backward hinges on the arm and another that flips the camera over, meaning you can get the camera to almost any angle. The base is very heavy and provides a great stable base.
Other than using it with another programme such as Skype or Zoom, you do need to install multiple different free programs for each way you want to use the camera- eg a stop motion program, a snapshot program, timelapse or camera control. This can be downloaded for windows or mac but unfortunately can’t be used with eg android devices. We have used the stop motion which was so easy to use.
I use it with my online tutor students.
The software was easy to download to my computer.
The adjustments are on top of the camera head.
It gets a wide range view for my needs.
The camera is clear however, when I record the light does dim a tad, but that’s an easy fix.
I just make sure to use it in a space with nice lighting.
It folds down and puts away easily.
I love this!
Unpacking the document photographer/web cam I could see and feel how well designed it is.
The cable has a tie which is soft silicon.
The entire device folds down very small and there’s a neat bag for storage.
The instructions are extremely clear with lots of diagrams.
I thought I’d get it plugged in using the USB cable and give it a go on my PC (in the video I say, “I’m on my TV” but I’m not! It’s my PC monitor – I got overexcited.
I tried it as a webcam in my dark little corner where my PC lives – the light levels were really low and I didn’t switch on the light to brighten things although I could have. Really couldn’t believe how easy it is and there’s plenty of extra software to download from the manufacturer’s website. Stop motion video sounds fun.
This is so simply, so well made and well designed. It’s versatile and I recommend it very highly indeed for ease of use and excellent support website.
This visualiser integrates Sony 13MP CMOS sensor in 4K Ultra HD to provide a crystal-clear streaming ability in 1080p and 30FPS — anyone that has struggled with cheap web cameras and visualisers will notice and night and day difference in the picture quality with this product. I tested it out on some workbooks I am producing and wanted to give instructions on how to use them. The results were so good I realised that my nails were looking shabby, and I needed to redo them — nothing is hidden behind blur with this quality visualiser!
There is a very good feature that helps you provide a good quality output in dire lighting conditions. The bright LEDs give you a photoshoot-style lighting effect which means you can get an excellent result, wherever you are. This is particularly handy in old buildings, where video quality notoriously suffers due to poor lighting without some artificial help.
I was particularly impressed that there doesn’t seem to be any loss of quality when zooming in. This makes such a difference when you need to get in on the details. You can have the confidence to get right in there without having to mess about figuring out how far you can go without losing quality, so it is still intelligible — the autofocus allows to you to instantly get in focus and is as simple as pressing a button.
The flexible nature of this product allows you to get the perfect angle. The robust materials and sturdy feel reassure you that repetitive strain will not be an issue for it.
You can also adjust the settings regarding the contrast, colour and so forth — I was happy with the default but may make changes as I get more into using this remarkable tool.
It can handle documents over A4 — this gives amazing scope for a wide range of documents that makes this visualiser versatile.
Perhaps the best part is that is it so compact, you can easily take it anywhere.
Overall, a fantastic item. I wish I had tried it sooner. 100% recommended.