PAKOTOO USB Document Camera & Visualiser for teaching

PAKOTOO USB Document Camera & Visualiser for teaching, Webcam with A3 format, 3-Level LED Lights, Image Invert, Fold, Dual Mic for Mac OS, Windows, Zoom, OBS work with Remote Work, Online Teaching

USB Document Camera Visualiser teaching Webcam A3 Teaching classroom school wireless zoom USB Document Camera Visualiser teaching Webcam A3 Teaching classroom school wireless zoomUSB Document Camera Visualiser teaching Webcam A3 Teaching classroom school wireless zoomUSB Document Camera Visualiser teaching Webcam A3 Teaching classroom school wireless zoom

The document camera is compatible with Tiktok, Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, etc. ! You can start a video conference with doc cam in 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Plug in the computer. It will be automatically detected. No need to install any drivers or other software
  • Step 2: Launch the desired video sharing app
  • Step 3: In the settings menu, change the camera source to “Stream Camera” and you can start using it.
  • Finally: Image resolution can be adjusted as you need

Weight: 420 g
Dimensions: 15.5 x 10.4 x 7.1 cm; 420 Grams
Model: PA-800
Colour: Black
Manufacture: PAKOTOO
Dimensions: 15.5 x 10.4 x 7.1 cm; 420 Grams

57 Responses

  1. ChristiT88 says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased this product to read documents on my big screen.
    This product is very easy to install and it is ready to use.
    I am getting old and my eyesight is not as good as before so this webcam visualiser is very helpful.
    You can adjust the camera and change its position very easy.
    User quide included was very useful and happy with the purchase.
    Image quality is very good.

  2. Andy Boxall says:

     United Kingdom

    The real-time display through the USB Document Camera function allows for seamless sharing of materials during online lessons, making it a fantastic addition to virtual classrooms. The webcam feature is an added bonus, enabling clear face-to-face interactions with my students.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Useful professional camera

  3. Aaron Mamiit says:


    Visionneuse conforme la description, trs maniable. Le rglage tactile de la luminosit est apprciable.
    Elle n’a pas encore t teste avec mes classes mais les essais montrent une trs bonne qualit d’image.
    A noter une trs bonne ractivit du constructeur. Etant sous windows 7, il fallait installer un logiciel vido. J’ai donc envoy un mail et reu le lien de tlchargement du logiciel dans la journe.
    Rien redire sur ce produit!

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It works well as described, did scans of various sized papers and documents and it did a great job. Even it can be used as a alternative web cam like an extended usb camera just by tilting and making some adjustments. Overall its good

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    When I used it for ten days, I found that the money was not spent in vain. This is because he has improved the efficiency of my classes and I am no longer frazzled. The camera pixels are still good and better than I expected.


  6. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Bonjour, je recommande ce visualiseur avec lecture de document intgr. Trs beau design, peu encombrant, trs souple et trs facile d’utilisation. Rglage de la luminosit tactile, qualit vido Haute dfinition. Trs bonne qualit je suis trs satisfait .Top

    Visualiseur Top

  7. Eloy68Kndyp says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This does exactly what it says. Easy to set up and connect. Brillant produc

  8. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Dieses PAKOTOO USB Dokument Kamera und Visualizer Schule A3 3 Stage LED Lights Image Reverse Folding Dual Microphone mit Zoom Skype Teams OBS fr Windows, macOS, Linux und Chromebook ist ein absolutes Muss fr jeden Lehrer! Das Bild ist klar und die Funktionen sind einfach zu bedienen. Es ist sehr leicht und kompakt, so dass es berall hin mitgenommen werden kann. Es ist auch sehr einfach, es mit anderen Gerten zu verbinden. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der eine Kamera bentigt, die leicht zu bedienen ist und einwandfreie Bilder liefert.

    Dieses PAKOTOO USB Dokument Kamera und Visualizer Schule A3 3 Stage LED Lights Image Reverse

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Whether you’re a remote teacher or your work often requires you to scan in items for visual reference,then this USB visualiser is such a quick to set up and easy to use piece of kit for easily showing visual items such as document or drawing and without needing to scan and upload each and every item digitally. Camera quality is very good and capture is very clear and it bend very nicely anywhere very smoothly.

  10. Rick Marshall says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this product for myself, I teach online, it helps me to visualise the my hand written notes on computer screen.
    Instead of using board this is easy for me to write and sketches on paper and share with my students. For displaying the mind map, displaying the book prints, graph and pictures this product is really useful. Before I use to take the pictures on by one and now I just have to turn the pages of books. I would say value for money make my life easy.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Brilliant tool for live demonstration when teaching online. Good way to interact with pupils and showing step by step working specially when teachinh maths.

  12. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Instalado hoy y comentar qu tal en unos das, pero la sensacin de calidad es buena!!

    Comprado por m y pagado por mi empresa, as que genial.

    Lo tengo por la necesidad de escanear las notificaciones del juzgado y multas que recibimos. Trabajo en una empresa de coches y todos los das recibimos a ltima hora las cartas que debo remitir el mismo da a la empresa externa que nos ayuda con estos temas y claro, el tiempo es oro, puesto que un retraso de un da, entramos en penalizaciones de demora y sin descuentos, as que, me llevo las cartas a casa para escanearlas el mismo da por la tarde.

    El problema vino cuando me propusieron esta idea y as no quedarme ms tiempo en la oficina, pero no me cabe ningn escner comn ni impresora y esta opcin la tiene otro compaero de otro departamento que teletrabaja y lo tiene tambin instalado en casa.

    Lo cierto es que… es un poco rollo porque tienes que dar la vuelta a cada notificacin para escanear por delante y por detrs, pero bueno, me vale la pena.

    Sencillo de usar, es como hacer una foto con el mvil. Te marcas una plantilla en la mesa para que cuadre a la primera las hojas y pulsas… sin problemas, fcil y calidad increble.

    As que ms contento no puedo estar!!

    Oye pues nada mal. Editado!!!!

  13. MelaineR92 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It solved my problem, I can connect it with the laptop and easily share my screen with my students.
    Now easily I can share the lectures, images from the book. All I can say it helps me to deliver my lecture more effectively and efficiently.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works extremely well as it supports all systems Mac, chrome book, windows etc. The document camera has a great picture quality as it gives variation in your presentations. I also received email from their customer service, they want to know me as a customer happy with this product and they also sent me guidelines how this visualiser operates with different systems really appreciate their work

    Best for presentations

  15. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Esta cmara escner de documentos es increble!

    Compr este producto para escanear algunos documentos importantes en mi oficina y no puedo estar ms satisfecho. La cmara es fcil de usar y captura imgenes de alta calidad de manera rpida y eficiente. La conectividad Wi-Fi es muy til para transferir archivos a mi ordenador y compartirlos con otros dispositivos.

    Adems, la cmara es compacta y fcil de transportar, lo que la hace perfecta para viajes de negocios. La batera tiene una duracin increblemente larga, lo que significa que puedo usarla todo el da sin preocuparme por quedarme sin energa.

    En general, estoy muy contento con esta compra y la recomendara a cualquier persona que necesite escanear documentos de forma regular.

    Adems, tambin me encanta que esta cmara escner de documentos tenga la capacidad de capturar en vdeo lo que escribo en el teclado o dibujo en mi iPad. Es una funcin realmente til y me ha ahorrado mucho tiempo al poder grabar rpidamente notas y dibujos en lugar de tener que escribirlos o dibujarlos una y otra vez. Definitivamente, esta funcin es una de las mejores caractersticas de esta cmara escner.

    Por ltimo, tiene un magnfico detalle, es la inclusin en el paquete de un conector de usb a usb-c

    Cámara escáner de documentos: ¡la solución perfecta para escanear y capturar tus ideas!

  16. MuoiMinnis says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    it provide clear and bright images, and I love that it has an image invert feature for greater versatility. The dual mic also works perfectly for online teaching, and the fact that it is foldable makes it easy to store when not in use. It was also very easy to set up and works seamlessly with my Mac OS and Zoom. Highly recommend

  17. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Mi ambito de trabajo es la ingeniera y algunos dias de la semana tengo teletrabajo. En nuestro trabajo es muy habitual tener que explicar cosas sobre esquemas, diagramas o dlbujando.
    La gran aportacin que tiene esta cmara es que est especialmente pensada para este tipo de actividad. Es muy sencillo estar hablando mostrando tu cara a los participantes de la reunin y orientar en cualquier momento la cmara hacia un documento, plano, esquema, lo que sea, que tengas en tu mesa de trabajo, y trabajar directamente sobre ese papel. Es mucho mas fluido que “dibujar” sobre aplicaciones de tipo pizarra virtual.
    La calidad de la cmara es muy buena, tiene un enfoque automtico muy rpido y preciso.
    Es plenamente compatible con cualquier aplicacin que utilice cmara y se configura automticamente en Windows.
    Adicionalmente tiene tres botones para ajustes rpidos en la base.
    Por muy poco dinero tienes una herramienta de trabajo muy versatil.
    Buena compra.

    Buena para trabaja

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Customer service is brilliant. Fast replies and helps with any problems.
    Camera itself is very easy to use, good features with brightness and focus. Make sure to download the software link to use it. Also easy to install.

    Thank you!

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Brilliant tool for live demonstration when teaching online. Good way to interact with pupils and showing step by step working specially when teachinh maths.

  20. Michael Epstein says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I am so glad I purchased this visualiser/camera to help the children in my class with their reading, handwriting, art lessons and general presentation of work. The price is amazing and the camera is of super good quality. It is lightweight and easily fits into my school bag. It’s also super easy to set up, literally plug and play! Thank you!

  21. DorettaOVTP says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This has been one of my favourite purchases of recent times. Ive been wanting something that will have great camera quality for my meetings. This is really it!

    Great as webcam

  22. MaryannNovak says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Essendo un insegnante ho acquistato questa videocamera camera per documenti per aiutarmi durante lo svolgimento di alcune lezioni. La videocamera leggera, facile da trasportare e soprattutto facilissima da istallare ( grazie all’adattatore pu essere installata anche sul Mac ) ed ha una risoluzione davvero ottima ad un prezzo cos ristretto. Essendo snodabile pu essere utilizzata anche da webcam. Sulla base c’ anche il pulsante che permette di aumentare o diminuire la luminosit, anche il pulsante che permette l’effetto mirror delle immagini. Consiglio vivamente, ottima

    Ottimo per la didattica

  23. drshoe says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Me compr esta camara sinceramente con pocas esperanzas de que la calidad de video fuese buena y la verdad es que me ha sorprendido gratamente. Principalmente la uso para teletrabajar, para videoconferencias de Teams, y viniendo de usar la Webcam del portatil, con esta ha sido un salto de calidad increible, ademas, lo bueno que tiene esta camara, que otras no tienen, es que tiene el brazo de tipo flexo, asi que si tienes el mismo problema que yo, que tienes poco espacio en el escritorio, o la pantalla no la tienes a buena altura, con este flexo puedes ajustar el angulo, la distancia y la altura de la camara.

    En la base incluye tres botones, uno para enfocar, otro para ajustar la luminosidad de la imagen y el tercero es un modo espejo para invertir el video de la camara. Tambien incluye un pequeo foco en la parte de la camara para mejorar la calidad de imagen.

    El paquete incluye un adaptador de USB tipo C a USB tipo A, idoneo por si tienes pensado usar la camara en por ejemplo un portatil nuevo, ya que normalmente ya traen los USB tipo A contados y suelen tener USB tipo C.

    Por sarcarle una pega….. lo bueno y lo malo del flexo es que a veces al tener esta facilidad de mover la camara se hace “complicado” cuadrar la imagen para que no se te vea torcido, pero si no la vas a mover no es problema.

    Por ultimo, mencionar tambien que el vendedor ha sido muy amable, nada ms recibir el paquete me mand un mensaje para verificar que todo habia sido correcto y darme soporte por si tenia algn problema con la instalacin y configuracin de la camara. Un diez.

    Camara multiusos

  24. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Insegno chimica e spesso registro video di argomenti pi complessi, in modo che i ragazzi possano rivedere le lezioni, in chimica importante visualizzare bene le formule, quindi le immagini devono essere molto nitide, con questa fotocamera per documenti le immagini per fortuna risultano abbastanza nitide e precise, con una messa a fuoco automatica veloce, una funzione utile e la funzione specchio. L’ho installato sul mio pc portatile che ha il Windows 10, senza alcuna difficolt stata subito riconosciuta e ha installato in automatico il software, invece per il mio vecchio PC fisso che ha il Windows 7, ho dovuto richiedere il driver all’assistenza che dopo un giorno mi ha inviato il link con cui ho potuto installare la fotocamera. Grazie ai led regolabili a volte mi capita di usarla anche come luce da scrivania, ha tre diverse intensit che si regolano sempre dallo stesso pulsante

    Diverse funzioni in un unico prodotto

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The camera quality is excellent and it is easy to use.

  26. RamonHitchcock says:

     United Kingdom

    We ordered it as we have online art classes where we need to show the progress of our work each time. The camera works well and is rather flexible. We are happy.

  27. JuanBeauregard says:

     United Kingdom

    Printer broke and needed to scan an important document, got this for emergency and I think I’m judt going to use this all the time instead of a printer. Works great!!

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Needed this for my class and they all managed to achieve a great D&T task with the use of it. Also used within my tutoring online – could not recommend more!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Extremely happy with the camera. I am a english teacher and this is great for showing inserts from books or worksheets to my students. The quality of the image is very good for the price (this is the best value I found). It was also quite straightforward to use. Highly recommend.

  30. Katy Pagan says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good camera. I use it all the time when teaching Physics. It’s plug and play with no issues.
    Negatives-Doesn’t have a zoom button but If you want to zoom in you just move the camera closer and press Auto focus button. As good a quality as the optima ones at 4x the price. Also it is very portable but therefore light so i use a bit of blutac to hold the base down when i have the camera stretched over to the side.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    hello, camera of very good quality, children are happy with the gift. I recommend the product and the seller.

  32. RosariaOlvera says:

     United Kingdom

    Displays any document on your Smart Screen. Saves time with writing lots of notes in the board.
    Instantly share example answers with your class

  33. MaudeSmalley says:

     United Kingdom

    I was a little skeptical about this product as it did not cost a lot of money, however it worked perfectly out of the box and I use it everyday in writing and exam lessons. It is great value and I love it!

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a 3-in-1 USB document camera which is very easy to set up and to use. It is a perfect visualiser for teaching with left and right mirroring and can be adjusted manually for image inversion. It is provided with an exposure adjustment button with which the 5-level IOS exposure can be adjusted manually which helps to ensure we get perfect and sharp images in imperfect environments. The document camera of the hose structure is adjustable to our required angle which helps to capture images and videos from all angles. It is also provided with 3 levels of LED fill lights which help to avoid difficult light conditions and helps to aim for objects easily in dark and bright environments. It was the best value for money that I found and was the perfect one which I wanted.

  35. Eric Evarts says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased to use as a teaching aid during live webinar presents. The camera was very easy to setup and the quality of the image was great. Would highly recommend to online teachers and coaches.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m a chemistry tutor online and this is a great, easy to use piece of kit that allows me to show students organic molecules and how they are reacting. Its also great for video clips when explaining reactions.

  37. Katherin18O says:

     United Kingdom

    I am a teacher and ordered this , this works amazingly well in the classroom. The photo quality is ace , and you don’t need to download any clunky software . It just works from the camera app directly on Windows . You can easily see the image from the back of a classroom, so say 10 meters away. The stabilisation / focus feature to make an image seem clearer also is really good so it’s an amazing product for the price . Simple to use and highly effective . I have recommended this to other teachers in my department. High quality product as well.

  38. AundreaPhilipp says:

     United Kingdom

    The product is very easy to use. I just plugged it into my device and was ready to go. The camera quality is also excellent for the price. I would definitely recommend.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent value, great quality.
    I had this working in seconds. My PC recognised the camera as soon as I plugged in the USB.
    I’ve worked my way through several document cameras over the years, but this is the one I’ve been waiting for. It has a solid and extremely stable base and angle poise frame for strength and stability, easy to use controls on the head to adjust focus, orientation and luminescence. Quality product, delivered promptly.
    I would highly recommend i

    Excellent value, great quality.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Camera really easy to set up, it’s done automatically. I am using it for online lessons through Google meets and I’ve had no issues.

  41. MelaineR92 says:

     United Kingdom

    Very useful gadget for a teacher. Very easy to use and great quality.

  42. ZaneClintwbnsr says:

     United Kingdom

    If you do any form of presenting, one of these is a must have. Forget your usual webcam, this will act as both a standard webcam so you can talk directly to your audience, but also allow you to record some great presentation films as well as being used as a document / item camera.

    I can run examples of products working directly with this camera as instead of having to take ages to clip it somewhere new i can just angle it down over the desk a film my hands and the object directly up to about the size of an A3 piece of paper.

    The light around the camera also gives a nicer clearer view when filming as well as showing loads more detail on close up filming.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Se trada de una camara documento USB,el costo es realmente bajo en comparando con otros productos de la categora
    El kit incluye la cmara, el cable usb tipo c indicaciones para el posicionamiento de la cmara.Se puede usar tanto para escanear libros como para imaginar.
    Pero sobre todo, se puede utilizar como cmara web en cualquier programa y, por lo tanto, es muy conveniente escribir en una hoja de papel y proyectar directamente lo que est escrito o dibujado a quienes siguen el vdeo. .

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Picture quality is perfect, auto focus works brilliantly. Using this visualiser in my classroom and it is great. Brilliant value for money, don’t spend hundreds on an expensive one, buy this, it’s great!

  45. Corrine84S says:

     United Kingdom

    This little camera has really helped with sharing practical activities- great functions especially the mirroring and lights.

  46. EarnestZnl says:

     United Kingdom

    It has a 5 star quality and can move 360 degrees making it very convenient when teaching online. It is even better as it is portable and has the perfect quality and resolution making it easy and unique.

  47. AlbertNichols says:


    J’ai choisi ce produit pour son look original, on dirait un oeil d’une entit extraterrestre. Au del de cet aspect dco, j’aime bien aussi l’originalit de son systme de positionnement. Original mais quand mme bien efficace. Pour le reste, l’usage, on revient dans des choses bien plus classiques. Nous avons une bonne qualit standard des images et de la vido… pas de mauvaises surprises sur ce plan.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Mon premier coup d’il :
    A l’ouverture de la toute petite bote, je dcouvre une camra de qualit et bien finie. Une belle premire impression !

    Mon test :
    contenu : la camra, un adaptateur et la notice d’utilisation en franais.
    quoi a sert ? : elle peut tre utilise comme webcam pour les webinaires et les confrences tlphoniques, ou retourner l’objectif pour les prsentations en direct.
    utilisation :
    tape 1 : Brancher l’ordinateur. Il sera automatiquement dtect. Pas besoin d’installer de pilotes ou d’autres logiciels.
    tape 2 : Lancer l’application de partage de vidos souhaite.
    tape 3 : Dans le menu des paramtres, changer la source de la camra en “Stream Camra” et c’est partit !
    Elle fonctionne sur PC et MAC sans problme. Il y a un bouton de rglage de la lumire qui permet 5 intensits diffrentes.

    Mon verdict :

    Pour cette camra compacte, performante et ergonomique.

    Une caméra compacte, performante et ergonomique !

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use and set up. Fast delivery and good communication!

  50. Kent German says:

     United Kingdom

    Really easy to use, just connected to IPEVO visualiser app on desktop. Better quality picture than I was expecting for money. Highly recommend, especially for teaching

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Camera is good quality, very clear and focuses well on small things. You can take a screenshot using it or just use it as it is. I use it with a smartboard as I’m a teacher and it’s such a valuable resource when you want to demonstrate things to the class that you can’t do just on the board alone! It was the best value for money that I found as well, perfect for what I wanted.

  52. Trista2611 says:


    Istallazione semplicissima, Puoi usarlo come webcam standard, piegando il collo di 90 gradi per rendere l’immagine dritta sullo schermo. Puoi ruotare l’immagine premendo un pulsante. Come webcam funziona bene in quanto ha una fotocamera da 5 MP a risoluzione 1944P e un framerate solido. Come telecamera e visualizzatore di documenti, pu catturare documenti fino a dimensioni A3. La funzione di messa a fuoco automatica funziona bene scannerizzare e semplice, anche e questa la funzione che pi ho adottato usarlo per scannerizzare i “libri di testo” ottimo prodotto in pi e anche una comoda luce da scrivania con tra livello d’intensit variabili con il tatto. Ha sicuramente altre funzioni ma queste elencate gi basano per giustificare l’acquisto

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this visualiser for 2 reasons, to use it as a camera video video demonstration table top style and as a webcam.
    The aspect that counts the most for my need is the size of it which is an advantage considering that the arm can be folded around the base and the visualiser becomes very compact.

    To use it is very simple, I just plug it into my laptop, open the camera app and the image from the visualiser should instantly appear. It can cover the size of an A3 paper and also it can be used to see details very close. Now, when the head changes the position then I just press the autofocus button and the image becomes clear. At the top where the lens is there is light which can be activated just by pressing the button. This is very handy specially while using it as a webcam when there is not enough light in the room.
    It has also a build in microphone and the quality of the audio is pretty decent.

    Overall, compact visualiser that delivers good video.

    ►Compact visualiser with practical arm, good video quality

  54. PAGOP says:

     United Kingdom

    Great tool for allowing you to annotate on a drawing or plan whilst on a collaboration meeting on MS Teams. Camera gives a pin sharp visual of a piece of paper (such as plans/ schematics/drawings) and can be selected like any camera in the teams device drop down window without needing special drivers.

    You can use it as a standard webcam but you have to bend the neck by 90 degrees to make the image straight on screen. You can mirror turn the image by pressing a button. The autofocus feature works well. This was around a third of the price of many rival devices making me originally skeptical about the performance I’d achieve, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Does everything I want it to do.

    Perfect for remote reviews of plans and schematics

  55. Paul Vale says:

     United Kingdom

    I haven’t come across a document camera such as this before. Its flexible gooseneck makes it a lot easier to manoeuvre than others that I have owned in the past. This makes it excel as a document camera, visualiser and even a web camera. As webcam it works well as it has a 5MP camera at 1944P resolution and a solid framerate.

    As a document camera and visualiser it can capture documents at up to A3 size and can be even pulled in close for micro captures. Images are super-sharp thanks to its auto-focus function as well as the provided LED light to ensure that captures are bright. For the price, I am very impressed with it. I highly recommend it.

  56. John Fitzsimons says:


    E’ una webcam multifunzione pi che uno scanner A3 simile ad altri prodotti sullo store. E’ decisamente di prezzo pi contenuto e per questo si deve accettare la risoluzione massima di 5MP, non eccezionale ma adeguata alla fascia di prezzo.
    Dico webcam multifunzione perch permette di avere:
    una luce per lavorare la sera oltre che illuminare gli oggetti da acquisire, la si attiva sul simbolo impronta digitale vicino all’ottiva, non proprio ovvio da trovare
    una webcam da usarsi per videoconferenze
    una webcam per riprendere un foglio su cui scrivere e quindi utile da usarsi come lavagna per corsi o riunioni
    uno scanner quando usato per acquisire fogli etc
    E’ molto compatta e vedremo nel tempo se il braccio snodato rimane valido o meno.
    Cavo in dotazione di circa 1.70m (non so perch questa misura) con adattatore da usbA ad usbC, avrei preferito arrivasse gi con presa usbC e adattatore inverso.
    Sulla base di sostegno ci sono alcuni comandi: specchio dell’immagine, autofocus, luminosit dell’immagine da acquisire (subito avevo pensato che fosse per la luce del prodotto).
    Non ha nessun software.
    Per usarla si deve usare il software incluso con windows, nel mio caso windows10, ovvero l’app “Fotocamera”.
    Non ha quindi un software di acquisizione immagini e conversione OCR su pdf o simili, acquisisce delle foto e basta, serve poi un software per importarle in un pdf come testo.
    Questo permette per di poterla usare sempre senza problemi e non in abbinamento obbligatorio con un software proprietario.
    I video delle indicazioni non si trovano ma semplicissima da configuare, basta attaccarlo ed attendere che windows carichi i driver in automatico, vista come una webcam ed una webcam.
    La flessibilit deriva dalle dimensioni e dalla comodit con cui si riesce a manipolare il braccio.
    Il costo diciamo molto pi basso di altre soluzioni pi sofisticate sia per la maggiore semplicit che l’assenza di software.

    Webcam multifunzione

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t know much about document cameras but I wanted one to use for teaching online. I have only used this product a few times while teaching, but it has been very helpful. I had no issue with figuring out how to download the software for my computer! Would recommend this product.

    Would recommend 👌