Sonoff Universal Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus ZBDongle-E

Sonoff Universal Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus ZBDongle-E Gateway with Antenna for Home Assistant, Open HAB etc, Support Data Flow Control

Weight: | 40 g |
Dimensions: | 9 x 3 x 2 cm; 40 Grams |
Brand: | Sonoff |
Model: | ZBDongle-E |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | SONOFF |
Dimensions: | 9 x 3 x 2 cm; 40 Grams |
Funktioniert sehr gut mit Home Assistant und Zigbee2MQTT, aber nicht out of the box. In der Konfiguration von Zigbee2MQTT muss unter Serial “adapter: ezsp” angehngt werden. Betrifft wohl nur die E-Version.
Als Beispiel:
port: /dev/ttyACM0
adapter: ezsp
Ansonsten ein super Produkt. Fr mich der Einstieg in Home Assistant. Ohne Vorkenntnis an einem Wochenende auf einem alten HP T620 aufgesetzt. 9 Thermostate, 4 Fenstersensoren und 6 Steckdosen automatisiert. Wer Hersteller mischen will ist hier gut aufgehoben.
Pour le prix c’est trs bien, fonctionne avec home assistant sur un pc.
J’ai achet cette cl pour remplacer une cl conbee et migrer ma domotique zigbee vers zha.
Je suis un peu du au niveau de la qualit du signal l o ma cl conbee n’avait aucun problme. J’ai essay de mettre jour mais sans succs. Cela dit la cl reste un bon rapport qualit prix et mon rseau est stable globalement.
Problems started when the device wouldn’t register as the correct item on the Texas Instruments flash utility. No amount of holding the reset or boot buttons, installing or manually changing drivers, or any combination of other fixes will work. Attempting the Python upgrade also fails as the device isn’t even recognised as a Sonoff device by the python scripts. tried on a clean install of windows 10 just in case it was a driver issue from flashing 4 other Sonoff Zigbee sticks on my main system. Still failed to be able to register or update firmware.
Moved to Linux LSC Zigbee2MQTT container, device shows as “QinHeng Electronics”, whereas GENUINE devices show as “Silicon Labs CP210x UART Bridge” (I have many in production).
Once the device mapping is found USB can write to the device on ACM0:
test -w /dev/ttyACM0 && echo success || echo failure – succeeds
but any attempt to use the device as a Zigbee Gateway fails with:
Error: Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP – SYS – ping after 6000ms)
Suspect the device is a clone with incompatible chipset (even the reset and boot buttons are in different places to genuine)
You may have more success on other platforms, but buy at your own risk.
It looks like the E-variant (here) is still in development for Z2MQTT and other bases. So I’ve updated my review, but still, buyer beware if planning to use in HA/ZB2MQTT
The stick can be easily recognized on Windows 10, and then I passed it through to a VM on VMWare Workstation 17 running HomeAssitant OS, the latter also recognizes it instantly as /dev/ttyACM0.
The integration with zigbee2mqtt took me a long time, but finally it was successful. It shows good signal strength as well, after I put it high on the wall using a USB extension cable – and now I can use it to connect with my Aqara Door sensor put on my post box to get notification when I get a new post. This was hardly doable via Wifi devices.
It took me quite some effort to configure it in zigbee2mqtt to let it recognize new devices. I solved it by re-flashing the firmware to 6.10.
Now everything is good.
Ottimo prodotto, la ricezione dell’antenna supera le aspettative visto che abito al primo piano e riesce a raggiungere un sensore a batterie posizionato fuori dall’abitazione al piano terra. L’unica difficolt se non si troppo esperti le prime configurazioni sono difficoltose ma non dipende assolutamente dal dispositivo che ottimo
Despite some of the reviews, I had no major issues adding this to Home Assistant using the ZHA integration. The only thing is that I needed to do first was update Home Assistant to the latest version. Upon reboot I received a notification to configure the dongle/ZHA Integration.
I would recommend getting a USB extension cord for this, I stuck this to the wall about 6′ away from my server with the antenna vertically, and I haven’t had any pairing issues.
Cheap and easy to use, literally plug and play to Raspberry Pi and it work.
Marche trs bien, la dessus rien dire. Meilleure couverture que son prdcesseur (chip TI) sans avoir bidouiller. En revanche pay plus de 30 juste avant le black friday c’est 30% plus cher qu’aliexpress qui livre en 7j ouvrs environ. Pas la faute d’Amazon, c’est le choix de sonoff.
Funktionert OTB mit zigbee2mqtt auf einem Raspi3.
Die Reichweite ist bereits mit der mitgelieferten Antenne sehr gut. Mit alternativer “Eigenbau” externer Groundplane sogar durch Stahlbeton-Decke(n).
Installato su Raspberry OS con un semplice riavvio (utilizzate una porta USB2.0 mi raccomando!), consigliata anche l’adozione di una prolunga USB per allontanarlo da eventuali disturbi wi-fi del Raspberry.
Su home assistant viene rilevato subito dopo il riavvio, installazione in pochi semplici passaggi.
L’aggiunta di nuovi device molto semplice, sempre tramite home assistant, la lista dei dispositivi compatibili veramente estesa e comprende tutte le marche pi diffuse.
Un must have per il proprio hub domotico su Raspberry per abilitare anche il protocollo ZigBee! Scordatevi mille hub proprietario, ne basta uno!
adapter: ezsp
After figuring that out it seems to be working fine
I got this to add ZigBee support to my home assistant and it was easy to set it up in home assistant.
Simple d’utilisation, automatiquement dtect sur Home Assistant lorsque branch au dmarrage. Assez volumineux tout de mme, l’antenne prend de la place. Le boitier ne chauffe pas.
Pas de problme jusqu’ prsent.
Tena el Conbee integrado con Deconz y me daba la sensacin que la integracin zigbee2mqtt funcionara mejor.
Compre este para enchufarlo al NAS QNAP y poder tener las dos funcionando a la vez para ir pasando poco a poco los dispositivos. Fue fcil instalarlo y hacerlo funcionar a la vez que el otro pero la versin basada en EFR32MG21 todava aparece como experimental en zigbee2mqtt y no soporta todos mis dispositivos.
Al final pas todo de golpe a zigbee2mqtt pero con el Conbee. Este se ve muy bien pero est pendiente de que desarrollen toda la integracin (no creo que tarden).
seguire le istruzioni specifiche per il coordinator scelto z2m o ZHA o altri, non sono equivalenti. Moes tuya light switch vecchio modello da problemi di pairing.
If you’re looking for a zigbee hub for your Home Assistant setup, look no further. I was over trying to use the native app with my door sensor to make my stairway lights come on when the door opens: it was taking around 1 minute for the automation to run. I purchased this plus this door sensor : the lights now come on almost instantaneously when the door is open. It’s got this techie like *chefs kiss*. Zigbee fan for life!
I have been using this stick for a couple of weeks now and I’m happy with it. It even senses my sensors 2 floors up, most of the time(no additional routers). Best zigbee stick I have ever owned.
Note that this product is not yet full supported yet for homeassistant. Check current status before buying.
Aprs 5 heures d’essais : compatible avec Jeedom avec le pluging “zigbeelinker”.
Test avec interrupteur sonoff “ZBmini”.
Avec test de la mise jour OTA du firmware de l’interrupteur “ZBmini”
Strong signal and reliable with good support. It works better for me than Conbee2 stick.
Fonctionne bien avec Domoticz (autodiscover) et Zigbee2MQTT (docker + mosquitto), le tout sur un Raspberry pi 3
Integrata con zigbee2mqtt/homebridge e sensori di diversi costruttori. Funziona tutto alla perfezione!.
Ne pas hsiter flasher pour augmenter le nombre d’objets connects aussi en diversit de marques.