Tablet Android 11 TECLAST M40Pro 10.1 Inch 6GBRAM+128GB

Tablet Android 11 TECLAST M40Pro 10.1 Inch 6GBRAM+128GB ROM(TF 1TB), T618 Octa-Core 2.0GHz, 4GLTE+5G WiFi, 1920×1200, Dual SIM, 4 Speaker, BT5.0/Camera 5+8MP/Type-C/GPS/7000mAh/Metal

Great Battery
- 7000mAh battery of the wifi tablet is efficiently rechargeable, the normal working time can last about 8-10 hours.
Task change of the screen
Enjoy a cinematic viewing experience anytime, anywhere
Cellular Support FDD+TDD
- GSM: B2,B3,B5,B8
- WCDMA: B1,B2,B5,B8
- LTE:B1,B3,B5,B7,B8,B20,B34,B38,B39,B40,B41
8MP rear camera+ 5MP front camera
Pefect for taking photos and videos, taking selfies and Skype calls with friends and family.
Map APP, positionnement precis
M40Pro take charge 5 systems de navigation par satellite

Weight: | 548 g |
Dimensions: | 24.5 x 16.5 x 1 cm; 548 Grams |
Brand: | TECLAST |
Model: | M40Pro |
Colour: | Grey |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | TECLAST |
Dimensions: | 24.5 x 16.5 x 1 cm; 548 Grams |
Ich bin mit dem M40 Pro sehr zufrieden. Ist bereits mein zweites.
Verarbeitung finde ich gut. Tablet luft flssig.
Verbindungen funktionieren alle super.
Je n’ai pas photos mais croyez moi que pour les dbutants c’est excellent,bon qualit -prix,je recommande les yeux ferm, bon qualit de l’cran, capacit de stockage trs suffise
Prodotto ottimo veloce,schermo l’uminoso, chiaro e definito.un tablet come pochi .
Fr das Geld fast sehr gut. Leider werden keine Sicherheit sowieso Software Abdates geliefe
Cheap and does what I want and storage expandable to 1tb via micro sd card
This tablet is extremely easy to use, has a good battery life and compared to other tablets I’ve bought is fantastic value for money.
Einziges Manko: Ab und zu sprang der Bildschirm beim Berhren des Touchscreen hin und her.
Nach ca. 2 Wochen Nutzung schaltete sich das Tablet mehrfach trotz noch halb geflltem Akku aus und lie sich nur mit angeschlossenem Ladekabel wieder einschalten.
Deswegen habe ich das Tablet zurck gegeben.
Fast boot up time and other tablets with similar specifications cost hundreds of pounds more.
Jetzt zum Aber, ich hatte mir dieses Tablet hauptschlich fr unterwegs oder abends im Bed Netflix oder Amazon Prime anzuschauen und siehe da… miese qualitt! Nur SD… (480p)
Nach ein wenig recherche dann die erluterung… kein Widevine L1 vorhanden. Was zum Geier ist das denn jetzt dachte ich mir… und ja, anscheinend ist das so eine Lizenz die hier Teclast sich nicht holen wollte…
Daher knnen wahrscheinlich so gnstige Tablets angeboten werden denn sobald man ein Tablet mit Widevine L1 mchte, muss dass schon eine “Bekanntere” marke sein… und sind teuerer.
Somit habe ich nach 1-2 stunden nutzung, das Tablet zurckgeschickt in neuem Zustand.
This tablet is a real god send, I read other reviews, looked at other tablets but finally settled on this and I am really pleased I did. I know other tablets will do most of what you want but this, for me, does just what I need and more if I want. Reasonably fast, although I have nothing else to compare to but no complaints.
Does the job efficiently, ads can be a problem but I steer away from anything with ads attached. That maybe is the only thing but still a great tablet.
Good screen good storage and optional SIM card. Satisfied customer here.
Le caratteristiche tecniche ed i componenti integrati facevano sperare a qualcosa di migliore, ma non stato proprio cos.
Acquisto fatto soprattutto per giocare a Raid di Plarium. Lo sto testando e stressando con parecchie ore di gioco.
A lungo andare la batteria si scalda rallentandosi e a 60FPS fa fatica a girare.
La ricezione Wi-Fi debole.
La luminosit non automatica.
Non mi ritengo pienamente soddisfatto a livello gaming.
Che tiene bene il prezzo che per questo prodotto in questa fascia, non deve andare oltre le 200.
Tablet ideale per chi ne fa un’uso moderato(social, film,streaming,etc)
Insgesamt ist das m40Pro ein sehr gutes Tablet. Es gibt allerdings auch einen sehr gravierenden Nachteil. Die akustische Wiedergabequalitt lsst im Gegensatz zu der Produktbeschreibung sehr zu wnschen brig. Es ist sehr leise! Wer dieses Tablet fr Videokonferenzen verwenden will, sollte sich einen zustzlichen Lautsprecher mit Mikrofon zulegen (z.B. JBL Go).
Ansonsten ist das Tablet wirklich gut. Es ist schnell, WLAN 2,4 und 5 G funktionieren ausgezeichnet im ganzen Haus. Displayhelligkeit ist im Innenbereich auf jeden Fall gut.
Wie bereits in einigen Rezensionen angemerkt, ist das Tablet kein Leichtgewicht. Das ist wahrscheinlich der Akkukapazitt geschuldet. Die ist sehr gut. Selbst bei intensiver Nutzung hlt das Tablet den ganzen Tag durch. Ich nutze auch das automatische Aus- und Einschalten, so dass das Gert ber Nacht ausgeschaltet ist.
Da ich bisher sehr zufrieden mit dem Gert bin, habe ich bereits ein zweites Tablet gekauft.
qualit prix rien dire fonctionne parfaitement ( je l utilise depuis une semaine ) . facile ds la premire utilisation , toutes chose promise sur la tablette est loin d tre mensongre . elle fait sont taff . j ai vue un com ou une personne dit que le sont et mdiocre pas pour moi vraiment pour une tablette le son est plus que correct et en plus dans un prix bien plus que raisonnable j ai vraiment signal . n hsitez pas .. achetez la !!!!
I’m always a little apprehensive getting brands that are unknown and on the cheaper side, but the M40 Pro 10.1 was getting consistently decent reviews, so I took a chance.
I can honestly say it’s about as good as you’re going to get in this price range for a brand new product.
Solid build construction, does not feel cheap
Very good screen/image quality
Lots of storage space with optional expandable storage
Loads of battery life
Has a 3.5 audio jack
A bit on the heavy side
If you want to use Bluetooth headphones for watching movies, then it seems the audio chip isn’t quick enough (fine for music though). It results in the audio being out of sync with the video. Need to use wired headphones
Built in speakers are ok, but not great
I haven’t mentioned performance in pros or cons, as it all depends what you want out of a tablet.
The performance is great for general browsing, film/media streaming and light/medium gaming.
If you want lightning quick performance, or run apps with a high resource overhead, then this tablet is not a good option. If I run apps that are a bit more CPU/GPU intensive, performance does suffer a bit.
This tablet is ideal for someone looking to use it for light/moderate media consumption with decent gaming performance.
One of the best budget options out there.
Bought for use in class when training. Robust when dropped. Function easily. Great screen quality especially for movies. Sound is best of the tablets I have seen. Liked the first one so much I bought a second for my wife. A great purchase especially for the price.
I’ve had this for a few months now and it’s a pretty decent tablet that does all I want it to pretty well and lasts all day with good usage. It’s a pity it isn’t licensed to view Netflix etc in hd, but on a 10 inch screen I find them still perfectly watchable.
My tablet went faulty and I tried to contact the company for warranty claim, but got nowhere, Chinese website kept sending the same nonsensical reply and the euro site didn’t even acknowledge or reply to emails. In the end I was able to repair the tablet myself. It turns out the ribbon cable that connects the screen is prone to come out of the connector, especially if dropped, even onto a bed etc, leaving a seemingly dead tablet. Mine still made a noise when I connected a charger, so I googled how to get back off (easy to do with just fingernails as it turned out) popped the obvioulsy displaced ribbon cable back in and it was mended. I bought a keyboard with trackpad for it, installed rotation control app and it then works 100% in landscape, as a “laptop” screen.
Buying a tablet that isnt an iPad is a bit of a mine field. A lot of android tablets are really poor, bad screen, very slow or just missing decent features.
Thankfully this tablet is none of those things it’s really like using a phone that is quite big. It’s certainly faster than my oppo a53.
Questo tablet ottimo per chi cerca un prodotto affidabile, usabile e di sostanza.
Non un marchio famoso, non ha magari alcune caratteristiche che hanno altri tablet ma non rimpiangerete l’acquisto.
Partiamo da cosa manca:
Sensore luminosit ….. Non ne sento la mancanza, difficilmente devi regolare di continuola luminosit
Flash fotocamera …. Ma quanti di voi fanno foto con il tablet?
Vediamo ora gli aspetti positivi:
Batteria infinita, regolazione della luminosit bassa e dopo 6 ore e mezza di prime video aveva ancora oltre met batteria.
Praticamente impossibile scaricare la batteria in una giornata.
Schermo con una bella calibrazione dei colori, il bianco bianco, prodotti scadenti hanno il bianco che vira verso il panna o il giallino. Ottimo il contrasto
Ottimo il touch dello schermo, molto reattivo
Suono pulito, si sente bene e ben bilanciato.
Molti tablet hanno solo 2 casse, poste in basso e quando con una custodia lo metti in verticale ti ritrovi con le casse parzialmente coperte, su questo tablet ci sono altri 2 altoparlanti in alto e quindi si sente sempre bene.
6 giga di ram, ripeto … 6 giga di ram, quindi app che si aprono senza un rallentamento.
Le app stanno diventando sempre pi pesanti, avere 6 giga di ram vuol dire che tra qualche anno il tablet sar ancora in grado di supportarle, comprare un tablet oggi con solo 3 o 4 giga vuol dire tra un anno o due doverlo cambiare.
La versione Android 11 stock, senza tante personalizzazioni come su altri tablet, per veloce e stabile. Volendo potete sempre installare un launcher che vi cambi l’aspetto del tablet.
I video su prime o netflix sono in Sd, no hd. Ma si vedono benissimo e senza rallentamenti o pixellature.
Connessione Wi-Fi stabile
Lo consiglio vivamente a chi cerca un tablet affidabile, con batteria eterna e che possa essere usato per un bel po di tempo prima di cambiarlo.
Per chi cerca un tablet con gesture, potete sempre mettere un laucher e avrete lo stesso un ottimo prodotto.
Screen & sound qualiylty is good as is touch response.
The battery life is good enough but not excellent and I really with they would have had some faster charging tech but neither of these are a sho stopper for me.
It runs a very clean version of Android with no bloat pre-installed
Over I’m very happy with i
+ Gute Verarbeitung
+ Hammerpreis fr ein Gert mit LTE SIM Karten Slot
+ Gute, flssige Darstellung
+ Lieferzeit in Ordnung, aber nicht spektakulr
+ Netflix, Prime Video und Spotify laufen in guter Qualitt
Negativ (subjektiv)
– Akku Laufzeit ist mittelmig, bei normaler Nutzung, streaming, zocken, Musik hren muss man nach 1,5 Tagen laden.
– Lautstrke lsst sich schlecht einstellen. Gemeint ist hier, dass das Tablet auf niedrigster Lautstrke schon sehr laut ist. Beim streamen ist das noch OK, beim zocken eher strend. Der Schritt von stumm zu Stufe 1 ist mchtig gro
o Da ich es nicht sicher wei, will ich es nicht negativ darstellen, aber das letzte Android 11 Sicherheitsupdate ist aus April 21, und es werden (im Moment) keine weiteren angeboten. Da Android 12 (ich schreibe das Mitte Januar 2022) noch recht frisch ist, habe ich das Gefhl, dass eigentlich noch was kommen msste.
Fazit: Ein sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis, eine gute Verarbeitung, und eine gute Performance stellen mich zufrieden. Die Akkulaufzeit ist nicht herausragend aber ausreichend, das mit der Lautstrke ist allerdings der Grund fr einen Stern Abzug. Trotzdem empfehlenswert.
After a month, my first & continuing impressions are it’s quite well made – feels solid and the assembly looks good
Speed – no discernable lags or waiting
WiFi & Bluetooth connectivity – stable with no issues (I use a mesh WiFi in my house & often get issues)
Battery life – I’m not a heavy user 2hr/day and after 6 days have used 50% of the battery
I connect by Bluetooth to headphones so never use the speakers
Camera – Color rendition good, blacks are black and whites not washed out but the resolution is not super high.
Screen – I don’t expect a tablet to sweep me away with the UHD visual quality but the pictures & video from the web looks clear and sharp
Function – apps like the BBC news, google mail and so forth work well and look good
The price – good but could have been a bit better (hence 4 stars)
Runs the apps i wanted and android 11 is slick
I can’t really comment on this as it was a Christmas present for someone. I purchased this tablet as it had excellent reviews online. If I hear different I will update.
The tablet offers great performance in most of its basic and entertainment uses such as browsing the web, watching videos on YouTube, using social media applications, and reading e-books, as everything worked efficiently without facing any problems with stopping applications or high temperatures. The sound on the tablet is also pretty good, with quad speakers, but it is acceptable for playing games and watching movies in high quality.”
The specs and build quality is amazing for the price. Its fast and has lots of internal storage also expandable . Battery life is also good and there is no lags playing any of the games. It’s a bonus with the cellular capability and dual simcard and 4g capability.
So easy to use excellant graphics and speed of applications is rewarding. Precision tablet nice to handle and use.Fantastic gaming without faultering or lagging gameplay.
It is Rose Gold in colour with a sturdy feeling metal case which is comfortable to hold and does not get hot whilst being used.
The delivery was on time.
The tablet was supplies with a “C” charging cable also a pin for opening the SIM and SD card slot. Although It did not have a protective case it did have a screen protector fitted. As it will mostly indoors at home and seems to be strongly constructed the lack of a case is not a problem and helps to keep the price down. A case is available to purchase as an extra if ever wanted.
The sound output is very good, both from the 4 built in speakers and through Bluetooth Earbuds. The HD display is very clear for U-Tube and other streaming services, it is also very touch sensitive which is good for “Hidden Object” games.
The WiFi receiver is very sensitive and picks up a signal in parts of the house are “Dead Spots” for the old tablet.
We have not yet fitted a SIM card as currently one is not needed for use at home. We have fitted a Micro 32 Gb SD card to check that it works — it does. Have not yet tried the GPS function.
Overall it seems to be a very good tablet with a long lasting 7000 MaH battery which will hopefully give many years of excellent service.
Highly recommended.
When they (T10 and iPad) both needed upgraded, I looked at Teclast vs. Samsung vs. Apple.
So I have bought 2 x M40 Pro – which even without a black Friday deal are by far the best value (high quality) Android devices on the market today.
We are both delighted with them.
Since I make calls from this and use it as a phone and the Chinese are the only ones to make bigger tablets with phone call functionality my options are fairly limited, even more so since many companies don’t think there is a market for it in the UK.
The packaging is your usual affair, hard card of good thickness. Same as in the tablet itself, a huge boon is the screen protector was already fitted, you just need pull off the outside film, no more air bubbles or trapped fluff one of the reasons I don’t use screen protectors (the other being they are pretty much a waste of time these days).
The tablet is fairly heavy, holding in one hand reading my Kindle did leave a dent in my palm, unfortunately my hand is only just big enough to grip the whole tablet across the width so I hold it from the corner instead. People aren’t on the larger side with shovel like hands may find the size and weight a problem.
It also quite fast, in terms on performance, installation and opening of apps. It came installed with Android 11 so restoring it from my old phone was quick and easy. I had to use SMS Backup and Restore for the texts.
When I saw my wallpaper I was quite disappointed, the colours are washed out and the picture would not fit to the screen, automatically zooming in.
But here is the thing, Netflix was fine, colour saturation was perfect as was the brightness and contrast. I think Android 11 is the culprit rather than the screen. It messes with the wallpaper, zoomed in when idle and when you pull a menu up or down the wallpaper zooms out and it changes the colours and brightness. Who at Android though that was a good idea?
Connectivity was quick and easy, quickly finding new devices and the Wi-Fi router. Phone calls are perfect, better than the Huawei I previously had, the other person could hear me loud and clear and I had to really turn down the call volume as it blasted out. Incidentally the international Skype call was quite muffled but it could be using the media volume bar instead of the usual call one.
Media sound, is…pretty disappointing. Back to the tinny phone sound despite four speaker openings that I can tell. My previous Mediapad could crank out the tunes and still sound very good. Not a deal breaker for me, most of the time I am connected to either the Alexa sound system or a BT speaker.
I’ve not tried gaming yet, but the processor speed and amount of shared RAM between the CPU and GPU should be enough to run most things. The RAM is DDR4 so reasonable fast.
It says it takes 2 SIMMs and has space for an external SD card, maybe I am missing something as I can only see one tray. Perhaps you have to ditch the SD card for the second SIMM or maybe the second SIMM is a left over from a different model. Reading the instructions? Nah too much effort.
Overall I’m pretty happy with it, the 60 off voucher helped too. Just make sure you buy a case for the M40 PRO and not SE like I did because they don’t fit.
This is a first time purchase from teclast. and it wont be the last!!
The tablet package arrived next day and the packaging was very good. The metal body keeps it cool. A 10.1 inch tablet is the perfect size for me and it fits in nicely in my office. This is a fantastic Tablet its very quick to boot up. Bluetooth and wireless were a breeze to set up, everything was discovered first pass and I was streaming Funky Radio UK to my Bluetooth speaker setup in no time. Would highly recommend, you wont be disappointed
Was a bit concerned that customer service are in China, only time will tell if this is a problem. I was bit disappointed with the user manual provided, and in reality did not need it.
In all I am well pleased with the tablet, and would not hesitate to buy a Teclast product in the future.
Se pueden tener varias aplicaciones abiertas y sigue trabajando con fluidez. La versin Android 11 saca bastante partido de la tablet. Hasta ahora no he tenido ningn problema con ninguna app que quisiera instalar. Funciona bien con un lpiz capacitivo, siempre que sea para dibujo y no para escritura; para esto ltimo el procesador se queda corto.
Quizs la nica pega que le encuentro es el sonido, que da mucha potencia con sus cuatro altavoces pero no coge muy bien los graves, y se nota un poco.
El tacto de la pantalla con el dedo no es el mejor del mundo, otras tablet marca Lenovo o Samsung ofrecen una mejor experiencia. Para desplazar uso el lpiz y va como la seda.
En definitiva, una buena eleccin de compra y una marca que, aunque tiene que mejorar algunas cosas, puede pensar en competir con Lenovo.
The tablet, the pin to remove the sim and a charging cable(mind, no plug in the box)
Build quality?
Well build, this is the first thing came into my mind when i saw for the first time.
The design is pretty simple, the screen covers the most part of the front, at the back there is the camera.
There is a jack port, located at the top next to the camera(well positioned in my opnion), the sim card slot(whic is also for the micro sd for additional memory), the volume and power buton.
Booting time takes around 40 sec, expected to be faster but this doesnt affect at all the performance.
Android 11 already installed, you dont have to do anything besides setting it up, wireless, lock screen, language, time and so on.
The screen is 10.1 inch, bright, good colors(i am a photographer and I know really well this).
The PERFORMANCE is the most important aspect.
It is fast(in my opinion). I have already installed 15 apps and still runs without any lag when i shitch between them. I never play games so I cannot say anything about the performance from this point of view.
When I press on a app to open it literally takes less then a second and it is on the screen. This is a good combination between the octa core processor and the 6gb ram.
The storage is 128 gb, mind you get less because the operating system take some. You can add a micro sd card to get extra space, in my situation i dont have to.
To get the files from the tablet just connect it using the charging cable to the laptop/ pc and from there you can see the files.
The sound is impressive, it has 4 speakers which is something i didnt see before on tablets. When planning to listen to music, i recommend keeping the tablet in portrait mode not to cover the speakers.
The camera is ok, not exactly as good as I expected, a bit saturates the skin on orange/ yellow when is less light, also when taking selfies you have to rotate the tablet to get you in the frame.
Overall experience? Powerful tablet, good sound. I like it.
Tablet economico, ma comunque utilizzabile senza problemi. Durante l’uso, non ho riscontrato rallentamenti o impuntamenti, certo non lo si pu paragonare a prodotti di fascia alta, ma per il prezzo che l’ho pagato (190 euro), devo dire che funziona bene, non sar una scheggia in velocit, ma comunque, per un uso normale casalingo, pi che funzionale.
Dotato di processore Unisoc T618 a 8 core e il tablet ha una frequenza massima fino a 2,0 GHz. riesce a fornire un’esperienza operativa soddisfacente. Il tablet dotato 6 GB di RAM e 128 GB di ROM, quindi anche sotto questo punto, direi che ben “fornito”… supporta anche l’espansione attraverso una MicroSD fino un massimo di 512GB.
M40Pro dotato di Android 11, che praticamente l’ultima versione di Android, disponibile, nel momento in cui sto scrivendo.
Realizzato con un corpo in metallo, risulta leggero e sottile, solo 9,3 mm di spessore, risulta quindi anche comodo da tenere in mano.
La connettivit completa, avendo: Wi-Fi Dual-band, Rete LTE 4G, GPS, Bluetooth 5.0 e una batteria da 7000mAh, viene dichiarato, con la luminosit standard, puoi guardare i film 1080P online per circa 8-9 ore.
Insomma credo che abbia un buon rapporto qualit/prezzo. Per me stato un acquisto pi che buono.
The navigation and movement is great. Good storage and can be used for my work meetings. Battery is also very good and lasts all day with normal use. glad I bought this over a laptop