TFTEK Soil moisture meter, plant hygrometer, water monitor

TFTEK Soil moisture meter, plant hygrometer, water monitor tester, for garden, flower pots, lawn,2 Pack

For outdoor plants
For Farm plants
For indoor plants
Dimensions: | 26.2 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm; 120 Grams |
Model: | EK-AA-31 |
Part: | EK-AA-31#2001 |
Manufacture: | Dgtanf |
Dimensions: | 26.2 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm; 120 Grams |
Lo tengo para controlar el riego de mis nuevas plantitas en la oficina.
Solo hay que pinchar en la tierra (verifico a nivel de media maceta y luego hasta el fondo) para ver, immediatamente, si la tierra est humeda, seca o empapada.
Y no gasta pilas!!
Como precaucin, y para no daar las raices, introducirlo siempre rozando la pared interior de la maceta. Tiene un grosor similar al de una pajita (de beber)
Any plant lover should have one of these. If you don’t like sticking your finger into the sand this is great and even more accurate! Really easy to use too!
I have never been good at keeping plants alive. So this time around, I wanted to be more precise and know for sure what I was doing. For those of us that have a brown thumb, I think this is the ticket. In the time I’ve been using it, I am slowly getting to the point where I can now kind of guess how often each of my plants needs water. I still rely on the meter most of the time, but it’s allowed me to better understand the frequency of watering plants (I know, this probably sounds silly to some people, but I’m just being honest!). And I do understand that the seasonal changes and seasons will also affect the plants’ watering needs, so I’m sure it’ll be a few years before I go totally wild and not use this meter!
Hallo !
Die beiden Feuchtigkeitsmesser von TFTEK sind sauber verarbeitet und sie machen einen haltbaren Eindruck.
Sie funktionieren wunderbar und zeigen die Feuchtigkeit im Boden sehr gut an. Einziger Wermutstropfen ist, dass man sie nicht permanent in der Erde lassen kann. So muss man sie jedes Mal aufs Neue einstecken…
Misuratori di umidit dal marchio “Tftek”. Arrivati in una confezione con un imballaggio ottimale. La confezione molto adeguata al prodotto.
All’interno della confezione troviamo:
* 2 misuratori di umidit
* libretto di istruzioni multilingua, presente anche la lingua italiana in parte.
Nella confezione si trovano due igrometri, li troviamo nella colorazione gialla e blu, con una lunghezza di circa 20 cm. Questo misuratore ci permette di capire il grado effettivo di idratazione della pianta. Molto facile utilizzarlo, il grado di idratazione viene indicato su una scala decimale, si pu leggere tranquillamente il dato anche in base ad i colori che troviamo su di esso. Il grado di umidit varia da 1 a 10 (asciutto – bagnato). L’utilizzo semplice, basta inserire la sonda dentro il terreno, poi basta aspettare giusto un po’ per poi vedere il dato sullo schermo, la lancetta si fermer sul valore di umidit. Dopo letto il dato basta estrarlo dal terreno inseguito bisogna pulire la punta.
In conclusione un prodotto molto valido. Questo misuratore funziona molto bene. Per utilizzare questo strumento non c’ bisogno di batterie. L’unica cosa da non fare di non lasciarlo dentro il terreno ed anche di non lavarlo in acqua. Il libretto presente anche la lingua italiana solo che alcuni fogli dove sono presenti le diverse specie di piante quest’elenco solo in lingua inglese. Per ora mi ritengo soddisfatto chiaramente bisogner vedere poi nel tempo la reale resa del prodotto.
Se ci sono problemi con il passare del tempo vi aggiorner tramite questa recensione.
* Ottimo prodotto;
* colori carini;
* molto utili.
* Nel manuale una parte non in lingua italiana.
Diese Teststbe sind fr meine Eltern. Da sie schon etwas lter sind brauchen sie nur drei Punkte, die wren=> trocken (rot), richtig (grn), nass (blau). Genau dieses machen die Gerte, und weil sie farblich anzeigen, brauchen ltere auch keine Englischkentnisse.
Fazit, klasse und weiter zu empfehlen ! Mal eine Ampel, die was taugt 😉
Perfect for checking moisture levels of soil / potted plants etc. Has stood me well over the summer months
L’ho trovato molto utile nel regolarsi nel bagnare le piante.
Va utilizzato per testare il grado di umidit del terreno, prima di bagnare.
These are great meters, and have saved my bonsai which I couldn’t get the watering timing right. However, I thought I could leave this in the soil to just keep checking. But you can’t. The instructions state to take the probe out and wipe it clean after using. So I’m a little bit confused as to why you get 2.
They work well though, and they’re going to be invaluable for saving my house plants.
TFTEK Soil moisture meter, plant hygrometer, water monitor tester, for garden, flower pots
We have always used one of these in the greenhouse and it’s very useful
Glad I now have two to use in the house, keep one upstairs and one downstairs
Easy to read and use
Just pop the point gently into pot and you immediately get a reading
Usefully there is a list of plants on the box indicating which plants like to be dry, wet etc
Very useful if you can’t see the soil condition when using grit or bark around plants
Do not leave in the pot though and wipe spike after each use to prevent corrosion
Good price at around 11
Would make a great gift
Highly recommend
(Hope you found my review helpful)
Produit conforme la description.
Un lot de deux hygromtres de couleur diffrente.
Produit fonctionnel et trs facile utiliser.
Il permet de connaitre la suffisance en eau dans la terre afin d’viter de trop ou trop peu arroser.
Je l’utilise personnellement afin d’assurer l’humidit de la terre de notre citronnier.
Pour ce qui est du prix, il reste de l’ordre de ce que l’on peut trouver sur le march.
Produit que je peu recommander.
At the time of this review these 2 moisture meters are 10.99. They are not digital but are super easy to read. You just unpack and pop it in the soil. You get a reading in about 30 seconds that seems to be fairly accurate. I will be getting a few of these as i do sometimes have a tendency to overwater and this helps me keep an eye on that.
Ce lot contient 2 appareils permettant de mesurer l’humidit du sol. Ils sont trs simple d’usage, il suffit de les planter dans le sol et de lire l’indicateur aiguille. Cela me permet de savoir quand arroser et viter de gaspiller de l’eau. Il faut prendre soin de ne pas les laisser plant dans la terre, car leur lectrode va s’oxyder et dgrader la qualit de mesure.
Je trouve que le prix est trs correct pour ce lot de deux mesureur d’humidit de sol simples et efficaces.
These are brilliant. They measure moisture within seconds and there is a chart which tells you what zone different plants should be in. Who knew that I was killing some of my plants with kindness from watering them too much. I have no excuses now and don’t know why I didn’t have these in my life before now. These are worth the 10.99 purchase to not waste money on plants that were often not surviving. I did not realise some of them needed to be dry. I can’t wait to see my garden develop now.
I’ve been having a crack at gardening in the last year or so. We’re no longer in a damp patch that is only meant for growing moss and brambles, and so, I’ve been getting my shrub on. The thing is, my uncle knows much more about this stuff than I do, and he recommended making sure that I plant things in good, well-drained soil. As if I know what that means.
Except now I do. These soil moisture meters are easy to use and read. You don’t leave them in the soil for the rest of time, but just use them from time to time to check the water content. There are two in the pack, and if you want to make sure that your plants aren’t going to drown or die of thirst, I think this is probably the best way to check, rather than spending money on plants to just watch them wither, or wash, away.
These are really helping me establish good watering habits with my indoor plants, as it is I haven’t had much success and not many plants have survived! But I have been able to establish a better routine as a can work out when they actually need extra water rather then doing it for the sake of it.
So far I have managed to keep 3 plants alive over a month with the help of these, so a very good product, easy to use and read, also great value for a 2 pack.
Lot de 2 testeurs d’humidit pour plantes accompagn d’un guide indiquant le taux d’humidit conseill pour chaque type de plantes.
Le relev d’humidit se fait en quelques secondes et remplace avantageusement le “planter de doigt dans la terre” .
Il suffit de :
Planter le testeur dans la terre (8 10 cm)
Relever les informations sur le cadran
Retirer le testeur et nettoyer la pointe
Il est important de le planter la profondeur indique car la terre peut sembler humide en surface et tre compltement sche en profondeur.
Le cadran se lit trs facilement sans prrequis particulier. Il se divise en 3 niveaux matrialiss par 3 couleurs :
= sec
= normal
= humide
Propos 13 au jour de la publication de ce commentaire soit 6,50 par testeur
Ces 2 testeurs ressemblent des gadgets mais ils sont pratiques au quotidien d’autant plus qu’ils fonctionnent sans pile.
Le 2me testeur est presque inutile puisqu’il ne faut pas les laisser dans la terre sous peine de les voir rouiller, un seul suffira donc.
Great product so glad I have these they are amazing to help me keep my plants healthy
Je n’avais jamais pens utiliser un hygromtre pour mes plantes en pots, et pourtant c’est simple, il suffit de planter la sonde dans la terre (sonde bien longue pour grands pots) et de regarder l’aiguille. L’affichage est en anglais mais la lecture est simple grce aux trois couleurs : rouge pour indiquer que c’est sec, vert quand a va et bleu quand c’est bien humide.
Je ne vais pas le faire chaque fois que j’arrose mais quand il y a un doute car parfois le dessus est sec mais les racines sont humides.
La notice est en anglais avec une petite partie traduite en franais et attention ne pas laisser les sondes plus d’une heure dans la terre sinon la sonde va s’oxyder et elle ne fonctionnera plus assez bien et bien essuyer entre chaque mesure.
On est toujours se demander si nos plantes ont besoin d’eau, voil un outil hyper simple capable de nous donner cette infos en un rien de temps !
Deux testeurs sont fournies, comment l’utiliser ? rien de plus simple, en le plantant dans la terre, pas trop proche de la plante non plus afin d’viter d’abimer les racines.
Le rsultat est visible instantanment, sec, humide, mouill. Sur les photos, j’ai test chacun avant / aprs arrosage.
Il faut bien videmment ne pas le laisser en place, car sinon il ne vivra pas longtemps.
Mais avoir deux petites sondes comme a, pour 13, c’est une excellente ide et un excellent prix.
Je recommande !
Certaines plantes sont des “boit-sans-soif” comme les papyrus qui n’ont jamais assez d’eau et n’ont pas besoin de ces appareils. Certaines autres sont plus dlicates et souhaitent une terre lgrement humide mais pas trop, c’est l que ces appareils prennent tout leur intrt. Le test au doigt a peut marcher mais reste trs alatoire. Le mieux est de ne pas les laisser en permanence mais de les planter une heure avant la mesure, puis de les retirer et de les nettoyer. La lecture est simple, par contre il faut connaitre les besoins en eau de vos plantations.
je suis trs contente de mes petites nouvelles acquisitions car j’ai une plante avec laquelle j’ai d mal jauger ses besoins en eau:
-sonde sans piles, simplement enfoncer dans le sol
-dtecte tout de suite les besoins:
rouge= sec
boitier color en plastique, pas de super qualit mais fait le job
par contre 2 sondes, je trouve que vu qu’on ne les laisse pas dans les plantes, ce n’est pas utile d’en avoir deux, une est de trop!!
bon rapport qualit prix 13 euro pour la sant des plantes!!
je vous les recommandes!
I have a hard time working out when I need to water certain house plants, hence getting one of these will hopefully save my plants in the long run. The numbers are clear to read and the different colours make it easy to tell how wet the soil is with a quick glance. As the instructions are simple, I could use one straight away. I simply wiped the end and put it into the soil. The meter reacts instantly, often going to the top end and then settling down, which can take a few seconds.
On one of my plants, I tried it in various positions. Some closer and others further away. There wasn’t much difference in the ratings, hence I’d say it was a reliable reading. Even though it’s top heavy, it does stand well in the soil, unless the plant is bigger than the pot. In that case, I had to insert the probe on an angle and support the top of it. Even in wet soil, the end of the probe is easy to wipe off.
Je ne pense pas tre la seule enfoncer un doigt dans la terre de mes plantes pour savoir si elles ont vraiment besoin d’tre arroses ou pas, surtout quand le dessus et sec.
Lot de 2 humidimtres avec notice en franais. Lecture instantane : sec / humide / mouill
Attention, il ne faut pas le laisser dans la terre aprs, il faut bien l’essuyer ensuite.
Un outil vraiment pratique qui vite de faire des erreurs d’arrosage pour nos chres plantes et fini les doigts plein de terre !
Bon rapport qualit/prix, juste dommage qu’il ne soit pas vendu l’unit, vu que l’on ne doit pas le laisser en terre, un seul est suffisant mais on peut toujours en faire profiter quelqu’un.
Ayant parfois la main un peu lourde sur l’arrosage de mes plantes d’intrieur, ces humidimtres de sol me sont donc vraiment pratiques..
Cela me permet de doser l’arrosage suivant le taux d’humidit indiqu..
Pas besoin de piles..
Ils sont assez prcis et il y a une notice avec le taux d’humidit adquate pour chaque types de plantes..
Il ne faut pas laisser les tiges plus d’une heure dans la terre et bien les essuyer aprs utilisation..
TFTEK Bodenfeuchtigkeitsmesser, Pflanzenhygrometer, Wassermonitortester, fr Garten, Blumentpfe, Rasen, 2 Stck
>>>> Gesamt: 4 Sterne
Abbildungen: korrekt
Beschreibungen: korrekt
Qualitt: 5 Sterne
Funktion: 5 Sterne
Anleitung / Deklaration: 3 Sterne
Produktverpackung: 4 Sterne
Preis/Leistung: 3 Sterne
Lieferung: 3,5 Sterne
Verarbeitung und Funktion sehr gut, soll nur kurz im Boden bleiben
>>>> Hinweis zu Abbildungen und Produktbeschreibung auf der Produktseite:
Beschreibung und Abbildungen sind weitgehend stimmig.
>>>> Produktqualitt:
5 Sterne
Die Gehuse und die Stbe sind sehr gut verarbeitet. Das Gehuse besteht aus Kunststoff. Ich kann keine Fehler wie Kratzer, Grate etc. erkennen.
>>>> Funktion:
5 Sterne
Der Stab mu in die Erde geschoben werden bis in den Wurzelbereich der Pflanzen. Die Anzeige erfolgt schnell und scheint mir plausibel zu sein. Ich hatte erst gehofft, man knne die Messgerte dauerhaft im Topf stehen lassen. Aber wegen Rostgefahr soll man nur kurz messen und den Stab dann gleich wieder rausziehen und subern. Aber das entspricht der Beschreibung auf der Produktseite, daher dafr kein Abzug.
>>>> Anleitung / Deklaration:
3 Sterne
Anleitung vorhanden: ja, nicht bebildert, mehrsprachig, in deutsch gut verstndlich, gut lesbare Schriftgre.
Hersteller deklariert: ja
EU-Reprsentant deklariert: ja
Herstellungsland deklariert: ja, China
Material deklariert: nein
Technische Daten deklariert: nicht wirklich (nur in englisch sind Pflanzennamen angegeben, die zu den Feuchtegraden der Anzeige passen sollen)
Europisches CE-Zeichen angegeben: ja
RoHS angegeben: nein
Herstellungsdatum angegeben: nein
>>>> Produktverpackung:
4 Sterne
Folie, Karton. Der Karton hatte deutliche Knautschstellen.
>>>> Preis-Leistungsverhltnis:
3 Sterne
Der Preis von EUR 13,00 erscheint mir noch fair und angemessen.
>>>> Lieferung
3,5 Sterne
Amazon-Paket, Lieferung binnen 5 Werktagen; das ist etwas lang. Der Versand erfolgte in einem gut angepaten Pappkarton, nichts verschwendet.
Ich habe den Artikel im Rahmen des Amazon-Vine-Programms kostenlos erhalten zum Testen. Das beeinflusst meine Rezension aber nicht.
Ich hoffe, die Rezension war fr Sie hilfreich.
These two meters arrive in a nice looking, TFTEK branded cardboard box, that would be more than suitable should you be wishing to give them as a gift. Inside the box are the two meters, each inside their own protective plastic bag.
The body of the meter is made from fairly cheap, light weight plastic. However, despite this they feel fairly robust.
To take a reading, the 18cm probe needs to be inserted into the soil to (preferably) root level. The dial is reasonably easy to read, with 10 markings indicating how moist the soil is, from dry to wet.
There is no user manual, as suggested in the description, instead on the back of the box is a list of 200 plants and what level of moisture they should be in – so be sure to keep the box! Whilst this list is good, it is by no means comprehensive. For example, it does not list cyclamens.
Due to there being two meters in the pack, I had assumed you would be able to leave the meters in the soil, but this is not the case. You have to remove the meter and wipe the probe after every use. This does make me question how many people will actually need two meters instead of just the one.
In use the meters seemed to work well. I was able to use them both out in the garden, and inside with my house plants.
In conclusion, these are a good, if cheaply made pair of hygrometers. So long as you need two, and don’t need a meter that can be left in the soil all the time, then I can recommend them.
~ Amazon asked me to review this product and to give my honest opinion about it. That’s what I have set out to do, so I hope you found it helpful. ~
The soil testers come packaged in a printer cardboard box.
The testers are well made from blue and yellow plastic and a metal rod that is inserted into the soil. There are two supplied in the pack.
They both have an easy to read meter at the top which shows the level of water in the soil. The meter shows 10 levels from 1-10, 1-3 being Dry soil, 4-7 Moist Soil and 8-10 Wet soil.
I have found no issues with these testers they have seemed to work well. Very happy with them.
I hope you find my review useful. Thanks
This is a must have gadget for plant lovers like me. Easy to use, easy to read. Make sure you read the instructions and not leave the meter in the soil for too long!
I have many of them in my garden , help’s to monitor. Raccomanded
As a home of gardeners (and clumsy people) we tend to go through a few of these each year, and it’s become harder and harder to find just a simple water meter that just does that. Often you get multi-pronged ones or ones with different uses on it, so these were perfect, and currently at 11.99 for two, very cheap.
I would prefer a green colour but that’s just preference. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with these and have been using them daily for almost a couple weeks. So far no issues. Happy with them!
I had no idea such a thing existed until I saw these. They are really good! They work well and a lot better than feeling the top of the soil with your finger to test the moisture. You can see deeper down in the soil the moisture levels. Construction is good and they feel good quality. Read out is easy to understand and read from a distance. I would recommend this to all plant lovers.
I have a Basil plant in the kitchen that always dries out, I think watering it every few days is enough, clearly not… this helps me see when I need to water, without fearing that I will overwater.
I am fairly experienced keeping houseplants but after a few years having mainly succulents (which don’t need so much water as regular houseplants) I started getting in different plants and realised I needed to water them very differently. The moisture meters seemed like a good idea and when I used them, straight away it showed me my regular houseplants were too dry.
If you are new to keeping indoor plants (I know lots of people got plants in the lockdowns) they will help you learn the proper watering regime for your potted pets! Incorrect watering is one of the most likely things to to kill plants, so anything that helps is useful. They are especially good if you have moss or pebbles or similar on top of your soil, as this makes it more difficult to tell if a plant needs water because you can’t see the soil, so you can get these and take away the guesswork!
Very easy to use, just poke into the plants soil far enough to be near the roots and the reading shows up on the meter. Don’t leave standing in the soils and wipe with a kitchen towel or similar after use.
I’m pleased I finally got around to ordering a couple of these. I like that they have a single prong, as opposed to those which have two prongs which are generally more difficult to push into the soil.
These ones from the TFTEK brand are straight forward to use. Simply push them into the soil (making sure they go deep enough to reach the lower root system), then leave for a few minutes before taking a reading. I’m using mine mainly for the potted plants on my patio because the extreme changes in temperature we’ve been having recently can quickly dry out the soil. I know some people think that yellow leaves can be a sign of a plant starved of water, but yellow leaves can also mean a plant has been overwatered! So that’s were these meters come in handy. You don’t have to use batteries in them, so no maintenance required, just make sure you don’t leave them in the ground for more than a few minutes, and wipe them clean after use. The practicality and reasonable price of this product, makes it something I can easily recommend to fellow Amazon customers.
Im an avid over waterer and seem to kill off any of the succulent and cactus I have, with these monitors I can relax and know they have enough water (guide on the back of the box lets you know the level of water particular plants need), as you can see both work well, and fingers crossed I wont kill any more poor plants!
Box comes with x2 meters in, you dont leave the meters in ling (must not be left more than an hour as it causes corrosion) and they recommend wiping the end with a rough cloth or paper to remove metal oxide (which apparently are not clear to the naked eye). Super bargain at 12.99 – I will save way more than that now I wont have to keep replacing the poor plants!
Up until now I’ve been scratching around the in the soil and trying to guess whether I can was underwatering the trees and plants in my garden, but after the weeks of blistering sunshine this year, and my trees suffering for it (singed and brown) I decided enough was enough and I needed a better way of testing it. That’s when I discovered these, and what a great little tool they are!
You get two in the box (I got yellow and blue) and they’re super simple to use. You just push into the ground, allow the meter to steady and then take a reading. Simple.
Works a treat!
Sometimes I’m guilty of overwatering my pot plants.
This duo, although one would have sufficed, will enable me to get a truer reading than I would with my finger.
Checked plants I’d water and was yet to order and they did the job of letting me know how dry or moist my plants are. Not suitable for my orchid though.
I hope you found this review helpful
This set of 2 hydrometers, one yellow & one blue, are really useful in the garden for all my planters. It is difficult to judge through the summer just how much watering is required with tubs and planters. The meter will show how much water remains in the top soil and as the probe is pressed deeply how much moisture is in the lower soil. The gauge has 10 gradients from dry through moist to wet.
12.99 at the time of writing is a great price for two meters.
I ordered these plant soil testers for my indoor plants as i have many and it’s basically guesswork on my part to when my plants need watering so this is where these soil testers came into play. My plants were overdue for a water so i figured now would be a good time to put the testers to the test so to speak.
Just a heads up they don’t need batteries and don’t do what i did and only place the tip of the tester in the soil, they will need to be pushed all the way down to the bottom of the pot to give an accurate reading, they worked great each time after i had done this. You may need to gently move the tester from side to side but i got an accurate reading straight away.
The only thing i will say is just be careful when probing as you don’t want to damage any area of the plant. After use when covered in earth i just ran the tip under running water to clean it. I will be using these testers in my garden and greenhouse too, they are really handy.
Between my partner and I we have a record of incompetence when it comes to watering the house plants. It seems either we both water them or neither does and while I’ll do the good old poke your finger in the soil to see if it feels damp he just tends to go ahead and water.
This will undoubtedly save the plants and having 2 meters is handy and we might use one for the pots we have outside.
We’ve tried these in various pots at different stages of being watered and they seem to work accurately. We found one plant ina. Self watering pot that was wetter than we’d thought so we’ve managed to save it from being completely over watered.
Seems like a really good device. Hopefully, that will help me keep the plants alive and don’t let them dry.
Very easy to use and does the job (instant reading). No batteries are needed.
As an amateur gardener I often find it difficult to know if my plants are in a poor state because of lack or excess of watering or if it’s just down to my general incompetence! These soil moisture meters should help me a lot.
The instructions are clear and simple, and there is a list of plants on the box giving their ideal moisture requirements. Brilliant! All I now have to do is identify my plant, check its soil moisture level and water or not as needed. Couldn’t be simpler. Going forward these little meters should be or real help and use to me.
They don’t seem over engineered – they are just metal probes leading to an encased plastic dial, very simple, very straightforward. A good buy.