Umelome Spin Dryer for Clothes 2800 RPM, Mini Gravity Spin

Umelome Spin Dryer for Clothes 2800 RPM, Mini Gravity Spin Dryer, Large Capacity 6kg, Energy-Saving and Power Saving Spinner, White [Energy Class A]

Weight: | 11.5 kg |
Dimensions: | 35 x 35 x 64.7 cm; 11.52 Kilograms |
Brand: | Umelome |
Part: | No |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Dimensions: | 35 x 35 x 64.7 cm; 11.52 Kilograms |
The Umelome spin dryers are great. They hold a full load of laundry. They are easy to use and overall save time and money on drying laundry.
There’s no need to use a high spin speed on your washing machine, and they are great if you are hand washing too. Fold the clothes and lay them flat and evenly in the spinner it will hold a full load and the clothes will come out almost completely dry and wrinkle-free.
I use it every time I do laundry since buying it 3 months ago and it has been great. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to dry laundry quicker and save money on running an expensive dryer.
I bought this after reading about spin dryers Vs dehumidifiers.
The video shows the water coming out on its second spin, you can see in the container how much had already been extracted.
Some thinner items I will just hang to air dry and put heavier stuff in the tumble dryer purely because I always have so much washing to get through. The tumble dryer now takes 40-45 mins instead of 90 mins.
If you didn’t have such a busy household I guess you could air dry everything after.
It’s so much more cost effective than using the dehumidifier which I used to run 24hrs due to amount of washing and it still took days to dry – that cost as much or more than tumble dryer.
Would highly recommend if you are looking for a winter solution.
Bought this because washing hung up to dry indoors was smelling musty by the time it was dry, even when using a dehumidifier. My washing machine does a 1400rpm spin, but this machine gets loads more water out. I have a 10kg washing machine drum, so the spin drying has to be done in 2 loads, but I start hanging out what’s spun while the next load is spinning (takes approx 5 minutes). I’ve found it wobbles if you don’t have much in it, but cram it full and that’s not a problem. Not in use during summer, but absolutely worth every penny, I wouldn’t be without it now.
I wanted to use this for a while before I wrote my review. Have done so, and here are my thoughts.
First off, I bought this as my washing machine was dying (has since died) and would only do a very slow spin. Figured this would help. And it certainly did. Even better though, is that now my washing machine no longer works at all, and I am hand washing everything, I find that I am saving a ton of electricity, and have washing that comes out the spinner nearly completely dry. Its, near silent in operation, and extremely efficient in spinning nearly all the water out of even soaking wet towels and bedding. Even in its prime, my washing machine never got so much water out of a load.
Sizewise, it will take most of a reasonably big load. I have to split it down only when puttting very wet towels etc through it, so as not to overload the spinner. I went for the biggest spinner I could find, that would take the biggest load. Think I scored a winner on this one.
The supplyied container for the water is woefully inadequate for larger hand washed items, but I use a washing up bowl instead, and have had no issues.
I found the five minute timer useful, although most items dont need that long anyway. A couple of minutes and the job is done.
The child lock would be useful if I had kids, but as I dont, its just an annoying thing that sometimes gets turned on by accident and causes confusion for a moment.
Now we come to build quality. I have given the spinner five stars because over all I am extremely happy with it at the moment, BUT… not sure if it will last long term. Although its very stylish looking, and fits in well to a modern kitchen, up close, some of the finishes seem rather rough. (There are a couple sharp edges) and some questionable marks on the back seam. Plus mine arrived with a deep scratch on the paintwork, straight out the box. The scratch is purely cosmetic, and as its at the back, doesnt show so wasnt worth returning for, but its diasappointing on a brand new item.
Another small niggle would be the short length of the power cable. Could definitely do with a much longer one, plus better provision for cable storage. There is a short of hook for it, but its nowhere near good enough or particularly useful.
Would I recommend? Yes – so far. Obviously, as i have only had it a few weeks, i have no idea how long its going to last, but, as things stand, I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for an efficient spinner. If you are looking to save electricity then this spinner def does the job. Depending on material, a lot of items come out of the spinner really close to totally dry, cutting dry time by other means to a fraction of the previous time.
I will update if I ever have issues with it, and let you know, but so far, its def a winner for me.
I bought this to tide me over while the firm that handles the warranty for my washing machine get their act together.
This spinner does a waaaay better job of spinning than my (apparently) 1600 spin speed washing machine.
I’m really happy that the spin dryer is super-quite and it only takes 5 mins!
The clothes and towels etc are waaay less creased and dry more quickly on airers.
It’s far better than I was expecting;
the build seems substantial and it’s a nice matt black, so it matches other appliances here.
It’s not tooo heavy and has ergonomic handles.
As other have pointed out, the bowl is too small but I like the design, if I leave it in place to catch the last drips after the spin cycle has finished, my dogs can’t drink out of it.
It’s really great and I’m planning on getting a washing machine with a lower spin speed in the future and will use this in combination as well as when I’ll need it between washing machines. I’m sure it will be more economical.
Mein Wschetrockner luft nur noch ein Drittel der Zeit. Knnte mir nicht vorstellen dass sich nach dem schleudern in der Waschmaschine noch so viel Wasser befindet. Teilweise bis zu 1 Liter. Ich mchte ihn nicht mehr missen.
Die Schleuder ist wirklich eine ideale Ergnzung zur Waschmaschine. Die sehr hohe Drehzahl der Trommel befrdert noch so viel Wasser aus der Wsche, wie es die hchste Schleuderzahl einer Waschmaschine nie schaffen wrde. Die im Raum aufgehngte Wsche, egal um was es sich dabei handelt, ist dadurch innerhalb von 24 Stunden schranktrocken.
Ein Schleudergang dauert etwa 60 bis 95 Sekunden. Fr eine Waschmaschinen-Komplettfllung werden zwei Durchgnge fllig. Vergleicht man die Anschaffungskosten der Schleuder und deren Stromverbrauch mit denen eines Wschetrockners (der fr jeden Trockendurchgang stundenlang in Betrieb ist), so liegen Einsparpotential und Umweltfreundlichkeit auf der Hand. Wer also nicht darauf angewiesen ist, die gewaschene Wsche bereits vor Ablauf von 24 Stunden zu gebrauchen und die Wsche fr diese Zeit irgendwo aufhngen kann, macht mit dieser Wscheschleuder nichts falsch.
Ich habe das Gert nun vier Monate in Gebrauch und kann bisher nichts Negatives berichten. Die richtige Beladung der Trommel vorausgesetzt, luft das Gert absolut ruhig. Beim Anfahren bemerkt man kurz ein leichtes Vibrieren, weil sich offensichtlich die Wsche noch ein wenig zurechtlegt. Das dauert einige Sekunden, danach fhrt die Geschwindigkeit bis zur vollen Leistung hoch und die Maschine steht dabei vllig ruhig. Ein dabei mit Wasser geflltes Sektglas von mir probehalber auf den Deckel der Maschine abgestellt blieb auf der Stelle stehen und schwappte nicht ber.
Ich kann dieses Produkt bis zum heutigen Tage uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
This spinner removes a lot more water than my washing machine does. This in turn has reduced the drying time bay about forty minutes. I now don’t get damp patches in my drying. I though that there was something wrong with my tumble dryer until I started using this.
I’ve now been using this spin dryer for a while. I’ve noticed that is the drum is full of fairly wet items, then water slowly runs from between the plastic top and the housing. This I’ve had to seal with mastic, Somehow the bottom of the blue water catching container developed a big crack. Don’t ask me how. This too I had to repair with mastic.
I didn’t contact the company as I couldn’t be bothered with messing around with collections and delivery’s of replacement.
funktioniert sehr gut, ist sehr leise. Wurde sehr schnell geliefert.
Works fine. Awful lot of labels stuck all over it. Arrived with safety support at bottom broken. Leaks a little after use. Not sure if it was damaged but too much hassle to return it. Instructions were unclear for starting and stopping. It arrived a day late which was tiresome.
I ordered a washing machine with a 1400 spin speed. My king size bed linen was still soaking wet, this item resolved this issue along with anything else that needed an extra spin. It’s brilliant and probably one of the best items I have ordered on Amazon.
Qualitt, Leistungsstark, Preis. Trockenzeit der Wsche um 50% reduziert, ich bin sehr zufriede
Maybe it is an old fashioned way product but actually it’s a massive help these days. 30 minutes tumble drying is enough. I am very happy with purchase
Diese Wscheschleuder ist heute bei mir eingetroffen. Meine Waschmaschiene schleudert mit 1400 Touren, und die Wscheschleuder schafft es, noch einmal etwas ber 200 ml dort herauszupressen. Handtcher und Waschlappen sind nahezu trocken, alles andere schnell trocken. Die Lautstrke ist gut, wenn man sie korrekt befllt. Wie bei der Waschmaschine einfach rein ist hier nicht! Nach 5 Minuten Betrieb schaltet sie automatisch aus, schon praktisch, wenn man whrenddessen andere Dinge zu tun hat. Ein Gef fr das Abwasser ist auch gleich mit dabei. Sehr schn! Bin mal gespannt, wie lange sie hlt.
Great piece of kit, has cut my clothes drying time in half.
It’s quiet, smooth running and very economical to run and I can’t understand why I haven’t used one before.
I would definitely recommend this spin dryer because it’s got to be the way to help dry your washing in the winter months.
Cost of living, winter & never ending laundry made me do it. I had to do something about the wet washing that just seems to be everywhere (yes this is a cry for help!). I previously had an Indesit spin dryer so understood the concept but wasn’t convinced. This one did away with all the niggly issues my Indesit one had.
I now wash on an eco setting, reduce spin to 1200 & then spin away. I have an 8kg Bosch, and depending on clothes type, a full load takes 3 loads or so in the spinner. I spin a load, hang a load and repeat. It’s left unattended without causing an earthquake. So far.
It’s light, built in handles, so easy to move around. Doesn’t vibrate loudly, easy on/off turn on the lid, and a small container for water to drip into.
I don’t have a tumble dryer, nor do I dry clothes on the radiator. But this spinner means air drying indoors or outdoors (even in this weather) is not such a long process. I do have a dehumidifier which helps too but noticed a difference with non-spun clothes: the clothes from the spinner dried quicker.
It was pointless doing an extra 1400 spin on my washing machine (13 minutes) when 2800rpm in this machine for 5 minutes does the job.
I was surprised too that clothes were not wrinkly unlike my old spin dryer.
Clothes will NOT be dry, but they will be drier and hence if drying indoors will not be such a never ending nightmare.
I hope.
I can definitely recommend seeming to return to an old method of getting your laundry dry fast
No creases either providing you fold the item before putting in the spinne