UNBREAKcable Protective Case for AirTags, [4-Pack] AirTags

UNBREAKcable Protective Case for AirTags, [4-Pack] AirTags Loop Holder, Scratch-Resistant and Lock Design Scratch Protection Keychain, TPU Case for Keys, Bags, Luggage and Pet Collar (Brown&Blue)
UNBREAKcable AirTag keyring case
The ultimate protector for AirTag
Include 4 Airtag 360 ° Protective cases, with 4 metal rings!

UNBREAKcable AirTag Case, Soft TPU Case with Keychain for AirTag 2021, Secure, Protect, Personalize your AirTag
Easily confirm location traces of things you want to keep.
[Soft Durable TPU]
- The best soft TPU material, scratch-resistance, drop resistance, softness, flexible and non-deformable.
[360 ° Protection]
- The embedded clear front cover + TPU case = 360 ° Protection. Even with strenuous exercise, the AirTag will not shake or slide.
[Strong signal]
- The AirTag case will not affect the Bluetooth connection, the operation of the mobile, and the sound of AirTag.
[Easy to Clean]
- The AirTag cover is washable, with a smooth surface, which is easy to clean, anti-fingerprint, scratch-resistant, and drop protection.
[Sturdy metal key ring]
- Fitted a durable key ring completely prevents the loss of your Airtag to reduce your worries.
[Easy to install]
- The AirTag case is easy to install / remove and has no scratches.
Dimensions: | 10.5 x 9.1 x 1.5 cm; 50 Grams |
Model: | UBNU458 |
Manufacture: | UNBREAKcable |
Dimensions: | 10.5 x 9.1 x 1.5 cm; 50 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Les airtags sont rputs pour leur solidit. Du coup, le cot protection peut semble inutile mais on est jamais trop prudent.
Ce qui est utile, c’est la possibilit, via le cordon d’une dizaine de cm, d’accrocher facilement votre airtag votre sac.
Mission russie avec ces petits boitiers.
Ils sont simple utiliser, le airtage se glisse facilement dessus et le capot se pose facilement pour fermer l’ensemble.
Je n’ai pas constat de diminution du signal une fois l’airtag enferm dans cette nouvelle housse.
Die UNBREAKcable Schutzhlle fr AirTags ist zweifellos der beste Begleiter fr Ihre wertvollen AirTags. Ich kann nicht anders, als fnf Sterne zu vergeben und diese hochwertige Schutzhlle wrmstens zu empfehlen.
Die perfekte Kompatibilitt dieser Hlle mit dem Apple AirTag ist beeindruckend. Sie wurde speziell fr den AirTag entwickelt und passt perfekt. Die Installation und Entfernung sind ein Kinderspiel, sodass Sie ohne Aufwand von dem umfassenden Schutz profitieren knnen.
Der umfassende Schutz, den diese Hlle bietet, ist bemerkenswert. Mit einer stofesten TPU-Hlle und einer eingebetteten transparenten Frontabdeckung bietet sie Ihrem AirTag einen 360-Schutz. Selbst bei heftigen Bewegungen bleibt der AirTag sicher an Ort und Stelle. Im Vergleich zu anderen Hllen verhindert diese die Gefahr des Verlusts und gewhrleistet maximale Sicherheit.
Die Signalstrke wird durch diese Hlle keineswegs beeintrchtigt. Bluetooth-Verbindung, Telefonbetrieb und Klang des AirTags bleiben ungestrt. Sie knnen Ihr AirTag also jederzeit leicht orten und finden.
Die ultra-starken Gurte aus hochwertigem Nylon-Material sind ein bemerkenswertes Feature. Sie sind stark, langlebig, verschlei- und reifest und gleichzeitig leicht und hautfreundlich. Die Befestigung Ihres AirTags an Schlsseln, Geldbrsen, Ruckscken, Haustieren und anderen Wertgegenstnden wird so zum Kinderspiel.
Die Langlebigkeit und das leichte Design dieser Hllen sind hervorzuheben. Die hochwertige TPU-Materialwahl macht sie kratzfest, stofest, staubdicht und sogar waschbar. Die Hlle behlt ihre Form und Qualitt, was sie zu einer langfristigen Investition macht.
Die UNBREAKcable Schutzhlle fr AirTags bietet einen beispiellosen Schutz, Komfort und Funktionalitt. Sie ist die perfekte Wahl fr alle, die ihre AirTags sicher halten mchten, ohne dabei auf Stil und Benutzerfreundlichkeit verzichten zu mssen. Wenn Sie das Beste fr Ihre AirTags wollen, dann ist dies definitiv die richtige Schutzhlle!
Producto ligero para proteger y poder enganchar el airtag a cualquier objeto que quieras o necesites rastrear. Es de silicona, suave y acopla perfectamente en el producto de Apple. Adems, incluye una cuerda para poder colocarlo donde quieras: yo lo he estado probando durante un viaje con mi perro y lo ha protegido de todos los golpes.
Los colores (negro y azul marino) son discretos y muy bonitos.
La funda, adems, es lavable, por lo que no habr ningn problema si se ensucia.
La medida de la cuerda es perfecta para colocarlo en maletas, bolsos o mascotas, aunque habra estado genial que fuera regulable.
En resumen, recomiendo el producto por su calidad de materiales (TPU) y ligereza.
Molto elegante il packaging, una piccola scatola nera lucida con all’interno i 4 porta air tag, 2 di colore nero e 2 di colore blu. Sono presenti anche dei laccetti per poterli attaccare ad un portachiavi. Plus sicuramente la custodia trasparente che perfette di preservare air tag dai normali graffi (sulla parte Metallica) che la vita di tutti i giorni comporta. Al tatto il portachiavi risulta piacevole, liscio e resistente.
La confezione buona, Arriva il pacchettino con l interno i 4 porta airTAg che sono stati installati senza problemi.
un peccato che le custodie non siano disponibili in diversi colori, o solo di un colore.
Chi usa gli Air Tag sa che questi hanno un problema, sono perfettamente lisci e non si possono legare facilmente senza accessori, e gli accessori spesso sono ingombranti e costosi…
Questo set di custodie sono ben fatti e non troppo costosi, considerando che ne troviamo 4 nella confezione.
Una volta aperta quest’ultima, troviamo le 4 custodie (due blu e due nere) accompagnate con i relativi cordellini per allacciarle dove pi ci piace.
Basta inserire il Tag nella sede e bloccarlo con il coperchietto trasparente, poi possiamo legarlo. Il materiale plastico e sottile a sufficienza da non limitare il segnale bluetooth. A giudicare dalla rigidezza possono anche attutire piccole cadute. Il coperchietto trasparente purtroppo non permette di vedere l’eventuale incisione che potere avere richiesto sui tag perch lascia in vista il lato opposto.
Viste e provate, queste custodie mi piacciono perch non sono troppo vistose e tutto sommato piacevoli, per devo dire che non mi fiderei ad immergerle in acqua come mostrato nelle illustrazioni, la gomma semi-rigida con cui sono fabbricati non sembra poter aderire in modo tale da formare una chiusura stagna vera e propria. A parte questa osservazione, le consiglio!
Although the listing says this is a protective case, I don’t care too much about this since the air tags themselves are very sturdy. The main reason I bought this is so I can have the air tags placed on something bigger and, therefore harder to misplace.
There is also the strap which is useful when you have to attach the airtag to something (dog’s collar, luggage, keychain, etc).
Overall a good product and with a set of 4, it is a good value for the money.
This is a decent protective case for your AirTag. If you want an AirTag case that is scratch resistant, dust-proof, shock absorbent, and has an easy to attach strap then this is a great option. If you’re looking for a an AirTag protective case that is waterproof and very durable, then this isn’t it.
The brand’s name was a little confusing and misleading since I thought this product was extremely protective/durable. The clear cover doesn’t have a tight seal. There’s actually no seal at all, so there’s not much protection from water. To be fair, the listing doesn’t make claims that it’s waterproof. It would’ve been a great feature though, especially since I’m using it for my son and he gets everything wet.
In my opinion, this protective case is best suited for adults. It’s easy to attach to bags, straps and keys. The price is on the expensive side but overall it’s a good quality product.
He adquirido estas fundas protectoras para AirTag, de plstico.
Entre sus caractersticas, destacara:
Fabricadas con TPU suave, ofrecen una proteccin completa contra golpes, araazos y otros daos.
Adems, cuenta con una correa incorporada que te permite sujetar fcilmente el AirTag a tus pertenencias, evitando prdidas accidentales.
La funda es lavable, lo que facilita su limpieza y mantenimiento. Con un diseo en negro y azul, la funda combina estilo y funcionalidad.
A mejorar, la correa me resulta larga para usar con las llaves.
These air tag cases look really good and give good value for the money.. The material is a TPU similar material used in protective cases used for cell phones. It is a soft material that resists scratching.
In terms of installing the air tag there is a video on the product on the Amazon website that says to put the clear lens on the air tag then install at an angle into the case then work the casing around the air tag. It is easy to do!
The other interesting point the container that it comes in states that it is IP56 waterproof. Be careful with this! The 5 means that ingress of dust is not entirely prevented, but if dust does enter it must not be sufficient to affect its operation. While the 6 means that water jets of certain conditions projected any direction not have a harmful effect. So, it is more splash proof and consequently, do not immerse the case into water.
Je peux dire:
Il protge parfaitement mon AirTag,
Simple et efficace,
Les couleurs sont passe partout,
Le cordon qui tient la protection m’a l’air solide a voir avec le temps … tant accroch mon trousseau de cls a voir.
Pas si facile que a mettre pour le sortir n’en parlons pas;
Le prix me semble un peu lev malgr tout.
This is a great Protective Case for your AirTag(s). Just Great build, material and Stylish. Buy with confidence. This is a 5 Stars Product, me and my Family love it. Great for Children and Adults with various uses (i.e. inside/strapped on backpacks, purses..etc)
– Fitting is Perfect (even a kid can fit the AirTag in easily)
– Very Solid, Smooth, Durable Plastic and Casing – Material Feels great and the product looks stylish
– The strings feels very durable doesn’t seem like you can rip and cut it off that easily. Doesn’t seem to fray
– Water Splash test – fine no water got in. But I do NOT recommend you submerge the product inside water
– Soft drop on Tile floor – product withstood no problem. It seems to be able to withhold even stronger shock/impact but please just avoid this kind of drop/shock/impact (Always a good practice to take care of all your stuff 🙂 )
– BT Connection – Tested — works perfection fine! No degrade in performance
– Didn’t noticed any dust inside after a day of usage, the enclosure is pretty good
Great quality, starting with the packaging and all the way through to the product. This is an excellent travel accessory to secure your air tags to your luggage, or anything else you want to monitor. The disc holders are firm yet flexible enough to insert the air tags. Once inside they remain securely in place, with no chance of popping out accidentally. The material used for the chord is tightly woven and strong. Everything about this product feels like it will last a very long time. With a 3-year warranty, you can’t go wrong.
En mi caso lo usar como llavero, ya que los llaveros normales para Air tag se suelen rajar por arriba al cabo de un tiempo.
En este caso, al ser un material duro, espero que tenga mejor durabilidad. Aparentemente tiene bastante calidad, el Air tag encaja perfecto y tiene un tacto que denota calidad, y aparentemente duradero.
En el pack vienen 4, por lo que por el precio que tiene lo veo francamente bien.
Un articulo imprescindible para tus AirTags! El material es de silicona de buena calidad y queda el AirTag a la perfeccin! Adems queda discreto y con muy buen diseo.
I use these cases predominately as a AirTag keychain holder, and have been really appreciating the shock absorption / plastic cover for the metal face of the AirTag itself.
After only a week, the plastic had a nice gouge – which means that the AirTag itself was saved.
I would strongly recommend these over some of the other cheaper only plastic AirTag holders in a heart beat.
Bonne protection et moyen d’accrocher votre AirTag peu prs n’importe o. Le plastique est la fois souple pour permettre d’insrer l’AirTag mais assez robuste pour maintenir le tout en place. La petite lentille transparente fait galement trs bien l’affaire.
Petite astuce : positionnez la lentille sur l’AirTag avant d’insrer le tout dans la protection. Si vous essayez d’insrer d’abord l’AirTag puis la lentille vous allez galrer.
Bref bon accessoire, peut tre un poil cher, mais au moins on a ici quelque chose de qualitatif.
Accessoire pratique pour mes Airtag sous forme de porte-cl.
J’aime beaucoup le fait qu’ils ont ajout une protection plastique d’airtag pour viter qu’il tombe compar aux autres porte Airtag ouverte dont je ne suis pas rassure.
Matire de qualit, lgre et rsistante aux chocs.
Les nylons pour accrocher l’accessoire sont vraiment bien.
L’Airtag est un produit rvolutionnaire, mais il faut bien choisir sa protection pour garder son bon fonctionnement.
Ces coques protgent trs bien les AirTags et avec le cordon, aucun chance que ce dernier lche et se casse.
Par contre, si vous avez grav les AirTags, on ne verra pas la gravure. En effet, la vitre est du cot argent de la Pomme. Le ct de la gravure n’est pas visible. J’enlve une toile pour cela.
It arrived in the stylish box and well packaged inside.
I like 4 cases included and the case are made with silicon but looks better than hard plastic.
Lanyard is long enough to tie it around most of bags and or key chains.
For installation, you’ll need to put the clear plastic protector on the airtag(apple logo) first then slide them into the silicon case. It fits very snug and it won’t come out.
There are so many airtag cases to choose from but if you are looking for minimalistic and simple airtag case then these may be for you.
Produit comment le 16/06/2023
Au prix de 19,99
Points positifs :
Facile mettre en place
Points ngatifs :
Pour conclure : ; Idal pour protger ses AirTags, elles sont de bonnes manufactures, et facile mettre en place.
Rapport qualit prix :
It’s difficult keeping track of a device that keeps track of other objects when it has no holder to secure it. These AirTag holders are are not as flexible as the silicone style but definitely hold the AirTag securely. The cord provides flexibility for how you secure it to other objects.
It was a bit tricky to insert the AirTag into the holder. It took a couple attempts to realize I needed to put the clear cover on the AirTag before inserting into the holder itself. After a couple attempts it was easy. The holder itself is firm enough that I don’t expect the AirTag to fall out if it’s squeezed or bumped.
Besoin de protger mes Airtags, j’ai choisi ce produit de qualit et qui protge bien mes Airtags.
Cot positif + : Lot de 4 protges Airtags, dans un boite prmium.
En matire type silicone et doux au touch.
Dans le kit vous avez des sangles en nylon d’une longueur de 15 cm de long.
Possde une protection coque plastique l’avant.
Facile installer sans trop forcer.
Notice d’information de la garantie de 3 ans.
Cot ngatif – : Je n’ai rien trouv.
Arrivano 4 cover per AirTag, si apre, leghiamo la cinghia, posizioniamo prima la protezione e poi inseriamo ad incastro, nulla di pi semplice.
L’AirTag si adatta perfettamente e ho notato sul retro della scatola (cover) che dispone di una protezione certificata a polvere e varie.
La qualit dei materiali molto buona, piacevole al tatto e con una protezione totale, il materiale TPU resistente.
Nel mio caso, ho inserito l’unico AirTag che ho, nel mio zaino per il lavoro, in attesa di acquistarne altri.
L’articolo esteticamente lineare e piacevole, si presenta con una sorta di laccio che comodamente pu essere legato a zaini, portachiavi e quant’altro.
Una mancanza che ho notato che l’utente medio come me, acquista un singolo AirTag ma il formato unico per le Cover non presente.
Per terminare devo dire che le custodie sono impeccabili, non ho trovato lati negativi, in pi UNBREAKcable fornisce anche una garanzia sui prodotti per 3 anni.
Un set de llaveros/colgadores para el Airtag muy verstiles y con una gran calidad.
Se adaptan a mltiples situaciones ya que la cuerda permite atarlos de una manera muy fcil y segura a cualquier objeto como pueden ser mochilas, maletas, llaveros, etc.
El Airtag encaja perfectamente en el hueco del llavero quedando siempre bien protegido y sin riesgo de que se caiga. Adems incluyen una proteccin frontal transparente que permite ver el logo del AirTag en todo momento y protegerlo de rayazos.
Otro punto positivo es que no abultan mucho; yo lo uso con las llaves del coche y es bastante cmodo de llevar en el bolsillo.
Fabricacin y calidades:
Estn fabricados en material TPU muy suave con una cuerda de nylon totalmente segura que hace que la tarea de ponerlos o quitarlos sea muy cmoda y fcil.
En resumen; me han parecido unos accesorios muy polivalentes y de muy buena calidad as que no puedo hacer otra cosa que recomendarlos si estas buscando un llavero/colgador para el Airtag.
Espero que esta opinin te haya resultado til.
Facile d’enfiler la protection sur l’airtag, qui est protg ainsi 100%, parfait pour l’accrocher un sac ou des clefs
plus robuste que les protections classiques en cuir, on le sent plus en scurit!
Als Teilnehmer des Amazon Vine Programs durfte ich die UNBREAKcable Schutzhlle fr AirTags kostenlos testen und ausprobieren. Meine Meinung und Bewertung bleibt jedoch unbeeinflusst und ehrlich. Nun mchte ich meine Erfahrungen mit diesem Produkt mit euch teilen.
Die UNBREAKcable Schutzhlle fr AirTags ist speziell fr den Apple AirTag 2021 entwickelt und bietet umfassenden Schutz fr deine wertvollen Tracker. Die Schutzhlle kommt in einem schlichten, aber praktischen Design daher und besteht aus robustem TPU-Material.
Die Installation der Schutzhlle ist denkbar einfach. Die AirTags passen perfekt in die Hlle und sind sicher vor Verlust, Sten und Kratzern geschtzt. Die stofeste TPU-Hlle und die transparente Frontabdeckung bieten einen 360-Schutz, der auch bei heftigen Bewegungen sicherstellt, dass die AirTags nicht wackeln oder verrutschen.
Ein wichtiger Faktor ist, dass die Schutzhlle das Bluetooth-Signal der AirTags nicht beeintrchtigt. So knnt ihr eure AirTags jederzeit leicht verfolgen und finden, ohne dass die Verbindung oder der Klang beeintrchtigt werden.
Die mitgelieferten Gurte bestehen aus hochwertigem Nylon-Material, das stark, langlebig und verschleifest ist. Ihr knnt die AirTags problemlos an Schlsseln, Geldbrsen, Haustieren, Ruckscken, Gepckstcken oder anderen Wertsachen befestigen. Die Gurte sind einfach zu verwenden und bieten vielseitige Befestigungsmglichkeiten.
Die UNBREAKcable Schutzhllen sind langlebig, leicht und angenehm zu tragen. Sie sind kratzfest, stofest, fingerabdrucksicher, staubdicht, waschbar und geruchsarm. Im Vergleich zu anderen Materialien sind sie nicht leicht verformbar und besonders haltbar.
Meine persnliche Bewertung liegt zwischen 4 und 5 Sternen. Die UNBREAKcable Schutzhllen erfllen ihre Hauptfunktionen zuverlssig und bieten einen soliden Schutz fr die AirTags. Die Qualitt und Verarbeitung der Hllen ist hochwertig, und sie erfllen ihre Versprechen bezglich Stofestigkeit, Kratzfestigkeit und Waschbarkeit. Dennoch sollte man den etwas hheren Preis und die etwas umstndliche Handhabung am Schlsselbund in Betracht ziehen.
Des porte AirTags plutt sympas : ils s’attachent facilement n’importe o grce leur cordon de bonne taille. J’aurais personnellement prfr une protection avant opaque et moins voyante (pas la peine d’attirer l’attention, sous peine de se faire couper le cordon peine l’appareil “emprunt”).
Utilizado en mi air-tag(solo tengo uno ) y todo me ha gustado. Vengo de uno muy regular como se puede ver en el video… que no protega adems la parte ms bonita del air-tag que es la parte de espejo, por lo que el cambio con este ha sido abismal.
Para empezar como se ve, viene en una caja perfectamente todo colocado para que vayamos eligiendo los que vamos a usar. Yo como soy muy soso pues lo he cogido todo azul, pero puedes poner una cuerda negra con el protector azul y as tienes una mezcla de colores.
Pero es que el azul es muy bonito tanto el protector como la cuerda para despus enlazarlo con lo que queramos. La calidad de todo el conjunto est pero que muy bien. El tacto del protector, de la parte azul, es una silicona muy parecida a los protectores de mviles, muy suave y muy elstica. La parte transparente tambin est bien, pero destaca mucho menos, transparente y elstica para absorber los golpes.
Y sobre la cuerda, pues muy buena terminacin tambin, con un trozo de plstico en la punta para poder guiar bien la cuerda, buena calidad y con el logo de esta marca. Se nota que est todo muy bien cuidado.
Y despus a usarlo!!! yo lo tengo siempre en mi bandolera, por lo que no tiene ningn misterio, lo he enlazado con una anilla que tiene en el interior y a olvidarse de l, que eso siempre ser buena seal, de que no nos hemos olvidado nunca de la bandolera.
La seal para el Iphone 13 no la pierde en ningn momento cuando est cerca se te activa a la perfeccin la flecha de donde est el air tag.
Il pacco con quattro custodie per AirTag, arriva nella solita confezione minimale UNBREAKCable con sopra il logo durante.
All’interno troviamo un vassoio di plastica con dentro quattro custodie e quattro laccetti, met di colore blu e l’altra met nero.
Una volta che si messo il laccio, bisogna togliere la parte trasparente che fa a sigillare l’AirTag nella custodia, applicare solamente la protezione trasparente sulla parte argentata dell’AirTag e dopodich bisogna inserire tutto insieme dentro la custodia, questo il modo pi semplice per inserire l’AirTag.
Una cosa che non mi piaciuta che se avete personalizzato l’AirTag sul sito con una emoji non potete vederla perch obbligatorio che venga messo con la parte riflettente verso l’esterno.
Complessivamente un ottimo prodotto molto resistente grazie anche al TPU utilizzato, in questo modo le paghe non ci potr mai via dalla custodia.
Senza manco dirlo tutte le funzioni dell’AirTag sono intatte, compreso il suono.
La parte in plastica potrebbe tendere a graffiarsi, speriamo non a ingiallirsi, ma meglio che graffiare la parte argentata dell’AirTag. Non tende a raccogliere polvere o impronte, ma in ogni caso essendo plastica liscia basta pulirla con un panno bagnato.
24 potrebbero sembrare tanti, ma la qualit e la quantit di custodia l’accesso all’interno fanno pendere l’ago verso il mio consiglio per l’acquisto
As others have mentioned, these AirTag holders come nicely packaged in a set of 4 – 2 blue and 2 black.
They feel like solid protection for AirTags, and with the clear cover you can avoid getting unsightly scratches on the metal surface of your AirTags. They also deal with AirTag’s biggest flaw – the fact thay they are not waterproof.
I was surprised that there was a paper included for the 3 year warranty, but NO instructions on how to assemble and use the cases.
It takes a bit of finesse to get the AirTag into the case – it turns out the trick is to hold the clear cover onto the AirTag as you maneuver both into the holder.
Also, how we are supposed to use the included small lanyard strings is unclear. If you look closely at the photos in the manufacturer’s listing, the Airtags are just dangling from from people’s bags and luggage I guess in hopes that the plastic end of the lanyard won’t simply slip out at the lightest pull. I would say you either have to tie a knot in the lanyard to attach it to your bag, or ditch the lanyard and use a key ring to attach it.
Great product but minus 1 star for lack of instructions.
Just the job, holds the tag well and protected by the plastic see-through cover. The clip is very strong.
Practical, small size, early days but look strong enough to las
Very pleased with the product which is high quality and value for money. Adding the AirTag has now made it perfect for a person that could never find his wallet!
Excellent product. My wife and I use also to keep in contact. I know where Linda is shopping
This is the best AirTag jetting I have come across it fully covers the AirTag giving 360 protection I would highly recommend this item
I think that these are well made. I can’t see any form of drop or knock would dislodge the AirTag
Perfect fit for our new AirTags. Fiddly to get the plastic case over the top but once on it’s a good fit. Key ring looks sturdy and you can hear the AirTag beep clearly even with the case on.
The protective case seems good but, having got them for Christmas, I have only just fitted them and have no idea how durable they are.
Well built with clear plastic part that fits over the tag before insertion into the flexible rubber back. Turns nicely once installed so no need for total precision when inserting and avoids unnecessary handling of the tag visible risking finger prints. Nice metal ring to attach to key ring, also a robust quality product should last well. No issues paring tag with iPhone after assembly nor with hearing sounds when tag activated when mislaid. All good 🙂
Much cheaper than other brands and work great pleased with these I would recommend them
These little gems are such great value for money and fit perfectly!! Totally recommend
Good, sturdy and a fraction of the price of anything made for Apple.
Handy little holder for an AirTag. Put onto an existing keyring or head of a Zip and it won’t get lost.
Used to attach an airtag to my dog’s collar. Works really well.
Easy to fit and look good, I think they will last well.
I used them for my Apple air tags in my suitcase on a recent trip that involved 3 airport changes and survived . The Apple air tags were a source of relief when showed my luggage was on n the hold on the plane with me
These hold the AirTags really securely with a clear cover to protect the front of the tag. Nice spring metal clip
Great little case for adding an AirTag to your keys
I brought 4 apple air tags for my cats , these looked the best to put on collar ,not to heavy for cats necks
Had TiLe tags from day one, now moved over to AirTags as easy to find via iPhone via arrow, not as loud as TiLes.
Great value, sturdy, and so much cheaper than the apple produc
Worked perfectly and easy to track luggage on a recent trip giving confidence it hasn’t been los
These are strong with a good metal ring to attach them. Inserting the AirTag and fitting the clear cover is a bit fiddly but I suppose that’s necessary to ensure the dust and water resistance – and you only need to do it once a year or so when you change the battery. These do the job at a much more sensible price than the Apple tags which cost more than the device itself!
Only one issue I ordered 4, and unfortunately the one of metal key rings was missing?
Is there any way to get another shipped to me?
They need some strong fingers and thumbs to get the AirTag installed. The tip is put the clear cover on the AirTag and put both in together. You could kick them down the street and back again without danage
Arrived on time. Easy to insert the TAG and use they seem quite robust. Overall happy with the purchase at a reasonable price
They are very simple to tie onto your keys or luggage. Learn how to use the app as soon as you can . The features on the app really help you to quickly find them but I had not read through andtried to use the app for a couple of weeks after getting the Tags. My son showed me just hiw simple it is to use with a mobile phone in your hand.
Not travelled with them yet but I don’t think they be a problem.
So now. I have been travelling and I have to report that these work really well. One tag was in my back pocket and the protection was very good. Others were in luggage and still no problems. I like them
Service was good the product came very quickly and would you believe that a air tag holder actually holds an air tag.
Have I used it, not at the moment but I’m sure I will and maybe give a different review once I have but it all looks good at the moment.
These little cases are great – the AirTags fit very nicely, they’re easy to use, the clip is sturdy, (but can be simply swapped for a split ring if desired) and the inclusion of a clear cover keeps the AirTags from getting scratched. They’re unobtrusive but very functional, and the sound doesn’t seem to be inhibited.
Tip – when fitting the AirTags, put the clear cover onto the Tag first, then insert them into the case together – they fit easily but securely.
I’m happy to recommend these!
Once the AirTag is in and the see-through plastic cover is on, these are fine. They are strong and look good. The only issue is pushing the plastic cover on – it takes a while and needs lots of pressure.
The connection to my key ring was simple. All in all, worth the money