zootop Air Bed, Single Size Inflatable Bed PVC Air Mattress

zootop Air Bed, Single Size Inflatable Bed PVC Air Mattress Portable Blow Up Camping Mattress Blue Flocked Airbed with 100KG Maximum Weight for Children Adults Indoor Outdoor Activities(191*73*22CM)

Home Leisure
Office Rest
Take a Travel
Go for Camping
Weight: | 1.55 kg |
Dimensions: | 191 x 73 x 22 cm; 1.55 Kilograms |
Brand: | Zootop |
Model: | ZT-0159 |
Colour: | Blue |
Dimensions: | 191 x 73 x 22 cm; 1.55 Kilograms |
Das Luftbett ist komfortabel und bequem. Mit der Zeit verliert es etwas Luft. Daher nur 4 Sterne. Trotzdem empfehlenswert!
This air bed is being used when my 8-year-old grandson comes to stay.
It’s easy to inflate, but as in every other inflatable mattress I’ve ever used, it needs topping up with air after a couple of nights.
The clock covering is a good idea; it helps to keep your bedding in place.
It’s a great size for children and shorter adults.
My grandson has no issues using this, and it didn’t didn’t cause any unwelcome noises while being used.
Amazon puntuale.
Io l’ho preso per dormirci la notte, per qualche mese, dato che in casa stiamo facendo dei lavori importanti, una camera per un po’di tempo sar off limits.
Ho dormito stanotte per la prima volta e devo dire con mia grande sorpresa: ho dormito veramente bene!!!!
Consistenza equilibrata, ne troppo duro o troppo morbido, anche se un po’ strettino, comunque ci vuole spirito di adattamento, a parte questo sono soddisfatta dell’acquisto!!!
Very handy that the inflater comes with the mattress, all expectations met!
I’ve never had an air mattress before, but the fold up bed I use for guests finally fell apart. So I thought I would try this instead. It is a good size, and has been slept on by a 5’4″ adult for several nights. She found it very comfortable, and the mattress didn’t deflate at all. It is easy to store and then inflate when needed. I’m impressed with the quality and price of this product.
Quite comfortable. Easy to inflate. Be aware that it supports only 100KG. Perfect for home and outdoor use
This looks great, nice colouring.
It’s quick and easy to inflate.
Fast deflate.
Stays inflated for a long time.
Survives my kids jumping up and down on it whilst im trying it out, thinking its their own mini bouncy castle!
This is a good quality blow up mattress. When inflated its a good size. I’m six feet tall and would be happy to spend a night or two on it. Its nice and firm and feels robust. When deflated it is nice and compact, making it easy to store or to travel with. Its currently priced at around 27 which is perhaps a little expensive if you are only likely to use it on the odd rare occassions. We have a similar mattress which cost us leass than half as much last year. More frequent users may feel its better value.
I would say it is a simple, useful inflatable mattress. Quality is good, inflates quickly with an electric pump, deflates and folds compactly for storage. 24.99 + 8% voucher at the time of this review is a decent price in my opinion.
This air bed is a decent size for a single and is very easy to use. It’s quick for me to inflate and doesn’t go down quickly overnight like others I’ve used in the past. It’s strong, sturdy and secure and very durable. This is going to last many a sleepover and camping trip! Of that I’m sure! It’s comfortable to lay on, I like the plaid design and it’s not a noisy air bed either. It’s comfortable to sleep on and soft to touch. It gives good support and I’ve not had any issues with it at all since using it. It folds away well when not in use and it’s not too heavy. I think the value for money is very good and I do recommend it.
4.5* Inflatable single mattress
This is quite nice for an inflatable bed and other than it being slightly more than in price than I expected, I think it’s really good quality.
The light grey pattern is nice, this is a different, warmer, anti slip texture on the top layer, so your sheets aren’t slipping all over the place. Then the rest of the bed, is nice and thick, strong and durable, overall good quality.
This is really quick and easy to inflate, you have two caps, so you can fill it up through the second cap, remove that for a quick deflate too. The caps stay in place securely, even wih a large grown man on it for the night, it stayed in tact well and fully blown up, which I was impressed with.
I would recommend this air bed, I do think it’s good quality and stable enough for any age. Not bad for the price.
Great for caravan,camping,beach and home use when short of a single bed.
It’s grey and white check flock so no plastic feel to it or skin sticking to it.
It needs blowing up with a foot pump or electric pump I used an electric pump and it was up in a minute or two the third photo shows it blown up . It will be suitable for children or adults. When not in use folds down nice and small.I feel it is slightly over priced though.
This is good size and light for travelling.
Easy to store away, with at size of a pillow when deflated, and a slightly smaller single bed measuring 190 x 73cm when inflated.
Used it once while waiting for the new mattress at new place, it stays inflated for the night or 2.
However, you need to manually blow it up, either use a foot pump or electric car pump ( which both are not included )
i love the weightiness of this inflatable mattress, purchased this for my little one for our holiday away and its brilliant, it is heavier than i expected BUT you cant help but feel that you’re getting something of higher quality, i do love the pattern also stops it looking so much like an “inflatable”
its soft and easy to inflate!
brilliant buy
Great air mattress, looks good, makes a change from the usual dark blue. Inflated fine, comfortable, not sure why its 34.99, seems a lot for an air mattress. Maybe its the 100KG max weight? Overall well made.
Those who receive unexpected visits can make good use of these inflatable beds to accommodate their beloved visitors.
However, the options available for this bed go further, this because this bed is significantly small which makes it easy to carry, because it is of a relatively small size, it may also be easier to fill compared to other single beds that are significantly larger in comparison.
In that case it will be easy to use this bed to snug in your camp.
My case is different, I took this bed to use in our pool, in my opinion that is the best utility for this zootop Air Bed, Single Size Inflatable Bed PVC Air Mattress with Foot Pump Portable because of its low quality, implied that in other uses, including some i mentioned above, this zootop Air Bed, Single Size Inflatable Bed PVC Air Mattress with Foot Pump Portable can be damaged more easily, especially camping, because it is more at risk of being punctured by pointy things on the ground.
As I said in the previous lines this is good for what I intend, but it should be quite careful because this Inflatable Bed looks more like a balloon than bed.
Perfect for swimming pool, but not so good for visits or camping.
Wir haben uns die Luftmatratze inkl. Fupumpe von zootop als Gstebett bestellt. Die Verarbeitung ist robust und hochwertig. Der Liegekompfort ist angenehm und mit dem Luftdruck im Hrtegrad perfekt anzupassen. Des Weiteren ist die Gre vollkommen ausreichend. Die Fupumpe funktioniert einwandfrei, wobei eine elektrische Pumpe natrlich schneller ist. 🙂
Wir sind sehr zufrieden und knnen die Luftmatratze absolut empfehlen.
Die Luftmatratze verbreitete direkt nach dem Auspacken erst mal einen sehr starken Geruch nach Plastik und Chemie. Glcklicherweise hat der nach ein paar Tagen nach gelassen.
Das Aufpumpen mit dem mitgelieferten Blasebalg ist dann recht einfach und schnell erledigt. Wir habe die Matratze dann erst mal 2 Tage liegen lassen um zu testen ob sie die Luft hlt und ja, das tut sie.
Die Luftmatratze hat ein gutes Gefhl beim liegen und der Blasebalg und die Matratze haben eine angenehme Gre so dass sie in jede Tasche passen sollten, also auch perfekt fr Unterwegs. Von uns gibt es eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
I am currently using a much lower profile mattress for camping/emergency bedding which is quick to inflate and easy to store. This mattress is much thicker and provides more comfort, but also narrower at 2’4″. I personally prefer the wider but thinner mattress, but this one would provide a more insulated and comfortable experience for camping, but is quite narrow and probably better for children. It is of decent quality and comes with a robust footpump (although the tube on my was a little kinked, so something to check when you receive it). It pumps the mattress up well but does take a while (I resorted to my electric pump, which did the job much quicker and more effortlessly, and is certainly worth the investment if you have access to a power socket).
Overall I would say it’s a decent quality mattress, and fits the bill if you prefer a thicker mattress to insulate against the cold ground. It folds up quite easily and will fit in quite a small space in the car or large backpack if travelling.
Das Luftbett soll bei uns die Luftmatratze beim Campen ersetzen. Und das tut sie bestens. Dank mitgelieferter Pumpe kann man berall das Bett aufpumpen. Eine Steckdose ist nicht erforderlich. Das Luftbett hat eine gute Hhe und hlt die Luft. Man kann gut darauf schlafen. Bisher kamen jedenfalls noch keine Beschwerden.
Fr den Preis bekommt man eine solide Schlafgelegenheit.
Fr knapp 40 bekommt man hier ein Luftbett mit Fupumpe. Das Luftbett lsst sich sowohl mit der beiliegenden Pumpe, als auch, deutlich schneller, mit einer elektrischen Pumpe problemlos aufpumpen. Sie hat nach 3 Tagen immer noch keine Luft verloren. Die Verarbeitung ist in Ordnung. Die Oberseite ist beflockt. Da wir das Luftbett aber eben als Zusatzbett nutzen, wenn unser Sohn seine Kumpels zur bernachtung hat, kommt sowieso ein Bettlaken drber. Man schwitzt durch die Flockung in jedem Fall nicht wirklich. Insgesamt ist sie durchaus bequem und man schlft , laut Sohn, wirklich gut darauf.
Schn wre einee Verpackung, die etwas grer wre, dann passt auch die Pumpe zum verstauen mit rein. Die Pumpe funktioniert gut und reicht aus, wenn man die Matratze beim Camping nutzen mchte