ZYBER Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 Accessories

ZYBER Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 Accessories, Golf Club Adapter for Meta Quest 2 Controller, Come with Golf Posture Correction Tools, Enhance VR Gaming Experience






Dimensions: | 3.48 x 13.5 x 5 cm; 580 Grams |
Manufacture: | ZYBER |
Dimensions: | 3.48 x 13.5 x 5 cm; 580 Grams |
Origin: | China |
It’s pretty solid for the price. Nice use of materials, the grip is decent (smells a bit, as a golfer I proc on smelling grips) and the click system to the controllers works very well and quick.
Comes with a f ton of accessories, half of them I have absolutely no idea what they are, and since there is no manual for those, it is quite intriguing… Also you get a connector for left and right controller, eventhough you’d only need one, so my point is; they are not saving on accessories. You even get a hook to put this thing on the wall! Anyhow, I’m satisfied.
Der VR Golf Controller fr die Meta Quest 2 bringt Zubehr wie Wandhalterung, Handgelenkschutz und mehr mit. Die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig, und der Golfschlger fhlt sich gut an. Die Installation ist relativ einfach. Das Spielerlebnis ist fantastisch und prziser, besonders fr VR Golf. Fr Golf-Enthusiasten ist dies sicher eine Bereicherung mit 4/5 Sternen.
Une fois pass l’aprhension d’accrocher sa manette tte en bas prs du sol et de la balancer, on prend vite le coup de main de ce club. D’ailleurs pour jouer au gof dans la “vraie vie” je trouve que son poids et son maniement se raproche assez de la ralit. J’apprcie aussi le correcteur de posture, c’est mme ce qu’il y a de plus important. C’est un bon accessoire pour les amateurs, sinon il vous encombrera plus qu’autre chose. Ca fait le job!
La descrizione semplice, si tratta a tutti gli effetti di una mazza da golf con un attacco adatto al controller oculus quest 2, e solo a quello, non adattabile a nessun altro controller perch ha una clip specifica. Il controller pico avendo l’anello di protezione mani in in diagonale non adattabile.
I materiali sono ottimi, prendendola in mano d un senso di solidit e la gomma dell’impugnatura garantisce una presa sicura anche con mani un p umide (cosa che pu capitare dopo una lunga sessione di gioco). Al tatto non d fastidio e non provoca irritazioni (il dubbio c’era visto che il prodotto made in china).
L’esperienza di gioco realistica, basta solo assicurarsi di aver agganciato bene il controller per evitare che invece della pallina voli per la stanza qualcos’altro… ma l’aggancio ha una clip a scatto per cui pi che sicuro, al limite per sicurezza ci sono dei laccetti a strappo aggiuntivi. Nella confezione ci sono anche dei gommini protettivi per l’anello paramani del controller.
In aggiunta troviamo anche (lo vedete dalla foto) una specie di polsiera, che con una barra rigida di plastica all’interno impedisce la rotazione del polso in fase di swing; utile ma ingombrante, da provare. C’ anche una fascia per legare le braccia (sempre con l’obiettivo di muoversi senza “aprire” durante il carico e scarico del colpo) ma sinceramente d troppo fastidio e si perde in giocabilit.
Last but not least, un comodo porta-mazza (lo trovate sempre in foto) che accoglie il bastone con una semplice pressione, le rotelline laterali dotate di molle si spostano a pressione ruotando.
Il costo un p alto, sicuramente un oggetto dedicato ai veri appassionati del genere, ma sicuramente sono soldi ben spesi perch la qualit buona e la realisticit che restituisce rende il gameplay pi godibile.
controller golf per oculus ben realizzato, offre un’ esperienza di utilizzo molto diverntente e piacevole.
un pregio di questo modello che aiuta a migliorare la postura da mantenere per gli swing del golf per cui molto utile specie per praticanti pricnipianti.
molto comodo e confortevole da utilizzare, la qualit costruttiva molto buona, il kit si presenta solido e affidabile.
il peso del manico di 13oz
la trasmissione del segnale stabile.
Gadget ben fatto della Zyber, da notare che la stessa azienda propone un accessorio simile ma adattabile a giochi come Beat Saber mentre questo specifico per i giochi di golf. La differenza penso stia nel peso e bilanciamento che nel caso di questo prodotto probabilmente lo rendono pi realistico per gli appassionati dello swing.
La confezione molto curata e le varie parti sono contenute in una scatola matrioska e singolarmente insacchettate.
Dentro la scatola troviamo la mazza che composta da tre parti e l’aggangio per il controller, e di queste abbiamo sia la versione per destrorsi che per mancini. Ci sono poi delle strap che permettono di irrigidire e guidare il movimento articolare durante il gioco, un supporto per appendere la mazza al muro, e due anelli protettivi trasparenti per il controller (non dotati di fori, cosa che pu compromettere la funzionalit dei sensori). Manuale in inglese con istruzioni per l’assemblaggio, semplice e intuitivo.
La mazza in se ben fatta, in lega metallica e con un generoso grip, le plastiche sono buone ma temo che con l’uso prolungato il sistema di aggancio possa cedere anche se al momento sembra molto stabile; Zyber ha incluso anche una fascetta in velcro che nelle video-istruzioni viene identificata per “aiming guidance” ma secondo me serve pi che altro a irrobustire l’assemblaggio.
In gioco l’utilizzo risulta piacevole e aumenta il livello di realismo. Da notare che il bastone non telescopico e non pu essere esteso oltre la sua lunghezza base di 33 cm (che con il controller diventano 37).
In conclusione penso sia un prodotto valido ma mi sento di consigliarlo solo se siete patiti di giochi di golf.
Questo accessorio pu rendere le partite a golf o mini golf in VR molto pi coinvolgenti e divertenti, infatti permette di simulare in modo pi efficace l’utilizzo di una mazza, cosa che col semplice controller non poi cos semplice. Assemblarlo semplice, ma se come me utilizzare delle cover per i controller sarete costretti a rimuoverle e questa cosa pu essere un po’ fastidiosa se giocate un po’ a tutto e non vi focalizzate soltanto su un gioco. Come materiali diciamo che perlopi plastica ma fa il suo dovere, mi sembrato abbastanza saldo e non troppo pesante.
Nel complesso sicuramente carino e divertente, ma lo consiglio principalmente a chi gioca tanto a golf in vr, se come me cambiate continuamente gioco allora diventa noioso stare l a smontare e rimontare ogni volta cover, supporto e quant’altro.
Adaptateur de tee de golf pour quest
Les joystick et sont bien fix et ne bouge pas une fois en place
Le manche et un peu court ce qui est un peu dommage
Un peu trop lger au dpart l’on peu rajouter des poids pour le lester
Poids non disponible acheter en sus
Un bandeau et disponible pour ajuster la position des bras a l’utilisatio
Adaptateur de put de golf pour quest
Il suffit d installer la manette et le tour et jouer
Systme de sangle fourni pour avoir une bonne posture l utilisation
La manette et tenu solidement et n a pas de jeu
Un peu lger serai le seul defaul
Je trouve que c’est un bon produit dans l’ensemble, les accessoires permettent une bonne posture pour l’initiation au golf via son oculus quest 2.
Je n’y joue pas de faon rgulire mais la premire approche j’en suis satisfait.
Je retire une toile pour le prix que je trouve trop lev pour ce type d’accessoire
Je dirais que c’est un accessoire utile si vous jouez souvent au golf sur votre Oculus Quest 2. Si, l’inverse, ce n’est qu’un pas un jeu rcurent qui ne vous plat pas beaucoup, je pense que l’accessoire reviendra un prix trop lev (56 l’heure de ce commentaire).
Fixer la manette au club de golf est assez facile mais il faut avoir confiance. La manette pointe littralement tte en bas et c’est un risque prendre. Mme si, de mon point de vue, il y a peu de chances qu’elle rentre en contact avec le sol. L’ensemble fait un poids tout fait correct, qui fait vraiment penser un vrai club de golf.
Il est livr avec plusieurs accessoires. On trouvera notamment des protge poigne et un correcteur de posture. Je dois avouer que c’est un petit ajout trs agrable quand on est pas spcialiste au golf. Cela permet de jouer et de rendre l’apprhension de la posture plutt ludique.
Globalement, je vous le recommande si vous aimez les jeux de golf. Pour ma part je joue assez rgulirement Golf+ donc, j’utiliserai cet accessoire. Aprs, si ce n’est pas votre truc, je ne pense pas que ce soit un investissement faire.
Adaptateur de club de golf pour oculus.
Pas de problme de connexion.
Une belle qualit du grip.
Une bonne prise en main.
Il manque juste un peu de poids sur la fin du manche pour tre vraiment comme un club de golf.
Le tenseur de bras est plutt pas mal.
Test en situation relle, il permet d’viter l’effet chicken wings en back swing.
Bref, un bon produit de qualit.
Ajoute du poids pour donner un ct plus raliste au jeu.
Par contre, comme la manette est au bout du club, c’est pas toujours pratique quand on a besoin d’appuyer sur les boutons.
Le montage n’tait pas intuitif et la notice en anglais, mais on y arrive.
Il y a une protection fournie pour la manette, mais a n’est jamais trs rassurant d’avoir sa manette tte la premire vers le sol quand on fait un swing (cela dit, c’est stable quand mme, mais juste une petite apprhension quand on balance sa manette au bout du club).
Au final, c’est un gadget 56 qui peut tre amusant pour les mordus de golf sur cran.
Mon fils en est totalement satisfait.
D’aprs lui le club de golf et les accessoires qui l’accompagnent semblent solides et bien penss.
Il prend beaucoup de plaisir utiliser le tout et se mettre dans la peau d’un golfeur de haut niveau.
Petit point ngatif, il n’est pas possible de rgler la longueur du club, ce qui aurait pourtant p tre intressant pour s’adapter correctement aux diffrents joueurs.
Prix lors de la commande 5599.
Je l utilise principalement pour un jeu de mini golf n ayant pas encore le jeu de golf.
Les sensations sont trs bonnes et honntement assez proche de la ralit.
Mme frustration quand on rate la balle.
Sinon au niveau conception c est du solide le plastique est de qualit, on apprcie les protections pour les manettes
Trs bon rapport qualit prix mme si l utilisation me semble limite pour le moment je n’ ai pas vu normment de jeux de golf en vr mais si vous aimez le mini golf je pense que c est un bon entranement !
Je ne pense pas que la manette puisse se dcrocher c est vraiment solidement attach.
Petit point ngatif le manuel seulement en anglais et qui n explique pas tout.
Quite enjoyed playing with this. having had my quest for quite a while I’ve realised that the correct accessory really makes the difference in getting full immersion into the VR world.
Golf is one of the hardest as its so different having a stick vs not having a stick.
This is a well made product and holds onto the controller very well, Its a worse worry than when you are playing beat saber as its got more force as its at the bottom of a swinging stick. Glad ive not have to worry about a lose controller hitting the TV..
The grip on the device itself feels natural and its night and day when compared to playing it without this accessory.
Great idea with a small mounted clip as its a problem figuring out where to store it.
Great produc
The gold attachment is high quality made and durable lovely design and great grip very comfortable to holdvery lightweight easy to put together
Makes playing golf more realistic definitely value for money and i highly recommend would make a lovely gift too
This is really good. I found it very simple to set up and easy to use. The Instructions are nice and easy to follow. It’s lightweight which is great and comfortable to hold and use. Really please with it. Good price too.
I ordered this for my older teenage grandson who pretty much lives within the VR of his Oculus Quest 2 and so far he is loving it.
I know absolutely nothing about VR and how it works as I have never tried it myself but common sense tells me that realistic feeling equipment will make the experience all that much more true to real life.
I gave this to my grandson a few weeks ago and as I knew that he had a golfing game I thought that it would be a welcome tool for him and I wasn’t wrong.
He tells me that the game is much more enjoyable when using this golf club attachment and although he hasn’t actually played a round of real golf on a coarse he thinks that his VR experience is realistic enough to even use as a training aid for the real thing.
The attachment itself is well made and feels sturdy, my grandson tells me that it is smooth and comfortable to hold and easy to use, just watch out for the ornaments and pets, lol. This device connects quickly and easily for use and then can be removed just as quickly when finished.
Recommended by my grandson who absolutely loves it.
It arrived in good shape and intact.
I was skeptical at first, but after I bought the ZYBER Golf Club Attachment, I saw how easy it really is to play golf using this accessory. It’s not a gimmick- it really works and is an excellent buy.
The material is of good quality. I highly recommend it!
I felt that the design and weighting of this adaptor made it feel very similar to how it would be to hold a real golf club. well made and good quality. This Oculus Quest golf club adapter is super awesome to take
VR -ing experience to the next level.
I found that the set up was quick and easy to do. everything fitted securely and worked well, It has a good amount of grip and feels comfortable to hold.
A little more pricey than other add ons, but it’s worth it for any golf fan as it gives you a more life like experience within the game.
Would recommend – would make a great Christmas present!
Generally i like the quality of this product. It has quite a few parts to it for assembly but as long as you read the instructions you’ll be fine.
I like the fact you can adapt it for left and right use that’s a great feature.
The handle has a good weight to it to replicate a golf club and the grip is good.
It works well, my only gripe is that the handle isn’t extendable so may not suit everyone.
This golf club style attachment is very well made and fits my Quest 2 controller perfectly. It has a nice weight to it, providing a more realistic feel when playing golf games. Clearly a lot of effort has gone into making this attachment provide a more realistic feel, even the handle has the same style rubberised grip as a real golf club. Overall I’m really impressed with this device. Recommended.
It might not be cheap but the current product page voucher does take the price down to under 50. It locks together securely and safety and you do really feel that there will be no safety issues with this. It feels realistic in terms of weight, grip etc, really enhancing the VR experience. It can even be wall mounted when not in use. It ticks all the boxes for quality, safety and realism. Recommended.
So good, I had to buy a golf game to utilise it fully.
Really good, very intuitive use, and the Oculus adjusted to it automatically.
Having sorted out a Quest 2 for my daughter’s Christmas present, I’m on the lookout for those all important accessories. I’ve successfully got some headphones and a couple of other things, then this golf club came up and we do like, well me more, having a bit of fun playing golf.
What I particularly like about this set is that it come with both a Left Hand and Right Hand set-up. As a left-hander it makes a change to get both like this. For each you get a Controller Cap, Silicone Controller Shell and Buckle. Each is clearly marked with a L or R.
In the set you also get the handle, flange, wall-mount, stick-on bracket for wall mount, wrist support and posture strap.
Assembly and disassembly is easy and straightforward enough and only takes a few minutes to do. When you’ve finished, it just pushes into the wall mount, keeping it up out the way.
Build quality overall looks to be decent and the plastics used don’t feel cheap. I’m not sure how long the stick-on wall mount will last, as I think there could have been better ways of attaching the mount.
I do have another golf club coming from another brand, so it will be interesting to compare the two. It does mean we can have one set-up for L and one for R. We have two left handers in the family and it will be more convenient that way. Popping in the controller is straightforward and the clicking mechanism works well and you still have good access to the buttons. This one comes with clear rings, that are designed to minimise any signal blocking effects and also protect them.
If I have a criticism of this golf club is that the length of the handle is fixed and may not suit everyone. For the price, I think I would have expected it to be extendable.
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative, and useful. Thanks for reading.
This is a great item for your gaming. It is of a high quality and the price of it is cheap.
Definitely a good buy overall.
The ZYBER Golf Club attachment was designed specifically for Oculus Quest 2 controllers to assist beginners in learning appropriate posture and protecting their wrists throughout the golf swing. This VR golf club adapter’s quick-lock buckle design makes it simple to set up and secure. It has an ABS reinforced plastic shell, solid aluminium tubing, and a professional golf grips cover for comfort and durability. With its weight and grip, this weighs and feels like swinging a real golf club.
There are also two translucent silicone protection rings to reduce signal interference and to better protect the quest 2 controllers. When the game is over, just hang the golf handle on the wall without taking up any space, ensuring optimal storage.
According to my son, this is perhaps the most effort he has seen put into a virtual golf attachment. He is left-handed, but this works nicely for him. The size is shorter than traditional golf, so swinging was a little strange for me. Eventually, I realised that it was ideal for safe indoor play.
Overall, if you enjoy golf on your Quest and want to have the finest experience possible, this is the way to go. I highly suggest it.
I love the detail that has been put into this attachment, it really does feel like a golf club, the grip at the end is a really nice touch, super comfy to hold and use.
Easily stores away with a mount and clip which is really handy
Superb product and will get plenty of use
After buying golf lessons for my good friends birthday last year and him never finding the time to take them, this year he received this!
We’ve used it with Golf plus and it is works well, no issues and is accurate which is really down to the controller but anyway.
It is weighted really well and designed to feel like the real thing given that it is not as long as a real club. It does a good job of impersonating one. Of course there’s a point to this, you really don’t want your controller repeatedly smashed into the floor.
It has a bracket to clip it onto the wall which is a nice touch as he also has a wall bracket for the headset itself.
The quality of this is orders of magnitude beyond many other lightweight plastic accessories. I’ve tried golf club adapters from the like of Nintendo over the years and there is no comparison.
Super and worth the price given the quality feel and finish.
Great accessory but it comes at a price unless you really like the game of golf this is a bit heavy at 56 on top of the game you already have.
But I do like the accessories you get I love the grip very realistic more less and normal club and I like then he gives you the portion control strap so you can improve your swing very pleased
I found everything fits together quite easily you can tell it’s made really well as it comes apart no ever taken apart but I do like playing golf and this is a fantastic way for me to improve without having to go out brilliant
I loved I can play indoors knowing I’m not going to hit the ceiling brillia
Great addition to Oculus quest, golf club has real weight to it just like a real club, has all the attachments and straps included. Good value for 55!
The design and weighting of this adaptor has been really well thought through, it feels very similiar to how it would be to hold a real golf club.
It is very simple to set up, and feels very secure which is important if you are going to be swinging it about…!
A little more expensive than other add ons, but it’s worth it for any golf fan as it gives you a more life like experience within the game.
At 55.99 this isn’t the cheapest golf adaptor, but it is the best I have tried.
The weight of it feels like a golf club and the grip is a good size. It comes with 2 sets of adaptors so you can use the left or right controller on the club.
It appears that even if you accidentally hit something it won’t break like my last one did.
The screw connection is metal, and the securing controller flange provides bracing at a useful point. The extra accessories are useful if just starting out.
Instructions could have more detail regarding setup and accessories.
It’s a quality product, and you get a fair amount of accessories. The attachment is relatively simple, and you have confidence that the controller isn’t going to fly off the end. The instructions you get in the box however don’t deal with any of the side accessories. For instance, you get a silicone cover for your controller that’s nice, but not referenced anywhere in the instructions, and not “required” to make it all work. This is nit-picking though.
The handle is a good general weight and length – obviously it can’t ever be an exact replacement for a club. The grip is sufficient but not anything special.
Be aware, some VR golf games don’t really deal with peripherals very well. I recommend Golf+ (Oculus), as this knows all the peripherals already. Others I’ve played, you have to bodge it in the settings.
This is the executive accessory to the Oculus Quest. Compared to add ons for home consoles, this is leagues ahead. Having recently got add ons for the Switch, I realised how much they add to the enjoyment of the console, but they are cheap quality, and are only intended to mimic equipment for spacial awareness. This add on feels like a real golf club, with the tactile feel of a grip and a weightiness you would not get from cheaper products. When you’re in a virtual setting, this really augments the experience in a way that is hard to describe in words. It’s also suitable for tennis games and I have to be honest, I really feel like I’ve gone a round when using this, and to my mind, that’s a real positive.
This golf club attachment for the Oculus Quest 2 is probably the most effort I have seen put into an attachment dedicated to a single purpose. It really does have one purpose and that is golf. It’s designed to feel like a real golf club even down to the rubber texture on the handle. It has mounting options to support both left and right handed golfers and even has a clip to store it mounted to the wall. The way it attaches is quite clever as it’s able to clip on and off rather quickly which is actually very important unless you plan to only ever play golf on your Quest. At first I was a little disappointed that it was so short, I was expecting it to extend longer, but then I realised the last thing you want is to be smashing your controller off the floor when you swing. The length doesn’t have any negative impact in games.
Overall if you really, really love golf on your Quest and want the best experience possible, this is the way to get it. They also say it is good for tennis games but honestly I think that’s a stretch, it really is for golf.
This Oculus Quest golf club adapter is great for taking the VR experience to the next level.
It can be set up easily and quickly right out of the box, with everything locking into place securely.
It has a good amount of grip and feels comfortable in the hand, which should reduce the risk of accidents.
All in all, it’s a good accessory for Oculus Quest to give games a bit of added realism.
I hope you found this review helpful.