ACEMAGICIAN Mini PC Windows 11 Pro,16GB DDR4 512GB SSD AMD

ACEMAGICIAN Mini PC Windows 11 Pro,16GB DDR4 512GB SSD AMD Ryzen 5 5600U Micro Desktop Computer,4K UHD,Dual Band WiFi,Gigabit Ethernet,HDMI X 2,BT4.2 For Business Home Theate
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“Acemagician” is drawn from the meaning of “ACE” in poker games, combined with the word “magic”, technology is magic, which means that ACEMAGICIAN wins with high-end quality and is determined to be the ACE of Minis PC! Keep breaking through like magic Ultimate, striving to provide users with trend-setting designs, innovative performance and unmatched quality.
Weight: | 1.5 kg |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 12.8 x 5.3 cm; 1.5 Kilograms |
Model: | AMR5(16+512)-1 |
Manufacture: | ACEMAGICIAN |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 12.8 x 5.3 cm; 1.5 Kilograms |
Got this computer as an entry level gaming computer for my kids. The fan is pretty loud but changing the level so that the fan is quiet still has enough performance for the games they play.
Got this pc for my son so he could play stem games on it! He absolutely loves it and it’s so small and compact it doesn’t take up much room so it’s perfect for him!
My son wanted a gaming pc and has a small desk. This works perfect. He can game and use his pc and it fits perfectly. His friends all are impressed with how small it is. So far so good. He loves i
Starts up super fast, affordable and able to play steam games. I’ve always had larger desktops, but this is my first mini desktop. Would recommend it to anyone looking for basic desktops, especially if you have a smaller space
As a desktop, works very well for basic computing needs, did not buy this for gaming. You will need an auxiliary USB port adapter for all your various devices. This thing is super tiny, just bigger than an XL hand, you can hide it on any desk.
Great school/office/gaming mini PC!
Before the system arrived, I had already purchased all the upgrade components: 1TB SSD, 64GDDR4.
It is relatively easy to upgrade. I also added a heatsink since it feels hot in such a small chassis. Also, resetting your CMOS after you upgrade the parts is a good idea.
I have no problem running with three displays. Great tech support and customer service as well!
This Mini Gaming PC is an absolute marvel! Small in size but huge in performance, it handles demanding games effortlessly. Setup was a breeze, and it stays cool even during long gaming sessions. Its portability is a game-changer, and the sleek design adds a stylish touch. If you want power in a compact package, this mini gaming PC is unbeatable! Highly recommended!
I got this computer for my son and it was working great the first 2 weeks, then wouldn’t turn on. I contacted their support team and they were able to quickly send a new computer after sending in the old one. The only thing I wish is that I didn’t have to pay the shipping cos
absolut lautloser, relativ schneller mini-pc, der nicht warm wird, gengend anschlumglichkeiten bietet,
und einfach nur luft, bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden.
absolut lautloser, relativ schneller mini-pc, der nicht warm wird, gengend anschlumglichkeiten bietet,
und einfach nur luft, bei mir 24/7… bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden…
Leistungsstarker und vor allem kleiner Office-PC. Bei mir ist Windows bei der Einrichtung stecken geblieben. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit wurde mir vom Support ein Videotutorial zur Verfgung gestellt wie ich das Problem lsen kann. Da es sich um ein Windowsproblem handelt 5 Sterne.
Sehr, sehr wunderbarer PC!
Fr diesen Preis einfach eine Bombe!
Mae sind ein Genuss!
Ich empfehle dieses Produkt.
Glauben Sie mir, solche Kufe sind Lotterie!!!
Allen viel Glck!
Trs bien, je trs satisfaite de ce mini pc.
Trs performant mme en mode jeux. Reste tester sur le traitement de mes photos
I’ve always struggled to have an affordable computer that could handle what I play and use. When it arrived I had my doubts with it being so small but it has far exceeded my expectations. It runs my software perfectly and handles my games smoothly just from the way it comes packaged. I would definitely recommend this product if you want a good computer but can’t afford to waste 1000 dollars.
Um den kleinen Pc richtig zu nutzen musste ich einen Downgrade auf win 10 machen hat sich bei win 11 stndig aufghngt win 11 realy sucks!!!!! jetzt mit win 10 und einiger arbeit luft er richtig rund.
Technsich alles Okay, jedoch nach meinem Kauf war das Produkt 2 Wochen spter ca, 100,00 Euro in Ihrem Verkauf billiger.
s bon produit fonctionne parfaitement ne prend pas de place internet trs rapide
Erhalten und die Installation ging innerhalb zwei Minuten.
Wir nutzen den Mini PC im Homeoffice.
Er luft also jeden Tag 8 Std.
Wir sind begeistert. Schnell und zuverlssig.
Was wir nicht verstehen, einige schreiben das er sehr laut ist.
Wir knnen sagen, dass man das Geblse nicht hrt. Er ist super leise. Geblse geht sehr selten an.
Klare kaufempfwhlung
Edited review 5/15/2023
It has been several months now and the pc works great. Not to mention the customer service support had awesome communication and we were able to sort out the issues. Definitely do recommend this pc. It works perfect for office work/ school work. Not to mention I have very limited desk space so the fact that it is so tiny yet powerful, it’s perfect. Thank you once again !
Acquistato in offerta con Coupon per sostituire un’altro mini cp devo dire che mi ha piacevolmente stupito , il Pc appare piccolo ma si distingue dai soliti mini PC per la forma e per le luci RGB che possono anche essere controllate o spente attraverso una utility scaricabile dal sito, si ha la possibilit di cambiare le prestazioni del PC e quindi i consumi attraverso una manopola , buona la dotazione di porte e la possibilit di fare un upgrade dei componenti interni di RAM e SSD , il Pc sempre veloce e reattivo in ogni applicazione che ho provato ,non so giudicare per quanto riguarda ii giochi perch preferisco usare le console .
I’ve had this gaming PC for a couple of weeks now and it works wonderfully for my needs – small, runs the games I play well, easy to connect bluetooth peripherals. I’ll leave all the tech talk to the experts in other reviews, but I have no lag or graphics issues on the handful of Steam games I’ve been playing. I haven’t played Elden Ring or other graphics heavy games on the mini PC – use the Steam Deck for that instead – but will update if I run into any display issues there. Overall a great purchase and great size.
Hallo, ich gebe ja uerst selten Feedback zu den Produkten, aber hier muss ich eine Ausnahme machen.
1. Lieferung: super schnell, top
2. Qualitt und Leistung des PC`s, top, ich bin absolut begeistert, alle Art der Office Anwendungen laufen super.
3. Installation war super einfach, top
4. Angebliche Lfter Lautstrke, bei mir ist der PC total leise und hre keinen Lfter
Ich bin total zufrieden.
In addition to its upgradeability, the ACEMAGICIAN Mini Gaming PC packs a punch with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600U processor that can reach up to 4.2GHz, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, and a 512GB SSD. The computer’s impressive specs make it a great choice for gaming and other demanding applications. I played Valorant on it the other night and was averaging 145fps while in 1080p – a testament to the computer’s power and performance.
The ACEMAGICIAN Mini Gaming PC also has the ability to support up to three displays, making it an excellent choice for multitasking or for gaming and other applications that benefit from multiple screens. The computer comes equipped with HDMI, DP, and Type C ports, providing a variety of options for connecting to displays.
Overall, I’m extremely impressed with the ACEMAGICIAN Mini Gaming PC. Its small size, high-end specs, and ability to support multiple displays make it a great option for gamers and other power users who want a compact and versatile desktop computer. If you’re in the market for a mini desktop computer that can handle even the most demanding applications, the ACEMAGICIAN Mini Gaming PC is definitely worth considering.
Lo usa mio figlio (10 anni) per giochi “leggeri” quali Minecraft, Roblox e similari, filmati YouTube nonch per “far finta di studiare” (ahhh), nonch io per cose al volo (Office, mail, ecc) per non accendere il mio, per quest’uso perfetto. Su giochi “spess” non so come se la cavi, ma credo che si debbano fare scelte diverse.
Voglio tuttavia sottolineare che ho preso questa versione, diciamo pi basilare con 16 mb di memoria totale, ed ho fatto un upgrade di memoria, aggiungendo 2 slot di memoria da 16 mb, quindi 32 totali. E collegato insieme al monitor LG con il quale viene suggerito l’acquisto.
Inoltre ho acquistato anche un ulteriore “hard disk” aggiuntivo (Samsung Memorie MZ-V8V500 980 SSD Interno Da 500GB) dove, almeno per il momento, ho installato i software che utilizzo, cos da lasciare il suo originale il pi pulito possibile. Ma anche perch l’Hard Disk aggiuntivo pi performante, anche se in realt non ce ne era di bisogno.
L’upgrade semplicissimo. Molto pi semplice dei PC Tower. Basta aprire lo sportello laterale e si ha subito accesso agli slot di memoria e all’hard disk, che si possono scollegare e ricollegare con estrema semplicit.
Nel suo complesso davvero un ottimo mini PC. Con un rapporto qualit/prezzo.
Prestazioni ottime.
Io non lo utilizzo per giocare, ma ci utilizzo software che spingono parecchio quando si tratta di fare acquisizione video.
Complice quindi il fatto che la torre che usavo allo scopo andata a farsi benedire, ho deciso di investire un po’ di pi e attrezzarmi degnamente. Non me ne sono pentito, questo mini PC si comporta meravigliosamente bene e finalmente posso lavorare di musica senza subire i tempi infiniti del mio vecchio PC.
Non posso ancora dire molto altro perch ce l’ho solo da ieri, ma alla luce della mia esperienza lo ricomprerei mille volte.
Aggiornamento dopo 10 giorni: confermo tutto quanto sopra, questo mini PC assolutamente fantastico, lavoro con i miei software musicali a una velocit che non avevo mai sperimentato prima, sono davvero soddisfatto.
Aldil delle sue dimensioni, io l’ho preso per uso professionale installando un programma CAD 3d, e devo dire che mettendolo sotto carico con disegni complessi si comportato egregiamente.
Non mi sarebbe dispiaciuto se ci fosse stato anche office 365 installato, ma per il prezzo indicato. Comunque sono molto soddisfatto di questo mini PC.
This PC I have used is in very good quality and high standards but even though it’s quite small it’s better than any other PC I’ve used.Also this is a great way to save space as well because it’s can basically fit anywhere u want it to be and it make ur desk much more tidier.The PC also is very powerful, has good frame rates and at the same time it looks pretty cool.This is also a good present for a for basically anyone that loves computers,but when using it you can also have 512 GB if storage also plus 16GB DDR4 and up to 4.2Ghz and 5600U in it so it save all your work much more easier and the pc is highly recommended for adults so when you are working no lag spikes happen which is amazing.It also powers on automatically when you need it to turn on but I mean you can turn it on manually if want to but might as well use the feature,but for all of the gamers out there this is the perfect pc for you because it can run all the games you can imagine perfectly and fine,In addition it also has some RBG lights on the pc which is very cool.There is two usb plugs which is pretty essential to the PC like if you wanted to connect your headphones or like a mouse or something like that to your pc to have a better experience.
vite livr
bien emball
ne fait pas de bruit
performance moyenne mais honnte
les leds de dcoration font un peu arbre de Nol
Fr mich strahlen mini PCs wie die Intel NUCs oder auch der AMR5 eine gewisse Faszination aus. Es ist einfach spannend und cool wie viel Technik wir mittlerweile auf super kleinen Raum unterbringen knnen.
Dabei knnen solche Mini-PCs auch durchaus Sinn machen, gerade in der heutigen Zeit. Denn ein groer Vorteil dieser ist der Stromverbrauch. So bentigt der AMR5 gerade einmal 10W im Leerlauf und +- 20W bei normaler Last. Das kann kein normaler PC unterbieten.
Dabei hat dieser dank des AMD Ryzen 5 5600U durchaus ordentlich Leistung. Frs normale Webbrowsen, Office, leichte Media-Bearbeitung ist der ACEMAGICIAN AMR5 mehr als geeignet. Vor allem im Performance Modus mit 28W TDP schlgt sich dieser nochmals ein Stck besser als es die CPU eigentlich zulassen wrde.
Hierdurch ist der PC auch durchaus fr ESport Spiele zu gebrauchen. DOTA 2, Starcraft 2 oder auch Spiele wie Skyrim, Diablo usw. sind bei Full HD Auflsung mit mittleren bis hohen Details flssig spielbar. Selbst aktuellere leichte Spiele wie Overwatch 2 laufen erfreulich gut. Mit Full HD Auflsung und mittleren Details htte ich nicht mit 60 FPS gerechnet.
Allerdings sei auch dazu gesagt, dass aktuelle AAA Spiele schon zu viel sind. Diese laufen, wenn nur bei reduzierter Auflsung (720p).
Dennoch zeige ich mich vom ACEMAGICIAN AMR5 mehr als nur positiv berrascht! Die kleine Kiste ist ein super Media-PC mit angenehm niedrigem Stromverbrauch.
This is not a knock against the hardware because this little PC is solid and is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, I’m just not a fan of Windows 11 that comes preinstalled. It doesn’t seem to be as flexible as previous versions of Windows. I may install windows 10 on it in the future if it continues to bother me but that’s getting nit picky. Overall this is a solid little machine that’s great for playing older games.
Der MiniPC hat einen alten Tower ersetzt. Er hat bisher alles genau wie der alte gerockt und ist zudem noch deutlich schneller. Ich habe die Festplatte geklont und noch eine zweite hinzugefgt. Ging alles problemlos. Ich bin mit meinen lteren Spiele noch vollauf beschftigt, ob die neuen laufen sieht man in I-Net. Es gibt genug Videos. Stellaris luft jedenfalls. Da ich ihm im Angebot bekommen habe, habe ich zugegriffen. Die RGB Beleuchtung ist ein nettes Gimmick. Sie lt sich aber nur ber ein extra zu installietendes Programm steuern. Windows 11 ist vorinstalliert. Ich betreibe ihn im Automodus. Der Lfter springt eher selten an und ist dann durchaus hrbar. Richtig stren tut er nicht. Ich nutze keine Kopfhrer.
Operating System (OS): Windows 11
Storage: 500 GB SSD – can be expanded to 2 x 2 TB SSD
RAM: 16 GB – can be expanded to 64 GB
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 4500U
Graphics: Integrated
So with the specifications above. This is a “gaming” computer. Gaming in the sense that it won’t necessarily block the current Blockbusters like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II or Red Dead Redemption 2 at their optimal settings. But, it’ll play them. If you like to have to finagle with the lowest setting and another editing of such to get it to run. So what games have I played using this computer?
– 7 Days to Die with a mod overhaul of Undead Legacy. I had to edit the settings to the lowest to get it running optimally. Average FPS (Frames per Second): 30
– Cities Skylines with multiple additional mods. Graphically I did not have to edit anything. The only thing I have done is upgraded the RAM to 32 GB. Average FPS (Frames per Second): 60
– The Division 1, I had to edit the graphics to the lowest. Average FPS (Frames per Second): 30
– Enlisted, I had to edit the graphics to the lowest. However still choppy in terms of FPS and average FPS (Frames per Second) 20 – 25
I bought this on Black Friday of November 2022. After 3 months of usage. The thing I’ve had to do was increase RAM to 32 GB. Also, my computer recently overheated and froze while gaming. I had to buy a USB sound card to get my sound working again. Other than that I have not done anything else other than use it for gaming. I like how it boots up fast. Overall it does everything I need to use it. Just note it’s a high-end gaming PC. You will have to play most games either at the medium or lowest setting. You get what you pay for since it is around $499.
Performance is pretty snappy. I have it as my HTPC on my 4k TV. It’s able to play videos and stream content pretty well. I’m running it off Wi-Fi, and I didn’t notice any hiccups. The only gaming I’ve done with it so far has been with Steam Link. I played a few games with it. Mostly Tabletop Simulator and Civilization. I get 100Mbps with it, and haven’t noticed any disruptions. For the more heavy games, I have a separate computer for that purpose.
Internal Components:
I opened the little MiniPC to see what the inside looked like. I did notice that there’s an additional slot for another M.2 drive. The PC comes with 2×8 DDR4 RAM sticks clocked at 2400MHz.
Sound and Lights:
This is probably my biggest complaint. The lights on here are pretty bright. They alternate RGB colors, and I can’t turn them off. The lights don’t cover any air intake, so I just put electrical tape over it to mute the device.
I have it set to AUTO mode. The sound coming from the exhaust is like a PS4. If I just web browsing, then it’s pretty quiet. It does get nosier when I have multiple apps running.
I’m happy with the device so far. It’s more powerful than other MiniPCs I’ve looked at within this price range, and it’s worked well as a HTPC.
I bought this so I could play my steam library again, and for the most part it really was great. I did try to run games like Cyberpunk though, and even on the lowest settings it was pretty much unplayable with a very noticeable delay. As long as you’re only going for things as demanding as like Fortnite and minecraft it works great. Even Splitgate ran efficiently.
The unboxing experience was pleasant and setting up was super fast. While setting up everything and adding all my monitors I haven’t felt any lag or sluggishness. I’ve installed a few games through steam without any issues!
In Stichworten -startet und reagiert sehr schnell, ein sehr gutes Bild, gestochen scharf, – keine Wrmeentwicklung, – sehr viele Anschlsse, – Gaming funktioniert sehr gut, – Lfter luft sehr selten und wenn doch, muss man schon sein Ohr daran halten um ihn zu hren !
Fazit ist fr mich, es ist ein kleines Wunderwerk, ich bin sehr begeistert und froh ber den Kauf. Erzeigt, es muss nicht immer ein Groer fr 1500-2000 Euro sein !
Consiglio la crucial P3 ssd nvme m.2 pcie 3.0 ha un ottimo software per clonare i dischi scaricabile direttamente dal sito e molto semplice.
Anche la ram non la pi veloce che pu montare ma almeno adatae per qualche mhz in pi non merita spendere soldi.
Il pc veramente bellissimo e la rotellina funziona veramente, c’ anche un software da scaricare sul sito ufficiale per modificare le luci,ma lo sconsiglio a meno che non vogliate spengerle.
Ho provato vari giochi che girano bene in hd per fare un esmpio l4d2 o CS.GO volendo si pu anche giocare R8 e Cyberpunk ovviamente scendendo a parecchi compromessi,ma le specifiche minime sono garantite. Che dire la cpu una bomba bello e scontato costa poco.
Erano 6 stelle se avesse avuto un ssd serio
Auf Grund der immer hher werdenden Strompreise wollte ich meinen groen PC durch einen sparsamen kleinen PC, austauschen. Bei meiner Recherche bin ich auf den ACE Magician gestoen, genauer gesagt dem AMR 5. Das Auffllige Design und die guten Bewertungen haben sofort meine Neugierde geweckt, denn die kleine Kiste sieht nicht so langweilig aus wie so viele andere Mini PCs, daher habe ich das Teil nach kurzer Begutachtung auf Amazon bestellt. Die Lieferung ging wie immer flott. Natrlich habe ich das Gert sofort ausgepackt. Das Ding ist sogar kleiner als ich es mir vorgestellt habe, da war ich erstmal begeistert. Das gesamte Gehuse besteht aus Plastik. Vom Design her gefllt mir das Ding wirklich gut. Auf der Unterseite sind 4 Gummifchen fr einen rutschfesten Stand angebracht.
Zum Lieferumfang gehrt neben dem PC auch noch ein Netzteil und das dazugehrige Kabel, ein HDMI Kabel (ca.70cm lang) eine Mini Gebrauchsanweisung. Das Ganze ist in einer relativ hochwertigen Verpackung mit Magnetverschluss verpackt.
Also, den PC angeschlossen und Startknopf gedrckt, die Einrichtung verlief problemlos. Als Betriebssystem ist sogar Windows 11 Pro aufgespielt. Das kleine Kerlchen hat sogar eine LED Beleuchtung verbaut, nichts aufregendes aber trotzdem auergewhnlich fr einen Mini Computer. Wem die LED Beleuchtung aber stren sollte, der kann diese auch deaktivieren, dazu muss man auf der Herstellerseite ein kleines Programm fr die LED Steuerung herunterladen. Man kann nicht wirklich viel einstellen, aber zumindest kann man berhaupt was einstellen, inkl. dem ausschalten der Effekte. Warum man das Programm nicht direkt vorinstalliert kann ich nicht ganz verstehen.
Die verbaute Sata SSD ist nicht die schnellste, ist jedoch frs surfen im Netz sowie Office arbeiten wohl ausreichend. Ich habe die SSD allerdings direkt ausgetauscht, ebenso habe ich den RAM Speicher von 16GB auf 32 GB aufgerstet. Das System untersttzt maximal 64 GB. Laut Hersteller untersttzt das System bis zu 2 TB Speicher, ich habe aber sogar 3 TB verbaut und alles luft ohne Probleme. Was ich allerdings nicht ganz unwichtig ist, das System untersttzt nur PCIe 3.0, eine PCIe 4.0 SSD wie die Samsung 980 Pro etc. funktionieren zwar, aber knnen nicht die volle Leistung abrufen. Da ich habe noch eine neue Samsung 990 Pro hatte, die ursprnglich fr die PS5 vorgehen war, habe ich sie mal zu Testzwecken eingesetzt und wie erwartet luft sie nur mit halben Tempo.
Ich habe die SSD durch eine 2TB Crucial P3 Nvme SSD ersetzt
Einen Heatsink wrde ich extra dazu kaufen, ich habe mir diesen von ICY Box gekauft
und die RAM habe ich wie erwhnt durch 2 x 16GB Riegel mit 3200 Mhz von Crucial, ersetzt
Natrlich ist alles auf Amazon zu einem guten Kurz zu finden.
Die Umrstung geht super leicht von der Hand die rechte Seitenwand des PCs ist mit Magneten versehen, so kann man sie einfach ohne zu schrauben abnehmen und kommt sehr leicht an die SSD und den RAM heran. Die neue SSD in den zweite Slot einsetzen dann den Inhalt der alten SSD auf die neue Klonen( ich habe dafr die Gratissoftware Acronis True Image for Crucial benutzt ) wenn das getan ist den PC herunterfahren, die alte SSD entfernen, die neue SSD in den ersten Slot einsetzen und fertig. Man muss anschlieend noch die zweite entstandene Partition auf der neuen SSD in der Datentrgerverwaltung neu zuordnen sonst wird nur die geklonten 512 GB Partition angezeigt. Anschlieend noch fix die beiden RAM Riegel austauschen, was wirklich sehr schnell und einfach von der Hand geht. Der reine Aus –und Einbau ist in unter 5 Minuten erledigt, selbst fr ein Laie sollte das tauschen kein Problem darstellen.
Auf der Vorderseite gibt es neben dem beleuchteten On/OFF Schalter mit dem man auch die 3 Performance Modi einstellen kann, auch noch 2x USB A 3.0 und einen USB C Port, auerdem ist da auch noch eine 3,5mm Klinke Buchse.
Die Rckseite bietet dann noch 2 weitere USB A 3.0 Anschlsse, einen Displayport, einen HDMI 2.0 Port und ein GBit Lan Anschluss. USB C, – DP, -und HDMI Port untersttzen alle 4K bei 60Hz, es knnten also 3 Monitore angeschlossen werde. Als Prozessor wurde ein Ryzen 5 5600U verbaut, dieser leistet gute Arbeit. Selbst dieses Video habe ich ohne Probleme mit diesem kleinen Kerlchen geschnitten und gerendert. Insgesamt gibt es 5 USB Anschlsse, auch hier musste ich noch ein wenig aufrsten, daher habe ich mir direkt bei Amazon noch einen 4 Port USB Hub mit eigener Stromversorgung von Sabrent gekauft. Damit bin ich frs erste gut aufgestellt.
In der Regel habe ich zum surfen im Internet den Modi Schalter auf Silence stehen, das reicht vllig aus und die Kiste ist dabei wirklich flsterleise. Unter Windows habe ich brigens den Energiesparmodus dauerhaft aktiviert, brauche ich mal mehr Power, dann kann ich das praktischerweise am Modi Schalter einstellen. Wie erwhnt habe ich auch dieses Video mit diesem PC bearbeitet und gerendert. Das Video hat viele Schnitte und bergangseffekt hier habe ich den Wahlschalter auf Auto gestellt, beim Schneiden des Videos hrt man den Lfter und beim rendern hrt man ihn auch mal deutlicher, aber das System ist dabei immer stabil geblieben. Die Performance ist mit dem Umbauten noch einmal besser geworden. WLan luft stabil, Bluetooth 4.2 ist zwar nicht mehr der neuste Stand, aber auch in diesem Fall habe ich bis jetzt keine Probleme oder Abbrche verzeichnen mssen.
Alles in allem bin ich wirklich sehr zufrieden mit dem Mini Computer, alles luft flssig und zgig. Der Kleine hat nun meinen groen PC vollstndig abgelst und ich spiele tatschlich mit dem Gedanken die PCs meiner Kids ebenfalls durch Mini PC’s zu ersetzen. Wer aber Tripple A Spiele zocken mchte und diese auch in hchster Qualitt, dem sei gesagt das dieser Mini PC dafr nicht geeignet ist. Wer ab und an spielen mchte und auch Abstriche in punkto Optik und FPS in Kauf nimmt, der kann durchaus das ein oder andere Game zocken.
Ich kann hier also durchaus 5 Sterne vergeben. Das System ist schnell und zuverlssig, es bietet ausreichende Aufrstmglichkeiten und hat auch ausreichend Anschlsse die man bei Bedarf mit einem Hub erweitern kann. So das soll es gewesen sein tschss, byebye
Aprs une dure un peu longue, mais sans plus, compte tenu de l’installation ce moment l des mises jour du systme, je me retrouve alors avec une machine trs rapide, trs silencieuse (le ventilateur trs, trs discret ne se fait entendre que trs rarement) qui ne prend pas de place sur mon bureau bref: fort agrable utiliser et en plus avec un rapport Q/P impressionnant.
Je suis donc videmment trs satisfait de mon achat.
Although advertised as a “Mini Gaming PC”, I use this as an arguably overpowered “Mini Business PC”.
The AMD Radeon RX Vega 7 is an integrated GPU that isn’t really suitable for the most modern games but it will play older games quite well. I spend almost no time gaming and when I do I only have old games so I don’t mind the integrated graphics. If you want to purchase this to play demanding games you’re probably in the wrong place.
For studying/working it’s a different story. I’d even say it’s probably overpowered for most people who want the PC for those purposes. It feels great to work with this mini PC as everything runs so smoothly. The USB connections (in particular just one USB-C) could be underwhelming for some, but it’s just okey for my purposes.
When I bought the mini PC, the product was advertised as having NVMe-SSD but after I started using it I realized it was actually a SATA-SSD. That was disappointing but after contacting customer service the issue was solved. I (separately) bought and added an extra NVMe-SSD. It took me just a few seconds to do that as it’s super easy to expand the storage. The RAM could also be easily upgraded if wanted (not needed for my non-gaming purposes).
I think it’s great that it has the “3 Mode Adjustment”. The “Silent” mode is usually enough power for most of what I do which runs smoothly. And if I ever need to do some more demanding tasks like some video editing, the “Performance” mode does its job wonderfully. I like it that it doesn’t consume much power in the “Silent” mode which is the one I use most of the time.
In terms of noise, the “Silent” mode isn’t really completely silent but it’s fine. At moments it’s almost completely silent but most of the time I do hear some (tolerable) noise. The other two modes are certainly noisier so if you’re expecting to use the mini PC on “Performance” mode all of the time, be prepared to hear some noise.
I’m not a teenager anymore so I was afraid about the RGB lights being too annoying (I use this as a “Mini Business PC” after all) but I just got used to them. There’s a software that can be downloaded to turn them off but in my case the lights turn on again next time I turn on the device, so I just gave up.
I had one that came defective and so I reached out and send it back they send me back one with no hesitation and they were really concerned with my experience as a consumer.
Great company great pc
Arrived quickly and in good packaging within 2 days using the free Amazon shipping option. Cracking little mini PC, works great first time out the box and the RGB colour scheme in the lights look great. I’ve searched through dozens of mini PC’s and they’re all boring plain boxes with nothing visually spectacular about them. I wanted a mini PC that had some visual appeal and this was the only one that fit the bill. Very happy with my purchase, and although I jad never heard of them before, Ace Magician is a brand I can see doing well in the future. If this is the type of stuff they’re bringing out, they’re leaving the competition behind them when it comes to mini PC’s with external RGB lighting.
The unit is so small yet powerful enough to do everything I need it to. My old PC tower is many times bigger so the space saving aspect is great when using a mini PC. It has all the connectivity you need. I havent played any games on it yet, but my main uses will be graphic design, video editing, office work and streaming, and this mini PC has handled everything with ease so far. Will update this review if anything else comes to mind.
Unter LINUX indessen wurde das ab Werk verbaute WLAN-Modul INTEL AC 7265 von KEINEM Linux-System erkannt, auch nicht mit korrektem Treiber. Der Austausch dieses WLAN-Moduls gegen das bauhnliche WLAN-Modul INTEL AC 9260 erwies sich als nicht bermig schwierig und erfolgreich: Dieses WLAN-Modul wird zuverlssig erkannt, auch von Ghost-BSD !
VERDRUSS bereitete mir das BIOS von “American Megatrends”, denn eine Laufwerks-spezifische Boot-Reihenfolge wie z.B. “1.) DVD-Laufwerk (extern) 2.) USB-Stick 3.) Festplatte (intern)” lie sich von mir NICHT festlegen. Zum Booten eines Betriebssystems auf einem neu angeschlossenen USB-Stick musste nach dem Einschalten (mit der ESC-Taste) das BIOS aufgerufen werden und der betreffende USB-Stick in der Bootreihenfolge als Nr. 1 definiert werden; dann konnte per “save & exit” das Betriebssystem gestartet werden: ganz schn umstndlich !
Fazit: Schneller Mini-PC mit hervorragendem Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis !
This computer is awesome. Everything was in working order when it arrived and it works perfectly for what I needed. It is very small (fits in the palm of my hand)! Do recommend
We were originally shipped the wrong computer. The customer service team at Cyxtech was super helpful and reassuring. Additionally, we are very pleased with the computer. Super fast and lightweight. Easy to transport as well as upgrade. We were so happy with the computer that we bought two!
Meine Anforderungen waren daher auch nicht mehr so hoch, wie damals. Ab und an mal ein kleines Spiel und hauptschlich kleinere Office Arbeiten.
Als ich den PC fr den Preis sah, dachte ich noch “OK, nix besonderes aber fr den Notfall reicht’s!” Alleine der Preis hat mich berzeugt.
Nach mittlerweile 3 Monaten Nutzung muss ich sagen, dass ich die Entscheidung definitiv nicht bereue.
Positiv: Klein und mega platzsparend. Geruschentwicklung bei Office Anwendung fast nicht hrbar, bei etwas leistungsintensiven Spielen leise hrbar aber kein Vergleich zu meinem alten PC, welcher dann aufgedreht hat wie ein Strmungskanal. Auch wenn ich den Stromverbrauch nicht gemessen habe, ist die Leistungsaufnahme (und daher auch der Stromverbrauch) viel geringer. Durch die verwendete SSD ist die Startprozedur in sekundenschnelle erledigt.
Negativ: Bei dem Preis und auch der verwendeten Grafikkarte, drfte klar sein, dass aktuelle Shooter nur bedingt spielbar sind. Da muss man schon tiefer in die Tasche greifen. Auch der verwendete SSD Speicher von 500 GB ist grenzwertig gering. Ein Zweiter SSD M2 Slot ist vorhanden und hab ich auch schon bestckt (ca. 80 fr weitere GB). Abgesehen davon, nutze ich noch eine Synology NAS, sowie eine weitere ext. Festplatte, so dass dies fr mich keinen groen Nachteil bedeutet.
Im Groen und ganzen klare Kaufentscheidung. Luft seit 3 Monaten ohne Probleme.
Out of the box, I connected my wireless keyboard and mouse with a donglekey as well as a monitor using HDMI cable, it worked straight away and led me to the initial Windows 11 user setup phase. I have no issues in all the setting up and installation of my usual software whatsoever. It has three performance modes: Silent; Auto; Game. I left it in Auto for now and I haven’t found a need for a change even in my toughest 3D design tasks. It is interesting to note that the right side of the case is holding to the frame magnetically, thus can be opened at ease. Under that cover, there are slots for the memory and data storage drives, which can be upgraded to even higher specs in future. There are vents on the side covers that are decorated with colourful LEDs.
In the performance, I worked with it for a relatively complex mechanical control system within a super-high vacuum chamber which included hundred components. This PC has no issues and was only moderate warm after a whole day’s work. it vented well with acceptable venting noise. It has been very reliable and no black screen and no auto restart happened so far. My stock system is still under construction and will update once I run it for a while.
I certainly cannot comment on its performance in PC games but it is worth considering this AMR 5 mini PC if you are searching for a high performance, reliable, compact PC.
My last mini PC finally kicked the bucket after about 4 years of hard work and wow, I am amazed at how far technology has come along since then. What was would have been a little dull box with a few ports sticking into it now has UHD capabilities, full RGB and 3 performance modes! My son’s gaming laptop doesn’t even have 3 performance modes! Not only that but the mini PC can outperform it at pretty much everything, and on days I’m willing to carry around a travel monitor and peripherals, it’s equally as portable. What surprised me most was this thing’s ability to run video editing software, sure the previews aren’t great but considering my last one this size would’ve started smoking at the thought of Windows movie maker, I’d consider any semblance of an import and export button an improvement. Really can’t fault it on the technicals, takes windows 11 like a boss, runs AAA games on decent settings all while fitting in a backpack. Price is on the higher side but this is a higher end machine, and at the end of the day, worth every penny.
I had been using a standard HP professional desktop for a lot of years. While it still works ok, I decided to buy a new one, a smaller and more powerful one for my small home office. This mini computer fits my needs well, and actually smaller and more powerful than I expected. Coming with Windows 11 Pro also helps. I don’t play games but I use Photoshop and Lightroom, and even the quiet mode works fine. Maybe will save my energy bill?
Ho acquistato a poco meno di 500 euro questa incredibile scatoletta. Nonostante le recensioni positive avevo qualche dubbio sulla capacit di lavorare anche con programmi impegnativi che sforzassero il processore e la memoria. Devo ammettere di essere stato piacevolmente sorpreso di quanto invece sia prestante, nonostante abbia la configurazione da 16 GB di RAM. Molto semplice l’accesso all’interno del minipc dove con la semplice pressione si apre il lato che alloggia la RAM e la SSD per aumentare la capacit.
Ho voluto provarlo anche con star citizen e devo dire che gira bene anche se non settato nella configurazione pi dettagliata. la.ventola parte ma non eccessivamente rumorosa. Un unico difetto, se proprio vogliamo trovarne uno, le lucine colorate non vi modo di spegnerle, a meno di non installare un software che per al riavvio si resetta.
Consiglio assolutamente l’acquisto
Das Nervige einschaltenden Lftergerusche im Interval Nervt.
Die Einschalt dauer ist kurz, von Langsam auf schnell, sehr hufig im Interval Laut auf dem Schreibtisch.
Das stndige Ein und Ausschalten des Lfters , ohne zu Arbeiten mit dem PC nervig.
Das Gert geht zurck.
I will not use it for gaming. I brought it for the small form factor. It has a lot of inputs, outputs, USB’s, display port. I was looking forward to what I expected to be a fast computer. It came in performance mode. I changed it to automatic, but changed it back to performance again, and I think I will just leave it there. It works well enough for me. Not the fastest computer I own, but it does everything I need it to do. The lights are entertaining. A lot of effort went into that.
The only negative I found with this was that the hdmi cable that came with the computer failed within a couple of days. Fortunately I had a extra one of my own. At first I thought that there was something wrong with the computer. Glad it was not.
01/19/23, I like it so much, I decided to buy a second one.
And the size is perfect !
Much better than a laptop, lightweight and works great with the TV screen or any other screen I have at home or in the office.
My Sister recently mentioned we needed a new laptop for her since she is working from home and for her son for soft-gaming, and I thought we’d try using a mini pc instead. I already had extra portable monitor and keyboard and I impressed with this mini pc stick! It’s small, lightweight and portable. So much easier to travel with this instead of a bulky laptop. I like that it can be plugged in to a tv or portable monitor.
It plugs right into the HDMI port of TV or Monitor . It also has 4 usb plugs and Type-c plug .
It come with Windows 11 Pro directly from the Box.
It already come with very strong CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 5600U and its supports 4k uhd.
It has 16GB of RAM and 512GB SSD. It also has bluetooth and can work with wifi 6. Works great for movies, work and school and even with heavy games.
The best solution for office and soft-gaming uses!
Very recommended and high value for money!
Ho quindi deciso di sostituirlo con qualcosa di pi compatto, leggero (il portatile pesava tra i 3 e i 4 chili), moderno, potente e facilmente migliorabile tramite l’aggiunta di RAM e ROM e ho speso quasi due settimane per leggere recensioni di tantissimi modelli di laptop, PC a torre e mini PC.
Ci che mi ha fatto propendere per i mini PC e, in particolare, per questo AceMagician AMR5 stata la perfetta combinazione di tutti e cinque i parametri citati prima, oltre ad un prezzo in offerta davvero concorrenziale, dato che ho sfruttato un coupon di ben 100.
Il risultato un PC che fa il login in Windows 11 ed gi pronto per ricevere qualsiasi tipo di input in soli tre o quattro secondi e che impiega lo stesso tempo per spegnersi.
Normalmente lo uso nella modalit “blu”, ovvero quella silenziosa, che riduce al minimo il consumo energetico senza, per, compromettere le prestazioni durante l’utilizzo quotidiano ed una vera scheggia, senza mai mostrare alcun tipo di rallentamento.
Durante le sessioni di gioco uso, invece, la modalit “rossa”, ovvero quella che predilige le prestazioni a scapito di un consumo energetico un po’ pi elevato e, anche qui, risulta essere sempre fluidissimo anche con dettagli al massimo (ho giocato ad Outer Wilds con dettagli alti), senza mai riscaldarsi eccessivamente (rimane sempre quasi tiepido).
Onestamente non so perch alcuni sostengano che non possa essere usato con i dettagli dei giochi impostati ai livelli alti, forse per pregiudizio o per uno stereotipo dettato dalle dimensioni del PC, ma la verit che davvero un PC da gaming, probabilmente non ai livelli di un Lenovo Legion o di un ASUS ROG, ma le prestazioni che in grado di offrire sono ugualmente altissime.
– great chipset with dedicated graphics
– tons of expandability
– small form factor
– good selection of I/O (including Display Port & USB-C)
– decent thermals
– interesting design (I love it) and RGB lights
While my Intel i7 laptop is faster, the difference is barely noticeable in everyday tasks and web browsing. This is the only mini PC I found with a combination of Display Port + USB-C + USB-A 3 ports. Expanding the memory from 16 to 32 GB and adding an additional 1T SSD was super easy due to the magnetic side panel (and only brought my total costs to $600 USD).
As for gaming…playing E-sport titles (like CSGO, Fortnite, etc.) is great. I’ve transitioned to playing AAA titles on my console, so don’t need (or want) to play them on this machine. However, I was surprised how great this little PC handled City Skylines. I loaded up my largest save (over 500K population) and the ARM5 navigated around and rendered everything without a hitch. The fan did kick on, but it’s so quiet you’ll never hear it over your game sounds.
In terms of “cons” the power selector is a bit of a gimmick. You’ll probably leave in one mode and forget about it. Also, I wish the RGB light patterns you set were remembered when you have to shut down/restart (I eventually just left it as the “rainbow” default). Finally…you’ll either love or hate the design. I think it’s pretty interesting, but have seen other reviews that can’t stomach it. The tented form factor helps keep it cool. and the small footprint (about the same space as a Roku or Fire TV remote) is great for anyone with limited desk space
All-in-all this is a great machine at an even better price, and I would highly recommend purchasing it!!!
Mini PC adatto al Gaming e al lavoro con uscita Altoparlanti connessione WiFi 5, UHD 8K Display HDMI, Diplay Port e usb tipo c.
Altoparlante integrato e bluetooth 5.2 per collegare tastiera o cuffie, dotato di riconoscimento tramite impronta digitale
Possibile lavorare sino a 8K oltre che essere utilizzato per foto, video, grafica 2 e 3D e tutti i pi comuni programmi anche da ufficio, dove sar sempre veloce grazie al processore Intel i5 potente e affidabile
L’ergonomie de mon bureau s’est aussi grandement amliore. J’avais un cble pour l’internet qui faisait le tour de la pice mais ici la connexion wifi est impeccable (Wifi 6 est le meilleur protocole wifi actuel). Le pc est vraiment mini, j’ai beaucoup plus de place sur mon bureau et pour ceux qui veulent vraiment conomiser de la place jusqu’au bout, il a une patte mtallique pour le fixer au mur livr avec.
Entre le dessus du PC et son flanc, il y a une fente travers laquelle on peut distinguer des ailettes de refroidissement : naturellement la chaleur se dissipe normment ce qui fait que la ventilation ne s’enclenche que lorsque l’on pousse le processeur fond.
Comme c’est mon premier PC j’avais pas mal d’inquitudes qui se sont toutes dissipes. Maintenant je pense que je ne vais acheter que a et l en terme performance dans cette fourchette de prix, je n’ai pas trouv mieux ! Je recommande fortement.