BBQ Covers, Waterproof Heavy Duty Barbecue Cover, Gas Grill
BBQ Covers, Waterproof Heavy Duty Barbecue Cover, Gas Grill BBQ Covers, Windproof, Rip-Proof, outback bbq cove fits Weber BBQ, Brinkmann, Char Broil, Outback (145 L x 61 W x 112 H cm,210D,Black)
From the brand
We treat every buyer with care and continue to optimise and update our products.
All of our covers are made of premium oxford cloth with PU coating which make them extremely heavy-duty and super waterproof.more tear-resistance and UV-resistance
cherishes every value customer like you. making life more enjoyable for everyone.
Dimensions: | 150 x 3 x 3 cm; 600 Grams |
Model: | Cover |
Part: | Cover-01 |
Manufacture: | Barbecue Cover |
Dimensions: | 150 x 3 x 3 cm; 600 Grams |
So many to choose from and so many price differences, but this one was just what I was looking for. Great size, colour and quality. Would recommend for this price
This is good – I was thinking it might be a bit thin (despite the ad saying “heavy duty”) but I was pleasantly surprised because it’s very thick and good quality.
It fit my BBQ very well – I have quite a big one from Costco but this covered it with no issue. It’s survived heavy winds, rain and sunshine so far with no problem at all. It’s still sitting nicely on top of my bbq and doesn’t show signs of blowing away or losing quality.
Ottimo prodotto, copre bene e si pu agganciarlo alla parte bassa in modo che l’aria non lo porti via.
Sembra un p leggero, vediamo se quando piover sar veramente antiacqua.
The cover itself is really nice, offers great protection and can be tightened to fit securely, with straps and buckles on the bottom to make sure it stays in place.
The only issue I had was with the straps, they’re very thin and slip back though the buckles, so I needed to loop them through and tie them which was a bit of a pain.
Il telo funzionale , fa bene il suo lavoro, leggermente pi grande del mio barbecue ma lo ricomprerei.
Prodotto valido per i varii agganci e la corda che lo salsa bene al barbecue
abbastanza grande da ospitare la maggior parte dei barbecue mobili. Nel mio caso risulta anche un po’ troppo grande ma per fortuna possibile stringere con dei lacci la copertura attorno al barbecue.
In questo modo, il sole/la pioggia non intaccheranno pi la struttura del barbecue! Occhio per, tenerlo direttamente sotto la pioggia comunque da evitare. Il telo, essendo impermeabile, non fa nemmeno evaporare facilmente l’umidit quindi facile che resi tutti li sotto per chiss quante settimane!
Quindi il mio consiglio si di usare questa copertura ma al tempo stesso di tenere il barbecue dentro ad un capannone/ripostiglio lontane da tutti i possibili scenari meteo.
Il telo resistente, non spessissimo ma difficile strapparlo. Probabilmente vi durer un sacco di tempo!
Se ne state cercando uno, questo Ve lo consiglio, mi ci sto trovando bene.
Il programma Vine permette di ricevere, per visionare e provare, prodotti di varia tipologia per poi pubblicare, entro trenta giorni, una recensione imparziale ed onesta per condividere informazioni utili alle decisioni di acquisto dei clienti Amazon. Spero di darvi supporto con le mie considerazioni che torno ad aggiornare, se necessario, durante l’utilizzo del prodotto.
Un sacchetto di plastica trasparente con chiusura termosaldata contiene al suo interno, inserito in un sacchetto chiuso con un filo a coulisse, la copertura barbecue.
Nessun altra indicazione, escluse le misure del prodotto (cm. 145 x cm. 61 x cm. 112), riguardo la tipologia del materiale usato se non quella derivante dalla descrizione della pagina Amazon che riporta “poliestere oxford impermeabile 210D”.
Cosa il Tessuto Oxford 210D?
Il tessuto Oxford (dal nome della citt inglese da dove inizi la produzione del tessuto per camicie), un tessuto che si caratterizza per la sua robustezza data dal raddoppio dei fili di trama e ordito.
In questo caso il telo in tessuto Oxford 210D dove il filo di poliestere FDY 150D/36 viene utilizzato per ordito e trama del tessuto.
La D sta per Denier, misura della densit/spessore della fibra e FDY150 il nome del filo di poliestere e, pi alto il numero davanti alla D e pi robusto il tessuto.
In questo caso specifico, il tessuto della copertura (210D) di consistenza leggera pur essendo impermeabile e con l’interno anti UV.
Attualmente, sul mio barbecue, sto utilizzando una copertura in tessuto Oxford 600D pi spessa e robusta di questa e il barbecue posto in un luogo riparato dalla pioggia, ma non da sole e vento.
Questo telo di colore nero, internamente, come gi detto, argento per maggiore resistenza ai raggi UV, centralmente un cordone a coulisse permette di stringerlo attorno al barbecue evitando l’effetto vela delle giornate ventose poich non ha le classiche prese d’aria che servono allo stesso scopo.
Alla base stesso cordoncino inserito nell’orlo che corre per tutto il perimetro del telo e che permette di stringerlo e fissarlo al barbecue insieme alle quattro fettucce con fibbia in plastica da attaccare alle due ruote e ai due supporti di appoggio del barbecue.
Due maniglie applicate ai lati lunghi in materiale riflettente utili al posizionamento della copertura, ma non ad altro perci trattatele con le dovute cautele per evitare che si scuciano lacerando da subito il telo; stessa cautela nell’utilizzo, soprattutto con i materiali metallici, per evitare lacerazioni dovute anche alla leggerezza del tessuto.
Il tessuto leggero permette di piegarlo con relativa facilit anche se tale caratteristica potrebbe sparire dopo un’intera stagione invernale all’aperto che lo render pi rigido.
Nel complesso ben fatto, ma ritengo sia troppo leggero per resistere all’esterno per un tempo prolungato; considerate di fare un acquisto a stagione soprattutto se non posizionate il barbeque in un luogo riparato dalle intemperie e dal sole.
Attualmente, sul mio barbecue, sto utilizzando una copertura in tessuto Oxford 600D che dopo meno di due anni di utilizzo sta iniziando a lacerarsi nonostante il barbecue sia posto in un luogo riparato dalla pioggia, ma non da sole e vento, questo a dimostrazione che necessaria una copertura robusta quando si lasciano gli arredi del giardino all’esterno.
Abbiamo un barbecue di grandi dimensioni e questo telo coprente vi si adatta perfettamente, il fissaggio solido grazie agli accorgimenti di cui provvisto il telo.
Nice and easy to fit to my BBQ, and seems secure enough that I’m not worrying about it flying off in the wind.
I was expecting it to be a bit thicker, but it seems to be holding up at the mome
Arrivato puntualmente come sempre sono 3 settimane che all’acqua e per ora tiene benissimo
Very impressed with this cover, especially given the reasonable price.
I like the fact it has clips and drawstrings to help secure it, especially having a drawstring around the middle, which stops it flapping about in the wind.
It’s not really thick, heavy duty material but feels sturdy enough for the task.
Has a handy pouch to pack it away in.
Would recommend.
Ottimo prodotto,molto resistente e impermeabile.Lo uso per un barbecue abbastanza grande, a temperature vicine allo zero di notte e sono molto soddisfatto.
Ottimo qualit/prezzo.
Tutto ci che rimane all’esterno, anche se realizzato per resistere alle intemperie, va comunque protetto dagli agenti atmosferici per mantenerlo in perfette condizioni con il passare del tempo.
Non fanno eccezione i barbecue che, anche quando sono verniciati o zincati e di ottima qualit, ho potuto notare a mie spese che non sono esenti da ruggine!
Questo telo protettivo per BBQ realizzato in tessuto Oxford 210D e all’interno troviamo uno spesso rivestimento in PU.
E’ veramente ben rifinito, le cuciture sono doppie e realizzate in modo impeccabile per aumentarne l’impermeabilit e la resistenza allo strappo.
Il telo inoltre dotato di laccetti con coulisse e di fibbie tipo quelle degli zaini per agganciarlo alla base in modo che in caso di vento forte non voli via!
Questo metodo molto efficace e permette un serraggio perfetto.
Ho gi testato l’impermeabilit del tessuto durante un temporale: non entrata neanche una goccia d’acqua, quindi prova superata a pieni voti!
La manutenzione facilissima: basta pulire con un panno oppure lavare con acqua e lasciare asciugare al sole.
In conclusione, si tratta di un telo di ottima qualit, resistente e impermeabile, che permette di proteggere alla perfezione il barbecue preservandolo dalle intemperie.
Sono molto soddisfatta e il mio punteggio di 5 stelle!
Per il momento sembra perfetto, vedremo dopo 1 anno col sole e la pioggia d’estate
I got this cover to fit my Outback Gas BBQ Cover. On first impressions, I don’t feel that it is the strongest cover, albeit it is claimed to be both rip and waterproof. It has a protection level of 210D, which isn’t the highest that there is, but at this pricepoint is probably typical. Taking this on board, I actually ordered this cover as an extra layer, as I already have the BBQ covered with a double tarpaulin sheet.
One real plus point about the cover is adjustable drawstring cord at the middle and bottom, which pull in quite significantly, which will help keep it in place for when there are high winds around and stop it blowing away. There are also straps with clip buckles for added stability, which you can tie off around the wheels etc.
There is a reflective strip on both sides of the cover, which is good, so that it stands out in the night-time, to stop you bumping into it.
The BBQ cover size is 145x61x112cm, which is large enough to fit most 4-6 ring burner units. I haven’t got either of the side shelves attached currently, so as you may see from the pics that there is still ample amount of space. In fact, since taking the pics I was able to also store the gas cylinder underneath it, so everything is neatly packed away for the winter months.
I think on the whole it is a good cover, albeit not the best available. I would state that if you are wanting a single cover to protect your BBQ then I would recommend buying a more heavy duty version that has a 420D protection level (or higher if it exists) as this alone will give you double the amount of shielding. Alternatively, if like me you are looking for an extra layer to what you already have, then it is a good option.
Ottimo materiale impermeabile e non c’ rischio che il vento se lo porti via perch ha gli elastici per stringerlo a piacimento.
The Outback BBQ Cove is a high-quality cover that’s made of durable polyester material. It protects your BBQ from the elements and debris and keeps it dry. This cover comes in an array of sizes to fit most gas grills and smokers. The material is windproof and water resistant so you can use it in any season.
This cover is not very thick but does the job. There are 4 safety buckles attached with each corner for extra safety. This cover was available for a good value at the time of review.
Ciao a tutti
Ho scelto di testare questo prodotto perch incuriosita dalle recensioni positive.
Arriva sigillato e sottovuoto in un sacchetto di plastica trasparente.
All’interno troviamo il telo copri barbecue racchiuso da una comoda borsa nera.
Di seguito le principali caratteristiche:
telo per copertura barbecue
resistente agli strappi
anti polvere, neve pioggia, sole, raggi UV
da esterno
materiale estremamente resistente
facile da pulire
Ho trovato questo telo copri barbecue di ottima qualit.
Il tessuto poliestere oxford impermeabile 210D, spesso e pesante con un rivestimento in PU a doppia cucitura che lo rende molto robusto e altamente resistere al freddo.
Questa copertura per barbecue protegge il bruciatore da pioggia, gelo, polvere, sole e lo mantiene pulito e asciutto.
Si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi tipo di barbecue avendo dei lacci che lo tengono ben saldo ed evitano che voli via con il vento.
molto facile da pulire.
Il prezzo a mio avviso ottimo in rapporto alla qualit.
Mi sento quindi di consigliare questo prodotto.
Voto 8,5
Spero che la mia recensione possa esservi d’aiuto
Our old BBQ cover was a thick canvas type material. Over the years this had been affected by the sunlight. It had become brittle and was tearing in the wind. This new cover is much thinner and lighter than that old one was. However, that seems to make no difference. I measured the BBQ to see if this was the right size and it seemed a good match. When it arrived it actually seems bigger than I needed so there was plenty of room for the BBQ inside. If you want to remove and store the cover it comes in its own carry pouch of the same material.
Having the drawstrings at the bottom and halfway up is great. You can gather the cover up to fit around the BBQ and use the clasp on the drawstring to hold it there. This means you do not get large areas of fabric blowing around in the wind. It also helps reduce the profile of the unit presented to the wind.
With the cover in place and the draw strings gathered the cover has stayed in situ without issue. We have had some torrential rain and gales since I put the cover in place, but it has not moved at all. The old cover would practically come off sometimes in the wind or it would catch the wind and the whole BBQ would be moved. No such issue with this cover. The BBQ underneath is completely dry too.
Based on the performance in the horrible weather it has seen, I am very happy with it.
articolo arrivato puntualmente e su questo niente da dire, pensavo che fosse piu “spesso” perch risulta si leggero ma non so quanto robusto alla fine. Nel complesso buono
The recent high winds have taken their toll on the cover for my BBQ so this one came up for review at just the right time. The material feels to be pretty hard wearing, yet it is soft and flexible enough to cope with being out in the windiest and coldest of weather. This is a bit bigger than my BBQ but that really isn’t a problem as it has the means to secure it to the BBQ frame – there are 2 straps to secure it on the underside and two drawcord, one at the bottom and one mid-way down. This is a good quality BBQ cover and one which will stay in place in windy conditions – happy to recommend.
The cover is nice and large and fits over my Weber spirit 3 burner bbq well with the shelves out. Once on I can pull the drawstring but also there are straps with quick release buckles which I can fasten to the bbq or the large gas cylinder. I was sick of picking up a wet cover in the garden when it had blown off but with this one its not an issue. It easily applied by one person and if the straps are used it shouldn’t be coming off. The bbq itself has been well protected from rain and it doesn’t get through. For the low price its great value, its not custom fitted but it will fit and protect and looks okay. The value is the best for me, cheap but does the job.
First off, this is a big BBQ cover.
I have covered an outdoor table with it.
It will keep the rain off.
I like the size of the cover.
Hopefully my table will be in good shape when I take the cover off in spring.
A really good BBQ cover that’s both strong enough to take being manhandled on and off your BBQ, but also provides complete waterproof protection.
Has straps and a drawstring to keep this in place, and it’s certainly been tested over the past few days with very high winds. Completely waterproof and has kept my BBQ totally dry.
Have reflective handles to aid removal (and finding if it gets blown away at night when not properly fastened). Also you won’t walk into your BBQ as the handles stand out well even in dim light.
This came in a thick plastic vacuum-packed bag to prevent it being damaged, upon opening I discovered it has a nice little storage bag to put the cover in when not in use, which is always handy. Although you would need to fold it neatly to get it into this bag.
The description of this item is heavy duty BBQ cover, I would not call this heavy duty, I have thicker cover’s on my garden furniture.
The cover itself is not heavy but it is huge so it will fit most large BBQ’s and you won’t struggle to get it in place.
However as far a BBQ covers go this one is pretty decent, it has handles attached making it easier to remove when you want to, these are also reflective, so you don’t have look hard to find them.
There is a toggle and clips to tighten the cover when in place, always handy during bad windy weather. Nothing more frustrating than having to run out to the garden to retrieve your covers that have blown around everywhere.
As for a recommendation for this item it is definitely value for money, BBQ covers can be expensive and this one isn’t for what it is, so it is definitely worth the purchase. As for whether it will last the winter and beyond, we will need to see but for the moment I am happy with it.
This black coloured barbecue cover (inside it’s a smooth silver colour) arrived flat-packed, well that’s my take on it, but by that I mean vacuum packed I suppose, in a transparent plastic bag. Anyway, why am I bothering to mention that as it’s the gubbins inside the bag that counts. Well you can’t go wrong here. It’s the attention to detail that I’m impressed with, the little things that make the whole a good product. The seams are double reinforced, you won’t any water through any gapsthere are none. The vinyl inside layer in silver adds an additional water proof protection. The grey reflective material in a thin oblong shape on each handle helps to find the handles in the dark. It’s got handles that’s a good thing. It also has an elastic good sturdy string for want of a better word that has a drawstring mechanism to tighten the material forming a skirt underneath to prevent from blowing off or away. There are four catches made of good sturdy nylon, well the four catches come together to form two attachments underneath, again, more protection. It’s got a rectangular shape to it, it’s made of 210D Oxford material, now I don’t know about you but I’m not going to look into that except to say it’s Oxford material which is the sign of good quality. I own a motorcycle cover but it’s a lot thicker material. Obviously this cover doesn’t need to be that thick, and it’s not. It’s quite thin to me, but the item blurb does state that it’s made of tear resistant material and is heavy duty, so that’s OK by me, now as for how long this cover will last, that is anyone’s guess. To be honest when someone says heavy duty I think heavy and thickit’s not. It’s enough to say that it’s a good quality cover and worth the price of a measly 13.99. Five stars from me.