Bluetooth Adapter PC, Bluetooth Dongle USB 5.1 EDR

Bluetooth Adapter PC, Bluetooth Dongle USB 5.1 EDR for Laptop, Desktop, Headphones, Mouse, Keyboard, Speaker, Printer, USB Bluetooth Adapter for PC, Windows 11/10/8.1, Plug & Play

- Step1: Plug the Bluetooth adapter into the USB port of the computer, and the Bluetooth icon will be displayed in the system status bar. Check the uer guide to get the driver to download and install.
- Step2: According to the pop-up prompt during installation, click [Next], Installation shows that REALTEK Bluetooth is being installed. After the installation is complete, you need to restart your computer.
- Step3: After the computer restarts, open My Computer, right-click-System Tools-Device Manager, and Realtek Bluetooth 5.1 Adapter appears. The driver is installed successfully and can be safely used.
Dimensions: | 9.4 x 7.6 x 1.8 cm; 30 Grams |
Model: | Bluetooth Adapter |
Manufacture: | llano |
Dimensions: | 9.4 x 7.6 x 1.8 cm; 30 Grams |
I got this USB adapter to connect my Circut and it does exactly what I got I for.
Habe den Bluthoothstick am PC reingesteckt , hat sofort einwandfrei funktioniert , bin sehr zufrieden !
Sehr brauchbarer 5.1 Bluetooth-Stick. Wird fr einen Lautsprecher verwendet und funktioniert einwandfrei.
Leider ist die Reichweite nicht ganz dass was ich zu lesen geglaubt habe aber trotzdem funktioniert erst tadellos
Plug and play and a restart, very simple and it works grea
Not much to say, plug it into your PC and VOILA: you now have bluetooth.
lterer PC mit Win10 . plug and play.. einfach einstecken, installiert sich allein und loslegen. Verbindung stabil und gute Reichweite. TOP !
It’s a simple adapter that works perfectly on a Windows 10 PC.
I don’t know what more I can say this product is exactly as it was advertised it came quickly, and does the job that I purchased it to do giving me Bluetooth access to my compute
Luft echt einwandfrei. Genauso hab ichs mir vorgestellt, usb stick in pc gesteckt und konnte direkt eine Verbindung mit meinem PS5 Controller herstellen.
Probably one of the better Bluetooth dongles I’ve had in a while, doesn’t randomly disconnect like some other ones I’ve had.
Ist bestimmt der fnfte Bluetooth Dongle den ich jetzt gekauft habe und der erste bei dem es nicht zu stndigen Verbindungsabbrchen oder sonstigen Problemen kommt! Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
I’ve tried other ones but this is the best so fa
Der Stick ist einfach anzuwenden.
Nur in eine USB Buchse stecken, das gewnschte Gert im Windows dazufgen, fertig.
Bei mir hat der Stick sich sofort verbunden.
Kleines nettes Teil fr PC ohne Bluetooth. Instalation unter Win 10 ohne Probleme, Verbindunnngsaufbau topp.
Schick und unauffllig selbst an einem lteren Laptop.
Plugged in and used my controller right away. No complaints from me.
Plugged it in and it didn’t work at first, but I restarted computer it installed and started working. Why spend money on a internal Bluetooth card when this is cheaper and does the same.
It did not serve its purpose for my computer, so, I gave it away. Thanks for the rapid service!
Bluetooth Adapter tut was er soll.
Verbindung steht stabil auch durch Wnde und geschlossene Tren (ca. 15m entfernt). TOP! (Maximalreichweiter nicht getestet)
The bluetooth 5.1 adapter usb delivered the performance expected, make sure to download the drivers in the official company site. mine wasn’t detected by my pc until i manually downloaded the drivers in the official company site.
I am using a custom built desktop so well made I’ve had it for 15 years with only a swap of the old spinning hard drive for a solid state drive. The one thing this rig is missing is Bluetooth. Now I have it. Install was fast and easy, truly plug and play, and my headset connected easily. I should have done this years ago.
plug it u good to go..use as u would any other bluetooh device..
We use this product for our staff to connect Bluetooth headsets to their PC for virtual meetings, and they work quite well. Additionally, this company provides a warranty and professional after-sales service to assist with any issues you may encounter. Good product and great service!
Also bis jetzt klappt alles, sehr leichte Installation. Preis-Leistung bis jetzt top. Endlich hat mein PC Bluetooth.
I thought this was a blue adapter as shown in the images, however it is black! I was disappointed by the color but it still works.
I had built a computer using a B550M motherboard which unfortunately did not have built-in WiFi or Bluetooth. I bought a new Xbox Wireless controller and, of course, I needed a way to connect it to the PC via Bluetooth.
I came across this adapter and decided to try it out. The PC is running Windows 10 and as such, according to the seller (Nllanous), did not require a driver download.
Installation was “Plug and Play” easy. The system instantly recognized the adapter and from there, it was just a simple matter of turning on Bluetooth in Windows and pairing it with the Xbox controller. The adapter found the controller right away and I’ve been using it ever since!
After-sales service is great, BTW. The seller contacted me to make sure I had all the instructions I needed for the OS I was using. They also gave me instructions on how to register the product for the warranty.
Excellent device, excellent customer service. Definitely would recommend to anyone needing a BT adapter.
Windows 10 thinks it’s a headset until you download the Windows 7 driver from llano’s website. It doesn’t work automatically and windows 10 will not find the driver for you. It works well after installing the win7 driver.
pour un casque Bluetooth et c’est formidable le son est parfait pour mon Lenovo portable
mehr als das es solide wirkt kann ich nicht sagen.
Brauchte eigentlich einen Transmitter und nicht dieses Teil.
War falsch informiert ,falsches Teil bestellt und hab es dann zurckgeschickt.
Der Versand ging aber amazon-mig flo
The Bluetooth in my laptop died. I tried everything, nothing helped. The system could not find the Bluetooth (which had worked the day before). After reading some reviews–and watching the videos–I decided this looked promising. It works as advertised: plug it into your Windows 10 or 11 device, and it just works. Problem solved!
Appears to work for my application desktop computer and headphone. Will update if things change.
For some reason it isn’t connecting to my products I want to hook up. computer found it but not my other gadgets that use Bluetooth. still trying though.
Da der alte Laptop meiner Tochter langsam die Grtsche macht, hab ich ihr einen Desktop Rechner spendiert. Leider hatte dieser kein eingebautes Bluetooth an Bord um den Rechner mit ihrer Stereoanlage von Panasonic zu verbinden. Also alten BT-Stick von HAMA dran, dieser Wurde zwar von Win10 erkannt und hat sich auch mit der Anlage verbunden, jedoch lie sich kein Sound abspielen (Warum auch immer).
Dafr dann diesen Stick bestellt, reingesteckt, verbunden und siehe da: Musik luft.
Der Stick wurde von Win 10 sofort erkannt und eingebunden. Schn klein ist er auch, so kann man ihn auch vorne am Rechner einstecken ohne Angst zu haben das man hngen bleibt oder hnliches.
Einziges Manko: Die Reichweite scheint geringfgig weniger zu sein als die vom Laptop. (Ist wohl dem geschuldet das im Laptop eine kleine Antenne extra fr W-Lan und BT verbaut war)
Die 3 Meter im Kinderzimmer berbrckt er jedoch spielend. (Auser es herrscht die totale Unordnung, aber dann kommt nicht mal mehr das W-Lan Signal durch 😉 )
Works as advertised. I only use the Bluetooth for 5.1 ear buds but, zero issues so far…solid range and audio. Hoping it stays consistent with multiple devices connected. No need to use in a 3.0 port, an available usb 2.0 is more than enough and it might even resolve some hiccups if any.
Not as blue as I’d like it to be in the pictures, but oh well. Works well, stable connections.
Adapter macht, was er soll. Muss bei Win10 nur eingesteckt werden, wird automatisch erkannt. Stabile Bluetooth Verbindung.
Dell Precision 7540
System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition: Windows 10 Enterprise
Version: 21H2
OS build: 19044.2130
Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
Ottimo, basta inserirlo nel USB e nient’altro, poi si associano i vari dispositivi. Consegna ottima, arrivato in 2 giorni
Mise Jour de Windows 10 a Windows 11 et plus de Bluetooth alors que mon ordinateur l avait .
Plus reconnu fini par acheter un dong qui fini par tre utile
Following up, I now know that the email was a sincere effort to offer tech support for the product. In fact, this proved useful in resolving with a stability issue where my Wi-Fi network antenna was too close to the adapter and causing some unstable behavior with the Bluetooth radio signal.
Purchased this Bluetooth Adapter for my laptop with Windows 10 and it worked perfectly with my wireless headphones. Very simply I plugged into my USB port and enjoyed automatic installation for setup in under a minute with plug & play installation! Super user friendly! I have tried connecting 2 different Bluetooth headphones all without issue. I am able to use the headphones to listen to audio, as well as use the microphones in the headphones to complete voice chat/discord calls. I really like the extra sleek, ultra-small design, I can insert the Nano Bluetooth receiver into any of my USB port in my laptop or desk top and simply keep it there regardless if I am traveling or at home. Great adapter!
Note that your own mileage may vary. Some system administrators might lock disallow the user turning on Bluetooth, period. In my case, they just disallowed installing drivers or other software. In the sys admin’s defense, any code could later be found to have a vulnerability that needs to be patched and the don’t want to have to track all sorts of proprietary single-use drivers for dozens of no-name products from no-name vendors. In other words, even for home use, the simplicity of plug and play is not just about convenience but also adds a wee bit of assurance on security and stability by not introducing more to the operating system than need be.
I’ve used successfully on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Not compatible with iOS, Android, linux.
only issue i have is it doesnt like walls it needs line of sight of the item but could just be the cheapo speaker im using id have test it with my mp3 playe
When I received this product I was having problems with my hearing aids going out of range within 3 feet while on MSFS 2020 flight sim. I put in complaint which was answered quickly and they offered to send another one. But before I took them up on it ; I did a study of the problem. My keyboard and mouse was extneded from 2 feet to 12 feet (before I ran out of room) and I also noted my hearing aids work fine if I was listening to music from PC. I have concluded it has something to do with the flight sim. They worked with me and I gave them a honest feedback ( not taking advantage of them!! Their product preforms perfectly. And their support is superb!!
After receiving the product i immediately received an email from the seller asking me if everything is okay, and if i needed the drivers they would gladly send them to me. Admittedly the link in the documentation doesn’t work, but the seller has been extremely responsive activating my warranty and ensuring the product works for me.
I haven’t been able to test the 5.1 functionality, but i haven’t had any issues with the dongle itself and I will update if i do.