Caseology Vault Case Compatible with Airpods Pro 2 (2022

Caseology Vault Case Compatible with Airpods Pro 2 (2022) – Matte Black

Dimensions: | 7.61 x 5.09 x 2.68 cm; 50 Grams |
Model: | ACS05423 |
Manufacture: | Spigen |
Dimensions: | 7.61 x 5.09 x 2.68 cm; 50 Grams |
Origin: | Korea, Republic of |
I got this and didn’t think it would be all that great. I was wrong this case is great!! Someone knew what they was doing when they made these lol
Really love this case! It makes me AirPods Pro 2 feel far more rugged, and the white plastic no longer gets scratched. No issues with anything falling off. After a few weeks the carabiner is losing paint, but not an issue. Highly recommend.
Feels great! I would describe the texture as smoothed but has that stone like matte feel. It’s really nice. Got the green and it’s honestly a pretty nice green, not vibrant but not black either. Lowkey case and it’s really protective. Like a hard shell, but really noice.
I got the green case and it looks so good I’m so happy with it. It’s thick but not so thick that it looks bulky. I also accidentally dropped it and my AirPods didn’t automatically go flying everywhere like they usually do so that’s a big plus.
This case was well made and it was bought for AirPods Pro, protects my AirPods very well. Definitely recommend Caseology cases.
Das Caselogy Case fr die AirPods Pro 2 passt perfekt und ist gut verarbeitet mit sauberen Spalten und gutem Mechanismus. Wireless Laden mit dem MagSafe Pad klappt gut. Aber das Laden mit dem Apple Watch Ladegert klappt leider nicht. Daher ein Punkt Abzug. Empfehlung wrde ich es aber trotzdem.
Don’t even consider another case. I don’t think I’ve ever been this impressed by a cheap protection accessory. It fits perfectly with no adhesive, and is built like a tank. I just wish there was an option for a case without the loop for the carabiner, as I never use it, but that’s just nitpicking an otherwise perfect product.
It’s perfectly fits the AirPods Pro 2nd Gen! And it’s very sturdy and gives complete protection! Beast of a cover!
The issue I had with the airpods pro (2nd gen) case was it gets micro-scratches really easily.
This case snaps on, and is a tight friction-fit, with no need for adhesives. At first, I was worried it would come off easily. However the way the airpods case is designed lends itself against a snap-on case coming out easily. Only time will tell if this will hold up, but for now it seems sturdy enough. On second thought, it feels like I’m going to break the hinge if I try to remove the upper half of the case.
The carribeaner is on the opposite side of the lanyard/tether hole, so you can still use a lanyard or tether with the airpods case. That being said, the carribeaner hole is on the black case, and not physically connected to the airpods case itself (beyond the friction fit).
The iconic apple tactile open-and-close mechanism is not compromised by the case – in fact, the additional bulk of the Caseology case gives it a bit of a ciunter-weight, making the “snapping” action a bit more pronounced in my opinion.
All in all, a good minimalistic case, and I’d recommend it for $18 or so. The port cutouts are easily accessible. The rear button is a bit stiff to press, but not a dealbreaker. The back hinge is appropriately cut out so it doesn’t interfere with the opening and closing of the airpods. The minimal branding on the case was perfect.
I was looking for a case that was slim and not too bulky. This was a great fit. Plus it still gives you access to the button on the back. My only complaint is the carabiner clip is a bit bulky with the shape. But it’s a small complaint as the quality of the clip is really good. Overall I’d buy it again.
pretty durable case, the top portion of the case will pop off when dropped most times. the hook that it comes with is a durable material but the hinge on it wears down over time. at least in my experience.
Qualitt kann immer etwas besser ausfallen, bei dem Preis ist es hinzunehmen, dass es sprbar/fhlbar billig ist.
Wenn man besser haben will, sollte man mehr investieren. Fr die paar Euros top.
Estaba buscando una funda resistente, con buen tacto, aspecto y con compatibilidad con la carga inalmbrica. Y la he encontrado. Lo nico, que no es compatible con MagSafe (no s imanta aunque sigue cargando). Muy contento.
are vraag van Amazon, Geluidskwaliteit? stroom opladen? euhhh het is gewoon een hoesje.
en dat hoesje is kwa prijs en kwaliteit zeer goed. top produc
I really like the texture of it. It is not really grippy so it won’t pull out the insides of your pants, I really recommend this one over any other case.
Wie ich erhofft hatte, praktisch und optisch schlicht. Ich bin sehr zufriede
The texture outside looks premium, it helps to have a better grip on the product. Although not worth the price, found it a little costly
It’s perfect for your airpods 2, looks clean , is sturdy, and even charges wirelessly, also let’s you access the butto
Ben costruita, materiali di buona qualit. Aderisce perfettamente al case Apple.
Queda Perfectamente, da una buena sensacin, nunca lo he sacado de la funda desde que lo he puesto. cabe aclarar que es muy rgido,puede que no te guste el material.
The rugged finish of the case and the finishing texture
I had this same case but in the air pod pro 1st gen. It was good, but it had sticky stuff in the inside to help the lid not fall off. This design is snug and seems like they made it to where the sticky stuff is no longer needed! The cutouts are great, and the color is what I expected. The carabiner is very nice too. I definitely recommend it!
Hatte am Anfang zwecks Alternativen nur eine gnstige Silikonhlle. Die ist leider in der Hosentasche immer kleben geblieben und das Rausholen war ein Albtraum.
Das Caseology Case hier ist ein Traum. Fhlt sich super hochwertig an mit der leichten Riffelung, hat ein wunderbares Schnappgerusch beim Schlieen und klebt nicht mehr in Hosentasche. Leider etwas schwerer als Silikonvarianten, wrde sie aber trotzdem immer wieder kaufe
Really good case and sturdy! Worth the priceand the matte rubber finish feels nice- not a fan of plastic cases from other brands.
Only negative is that the mag safe doesn’t work! It doesn’t magnetically click to the charger, but will charge if placed correctly.
Also, the ring opening is quite large and I fear the case might drop while trying to clip on to my jeans!
Articolo utile per proteggere le mie AirPods Pro (2*generazione) per quando le porto in tasca con oggetti come potrebbe essere le chiavi di casa o cose che strusciando andrebbero a segnare la custodia. Il formato calza perfettamente si chiude sigillando bene le cuffie ed molto compatto/solido ; al tatto piacevole perch presenta un feeling leggermente di rilievo. Unica pecca che ho provato a utilizzare la ricarica wireless e non riesce a captare la presenza delle cuffie.
The case is nice and robust. The only downside is you can use a magnetic charger (Apple watch charger) with this case. You will have to use the lightening cable for charging.
Prodotto conforme alle foto e alla descrizione riportate.
Tutto combacia perfettamente con il case specialmente la parte superiore che resta saldamente attaccata (anche troppo).
La cover spessa dando una sensazione di robustezza ma allo stesso tempo resta elegante e non ingombrante. Moschettone di qualit.
Con tutte le offerte/coupon si trova a meno di 15.
Super consigliato!
obusto e cumpre com o prometido. A nica dificuldade que encontrei foi tentar carregar com o carregador do relgio, em contrapartida, com o carregador de induo normal, no h qualquer problema. No geral dei 5 estrelas porque merece.
Trs bon produit , se charge trs bien sur MagSafe , semble trs robuste, on verra l’usage
Nothing to dislike about this case! The makers of Spigen made this solid case. Nice and snug, no adhesive. Top portion doesn’t move and the texture gives it a nice grip feeling. Highly recommend!
Arrivata con la scatola leggermente rovinata.
La cover aderisce perfettamente alla custodia delle airpods.
Una volta applicata, per, diventa difficile cliccare il pulsante sul retro.
Ottimo prodotto sia come estetica e comfort al tatto che a livello protettivo del case.
Molto soddisfatto
As per the price it proof its expensiveness.
Of you guys have air pods pro 2, go for it.
Protects AirPod pro from scratches and drops. Supports MagSafe charging.
Prodotto Eccellente! Aderisce alla perfezione e protegge bene il case degli AirPods! Il moschettone ben resistente, comodo da agganciare a pantaloni o zaino.
Eccezionali al tatto, resistenti ad ogni urto. Facili da montare e poi restano perfettamente aderenti senza il rischio che si sfili dal case delle airpods. Funziona perfettamente con il magsafe.
Dit is een hele strakke kwalitatief mooie hoes. Naar mijn mening heeft die een nadeel welke voor jou kan juist positief kan zijn. Dat is dat er een verplichte haak oog op zit die er blijft zitten ook al gebruikt je de meegeleverde hanger niet. Voor mij had het niet gehoeven omdat ik die optie niet gebruik. Verder is dit een verademing in de vele in het oosten gemaakte merkloze cases.
Ottima cover per AirPods, ho sempre acquistato quelle economiche da 7-8. Per qualche in pi, questa cover fatta di un ottimo materiale ed molto resistente agli urti.
Il moschettone lucido e di ottima qualit, non il classico che viene dato in dotazione con la maggior parte delle cover.
Vi consiglio l’acquisto, qualit/prezzo ottima.
Highly recommended!
Update: this case doesnt work with Magsafe charger especially Apple Watch charger which is the new feature of its case. Additionally, button on the back need a lot of pressure to push!
Otherwise, Im still rate it 5 star because of price range, so far so good!