Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion PS5

Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion PS5

Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 39 Grams |
Model: | SQEA78.UK.24ST |
Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 39 Grams |
Origin: | Austria |
Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion PS5
Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 39 Grams |
Model: | SQEA78.UK.24ST |
Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 39 Grams |
Origin: | Austria |
While there’s a loud population of complaining people, and Rick Gomez’s performance will always be iconic, Caleb Pierce stuck the landing on a lot of his lines despite the directors apparently having some real idiot instructions for him. Several of the lines were re-written to make a lot more sense, and each one was like “Oh, that’s a new line!” with some of them just being funnier or more in character, and one of them actually fixing a weird plot oversight.
The Sephiroth VA really grew on me, Genesis and Angeal I found kinda mid.
All Turk VA replacements on the other hand were atrocious, and when Cissnei probably isn’t going to appear in the remake anyways, I wish they hadn’t replaced her VA.
Explorar el contexto detrs de la cada del legendario hroe Sephiroth y presenciar cmo se transforma en un icnico villano agrega profundidad y fascinacin al universo de Final Fantasy VII. Adems, el regreso de personajes queridos como Cloud, Tifa y Aerith enriquece la experiencia, permitiendo a los jugadores sumergirse an ms en la trama y la emocin.
Crisis Core ofrece una mezcla cautivadora de accin, aventura y emociones, y su enfoque en el desarrollo de personajes hace que sea una adicin imprescindible para los fans de la franquicia. Con una narrativa envolvente y momentos emocionantes, este juego deja una marca perdurable en los corazones de quienes lo juegan.
This is a “part” remake of the original Crisis Core released on the PSP back in 2007, and is a prequel to the Final Fantasy 7 story.
The game has been updated in terms of graphics, voice acting, and some gameplay – however the overall animation, story and cutscenes remain the same from the original. The new updates are great, with graphics matching closer to the FF 7 remake, and new QoL improvements make the game more enjoyable, but the story can still be confusing, the animations can look a bit jarring for this current generation, and the voice acting is hit and miss.
The main criticism though is this game was built for a portable console. The missions are short and quick, and there are a lot of optional missions of this nature. I wish they incorporated the missions more in the story so it had a more flowing consistency, as it still feels like a “pick up and play for 10 mins a time” kind of game.
Overall I will rate 4 stars as the game still plays very well and has great lore which expands the FF7 universe even more. I wouldn’t say this is currently connected to Rebirth if people were wondering, so it’s not essential to play if you don’t have the time, but to learn more of Zack’s story will help.
his game adds loads of context to parts that felt missing in FF7R, and with it being a remaster of the original game, nothing has changed. Meaning if you played the original FF7 before they changed the story in Remake, it still applies.
I played the original FF7 and remake, but not this prequel from the 2006 PSP release.
It’s a charming and enjoyable game, it’s of course a product of it’s time, the level design and some of the dialog is reminiscent of the PS2 era (where movie like narratives and voiced acting were still pretty new) and so the written dialog is a little cheesy at times. But the voice actors are great, reprising their role’s from the recent FF7 remake. The visuals are fantastic, and the combat is fast and fun. The story is also interesting, as is seeing character’s like Sephiroth in the different light.
Compared to the original, I’ve seen others mention the combat is much better and more responsive, and there is a lot of additional dialog that wasn’t previously voiced.
A must for anyone who’s interested in Final Fantasy 7 (although be warned, this game is a prequel to FF7, one might want to play the PS1 FF7 first to avoid spoilers).
I’ve been meaning to buy this game for a while now (Super FF7 Fan). Finally got the chance to get it and I’m very happy about it!
I ordered the game on December 31st and it arrived yesterday (January 5th).
Thank you!
Bought while it was on offer, my friend is going to love playing this.
Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion una remaster per PS5 del gioco originariamente pubblicato per PSP nel 2007. Il gioco un prequel del famoso Final Fantasy VII e racconta la storia di Zack Fair, un membro dell’organizzazione militare Shinra, che cerca di scoprire la verit sulla misteriosa organizzazione SOLDIER.
La trama di Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion senza dubbio uno dei suoi punti di forza. La storia ben scritta e coinvolgente, e ci sono molte scene emozionanti che tengono il giocatore incollato allo schermo. Inoltre, il gioco approfondisce la vita di Zack e altri personaggi del mondo di Final Fantasy VII, offrendo una maggiore comprensione del loro background e delle loro motivazioni.
Il gameplay di Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion un mix di combattimento in tempo reale e sistema di livello. Il sistema di combattimento divertente e coinvolgente, e ci sono molte abilit speciali e magie da sbloccare. Il sistema di livello, invece, ti permette di migliorare le abilit di Zack e personalizzarlo come preferisci.
Inoltre, la remaster di Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion offre una qualit tecnica migliorata rispetto all’originale. I grafici sono stati aggiornati e resi pi nitidi, e la colonna sonora stata rimasterizzata con una qualit superiore.
Il comparto sonoro di Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion fantastico. La colonna sonora epica e coinvolgente, e ci sono molte tracce che ti faranno sentire come se fossi nel mezzo dell’azione. Inoltre, le voci dei personaggi sono ben interpretate e contribuiscono a creare un’atmosfera coinvolgente.
In generale, Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion un gioco fantastico che vale la pena giocare per i fan della serie Final Fantasy e per coloro che amano i giochi di ruolo. La trama coinvolgente, il gameplay divertente e la qualit tecnica migliorata lo rendono un gioco eccellente. Sebbene ci siano alcuni piccoli difetti, come alcuni punti della trama che sembrano un po’ affrettati, questi non intaccano l’esperienza di gioco complessiva. Se sei un fan della serie, questo gioco un must-have per la tua collezione di PS5.
I like all ff stuff and this is a good fun game