DAB+ Radio with Bluetooth Speaker – August MB420 – DAB FM

DAB+ Radio with Bluetooth Speaker – August MB420 – DAB FM Digital Tuner Dual Alarm Clock Radio Aux USB Line out – Mains Powered LCD Screen Presets Subwoofer [Black]
DAB DAB+ FM Radio with Bluetooth Speakers

Future Proof DAB and DAB+ Tuner
With both DAB and DAB+ covered, you’ll never have to worry about the airwaves going quiet through planned upgrades to DAB broadcasting. We may see FM phased out in the coming years, so get ahead of the game and be ready for the future! DAB and DAB+ are a huge improvement on previous radio frequencies, providing a high-quality sound.
Bluetooth Speaker or MP3 Player
Fill a USB stick with your favourite MP3s and you can plug it in and listen to it any time you like. Don’t limit yourself to the radio. With powerful 5W speakers, these speakers pack a punch. With a strong sound, you’ll be able to enjoy your favourite radio stations in bliss!
Multi Countries Language Supported
The radio menu is available in English and several other languages. This makes it very easy and quick to get started by anyone.
Dimensions: | 22.5 x 15.7 x 11.6 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | MB420B |
Manufacture: | August |
Dimensions: | 22.5 x 15.7 x 11.6 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Origin: | United Kingdom |
Klein in den Abmessungen, aber gro in Empfang und Klang.
Dazu sieht es auch noch gut aus auf seiner Konsole in unserer Landhauskche.
Lieferung und Verpackung top und der Preis in Ordnung. Also mit dem Kauf rundum zufrieden.
Aufgabe erfllt, daher auch keine akribische Detailbewertung.
Wir wohnen im lndlichen Raum, umgeben von einigen Bergen. Der Empfang ist unter Einbeziehung der Antenne gut. Die Einstellung von Sendern ist im Vergleich zu unserem vorherigen Gert etwas aufwendiger aber auch gut zu hndeln.
Das Radio klingt sehr angenehm und nimmt auch nur wenig Platz ein.
Ich habe es derzeit in die Kche gestellt, plane aber es zuknftig auf der Arbeit im Bro zu nutzen.
Der Sendersuchlauf ging relativ flott und ohne Probleme. Bisher hatte ich auch noch keine Probleme mit dem Empfang.
Ein Morgen ohne Radio mit meinen Lieblingssender ist kein guter Start . Dieses Gert hat mich mit allen Daten berzeugt . Nach Erhalt des Radios habe ich es gleich in Betrieb genommen. Einfache Bedienung und der Klang war so wie beschrieben. Ich bin begeistert und es steht bei mir in der Kche . Ich kann es nur weiter empfehlen!!!
Ich wollte ein kleines kompaktes Radio fr die Kche. Super Klangqualitt und einfache Bedienung. Ausgepackt – hingestellt – Lieblingssender eingespeichert – luft. Ich bin sehr zufrieden . Was ich noch super finde das ich mein Handy mit dem Radio verbinden kann und somit meine Lieblingsmusik hren ka
Da ich schon mehrere kleine Kchenradios hatte und durch einen Defekt jetzt zu diesen Radio gekommen bin muss ich wirklich sagen das ich berrascht bin was dieses Radio fr einen guten Sound hat. Natrlich muss man wissen zu welchen Zweck man es einsetzt aber dafr vllig in Ordnung und mega ausreichend. Top…
Speravo che si sentisse un po pi limpido la funzione dab forse non ho capito bene io come attivarla…. comunque molto bella l’ho regalato a mia madre anziana e le fa compagnia
Das Gert ist wie erwartet von Grssse und Leistung passend. Es fehlt die Einstellung Hhen/Tiefe
Es ist hbsch und gut verarbeitet,guter Klang,leicht zu bedienen und hlt was es verspricht.
Das Radio ist spitze man kann nicht nur die normalen Sender empfangen sondern auch viele andere.
Vielen dank fr dieses tolle Produk
Das Radio sieht optisch sehr gut aus, hat einen sehr guten Klang und ist einfach zu bedienen. Ich bin voll zufrieden.
Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Radio fr meine Kche. Bin dabei auf diesen hier gestoen, und habe den Kauf bisher nicht bereut. Er sieht optisch sehr schn aus, hat eine tolle Qualitt und einen klaren Klang.
Good out of the box. Just plug in & scan.
Nice bassy sound although imitation looking timber. Seems solid.
Good instruction book but I can’t get the memories programmed.
Radio di buona qualit e con un giusto prezzo.
Ha un buon suono, anche se risultano rinforzate le basse frequenze.
Le istruzioni sono in diverse lingue, tra cui l’italiano, anche se alcuni particolari di come usarla non sono spiegati bene.
Le look de ce petit rcepteur radio est trs russi. Bonne rception en FM et DAB+ (j’habite proximit de la frontire Suisse. Nos amis suisses sont plus avancs que nous pour le dploiement du DAB).
Par contre le son manque d’aigus, mais peut-on demander une meilleure qualit sonore pour un rcepteur dans cette gamme de prix trs abordable ?
Toller Artikel sehr zufrieden wie geschrieben sound knnte etwas besser sein an in groen ganzen gut lsst dich schnell verbinde
Excellent rapport qualit/prix.
Installation et programmation trs faciles.
Le son est satisfaisant sans toutefois arriver au niveau de celui de mon ancien appareil (un vieux Tangent Uno).
Deux petites critiques : la sortie casque aurait pu tre stro et une option “ordre alatoire” aurait pu accompagner la lecture d’une cl USB.
Hlt was es verspricht.
DAB Empfang ist top. Der Klang leider ein bisschen unsauber. Ansonsten bin ich sehr zufrieden.
Das Radio hat einen sehr guten Empfang, ist leicht zu bedienen und hat einen eher die mittleren Frequenzen betonenden Klang. Sehr gut geeignet fr Nachrichten und weniger gut fr Musik. Fr unsere Zwecke seht gut geeignet.
Die Bassreflex-ffnung auf der Rckseite scheint eher der Optik zu dienen. Bass im eigentlichen Sinn kann das Radio jedenfalls nicht wiedergeben.
Non mi aspettavo un prodotto cos bello, facile da usare, buona ricezione FM, piccola ma con una gran voce, forse l’unica pecca il non poter mettere mano sull’equalizzazione, bassi buoni ma le frequenze alte sono un po’ tagliate, non che renda l’ascolto piatto per si sente che manca qualcosina, comunque per un sottofondo in cucina, studio o camera da letto, consigliatissima!
le son est correct sans plus, dmarrage deux secondes aprs la mise en route, difficults pour recevoir les stations FM, explications claires du manuel en franais , recherche des stations pas trs faciles
Cercavo una radio da tenere in camera. La volevo con il Bluetooth per poterla usare come diffusore con la musica che ascolto su Deezer. Bella, semplice e ricca. Consigliata!
I like the radio it fits In well with my kitchen and you always know who’s singing on the radio no more looking up on line
Pratique d’utilisation. Petit bmol , la qualit du son ( si on monte un peu, la qualit n’est pas bonne). C’est pourquoi, je la conseille pour un petit espace.
The only time I looked at the instructions was to work out how to turn it on (press the volume knob) the rest of it was very easy. A lot of DAB Radio stations all in perfect clarity with a digital display saying what station and what song / program your listening to. The sound quality is good, it would be nice to be able to reduce the bass but that is a minor quibble, overall its a very nice radio, easy to use, nice sound.
Received today, and set up very easily. Very good value for money. Oh and the Bluetooth function works great.
Great little DAB radio, easy to set up, good sound and handy alarm clock setting. Great value for money.
The product is beautifully made but instruction don’t make a lot of sense for doing the basic like setting the time. Don’t know if it’s the area I am in but sound is a bit crackly
I bought this radio for use at work, I have used it over a week now and I can honestly say that it is great value for money. Picks up DAB stations, and without hearing distortions like a previous radio I had, also the Bluetooth feature is great to play songs from my phone. There’s another feature I haven’t used yet which is you can put all your tracks on a USB stick (up to 64GB) and slot it in at the back of the unit. The sound quality is OK, the speaker is loud enough in a work environment, and does not distort.
Only negative is that it forgets the pre-set radio stations if the main power is turned off at the wall. All in all, very happy with my purchase.
Very easy to set up and use
Good value for money
Large variety of stations
Good sound, easy to programme, good readout of stations, haven’t tried sleep mode as it’s in the kitchen!
They’ve got the sound right with this radio. The bass produced from the box size, port and speaker is excellent. The only reason I give it 4/5 is because it’s ability to receive Absolute 80s and Virgin Anthems was inferior to other 40-50 dab+ radios i have in my house.
Very impressed!
As someone who generally tries to get started with things with very little reference to the instruction manual, this product defeated me. There is a rather thick instruction booklet which I suggest you read first — that way you will not only get to find out all the great things this radio does, but will also be able to do the simple things like, play a radio station. It isn’t the easiest radio to use: the menu system is not intuitive and at times cumbersome (for example to switch off the alarm function you have to first turn the radio on, wait for the display to settle, then click through a cycle of 6 or 7 menu prompts simply to turn it off — not the easiest procedure if its’ midnight and you’ve only just remembered!). Having said that, the sound quality of this radio is excellent and it has a number of great features which make this a smart looking, and smart functioning radio.
I have it as a clock radio but I think it ought to be considered first as a radio, and its clock and alarm features secondary. It pairs, through Bluetooth, to a phone very simply, and has a USB port for other music. Like most pieces of equipment it has features which I probably won’t explore (mainly around sound enhancement) but for simply listening to the radio it is an excellent item with superb quality sound for the price and size. The display is a little clunky (see above for menu scrolling – not just for the alarm but for all features) and it is quite difficult to read the time (for example) as the screen is rather small. If you want a radio then yes — brilliant. If you want a clock-radio, well it is fine, but prepare for it to feel clunky.
Once understood very good set my programmes now no probs can be a little soft on sound when wearing earphones
It is very easy to control, simply dial at the front for volume and then a select button for confirming. The device at boot did a full DAB scan and set the time automatically and then just started working, it can hold up to 50 preset channels which is great for a house with varied tastes.
The Bluetooth worked really well at long range and sounded good (I am no audiophile though) and the included AUX cable is nice. All in all an excellent radio and really worth purchasing. Recommended if you are in the market for a radio with additional features as well.
It has great sound quality and an array of extra features such as an alarm clock and Bluetooth speaker which makes it a very versatile item.
I did have to read the instructions to get it working, as setting the clock and other features weren’t something I could blunder my way through the set up, which is something i have a bad habit of trying to do.
After its first search it found a ton of radio station, I did try counting but there was far too many.
There wasn’t any mayor stations missing off the list that I could think of.
The majority received perfect sound quality.
Can reach a high volume, can set a party atmosphere if needed.
Perfect for summer time in the garden or for use In a kitchen while cooking.
Really is a lovely radio that works brilliantly.