ECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2 MAX, 512Wh LiFeP04

ECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2 MAX, 512Wh LiFeP04 Battery/ 1 Hour Fast Charging, Up To 1000W Output, Solar Generator (Panel Not Inc.) for Outdoor Camping/RVs/Home Use

From the brand

ECOFLOWEF EcoFlowECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2, 256Wh LiFeP04 Battery/ 1 Hour Fast Charging, Up To 600W O...EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station 720Wh RIVER Pro, 2 AC 600W (Peak 1200W) Outlets, Power Multiple...EcoFlowRIVER MINI

Weight: 6 kg
Dimensions: 27 x 26 x 19.6 cm; 6 Kilograms
Model: River
Part: River
Colour: Black, Grey
Dimensions: 27 x 26 x 19.6 cm; 6 Kilograms

36 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For my first Ecoflow purchase (well my first ever purchase into any of the power stations brands) I am pleasantly surprised and how much this bad boy can do, I can solar power it throughout the day and run my tv during the afternoon/evening with ease. Hoover my whole house without draining the battery completely as well as doing other things.

    It’s lightweight enough that I can take it out practically everywhere and I love how quickly it can charge via sockets (got to love a cheeky costas every now and again)

    I’m using it as part of a system now and it will surprise you how much you can save with this in the long run if you were wanting to use it daily like myself, even just using this instead of the home grid for charging up the phones and kids gaming consoles and controllers.

    Yes, it is an investment in a way but I feel like you have to spend money to save money, especially with the cost of everything and Electric right now.

    Would definitely buy it agai

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Took this on my overnight camp. Woke up and just had plug my kettle in and had a lovely cup of Tea. Small and compact and I always have electricity on the GO.

    Great product.

  3. Lavonne Treskatsch says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSo I have been checking reviews on amazon for specifically ecoflow river 2 Pro and there aren’t many.

    I live in Cyprus and we have frequent power cuts here and I also love going camping. Both situations require a reliable power supply.

    Knowing our audience here let’s talk about camping first. This little beast will be able to power up your induction hob for about an hour on max. Your portable table top fan about 15 hours. Your small fan heater for an hour. About 12 hours for a regular laptop. Countless times for a phone recharge.

    Now talking about power cut back up
    .. this lovely thing will be able to run your A+ fridge for about 15 hours… your regular fan for 12 hours. Your 55 inch TV and desktop pc combined for 5 hours. Your hairdrey on medium heat and speed for 2 hours.

    You can find the regular specs all around the net. This actual usage info should be enough to help you decide whether this is the power solution you want for your needs.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI use a compressor for body art and power it using a generator. I wanted an alternative which was cleaner and quieter. This I have found using the ecoflow River 2. It is easy to use , silent and very light. It gives me just about 4hrs of power when I’m working almost continuously with my airbrushes. I am so happy with it I am just about to buy a 2nd one to give me hopefully up to 8 hrs of power.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI was looking for a mobile battery that held its charge well. Been off grid for a couple of weeks. Worked perfect for keeping mobile & laptop working on the go. Charging with 130W solar panel. Charges super quickly on bright sunny days, also great to have the option of charging off mains if needed. 1hour coffee & recharge at services & good to go.
    Free electronic, happy days.

  6. GeorgettaTilley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt’s nice and compact, feels quite light but not compromising on sturdiness.
    Not fully utilised it yet but did have it charging on the solar panel in the Scottish sun (yes we do get it, just not as bright or warm as some other places).
    Bought it use at festivals and general camping trips. Will update once its had a good use.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Hi I bought this item for camping to charge phones and power air pump and it didn’t disappoint worked great kept 4 phones and 1 pad charged all weekend and blew up air tent and beds sofa no problem and still had 33% battery lef

  8. EarnestAnstey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersVery positive experience so far! Excelent build quality, comfortable handle, the Kew feature is the LifePo4 battery which give a massive advantage.

    Can charge all my gadgets including Dron batteries while camping!! And when you go to different location fast charge in the car, just plug and play.

    Highly recommend to everyone!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Quality, very good value for money

  9. HenrietShockley says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed to work on my laptop when sitting in the garden trying to enjoy what good weather we could get in the UK. As you know most laptops are probably only good for 2-3 hours before the battery packs in. I got one of these to keep on working all day. This power station is the ideal solution, big enough to power my laptop all day and then some. If you really want to keep on going plug in a solar panel and depending on the weather you can keep going indefinitely. Now that the better weather is returning I’m looking forward to working Al Fresco again.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNothing to dislike – This product is easy to set up. Take anywhere, not too heavy to carry. Suits all my needs. Very fast charge up time, many days of use. Can take anywhere. I’m a complete novice when it comes to generator’s but I did my research first. Also their customer service is excellent. Ask them any questions and the get straight back. Would highly recommend EcoFlow products especially when delivered by Amazon prime.

  11. Anula says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersant d’un naturel curieux, j’ai command cette station uniquement pour les chargements de portable tablettes et autres objets connects. J’ai t scotch pour son ct autonome, charge hyper rapide sur secteur, pour le ct 220vlt charge d’aspirateur Dyson sans soucis et chargeur de batterie pour electroportatif de bricolage, jusqu’ 600w, parfait pour dpanner et prvoir des coupures. Je me suis lanc sur l’achat d’un panneau solaire de 100 w, en plein soleil j’ai pour la premire utilisation gagn 15% en 25mn poustouflant, attention des la commande d’un panneau bien regarder la connectique Xt60 femelle, sur mon panneau il n’y avait qu’une sortie DC8, donc j’ai juste command un cble DC8 femelle vers Xt60 ce qui laisse plus de longueur pour le raccordement. Je recommande vivement le produit trs bien fini de plus charg 35% la rception. Exellent rapport qualit prix

  12. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersLe but de dpart tait d avoir une rserve de courant pour conserver mon traitement injectable au frais pendant les voyages en van en cas d arrt prolong pour visiter une ville ou profiter de la plage
    512 wh en calculant vite fait avec une glaciere vevor 10l compresseur donne pour 40w a me permettait d esprer 6 9h d autonomie
    En ralit c est sans compter que la glaciere ne fonctionne que pour rtablir la temprature choisie (ici 4) et donc trs peu de temps
    Dans une pice 20 (conditions de mon test chez moi)
    Loin des 9h espres la glaciere fonctionn 46h et il me reste environ 18% de rserve
    Je ferai un test dans le van en pleine chaleur quand le temps le permettra mais je suis rassur sur la libert que va me procurer le systme ecoflow river2 max
    Chargement complet 1h sur secteur
    Appli Bluetooth tlcharger sur votre smartphone avec des paramtres pour fixer une capacit de rserve et adapter les diffrents modes de chargement charger les mises jour via une connexion Wi-Fi
    Des indications prcieuses sur le fonctionnement tel que le pourcentage de charge restant
    Panneau solaire possible (maxi 220w)
    Pour moi un excellent investissement qui va nous permettre de voyager sans stress quand la conservation des aliments fragiles et autres…

    Autonomie incroyable

  13. Anonymous says:


    Trabajamos todo el da con el ordenador en la autocaravana y solamos tener problemas con las bateras que de golpe se nos iban a cero, teniendo que ir a campings a enchufarnos. Compramos el
    Ecoflow porque queramos ser autnomos al 100% pero no lo lograbamos. El Ecoflow fue un antes y un despus en nuestra vanlife. Lo compramos con un panel solar de 160 v y resolvimos todos los problemas. Nunca ms un corte. Somos fans de Ecoflow ahora! Lo sper recomiendo.
    Incluso hasta recargamos las bateras de la autocaravana con el. Me parece un indispensable.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersEl uso que yo le doy es para alimentar una nevera en una furgoneta camperizada. Instalar una batera auxiliar con placa solar me costaba de 850 a 1000 por lo que consider el comprar la Ecoflow River Pro 2, en el momento de la compra a mi me ha costado 800 y estoy muy contento con la decisin. Poseo una nevera con compresor de marca Alpicool T50 de 50 litros de capacidad. Este tipo de nevera se programa una temperatura y solo se pondr en funcionamiento cuando caiga la temperatura programada. En este modelo de nevera se puede dividir el habitculo por una placa funcionando como frigirifico y otra como congelador pero para el test realizado he puesto todo el habitculo de la nevera como frigorfico a una temperatura de 5 que vendra a ser la temperatura que suele tener los que estan en el hogar. La nevera ha sido conectada a la batera Ecoflow a la toma de mechero para que funcione a 12v y no haya perdidas energticas, lo que supondra un mayor consumo de batera conectandola a la toma de enchufe de 220v. Pues despues de 36h de uso continuado (1 da y medio) ha consumido solamente un 40% de batera lo que me perece una autonoma fantstica. Hay que tener en cuenta que el test lo he realizado en casa por lo que no est sometido a la temperatura que alcanza el interior de una furgoneta en verano y no la he estado abriendo para coger productos de su interior lo que supondra ms arranques con la consiguiente perdida de temperatura. Dado el caso le tendramos que sumar de un 10-15% ms de consumo probablemente por lo que podramos establecer que tendremos una autonoma de 3 das aproximadamente. Me parece una magnfica alternativa a la instalacin de batera auxiliar y placas solares en furgonetas camperizadas teniendo en cuenta que la Ecoflow la podriamos cargar a la toma de enchufe mientras nos movemos, placas solares o a la red donde con apenas 70 minutos se cargara de 0 al 100%. Un truco para poder sacar algo ms de autonoma es no conectar la nevera por la noche en la furgoneta cuando nos vamos a dormir si no tenemos productos en ella que sean especialmente perecederos y se puedan mantener con el fro ya existente en el interior, se puede bajar un par de grados previamente para que aguante la noche al no tener que abrir la nevera ms y no haber perdidas por la apertura.
    Mi veredicto sobre la Ecoflow River Pro 2 es que es todo un acierto para el uso que yo le quiero dar:
    -Precio, ya que me ha salido ms barata que la instalacin fija en la furgoneta de batera auxiliar+placa
    -Durabilidad, ya que tiene mas ciclos de carga y se va a degradar menos que una batera de gel pudiendose descargar hasta el 0% (que no es lo recomendado ojo!!)
    -Portabilidad, ya que apenas pesa 8 kg y me la puedo llevar donde quiera como campo, playa, etc.
    -Infinidad de tipo de tomas para poder conectar cualquier tipo de aparato elctrico
    -Potencia, llegandote a entregar hasta 1600w

    Por ahora ninguna, de ser as modificar mi resea

    Si te ha sido til esta resea te agradecera que la valorases positivamente. Gracias y un saludo

    Para usar con la furgoneta camperizada

  15. ChristeEsparza says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived promptly, well packaged, excellent quick charge system, kept my portable fridge going for 2 days, highly recommended

  16. [email protected] TV Fanatic Staff says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSans prise dans mon boxe garage je cherchais un moyen autre qu’un branchement classique et coteux. Ecoflow rpondu ce besoin avec cette river 2 pro. L’autre utilisation est le dclenchement distance par prise connecte pour charger quand mon panneau solaire produit trop et ainsi stocker cette nergie verte. Beaucoup d’options sur cette batterie, avec une application complte, et une qualit de fabrication digne la marque la pomme. Merci Ecoflow pour ce produit excellent. Il y aurait beaucoup de bonnes choses dire sur ce produit mais pour le dcrire en un seul mot pour ma part c’est: gnial.


  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersTrs bon produit juste un peu bruyant lors de la charge en 220 (1h30 max) et quand elle alimente un appareil en 220 volts mais comme tout convertisseur. Au dpart je voulais faire une installation lectrique dans non van avec batterie , convertisseur 220 prises fil fusible et j en passe donc vu le travail et l investissement j ai prfrer investir dans une Ecoflo River 2 pro bien plus simple et pratique pour un prix casi quivalent. et surtout le cot nomade de l installation d un vhicule a l autre.
    je suis super content reste plus qu a en profiter.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Buy two camping batteries and a solar panel. Then buy a small collection of grow lights and seeds, vegetables, fruits, tobacco, tea. You can power a small orchard. One battery charging. One battery working. Permanent power source.

  19. Third Estate Sunday Review says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSolarpanels habe ich mittlerweile viele, aber mir fehlte noch eine ordentliche
    mobile Power-Bank.
    Ich hoffe, diese hier gefunden zu haben.

    Die Kurzversion fr meine Kaufentscheidung und Bewertung:

    + 1600W Ausgangsleistung/ Spitze
    + USV Ersatz
    + Ausreichende Kapazitt, um Haushaltsgerte mehrere Stunden zu bedienen.
    + Universelle Einsatzgebiete
    + Ausreichende Anschlsse, um Adapter zu vermeiden

    Eine vernnftige Powerstation zu kaufen, ist derzeit gar nicht so einfach, wenn man den Spargedanken verfolgt. Bis 399 Euro hat man Gerte, die vielleicht das Tablet, oder Smartphone mehrfach laden knnen.
    Sobald man eine hhere Ausgangsleistung fordert, ist man schnell bei 599-1499 Euro.

    Fr mich waren die oben genannten Eigenschaften wichtig.
    Hohe Ausgangsleistung mit dennoch hoher Kapazitt und USV-Funktionalitt.

    Im Camper hat sie bisher eine gute Figur gemacht und auch bei wenig Lichteinfall konnte ich sie mit guten Solarpanels ber den Tag verteilt laden bzw. nachladen.

    ber die Steckdose ist sie wirklich innerhalb von ca. 60-70 Minuten voll

    Der Geruschpegel ist bei Schnellladung natrlich etwas hher, als wenn sie entspannter geladen wird.
    Die Lftung macht aber einen sehr guten Eindruck!

    Bisher Top, bei wenigen Ladungen. Schnell geladen, viele Lademglichkeiten ( USB C, Autoladekabel, Solarpanel Anschlu, 230 Volt … )
    Dazu viele passende Adapter, die ich bisher nicht alle bentigt habe, aber bin froh sie zu haben.

    Dazu kann ich derzeit nicht viel sagen, aber ich zhle auf die lange Garantiezeit und Produktversprechen.

    Sollte sich mein Eindruck verschlechtern, so werde ich diese Rezension korrigieren.

    Allround Talent für viele Anlässe !

  20. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie ECOFLOW Tragbare Powerstation RIVER 2 Pro ist ein unglaublich leistungsfhiger und zuverlssiger Solargenerator, der fr alle mglichen Zwecke geeignet ist.

    Ich habe die Powerstation fr Campingausflge, Reisen im Wohnmobil und als Backup-Stromquelle fr meinen Haushalt verwendet. Ich war erstaunt, wie vielseitig das Gert ist und wie einfach es zu bedienen ist. Mit der LiFeP04-Batterie mit einer Kapazitt von 768 Wh hatte ich genug Strom, um meine Elektronikgerte, Lampen, Khlschrnke und vieles mehr zu betreiben.

    Ich war auch sehr beeindruckt von der Schnellladefunktion, die es mir ermglichte, das Gert in nur 70 Minuten vollstndig aufzuladen. Das ist unglaublich schnell im Vergleich zu anderen Solargeneratoren auf dem Markt. Die drei 800 W AC-Steckdosen haben perfekt funktioniert, auch wenn ich mehrere Gerte gleichzeitig angeschlossen hatte. In Kombination mit meinem Solarpanel konnte gleichzeitig Solarstrom tanken.

    Ich habe die Powerstation auch bei Stromausfllen im Haus genutzt, und sie hat mich nie im Stich gelassen. Die Bedienung ist sehr einfach, und das Gert hat eine sehr lange Lebensdauer, sodass ich mir sicher bin, dass es in Zukunft noch viele Jahre lang ntzlich sein wird.

    Insgesamt kann ich die ECOFLOW Tragbare Powerstation RIVER 2 Pro jedem empfehlen, der nach einer tragbaren Stromquelle sucht. Es ist vielseitig, leistungsstark und einfach zu bedienen, und ich bin wirklich beeindruckt von dem Gert.

    Funktioniert super in Verbindung mit einem Solarpanel

  21. danielle says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch habe die EF ECOFLOW Tragbare Powerstation RIVER 2 Pro fr eine Weile benutzt und ich bin absolut begeistert von ihrer Leistung und Funktionalitt. Diese Powerstation ist ein wahrer Gamechanger fr alle, die nach einer zuverlssigen und leistungsstarken Stromquelle fr Notflle, Campingausflge oder fr den Einsatz zu Hause suchen. Hier sind meine detaillierten Vorteile und Details, die ich gerne mit anderen teilen mchte:

    Leistung und Kapazitt: Mit einer Kapazitt von 768 Wh und einer LiFeP04 Batterie kann diese Powerstation eine Vielzahl von Gerten wie Laptops, Smartphones, Lampen, Khlboxen und sogar kleine Haushaltsgerte wie Khlschrnke und Fernseher betreiben. Das ist mehr als genug Leistung fr lngere Campingausflge oder Stromausflle zu Hause. Auerdem verfgt sie ber eine Schnellladefunktion, die den Akku in nur 70 Minuten vollstndig aufldt.

    Steckdosen und Anschlsse: Die EF ECOFLOW Tragbare Powerstation RIVER 2 Pro verfgt ber drei 800 W AC-Steckdosen, die es Ihnen ermglichen, mehrere Gerte gleichzeitig zu betreiben. Auerdem gibt es vier USB-Anschlsse, einen USB-C-Anschluss und einen 12-V-Autoanschluss, so dass Sie eine Vielzahl von Gerten anschlieen knnen.

    Solarladung: Eine weitere groartige Funktion der RIVER 2 Pro ist die Mglichkeit, sie mit Solarenergie aufzuladen. Wenn Sie ein Solarpanel mit einer Leistung von bis zu 400 W anschlieen, knnen Sie die Powerstation innerhalb von 4,5 Stunden vollstndig aufladen. Diese Funktion ist besonders ntzlich, wenn Sie im Freien campen und keine Steckdosen in der Nhe haben.

    Mobilitt: Die Powerstation ist mit einem praktischen Griff und einem Gewicht von nur 7,1 kg sehr mobil. Sie kann leicht transportiert werden und ist daher ideal fr Campingausflge und den Einsatz im Freien geeignet.

    Balkonkraft: Eine weitere tolle Funktion der RIVER 2 Pro ist die Balkonkraft-Option. Wenn Sie in einer Wohnung oder einem Haus wohnen, in dem Stromausflle hufig vorkommen, knnen Sie die Powerstation auf Ihrem Balkon platzieren und Ihre Gerte betreiben, ohne dass Sie auf die Stromversorgung angewiesen sind.

    Insgesamt kann ich die EF ECOFLOW Tragbare Powerstation RIVER 2 Pro uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Sie ist leistungsstark, vielseitig einsetzbar und leicht zu transportieren. Die Schnellladefunktion, die Solarladung und die Balkonkraft-Option machen sie zu einer idealen Stromquelle fr den Einsatz zu Hause, bei Campingausflgen und in Wohnmobilen. Wenn Sie nach einer zuverlssigen und leistungsstarken Powerstation suchen, ist die RIVER 2 Pro definitiv einen Kauf wert.

    Sehr hochwertig und vielseitig einsetzba

  22. Rob Clymo says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDie Power Station wird gut verpackt geliefert.

    Im Zubehr liegt ein Kabel mit einem Kaltanschluss dabei um die Powerstation auf zuladen.

    Ebenso gibt es ein Ladekabel fr Zigarettenanznder falls man sie bers Auto aufladen mchte.

    Fr Gertee die ein DC Anschluss haben liegt ebenfalls ein Verbindungskabel dabei.

    Die Bedienungsanleitung ist in mehreren Sprachen darunter auch deutsch. Sie ist gut erklrt und Bildern zur besseren Verstndnis.

    Die Station hat gummierte Fe und bietet so einen Rutschfeste stand auch auf glatten Oberflchen.

    Der Display ist sehr gut leserlich im hellen wie im dunklen. Angeschlossen Gerte werden direkt angezeigt was sie fr ein Verbrauch haben aufgerundet auf glatte Watt zahlen ohne Komma Stellen.

    Ein berspannungsschutz ist ebenfalls vorhanden und funktioniert einwandfreie.
    Wir haben es mit einem Wasserkocher probiert.
    Die Leistung geht fr ca 10 Sekunden von den eigentlichen 800 Watt auf 899 Watt und Schaltet sich dann mit einem klacken aus.

    Das laden von Handys sowohl mit Netzteil als auch direckt ber USB oder USB-C angeschlossen laden mit der Schnellladefunktion.

    Auch das Benutzen aller 3 Steckdosen zu gleichen Zeit ist problemlos mglich sofern keins der Gerte die 800watt bersteigt.

    Insgesamt eine sehr kompakte und leichte (ca 9kg) Powerstation die ohne Aufbau direckt Einsatz berreit ist. Und zudem fr fast alle Gerte verwendet werden kann.

    Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit meiner Rezension etwas weiterhelfen.

    Für fast alle Geräte geeigne

  23. ToryBishop says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersECOFLOW RIVER 2 PRO una centrale elettrice con sistema di accumulo davvero ben fatta e semplicemente fantastica.

    Il cuore di questo dispositivo la batteria litio ferro fosfato (LiFeP04), la miglior tecnologia attualmente in commercio. Il modello river 2 PRO il TOP della serie RIVER con una capacit totale della battere pari a 768Wh.

    Il concetto alla base di questa stazione energetica possiamo racchiuderlo in una sola parola: VERSATILITA’. Ecco perch in alcuni punti semplici.

    Il peso complessivo poco inferiore agli 8Kg, il che lo rende perfetto per essere trasportato e portato con s in viaggio o anche da tenere in auto come sistema di emergenza.

    Versatilit anche legata alle modalit di ricarica. Ne possiamo contare almeno 3:
    Ricarica tramite CA, quindi la classica presa domestica. Questo tipo di ricarica pu arrivare fino a 940W permettendo di ricaricare da 0 a 100 in poco pi di un’ora.
    Ricarica tramite accendisigari in automobile con il cavo in dotazione.
    Ricarica tramite USB-C da 100W.
    Ricarica tramite i pannelli solari con un max di 220W che permette di ricaricare la stazione in meno di 5 ore. Chiaramente in esterna, d’estate, la coppia stazione pi pannello solare consente di essere praticamente autonomi al 100% (NB i pannelli solari sono da comprare a parte)

    Ottima poi la console frontale. Sul piccolo monitor sono presenti tutte le informazioni basilari di cui si ha bisogno. Ovvero:
    – Tempo di scarica (basato sul consumo attuale)
    – Percentuale di carica
    – Input (in W)
    – Output complessimo (in W)
    La versatilit continua anche nelle modalit di utilizzo. Infatti presenta 3 prese in CA con erogazione standard massima da 800W ma che pu essere portata fino a 1600W tramite la funzionalit x-boost. Permette quindi di alimentare ogni tipo di apparecchiatura domestica. Dalla macchina del caff, al frigo, alla TV o console e all’impianto di luci. L’onda sinusoidale prodotta pura (non quadra) e quindi simula a tutti gli effetti la rete domestica senza causare danni ai nostri apparati.
    Ha 3 Porte USB di tipo A e una USB di tipo C che fa sia da output che da input.
    Ed infine ha una porta accendisigari con uscita a 10A pi due uscite standard che erogano fino a 3A. Con questo tipo di porta sicuramente possibile alimentare un comodo minifrigo da portare in giro.

    La versatilit anche nella configurabilit del sistema. Infatti presente l’applicazione ECOFLOW che permette di accedere all’apparato sia in locale tramite bluetooth ma soprattutto in WIFI per poterlo monitorare e controllare anche da remoto. Infatti permette di monitorare lo stato di carica e scarica della centrale, l’output su tutte le porte, di accendere o spegnere le varie porte (specifico non tutte le prese singolarmente ma le modalit di alimentazione, esempio posso disattivare la porta a CA oppure la porta accendisigari). Inoltre l’app permette di accedere a tutta una serie di impostazioni per gestire al meglio il proprio apparato.

    Infine, il RIVER 2 PRO pu essere usato come UPS su rete domestica, quindi come sistema di emergenza domestico in caso di mancanza di corrente. Come potete vedere dal video allegato, la commutazione istantanea, non vi sono sfarfallii o interruzioni. Sto pensando di prenderne un secondo proprio per questo scopo, collegandovi la linea domestica delle luci (addio lampade di emergenza), il router (cos quando va via la corrente non potr continuare ad essere in rete) e la linea di sicurezza (DVR, allarme e telecamere) cos, se qualche mal intenzionato dovesse disattivare il collegamento elettrico, gli apparati di sicurezza continueranno a funzionare.

    In conclusione, l’ECOFLOW River 2 Pro davvero eccezionale. Un prodotto robusto ma leggero e versatile. Un must have per chi cerca l’avventura senza rinunciare ai confort della propria abitazione ma anche un sistema di sicurezza domestico.


    Semplicemente fantastica

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So far this kit has met my expectations and worth the money spent. Light and small to carry and have used few times seems to perform well.

  25. Corrine84S says:

     United Kingdom

    The ECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2 is an all-in-one power station that can power multiple devices simultaneously. With a capacity of 256Wh, it is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a reliable and portable power source. It is equipped with a 12V carport, 4 USB ports, and two AC outlets, giving you plenty of options to power your devices. With its long-lasting battery life, recharging capabilities, and versatile design, the ECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2 is the perfect choice for anyone who needs a reliable and powerful power source.
    The RIVER 2 has an impressive 256Wh battery capacity, which is enough to power a laptop, tablets, phones, and other small devices. The battery is made up of eight 18650 cells, each with a capacity of 3.6V and 2.6Ah. This gives the RIVER 2 a total capacity of 256Wh, which is enough to power most devices for extended periods of time. The battery can be recharged via the included AC adapter, or from a car battery, solar panel, or any other source of power. The battery also features a built-in LED display, which shows the current battery level and charging status.
    The RIVER 2 is designed to be both durable and lightweight. It is constructed from high-quality plastic and aluminum, which makes it strong and resilient. The device is designed to be portable and easy to carry, weighing in at only 4.3 lbs. The device also features a built-in handle, which makes it easy to carry and transport. The RIVER 2 is also IP55 rated, which means it is dustproof and water-resistant, making it suitable for outdoor use.
    The RIVER 2 has a variety of recharging capabilities, giving you plenty of options to power your devices. It has two AC outlets, which allow you to plug in and power a variety of devices. It also has four USB ports, which allow you to charge your phone, tablet, or other USB-powered devices. The device also has a 12V carport, which allows you to charge the RIVER 2 from a car battery or other 12V source. The RIVER 2 also features a built-in solar panel, which can be used to recharge the device from the sun.
    The RIVER 2 is incredibly easy to use. The device has an intuitive design, with clearly labeled buttons and ports. The device also has an easy-to-read LED display, which shows the current battery level and charging status. The device also features an auto-shutoff feature, which prevents the battery from overcharging and ensures a long battery life. The device also has a built-in fan, which helps to keep the device cool while in use.
    The ECOFLOW Portable Power Station RIVER 2 is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a reliable and powerful power source. With its long-lasting battery life, recharging capabilities, and versatile design, the RIVER 2 is the perfect choice for anyone who needs a reliable and powerful power source. With its 256Wh battery capacity, it is capable of powering multiple devices simultaneously. The device also features an easy-to-use design, with clearly labeled buttons and ports, making it easy to use and operate. The RIVER 2 is the ideal choice for anyone who needs a reliable and powerful power source.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersGreat bit of kit . The biggest disappointment is the fan noise that ramps up even at low load , I’m only running a 40w tv and the fan comes on every 10min and runs for 5min, it’s loud enough were I need to turn the TV sound up . Apparently there is a 14 fan upgrade you can do but invalidates the warranty. These power stations are alot of money but I feel they cheaped out with the fan.

  27. MaudeHepps says:

     United Kingdom

    great little power station for campervan users, people who like camping and anyone who requires small items charging where mains electric is unavailable

  28. LawrencE00 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis compact power-station is extremely easy to use straight from the box. The app in intuitive, easy to understand and connects wirelessly to the power-station either through your router or via Bluetooth. It can power most appliances without a problem (I tested it on my router for an hour and a half and only depleted the battery by 10%). The only drawback is that it is not powerful enough to power a small electric fan heater. That said, it is ideal for LED lights, emergency radios, cameras, laptops and other small appliances.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Multiple options for devices, lightweight and easy to store away in the van. Very straightforward to use and look after.

  30. ChristalTKHC says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI once owned an expensive Allpowers solar battery that proved to be pathetic in terms of battery return performance so returned for refund.

    Move forward a few years and the new generation of solar portable batteries come into production with several notable models on the market, Jackery, Bluetti etc and with the current energy crisis I wanted to reinvestigate this sustainable option.

    Top of the review list comes EcoFlow River Pro with lots of 5* positive reviews with lots of new owners gushing about amazing run times, even claiming running high powered appliances, TVs, fridges etc etc from this device. The device is every bit as good as they say!

    Additionally, its work reasonably well with the EcoFlow solar panel, however it’s an extra 360.

    Highly recommend.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product which keeps all my devices charged on the go when needed

  32. MarieMetzger says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems easy to use. Charged up v quickly as advertised. Am getting the solar panels too.

  33. Steven Musil says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLightweight and got a free camping light! Ready for powercuts

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersBought the unit as back up power supply in case of power outages during the upcoming winter period. The unit arrived well packaged and around 30% charged. I tested the unit to make sure all was fine (which it was) and used up my free Chinese electricity to run a 40w light bulb until the unit was depleted!! The unit is solidly constructed and well made. The station charges up to full in around one hour via the mains socket……..a point to note when charging directly from the mains is the unit’s cooling fan will kick in to prevent the unit from overheating. Slowing charging the unit via the USB minimises fan activity. One thing I failed to notice when ordering the unit was the lack of a direct 12V output (except via a 12V car output) which meant I couldn’t power my router directly without using the inverter function of the unit. Converting DC current to AC takes around 15% of available power so powering anything directly from DC will give you a longer output. This issue was easily resolved by buying a separate supply cable for less than 10.00. I will update this post if there is anything else to add once the unit has been used a few times.

  35. AbrahamBlaze says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI purchased my R2 Max direct on EcoFlow’s UK site

    It’s my first power station and it is working well

    The app is also very useful to control settings and see status remotely (yesterday I was able to check remotely while at the supermarket and see I was getting 145w solar input)

    LiFePO4 batteries too

    Well built, seems robus

  36. Ukedo20Smll says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought this battery as my alternate battery source for my camper van. It is a great battery. It has been reliable and can provide for all the uses I planned for with this battery and can also charges my electronic devices.