Freewell ND compatible Wide Angle, Anamorphic Lens for Mini

Freewell ND compatible Wide Angle, Anamorphic Lens for Mini 3 Pro

Weight: | Wide Angle Lens With ND 3.1 Grams, Anamorphic Lens with ND 3.0 Grams without ND reduce 0.4 Grams. |
Dimensions: | 10.6 x 10.3 x 2.4 centimetres |
Brand: | FREEWELL |
Part: | FW-MN3-ANMWAND |
Dimensions: | 10.6 x 10.3 x 2.4 centimetres |
Reference: | FW-MN3-ANMWAND |
Trs bien emball dans sa petite bote.
Inclus deux petits autocollants et un petit carr de tissu adapt l’entretien des lentilles.
Le montage et trs facile bien qu’il me semble un peu lche.
Tiens bien en utilisation cependant. Je me demande ce qu’il en sera en cas de heurt.
Esprant ne pas avoir tester dans cette condition.
Je reviendrai donner un avis aprs utilisation complte de l’ensemble.
Edit : Excellent, vraiment…
These fit perfectly and we’re easy to swap. I like the case and ease to use.
Indispensabili per Dji Mini 3 pro per volare in pro rispettando la regola dello shutter Purtroppo una volta tolto il copri obiettivo originale, questo non sta nella scatolina dove si prende il filtro (non si chiude il coperchio)
Die Filter sind super und tun was sie sollen. Ein Punkt Abzug, wegen teils unntiger Plastik in der Verpackung
Juste un indispensable pour raliser des vidos de meilleurs qualit avec votre drone.
Le seul default que je donnerais au produit c’est la boite qui ne peut pas accueillir la protection original, il faudra la mettre ailleurs, clairement pas un deal breaker mais a augmente les chances de le perdre.
Jeder der eine Drohne hat und damit Videos aufnehmen mchte, braucht ND Filter damit es weiterhin realistisch aussieht.
Die Filter passen problemlos an die Mini 3 Pro, das Case ist super und ich bin insg. wirklich zufrieden.
Dazu sei gesagt, ich bin def. ein Amateur und kein Profi der damit Geld verdient.
Da un tocco in pi ai video e uno stile pi naturale
Une gamme complte de filtres.
Je ne les ai pas tous utiliss mais par exprience ils rpondent bien au niveau de filtrage et s’adaptent parfaitement au Mini 3 pro.
Niente da dire, ottimi filtri che non creano nessuna dominante di colore fastidiosa. Facile installazione e rimozione. Custodia buona.
Vienen en una caja o estuche que es muy prctica para llevarlas y hace su funcin,probe solo uno de momento y el resultado me gust.
Facili da montare, buona finitura e pratica la confezione per lo stoccaggio. Dopo aver seguito vari tutorial, dalle recensioni, ho scelto questi filtri. Sono fra i pi usati
Molto facili da inserire sul gimbal del drone e molto assortiti come variet! I migliori filtri in commercio per Dji mavic mini 3 pro! Assolutamente consigliati
Strahlende Sonne, diesen Filter aufgesetzt und die Aufnahmen sind wirklich 1a
Accessorio indispensabile per video o foto di qualit. Materiali ottimi in una comoda confezione. Innesto.preciso e sicuro sulla telecamera. Per chi ha mani grandi, un po scomodo togliere i filtri dal loro cofanetto.
These are a must-have if you’re serious about quality videos and pictures and I highly recommend Freewell!!
Se quitan u ponen muy fcil y no empeoran la calidad de image
Filtri di ottima rersa. La forma dei bordi rende molto difficoltoso estrarli dalla scatola.
Dachte am Anfang, ich brauche solche Filter nicht… bin auch ein Drohnen Anfnger… aber die Filter sind meiner Meinung nach ein Must have wenn man Videos mit der Drohne drehen mchte. Sie retten deine Videos bei viel Sonnenlicht! Kann ich nur empfehlen!
la scatola non pu contenere la lente originale perch non si chiude, sarebbe stato molto comodo se si potesse inserire
Praticamente impensabile poter effettuare video e foto di buona qualit con il Mini 3 Pro in condizioni di elevata luminosit o di riverbero come i paesaggi innevati, questi filtri sono veramente indispensabili e rendono le immagini molto pi contrastate, i colori brillanti senza togliere troppa luminosit.
The lenses are easy to put on and take off. I haven’t had a chance to use it to see what difference in photography it makes as rains have prevented me from flying. Lenses are well made though and the box is a nice touch.
These were purchased for my brother for his drone and he absolutely loves them. I know nothing about them as I don’t know anything about the drones that’s all he’s doing, but he said they are great great price nice filters and he’s happy with them.
Soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
Facili da inserire, e non intaccano la qualit dell’immagine ma anzi per chi professionista la migliorano
Les filtres sont simples installer et ne dtriorent pas l’image. Je recommande !
Questi filtri permettono di avere le impostazioni della fotocamera nella maniera corretta per ottenere un motion blur che cambia i video rendendoli veramente pi professionali e belli
Si sostituiscono veramente in 3 secondi, a drone spento per non metter mano sullo stabilizzatore attivo
Andando a posizionarsi a posto della plastica della fotocamera il peso del mini 3 pro rimane a 248/249g e non di pi.
L unico problema che ora vorrei anche i filtri PL e CPL ahaha
Son de gran calidad y no tinta la imagen con tonos raros, lo malo, la instalacin de los filtros. No sabre si es por diseo del drone o de los filtros pero es bastante engorroso hasta que le coges el truquillo para ponerlos
Filtri di ottima qualit. Fanno il loro dovere. Attacco immediato. La confezione non permette di inserire il copriobiettivo originale. Quindi una volta tolto attenzione a non perderlo. Altra pecca i filtri ND 4 e 8 sono quasi inutili. La DJI offre la confezione pi piccola ma pi utile . Con la Freewell il 128 e 256 sono venduti separatamente.
I recently purchased the Freewell All Day 6-pack of ND filters for my Mini 3, and I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed. The filters are easy to install and provide a noticeable improvement in the quality of my videos and photos.
The ND4 filter is perfect for reducing the amount of light in bright outdoor settings, allowing me to achieve a more balanced exposure. The ND8 and ND16 filters are great for capturing smooth, flowing water in landscape photos. And the ND64 and ND1000 filters are perfect for achieving those long exposures for artistic shots.
The filters are well-constructed and feel durable in my hand. And the carrying case that comes with the set is a convenient way to keep everything organized and protected.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would highly recommend the Freewell All Day 6-pack of ND filters to any Mini 3 user. It’s a great value for the price.
The filters do not degrade picture quality and are easy to fit. They are good quality and light and at a good price.
An essential set of tools if you are serious about getting good results in bright light conditions.
They fit great and work. Good for slowing shutter speed down when recording at 4k to stop the jumpy skipping images when moving.
Cinematic video only possible with this set. Fits well and help to get the best manual settings for videography
The Freewell All Day NDR pack is an excellent addition for the DJI Mini 3 Pro. The range of ND filters suit most video applications along with a few “bulb” photography uses.
The case is sturdy, though it is a shame the original cover is cannot be stowed within it whilst a filter is in use.
I’ve found these particularly useful for following the 180 degree shutter rule when filming in harsh daylight. I highly recommend them .
Fits great on the Mini 3 Pro and are super easy to put on and remove. They are lightweight and the lens seem to be good quality with no obvious aberrations or loss of final image quality. The price is okay but hardly great value. They come in a nice case that is genuinely useful as it makes selecting and storing your filters easy.
ND filters are a must have for the Mini 3 Pro and should have been included in the Fly More kit in my opinion. The reason they are a must have is because it doesn’t have a variable aperture.
I got these after using the Polar Pro ND filters on a previous drone. Considering these are less than half the price they really are fantastic. There isn’t a lot of colour bleed and I haven’t noticed a drop in picture quality when using them.
Tried and tested freewell are one of the best in a sea of unknown names
Quality filters for your Mavic Mini Pro 3 great value for money. Highly recommended 5*+
Haven’t had opportunity to use the full suite yet, I don’t anticipate any issues though.
That said, the original DJI lens cap is deeper/taller than these, and as such, you can’t close the lid on the save they come in. bit of a shame that, as will have to find another storage solution when these are in use. Not the end of the world, but annoying nonetheless. Great product though, just let down by that one thing
Fits the DJI Mini 3 Pro perfectly. Like having sun glasses for your drone camera. Means you can lower the shutter speed for natural more realistic videos getting motion blur just like the profesionals.
Very light addition to the drone gimbal allowing normal operation without overloading. Colours are very good and image quality unaffected.
Bought these for my first drone. Seem to do the job and a good range.
Since I like photography and video the nd filters rather than proper aperture is a bit of a pain but not the fault of the filters.
These things are tiny but Id personally still prefer the ND numbering to be bigger and clearer on the edges and on the top. Don’t really need the freewell logo in big characters there, would rather the nd value top and bottom and bigger font. Still worthy of 5*
Another oversight is that although the storage case is fantastic with magnetic holders for the filters, it does not hold the original mini 3 filter attachment, meaning this can be misplaced easily.
Despite this, it is a great product.
As a previous reviewer stated, this is not the best ‘pick’ of ND range… as the ND1000 is only of use in the brightness of bright days and the ND64 is not quite enough to get those lower shutter speeds on a normally ‘bright’ day. I have confirmed that this is the case on a fairly sunny day here in the UK.
The ND4 & perhaps even the ND8 can only be considered as ‘Lens Protectors’ on this drone. Much better coverage for a true ‘All Day’ package would require an ND256 and maybe an ND128 to replace the ND4 & ND8.
The price was fair as these do seem well made and they ‘click on’ to the drone really well.