GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Case/Zero W Case Kit,with RPi

GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Case/Zero W Case Kit,with RPi Zero 2 W Aluminum Case,20Pin GPIO Header,Micro USB to OTG Adapter,HDMI Cable,Raspberry Pi Zero Copper Heatsink,ON/Off Switch Cable (Black)

Dimensions: | 10.8 x 8.3 x 2.9 cm; 80 Grams |
Model: | raspberry pi zero 2 w |
Manufacture: | GeeekPi |
Dimensions: | 10.8 x 8.3 x 2.9 cm; 80 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Il prodotto si presenta di ottima qualit, protegge e dissipa a dovere la Raspberry.
Gli accessori sono decisamente un plus, molto utili:
– un interruttore di accensione e spegnimento
– adattatore hdmi per collegamento ad un display
– adattatore otg per aver una presa usb type A sempre comoda.
Unico punto che mi sento di sfavorire, che gli ha fatto perdere una stella, sono i 20 pin. Sporgono troppo dalla Raspberry una volta saldati e vanno a toccare la scocca impedendone la corretta chiusura, quindi o li saldate pi alti, o li accorciate prima della saldatura! Piccola sbavatura di un ottimo kit, evitabile a mio avviso
Nel complesso comunque kit valido, come tutti i prodotti provati di questo produttore
Perfettamente compatibile con pi zero 2w
4 seltelle perch all’interno manca una guida , per i principianti come me , che spiega come mettere gli spessori dissipanti
E in Internet non si trovano guide per questo case
works prefect. SD card slot has easy access, It’s very strong and the Aluminum case works as a great heat sink. HDMI and all other ports are open and have easy access. The 40 pin slot is also very easily accessible.
This is a great case and i would buy again.
It was a nicer case than I was expecting. I use it for a device I throw in my bag when I go down the coffee shop. I like that it protects the device and still allows header pins to be available. I popped the included heat sinks etc on but don’t think I really need then for my use. It would be nice with some better instructions, but the photo on amazon was probably all I really needed, just be aware of the correct orientation of the base is needed to avoid contact with the header pins. No problems with wifi in the case or with the heatsink attached.
Ich bin absolut begeistert von diesem Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Aluminium Passivkhlgehuse! Die Qualitt des Materials, das Design und die Funktionalitt bertreffen meine Erwartungen bei weitem.
Das Gehuse ist aus hochwertiger Aluminiumlegierung gefertigt, was nicht nur fr eine hervorragende Haltbarkeit sorgt, sondern auch eine effiziente Wrmeableitung gewhrleistet. Die mitgelieferten Kupferkhlkrper sorgen fr eine noch bessere Wrmeableitung und halten meinen Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W auch bei intensiver Nutzung khl.
Die Mglichkeit, auf alle Anschlsse des Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W zuzugreifen, ohne das Gehuse entfernen zu mssen, ist uerst praktisch. Der beiliegende GPIO-Header erleichtert das Anschlieen von zustzlichem Zubehr enorm.
Besonders beeindruckt bin ich von dem Micro-USB-Netzschalterkabel, das das Herunterfahren des Raspberry Pi erleichtert. Diese kleine Funktion macht einen groen Unterschied aus.
Das Paket enthlt alles, was man fr den Betrieb des Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W bentigt, einschlielich eines OTG-Kabels, eines HDMI-Adapters und sogar eines Schraubendrehers fr die Montage.
Insgesamt bin ich uerst zufrieden mit diesem Produkt und kann es jedem empfehlen, der nach einem hochwertigen Gehuse fr seinen Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W sucht. Vielen Dank an den Hersteller fr ein groartiges Produkt und auch an Amazon fr die schnelle Lieferung und wie immer fr den hervorragenden Service!
This isn’t so much a “case” but rather super durable/solid top+bottom plates – but I’m not complaining! It looks great and since its also a heatsink when used with the included thermal pads its a nice combo.
It includes a copper heatsink, but I can’t seem to figure out where it goes. It obvioulsy should block the wifi/bluetooth chip, and is too thick to be placed on top of the processor and used with the case, so it seems useless from what I can tell.
Im only reviewing the case – and I like it! The other little gadgets/connectors I havent tested yet.
This case is ideal for zeros without the hearder. The zero I used came with a hearder pre insalled. It appears this header is slightly too long and shorts on the base. Had I been wearing my glasses I may have noticed and not distroyed the zero. A header is provided with the case.
Natrlich ist es schlecht frs Wifi, in meinem Fall (5m Entfernung) wird der Filetransfer 380KBps statt 2MBps im Vergleich zu Plastikcase, aber dafr schn khl. 39-40C in Ruhe, max. 55C unterm Druck, im Vergleich zu 55C und 75-80C. Die Lsung: Fernsteuerung mit VNC Viewer und Platzierung nebem dem Router. Dann geht es mit 4MBps. Am Ende bin ich jetzt zufrieden.
Feels solid, it wont be breaking anytime soon! It is also cool, which is perfect. This does leave some parts exposed on the raspberry Pi, but as long as you keep this in a dry place it should not be any problem, which is clearly visible on the images.
Habe es Hauptschlich wegen dem Zubehr gekauft (HDMI Adapter). Die Komponenten sind aber alle hochwertig und lassen sich gut verbauen. Das Pi bleibt khl, auch wenn ich die Khlkrper aufgrund des Bildschirms etwas anders angebracht habe.