Hand Warmers Rechargeable, OHLGT 10000mAh Electric Hand

Hand Warmers Rechargeable, OHLGT 10000mAh Electric Hand Warmer Reusable, Portable Electric Hand Heater Power Bank Lasting 15 Hours USB Battery Operated for Raynauds, Arthritis, Outdoor Winter Sports

Size: | 1 |
Dimensions: | 15 x 10 x 5.5 cm; 270 Grams |
Brand: | OHLGT |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | OHLGT |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 15 x 10 x 5.5 cm; 270 Grams |
Size: | 1 |
This is a handy little hand warmer, it’s good for those cold days out that we are having at the moment. Just keep it in your pocket and it will warm up your hands without issue. They really could do with doing these in pairs though so you have one for each hand instead of swapping over constantly. It does feel very cheaply made and the display on mine doesn’t work properly. It does heat up well though and will charge up your phone in a pinch.
Overall this works fine at keeping your hands warm for a few hours and will charge your phone up. If found at a good price then I can recommend it.
Item came quickly and as described and fully charged. Have used as a warmer already for a few hours working in a cold shop. Not had to charge up yet or use as a power bank but will get plenty of use. Only comment is that the pouch is a bit on the small side making it extremely tight to accommodate the warmer and subsequently is forcing the side stitching so not sure how long that will last.
One button to turn it on, off, change temperature. It shows the temperature in numbers on a light, flashes CH when charging. Stops flashing when it’s charged. Uses USB C to charge (so much better than B). My Reynauds suffering wife was so happy we got a second one. At twenty pounds a pop I find it hard to criticize this. Nicely boxed and next day delivery on prime. Got to give these guys kudos for design.
Love having this to keep me warm and for on the go charging. Works brilliantly.
Nos encontramos ante un calentador de manos de la marca OHLGT. Destaca por su gran batera y diseo. Se encuentra disponible actualmente a un precio de 27,99.
En cunto al diseo, es minimalista, ergonmico y moderno. Cuenta con 3 niveles de temperatura (35C, 45C y 55C) y una pantalla LED en la parte superior para mostrar la carga restante y el nivel seleccionado.
En lo referente a la batera, ofrece hasta 15 horas de duracin con una sola carga gracias a sus 10000mAh de capacidad. Esto hace que con un uso ocasional, aguante varios das sin recargar.
En general, me ha parecido un buen producto. No me ha dado problemas durante su uso y ha ido perfectamente. Su precio es algo ms elevado que otros calentadores que venden por aqu en amazon, pero este se nota de mejor calidad y no tan “de juguete”.
Est bien para regalar es compacto no pesa mucho la batera dura no tarda mucho en calentar alcanzando diferentes rangos de temperaturas, por lo que nos calentar a la manos sin problemas.
Est hecho de plstico calidad normal
Love love love it, not only has it kept my hands warm in work and successfully made everyone jealous and has also resulted in them enquiring about it, its a fantastic power bank which I have used whenever out socialising. Everything about it is amazing.
Es un eficiente calentador de manos con 10000 mAh de bateria. El diseo redondeado es prctico y mide solo 10,5 x 7,3 x 3 cm, es bastante ligero. La carcasa es de aluminio aeronutico y plstico ABS. Tiene 3 temperaturas (45/50/55 grados) con indicadores led, se calienta en pocos segundos. A 55 grados en casa casi quema, pero en exterior a 0 grados se nota mucho menos el calor y hay que poner las 2 manos bien pegadas para calentarse algo…
Solo hay 1 botn lateral para cambiar de modo o encender/apagar pulsando 3 segundos. El indicador de temperatura central est bien para comprobar el modo seleccionado.
La batera al mximo no dura ms de 5-6 horas, al mnimo durar 8 o 9. Los 3 pilotos led adems de indicar el modo seleccionado tambin indican el nivel batera al encender.
Cuenta con puerto de carga tipo C y salida USB A para usarlo de powerbank. Una recarga completa tarda 5-7 horas. *La tapa de silicona de los puertos est unida por un hilito de goma que se rompe solo, aunque cierra igual.
Llega en una discreta caja personalizada junto al cable de carga, bolsa de tela e instrucciones en espaol. Estas tienen los nmeros de temperatura corregidos con bolgrafo, algo chapuza; pero supongo que es algo puntual.
Muy til para gente de manos fras y fcil de tener a mano en un cajn o en la mochila. Correcta relacin calidad precio
He probado este calentador de manos y powebank de 10000 mAh. Como powebank est muy bien y hace su funcin. Que se te queda el mvil sin batera, pues ya llevas un repuesto de carga.
La funcin ms destacada, porque como powebank los he visto mejores, es que puede calentarte las manos en los fros das de invierno. Para esa labor es bastante grande (para Manos pequeas es un poco incmodo). Tiene un botn con el que controlas todo y unos leds que te indican la carga de la batera.
Los conectores para carga de entrada y salida estn tapados por una tapa de silicona. Es una buena idea pero no es nada fcil de abrir. Habra que mejorar tambin ese punto.
Trae su correa para la mueca y su bolsa de transporte, que me parecen imprescindibles. Las instrucciones no estn en castellano y deberan.
Tarda un ratito en calentar, pero luego calienta perfectamente.
La temperatura mnima es 45, que para m es bastante caliente. Pondra una temperatura un poco ms baja. Casi me quema si lo aprieto con la mano.
El material exterior podra ser un poco ms agradable al tacto. No est mal, pero no es algo que se podra mejorar.
La carga slo se sabe cuando en la pantalla pone LD. ah tienes que cargarlo ya para que no se te quede sin batera.
La bolsa para transportarlo parece hecha para su hermano pequeo. Cuesta bastante meterlo dentro. Un par de centmetros ms de tela se agradeceran.
– Manual
– Cable de carga USB C
– Bolsa de trasporte de color negro
– Calentador/powerbank
Funcionalidad: tenemos la funcin de calentador y de powerbank, mientras dure su capacidad de carga que son 10000 mA. No he comprobado si dura exactamente las horas que se indican, pero puedo decir que dura varios das a mxima intensidad en modo calentador (lgicamente usndolo a ratos). En modo calentador tiene 3 niveles de intensidad, desde los 40 grados hasta los 55 grados. Yo cuando tengo fro lo que hago es ponerlo al mximo. Y cuando ya me he calentado lo bajo a la mitad para mantener el calor. Ideal por si tienes que estar varias horas al aire libre. Por ejemplo ahora en Navidad en la cabalgata de Reyes. Para cargar un dispositivo hemos de conectar el cable en el puerto USB A (el grande) que trae y el otro extremo al dispositivo. No tiene carga rpida. Si pulsamos rpido el botn de encendido nos indica el nivel de carga con los 3 leds que tenemos en un lateral. Si lo dejamos pulsado prolongadamente activamos el modo calentador.
Lo que ms me gusta:
El display que incorpora, donde puedes ver la temperatura a la que se encuentra.
Conector de carga USB C. Es decir al da con la tendencia en conectores.
Gran capacidad, tanto para calentar muchas horas, como para salvarnos de un apuro y cargar nuestros mviles.
Realmente calienta. Cumple perfectamente su funcin de quitarnos el frio de las manos
Lo que no me ha gustado tanto:
Tengo otro calentador cuyo diseo es ms premium. Este es ms sencillo, sin adornos cromados, ms grueso y ms pesado (tambin hay que decir que este tiene ms capacidad). Aunque tengo que decir que no es algo que me preocupa en exceso.
/ Relacin calidad/precio: su precio son 28 euros. El precio es muy top. Hay calentadores con la mitad de capacidad y casi al mismo precio.
Espero que te hayan resultado interesantes mis explicaciones y fotografas y si estabas en duda sobre comprar o no el producto te haya ayudado a decidirte.
Desconoca de su existencia hasta este ao y despus de probarlo creo que es un gran invento, indispensable si tienes una actividad en las que se te enfran las manos, o para regalar a tus mayores, que suelen tener ese problema.
Es un gadget con 2 funciones, calentador de manos y power bank para recargar otros dispositivos.
Tiene el tamao aproximado de un paquete de tabaco (pero redondeado y algo ms fino) es algo ms grande que otros, pero con 10000 mAh creo que es normal.
Viene con un cable de carga, sin cargador. El puerto USB-C es el de entrada, para cargar el calentador y el USB-A es de salida, para cargar el mvil, o cualquier dispositivo.
En el frontal tiene una pantalla LCD donde indica los grados a los que est el dispositivo, y en la parte superior 3 luces LED que nos indica, bien el porcentaje de carga restante o bien el el nivel de temperatura que deber alcanzar 45-50-55C, segn el tiempo que mantengas pulsado el botn.
Cosas que me gustan:
-Su doble funcin calentador/power bank
-La gran capacidad de su batera
-Calienta por ambos lados
-Los puertos de carga estn protegidos y sellados por una solapa de silicona
Cosas a mejorar:
-El manual no viene en espaol
-En la base tiene los agujeros para enganchar una cinta para colgar el calentador de la mueca, pero no incluyen la cinta en el paquete.
-El tamao puede ser algo grande para sujetarlo si las manos del usuario son pequeas.
Recomendable? yo creo que s!
He recibido este calentador de manos, el primero que he tenido, y paso a detallaros mi opinin sobre l.
En cuanto a la presentacin del producto decir que viene dentro de una cajita de cartn, junto con una funda de terciopelo, un cable de alimentacin y unas instrucciones en chino e ingls.
En primer lugar, decir que el modo de funcionamiento del producto es muy sencillo. Para encenderlo nicamente debemos de mantener pulsado durante tres segundos un botn lateral que tiene, que ser el mismo que usaremos para cambiar el nivel de emisin de calor del producto. Para saber en qu nivel est, disponemos de tres luces led duque se encienden con un color blanco. En su parte frontal dispone adems de una pequea pantalla que nos va a indicar el nivel de batera restante.
El calentador de manos est fabricado de aluminio de grado aeronutico de alta tecnologa y material ABS, que a m me parece bastante suave, aunque algo pesado, contando con un sistema de seguridad para evitar los cortocircuitos y las sobrecargas. Yo soy una persona que no tiene una mano demasiado grande, y a mi el tamao del calentador me resulta cmodo de coger.
Tiene una autonoma de entre 8 y 16 horas, dependiendo del nivel de emisin de calor que seleccionemos durante su uso. A mayor emisin de calor la batera durar ms. Mientras est apagado, el consumo de batera es prcticamente nulo. La capacidad de la batera es de 10.000 mAH, siendo la duracin de su carga de unas 5-6 horas. Para cargarlo es recomendable usar un cargador de 5V a 2A, para que sta seas ms rpida.
Me ha gustado, que el tiempo en que este producto coge temperatura es muy bajo, en unos 10 segundos ya tenderemos a este producto emitiendo calor y haciendo que nuestras manos estn calentitas.
Adems, lo podemos usar como power bank, y nos da perfectamente para una carga completa de un dispositivo mvil, por lo que nos va a venir muy bien para aquellas ocasiones en que nos estemos quedando sin batera en el mvil. Para la carga del calentador y para poder usar ste como power bank, disponemos de dos puertos usb, uno tipo USB A (para usarlo como PowerBank) y otro tipo USB C (para la carga de la batera del calentador de manos).
A mi modo de ver, creo que es un buen producto, siendo el nico aspecto a mejorar el que pesar un poco menos, y no por el peso que nos genera en las manos, sino ms bien porque es un artculo que seguro nos lo metemos en el bolsillo para llevrnoslo de un lado a otro, y ah si se nota ms. Adems, he echado de menos el que no viniese un segundo calentador, para tener uno para cada mano.
Estos son los pros y contras que he visto:
– La superficie del calentador es lisa y el tacto est bien, es suave.
– Se puede seleccionar una temperatura de 40, 45 o 50 Centgrados. Se calienta toda la superficie, por ambos lados. Tarda unos 2 minutos en calentarse a 40C, 3 minutos hasta los 45C y 4 minutos hasta los 50C.
– El calor que proporciona es agradable, es ideal para calentarnos las manos cuando hace fro, sobre todo en invierno.
– Pesa 210 gramos. Mide 10,3 cm de largo x 7 cm de ancho x 3 cm de grosor, es un tamao adecuado para calentarnos las manos, y es fcil de transportar.
– Adems de calentador de manos, es una batera externa (power bank). El manual de instrucciones indica que su capacidad es de 10.000 mAh. Tiene un conector de salida USB-C, ideal para recargar aparatos electrnicos con batera recargable.
– Tiene 3 lucecitas que indican el nivel de carga de la batera, cada lucecita encendida indica un 33% de carga.
– Tiene un conector USB-A de entrada, y un cable USB, para recargar la power bank conectndola a un ordenador, a una regleta con puertos USB o a la corriente si tenemos un adaptador USB para la corriente. El tiempo de carga es de 4 a 6 horas. La duracin de la batera es de 8 a 16 horas.
– El manual de instrucciones solo est en ingls y chino. Aunque no es difcil de usar.
De todos los que he llegado a probar son mis favoritos, me resultan sper minimalistas y cmodos de utilizar, alcanzan una buena temperatura prcticamente de forma inmediata y en casos urgentes podemos utilizarlos como bancos de energa. Su autonoma es considerable y el tiempo de carga es el estndar, buena Presentacin y buen empaquetado.
Me ha gustado principalmente porque me cumple dos funciones esenciales para mi, calentar las manos y la carga del mvil en caso de emergencia.
Lo uso para cuando voy a la montaa o a esquiar, y sinceramente es una gozada tener una fuente de calor a la que recurrir y te da seguridad en caso de tener que hacer una carga en tu mvil, sobre todo en casos extremos.
Es un aparato simple en cuanto a su aspecto y funcionamiento. Es una powerbank con forma ovalada para poderla coger con las manos de forma cmoda. Ocupa como si fuese un huevo grande.
El kit trae adems la bolsa de fieltro negra y el cable USB tipo C para su carga.
Tiene un botn de ON/OFF que funciona simplemente con mantenerlo pulsado. Una vez encendido puedes ver el nivel de carga e intensidad de calor en el visor LED.
Para elegir la intensidad de calor debes ir pulsando el botn y elegirlo. Tiene tres intensidades, desde 40C hasta un mximo de 55C. Guarda la memoria de la ltima eleccin marcada.
Para saber el nivel de batera que le queda debes pulsar 3 seg. el botn y parpadear 1,2 3 LED. La batera dura entre 7 y 14h dependiendo del nivel de intensidad que elijas. Muy buena duracin.
Tiene una intensidad de carga de 10.000 mAh.
Calidad precio buena.
I like that this Hand Warmer is Rechargeable and I can take it everywhere, especially during these cold days.
The 10000mAh capacity not only keeps me warm but also I can charge my phone if needed.
I recommend it.
This dose what is says grate for the cold days put in your pocket and put your hand inside it fills so nice and you can fill like the worm it is moving around your body. So happy that i got this for the winter. I even use it for my kids put it inside when they are going to school worth the money.
Se trata de un calentador de manos que tiene 2 funciones la principal que es la de calentar las manos y la otra la de una powerbank ya que tiene una entrada USB para ello y en un momento dado nos puede servir para ese fin.
Los acabados generales estn bien tienen una buena terminacin.
Nos trae una pequea bolsita para guardarlo.
Tiene 3 niveles de potencia y calienta bastante rpido.
Tiene una pequea pantalla led en la nos indica la capacidad que le queda a la batera,la batera que tiene es de 10000mAh.
Este calentador de manos la principal desventaja que le veo porque tampoco es un problema porque habr a gente que lo prefiere as es que es uno solo es decir no tiene uno para cada mano,si tuviera uno para cada mano se podra calentar las dos manos a la vez pero por separado y llevar si queremos las manos en el bolsillo o incluso al aire pero al ser de una pieza para calentarse las dos manos a la vez tienes que sujetarlo con las dos manos a la vez y en ciertas ocasiones resulta incmodo.
Si no fuera por esto de ser de una pieza le dara mejor puntuacin.
El pedido lleg muy rpido y debidamente protegido, el calentador de manos con pantalla LED indicadora de temperatura, con funcin de PowerBank, de la marca OHLGT, con batera interna de 10.000 mAh y una autonoma de 8 a 16 horas de uso continuo, se corresponde con las imgenes del anuncio (21.12.2022).
Resea: Color Negro
Contenido: Se presenta en una caja de cartn con una imagen del producto, en ella se indica la marca, sus caractersticas, el color y el origen de la misma. En su interior nos encontramos con:
– Calentador de manos recargable de 10.000 mAh con puerto USB tipo A (PowerBank) y USB C de carga
– Cable de carga USB tipo C a USB tipo A de 27,5 cm de longitud de color blanco
– Funda textil con cierre de cordel
– Manual de uso y caractersticas en chino e ingls
Se trata de un calentador de manos del tamao de una pastilla de jabn con una carcasa de plstico ABS de color negro, es muy compacto y ligero. Tiene un nico botn multifuncin, 3 leds blancos indicadores de estado y una mini pantalla led indicadora de temperatura (Grados Centgrados). Su funcionamiento es muy simple, ya que los 3 leds nos indicaran que configuracin de temperatura hemos seleccionado y la mini pantalla LCD nos mostrara la temperatura alcanzada. Adems, esta cuenta con la funcin de PowerBank, empleando el puerto USB tipo A con un voltaje y amperaje de salida de 5V-2A (*).
El calentador calienta por las dos caras, este funciona de la siguiente manera:
Pulsacin larga (Encendido-Apagado) Este modelo tiene memoria y guarda la ltima configuracin, por lo que en lo nico que debemos fijarnos es en las luces leds blancas, ya que la temperatura ser mostrada por la pantalla LCD.
– 1 led blanco fijo, significa que alcanza una temperatura de 40-45C, con una autonoma de 14 horas
– 2 leds blancos fijos, significa que alcanza una temperatura de 45-50C, con una autonoma de 11 horas
– 3 leds blancos fijos, significa que alcanza una temperatura de 50-55C, con una autonoma de 7 horas
Como se puede comprobar, la autonoma va en funcin de la temperatura que alcance, siendo el ms recomendable por tiempo que nos ofrece 14 horas y el que ms temperatura nos aporta llegando a las 7 horas. (Las temperaturas varan en funcin de la temperatura ambiente y la autonoma de la carga de la batera).
Para cargar nuestro calentador de manos debemos hacerlo por el puerto USB tipo C (No es bidireccional), con un cargador USB tipo A de 5V-2A (No incluido), cuando se est cargando el calentador de manos este indica en su pantalla (CH) y cuando la batera de este, esta baja, la pantalla nos indica (LD). Para comprobar el estado de la batera (El nivel de carga), se puede hacer de 2 maneras, conectndolo a un cargador o pulsando menos de 3 segundos el botn (Veremos uno, dos o tres leds encendidos), estos nos indican el estado de la batera, siendo de la siguiente manera:
– 3 leds parpadeando (Tenemos menos del 10% de batera)
– 1 led fijo y 2 intermitentes (Tenemos entre el 10-30% de batera cargada)
– 2 leds fijos y 1 intermitente (Tenemos entre el 30-60% de batera cargada)
– 3 leds fijos (Tenemos el 60-100% de carga)
* Es un calentador bastante cmodo de llevar encima debido a sus dimensiones compactas (105 mm de ancho x 72 mm de ancho x 32,5 mm de grosor) y por su bajo peso (208 gramos), adems nos sirve de PowerBank y claramente por su precio (Inferior a 28). Tambin indicar que los de aluminio calientan mucho antes que este modelo, pero tambin se enfran antes (Este modelo mantiene mejor el calor).
** No le doy las 5 estrellas por dos motivos, no viene el manual es espaol y la propia carcasa debera indicar que lleva una batera con todas sus caractersticas y certificaciones (Este modelo no indica nada)
El otro da lo saque a la calle y lo estuvimos probando entre mis amig@s, y me costo recuperarlo, todo el mundo se quera calentar las manos, funciona realmente bien alcanzando una buena temperatura, se recarga mediante un puerto USBc, y tambien tenemos una salida USB estndar para utilizarlo como powerbank, tambien viene con una funda para poder guardarlo, el cable al ser corto tambien entra en la funda.
Hola !!!
He adquirido el calentador de manos de la marca OHLGT.
El contenido del producto es el siguiente:
– Calentador de manos
– Bolsa de transporte
– Cable de alimentacin
– Manual de instrucciones, en castellano, no
El calentador de manos tiene forma ovalada con las siguientes dimensiones:
– 73mm de ancho
– 105,2mm de fondo
– 33,1mm de alto
– 207gr de peso
El calentador de manos lo compone:
– Superior:
o Zona de emisin de calor
o Pantalla LED
– Inferior:
o Zona de emisin de calor
– Trasera:
o Orificio para poder introducir un cordel para llevar el calentador de manos
– Frontal:
o Central: Dos puertos:
USB Tipo A: Puerto de salida: Carga de dispositivo externo
USB Tipo C: Puerto de entrada: Carga de calentador de mano
o Derecha: Botn de control del calentador de manos. Funciones:
Si pulsamos una vez: Indicador de nivel de carga del calentador de manos
Si mantenemos pulsado unos segundos: Encendido / Apagado del calentador de manos
Si el calentador de manos est encendido y pulsamos, aumentamos el nivel de temperatura:
* 45 C
* 50 C
* 55 C
o Izquierda: Indicador por medio de iluminaria LED de nivel de batera del calentador y de intensidad de temperatura:
Nivel de batera:
* Luz inferior: Nivel de carga del 10%-30%
* Luz media: Nivel de carga del 30%-60%
* Luz superior: Nivel de carga del 60%-100%
Cuando tenemos conectado el calentador de manos a la red, parpadeo la iluminaria que est completando la carga. En la pantalla LED nos aparece CH
Intensidad de temperatura:
* Luz inferior: 40 C
* Luz media: 50 C
* Luz superior: 55 C
En la pantalla LED nos aparece la temperatura actual del dispositivo.
Debo recomendar este producto por las siguientes razones:
– Cumple funcin
– Puerto de salida
– Tres rangos de temperatura
– Emisin de calor progresivo
Es cierto que he echado en falta:
– La temperatura se pueda regular manualmente
– Demasiada anchura el calentador de manos
Mira, despus de probar varias, una batera que te muestra en el display de cmo va aumentado la temperatura, es algo que puede parecer una tontera, pero as sabrs en todo momento la temperatura que tienes, otros en cambio te dicen 40 grados y te lo tienes que creer y muchas veces no es la temperatura correcta.
Dispone de 3 temperaturas, que se activa su modo, dejando presionado el botn, y veras que se enciende un led en el lateral izquierdo, otra pulsacin y sube al modo 2, as hasta llegar al 3.
Es engomada de tacto muy agradable, debo decir que su calentamiento es progresivo y ms lento que otras, pero mejor as que otras que se calientan en 15 segundos y luego dan una temperatura errnea y muy elevada. Pero tiene una pega que os comento ms adelante.
Por el precio que tiene me quedo con esta antes que otros modelos de similar precio que no disponen ni de display.
He encontrado 2 pegas, la primera es que el display no muestra en dgitos la batera restante, algo que se agradecera, y segunda la temperatura, aunque cumple con lo que indica, la primera vez que empieza la cuenta ascendente de grados no se corresponde con lo real, aunque al cabo de unos minutos cuando se fija la temperatura final, si termina llegado, as que paciencia.
Pero debo decir que esas pegas, las tienen todas las actuales, y esta por lo menos tiene display y la temperatura que marca es la real, aunque sea lento en calentarse
Aun as, creo que de los calienta manos econmicos probados en este ao, es de los mejorcitos.
Uso calientamanos desde el invierno pasado (menudo descubrimiento) y este ao he tenido oportunidad de probar unos cuantos de diferentes marcas gracias a Amazon Vine. De todos los que he probado este es con diferencia el ms grande. Tengo manos pequeas y me cuesta un poco sujetarlo porque casi no lo abarco . De momento es el nico fallo que le he encontrado y la razn por la que le quito una estrella.
Le lleva un poco alcanzar la temperatura que has seleccionado cuando lo enciendes, incluso para el nivel de calor ms bajo. Lo notas en el tacto y tambin la vas viendo subir en la pantalla. De los calientamanos que he probado los hay bastante ms rpidos.
Pero luego es de los que consigue mantener la temperatura de forma ms estable: no solo es de los que menos bajones tiene de temperatura mientras lo ests usando sino tambin de los que es ms rpido a la hora de bajarle la temperatura si pasas por ejemplo de tenerlo en las manos a meterlo en un bolsillo donde tiene menos prdida de calor. Si notas como la temperatura sube durante un momento, pero en poco tiempo es capaz de volver a regularla. He probado alguno que tena que apagar al meterlo dentro de un bolsillo porque segua subiendo la temperatura y llegaba a ser incmodo.
Si lo pruebas en casa te va a dar la sensacin de que da demasiado calor incluso en el nivel ms bajo. Pero en la calle con fro buena falta hace .
Una duda clsica si va a ser tu primer calentamanos es si vas a poder usarlo como Powerbank a la vez que te calientas las manos. NO, NO SE PUEDE. Cuando enchufas el cable en el puerto de salida de carga se apaga el calor. Es una cosa o la otra.
Pues eso, que calienta muy bien las manos, la temperatura es ajustable y tienes un display que te indica la temperatura del mismo.
Tiene 3 niveles de ajustes de temperatura, se indica el modo con 3 leds. Tambin sirve como power bank con lo que podras llegar a cargar 2 veces el mvil al ser de 10.000mAh.
La verdad, hubiese preferido que la capacidad de la batera fuese la mitad, que pesara la mitad y que ocupar la mitad del espacio, y poder llevar uno en cada bolsillo. Este es bastante voluminoso y pesado, pero gracias a su tamao la batera dura hasta 14 horas en el modo ms flojo, que es ms que suficiente.
Los modos 2 y 3 dan demasiado calor para mi gusto.
Por lo dems, el tacto es agradable y est bien construido.
En invierno, y ms en la zona donde vivo, tener este tipo de dispositivos casi es imprescindible porque las manos se quedan heladas en cuestin de segundos.
Fabricados con buenos materiales, el acabado es bueno y el diseo me ha gustado. No hay que olvidar que adems puedes usarlo como batera externa para cargar el mvil, por ejemplo. Y con la batera de tanta capacidad tienes para muchas horas de calor.
Termino comentando que tienes varios niveles de calor ajustables con solo pulsar el botn, y que la verdad es que calienta rpidamente y al menos a m, me dura lo suficiente para cargarlos de nuevo cada noche y tenerlos listos para el otro da.
Calentador de manos a batera recargable de 10.000 mAh de capacidad que le da una autonoma aproximada de entre 8 a 16 h dependiendo del nivel de potencia elegido.
Dispone de 3 niveles de potencia, por defecto al encenderlo con una pulsacin larga de 3″ se conecta en la posicin mnima a 45C, con una pulsacin breve una vez encendido pasa a la segunda a 50C y otra pulsacin pasa a la mxima a 55C, para apagar hay que hacer otra pulsacin larga de 3″.
El ajuste de temperatura es muy exacto y la velocidad a a la que se caliente es buena, de tacto suave y bordes redondeados, con indicacin del nivel de potencia elegido mediante led y temperatura en dsplay, cuando est apagado puedes ver el nivel de batera haciendo una pulsacin corta y los led se encendern dependiendo del nivel de batera restante.
Viene con un cable USB-A a USB-C corto, sin cargador para cargarlo podemos usar un cargador estndar de 5V a 2A o 1A (tardar ms tiempo en cargar), tambin podemos usar el calienta manos como powerbank y cargar a travs del puerto USB-A disponible cualquier dispositivo a 5V, en pruebas funciona correctamente aunque con cargas normales o lentas pues no tiene protocolo de carga rpida.
Con manual de uso slo en ingls y alemn lo cual le penaliza un poco, y bolsa de transporte textil para guardar, de tamao adecuado para las manos, tacto suave y agradable y funcionamiento correcto, con una buena relacin precio-calidad
Power Bank de tamao bastante reducido que cabe en la palma de la mano y con una interesante capacidad de 10.000 miliamperios.
El tacto es agradable en los laterales es como de silicona aunque est todo fabricado de plstico.
Mientras tiene una pequea tapita de plstico que esconde dos conectores uno USB tipo C y uno USB normal para poder cargarlo y para poder conectar un cable y cargar nuestro smartphone, el cable viene incluido junto con una pequea funda sinttica para guardar el power Bank.
La batera se maneja exclusivamente con un botn si hacemos una nica pulsacin nos mostrar la carga restante, si mantenemos el botn pulsado durante un segundo se activa la funcin de calentador el cual ir aumentando la temperatura progresivamente y la mostrar en un pequeo display que tiene en la parte frontal.
Es muy cmodo y sencillo de utilizar y tiene unas prestaciones muy interesantes para llevarlo siempre encima cuando nos vamos de viaje
LO MEJOR: Temperatura regulable
LO PEOR: No tiene nivel de batera.
Para pasear a las perras en invierno me va a ir fenomenal, para ir calentando la mano que est en el bolsillo.
Tiene 3 temperaturas a elegir: 45C, 50C y 55C.
Tarda unos 30 segundos en llegar a unos 30C y trasmitir sensacin de calor. Un minuto y medio en alcanzar los 45C. Pulsando el botn de encendido logramos alcanzar los 50 y 55C.
En teoria a 55C la duracin de la bateria es de 7h y a 45C son unas 14h.
No lo he probado porque como no tiene visor de batera, cuando llevo unos usos, lo pongo a cargar.
Quiz es un poco ancho para mi gusto, ya que para tenerlo cogido tienes que tener la mano muy abierta y para eso necesitas tener unos buenos bolsillos y adems, no es tan cmodo.
El tacto es agradable. Es muy suave.
Conexin de carga usb y usb-C.
Y como una imagen vale ms que mil palabras y un video ms, ah va uno para que veis que tal pinta.
Si esta informacin te ha ayudado a decidirte, ya ha servido de algo mi ayuda. Muchas gracias.
La fabricacin es china. Se presenta en una caja serifrafiada con algunas indicaciones en ingls. En el interior encontramos el dispositivo muy bien colocado en una bandeja moldeada de plstico junto con el cable de carga USB, una bolsa aterciopelada de color negro y un manual en ingls y lo que parece ser chino.
La carcasa tiene el permetro de aluminio y las caras superior e inferior de ABS. Mide 10,5 X 7 X 3 cms. Ae remite xon carga, de modo que podemos usarlo de inmediato. Didpine de un solo botn de funcin, un pequeo display y 3 luces indicadoras del nivel de batera. Dispone de 3 niveles de potencia, se calienta rpidamente,, el tiemoi descarga es de unas 5-6 horas y el rendimiento, segn la potencia seleccionada, es de 8 a 16 horas. Ademas puede usarse como batera auxiliar para cargar el mvil.
Prctico, buen rendimiento.
El diseo es ovalado, con un tacto agradable, no a plstico frio y liso, ideal para tenerla en la palma de la mano aunque si lo llevamos dentro de los guantes tendrn que ser extremadamente amplios. Le penaliza el hecho de ser tan slo una unidad, ya que la tendencia ahora es que vengan 2, uno para cada mano
Como extra, tambin es power bank, o sea que podremos usarla como batera externa para cargar otros dispositivos.
Algo que me ha gustado es que los puertos USB A y USB C estn protegidos por una tapa de silicona, algo que pocos llevan.
Lleva una pantalla donde aparecen las 3 temperaturas seleccionables, que son de 40 C, 50 C y 55C y en un lateral 3 leds que la verdad no sirven para nada y que se van iluminando por toques segn seleccionas la temperatura que quieres. Y digo que no sirven para nada ya que si ya tienes la pantalla, esos led son intiles para eso, aunque sirven para ver el estado de la carga, nada ms, cuando se est cargando solamente.
En el tema de las temperaturas alcanzadas hay luces y sombras.
En la temperatura de 40C la supera, alcanzando los 47,9C aunque en la pantalla aparecen 45C.
En la temperatura de 50C es la nica que s es real, ya que llega a alcanzar los 50,1C.
Y en la temperatura de 55C no llega a esa cifra, se queda en 50,7C, que si bien es una temperatura alta, no llega a lo especificado por el fabricante.
En definitiva, un calienta manos y power bank que cumple su cometido a medias, por lo que no puedo darle la mxima calificacin por no ser reales las cifras que dan.
Es un excelente calentador de manos, con una autonoma de 10.000mah que tambin sirve como powerbank.
Se calienta muy rpido, indicando en todo momento el nivel de temperatura, a travs de 3 led, que sirve tambin para indicar el nivel de carga restante, tambin cuando esta calentando, indica la temperatura a traes de una pantallita con dgitos, muy til.
El diseo es muy bonito, es pequea, e incluso a parte de calentar las manos, te lo puedes meter en el bolsillo del abrigo o la camisa, y que te caliente tambin, adems por tamao, es muy cmodo para calentar una mano o las dos manos juntas, incluso muy romntico junto a la mano de la persona amada.
Viene con una bolsa de terciopelo para guardarlo, para poderlo llevar fcilmente.
Y cuenta con puerto usb tipo C, que es ms rpido y mejor que el antiguo micro usb.
Dispositivo interesante al ser un calentador de manos y powerbank al tener 10000 mAh y tener salidas usb de carga. Ideal para los madrugones de invierno al salir de casa para calentarte las manos en poqusimos segundos, eligiendo la temperatura ideal de entre las 3 opciones que hay entre 40 y 55 grados.
El agarre es super cmodo al ser redondeado y de tacto suave, con tan solo apretar un botn sube la temperatura y puede llegar a dar una duracin de hasta 15 horas segn la potencia usada.
Es cmodo de llevar en un bolsillo dentro de la bolsa de transporte que trae, y se carga en pocas horas con el cable aportado usb a tipo C.
Tiene pantalla led indicativa de temperatura elegida, adems de indicadores de la capacidad restante de carga de la batera.
Easy to use and charge, lasts a few hours of use on a single charge. Charges by USB via phone charger, solar charger, PC and battery bank fine.
Construction is solid.
Can’t complain.
Charges up quick and gives off a lovely heat
The led battery number display is a great feature,
I’ve tested quite a few hand warmers and this one feels great in your hand, it’s a really nice shape
Perfect for any outdoor activities, get this for the bloke who has everything this Christmas, he will thank you for it.
Highly recommended
So, why have one? Well, if you need to use your hands in the cold it’s often pretty hard to do so after an while when tackling something fiddly. In my case or rather my wife and I’s case, its photography.
We already had a pair of hand warmers but another one is never going to go wrong when you are outside for hours in the cold not moving around too much. We found that this hand warmer worked a real treat. Simply dump it in a pocket and in between shots in a miserable Northumberland day last week – you can warm up your pinkies. Ideal and it really does make a difference.
Of course you may be older or have poor circulation in which case a hand warmer may also be an excellent option.
Anyway, this is an excellent bit of kit that helps keep your hands functional and useable especially when doing outside hobbies. There is one caveat though.
You really do need two of these, one for each hand or pocket that is. That makes these quite a bit more expensive than some dual versions for similar price.
This is very easy to use and fulfils its purpose very well. To be honest, I’m not the one that has used it the most, rather that’s my girlfriend who has Raynaud’s, so she often gets cold fingers.
It doesn’t take long to get to full temperature and continues to put out heat for quite a while. I’m taking part in a Christmas market this year, so it may well get a lot of use then.
There are two USB ports: one standard one USB-C, with a rubber plug that covers them both. It’s rather like a large pebble or stone and has a nice tactile quality to it; it feels nice to turn the thing over and over in your hand.
We found the lowest setting to be enough, though it has been unseasonably warm recently.
Easy to use, charge and hold. Two ports for charging – USB C or USB 2.0 – which can double as sockets when using this aas a power bank.
It charges quickly enough, and the three heat settings come on and adjust quickly.
Not sure it would be much good in freezing weather, but it is very good when you’re feeling chilly, iunside or outside.
As I said, this can also be used as a power back if you need to charge or top up your phone in a hurry. The easy to read instructions and buttons make all of this very straightforward.
Overall very nice and very good. We’ll see what happend when the ice and snow arrive.
I was skeptical at first but once I read through the instructions this was actually pretty easy to use!
I quite like the feel and shape of it, nice and smooth and easy to hold. It warms up to a comfortable temperature and will be ideal for winter adventures offering both heat and phone charge!
It’s just on the slightly chunky side for me, and there’s only one charging port, but so far so good.
This is an excellent hand warmer that has a small digital display that shows its current temperature.
It has 3 heat setting to choose from and these are indicated by 3 white lights.
It’s maximum temperature is a very warm 55c.
It provides a consistent warmth and is very pleasant to hold. It feels very smooth and tactile.
It is quite wide to hold in one hand and this might be a consideration for those with very small hands.
It comes with a drawstring pouch for storage.
It can be charged using the USB A to USB C cable provided. This cable can also be reversed and used in the warmers USB A output when using as a power bank. The power bank has a very useful battery capacity of 10000mAh
It cannot be used as a power bank and warmer at the same time.
I’m really enjoying this hand warmer on my base of thumb joints which can be painful in cold weather. It is also just the right size to hold in the small of my lower back when that feels painful.
This is a great little device and I am very pleased with it. It seams well made and of good quality.
I can recommend this item.
This hand warmer is mainly to use when out watching football over the winter.
I always feel the cold, especially my hands, and I’ve had a similar product in the past.
Heats up quickly
It is really easy to use and heat up very quickly to a good temperature, you can select a difference c, which is pretty hot on direct skin contact.
Love the simple colour!
Nice little powerbank which also does warming.
Good size and heated on both sides.
A small double digit display showing the temperature.
One button operation, short to show battery level and long for on/off and temp level.
Could have gone a step further, perhaps using the display for % of battery and c for temp.
Battery life is plenty, sufficient to charge your devices and also keeping you warm for a day out.
Price is reasonable at 22.
This hand warmer works very well and in fact it’s sitting on my lap as I write this. It warms up quickly and the display goes up by each degree so that you can actually see the temperature increasing. There are three heat settings, which are shown using three lights on the top, and a single button on the side to press it on and off and to change the heat level.
However what is even better is that this doubles as a powerbank to charge electronics such as a mobile phone which can be helpful when also away from a convenient power source.
However note you cant charge a device and use as a hand warmer simultaneously.
Supplied with a charging cable and storage pouch. If you are thinking of buying one as a gift I suggest buying two as you will want one too! Shame the box it was supplied in was damaged but i cant drop a star for this ad the item is superb.
Really good powerbank which also doubles as a hand warmer (this is what it is marketed for) offering three heat settings 45 degrees, 50 and 55 this doesn’t heat up as quickly as another model we have but once warm it is very good and gives hours upon hour of heat if you require it.
The heat can be cycled or turned off by the press of a button with a small LED showing the power level and an LCD display stating the current heat settings.
USB-A output and USB-C output, charging of the 10000mAh battery is either by usb-c and a cable is included for this purpose. Small cloth bag is also in the package to keep your powerbank clean when not in use.
This product has a solid build quality and is super simple to use!
It takes a little bit of time to warm up but it warms up very evenly across the surface.
I was quite surprised at how large it was but it fits in my pocket and bag, it has a bit of weight to it and the surface feels really soft, doesn’t feel like hard plastic. The digital display is very clear and it charges quickly with the usb c charger. Good value for money!
Quality power bank to recharge mobile phones etc.
With 10000mAh it charges my phone 1.5 times
The cable is usb to usb c which is good (most of these power banks come with micro usb) so I can use the cable that comes with the battery power bank on my phone instead of having to swap to my phone cable.
The digital indicator tells me when it’s charging, charged and empty.
It can also be used as a hand warmer (ideal for putting in your pocket on cold days to keep your hand warm).
Many power banks are doubling up as hand warmers now.
It also comes with a pouch which is a nice touch to keep it from damage when not in use.
It works well and the charge is quick.
Price wise it’s good value. I have tested many others similar with varying prices and this one is a good price for the quality. It holds its charge well, is fast at charging a phone and has the added extra of digital display
This review is solely my own personal opinion from my experience of testing this product and others may have a different opinion so please check other reviews also so as to get a balanced view.
This rechargeable hand warmer is supplied with English and Chinese instructions, a drawstring storage bag and a USB to USB C power lead. The hand warmer seems to be sturdily constructed and is made from good quality materials. It fits nicely in the hand and also looks good to. My only gripe would be about the length of the supplied cable. It is only about 6″ long or in other words inconveniently short. I guess it is designed for use with a laptop or the like but makes using a wall plug charger much more awkward. Fortunately, the hand warmer is complete compatible with the plug and lead I use for my tablet and phone and that is a much more sensible length.
And that is all the negative news out of the way. The rest is all good news. This hand warmer is easy to use and works extremely well. It has three heat levels, each of which is indicated by the illumination of a different one of the trio of white lights that I have shown in one of my photos. The current temperature of the warmer is displayed on the front screen and it quickly climbs to the chosen level. It took about 2-3 minutes to reach the level one temperature of 45 degrees C. A flap on the top of the hand warmer conceals and protects the USB C input and USB output sockets. There is a notch for a lanyard on the base of the warmer but a lanyard was not supplied with my example. A matter that could easily be remedied should that be something you wanted to use. The unit is switched into hand warmer mode with a long (3 second) press of the on/off button. A similar long press is used to switch it off again. A short press puts it into power bank mode and the battery remaining is indicated using the afore mentioned trio of white lights. The best news of all is that this is just an excellent hand warmer. I love it. With a full charge the hand warmer will stay hot for up to 7 hours on full power this rises to up to 11 hours on medium power and up to 14 hours on low. The low setting is 45 degrees and actually that, for me, is nice and comfortably warm. I guess it would depend on how one intends to use the hand warmer but all of these timings and ample for a walk or an evening watching the telly box.
This device also works well as a power bank and easily charged my phone just as quickly as my usual wall plug would have done. For what you get I think this device is a bit of a bargain and combining the functions of warmer and power bank makes a lot of sense. The device itself can be charge using my solar panel although one does need a few hours of sunshine to speed this process along. Something that in our area we have been a bit short of, of late.
It is great for walks and around the house or on say a camping/trekking trip. In fact, it would be useful for a wide range of activities or just for the drag to or from work. I would definitely buy more of these hand warmers. Mine has already had some admiring glances and a few ‘do you want that’ (cos if you don’t, I do) questions. As my lovely daughter would say ‘mine’ but I would be happy to buy some as Christmas presents, if you want one. This is a great device. It is easy to use, will slip into a pocket or handbag and feels very nice. I would definitely recommend it.
Love the shape of this it feel smooth and nice to hold I found this easy to set up and once fully charged I began trying to set this to its highest setting which is 55 and I achieved this by pushing the small button at the top of the hand warmer which controls lights on the other side and when I managed to light all three up I could see just what was happening by the big LED display light as it starts to count up from 0 to 55. Once it achieved the 55 I thought it’s a good heat and nice pleasant to hold and the charge last a good amount of time and I found this to be so good to hold in the pocket while taking the dog out walking in the cold dark nights.
These hand warmers came nicely packaged in a branded box.
What’s in the box?
Hand warmer.
Short USB C charging cable.
Cloth drawstring bag.
User manual.
This device is fantastic. It feels very well built and feels very robust and solid in the hand.
The hard warmer is a nice shape and feels great in the hand, with a soft texture to the outer casing.
The hand warmer is very easy to operate with just one button on the device.
To get into the heating mode, you long press the power button, and the device will turn on & start heating.
The display will show the current temperature, so you can clearly see the temperatures rising. Great feature!
The device has 3 led lights so you can see what mode you are in low, middle, or high heat.
1 press of the button will get you to the next temperature.
1 light = Low temperature is 45
2 light = Medium temperature 50
3 light = High temperature.
To turn off heating, long press the power button.
The hand warmer can be used as a power bank which I love.
1 press the button to show the charge level when not in heating mode.
The 3 LEDs will light up, showing the charge status.
1 light = 10% – 30%
2 light = 30% – 60%
3 light = 60% – 100%
Although there is no charge percentage shown on the display.
The screen is only for showing the temperatures whilst in heating mode.
Maybe they can update this in the future, so we know the exact percentage within the battery.
As at present 3 lights mean anywhere between 60% -100% so it’s not ideal.
But overall these hand warmers are fantastic. They heat up nicely, are a great size for portability, and are ideal to have for this coming winter.
Fantastic product.
I had a use for this in mind the moment I ordered it. The morning commute on the bus! Since I got on the bus at the depot, the bus has only just been turned on, and is always freezing inside, usually colder than the outside! It can be quite uncomfortable on the hands since I’m normally using my phone. Now I just turn this thing on, and swap it back and forth between my hands to give them a wee thermal boost!
As I was using it this last week or so, I realised that it’s also really useful when working for me. I’m typing a lot at work, and sometimes my hands can get a little cold, and they feel stiff. I’ve found that turning this thing on at the minimum setting, leaving it for 5 minutes or so, I can pick it up every couple of minutes to keep my hands feeling a bit warmer. You can leave it on pretty much all day, the battery really goes! It get’s me through an entire shift like that.
There’s a USB port to plug in another USB device like a phone or tablet, and since the battery is so big, it should be enough to get a few hours of heating plus a full charge on most phones! It’s standard USB charging speeds here though, no Power Delivery or Quick Charge, but that’s OK.
I’ve found that the display on the front doesn’t really represent the temperature of the unit. It’s supposed to reach 45 degrees in setting one, 50 degrees in setting two, and 55 degrees in setting three. When you turn it on, it always starts at 20, and counts its way up to whatever temperature you have set. I left the heater in a cold empty room to test this. The room was 15 degrees, but it still said 20 when I turned it on. If you turn it on until it’s hot, and turn it off and then back on again while it’s still hot, it’ll show 20 degrees again. Seems a bit pointless. From what I can tell, the heater simply attempts to get as hot as it possibly can given the power setting the user chooses.
It’s pretty handy for anyone who suffers from cold hands, or if you’re looking to make your commute a little more comfortable during the colder seasons. The fact that it can double as a battery bank just adds to its usefulness.
This is a really handy item to keep in your handbag.
It’s small and light enough to be portable, holds its charge well so has power when you need it and charges my phone pretty quickly.
It is also a handwarmer which heats up quickly and lasts, this means I can my hands from painfully cold to a good temperature quickly. It is also really good to pop into a pocket to help warm your core.
So happy with this hand warming device. It’s the perfect presant for my father in law as he’s a bouncer and out in the cold in the winter months. It comes with a USB lead and a handy little pouch. It was really easy to use simply hold the button on the side and there’s 3 levels of power so press 3 times for those. It will warm one side or both. You can also open the top and charge your phone with it if it has enough battery life which I thought was really handy. This is brillaint and gets really warm. I highly reccomend thankyou!
Very very good source of heat
Temperature can be lowered or hired to the desired and comfortable setting for you
Not just for hands
Headaches, neck, back, knee pain
The list is endless.
Very soft and smooth to touch
Easy to work
Comes with a charging lead and a lovley velvet pouch
No need for anybody to suffer with cold hands this winter at this great price
Love the design and quality
A great produc
This is a nice little hand warmer, looks and feels good quality and well made. It’s not too heavy and heats reasonably quick. It’s hard to work out which light does what on the side as they don’t light up the way the instructions say. Looks like too light is high power bottom light is low. Rubber cap protects the charge and usb port. Price is as expected compared to others I have and pretty happy with this warmer. Great for the long walks on cold winter days.
This hand warmer is good for keeping your hands a bit toaster during the winter months.
It has a decent capacity rechargeable battery at 10,00mAh, which can run for up to 14 hours on the lowest temperature setting, with there being three in total.
It takes a bit of time to reach the highest temperature setting, which does get warm, but not hot, as you’d expect for safety reasons.
There’s also a display screen which shows the temperature and remaining battery, so you know when to recharge.
All in all, they do the job as expected and are similarly priced to others on Amazon.
I hope you found this review helpful.
This is a good idea for in the winter or if you have bad circulation and have cold hands. You can charge it at home and then take it out with you and when you are cold you can turn it on. It warms up quickly and stays warm for a while.
Probably the only problem with this device is the fact, that it’s a singular piece. But on the positive side, it’s very powerful, last for a long time and actually show the provided temperature. Other devices only a 3 light indicator system.
It also serve as a compact power bank in case you need to charge your smart devices.
It comes with a carry bag, so you can store it with it’s cables in one place.
This is quite a chunky smooth curved oval shaped hand warmer that heats up quite steadily when switched on , there’s a handy digital display showing the temperature of the hand warmer.
There’s an indicator with 3 lights too showing the mode you are in, you get three heat modes to choose from , the battery life also depends on what mode you choose., low , medium or high..
The hand warmer heats up nice and cosy and is comfortable to hold , at 21 this one is quite good value for a 10000mAh capacity hand warmer that can last up to 15 hours on low power.
It’s handy to use outdoors for various activities, hiking, camping , walking or just for that bit of comfort on a cold day.
It’s easy to use , maintain and charge , very portable and lightweight, it can fit in your pocket.
You also get a handy storage pouch and you get the charging cable , no need for batteries.
Fits the hand perfectly. Great looks and feels very robust in the hand. Heats up nice and quickly and holds a charge for a long time.. Great little product!
This item is very similar to other hand warmers that I’ve reviewed in both design and operation.
On opening the box my first thoughts were that the black colour and smooth finish were very stylish, a bit reminiscent of the Motorola Pebble mobile phone when it was first revealed to the public.
The shape is not particularly shaped to the hand, the sides are straight and the ends curved, front and back are curved. With other hand warmers I’ve used the sides curved in slightly to improve grip which might be a small negative with this unit. The finish is matt black which makes it look very smart, even a bit sexy!!!
The controls are simple to use, as single button controls the heating level and there are 3 LEDs showing the current heating level. Press and hold the button to turn on and activate the 45C level, press again to step up to 50C and again to go to 55C, press and hold to turn off.
There is a small numeric LED displaying the current temperature and a nice touch here is that it shows the temperature as it increases however when I checked it with a laser thermometer the actual surface temperature lagged a few degrees behind the display, this might be because the sensor is inside the unit and not embedded in the surface. Once fully heated though the unit did hit it’s 3 temperature levels albeit slightly behind the display.
One more slight niggle I had was that the sides took longer to warm up than the front and back which gives the feel of cold spots but once fully heated up the sides did come to temperature and the cold spots vanished.
The unit is charged from any USB source using the short cable provided. The USB connections are behind a rubber cover which is better than some units I’ve used and this will help protect against water ingress if your using it outdoors in damp weather.
Charging took a couple of hours out of the box, it showed it to have one light of charge out of three and was fully charged after two hours.
When in use on the lowest setting I got 10 hours of heating which is less than stated time in the description however this was just left out on a hard surface, it might go for more time if it was on an insulated surface such as in a pocket as there might be less heat loss and the battery would have to heat for less time.
This unit also doubles as a power bank and I found that it easily charged my mobile phone from 20% to 100% in a couple of hours. I also have a USB lamp that I ran off this unit for a couple of hours, useful if the lights go our this winter.
Verdict: Overall I liked the look and feel of this hand warmer although a little bit of sculpting of the sides would improve it’s ergonomics for holding it for long periods. The temperature settings were as stated and the duration of heating was close enough to the time on the box and as far as I’m concerned it is long enough for most uses.
One or two uses that I have found for these hand warmers is as follows:
1. You can use them as a heat pad for back pains etc as you can wedge the heater between your back and a pillow.
2. You can replace your hot water bottle in bed with one of these, place it in the bed 10 to 20 minutes before you get into bed and your feet will be toasty when you get in.
A warning for both these however is to make sure you don’t put your skin directly on the unit as foot and back skin is much more sensitive to heat than that on your hands. Wear a shirt or wrap the unit in a sock.
This is a good size, a lovely texture and works well for several hours before a recharge is needed. The LED lights aren’t so very obvious but it’s easy to get the hang of it and once in use, just does the job and does it well.
If you’re looking for a handwarmer which has a better capacity than the usual 5000mAh ones, which can double as a powerbank, then this is something you should think about.
The design is pretty good, and although heavier than the normal 5000mAh ones, this seems to not be too noticeable unless you hold it side by side with one. Packing in 10000mAh, this really does make a decent difference.
Depending on which of the 3 heat levels you pick, it claims from 8-16 hours of usage. And I found the highest of the heat levels a bit too hot for comfort (50-55c), with low a bit too low (40-45c). So my favourite was the medium (45-50c).
It lasted standing in the cold watching the 100+ mins of a football match without any problems at medium, with plenty of charge left. Incidentally, this was also taking into account I had this acting as a powerbank on occasion, plugged into my heated body warmer, pumping out heat for the occasional few minutes here and there.
Overall, as a hand warmer, and also a powerbank, I think this is a great combination device – allowing charging of phone or powering heated clothing.
At 24, I think it’s a decent price given the 10000mAh capacity.
This arrived in a branded box. This hanwarmer also doubles as a 10000mAh power bank.
You get the device, instructions, a storage bag, and a USB charging cable.
The device has a C and USB opening, which sits behind a cover.
The device has 3 led lights, which show how much charge is available when charging, and when used as a handwarmer, it shows which setting you have chosen between 1 and 3. There is also a digital display that flashes “ch” when charging and is a constant “ch” when fully charged. It also displays the temperature when used as a handwarmer. It takes a while to get to the desired setting (which isn’t a bad thing), and the display shows the temperature rising or decreasing.
This handwarmer has a lot of good things going for it, it’s the right size to place between your palms to heat your hands, it will fit in most pockets, it’s not a heavy as some powerbanks, has a digital readout and it looks good.
I’m sure this will get a lot of use over the next coming colder months. I hope it’s built to last, but only time will tell.
This gadget has multiple uses not just a hand warmer. You can use it to charge phones, watches, game consoles, controllers the list is endless. I use it to power a heated jacket. Small and compact fits in pocket well in its own velvet bag. Its made of a rubber like strong, robust protective casing. Includes USB cable. No adapter. Best charged for 6 hours then it lasts upto 16 hours depending on what you use it for. Operated by 1 function button. Press for a couple of seconds then watch the digital timer and climbing white LED lights flashing as it gets warmer. Takes approximately 5 minutes to heat to full power. keeping your hands lovely warm. Excellent for hands with arthritis. Powerful for its size. Great value for money.
The shape and colour of this hand warmer resembles that of a polished volcanic rock. Its beautiful! Its quality construction is visible and it just feels like a solid bit of kit in the hand.
The LED heat display is a useful addition. I’m not quite sure about the way you choose each setting though. It doesn’t seem to have been thought out by the design crew of this hand warmer. You select a heat setting by pushing the button but the light doesn’t remain illuminated to inform you of what heat setting you’re actually on. You know this by the rise or dip in the temperature display.
When set to maximum temperature you get 55 degrees of heat, or at least this is what the led display informs you. How accurate this is is debatable. This is alright but I feel that it could be slightly hotter as with other hand warmers I’ve got.
I didn’t receive the wrist strap with my delivery. This doesn’t seem to be an issue on face value but it is a crucial bit of kit as it allows you to confidently hold onto said warmer with the confidence that if you allow it to slip from your hand it will remain safe whilst attached to your wrist. It is hight likely that this warmer could slip from your hand as it is very smooth.
You do get a crushed velvet bag to put it in and a charge lead. You do need your own USB acceptable plug though, or you can charge this from your home computer.
The fact that it is a powerbank is very useful. I feel that the day of the power bank is over now that you can have a useful hand heater that incorporates a power bank.
It is reasonably priced but I do know that there are hotter warmers out there.
It’s shape and futuristic look does make this hand warmer a lovely looking item though!
This hand warmer heats up quickly and has 3 levels of heat.
It has a light indicator to tell you it’s on and the level of heat selected.
Its compact, so easy to fit in a hand bag or in a glove box.
It can also be used as a power bank. Cools down reasonably quickly so you can store it away.
Comes with a USB C cable and a storage bag.
This is for a lady with poor circulation in her hands, she constantly feels cold and cannot get warm. This has made such a big difference and she loves that it is rechargeable, so she always has the option to keep warm
I am a hiker and even though my favourite weather to hike is winter, it is the weather that I dread also especially because my hands get very very cold and numb. When I saw this product there was no chance I was not ordering it. Who ever thought about it is a genius. This particular hand warmer is lite weight and easy to carry. It easily fits the side pocket of my back pack from where I will be able to access it easily when needed. It is a rechargeable so no battery change problem. The surface is smooth and and size is just perfect and fits my hands nicely. I will be using it this coming weekend and then update this review accordingly with the actual ease of use (with cold hands) and how effective it is. I will also get to test battery life as well.
04/11/22 Update: The hand warmer has now been tested. It’s fantastic!!! I love it. Kept my hands warm and whilst my hands were busy I placed it in my lap and on a cold day the warmth felt good. I forgot to mention earlier it comes with a gorgeous velvety pouch and it is also a battery pack. Now I don’t have to carry my battery pack but just this hand warmer dual function gadget.
Verdict: Light weight, very good price, rechargeable, smooth surface, battery charger, compac
You receive a hand warmer, a pouch and a charging cable. The hand warmer is smooth and easy to hold and fills most of my (admittedly small) hand.
This hand warmer takes about 5 -6 hours to fully charge and a white CH light blinks on the LED display while it is charging. You can check the level of the battery by giving it a short press and the LED lights will show you how much charge is left.
You need to long press the hand warmer to get it to turn on and the LED light will show you it is on at the first level and the LED display will show you the temperature. I find the first level at 45% is adequate for heating my hands and other parts of my body. Both sides of the hand warmer heat up.
This hand warmer can stay on for quite a long time. Mine was on for 8 hours yesterday at the lowest temperature with no need for any additional charge. When the power starts to fade the LED display flashes a warming before the power shuts down.
When the hand warmer starts to wane, the white power indicator flashes and the word “LD” is displayed on the display screen until the product is automatically shut down.
I find that keeping this on me during the day keeps me warm enough to avoid having to put on the heating. I move it from my hands to the small of my back (with protection between me and the hand warmer on my skin) and that helps to make me feel warmer for a fraction of the price of turning on my central heating.
Very happy with this hand warmer so far.
Ideal for carrying in coat pocket for hand warming but also to charge any portable devices or phones. Has a temperature gauge with three temperature settings. 10000mAh battery which will give hours of hand heat or multiple mobile phone charges. Great item with no negatives.
I really like the shape of this device. It’s very like a waterworn pebble. I imagine Neolithic people must have enjoyed such, tactile, stones that had been warmed in the ashes of the fire. I think this thing appeals to such deep seated tastes somehow. It’s nice.
The texture of the heated areas is very nice. Kind of satin like. I like this.
The design has some other nice features. There is a readout which gives the temp (presumably) of the heated surfaces. This reads in degree C increments. Kind of sophisticated I feel.
The charging ports are protected from moisture and dirt, to some extent by a pliable plug/cover. I like this.
The temperature of the warmer seems to increase relatively slowly when the setting is increased.
The level of the heating selected is shown by a group of three LEDs. These LEDs are visible from a wide angle and are generally well placed. Good. I’m a bit perplexed by the way the heating level is actually shown. Rather than have one, two or three LEDs lit the designer has opted to use just a single white LED for each level. The user MUST REMEMBER WHICH LED IS WHICH! Seems a frankly irrational choice on someone’s part, IMHO.
Whilst I like the shape the warmer is quite large and would suit larger hands better. The area of the device which is not heated is quite large and I’m not that keen on this feature of the design.
Reading the instructions I notice a diagram which instructs to ‘double click’. I cannot find any function whatsoever that is effected by this action.
I am a little perturbed by this small accumulation of inaccuracy and poor design choice. A matter of confidence in the competency of the creators of this potentially dangerous device. I wouldn’t want any firmware glitch causing a fire.
Overall I think this gadget is designed and manufactured to a high standard but it’s not perfect.