Jonwall Hand Warmers Rechargeable, 2-Pack 5000mAh Reusable

Jonwall Hand Warmers Rechargeable, 2-Pack 5000mAh Reusable Magnetic Hand Warmer Electric Portable Pocket Warmer, USB Battery Operated Power Bank Hand Heater Great Gift for Women Me

Size: | S |
Dimensions: | 10.6 x 6.3 x 4.2 cm; 360 Grams |
Brand: | Jonwall |
Model: | OT-89 |
Colour: | Black |
Department: | Unisex |
Dimensions: | 10.6 x 6.3 x 4.2 cm; 360 Grams |
Size: | S |
Scaldamani in due pezzi, funzionanti separatamente o uniti grazie alla calamita.
Discreta fattura, bel colore, riscaldamento rapido in pochi secondi.
Presi per la mia piccoletta di 10 anni che ha perennemente le mani fredde, alla quale subito piaciuto il colore. Utilizzabili anche come piccoli powerbank, sicuramente donano piacevole calore alle mani in qualsiasi situazione.
Purtroppo ho notato che entrambi i pezzi non raggiungono la stessa temperatura, uno leggermente piu caldo dell’altro.
Eccomi a recensire nuovamente un prodotto che recentemente ho visto in diverse declinazioni tutte molto simili; como ho gi scritto, ogni anno arriva dall’oriente un gadget che si impone come idea regalo simpatica e poco impegnativa, ebbene direi che nel periodo autunno inverno 2022 2023 tale ruolo stato occupato dagli scaldamani.
Ma di cosa stiamo parlando esattamente? Si tratta di uno, o come in questo caso un paio, di oggetti della grandezza paragonabile ad una saponetta che, grazie ad una batteria ricaricabile al litio ed a un sistema interno di serpentine, riesce a far riscaldare lo chassis esterno, generalmente costruito in materiale plastico, ad una temperatura che si aggira da un minimo di 40 ad un massimo di 55 gradi, perfetta per scaldare rapidamente le mani infreddolite, magari sistemandoli in maniera discreta nelle tasche del giubbotto o del cappotto.
Anche questo modello di Jonwall non tradisce le aspettative, ed anzi uno dei pi evoluti, infatti composto da due pezzi speculari, che possono rimanere uniti per un comodo trasporto grazie alla presenza di magneti interni e che, inoltre, presenta esternamente un piccolo indicatore luminoso che evidenzia grazie a tre led le temperature disponibili stata selezionata grazie all’unico pulsante disponibile, valori che da me misurati con un termometro ad infrarossi raggiungono circa i 38C al primo livello, i 43C al secondo step ed i circa 52C all’ultima selezione, quella pi elevata
Grazioso nel design ha anche una ulteriore funzione, noterete infatti che oltre alla porta TypeC per ricaricarlo ha anche una USB tipo A standard; ebbene questa una uscita che vi permetter di utilizzare l’accumulatore interno da 5000mAh (a pezzo) come una vera e propria power bank; pertanto oltre ad una efficiente coppia di scaldamani vi assicurerete anche un paio di batterie che in caso di problemi con i vostri apparati mobili scarichi potranno darvi una mano quando lontani da fonti energetiche a cui collegare gli alimentatori.
Il costo proporzionato, sebbene in passato abbia anche avuto una diminuzione del 25% rispetto a quello che vedo al momento della mia recensione, pertanto se vi interessa e non avete urgenza di acquistarlo magari tenetelo sotto controllo confidando in eventuali offerte, soprattutto lo giudico interessante considerato che si tratta di due pezzi utilizzabili anche singolarmente.
Lo scaldamani elettrico Jonwall arriva ben confezionato, all’interno della scatola troviamo due scaldamani magnetici ricaricabili, due cavi di ricarica USB, un sacchetto di velluto per conservarli, 2 cordini e un manuale di istruzione.
Questo oggetto tascabile in grado di generare calore in poco tempo, scalda immediatamente le mani ed molto comodo da portare con s in viaggio, durante una passeggiata in inverno o da tenere quando si ha freddo anche dentro casa. Questo scaldamani magnetico e’ composto da due elementi identici, offre 3 livelli di riscaldamento (bassa 40/45, media 45/50, alta 50/55). Sono facili e pratici da usare, basta caricare i due componenti separatamente con i cavetti USB. Il comodo interruttore ci permette di accenderli e spegnerli e cambiare il livello del calore. Sono realizzati in lega di alluminio high-tech e ABS resistenti al calore.
Mia moglie ha apprezzato tantissimo questo scaldamani, le misure contenute e il peso ben bilanciato (110gr) le permettono di portarlo sempre con se’, scalda in poco tempo e se la temperatura impostata non elevata dura diverse ore. Si caricano singolarmente e possono essere usati separatamente o insieme, funzionano anche come power bank di emergenza. In conclusione: un ottimo scaldamani, per chi soffre il freddo, bella l’idea di poterlo condividere e come regalo pu essere un’idea simpatica e originale.
Normalmente, he probado de 10000mAh, y estos dos van bien para calentar las dos manos a la vez o para poder compartir uno
Los he visto ms “ergonmicos” pero la verdad que cuando tienes fro en las manos lo nico que necesitas es el calor que te dan estos calentadores
En resumen, parece ser un producto muy til para mantener las manos calientes en situaciones en las que el clima sea fro.
These hand warmers come with USB charging cables and lanyards for attaching them to your wrists. Charging takes a while but they are quite high capacity so I am not surprised by this. They feel reasonably well made and should be durable enough and last a long time. You can have them magnetically attached together or separate them to warm both hands at the same time. Size wise they are quite slim so will fit discreetly in most pockets.
You turn them on by holding the power button. Then you can short press to select the different levels of warmth from quite warm to quite hot. They heat up quickly and really do a very good job of keeping your hands warm on even the coldest of days. You get a good few hours worth of heat depending upon the level selected.
As a bonus they can also be used as a power bank to recharge or power your USB device.
Currently these are priced at 22.49 which is even more reasonable than the usual price of 29.99.
Ces chaufferettes sont assez sympathiques pour plusieurs points.
Je suis assez fan de rando et avec l’hiver qui pointe le bout de son nez, on commence sortir les gants. Mais ces petites chaufferettes peuvent un peu aider aussi.
Elles se chargent en USB-C et cette charge est assez rapide.
La fiche produit indique 4 7h selon le mode de chauffage. Personnellement je ne descend que rarement une batterie a 0% donc je ne peux pas vous confirmer qu’elles tiennent 7h. Cependant elles tiennent vraiment longtemps.
Le chauffage est trs correct, le premier mode permet dj de ressentir la chaleur.
Elles peuvent aussi servir de batterie externe si vous souhaitez les emmener quelque part et recharger votre smartphone. C’est peut tre gadget mais a sera toujours utile un jour au cas ou !
Vraiment j’apprcie les prendre avec moi en rando, elles ne prennent pas de place, elles ne sont pas lourdes, c’est plutt top !
Es genial, me han gustado mucho estos calentadores de manos porque se calientan bastante rpido y cuando los coges en la mano, transmiten un calor que se agradece mucho, sobre todo en los das de frio o cuando trabajas al aire libre. Como tiene 3 niveles de temperatura puedes elegir en funcin de lo que se necesite, a mayor temperatura menor duracin de la batera. El nivel de calor viene indicado con puntitos luminosos.
Cada calentador se puede utilizar individualmente.
Me resulta cmodo porque se puede meter cada uno en un bolsillo, pesan poco y son de tamao fcil de llevar. El diseo que tiene es bonito y moderno, se unen mediante imn y se pueden utilizar juntos o separados.
Adems de usarlo para calentar las manos sirve para poder cargar dispositivos electrnicos. Cuando conectas el mvil o la tablet para cargarlos, la bateria dura menos que cuando solamente lo utilizas para calentar las manos.
Espero que esta resea haya resultado til
Die Handwrmer machen rein optisch schon einen tollen Eindruck.
Sie wurden perfekt dazu geformt in der Flachen Hand gehalten zu werden und passen aufgrund ihrer Abmessungen perfekt in die Hosen oder Jackentasche.
Sie lassen sich in drei Temperaturstufen regeln.
Da mich Temperatur und Akku Laufzeit sehr interessiert haben, habe ich einige Messungen vorgenommen.
Die Ergebnisse:
Nach 5 Minuten
Temperatur Stufe 3 48,3
Temperatur Stufe 2 47,7
Nach 30 Minuten
Temperatur Stufe 3 52,2
Temperatur Stufe 2 44,9
Nach 60 min
Temperatur Stufe 3 47,3
Temperatur Stufe 2 44
Nach 120 Minuten
Temperatur Stufe 3 43,1
Temperatur Stufe 2 44,7
Nach 2:20 Stunden
Temperatur Stufe 3 50,1
Temperatur Stufe 2 46
Nach 4:00 Stunden
Temperatur Stufe 3 48,4
Temperatur Stufe 2 41,6
Der Handwrmer, den ich in der dritten Stufe betrieben habe ging nach 5 Stunden aus.
Der Handwrmer, den ich in Stufe 2 betrieben habe, hielt eine Stunde lnger, also ganze SECHS Stunden durch.
Was man hierbei bedenken sollte:
Kalte Hnde sowie eine kalte Umgebung sorgen natrlich dafr, dass die Gerte mehr “gegen heizen” mssen.
Dies wird die Akkulaufzeit entsprechend verkrzen.
Das Wiederaufladen der Akkus dauerte bei beiden Gerten je ca. drei Stunden.
Weiterhin Praktisch:
– Bentigt man die Pads mal nicht, lassen sie sich mit einem Magneten verbinden und platzsparend im mitgelieferten Samtbeutel unterbringen.
– Die Pads lassen sich auch als Powerbanks verwenden. Mit je 5000 mAh sollte man mit jedem Pad mindestens einmal sein Smartphone laden knnen.
Was mir nicht gefllt?
– Die Status LEDs sind bei Licht schlecht sichtbar.
– Die USB Anschlsse haben keinen Deckel/Verschluss. Da man die Pads in der Hosen bzw. Jackentasche mit sich fhrt werden die Anschlsse frher oder spter verschmutzen.
Aufgrund der mir gebotenen Qualitt und des recht teuren Preises von rund 30 EUR fr zwei Pads vergebe ich hier vier von fnf Sternen.
ces chauffes mains sont vraiment des accessoires super pratique
ils sont lgers et avec une bonne prise en main
l’utilisation est simple et il y a trois niveaux de chauffes, peine allumer que l’on ressent le chauffe main devient chaud
il y a les cordons pour les maintenir et par exemple les mettre au poignet et des cbles fournis pour recharger
on peut s’en servir aussi pour recharger son tlphone et ce moment l la fonction chauffe s’arrte mais je n’ai pas pris cet accessoire pour a
je recommande
Zwei wunderbare Handwrmer, die magnetisch aneinander festhalten. Eine gute Idee. Allerdings ist somit nur jeweils eine “Schmeichelseite” vorhanden, wenn man sie getrennt benutzt.
Schlaufen, Beutelchen und Ladekabel sind dabei. Ebenso wie eine deutsche Bedienungsanleitung. Allerdings sind sie selbsterklrend und spontan einsetzbar.
Die beiden kleinen Kraftwerke funktionieren wunderbar und geben in jeder Stufe angenehme Temperaturen ab. Aus meiner Sicht genau richtig abgestuft. Ich bin begeistert. Der Winter kann kommen.
Und wenn das Handy mal versagt unterwegs – wenn das richtige Kabel dabei ist, dienen diese beiden Hlften auch jeweils als Powerbank. Mehr kann man/frau nicht haben. Vielen Dank.
Un chauffe mains qui en deviens deux, pratique pour les mettre en poches en hivers. Ils sont aimant pour tenir ensemble et peuvent galement servir de batterie de recharge pour nos accessoires connects.
Le temps de mise en chauffe est rapide et rglable avec trois niveaux d’intensits.
Les matriaux sont de bonne factures et doux au touch.
Les batteries de 5 000 mAh chacune permettent un bon temps de chauffe ou d’une recharge pour un mobile. Pour un contrle de l’tat de la batterie, il suffira d’appuyer deux fois sur le bouton.
L’ensemble est accompagn de 2 cbles USB USB-C, de deux dragonnes et d’une pochette de transport.
Indispensable l’approche de l’hiver.
j’ai pris ces chaufferettes de poches pour les week-end au bord des terrains. Trs pratiques et chauffe bien. Je recommande!!
Estamos entrando en temporada de fro y lluvias, y lo primero que sufre son las manos, ya que son las ms expuestas al fro.
Con este dispositivo vas a mantener calentitas las manos y vas a poder evitar los dolores en las articulaciones debido al fro.
Al recibir el producto nos encontramos con la tpica caja con un serigrafiado que muestra los detalles del dispositivo y que ya nos da una idea rpida de sus caractersticas de capacidad de batera (5000 mAh en cada lado) y una capacidad de carga de hasta 10w (5V/2A).
Al abrir la caja nos vamos a encontrar con los 2 calentadores, una bolsita para transportarlo, unas instrucciones y dos cables de carga, adems de 2 correas para enganchar los calentadores a la mueca.
Los calentadores son bastante sencillos en su funcionamiento
Tienen un botn central que sirve para encender mediante una pulsacin larga y cambiar entre los 3 niveles que tiene de potencia mediante pulsaciones cortas
Dichos niveles de potencia se ven reflejados en 3 leds pequeos que tiene.
Tambin se pueden utilizar como batera externa para algn dispositivo que necesites cargar.
Para ello, simplemente con un doble toque corto en el botn central, los leds se podrn de color azul y ya podr conectar su dispositivo para cargarlo.
Para cargar los calentadores se usan los cables que tienen en la caja y se conectan a la toma USB Tipo C que trae.
Los dos calentadores se unen entre ellos por la parte inferior mediante una unin magntica, pero la cual es algo insuficiente a mi parecer, ya que fcilmente se separan y se deslizan uno contra otro con mucha facilidad.
En mi caso los he adquirido porque con el fro las manos me duelen bastante y las tengo congeladas siempre, cosa que con estos calentadores puedo evitar, aunque tenga que ir sujetndolos o con las manos en los bolsillos.
El uso y funcionamiento es muy correcto a mi parecer, pero la sujecin entre los 2 mediante imanes es algo mejorable.
Prcticos ocupan como un mouse de pc. Adems son una batera portatil. Tienen tres opciones de calor y ocupan muy poco.
I put these in the staff room at my school for the teachers on playground duty to use. They are great and would make a brilliant gift. They fit into a pocket and can be just turned on and off with one button so you don’t even need to get them out to operate them. Each button presses changes the heat and holding the button turns them on and off. They charge quickly and are comfortable to hold. They come with a storage bag so we can hang them up in the staff room. They’d make a fab Christmas gift!
These are really good.
Great for walking or when out and about.
Charge using the supplied cable.
Very useful!
les chaufferettes fonctionne trs bien , 3 led indique le niveau de chauffe .
petit avantage vu qu’elle sont magnetique on peut s en servir pour d autre utilisation que dans les poche ou entre les mains .
aprs une sortie ski ou autre on peut les placer dans les chaussures pour enlever l humidit
merci d avoir lu
These hand warmers from Jonwall are excellent. Well made from quality materials, they heat up very quickly and keep your hands toasty warm for several hours. The shape is ergonomically pleasing, they fit nicely in the hand. Complete with a soft storage/carry case, two wrist safety loops, two charging cables and full instructions. They come as a pair which are joined together magnetically, so they can be used as one double sided heater or, when easily separated, they become two independent warmers, one for each hand. Three heat levels, and depending on the level, they last from four to seven hours before needing a re-charge. Each warmer has a generous 5000ah battery, so will also act as a useful powerbank for your phone or other digital devices.
Scaldamani perfetti, piccoli e pratici, con la forma simile ad un mouse ma naturalmente molto pi ergonomica, sono lisci e hanno un’ottima presa, arrivano con due cavi di ricarica uno per ognuno, due cavi intrecciati che vanno inseriti negli appositi fori al centro, vicino agli slot di ricarica, in modo da fare un cordoncino per appenderli e trovarli facilmente in borsa o portarli al polso.
Gli scaldamani sono magnetici, dunque si uniscono l’uno con l’altro per crearne uno unico, perfetti dunque per essere trasportati insieme o usati cos come sono. Molto comodi e leggeri.
Il pulsante di accensione facile e veloce da utilizzare, basta premerlo per accenderli e iniziano a scaldarsi e poi premere ancora per spegnerli, il Led rosso indica il tutto.
Arrivano perfettamente imballati, in una bella confezione regalo, sono perfetti per l’inverno per scaldare le mani in modo semplice e veloce, la temperatura viene raggiunta in modo graduale e non sono troppo caldi da dar fastidio.
Ottimi consigliati, prodotto veramente perfetto e molto utile.
This set of 2 Jonwall rechargable hand warmers arrived nicely boxed with user guide, lanyards, storage pouch and charging cables.
I’m already familiar with this brand as I have a single hand warmer from them and I’m happy with the quality and performance of their product.
These hand warmers look and feel well made from a good quality materials, sturdy and durable.
I found them comfortable to grip and hold, they have their weight, but aren’t heavy.
These hand warmers could be joined together as have magnet. Magnet is strong and keeps well together both parts.
It is great as I will have both warmers always together, so I won’t misplace one.
They are of a pocket size, the measurements are exactly as per listing description.
These hand warmers have built in 5000mAh battery each.
Together warmers have 10000mAh batteries what is impressive, especially if the power bank is needed.
I like their practical and useful 2 in 1 design – hand warmers and emergency power banks.
These warmers charged well my android mobile phone – Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra.
They are straightforward to use and charge.
They keep the charge well.
Battery lasts long, of course depending on the usage – how long they were use for and on which heat level.
They have 3 heat levels to choose from. I like the warmest setting the most.
There is battery level indicator LED light.
Not the cheapest but well priced especially now as on offer for 29.99 with 3 off voucher taking the price down to 26.99.
Well made, impressive performance, so I would happily recommend these hand warmers/power banks.
Would be an excellent gift idea.
Con el frio otoal, las salidas maaneras se hacen insoportables por el frio en las manos. Le en Internet la existencia de parches calientamanos y de dispositivos que hacan lo mismo pero con batera recargable. Lo busqu y lo he encontrado. La verdad es que es un aparato excelente.
El diseo consiste en una superficie ovalada que emite calor en 3 niveles (bajo-medio-alto) con batera de aproximadamente 4-5 horas y con la posibilidad de cargar el mvil gracias a la batera integrada de 5000mAh. Se puede llevar en el bolsillo del abrigo y te garantiza tener las manos calientes durante bastante tiempo.
Como curiosidad, incluye una bolsa de transporte muy ligera en la que puedes guardar el aparato mientras no se use.
Para el fro sin duda que es de gran ayuda.
Praktisch und kompakt perfekter Begleiter fr die kalte Jahreszeit.
Toll ist das man 2 stck bekommt man hat ja auch 2 Hnde die man gleichzeitig wrmen mchte .
Die beiden Handwrmer kann man magnetisch zusammen machen so das man einen kompakten hat .
Die Wrme Leistung ist sehr gut und man kann sie in 3 Stufen regeln. Die mit der LED Anzeige angezeigt werden die LEDs leuchten dann in rot genau wie der Schalter. Zustzlich kann man jede einzelne der Handwrmer auch als Powerbank nutzen um ein Smartphone zu laden . Jededer der beiden Akkus hat 5000 mah Leistung bei 5 V und 2 A Lade Strom also insgesamt 10.000 mah . Aufgeladen werden sie mit ein USB auf USB C Kabel davon sein 2 Stck dabei . Das aufladen geht recht schnell fr 5000 mah . Die LEDs dienen auch zur Lade Kontrolle dann leuchten sie blau wen sie voll sind hren sie auf zu blinken und leuchten permanent.
Als Zubehr ist ein Stoff Beutel dabei 2 Hand Schlaufen und 2 Lade Kabel plus Bedienungsanleitung.
Di3 Bedienung ist am Anfang ein kleines bisschen gewhnungsbedrftig das hat man aber schnell drauf .
Man kann die beiden Handwrmer auch in die Ski Kleidung von innen stecken dann hat man es schn warm .
Simple to use heat up nice and quickly and rechargeable great battery life ideal for outdoors or even indoors given the current energy situation very good quality can be used as one by using the magnets Pricewise can’t really afford them 10 out of 10
L’atout de cet article par rapport ses concurrents est le 2 en 1.
Il y a deux chaufferettes qui se runissent pas un systme aimant, on peut ainsi en avoir une dans chaque main ou tout miser sur une main. Bien si on a des enfants par exemple : chacun son exemplaire.
Chaque lment est indpendant avec sa propre alimentation par port USB.
Ils montent en temprature trs vite, la puissance est bonne avec 3 niveaux possibles.
Dragonne fournie.
This is a unique product that is intelligently designed with high-built quality. The hand warmers get heated almost instantly and the design helps to place them comfortably in the palms. The shining blue colour looks gorgeous, also as they can be split into two half egg-shaped pieces they can be easily kept in my pockets.
My hands normally get cold so I’m forced to wear gloves a lot but having tried these hand warmers instead of gloves was quite effective as they give me a quick boost of heat and instant relief from the cold.
At 29 they are on the high side however having the dual functionality of a warmer and a power bank justify the price as just a good power bank of similar capacity is more than half this price.
This can be used as a phone charger too. However as a hand warming its amazing going from a gentle warmth to a blistering heat that you need gloves for in the matter of three settings. I love my hand warmer and the fact they are held together by magnet makes them harder to lose
Hand warmers are so useful in the winter and I have used them for walking the dog and also walking around town watching my grandson playing football. The ones I have used you heat in the microwave and whilst good can be a pain and often I forget until it’s too late.
I was intrigued and looking forward to trying some electronic ones because they can be charged and left fully charged until required (by the dogs lead).
There are two in the box and these come part charged but take approx 3 hours to charge fully from flat. Having two these can be slipped into gloves if needed or placed in a pocket or shared with friends. They heat up very quickly and have three heat settings which are displayed via the lights on the top. To start press the button on the front down for a few seconds and you will see the units lights come on. To switch off the same press down for a few seconds and the lights will go off. The two are magnetic so can be put together and cupped like holding a mug with both hands. They are comfortably hot on the highest setting (approx 50 degrees). It is also possible to charge other devices such as a phone from these as a power bank and a spare lead is provided.
They come presented in a quality thick cardboard box that would be ideal for a Christmas present and when tested where 30.
I would highly recommend these.
5 stars
Don’t hesitate to get these ,simple to use and heat up very quickly ,simply put in pockets or in clothes .3 heat settings to choose from and simple to use perfect gift idea
Anyway, as hand warmers they are great, I ordered them in readiness for our annual winter trips to the races where it can get bitterly cold outside. These get to a really good temperature even on the lowest setting and I’ve had them on 2.5 hours at this moment and they are still showing 3 lights of charge. When out for a full day I’ll just take a charging pack so they last the full 12 hours of the time we’re out. But for most long walks these do stay hot for more than long enough to keep your hands toasty warm. They are a very nice shape to sit comfortably in the hand. I’ll probably keep these charged an use them at home to keep the chill off too.
They charge via a us c to usb lead and they can also be used as a battery bank