KEYESTUDIO ESP32 WROVER Development Board, Support WiFi

KEYESTUDIO ESP32 WROVER Development Board, Support WiFi and Bluetooth, Compatible with Arduino

This is a universal WIFI plus Bluetooth development board based on ESP32, integrated with ESP32-WOROOM-32 module and compatible with Arduino. It has a hall sensor, high-speed SDIO/SPI, UART, I2S as well as I2C. Furthermore, equipped with freeRTOS operating system, which is quite suitable for the Internet of things and smart home.
Voltage | 3.3V-5V |
Current Output | 1.2A(maximum) |
Maximum power Output | 10W |
Dimension | 69*54*14.5mm |
Weight | 25.5g |

Weight: | 29 g |
Dimensions: | 7 x 5.3 x 1.2 cm; 29 Grams |
Model: | esp32 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | keyes |
Dimensions: | 7 x 5.3 x 1.2 cm; 29 Grams |
Estoy adentrndome en el mundo de los microcontroladores y en particular Arduino. Pero an siendo un principiante en la materia quera explorar nuevos campos. Y me fij en la placa ESP32 cuyo chip est fabricado por el conocido fabricante Espressif, que contiene funcionalidades muy superiores a las de una Arduino. Tengo una de stas con las que voy probando montajes y aprendiendo muchon ya que se pueden programar con el IDE de Arduino. Pero quera una que tuviera el factor de forma de la clsica Arduino UNO R3 y fuera compatible con sta. Y encontr a este fabricante y este modelo en concreto. Es un hbrido entre ambas. La KS5016. Y eso es lo mejor.
Viene como se observa en una cajita de diseo muy cuidada al igual que la propia placa. Est muy bien hecha. Posee muchos ms pines que una placa Arduino. Un bloque para conectar sensores con sus pines de seal, alimentacin y tierra. Y muchas ms funciones fciles de conectar. Se puede programar sin problema desde el propio IDE de Arduino y funciona perfectamente. Posee WiFi y Bluetooth para proyectos IoT. Posee un bloque de pines para el protocolo bus I2C.
Os recomiendo que para la informacin tcnica simplemente podis obtenerla de la pgina web que os referencian en las instrucciones o contactar con el fabricante Keyestudio cuya rapidez y atencin al cliente son excelentes. Como consejo os recomiendo que empleeis el cable USB que incorpora ya que te garantiza que el ordenador reconocer el puerto al que est conectado la placa. Con otros cables que he probado no ocurre as. En la instalacin el driver CH340C se instala automticamente. Si bien en la documentacin que os podis descargar se encuentra dicho driver para una instalacin manual.
Me gusta lo cuidado de los detalles de fabricacin de la placa. Aunque una serigrafa adicional en los pines externos se agradecera mucho.
Como nica nota discordante decir que en el anuncio del producto hace referencia a un modelo de microcontrolador que no es exactamente el suministrado. La placa es una WROOM 32 y no una WROVER. Cuyas especificaciones son diferentes. Salvo ese detalle todo lo dems bien.
Si buscas una buena placa de desarrollo con ESP32 y compatible con Arduino este modelo es una buena opcin calidad precio. Ya que la adquir con un descuento adicional. Espero que esta resea os haya servido de utilidad.
I bought 2 of these boards as they were advertised as WROVER (which would have at least 4MiB pSRAM). They are instead WROOM modules, which don’t have the extra pSRAM available. If you’re specifically looking for a WROVER board, this isn’t it.
In terms of support, I had great success getting an SCD41 CO2/Humidity/Temperature sensor working. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get an SPI display (Waveshare based on ST7789) working at all with either the stock native firmware, reflashing with official Expressif ESP32 firmware, or even Micropython (compared with a Pico W, where it works). It’s entirely possible that I did something wrong, so I’m not going to rate the board down for that – for reference, I also used a different ESP32-WROOM board which also had issues with the display.
A note regarding micropython: If you decide to flash this board with Micropython, you will have less available RAM available to work with compared to a Pico W (Pico W: approx. 170KB, ESP32-WROOM: 110K). It’s possible there’s a Micropython build out there which opens up more of the RAM for userspace code, but the default one makes this board less suitable compared to a Pico W.
In terms of the board itself, the layout is very easy to work with, offering plenty of headers. If I had a wish, it would be for the RST pin to have a couple of male headers in addition to the single female header it already has. The board offers USB-C and quite low profile considering the options it provides.
The documentation and diagrams are available on the Keyestudio website and offer plenty of insight into how the board is laid out internally, but I will admit that figuring out some of the pins when trying to get the display working was rather annoying – again, part of that is likely my fault, so I’m not rating the product down for that.
If you’re looking for a project-box/case for this board, there are 100x68x50 mm boxes available on Amazon which are much taller than needed but are ideal in width and depth (though you may need to drill your own holes for cables).
I’d love to give this 5-stars across the board, but the title describing it as WROVER is incorrect means it loses a point.
This well thought out development board makes prototyping ESP32 projects extremely straightforward. Footprint and I/O connector compatibility with the standard Arduino Uno makes it possible to use a wide variety of existing expansion hardware. Brilliant!
The build quality of this item is very, very good. I have bought KeyeStudio products before on the basis of their quality which are – to my mind – as good as the genuine products from Arduino. Additionally, the ‘Plus’ designated KeyeStudio boards have extra I/O pins which can come in extremely handy when more complex connectivity is required.
I originally bought a 3 pack bundle of Esp32/Arduinos (Uno footprint) from a different seller thinking that they were a bargain. Not so. I sent them back for refund on the same day I received them as two of them had faulty (poorly soldered) USB connectors and the remaining one would only work if the connected USB cable was continuously ‘wiggled’ in the USB port. These are a little more expensive than the ‘bargain bin’ offerings but worth it if you don’t much like the frustration of trying to get your new purchases to actually work! Would have given 5 stars except for the fact that these are NOT WROVER boards but WROOM boards. The two are significantly different in terms of their design and specification.
This esp32 dev board in arduino format uis perfect for my project. With multiple I2C bus, and separate digital connections it made my project easier. I was able to add a 4-relay shield with the use of standoff headers to lead I2C and other peripheral connections out to secure positions on the project box.