NEEWER Metal Tripod Mount Adapter Compatible with GoPro Hero

NEEWER Metal Tripod Mount Adapter Compatible with GoPro Hero 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Max Fusion Insta360 AKASO Osmo Action Action 2, 2 Pcs 1/4″ Camera Adapter with Thumbscrew for Action Cam Tripod Monopod


Weight: 2.47 Ounces
Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 50 millimetres
Brand: Neewer
Model: 10101323
Part: 10101323
Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 50 millimetres

42 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Diese kleinen Action cams verfgen heute schon ber massive Videokapazitten und vor allem bei guten Lichtverhltnissen immenser Bildqualitt. Klar, dass sie sich nicht nur fr Actionaufnahmen eignen, sondern auch fr feste Kamerawinkel, insb. bei Zeitraffer oder Slo-Mo Aufnahmen.

    Mit dem Neewer Set kann ich endlich meinen Osmo Action 3 auf mein Spiegelreflex Stativ stellen und hbsche Zeitraffer Aufnahmen machen.

  2. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Karton ist schmucklos, alle Bauteile sind in Zip-Lock-Beuteln ordentlich geschtzt verpackt. “Neewer” braucht keine werbewirksamen Verpackungen, denn die Verarbeitungsqualitt der Produkte spricht fr sich.
    Auch diesmal sind die Bauteile bestens verarbeitet – pagenau und sauber beschichtet. Werkzeug braucht man fr die Montage auch nicht, denn handbettigte Flgelschrauben greifen in die in den Gelenken geschnittenen Gewinde. Die Auflageflchen sind optimal bearbeitet – allerdings frage ich mich, warum das Oberteil gerndelt ist und das Unterteil nicht.
    Zusammengesetzt wirken sie Teile als verlngerndes Gelenk, also im Unterteil befindet sich ein 1/4″-Innengewinde (Kamera- bzw. Stativgewinde), im Oberteil ein festes 1/4″-Gewindebolzen – und da liegt fr mich das kleine Problem: Ich kann nicht einstellen, in welchem Winkel die Kamera o.. zur Gelenkachse steht – das ergibt sich (irgendwo), je nachdem, wie die Gewinde geschnitten wurden. Damit sind diese Gelenke ohne weitere Bauteile fr mich nur eingeschrnkt einsetzbar. Wenn man Kameras mit dieser speziellen Gabelkopfaufnahme verwendet, entfllt dieses Problem natrlich – dann allerdings wren 4 Flgelschrauben im Set wnschenswert gewesen.
    Zusammengefat wrde ich sagen, da im Zusammenspiel mit anderen zustzlichen Bauteil das Produkt von erheblichem Nutzen ist – ich bin zufrieden, denn meine kleinen Probleme werde ich gewi lsen knnen.

    Gute Qualität - mit einem kleinen Funktionsproblem

  3. Anonymous says:


    Supporti per GoPro e action cam in generale costruiti in metallo. Funzionano sia con GoPro che con DJI che con Insta360.
    Costruzione ottimale con tolleranze ok in modo che una volta installati l’action cam non si muova. Estremamente soddisfatto.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    * Great adapters.
    * Made of metal (note: because they are metal, they are heavier than plastic adapters).
    * Well painted.
    * Well packed – each individually zip-bagged, then all packed into a small cardboard box.

    I have no complaints.

    Well-Made Metal Adapters

  5. MalloryConingha says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Bewertet wird das Neuer Stativadapter Set fr Kopra Halterungen.

    Im Set beinhaltet sind je zwei Goprohalterungsadapter mit 1/2 Zoll Schraube weiblich sowie zwei mnnlich. Zum feststellen sind zwei Feststellschrauben dabei.

    Das gesamte Set besteht hauptschlich Edelstahl, wodurch es sehr, sehr langlebig ist. Andere Set sind meist, zumindest im Groteil aus Kunststoff. Bei diesem Set hat man wirklich eine sehr stabile Variante der Adapter – wodurch man seine Actioncam sicher befestigen kann, ohne sich ber die Halterung Sorgen machen zu mssen.

    die Variante mit dem mnnlichen 1/4 Zoll Schraubgewinde ist besonders fr Insta360 geeignet, da man so seine Kamera auf den diversen Halterungen mit dem universellen GoPro Aufsatz anbringen kann.

    Ein wirklich tolles Set an Befestigungsadaptern fr Actionkameras. Besonders gut geeignet fr Insta360 und andere Actioncams, welche mit 1/4 Zoll Schraube befestigt werden. Zum Zeitpunkt meiner Rezension betrgt der Preis EUR 16,-. Ich vergebe 5 Sterne und hoffe, meine Rezension war hilfreich.

  6. sdkeng85 says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Fantastici adattatori dove abitualmente li utilizzo per le mie riprese soprattutto amatoriali. Il marchio molto conosciuto e ha una qualit maggiore rispetto a quelli originali (a mio parere).
    Invece della solita plastica, qui la costruzione in metallo, quindi indistruttibile dopo anni d’utilizzo. Accessori compatibili con le classiche Action Cam come GoPro, oppure tutti i dispositivi con attacco a vite da 1/4″.

    Gli adattatori sono studiati nei minimi dettagli e perfetti per essere utilizzati anche sott’acqua. Tutti hanno una buona tenuta con guarnizioni per evitare “svitamenti” accidentali.
    Nessun difetto riscontrato o comunque nulla da segnalare. Il prezzo ovviamente pi elevato rispetto ai classici adattatori in plastica e questo kit, al momento, viene proposto a 16.

    Adattatori ad alta resistenza

  7. says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a very high quality two sets of GoPro mounting kit. Besides that the material is metal, not plastic, there are two additional very well made features: The “nut” in the base is part of the base. There is no separate net to receive the thumb screw. This means the connection is very tight and easy to setup.

    There is also a small plastic spacer on the thumbscrew. This will help setting and adjusting the mount.

    A very useful set for any GoPro user.

    High quality adapter, especial the built in net and the plastic space

  8. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Gli Adattatori in Metallo a Vite 1/4″ con Vite a Testa Zigrinata per Monopiede Action Cam della Neewer sono un accessorio indispensabile per chi possiede una action cam e vuole utilizzarla in modo professionale.
    La Neewer una marca che ho sempre apprezzato per la qualit dei suoi prodotti e questi adattatori non fanno eccezione.

    Arrivano molto ben imballati e appena li si estrae dalla scatola la percezione molto positiva, Innanzitutto importante sottolineare che questi adattatori sono realizzati in metallo, il che li rende molto resistenti e duraturi nel tempo.
    La vite a testa zigrinata perfetta per garantire una presa sicura e stabile, e l’adattatore si adatta perfettamente al monopiede della mia action cam.

    Un altro aspetto positivo che questi adattatori sono molto facili da usare. La vite a testa zigrinata si avvita facilmente e, una volta fissata, la action cam rimane ben salda al monopiede, senza rischio di scivolamenti o di altri problemi.

    Inoltre, questi adattatori sono molto leggeri e compatti, il che li rende facili da trasportare in qualsiasi situazione, li ho portati con me in viaggio e sono stati molto comodi da usare anche in situazioni in cui dovevo cambiare spesso posizione o spostarmi rapidamente.

    In conclusione,questi accessori della Neewer sono un prodotto di alta qualit e che consiglio senza dubbio. Sono resistenti, facili da usare e leggeri, il che li rende perfetti per chi ama girare video o fare foto in movimento.
    Il prezzo secondo me in linea con l’ottima qualit offerta

    La neewer è sempre una garanzia

  9. Anonymous says:


    Neewer steht fr Qualitt, das merkt man hier wieder.

    Preislich nicht gnstig, aber dafr gibt es auch Perfekt gefertigte Kamera Stativadapter die passen.

    Garkein Vergleich zu den einfachen Kunstoff Adaptern.

    Wer Wert auf Qualitt legt, ist hier bestens mit bedient.

    Volle 5 Sterne.

  10. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Bei diesen Adapterset von Neewer handelt es sich um kleine Ersatzteile fr Stative. Vor allem fr solche fr Actioncams wie bei der GoPro. Ich habe zu Hause zum Beispiel eine Rucksackhalterung fr Actioncams und dort waren die Halterungen alle aus Plastik und sind gebrochen. Hier hat man passenden Ersatz um kaputte Plastikteile auszutauschen und diese Adapterteile sind aus Metall! So wie es eigentlich immer sein sollte. Dadurch steigt das Vertrauen und die Stabilitt enorm. Ein zuvlliger Bruch bei Bodenwellen, Vibrationen etc. gehren damit der Vergangenheit an. Die Teile machen alle einen qualitativ guten Eindruck.

    Ich kann das Set fr jeden empfehlen, der Ersatzteile fr seine Stative bzw. Actioncamhalterungen sucht! Hier bekommt man hochwertige Metalladapter Teile.

    Endlich Metalladapter!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    loves these, like seriously love them. their very strong and don’t slip when used. the plastic ones are always dodgy so i much prefer metal mount adaptors’ for my gopro. it’s also allot easier to screw them tightly without over tightening i found and once installed they do no slip, even when riding over rough country grounds and paths so really happy with these.

  12. KatieTripp says:


    Das Set ist klasse und besteht aus sehr vielen Adaptern und Befestigungsmglichkeiten.
    So kann man die Kamera in vielen Positionen befestigen.

    Sehr vielseitig und auch stabile genug.
    Ich konnte noch nicht alle Mglichkeiten austesten aber das wird sich im kommenden Skiurlaub sicher noch vieles anbieten.

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Preis erstaunt erst mal etwas, aber wenn man die Adapter in der Hand hat merkt man wo der Preis herkommt.
    Als Maschinenbau Meister in.R. kann ich mir durchaus ein Urteil ber die Qualitt erlauben.
    Im Gegensatz zu den Billigangeboten bei denen man fr einen hnlichen Preis einen ganzen Karton voll Adapter bekommt welche aus migem Kunststoff gefertigt sind, erhlt man hier Ganzmetalladapter in sehr guter Qualitt.
    Sie sind bestens geeignet zur Montage meiner Hero 11 an einem Stativ. Sie passen wohl auch fr viele andere Action Cams.
    Lieber ein oder zwei Adapter kaufen in sehr guter Qualitt als einen Karton voll von denen man die wenigsten braucht in miger Qualitt. Wenn ich 400 fr eine Kamera ausgebe, dann sollte man dieser Kamera auch entsprechend gutes Zubehr gnnen.

  14. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sono ormai di versi anni che utilizzo Gopro e action cam in generale. Ho avuto modo quindi di provare diversi accessori di questo tipo anche di marche ignote. Posso dire che questi della Neewer sono probabilmente i migliori tra tutti quelli da me provati.

    Nella confezione troviamo:

    – 2 adattatori per cavalletto;
    – 2 adattatori per fotocamera;
    – 2 viti lunghe.

    Gli adattatori hanno vite e foro filettato da 1/4 e sono quindi adattabili a praticamente tutti i cavalletti e fotocamere.

    La cosa che pi mi piace che questi accessori sono realizzati in acciaio e non in semplice plastica come tutti quelli che ho avuto fino ad ora. Oltretutto hanno un finitura nera opaca molto bella.

    Con questa marca mi sono sempre trovato benissimo e continuer sicuramente ad utilizzare i loro accessori

  15. Anonymous says:


    Hallo Leute,
    wer billig kauft, kauft meist 2 mal.
    Das kann euch hier nicht passieren, denn der Adapater ist rein aus Metall und hlt wahrscheinlich lnger als die Go Pro selbst.

    Fr knapp 20 bekommt man einen langlebigen qulitativ hochwertigen Adapater.

    Von mir 5 Sterne und ein klare Kaufempfehlung.


  16. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Il tutto arriva in una piccola scatola di cartone, sigillata all’interno di una busta di plastica, un packaging molto curato.
    All’interno troviamo tutti i componenti sigillati a loro volta singolarmente in modo tale che non si rovinino tra loro durante il trasporto.

    Appena testati mi sono reso conto della qualit di questi adattatori, molto alta.
    Non ci sono sbavature, residui del processo di produzione, nulla.
    Sono realizzati davvero bene, con molta cura.
    Sono in metallo ed adoro la colorazione nero opaco, non trattiene per niente le impronte, ottimo!
    Ho apprezzato molto l’inclusione di una rondella in materiale plastico che va a proteggere l’adattatore nella fase di avvitamento, l’attenzione ai dettagli palese.

    Sono adattatori pensati principalmente per “action cam” come GoPro e simili ma tornano utili in molte altre situazioni dato lo standard 1/4″ adatto a microfoni, luci, fotocamere compatte ecc.
    L’importante cercare di non esagerare con il peso, finch si tratta di dispositivi di piccole dimensioni e relativamente leggeri possiamo stare decisamente tranquilli anche se devo dire che questi adattatori hanno un’ottimo serraggio, non me li vedo andare in difficolt facilmente!

    In conclusione, un kit di adattatori ben realizzato e molto utile in diverse occasioni, lo consiglio a chiunque si sia appassionato al mondo dei video e della fotografia.
    Il prezzo di circa venti euro lo ritengo piuttosto onesto se andiamo a considerare la qualit dell’oggetto, certo, in plastica se ne trovano molti ma quanto durano e soprattutto se dovessero cedere durante l’utilizzo perch rischiare di far danni ai nostri dispositivi?
    Meglio non andare al risparmio su certi componenti, li consiglio!

    Non solo per Action Cam!

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAdattatori in metallo per Gopro/Insta/Osmo
    Arrivano in una scatola ben sigillata
    dentro abbiamo
    Due adattatori per cavalletti
    Due adattatori per fotocamera a testa zigrinata
    Due viti lunghe per il fissaggio

    Gli adattatori sono realizzati in acciaio inossidabile anodizzato resistente alla corrosione.
    Sono adatti per action camere di molti marchi in commercio, gli adattatori per le fotocamere hanno una vite da ” per essere montati, quelli per il treppiede hanno un foro da ” per essere montati sul cavalletto.
    La finitura nero opaco e realizzata bene e resiste ai graffi, la struttura in metallo garantisce molta solidit nel fissaggio della action camera anche nel utilizzo estremo.

    Sono molto soddisfatto e li consiglio.
    Rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo.
    Spero di esservi stato utile nella scelta del prodotto.

    Da avere nella borsa per le riprese con Action camera

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are really really good they’re useful for all parts of your camera set up and on your rig or you can just use them for action cams.

    There’s not really much more I can say except they are a extremely high quality and I will be getting more from here when I need them.

    5 hour 5 stars Neewer have done it again!

  19. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wer eine GoPro-Kamera hat, bentigt viel Zubehr und steht vor der Qual der Wahl, denn das Angebot ist schier grenzenlos. Dieser Stativadapter berzeugt qualitativ und auch preislich – 20 Euro sind voll in Ordnung. Von mir gibt es hier gute vier Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung!

  20. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Da diversi anni utilizzo gli adattatori Gopro per ” creare ” accessori personalizzati da utilizzare nel campo foto / video. Questi di Neewer li ho trovati perfetti per il mio tipo di utilizzo, visto che sono super resistenti, e di conseguenza adatti anche a scopi alternativi, rispetto al classico collegamento di action cam.

    Personalmente li uso per collegare smartphone, faretti e microfoni anche pesanti, per questo motivo cercavo dei supporti per aumentare sicurezza e stabilit.
    Tutti quelli acquistati da me in precedenza erano in plastica, spesso di qualit scadente, tanto che una volta, collegando un microfono, un adattatore si rotto e lo ha fatto cadere a terra.

    Per farvi un esempio ( vedi foto ), grazie a questi adattatori possibile collegare due bastoni per selfie tra di loro per creare curve particolari, oppure collegare bastoni per selfie a treppiedi per scattare foto e registrare video con la visuale dall’ alto.

    Essendo in metallo aggiungano quindi una sicurezza maggiore, ed in confronto agli accessori di plastica, la vite si pu stringere maggiormente senza il rischio che si possano rompere facilmente.

    Cosa mi piaciuto :
    – Si riesce a trasformare velocemente una vite da di pollice in Gopro in pochi secondi
    – Si riesce a trasformare velocemente una vite da Gopro ad di pollice in pochi secondi
    – Essendo in metallo, aggiungono sicurezza per l’ attrezzatura montata, che spesso ha un valore molto alto
    – Il peso non eccessivo e si trasportano tranquillamente
    – Lo stampo veramente perfetto ( compresi i fori femmina da di pollice )

    Cosa non mi piaciuto :
    – Dopo alcune volte che li ho collegati e scollegati, montandoci del peso sopra per testare la robustezza, si notano dei microscopici graffietti vicino al foro della vite, alla lunga potrebbe venir via la protezione antiruggine.

    Perfettamente compatibili con gli accessori Gopro e simili, aggiungono stabilità e sicurezza

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This action camera adapter kit from Neewer is machined very well and should outlive plastic look-alikes by years.

    One thing worth noting is that the camera mount adapters with the 1/4″ screw are one piece (the knurned part does not unscrew to secure the camera in a specific orientation), so depending on what you’re attaching to either end of the adapter, your device may end up facing the wrong way (see attached picture of my Sony camera; the adapter is fully tightened and not perpendicular to the lens). This won’t be a problem when used with a GoPro-style tripod with a built-in ball head, but other setups may not be so fortunate.

    The kit is very handy nonetheless, but the above may be relevant to you depending on your intended use.

    Good Quality Adapters

  22. ASTIrmadfj says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Diese Adapter hatte ich bereits, aber nicht in einer Metallausfhrung und deshalb entschied dafr. Da ist schon einige Produkte von NEEWER in meinem Foto-Equipment habe, viel mir die Entscheidung nicht schwer. Denn die Qualitt und Verarbeitung sind top.

    Mit diesen Adaptern, es sind jeweils 2 im Set (Tripod- und Kamera-Mount) enthalten, kann man die verschiedensten Gerte/Halterungen sicher miteinander verbinden. Die Passgenauigkeit ist einwandfrei und ich kann die Adapter sehr vielseitig einsetzen. Ob fr meine ActionCams, Unterwassergehuse, Videolichter und vielen weiteren Gerten. Aufgrund der Festigkeit und Robustheit bin ich nun auf der sicheren Seit. Denn in der Vergangenheit ist mir schon mal so ein Adapter aus Kunststoff kaputtgegangen und die Cam wurde auch beschdigt.

    Die Metall Konstruktion aus Edelstahl, die Gewinde aus Metall, sind einwandfrei und qualitativ vom Feinsten. Das Preis- Leistungsverhltnis entspricht der Hochwertigkeit der Adapter. Ich bin damit mehr als zufrieden und das Set ist jetzt fester Bestandteil meines Equipments geworden. Dank der 1/4 Zoll Verbindung passt fast alles und bei 3/8 Zoll setze ich einen speziellen Adapter, auch von NEEWER, dazwischen. Ob am Stativ, Selfie Stick, Saugnapfhalterung oder Tripod, es passt und hlt perfekt.

    Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen mchte, dem kann ich dieses Set uneingeschrnkt empfehlen, denn das ist wahrhaftig Qualitt vom Feinsten 😉

    Vielen Dank, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast meine Rezension zu lesen. Ich hoffe, dass ich damit ein wenig, auch mit den Fotos, weiterhelfen konnte.

    Top Qualität und vielseitig einsetzbar…

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good quality and suitable for use with action cameras. Great for replacement of parts or with keeping as spare.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    My youngest is keen to make videos for Youtube etc. so I’m stocking up on various GoPro mounts etc. and for fixed shots these are a useful addition.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Ho una Hero 9 e i suoi supporti in plastica dopo un po’ si seccano e si rompono.
    Ho recentemente acquistato questi adattatori in metallo della Neewer compatibili con le GoPro Hero ed in genere le action cam infatti li utilizzo anche con la mia insta 360 e sono molto soddisfatto. Sono di ottima qualit e sono stati progettati con precisione. Sono realizzati in metallo resistente e hanno una buona presa grazie alla vite a testa zigrinata. Sono anche molto semplici da installare e rimuovere, il che fantastico. Sono un ottimo prodotto e lo consiglierei a chiunque stia cercando adattatori per una action cam.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is the metal version of the same plastic tripod mount adaptor, and it is just a little bit heavier. Plastic 33g vs. metal 44g. The plastic is easier to break, but for many lightweight devices, it is not a concern.
    For me, it is smoothness of the metal knuckle joint. With the plastic, there are always some forcing and slackness, so it not easy to turn it to the position you want. I have just used it to replace the plastic one on my Sony ZV-1 camera. When using it on a small table tripod, now I can easily turn the lens to the precise angle I need, and I can also adjust the angles while recording. To make it work better, I added a little bit lubricant oil into the joint.
    Neewer has also made some other small parts from plastic to metal conversion, but this is the best.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This was exactly the set of adapters I needed. Not mainly for the purpose of adapting standard tripods to use with action cameras – but exactly the opposite.

    I have quite a few different mounts, straps, brackets etc. for use with action cameras. Some are really good quality, and a lot of times I found myself regretting that I was missing a connector to have a ” thread at the end. And here all of a sudden I got two!
    And they’re top quality – as expected of Neewer. Normally these adapters are made of plastic. But the all-stainless steel metal build here makes it way more durable and made to last.
    On the not so positive side – metal doesn’t bend as easily as plastic. So if you use different sets of accessories (especially the non-branded ones), you may come across a small ‘incompatibility’. Normally it would get resolved with a tiny ‘stretch’ of plastic – but this is metal. So it will either fit perfectly, or not at all.
    You can use this set 2 ways – at least those 2 I can think of. One is as above – connecting action camera equipment with cameras that use a ” thread. Another is the opposite – you can fit an action camera on a ” thread of a typical tripod. If you use all of the parts included, you also get an adjustable swivel point in between.
    One more thing I noticed. The screw in the set is a tiny bit shorter than its plastic equivalents in other sets. It may result in it being too short to be used. But you can always use the longer ones.

    This is a very good set. Made of quality materials, well made and looking great. I feel very safe using it with more expensive gear. The 19 price is definitely higher than the typical plastic version, but it’s understandable. Highly recommended.

    Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.

    All-metal double set, great quality, versatile use, good price

  28. DiegoGoodrich says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I have used a number of mounts with my GoPro cameras over the years and have learned to avoid plastic mounts as much as possible. Plastic components break and often at just the wrong times. Metal hardware, however, can also create problems if it is not designed correctly. Metal can be too stiff, or have the wrong tolerances making it difficult to keep the camera tightened.

    These mounts are designed properly and are easy to use. Two of the bases have a rubber coating, two do not. The tightening knobs are long and easy to turn.

    Bottom line: Great mounting hardware!

    High Quality Aluminum Black Anodized GoPro/Action Camera Mounting Hardware!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As with all the Neewer products I have looked at recently, these action camera adaptors are high-quality accessories that should perform well for a long time. You get two sets in the small box. The male and female threaded mounts are impeccably machined from aluminium alloy and protected with a satin-black coating. The male threads are stainless steel, and there is a textured rubber insert and a knurled edge on the male tripod mount adaptor. The knuckle joints are accurate enough to interchange with other accessories without forcing or slackness, which can’t be said of all products in this category. The tightening screws are large and easy to use, but still pretty lightweight.

    Strong and light adaptors.

  30. Austin Parker says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Neewer. You see this name more and more as they make quality photography equipment at great prices.
    I have several Neewer products and they never disappoint. These GoPro tripod mount adapters are no different.

    First they’re metal! One major thing that always concerns me are the mostly plastic mount adapters for GoPros and that’s the most crucial connection between your camera and what it’s being mounted to. The fact that these are metal will give you that extra boost of confidence knowing that they won’t crack or fail (as plastic ones are prone to).

    Even the thumb screw is metal(!) however as with almost ALL thumb screws for GoPros, it’s still somewhat a ‘tight’ fit when screwing it in. I really wish manufacturers of these thumb screws would make the screw long enough so you don’t constantly rub your fingers and knuckles on the bottom of the GoPro as the thumbscrew is screwed in, but I digress!

    Did I mention that they’re metal? Build quality is on par with all Neewer products. Well machined with no visible machining marks or casting mold markings.

    You get two metal mounts with 1/4 inch screw attachments and two without (to screw into a ball head, tripod mount etc.,) and two metal thumbscrews with a key style grip.

    I have a lot of GoPro attachments and I’m going to buy a few more of these Neewer metal mounts to keep mounted on my equipment and ready to use.

    Yes! Metal GoPro mounts!

  31. MargeneDelmonte says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The problem with the Go Pro mounting system is that it is not really transferable to anything in traditional phtography. So if you need both a Go Pro and stuff for traditional photography (lighting or tripods) then the two mounting systems do not work well together at all. This is where Neewer stepped up and created these conversion/adapter pieces. Now, I can use a traditional 1/4″ tripod mount screw and mount something that only uses a go pro mounting. Or vice versa. Plus, the adapters are made of metal, which makes them a little bit harder to line up together, but much more sturdy than the plastic flanges of the usual go pro mount. I also feel it is a tighter lockdown, these metal pieces. Plastic Go Pro mounts can slip easily when they get even a little loose. Another Neewer home run for a great price!

    The problem with the Go Pro mounting system is that it is not really transferable to anything in traditional phtography. So if you need both a Go Pro and stuff for traditional photography (lighting or tripods) then the two mounting systems do not work well together at all. This is where Neewer stepped up and created these conversion/adapter pieces. Now, I can use a traditional 1/4" tripod mount screw and mount something that only uses a go pro mounting. Or vice versa. Plus, the adapters are made of metal, which makes them a little bit harder to line up together, but much more sturdy than the plastic flanges of the usual go pro mount. I also feel it is a tighter lockdown, these metal pieces. Plastic Go Pro mounts can slip easily when they get even a little loose. Another Neewer home run for a great price!

  32. MiraBrunton says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I own 2 Insta360 camera that when I’m in action to shoot something, I always feared about the Tripod mount is made with plastic. Especially when I mount those cameras on Motorcycle or on the Car (Outside of the Car), but this Metal Tripod Mount did solve my issues. It is well built, very sturdy and when you tighten the screw, it locks tight! I don’t have to worry about messing the angle of the Cams. Also, this is minor things, but I love the Thumb-screw handle part is wide enough to make it easy to tighten.

  33. Phil Cruz says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    These mount adapters are the type of product you think you don’t need until you have it. NEEWER makes quality products and this 2-pack of adapters is yet another. I ordered these mainly to use with my monopod, and with small LED lighting. The all metal construction is very solid and stable. The thumbscrew makes it easy to loosen and tighten down in position. If you are unable to get it tight, remove the thumbscrew and insert it the other way, so that the end turns into the side with the bolt. Once tight, it holds fast. In a pinch, I’d feel confident using it with my DSLR or mid-sized LED lighting.

    These mount adapters are the type of product you think you don't need until you have it. NEEWER makes quality products and this 2-pack of adapters is yet another. I ordered these mainly to use with my monopod, and with small LED lighting. The all metal construction is very solid and stable. The thumbscrew makes it easy to loosen and tighten down in position. If you are unable to get it tight, remove the thumbscrew and insert it the other way, so that the end turns into the side with the bolt. Once tight, it holds fast. In a pinch, I'd feel confident using it with my DSLR or mid-sized LED lighting.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I was very suprised at the quality of these adaptors compared to my DJI equivalent accessories. These are very robust and made to last.

    They are very useful to have for use on my Action camera 3 when mounting on my two selfie stick/tripods.

    As they are made of aluminum, they will not rust when submerged in water, which is great when taking the Action cam 3 for a dip.
    There are also rubber pads on two of the adaptors which help protect the equipment they are mounted to.

    These adaptors are versatile and have a wide range of uses, and are not just for action cameras.

    Highly recommended.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are something I’d happily entrust my (quite expensive) action camera to – without giving a second thought for it’s safety. They’re solid aluminium, everything precision milled and finished. You can tell the quality the second you pick them up – as they’re nice and heavy in weight. Brilliant – would buy again.

  36. MilagroRydge says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As expected from Neewer. No surprise.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This set of metal tripod mount adapter works with GoPro hero 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4 models, plus some of digital cameras, mini camcorders, LED lights, Insta 360 action camera, and many more.
    What you will get in this package:
    1) 2 x Tripod Mount
    2) 2 x Camera Mount
    3) 2 x Metal Long Thumbscrew

    Made of very good quality, aluminum alloy and stainless steel thumbscrew, which will not rust even when used on a deepwater dive shooting projects.

    I have to admit that this set is very useful, great quality at all, for really reasonable price.
    Highly recommend to anyone!

  38. HeriberBlackmor says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Price at time of review 17.99

    for the price this is one of the best mounts ive used so far. the screw feels sucure and tight yet once loosened moves freely

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very strong made of metal which will last a very long time. Perfect for my Camera tech and lights.

    Great Brand Very Robus

  40. AbrahamSYMX says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    If you use action cameras or want to mix and match devices onto action mounts these mounts are excellent. In the small box you get: Two metal action camera mounts and the threads to use them. Two -20 metal threaded adaptors to convert a lightweight tripod mount device (e.g. a small light, compact camera, 3d camera ) to an action camera mount for use with all the action camera mounts you may already have.

    The long twist threads on the screw used to secure the action camera mount are excellent. Easily the best I have used. The long user-friendly thumb twist with wide paddles for grip make it easy to use them. I cannot state how much of a usability upgrade from the one included with my action camera; it’s much easier to tighten or loosen up as the nut isn’t buried tight up under the camera. It’s also glove safe as the contact area is huge.

    The Neewer mounts are made stainless steel so shouldn’t quickly corrode if you get them wet or in the ocean; wash them thoroughly for the latter though. The steel could be useful if you want to use them with a dive tray as mine is steel and the aluminium thread on the heads I was using before are a no no for using with steel in ocean water.

    The construction of these Neewer accessories is very good; they are well finished– from the edges all being chamfered so nothing feels sharp; to the even black finish over all the parts I received. The -20 threaded mounts for cameras have a rubber plate on the plate to get a good connection.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I already have several GoPro adapters, however, they’re plastic, so not as hard wearing as these metal versions which I much prefer.

    I’ve been using them with my GoPro extension arms and they work perfectly together, so all in all, I’m very pleased.

    NEEWER: Metal Tripod/GoPro Mount Adapters