OneAmg Bike Lights USB Rechargeable IP65 Waterproof Multiple

OneAmg Bike Lights USB Rechargeable IP65 Waterproof Multiple Lighting Modes Powerful LED Bicycle Lights Suitable for Night Riding Camping Hiking

Wide Application of Bike Lights
The bike lights have a strong IPX65 waterproof function, and the lighting is not affected by the weather. You can place bike lights in your car, basement, attic and emergency kit. Use it while hiking, camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, running, dog walking, biking, tire changing, family/kids night out, power outages, and more! You can also put the red bicycle light on the stroller and pet, the flashing function of the red bicycle light has a warning function, so that people can detect the existence of the stroller and pet in time.
Dimensions: | 12.3 x 8.8 x 3.7 cm; 140 Grams |
Brand: | OneAmg |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | OneAmg |
Dimensions: | 12.3 x 8.8 x 3.7 cm; 140 Grams |
Las luces son grandes. Se puede regular la intensidad de alumbrado ya que puedes encender las lineas de led segun te convenga
Son muy fciles y comodas . Sin duda las volveria a comprar.
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. Con meno di 20 euro ho la soluzione definitiva per la mia urban bike. Leggere, facili da utilizzare, buona autonomia delle batterie e ottima luminosit per le notti in citt.
Increble lo que alumbran y lo que dura la batera, y el cable doble usb c que trae para cargar las dos a la vez muy til.
La luz delantera solo es fija en tres intensidades.
Ottime luci. La luminosit ha superato le mie aspettative. Ricarica veloce
Presi in offerta a 12euro mi reputo estremamente soddisfatto.
Entrambi i faretti hanno la doppia fila di led che si possono accendere separatamente a seconda dell’intensit di luce che si vuole.
La luce Bianca illumina davvero bene la strada. Estremamente soddisfatto!
luci per bicicletta, ottima luminosit notturna e di fattura buona
La batera dura mucho. Para los recorridos que hago yo en bici, no se me acaba la batera poniendo las luces a la mxima potencia. Eso es lo que ms valoro.
Pero adems la luz es potente y adecuada incluso para zonas sin farolas.
El sistema de montaje muy cmodo para quitarlas al llegar a casa y ponerlas a cargar.
un kit molto economico ma devo dire molto valido la luce frontale ha sia un fascio di profondit che di uno a dispersione (non immaginate un faro da macchina, ma per farsi vedere perfetto) ed il posteriore possibile combinare un lampeggio con un fisso fra il cerchio esterno ed i punti interni in varie combinazioni.
Entrambe le luci hanno due set di led che possono accendersi in modo indipendente, il cavetto di alimentazione ha un ingresso usb e due uscite per poter ricarcare le due luci contemporaneamente.
Sulla durata della batteria non posso ancora esprimermi
clairage de qualit. Prix raisonnable en comparaison avec les grandes surfaces de sport.
Luces para bicicleta o patinete. Se cargan con USB Viene ya un cable para poder cargar , pero se puede usar el del mvil.
Vienen con dos soportes de goma, sper fciles de poner en la tija y manillar. Muy prctico para poder sacar las luces y llevrtelas para que no te las roben. Pero sin llevar todo el soporte.
Tienen dos zonas de iluminacin independientes que se controlan con dos pulsadores. Una pulsacin cambia modo y pulsacin larga apaga.
Muy prctico para regular la potencia de iluminacin o por ejemplo en la trasera, tener una parte fija y otra quw parpadee para ser ms visibles a los coches.
Calidad precio top, muy contento con la compra
Ottime luci led per bike, fascio luminoso oltre le aspettative, devo dire che mi ha colpito il packaging, bella scatolina con all’ interno la confezione per le luci e un altra per il cavo USB e gli attacchi in caucci. Davvero soddisfatto. Complimenti al rivenditore.
Mme en plein jour nous restons vraiment bien visibles, a clair vraiment beaucoup, bien plus que les petites lampes fournies l’achat des vlos qui ne valent strictement rien !
Foncez, en plus elles sont batteries, rechargeables en usb et cble double Embout fourni, on peu donc charger les 2 lampes en mme temps, impeccable !
Me a parecido un producto top, para el precio que tiene comparado con otros del mercado, el foco delantero tiene varias funciones para encender solo 3 led o los 6, independientementes y con distintos tipos de destellos, una fila tiene luz amplia la otra mas concentrada, alumbra bastante, el trasero es igual, puedes encender los led centrales o los exteriores que forman un cuadrado, con distintos tipos de destellos, se fijan facilmente a la bicicleta y aun no he gastado la bateria tras 5 dias de prueba, me han gustado bastante, pedire otro juego para mi muje
Allora ho comprato queste luci per la mia vespa per avere un po’ di luce in pi la sera tardi , e devo dire la verit ne ho molta di piu, sia quella bianca che la rossa sono molto potenti e fanno la differenza anche su una vespa , inoltre sono di falice accensione e spegnimento la batteria dura un sacco , da quando mi sono arrivate ancora non le metto a caricare e sono semplici da applicare al manubrio e anche dietro la sella
Ottimo acquisto
Es un producto sencillo de colocar y muy efectivo pues las luces tienen muy buena potencia con seis ledes y la batera tiene una buena duracin sobre todo a baja y media intensidad. Se pueden cargar los dos a la vez ya que trae un cable doble del tipo usb c. Muy fcil de poner (y de quitar) y gran relacin calidad precio.
Lo que ms me hizo elegirlas fue la batera que es ms duradera que otras que estuve buscando. Son las ms econmicas y mira que le di 10 vueltas a la web. Funcionan perfectamente y se cargan por usb. Muy cmodo y para no sentirte insegura puedes cargarlo mientras descansas en alguna ruta. Gracias a las bridas la instalacin es segura, sencilla y rpida.
Coppia di luci a led per bici molto potenti! Ricaricabili trmaite usb di tipo c le uso da una settimana per brevi tragitti alla massima potenza e non si sono ancora scaricate fanno molta luce e ci sono due pulsanti per selezionare le varie modalit con cui si pu regolare l’intensit della luce e anche l’effetto da normale a strobo per adesso sono molto contento perch risultano piccole ma luminose
Nella confezione c’ il cavetto di tipo b per la ricarica e le fascette regolabili in silicone per il fissaggio sulla bici
Luci per bicicletta OneAmg. La luce anteriore composta da 6 sfere di lampada e ha 4 modalit di illuminazione, mentre la luce posteriore ha 24 sfere di lampada e ha 6 modalit di illuminazione. La durata della batteria varia a seconda della modalit di illuminazione scelta. Entrambe le luci possono essere controllate da pulsanti diversi e possono essere facilmente installate e rimosse senza attrezzi grazie alle cinghie di montaggio in silicone elastico di alta qualit.
Una delle caratteristiche pi importanti di queste luci per bicicletta la loro impermeabilit con standard IP65. Ci significa che sono completamente protette dalla pioggia e da altre condizioni meteorologiche avverse, fornendo una forte protezione della vista per i ciclisti. Inoltre, le luci possono essere facilmente ricaricate tramite USB da una variet di fonti di alimentazione come computer, alimentatori mobili, caricatori per auto e prese. La durata della ricarica varia da 1,5 a 2,5 ore a seconda del modello.
In generale, queste luci per bicicletta OneAmg offrono una luminosit molto intensa e diverse modalit di illuminazione, insieme a una facile installazione e rimozione, impermeabilit e ricarica USB. Sono adatte a quasi tutti i tipi di biciclette e possono essere utilizzate in modo sicuro anche su terreni difficili.
Ensemble d’clairage pour mon vlo tous chemins. Suffisamment puissant pour tre vu mme en plein jour. La qualit de fabrication semble correcte et le cble en Y pour la recharge est pratique. Achet il y a peu de temps, je ne peux me prononcer sur le long terme.
Bote compose de deux blocs lumineux insrs dans un bloc plastique agrable aux touchers,protection contre les chutes et tanche aux pluies et projections d’eau.
un blanc pour l’avant.
un rouge pour l’arrire.
Deux ranges de LED incluant de nombreuses possibilits de rglages allant de l intense fixe au clignotant mme un effet stroboscopique pour le bloc arrire.
Excellente luminosit donc scurit.
Les sangles de fixations sont en silicone donc cela ne cause aucune rayure ou marque sur le cadre du vlo.
Super pratique le chargeur USB se divisant en deux parties permettant de pouvoir recharger les deux blocs lumineux simultanment.
El paquete incluye tambin un cable cargador con doble salida para poder cargar las dos luces contemporneamente. El producto es certificado tambin como resistente al agua
Resumiendo, un producto muy bueno a un buen precio. Las luces tienen distintas opciones y los led iluminan con mucha intensidad.
Alluminano abbastanza, sono per uso urbano, il sistema di attacco comodo; unico neo che la luce anteriore non ha la funzione lampeggiante, sarebbe stato meglio avere meno modalit di luce ed averne almeno una lampeggiante anche per l’anteriore
Une lampe avant, et une lampe arrire avec deux positions chacune pour plus ou moins de lumire l’avant et de luminosit a l’arrire !
J’ai tait agrablement surpris pas la puissance de la lampe avant qui claire jusqu’ 50 mtre environ la route ! Idal en vlo quand il n’y a pas la lumire de la ville !
Je recommand fortement ce jeu de lampe
Unas luces que me han sorprendido por su gran calidad a un precio muy contenido.
Ambas luces tienen dos botones con la que se enciende la mitad de los leds o el total de leds.
La luz delantera va genial para circular de da a media potencia y ser mejor visto. A mxima potencia permite ver el camino de noche con bastante claridad.
La luz trasera tiene varios modos de funcionamiento y su visibilidad es muy buena tanto de da como de noche.
Pour le prix, vous ne pouvez vraiment pas vous tromper. Je les ai utiliss plusieurs fois jusqu’ prsent et a semble solide et l’aspect tanche est gnial. Les supports en caoutchouc n’a caus aucune rayure ou marque sur mon vlo. Le cble de charge USB est divis pour que vous puissiez charger les deux lumires en mme temps partir d’un seul port USB. Les lumires sont assez lumineuses et vous pouvez avoir un mode clignotant et constant en mme temps, ce qui est bon pour les nuits sombres sur les routes occupes. Trs content de mon acha
These lights are surprisingly bright and illuminate the road ahead of me much brighter than I expected from their little size. They are rechargable, and when I forgot one on for a couple of hours at a friends house and the battery ran out, I just attached it to a power bank and it worked perfectly all the way home. They are very easy to install, and can be taken off very esily too. These lights are perfect for the job. I would recommend
Lo que mas me ha sorprendido ha sido la potencia de las luces, incluso con condiciones de bastante luz alumbran bastante bien. (VER VIDEO)
Cada foco tiene dos circuitos independientes que puedes ir combinando segn el tipo de luz que desees o incluso sin activarlo es reflectante.
Quizs el sistema de agarre podra ser mas seguro pero como lo uso en la bici de paseo para moverme por el pueblo me sobra, el ser de carga y no llevar pilas es otro punto a su favor.
Espero que os haya sido de utilidad mi experiencia y consejos sobre este producto.
The real benefit of this type of bike is that they are rechargeable and you can do it via USB.
In all honesty I don’t think they’re massively different from earlier generation type bicycle lights in terms of light output but they are pretty good give a decent light and although we haven’t tested it they are said to be waterproof so that helps as well.
There is enough to attach to the handlebars and they look pretty good as well.
I fell much safer on the road now. As you can see im the video, it has different light models.
I use these when we go camping. They’re so easy to charge and set up, they will literally affix to anything. I love the fact they last for hours, so it means we don’t have to worry about saving batteries. They’re bright and do exactly what we need them to do.
Is small and so cute, I will use to my bicycle
These are fantastic bike lights!
The LED lights are very bright and have good modes with each lamp (front and back) having low, mid and high brightness settings but also steady, flash and warning flash settings.
Both led lamps have two buttons, each button operating different Lead’s.
(Front light): one button activates one row of LED’s and the other button activates the other row. Effectively creating a high and low beam type function.
(Back light): one button activates the outer ring of red LED’s and the other activates the inner group of LED’s with both lamps and button selections being independently activated. This appears confusing however the operation of the lamps is super simple and the included instruction sheet explains the functions in an easy to read and easy to understand way.
Hopefully my video shows how the lamps different functions appear. Unfortunately this video doesn’t show the front white lamp in flash mode, although that is a function of that lamp also! Another note is that the rear light has a red covering over the LED’s and not red coloured led bulbs! This is only something to be aware of, it’s not a fault or a problem.
In the images you can see the lamp units can be connected to the silicone* bike holders in either a vertical or horizontal manner allowing the lamps to be fitted to the bike on either horizontal or vertical bars and the attachment is the simple method of wrapping the silicone tail part around a bar on your bike and hooking it into the other side of the lamp holder.
*I’m unsure of the specific material for the lamp holders but I’m assuming it’s silicone or possibly a type of rubber.
The battery life is great and the included dual charging cable makes charging both lamps at the same time super easy.
The lamps are very bright indeed! The photos that show the lights switched on and attached to my rusty old bike were taken in very bright daylight which I hope gives a decent impression of the brightness as in the dark these definitely do the job. Please note that due to the angle of the seat post on my bike where I attached the rear lamp, the brightness in my images (for the red lights) is not as impressive as when viewing the lamp aimed square on to your viewpoint. This isn’t an issue for me as the brightness is plenty suitable at night for great visibility regardless of the aim being downwards.
If needed, the angle could be changed by placing something like a home made wedge between the seat post and lamp holder to adjust the lamp aim as the silicone lamp holder tail part is very stretchy. As long as the lamp remains secure this would be a simple fix.
To conclude: these offer great value for money as I feel the price is very reasonable for the quality of this product.
The lamps are incredible easy to fit and operate.
These are bright bike lights and illuminate your path very well even in pitch black darkness.
Having warning flash modes are also a bonus, offering increased visibility.
I’m very happy with these bike lights, I like them a lot!
I give top marks and rate them 5 out of 5.
These bike lights are easy to charge and attach. They are also easy to remove to avoid theft. the angles are easily adjustable and they are really bright. Charging is fast and minimal – they retain their charge for many hours. Exceptionally high quality, reflected in the fairly hefty price tag – but 100 per cent worth it. Recommended.
I’m always buying bike lights! ,
These ones are easy to charge with usb and fit on to handle bars .
Easy to take on and off.
Good size !
Having these on feel like I I was riding with my eyes half closed before! They make it feel so much safer as you can see so much more and can be seen by others of course.
Easy to put on and no issues whatsoever!
Very happy with my order!
I bought this bike light for my son, he needs good light for his bike, specially he is driving night very dark on the road, and tjis is really good, easy to use and easy to install, very bright light and battery life too, a Bike Lights USB Rechargeable IP65 Waterproof Multiple Lighting Modes Powerful LED Bicycle Lights Suitable for Night Riding, Camping Hiking, im happy of my purchase, value for money
The product is easy to install with clear instructions
Good quality
Definitely worth i
Best lights for the money i’ve tried so far.
100% recommend, very very high quality.
Currently priced at 13.29 in the Black Friday Sale these lights are a bargain.
Everything is included in the box and installation takes a matter of minutes with no tools required. The lights mount onto rubber straps which are quick and easy to install and once installed are super sturdy. What I really like is that you can remove the lights from the straps very quickly by simply twisting and pulling them off the mounts. This means you can take them with you if you leave your bike somewhere and negate the risk of them being stolen.
The lights themselves are compact but I was more than impressed with the brightness. They’ll definitely keep you safe out on the roads and make sure you are seen by other road users.
Operation is again simple and easy with two buttons on top of each light. Each button controls a differrent set of LED’s inside the light units allowing you to alter the brightness, flashing pattern to suit. This allows for a customisable light which can display a variety of brightness/patterns and makes you stand out. They also have a memory function which is great so you don’t have to re-program them everytime you switch them on.
The are IP65 rated and have so far stood up to the wind and rain without issue.
Charging is quick, battery life is excellent and it’s all done by USB-C.
Overall for the price they’re an excellent set of lights – reccomended!
Not difficult to remove for recharging jus twisting, i buy for my son bike is bright and the battery is last for a long with different light position and flashing types
Very bright, perfect for my evening rides. Also comes with a dim setting for when riding on the main road against traffic
They were beautifully packaged. There are two sets of leds on each light so you can adjust the brightness. The lights also have different settings, which include flashing at different time intervals. As there are two sets of Leds within one light you could also have one set flashing while the other remaining on full beam. Both on full beam produces a very bright, dazzling light. They were so easy to install that my 4 year old was able to install them on his bike. Fully recommend.
Wow these things are bright I mean wow for something so small I wasn’t expecting such a brightness it comes with all the things you need to get it on your bike or anything else you didn’t need it all you could even have it on your scooter if that is what you wa
I’m quite surprised with these lights. They are very bright, especially the front one, and yet compact. Easy to take them off to prevent from theft. I commute everyday by bike early dark morning and evening, but haven’t needed to charge yet. They seem very high quality and I feel much safer now than my old mini bike light.
These are an upgrade on a previous set of lights that I already own by he same company. This set of lights are really bright which is just what you need to make sure you are seen during these dark nights. The lights can be easily fitted and removed from the bike because they have a watch strap style fitting. I attach the front light to the handle bars and the rear under the seat. There are different settings including flashing and fixed. I cycle daily for approximately half an hour and find that I only need to charge them up once a week.
These lights are quite compact, which is great because they can be taken off the bike and put in a pocket when the bike is left. The fittings are quite easy to use and very quick to put on and take off.
I really like that each of the lights has two buttons, which each controlling different LEDs, this means that it is possible to create more variations of brightness and flashing. The maximum brightness is very impressive both for the front, white, light and the rear, red, light.
They are rechargeable which is definitely the best option for Bike lights in my opinion and given their size I think that the battery life is very impressive.
The set is priced at 18.99 at the time of writing, which is 1 off the normal price according to Amazon.
I have a super bright front light on my bike for when I want to ride down dark roads or paths at night.
Where these come into their own is day notice lights. In flash mode you can’t help but see me from 100 metres away. At night they would be suitable for lit roads, but the front light’s beam isn’t really up to riding in the pitch dark. Having said that it is much, much brighter than traditional bike lights.
They quickly fit onto handlebars, forks or downtubes; however I fit them on the straps of my biking backpack. This means they remain with me, on and off the bike.
Another plus is they are over a metre from the ground in a much more visible place.
I charged them overnight and have since used them for 6+ hours, they are not fully discharged.
I believe they are a real contributor to cycling safety.
Not just for bikesI walk around the block with a pushchair to get the babies to nap, unfortunately as it gets dark so early now I’m often walking in the dark. These lights attach easily and securely to my pushchair making it much safer on my walk. I’m so impressed with how bright they are and I’ve used it for walks everyday for a week so far without needing to charge it. Would totally reccomend, for bikes or for alternative uses like me!
The two lights are small, but the brightness is way better than I was expecting.
I love how I can mix the flashing modes with the red light.
They’re also easy to remove from the bike attachments, so I can put them in my bag when I lock the bike outside.
I think for the price, the battery is quite decent too.
Really happy with these lights. They have a few settings which is handy, very bright too. Easy to clip onto your bike or anything else you may need it on. I would definitely recommend.
OneAmg Bike Lights USB Rechargeable IP65 Waterproof Multiple Lighting Modes Powerful LED Bicycle Lights Suitable for Night Riding.
Fantastic bike lights! Really happy, super bright and really easy to twist on and off from your bike.
The red light has multiple different flashing option and what’s great is there are two buttons which control the lights, one for the center ring of lights and the other for the outer ring of lights and you can customise the flashes to get different effects. I really like this option because you can create different light patterns which makes you stand out and become more visible to other road users.
The front light also has two buttons that controls the two different light beams there is a low beam and high beam. You can also adjust the brightness and you have different lighting effects as well.
The lights also have a memory function that remembers the last light setting you used.
Overall this is a quality product with a lot of power for such a small device. The battery life is superb and the it’s excellent value for money. I would highly recommend this produc
Brilliant pair of lights for your bike. Easy to install, rechargeable and of very good quality. Lights are quite bright too. Love the fact that you can take them off and put them on any other bike within a few minutes. Each of the lights have different light modes based on your requirement. Reasonably priced too.
There is nothing to dislike about this product, they are manufactured to a high standard, the lights are really bright on full power, they come with mounting straps and a USB cable to charge them, which in my opinion is the best thing about them.
Highly recommended. 10/10
Very easy to attach with no tools needed, waterproof and very bright. Feel robust and will work very well weather riding with them or clipped onto your walking gear. front and rear have two rows of lights with many modes to choose from with static on or flasing, on each row.
Currently priced at 19.99. Nicely presented and seem well made. Brilliant they arrived with a charge so I could use them right away – for my son’s scooter now the darker afternoons are here. Really bright lights and different modes. Simple to use. I am pleased with these and think they’re reasonably priced for the quality. If any issues develop in time I’ll update my review but all good so far.
These are great lights and the second set I own. The first set I bought to for my student son who does deliveries for a well known food delivery company and the lights they supply are awful.
These last for a good time and the varying brightness is excellent. Two switches on each light make it easy to switch between modes. For example high beam and low beam on the front light.
This particular set was ordered for my 9 year old’s bike, not just fro there great performance but because the fitting to the bike is very simple to use. This makes it easy for him to fit and remove the lights if we lock the bike anywhere where they are likely to be stolen. Previous lights we have had have had awkward clips to release the lights that were difficult for small hands to use.
Recommended for performance and ease of use.
Got a bike? Need a set of lights?
These are the OneAmg USB Rechargeable Bike Lights x 2, IP65 350LM Lumen, Includes USB To USB C Charger And 2 x Rubber Fixings.
These bike lights are really bright, you get a front white light that can be made brighter / dimmer by pressing the buttons down, the rear one has 6 x modes red, and the front x 4.
These are real easy to fix on via the silicone bands, so simple to pop off and charge. One charge will get you upto 33hrs in flash usage.
Overall for a pair of multi-functional lights, these are a winner and are probably the brightest I’ve seen in a while. Recommended.
The front light has 2 separate rows of lights low beam and high beam that have 3 brightness settings and can be individually switched off and a double click of the button will make them flash.
The rear light has central lights and an outer ring light. The rear lights have 3 brightness levels and 3 flash modes, 6 in total for both the central light and outer ring lights.
As for battery life, that is yet to be tested. but normally constant and very bright settings will drain the batteries quicker, and Flashing modes tend to last longer for bike lights
Nice and bright with a good range of light settings, these fantastic lights do a wonderful job of ensuring you don’t go missed while out on your bike.
My husband has tried out various bike lights over the years, but he was particularly impressed with not only how bright these lights are, but also the range of different light settings available.
The front light features 6 bulbs with 6 different light settings, whilst the rear light has 24 bulbs and 6 settings. Light settings on both range from low, medium and high brightness and various flashing modes.
The lights come boxed with silicone straps, instructions and a dual USB charging cable. They take around a couple of hours to charge and flash whilst charging, displaying a static light when fully charged.
The silicone straps fasten easy to the bike frame and have a built in base which allows the lights to be easily attached and removed.
It’s a fantastic light set, easy to install, bright and full of good lighting features, and at the current price of 21.99 it’s excellent value.
These lights are small sorry compact, but they are bright and really easy to attach and operate, the lights themself are solid and work fine but I’m not convinced on this kind of fitting, in my opinion the straps are not the best way to attach a light, getting them tight enough can be a task, that said there are ways around it, the price is 21.99 at the time of review and I’d say that’s a fair price
These lights are great as they can be put on and taken off in seconds, something that is vital to me when im commuting. I cant leave anything permanent on the bike or it will be nicked. So for me this type of fitting is perfect.
These are a good size and give off a great amount of light. I cant have the front light on the brightest setting on a country lane as it would blind people coming the other way, but it is easy to swap between lighting brightness on the front light as you are riding. So after my first day going to work with these lights on im more than satisfied. But should any issues rise, I will update the review accordingly.