Parsonver Smart Watch for Women, 1.09'' Fashion

Parsonver Smart Watch for Women, 1.09'' Fashion Ladies Smartwatch with Full Touch Screen Heart Rate Sleep Monitor Calories Step Counter, IP68 Waterproof Fitness Watch for Android iOS Phones
From the brand

Parsonver Smart Watch
Dimensions: | 400 x 400 x 230 cm; 160 Grams |
Model: | PSLD1 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Parsonver |
Dimensions: | 400 x 400 x 230 cm; 160 Grams |
Origin: | China |
I bought this watch in order to spend less time on my phone and it 100% does that! I have a young son who is quickly learning and noticing when I’m on my phone and distracted. That being said, I am self- employed and need to keep a look out for work messages or anything important that pops up. And I have noticed a huge difference in my attitude to my phone since getting this watch which I’m very happy about!
Firstly the watch looks like a real traditional watch as apposed to most smart watches which are ‘sporty’ in style. It does come with a plasticky watch strap spare which I’ll use if this breaks. Charging is lovely and simple with a magnetic charger which clips on and so far I’ve used this watch for a full week on one charge. As with all technology it’s simple once you’ve got your head around it and set up as you like. A few minor bugs which I’m hoping can be fixed on the app as the watch itself is great
Sleep tracking- it seems to count this in a daily measurement rather than a sleeping measurement which is annoying. It shows your midnight to waking details as ‘today’ and your bedtime to midnight details as ‘yesterday’ and you then can’t see the detailed sleep measurements in the past. This means that my ‘daily’ sleep measurement on the app is only half what it should be. So I know I went to bed at 10pm and woke at 6am but it’s only saying I slept for 6 hours which is completely off.
Emails- It doesn’t seem to show email notifications which is odd. This might be my settings but generally it shows all other notifications from Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, FaceTime and even my ring doorbell!
Message notifications- if a long message pops up, it only show you the preview of 5 lines. This is fine most of time but sometimes I want to quickly scroll to read the rest of the message and it isn’t possible to do that on the watch.
All in all, minor problems for a 30 smart watch and I’m very happy with it!!
Great price and value!! Great size and color. Does a lot. Tracks all sorts of things and fonds your phone! Only week one of having it but tried another and it was nothing compared to this. Go get one!!
Es muy bonito y no se pone feo. La correa de piel es ideal. Y se conecta bien y rpido. Lo nico que a veces las notificaciones no las da bien
Hay q actualizarlo
Battery runs out fast, it goes to Chinese, it’s not an easy set up
Reu parfaitement emball et livr avec un bracelet de rechange en silicone ainsi que le cble de chargement et la notice d’utilisation cette trs jolie montre hyper girly avec un cadran rond pour changer je trouve cela bien mieux d’ailleurs avec ses deux bracelets interchangeables et son application qui permet l’accs une panoplie d’information qui seront recceuilli par celle-ci ainsi que les notifications reu sur le mobile toutes les donnes semblent precises et cohrentes sauf pour le sommeil, je pense qu’il y a un souci car si par exemple je suis amen me rveiller dans la nuit ce qui m’arrive tous jour d’ailleurs alors la montre enregistre uniquement la seconde partie de la nuit c’est vraiment le seul bmol sinon cette montre est parfaite.
Loved this watch, super stylish and affordable, had everything I was looking for, but after wearing it for only 3 days, it suddenly stopped working. I already threw out the original packaging, because I planned on keeping it, and now I don’t know if I can return it. I just want a replacement. I’m not sure why it stopped working. I never wore it in the shower, only washed my hands with it on, which the item description says it can handle. I’m devastated because I loved this watch and really don’t want to drop another $50 to get a new one. Hoping I can get a replacement.
This is a good-looking watch. It fits very well and also looks good on my wrist. It’s lightweight and easy to carry. It is a bit big hence it might feel bigger for a few.
The watch needs an app to be installed to leverage full advantage of it. I tried pairing this watch with iPhone as well as with android and it works well with both phones.
The mobile is connected to the watch using Bluetooth. You can easily control music, YouTube play, pause, next and previous songs.
You can change the theme of the watch using the app which provides you with multiple covers to choose from under the dial centre. The app is way to use and some stats need to be refreshed manually.
The watch has a big touch screen which is smooth and you can easily navigate between screens and menus.
The health activity tracking watch can track multiple activities. The watch also has a steps counter as well as an oxygen monitoring counter. The watch tracks your heart rate as well as your sleeping pattern and time. I felt this counts the steps accurately.
You can see the notifications clearly on the watch which is great. Although the watch does show you the incoming calls, You can’t however accept or decline the call from this watch.
The watch has an excellent battery backup which is far better than leading brands’ smart watches which was a pleasant surprise to me.
Another thing I liked about this watch is, that it has a leather belt which looks really nice and gives different look to the watch. Also, it goes well with all kinds of attire, casual and formal both.
This watch came in a small compact box with a charging wire which makes it a good gift.
Considering the cost of the watch as 30.99, I think this is a great watch with great features, especially for youngsters.
Voto finale 7,5/10
Valutazione complessiva 3,8/5 stelle
Parsonver propone Smartwatch da Donna .
Alta compatibilit con sistemi ios e android e APP dedicata FitCloudPro
smartwatch con display da 1.09 pollici touch in una cassa metallica circolare di colore dorato.
cinturino con chiusura a fibbia classica realizzato in pelle di colore rosa antico , in dotazione cinturino accessorio in silicone , gli stessi hanno una larghezza di 1,8 cm qualora foste interessati a cambiare il cinturino.
funzioni e caratteristiche :
funzioni orologio ( sveglie cronometro timer)
monitoraggio parametri vitali come frequenza cardiaca , percentuale di ossigeno del sangue e annessi.
monitoraggio del sonno e della qualit dello stesso distinguendo il sonno profondo da quello leggero
contacalorie e contapassi
Notifiche messaggistica chiamate social network ed eventuali app associate.
20 modalit sportive, come camminata, corsa, arrampicata, yoga, ciclismo, salto della corda e tanto altro
funzione promemoria , vari presenti ma anche personalizzabili
funzione meteo in base alla localizzazione del vostro smartphone
funzione di controllo musicale per gestire la sequenza brani andando al successivo o al precedente.
funzione che consente di scattare foto direttamente scuotendo il polso opzionabile sull’app.
Possibilit di respingere una chiamata in entrata ma non di accettare la stessa.
Menu impostazioni in 3 differenti stili e tanti sfondi opzionabili per il vostro quadrante.
smartwatch impermeabile con livello ip68 ma consiglio sempre di non immergerlo completamente in acqua.
Tutti i dati raccolti verranno semplificati attraverso grafici intuitivi consultabili dall’ app installata.
Alimentazione a batteria interna al litio ricaricabile da 180 mah per mezzo di cavetto usb con base magnetica in dotazione manca l’adattatore
Prodotto consegnato in tempi stimati.
Tutto quanto descritto insieme ad un piccolo manuale utente giunge alloggiato in confezione compatta di cartone che lo rende adeguato per effettuare un regalo.
smartwatch dalle funzioni abbastanza simili alla miriade di prodotti simili sul mercato parliamo di uno smartwatch entry level di media qualit senza la gestione delle chiamate funzione che ritengo rappresenti il verpo plus per prodotti del genere, ad ogni modo presente tutto il necessario per poter leggere messaggi notifiche varie anche quando il cellulare lontano o in modalit di silenzio , inoltre sempre apprezzate le funzioni di monitoraggio di parametri di salute .
la sostanziale differenza tra questo ed altri smartwatch sul mercato senz’altro lo stile molto originale in quanto si presenta molto fine adatto ad un pubblico femminile anche per contesti non di routine quotidiana inoltre la possibilit di sostituire il cinturino lo rende ancor piu versatile e abbinabile ad abbigliamenti classici o casual, forse sarebbero stati graditi due colori differenti.
il display risulta essere un p piccolo ma proporzionato allo stile proposto dal produttore dunque adeguato.
funzionamento ai limiti della norma .
Prezzo alto in relazione alla qualit complessiva del prodotto e in riferimento a prodotti simili in commercio
Ringrazio per l’attenzione chi ritiene questa breve descrizione utile , resto a
disposizione per eventuali domande , cordialmente Alessandro
Articolo super consigliato per le caratteristiche o per il rapporto qualit prezzo eccellente , da non lasciarsi sfuggire.
Articolo buono ma suscettibile di qualche miglioramento sia per il prodotto in s sia per quel che concerne il prezzo.
Articolo sufficiente senza infamia ne lode ma senza quelle caratteristiche che mi spingono a consigliarlo del tutto.
Articolo evitabile , probabilmente con qualche caratteristica interessante ma troppo poco per poterlo considerare come acquistabile o consigliabile.
Articolo da evitare, senza nessuna caratteristica positiva.
It’s a very pretty watch and the screen is very clear. Nice menus amd options when scrolling too. The struggle I had is when charging as the charger doesn’t have a strong enough magnet to keep it attached. It comes loose very easily. But that is the only negative. If you have a sturdy place to charge that it won’t move or be knocked then it’s brilliant. A great alternative with the same features as high end smart watches. The app was easy to download and use too.
I’ve had a few smart watches & this one is very aesthetically pleasing. Whilst rose gold and pink isn’t my favourite combination this works well for the watch. I like that there are lots of options for your ‘home’ screen. The steps seem accurate as I compare them with my iPhone. This is easy to navigate through the various screens (which is touch screen). It’s comfortable to wear. Not so sure about the accuracy of the heart rate but I am usually skeptical of how accurate smart watches are for this. Overall, a good watch!
The watch comes with 2 straps, both pink but one is leather and the other is silicone. You can change the style of the watch face too. There is the usual with a step count and a heart rate monitor as well as that there is also a sleep monitor to measure your sleep quality too.
The charger has a USB connection and attaches to the watch via a magnetic connection. The watch was already partially charged when I got it but it charged quickly when charging. The app with it was simple to use too.
Aber damit zum Produkt.
Die Uhr kommt in einer ausreichend einfachen, aber auch als Geschenk sehr ansprechenden Verpackung, in der die Uhr selbst, das nicht-standardisierte Ladekabel mit Magnetkupplung, sowie ein weiteres Armband enthalten sind. Sie erhalten ein rosafarbenes Leder- und ein gleichfarbiges Gummiarmband. Mglicherweise ist der Hersteller der Ansicht, Frauen wrden die Farbe rosa bevorzugen, was sicherlich verachtenswrdig und rckstndig ist. Aber es geht in diese Bewertung nicht mit ein.
Die Uhr verfgte vom Start weg noch ber eine gewisse Ladung, ich habe sie aber erst mal noch voll aufgeladen. Das war in wenigen Minuten erledigt.
Am Arm zeigt sie dann zunchst per Barcode, dass sie noch nicht gekoppelt ist und dass es jetzt losgehen kann. Also: Barcode scannen, die App installieren und los geht’s,… wobei, so einfach ist es dann doch nicht. Die App erlaubt es dankenswerterweise, ohne Anmeldung und Nutzerkonto fortzufahren (DANKE!), aber es ist eine Myriade von Freigaben mglich, nach denen auch konkret gefragt wird. Ob das alles auch so ntig ist, mssten Sie mit Ihrem digitalen Footprint besprechen.
Innerhalb der App lsst sich das Gert dann konkret konfigurieren: Sie geben Ihre “Gesundheitsdaten” ein (Alter, Geschlecht, Gewicht, Trainingsziele etc.) und fortan wird diese Uhr mitsamt der App versuchen, Sie in Ihrer Fitness zu untersttzen.
Zunchst sollten Sie Ihr Zifferblatt auswhlen und damit gleichzeitig die Informationen, die Ihnen die Uhr auf einen Blick geben soll. Das ist mhselig, da die gefhlt hunderten Zifferbltter wohl direkt vom berforderten Server des Herstellers geladen werden. Planen Sie etwa eine halbe Stunde ein, wenn Sie aus wirklich allen Zifferblttern auswhlen und das dann noch (per Bluetooth) auf die Uhr bertragen wollen.
Gesteuert wird das Gert ber Tappen, Wischen und den seitlichen Knopf, dessen Dreh-Funktion offenbar keine ist. Drcken wirkt aber. Und dann natrlich noch die Gesten.
Was mir an dieser Uhr gefllt, sind vor allem die kleinen Spielereien. Das Zifferblatt ist ja normalerweise aus, wenn Sie aber die “auf-die-Uhr-schauen”-Geste machen, wird die Zeit angezeigt. Das ist recht geschmeidig. Wenn Sie den Arm schtteln, wird die Kamera des Handys eingeschaltet und per Tap auf dem Uhr-Display lsst sie sich dann mit 3-Sekunden-Timer auslsen. Sie knnen sich per Vibration an Diverses erinnern lassen: Vom einfachen Timer bis hin zur Erinnerung an’s Wasser trinken. Sie hat auch einen Gammelalarm: Wenn Sie exakt eine Stunde lang unttig waren, werden Sie per Vibration ermuntert, irgendwas zu tun. Sie knnen aber auch eine Mittagspause einstellen. Wobei die grundlegende Annahme, Frauen wren ggf. unttig, vielleicht auch schon wieder sexistisch ist. Man wei es nicht so genau.
Der Pulsmesser funktioniert okay, der Schrittzhler zhlt aber zum Beispiel auch mit, wenn ich diesen Text hier schreibe. Aber das ist bei einer gnstigen Fitness-Uhr wohl normal. Glcklicherweise behauptet diese Uhr nicht, sie knne Ihren Blutdruck messen. Habe ich alles schon erlebt.
Die grte Herausforderung fr Neulinge im Fitness-Uhr-Bereich ist vermutlich, die Berechtigungen innerhalb des Handys so einzustellen, dass die Uhr zumindest whrend der Fitness auch mit dem Telefon redet. Sie kann ja auch diverse Alarme ausspucken, wenn zum Beispiel Nachrichten eingehen. Und die Kamera fernsteuern. Und all solche Sachen. Wirklich witzig! Allerdings schalten moderne Handys Hintergrunddienste sofort oder mit Zeitverzgerung aus, um Akku zu sparen. Die Kommunikation mit solchen Uhren ist genau ein solcher Hintergrunddienst.
Die Uhr ist insgesamt gut im Mittelfeld der gnstigen Fitness-Uhren aufgehoben und aus meiner Sicht grundlegend fr alle denkbaren Geschlechter geeignet. Dass sie nicht an die Leistungsfhigkeit der “groen” heranreicht, ist dabei kein Mangel. Sie kostet ja mit aktuell 46 Euro auch viel weniger.
Die App ist zwar nicht besonders gut bersetzt und auch nicht besonders elegant zu bedienen, aber man findet sich mit der Zeit auch dort hinein.
Der Verkufer hat mir dieses neu eingestellte Produkt brigens kostenlos berlassen, damit es auch durch meine kritische Einschtzung seine faire Position in der Angebotsliste findet.
Ich vergebe in diesem Fall 5 vllig geschlechtsneutrale Sterne und hoffe, Sie knnen jetzt etwas besser kaufentscheiden, was ja ntzlich wre
This watch is a good cheaper alternative to the more expensive sport watches
Easy to set up and looks stylish, it is comfortable on your wrist and doesn’t look bad – In fact it just looks like a standard watch.
Good price and does all the standard things that you would expect – steps, workout etc
This is a woman’s smart watch, it does look quite feminine in appearance with its light coral coloured strap and rose gold edging to the face. The strap size would suit most woman’s wrist sizes unless they were exceptionally wide. It has a choice of clock faces, but the screen isn’t overly visible in bright sunlight. It has an app that corresponds with the phone fairly well, and it has a good battery life. It has all the usual functions you would expect from a smart watch, but it isn’t perhaps quite as quick as a fit bit, but for the low price it is pretty good.
: Top Tip : A really good starting watch, as it offers simple, uncluttered features, alongside a well designed GUI.
: Top Tip : The display is clear, large, and bright. Easy to use, easy to read.
: At 36.99, at the time of writing,
This :
: Smart Watch for Women, Parsonver 1.09” Fashion Ladies Smartwatch with Full Touch Screen Heart Rate Sleep Monitor Calories Step Counter, IP68 Waterproof Fitness Watch for Android iOS Phones
Looks to be a great place to start in a Smart watch journey.
Is it any good?
Is it good value?
Will I get a lovely cup of tea , at any point during this review?
And possibly even a biscuit ?
Well… the answers to these, plus perhaps, one or two, extra, questions, we might accidentally stumble across, during the course of my meandering, and often erratic, review, we should take a closer look… …
Packaging :
It arrives in a lovely, shiny, professional, retail ready box.
The level of packaging is not excessive, or profligate, and is just enough to keep the product safe, and out of the box in good condition.
It makes a very good first impression.
Recycling :
Most of the packaging can be recycled, including the inner contents.
Contents :
Out of the box, and the contents are easily catalogued:
1 x Smart Watch
2 Watch Strap (Silicone & Leather)
1 Magnetic Charger
1 User Manual
Very nice indeed.
A complete, and comprehensive set of ingredients (yup, ingredients is what I settled for here…) to get you up and running, straight out of the box.
Build Quality :
The build quality is very good.
It feels chunky, well put together, and solid.
It feels, and looks pretty durable.
There are no visible flaws, no ragged edges, no mould marks, and no gaps.
It all looks very professional indeed, with all the junctions being beautifully finished.
It’s all nicely done, and looks the business.
Features :
With a 1.09-inch high-definition touch screen, this watch has a terrific display, and one that makes viewing easy, quick, and accurate.
Very impressive on such a budget watch.
There are 20 sport modes and 2 customization options on the default watch.
You can choose a suitable sports mode from the watch APP100+ sports mode and add it.
You can also choose which sports mode you want it set to, with presets covering most major sports.
Customise your watch with an individual strap… 2 are included.
This Smartwatch can monitor your exercise calories, heart rate and exercise time in real time.
It understands how your body functions during exercise and helps adjust exercise intensity.
Notification alert function won’t let you miss any calls, message and app notification.
In addition, the sedentary reminder and water reminder are also good helpers for your health.
The Parsonver smartwatch also provides breathing training to help balance your stress levels.
Equipped with a large battery, the smart watch gives you 7-10 days of normal use or 30 days max of standby time with just 2 hours of charging.
At IP68 water resistance, it allows you to wash your hands, without fear of water.
Set Up :
Setting the watch up is child’s play.
It is intuitive, and easy.
Simply follow the well written, and easy to follow, instructions, should you need them, and you will soon be up and running, in less than half an hour.
Performance :
In testing, the performance was perfect.
It did not put a foot wrong.
It was a joy to use, and a lot of fun, mucking about with its settings, and fine-tuning it to be the best it can be to suit my lifestyle.
It will make walking the dog a performance sport, measured by a load of facts and figures.
Buster the dog, will not know what has hit him, as he gets run around the block in increasingly quick circles.
“Another world record Buster!” will soon be cried in our hallway, as I pant from running up the stairs.
Down Sides :
No downsides were noted during testing.
Value :
Value wise, it feels like this delivers the goods.
The quality you get with this, makes it a good buy.
I would happily pay the asking price.
Summary :
Overall, this is excellent.
It is well designed, with some nice features, and some cool touches.
It is well put together, with a good overall build quality, and some good details.
It is pretty good value, and feels like a good buy.
I am a proud owner, and user, and I am happy to have had the privilege of reviewing it.
I think I can hear the sound of a kettle boiling…
Ooh, lovely…
Recommendation :
I do not hesitate to recommend it highly.
The Smart Watch, and the cup of tea.
Biscuit ?
I hope you enjoyed our time together .
Thank you for reading my review .
The watch has an elegant design, rose gold. You get 2 straps with it one silicone and one made out of eco-leather. The watch face is about 4 cm in diameter. There is a function button on the side and a covered charging port on the other. The setup is easy, but you need to download the app to get started. All data will be saved there.
The time/day/date can be displayed on the watch face. There are many options on both the watch and the app to change the image displayed. It has a pedometer, calories, stopwatch, alarm clock, measures sleep in hours and minutes, we can turn the music on and off, and check the weather. And lots of extra features.
I highly recommend it is wonderful.
So in set it has 2 straps, comfortable to wear, easy to set up and connect to phone, i use honor, but the app couldn’t work of my hubby’s samsung s10+. Beautifuly done, i like it.
Elle se veut fminine souhait. Si les bracelets sont d’un joli rose (qu’il s’agisse du bracelet en cuir dj install ou de celui de secours en silicone), je suis moins fan du cadre couleur or trs brillant, imposant et qui fait un peu cheap !
Le fonctionnement de la montre, quant lui est des plus simples . On y trouve toutes les fonctions basiques de ce type de montre.
Aprs le tlchargement de l’application ddie (scan du QR Code propos) et son installation, il suffit ensuite d’appairer la montre avec son smartphone. Elle se met automatiquement l’heure ! Parmi les paramtrages possibles, il est possible de choisir le style d’affichage son cadran (peu de choix), la dure d’affichage et la luminosit mais ce sont des rglages a minima.
Plus qu’une montre femme comme annonc dans le titre de prsentation du produit, j’y vois plutt une montre pour adolescente ou trs jeune femme car je ne la trouve pas du tout d’un style sportif !
C’est, d’aprs moi, une montre de dcouverte du monde des montres connectes, bien loigne des montres de sportifs mais qui a l’avantage d’avoir comme fonction principale de… donner l’heure !
En rsum, si on n’est pas gn par la couleur un peu kitch du botier, et si on n’est pas trop difficile au niveau des cadrans proposs, ce type de montre prsente un rapport qualit-prix tout fait convenable, d’autant plus que l’application qui y est associe fonctionne parfaitement .
4 toiles ma note globale car ses diffrents rglages sont faciles oprer et que cette montre connecte fonctionne bien mais par contre, ce n’est pas une montre que je porterai car son pais cadran dor et trs voyant n’est pas du tout mon got !
I love the look of this watch, it’s quite traditional being circular, yet has a modern feminine styling, plus I love the rose gold colouring. regarding aesthetics you can also download various watch faces plus arrange the interface icons similar to that of an Apple Watch, should you like.
Set up is pretty simple, download the “FitCloudPro” app, switch on the phone and the app finds it almost instantly, choose to make an account of use in guest mode. I’m syncing this with an iPhone, so I’m also able to pass the information from the app to the built in Apple Health app so I can combine my health data from other apps and devices in one place, you can also push your data from the Apple Health app to the FitCloudPro app should you wish (I chose not too). Undoubtedly this is a similar scenario if you are using Android, but I can only comment regarding Apple iOS.
I’ve been wearing this now for three days non stop and the battery is only at 92% pretty impressive. As with all of these watch trackers it monitors your heart, oxygen sat levels, sleep patterns, and depending on your expertise setting gives you an estimate of calories burnt etc You can have it set to constantly monitor your health and activity, or only when you ask it too.
as to accuracy, it seems pretty good, I tried it out wearing another tracker for comparison and they gave similar readings, there were 3-4 weird heartbeat spikes, but that was likely caused by me adjusting the watch strap or removing it when having a shower etc, so I’ve ignored those.
so in general it seems to work quite well, it looks lovely, the app syncs well and has an OK UI, plus you can pass on the data to your built in health app anyway, plus the battery last ages, so all in all very good
Hope my review was helpful
I am unable to comment on this watch as sadly the parcel this arrived in with a number of other items this was not inside.
I have gave this 5* based on looking at other peoples reviews it seems to be a decent watch.
This has been sat on the wrist of my wife for the last week, and I think it’s been a hit.
Aesthetically, it’s lovely and feminine, but I’m not a fan of smart watches, so this would have to do a lot to impress me and my wife, to have it remain a permanent thing.
On the one hand, having a smart watch enables a range of quick to view biometrics, heart rate, sleep etc… also it lets you track your steps and receive messages directly from your phone, and will buzz on your wrist when your phone rings, excellent when you’re wandering around the supermarket and haven’t noticed your phone ringing,
But on a negative side, you have to charge it every so often, it runs down the battery to your phone, constantly connecting via Bluetooth, they are thicker than a normal watch and I am a fan of a real analogue watch.
This watch, at last count, had 18 watch faces to choose from using the app, and I’m sure they will update further, connectivity via the app was easy and quick, and I have no problem with the app at all. The watch is responsive and can be tailored to how you want it; Adjust brightness, have it come on only when you raise your wrist, select your sleeping hours so it doesn’t come on like beacon and wake you up.
The sleep monitor is okay, not great, but then again, no smartwatch is perfect for this, it couldn’t for example be sure that my wife was awake when she went to the loo at 01:30, and it takes a while to decide in the morning if you’re awake or not. The fitness modes are great and the steps monitor works well.
All in all, and given the price, this is a good watch, and if you’re definitely wanting a smartwatch, you can’t go wrong with this, but over time the battery will have less and less capacity and if you’re okay with that, then I can definitely recommend this watch.
A nivel esttico es sencillo pero bonito, de tamao algo inferior a las versiones unisex o para hombres. Su chasis es metlico y de acabados dorados.
Tiene una pantalla buena pantalla de 1.09 pulgadas, a color y con varios ajustes de brillo prefijados, suficiente para que se pueda ver bien, tanto en interiores como en el exterior. A pleno sol, cuesta un poco ms de leer, pero eso tambin pasa con la mayora de Smartphones.
La pantalla es tctil y muy sensible en cualquier direccin (arriba, abajo, derecha e izquierda) segn las opciones disponibles en la pantalla de cada men. Desde ah, tenemos la opcin por ejemplo, de poder cambiar la skin principal de la esfera por otras a elegir, entre las que encontramos hasta 3 variaciones en las disposiciones de los mens.
Dispone de un nico botn para retroceder en los mens con una pulsacin corta o activar la pantalla y entrar en mens con una pulsacin larga.
Este reloj tiene una certificacin IP68 y soporta hasta 30m, lo que indica que resistente al agua en cualquier situacin, ya sea en piscina, mar o ducha de tu casa, y sin necesidad de secarlo despus. Eso s, si vas a estar mucho en contacto continuo con el agua, mejor qutatelo.
Viene con la carga mxima de batera al 100%. La duracin de la batera de 180mAh, depender del brillo que tengas seleccionado en pantalla y del uso que hagas de l, pero oscila entre 6 y 8 das. Para cargarlo necesitars unas 2 horas, depender del amperaje de salida del cargador de pared al que conectes el cable USB-A.
En el otro extremo del cable, la que se conecta al reloj, la conexin es propietaria y es de tipo magntica.
Incorpora podmetro, distancia recorrida, las caloras quemadas, notifica la falta de actividad si tienes un da poco activo, controla tu ritmo cardiaco (las pulsaciones) y tu nivel de oxgeno mediante un sensor en su parte inferior. Te permite ver las llamadas entrantes, leer SMS, WhatsApp y mensajes en redes sociales, puedes gestionar mnimamente la msica de tu Smartphone, y tiene 20 modos deportivos diferentes (caminar, correr en exterior, caminar en cinta, correr en cinta, ciclismo, bici esttica, yoga, elptica y mquina de remo). Un tanto peculiares algunas, pero correcto.
Tambin dispone de despertador, cronmetro y registro de datos del sueo nocturno.
Como particularidad enfocada a las mujeres, incluye una ayuda adicional en 2 temas clave: Ciclo menstrual, Preparacin del embarazo, y, Perodo de embarazo.
Es fcil de emparejar a travs de Bluetooth con el mvil, y de hecho, para sacarle el mximo provecho te has de descargar su App propietaria. Esta tiene algunas utilidades adicionales interesantes que le aaden valor extra, como por ejemplo, aadirle ms skins de esferas de pantalla (ms de 100 para elegir), o poder pasar los datos de registros deportivos y de salud del Smartwatch a la App.
Los ajustes de hora y da se sincronizan con tu Smartphone, no hay un men especfico para configurar eso desde el reloj.
Comparndolo con mi otro reloj Polar, con uno en una mueca y el otro en la otra, he comprobado que un problema de este reloj es su falta de precisin en los pasos realizados, con una desviacin de un 5-10%. En cuanto a los medidores de pulsaciones y oxmetro, debes tomrtelo como algo aproximado, pues ya de por s, el sistema de medicin en mueca ya es poco fiable, y si encima la electrnica no es top pues eso, datos aproximados.
Del mismo modo, el medidor de sueo, como en cualquier Smartwatch o banda deportiva de este rango de precios, pues bueno, es anecdtica tambin, pues hay veces en que parezca que no hayas dormido y no se refleja (tambin pasa esto en las Xiaomi).
Ten en cuenta, que te permite consultar notificaciones de WhatsApp o Instagram o Twitter por ejemplo, pero no te permite contestar ni escribir mensajes. Del mismo modo, te avisa de llamadas entrantes, pero no se puede ni contestar la llamada ni hablar desde el Smartwatch, la nica opcin que te da es poder rechazar la llamada.
Por precio (unos 57) y por caractersticas, lo veo bastante y de una calidad por encima de la media tanto en materiales, como en prestaciones, como en calidad de pantalla. Lo veo genial para divertirse con la obtencin de datos y superacin de retos deportivos especficos. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que los datos ofrecidos en trminos de salud, son aproximados. Si tienes claro este punto, disfrutars este reloj.
Para deportistas serios, o personas que deban controlar con precisin sus pulsaciones por temas de salud o riesgo, recomiendo un reloj de las marcas Polar o Garmin…. aunque claro, el precio ya es otro muy diferente.
Espero que esta revisin y lo comentado, te haya sido de utilidad.
This is a nice smart looking watch that has several functions including reminders. It is clearer than ones I’ve had before especially when reading messages and the battery lasts for ages which is a real plus. I have very thin wrists but this still looks ok and not too chunky. It is good value for money considering all it does, the time clock is very clear to see with lots of different choices of clock faces to choose from. Also I was impressed with the fact that it comes with a different spare watch strap which I preferred to the one it came with.
Smart Watch for Women, Parsonver 1.09” Fashion Ladies Smartwatch with Full Touch Screen Heart Rate Sleep Monitor Calories Step Counter, IP68 Waterproof Fitness Watch for Android iOS Phones.
This smart watch arrived well presented in its own box, the box is also covered in cellophane so due to good presentation it’s most suitable for giving as a gift!
Inside the box is the smart watch asking with 2 straps, a silicone and a leather one.
A magnetic charger and user manual.
This is exactly as the description describes and do far I’ve had no issues, it’s a lovely looking watch and of a great quality.
It’s comfortable to wear, even in bed.
This is easy to use, just make sure to download the app first so you can then monitor your health, sleep ect.
I can reccomend and the price is reasonable.
The Amazon pictures show you what will be received. All in a nice box too.
Simply download the app and then decide what to monitor.
The shade of strap is nice.
Beautiful smart watch
This is absolutely one of the best smart watches I’ve tried from a cheaper range and probably the most up to date too, with more on it than I’ve seen on these types of smart watches before.
The watch is a beautiful design, pink and rose gold. You get a leatherette style strap, or a silicone strap to choose from. The watch face is roughly 4cm x 4cm. There is one function button on the side and a covered charging port on the other side. The watch works well, it has a good reaction to touch, it turns lights up when you lift your wrist.
The initial set up is easy but you need to download the app called ‘FitCloudPro’ to begin. Bind your watch to your phone via Bluetooth and it’s ready to go. You can access all of your data here and customise the watch too.
The watch dial face shows the time/day/date. There are quite a few choices on both the watch and app, to change the picture you see, which I like as it’s a bit better than other watches in that way. You can scroll through and find your steps, calories and km on a chart, your BPM, your sleep in hours and minutes, control your music, see the weather and do a workout, in this section there is a multitude of sports activities to choose from, in comparison to other watches.
Instead of scrolling through, you can use the quick access menu, to get into all of the same above and more. With your data, your blood oxygen, your messages, a stopwatch, a timer, an alarm clock,, you can use find my phone and use the settings.
In the settings, you can choose between 3 different viewing styles for the quick access menu, change the dial face, change the brightness, set the screen time for how long it stays on for when untouched. Set the sensitivity of the ‘raise to wake’ mode.
I love how this looks, I really like how easy it is to navigate your way through. Your menu doesn’t feel overwhelming to scroll through, as it’s split into two separate menus. As well as this, I also like the other additional benefits, like the many different sport activity types, the customisation, I feel like the touch sensitivity works better and it feels well made too. I would recommend it. I think it’s worth the price.
This woman’s smart watch is an excellent watch. When it arrived I was surprised at how nice that actually was , very stylish and wouldn’t look out of place on daily use. Next the functions of the watch and they certainly don’t let it down. The app that is easily downloaded and I had mine set up and connected within 5 minutes. The watch can measure your oxygen levels , heart rate and monitors your sleep pattern. Your daily step count is also tracked aswell along with calories burned throughout the day with what exercise you have done. Any messages I receive to my phone will come through to the watch aswell. This has every feature and more of big brand smart watch’s on the market but the main difference being price. At 35.99 I believe this is exceptional value for money and I would suggest you save your money and purchase this instead of pricey others.
This arrived in a perfectly giftable box and has a nice appearance on the surface. The makers have not made any bold claims regarding its features as some do
The included instructions are very simple but then again so is the watch. Although the title says smart watch it’s more a colour screened fitness tracker as it’s smart features are almost non existent with just the ability to be notified of incoming text messages. The screen is responsive to the touch and whilst colourful sub menus can be a little washed out.
If you want a smart watch that is an extension of your phone then this is not for you. If you want a fitness tracker that looks like a watch then thou have found i
This is such a good smart watch that is stylish and comfortable to wear. The app was easy to download onto my phone and connect to the watch via Bluetooth. This monitors your heart rate, oxygen levels and sleep pattern. Also does a step count and the app tells you the steps you need to do daily. Gives details of calories burnt And distance covered. Different modes to track sports activity. For women there is a menstrual mode to keep track of this. You can even see messages and control your music through the watch. So much this monitors. Alarm clock, stop watch. Very impressed with this. I highly recommend