playvital Dynamic Sketch Black Full Set Skin Decal for ps5

playvital Dynamic Sketch Black Full Set Skin Decal for ps5 Console Disc Edition, Sticker Vinyl Decal Cover for ps5 Controller & Charging Station & Headset & Media Remote

Product Feature:
- Specially designed for ps5 Disc Edition.
- Made of high quality adhesive vinyl stickers.
- These skin sticker sets protect your devices from dust and scratch and no peeling off after a long time used.
- Personalized decals decorate and beautify your whole set device.
- Precise cutting to fit with ps5.
- This is a complete set of faceplate skin covers, which are used for ps5 console, controller, charging station, headset, media remote.
Installation Guide:
- Wipe down any dust, grease or other contaminants of your device with the rag.
- Peel the paper one by one, NOT to let the adhesive side touch anything.
- Starting from one corner, take a card or something with a thin, flat surface to smooth it on.
- If a piece is not going on straight, you can gently lift it back up.
- If installed slowly and carefully, there should be NO air bubbles left under the skin.
- For the best result, apply hot air (using a hairdryer) to the decal surface to activate chemical agents for better stickiness.
Package Includes:
- 1 x Console sticker
- 2 x Controller sticker
- 1 x Charging station sticker
- 1 x Headset sticker
- 1 x Media remote sticker
Note: The controller, console and other parts are not included!
Designed by gamers. The skin decal Patented. Protected by issued and pending patents. Playvital All rights reserved.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Dimensions: | 10 x 5 x 1.5 cm; 50 Grams |
Model: | TMPF065 |
Manufacture: | PlayVital |
Dimensions: | 10 x 5 x 1.5 cm; 50 Grams |
Origin: | China |
I purchased this whole set only to use the middle strip but the package comes with pre cut wraps for the entire console, 2 controllers, headphones and the controller charging station .. its all packaged very nice and the cut outs actually fit very nice too. It’s a very nice glossy gold colo
Daj 4 gwiazdki tylko dlatego, e aplikacja nie naley do atwych i zajmuje troch czasu, chocia na filmie trwa to chwilk. Jako skrki dobra, dopasowanie do sprztu Ok. Na przyszo moe producent powinien pomyle aby zagospodarowa pozostao z szablonu na wycicie skrek na nieoklejone elementy konsoli. Ja tak zrobiem i wyglda to lepiej.
Sempre stato contro a queste livree ma devo ammettere che questa veramente una bomba.
Occorre essere precisissimi perch le pellicole sono precise al millimetro.
Consiglio vivamente a chi vuole dare un look alternativo alla console
Was hesitant to order at first but glad I did better than the picture and parter is very happy!
Item as described
Looks awesome industrial when applied to PS5
It’s really cool looking but the cut is super tricky to work with. Overall I would order another one.
Stickers were nicely cut to fit! They are a little frustrating to peel back but once you got it peeled it is super easy to apply. and they’re super sticky too! I highly recommend this brand.
Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis! Natrlich muss man sich beim aufkleben konzentrieren, aber es ist nicht schwieriger als sonst auch bei anderen Produkten. Auf der Folie ist noch eine dnne, durchsichtige Folie, wenn man die abzieht lsst sich die Folie leichter biegen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Das lilane Glitzer sieht man schn, wenn Licht drauf fllt.
Also zunchst einmal sollte man auf jeden Fall einen Haartrockner benutzen – durch die Wrme wird die “Folie” flexibler und die Kanten zb beim Controller knnen sehr schn aufeinander angepasst werden.
Wo zu “wenig” Folie ist, kann man problemlos VORSICHTIG in die Lnge ziehen – BLO NICHT punktuell ziehen.
Ich versteh nicht, dass so viele schlechte Rezensionen gibt – klar kann es sein, dass Stanzungen fehlerhaft sind, aber grundstzlich geh ich davon aus, dass das handling nicht fr jeden ist.
2,5h hab ich gebraucht fr 1 Controller, Konsole und Headset, bestimmt htt ich das schneller hinbekommen, wenn ich von Anfang an den Fhn genommen htte.
Folie fr 2. Controller ist vorhanden. Auch sonst sind alle Stanzungen da, wo sie sein sollten, lediglich das ablsen der Folie vom Untergrund war tlw mehr Herausforderung, als alles andere.
Fazit: mir tun die Daumen weh, das anbringen ohne Fhn und ohne Fingerspitzengefhl kann sich als Herausforderung herausstellen, aber die Arbeit lohnt sich absolut.
Trotz robuster Folie sollte man vorsichtig mit ihr umgehen.
Ich finde das Design mega. Die Qualitt des Bildes ist sehr gut und die Klebekraft genauso. Mit dem Fhn das hab ich nicht gemacht, hlt auch so super.
Einziges Manko, vllt liegts aber auch einfach an mir, die Klebefolie bekommt man nur schwer von der Folie ab, wo sie zuvor draufklebt. Auerdem war ich nicht in der Lage den Controller zu bekleben. Ka ob ich nur zu dumm bin oder ob die Kleber dafr nicht so gut geeignet sind.
Fazit: Top und ich kann es weiterempfehle
Stickers on the console looks great but the stickers for the controller comes off easy
Some cracks, especially the controller. But over all I will give it a 3.8 star.
It looks really good and the quality is excellent.
It has like a leathery kind of feel to it.
Fits perfect the shape on the console, however it anything to say, I’d suggest it could be a few millimetres bigger just to reach the ages completely.
Great quality for the low price. Took me about 20 minutes to install and there were only a few spots were I had trouble.
The disc drive area of the console was a bit hard if you have that version of the PS5. The headphones have spots were it doesn’t sit flat on the edges of the headphones near the “ear muffs”. Not noticeable unless you’re looking though.
Overall definitely worth it!
High quality, looks amazing! It fits great, if you’re patient with it and take your time and do it correctly. But it does take some time and can be frustrating. It was delivered less than 24 hours after I ordered it too! If you’re looking for an affordable solution to making your boring PS5 look sleek and eye popping I would highly recommend this. Just don’t expect to peel and stick, take your time to apply it.
Colors are super nice. It is a bit time consuming to put it on. Upon receiving the package though it seems I received it folded. Which sucked but I was still able to install some of the decals. Upon installing some of them, I notice there is small marks as if something was placed on it maybe between transit or before transit, which sucks because you can see it up close. Aside from that the cutouts are almost precise. Had to somewhat stretch the decals to get the perfect fit. Still made my control look super nice! I would give it 5 stars, just not sure where the marks came from, I suppose upon delivery.
These are super cool, and good quality. They came exactly as described
The vinyl is good quality the print looks great, but some parts of the accessories didn’t line up as well as they should have. This is only noticeable upon close inspection. I did find the main part (console) to be quite fiddly to put on. This is due to the design of the console rather than the skin. Otherwise it’s a great product, I recommend it.
Das Aufbringen der groen Aufkleber fr die Seiten erfordert ein paar Versuche bis sie richtig sitzt. Ansonsten relativ einfach aufzubringen.
Gut finde ich das fr die Kopfhrer, Controller (2x), Fernbedienung und Ladestation auch Aufkleber dabei sind. Vorallem aber auch fr den schwarzen Teil der Ps5. Der ist ja ziemlich empfindlich gegen Kratzer.
Wenn man fr die Controller die Skin aufbringt knnte ich mir vorstellen das die Folie auf dauer beim Spielen nervt.
Die Folie ist relativ dick und man merkt die Kante in der Handflche. Fr mich allerdings kein problem da ich noch eine Silikonhller ber dem Controller hab.
Die andere Frage ist ob bei schweissigen Hnden die Folie dauerhaft hlt.
Looks great and easily applied. It is very forgiving so can be adjusted if something goes wrong during application. I haven’t done the controller as not quite ready to take that challenge
Love the pattern and design of the wrap parts of the console warp could have been better cut. The controller part doesn’t really work very well and is in too many parts the match and for well
Is product is very good
I will recommend this product
It was delivered really fas
Looks amazing, easy to take off if you get a crease or get the positioning wrong, but looks great once it’s on.