Rajvia Ice Scraper for Car Windscreen and Snow Brush 2-in-1

Rajvia Ice Scraper for Car Windscreen and Snow Brush 2-in-1 Detachable with Ergonomic Foam Handle Car Ice Scraper for Cars, Trucks and SUV

Solid Scrapper Ice Snow Tool- Wonderful product for Winter Conditions

Weight: | 280 g |
Dimensions: | 44 x 19.1 x 4.2 cm; 280 Grams |
Brand: | Rajvia |
Model: | R2BPB001 |
Manufacture: | Rajvia |
Dimensions: | 44 x 19.1 x 4.2 cm; 280 Grams |
Ich bin beeindruckt von dem 2 in 1 Eiskratzer und Besen. Der Eiskratzer funktioniert hervorragend und entfernt schnell und einfach sogar hartnckigen Eis von meiner Windschutzscheibe. Der Besen ist auch sehr gut und entfernt mhelos Schnee und Schmutz von meinem Auto. Das Design ist praktisch und kompakt, so dass es leicht in meinem Auto aufbewahrt werden kann. Insgesamt wrde ich dieses Produkt auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen und es mit einer sehr guten Bewertung bewerte
Design accattivante e confezione ben curata. Grazie alla piccola borsa il raschietto pu essere riposto in auto senza che bagni o in estate quando non si usa. Il materiale sembra di ottima qualit ed di facile utilizzo. Per raschiare un ghiaccio lieve in citt efficientissimo. Non ancora stato possibile provare il prodotto con un ghiaccio pi pesante per esempio di montagna.
Winter im Mittelgebirge sind denen in den Alpen hnlich. Hochschnee binnen Stunden, starker Frost. Dieses Set ist toll weil es alles vereint, Schnee abbrsten Eis abkratzen, verlngerbar, einzeln verwendbar und alles sehr platzsparend. Klasse!
Questo Gratta Ghiaccio Molto Resistente E Robusto, Molto Comodo Lungo Cosi Da Arrivare Ovunque e Lo si Pu Usare Per spazzare via Il ghiacchio Grattato ma Anche La Neve…
Der Kratzer ist super komme auch in der Mitte der Autoscheiben ist ein super Teil
pratique pour les petites personnes qui n’atteignent pas le milieu du pare-brise
Worked very well this morning, by quickly removing the thick ice off the car. Plus, the long handle makes it so much easier. As well as having a bush too. To help clear away loose bits is a bonus. Great item to have in the car! Best ice scraper I have had in years, five stars!
Eiskratzer mit Handbesen wurde bestellt, da unser alter kaputt gegangen ist. Lieferung war unverzglich da und der Kratzer durfte (fast sofort) den Dienst antreten.
Er liegt gut in der Hand, verbiegt sich nicht beim Kratzen und scheint gut verarbeitet zu sein.
Die Teile knnen auseinander gebaut werden, womit es insgesamt gut gelagert werden kann.
Ich kann das Produkt uneingeschrnkt empfehlen, nach dem Winter werd ich die Rezension berarbeiten, sollte ich was negatives feststelle
A good scraper which is great as it has an extension and a brush accessory so you can brush off ice and snow. Already used it a few times this month due to Iceybweather. Works well and is easy to use.
Der erste Schnee in diesem Jahr, konnte sehr gut beseitigt werden, ohne groe Anstrengung. Wie es ist, wenn die Scheiben richtig vereist sind, konnte ich leider noch nicht so richtig testen.
Ansonsten liegt der Eiskratzer gut in der Hand.
Habe lange gesucht ein Eiskratzer mit Schneebesen die groe ist ideal
Mi sembra un buon prodotto di qualit
Per adesso lo sto usando per togliere le foglie dalla mia auto
Ma non vedo l’ora di provarlo sulla neve e ghiaccio.
Giudizio per adesso pi che positivo.
This product assembles and disassembles effertlesly and quickly, it’s light weight but sturdy. Alot of the other products on the market are to short so you end up rubbing on the car which leads to messy clothes or are to big and therefor difficult to store away in the car.
As this clicks into place it is fantastic as can easily be stored, is comfortable to hold and use. Purchased at the right time of year as already had some frosty mornings this will be invaluable though when it snows so I can sweep the snow of the car. Would highly recommend the produc
Wasn’t expecting much from this considering the price, but it’s actually pretty sturdy. Bought after buying some cheap flimsy scrapers last year that just cracked and fall apart.
It’s about as big as it looks on the pictures; long enough to reach over to the other end of the front windscreen. I like how you can detach it to fold in the boot, done by depressing a little plastic lever allowing it to slide apart.
Tried bending it but it felt like it wouldn’t break unless you drove over it – the tip doesn’t give way so you should be able to use a good amount of force to remove ice.
Brissles are a bit stiffer than those you get on a duspan and brush say, but that will be useful to get rid of iced on snow. Not stiff enough to scratch the glass by any means though.
Should last a while.
Oggi prima gelata e primo utilizzo! Ottimo prodotto da utilizzare in sostituzione dei prodotti chimici in commercio!!
The product arrived very soon. It works. Solid material and you can attach both parts.
Consegna puntuale come sempre. Il raschietto veramente TOP
Impugnatura morbida, la giusta lunghezza del manico e il tutto sembra molto resistente!
Oltretutto c’ anche la spazzola per la neve (che si pu attaccare e staccare in un attimo), setole dure per cui sar effettivamente utile.
Aspettiamo ghiaccio e neve per testarli!
I had the chance to use it on an icy day, no snow though. But it is very easy to use and very strong material. Not heavy it is very light and the brush is so nice. Happy with my purchase.
A very handy scraper for clearing snow and water on vehicles, my wife can’t reach and clean the middle of the windscreen and she always struggles to clean always saying her hand getting pain, this Rajvia that sorting her issues now she really likes it.
The product is strong enough and the broom is highlighted part for me to clear water, dirt, dead leaves, etc, I strongly recommend if someone is looking for a quality and durable scrapper, a Brilliantly designed product…
bon produit , dmontable pour tre rang mais reste encore un peu trop grand
Liegt sehr gut in der Hand. Der Griff ist schn gepolstert und die Alustange macht das ganze schn leicht und trotzdem stabil. Schaber hat einen guten Winkel und der Besen eine ideale Lnge. Gehrt in jedes Auto
Die Kombination von Schneebesen und Eiskratzer ist einfach toll! Durch den hochverarbeiteten Kunstoff ist Eiskratzen kein Problem mehr. Der Griff ist angenehm in der Hand.Der Winter kann kommen!
I have only use it once since I bought it as only been a week but it is easy to use and effective, my last one the handle was short so my hands were getting wet this one got larger handle and it is 2 in 1…definitely left on my car boot and thinking in buying another one for my husband ca
Tiene todo lo necesario para quitar el hielo: raspador de plstico (que no raya) y cepillo para ir quitando los restos. Es de plstico, pero bastante robusto.
Lo mejor es que ocupa muy poco, es perfecto para llevar en el coche y usarlo cuando lo necesites.
It’s long enough to scrape the roof, good quality item for what you pay. The ice scrape is removable. Well made all around, it’s not going to scratch the car, the brush is very soft. We live in an area that sometimes get a lot of snow and this tool is amazing for that or for those frosted mornings that are coming up. The handle is really strong and is covered with foam so it feels really nice when you’re using it and doesn’t hurt the hand when pressing on it. Highly recommend it – great value for money.
Macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck, sehr handlich und in der Mitte zerlegbar.
Sehr gut verarbeitetes Produkt, einfaches zusammenstecken und auseinandernehmen.
Erfllt einwandfrei seinen Zweck, kann ich nur empfehle
Maneggevole, la lunga impugnatura ti permette di arrivare a centro vetro facilmente senza doverti sporgere contro la macchina. Utile anche la spazzola ed il fatto che si pu staccare e mettere all’occorrenza. Lo terr fisso in macchina e al primo ghiaccio aggiorner la recensione
La calidad del articulo es buena y practico para el uso.
L’oggetto che non dovrebbe mai ma cara in un automobile .veramente ben fatto e di ottima qualit .
Passend zu meinen neuen Auto habe ich mir nun diesen Eiskratzer zugelegt. Versand wie gewohnt von heute auf morgen. Die Lnge ist genau richtig fr die groe Scheibe bei meinem Ford.
Das Griffstck ist mit Schaumstoff bezogen und fhlt sich super an. Die Borsten vom Besen sind angenehm weich, so da die keine Kratzer im Lack hinterlassen, aber auch hart genug um Schnee vom Auto zu fegen. Der Eiskratzer lsst sich mit einem Handgriff in zwei Teile zerlegen. Das ist sehr praktisch, um ihn der warmen Jahreszeit platzsparend zu verstauen. Absolute Kaufempfehlung von mir.
I like this scraper it’s not too big
The brush will be handy for clearing the excess off the wipers post scraping.
This product is brilliant, my wife is 5ft and often struggles to scrape our windscreen with our car being large, this being extended she was able to do it with ease, it sturdy and doesn’t feel cheap, buy with confidence
It has one job and it does it well. I live in an area that doesn’t get deep snow but ice on your windscreen in the morning is common for four months of the year. This scraper removes ice from your windscreen without scratching it. And that’s all I need it to do. The brush… is a brush. It would be hard to get that wrong.
It works. It seems pretty durable. And the price is fair. Can’t complain.
It’s a great product for winter time. Good quality for what you pay. Recommended!