RARF Hand Warmers Rechargeable, 10000mAh Reusable Portable

RARF Hand Warmers Rechargeable, 10000mAh Reusable Portable Electric Hand Warmer USB Power Bank Adjustable Temperature from 30-60°C and Digital Screen, Great for Outdoors, Hunting, Camping, Warm Gif

Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 31.9 x 16.6 x 5.2 cm; 380 Grams |
Brand: | RARF |
Colour: | Dark Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Zhiyu Ou |
Dimensions: | 31.9 x 16.6 x 5.2 cm; 380 Grams |
Size: | One Size |
I live in cold winter Minnesota, and I have found this hand-warmer to be really effective. I’m surprised at its wide range of heat, from a little warm to hot. The hot is good for outside cold weather- it does work! It’s pocket-sized, and im glad I bought the pretty, muted, metallic pink version, too, haha. The battery charge lasts a long time, even when I’ve used it a lot. In fact, I think I’m getting more hours out of a charge than the manufacturer estimates. I have a bit of arthritis and this warmer feels really relaxing and helpful for the soreness. It comes with a cloth sleeve you can slide over the metal to prevent the metal from being too hot. I don’t usually use that tho, because I just turn down the heat level, and it responds very quickly. I always thought these rechargeable battery hand warmers didn’t work very well, but this one works really well! I highly recommend it.
Ich habe den RARF Handwrmer ausprobiert und er ist insgesamt ein gut durchdachtes und ntzliches Produkt.
Allerdings war ich enttuscht von der Akkulaufzeit, die nicht ganz der vom Hersteller angegebenen Zeit entsprach. Dies war etwas rgerlich, da ich darauf gehofft hatte, den Handwrmer fr lngere Zeit verwenden zu knnen, bevor er aufgeladen werden musste.
Dennoch ist der RARF Handwrmer ein groartiges Produkt mit vielen ntzlichen Funktionen. Die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig und die Bedienung ist einfach und intuitiv. Ich wrde dieses Produkt trotzdem empfehlen, da es trotzdem sehr ntzlich und vielseitig ist, aber aufgrund der Abweichung in der Akkulaufzeit vergebe ich eine 4-Sterne-Bewertung
i lost my previous one (3k mah) so thought id buy a 10kmah one as it will last longer, and that it does. havent charged them in 3 days using when taking dog for walks. bit of a strange off system as it brings up battery life first before shut off but works great. dual sided heat which is why i ordered an additional one for camping and battery banks for lights and phones etc.
I have Raynaud’s and it can be quite painful in my fingers so hopefully this will do the trick to help when I get it.
Didn’t get mine from amazon, I found it in a charity shop for 1.95 and it was still brand new in the box with everything inside, and had only been opened by the staff to see if everything was there. If it does do the job I need I may get another from here but we’ll see how it goes.
Ein Produkt, das den versprochenen Leistungen sehr nahe kommt. Gemessene Leistung 9.240 mAh (10.000 mAh lt. Hersteller). Die Temperatur ist innerhalb weniger Sekunden vorhanden. Bei 40C hielt der Handwrmer 7:26 Minuten durch, bei 50C 5:52 Minuten und bei 60C immerhin noch 4:31 Minuten. Genommen wurden die Betriebszeiten bei Auentemperaturen von -6 C bis +7C. Auch als Powerbank zeigte sich der Handwrmer als leistungsstark. Ich konnte mein Redmi Note 10 Pro zweimal schnell aufladen, bevor die Powerbank dem Ende nahe kam. Also ein sehr gutes Ergebnis. Die Powerbank ist wertig verarbeitet und liegt gut in der Hand. Leider ist die Oberflche sehr glatt und man muss aufpassen, das einem das Ding nicht durch die Finger flutscht. Der Schaltknopf fr Ein/Aus und die Temperatureinstellung ist gut platziert, so dass ein Ausversehen umschalten selten vorkommt.
Der Preis erscheint mir aufgrund der guten Leistungen im vernnftigem Rahmen.
Alles in Allem ist der Handwrmer wirklich sehr empfehlenswert fr Frostkdel wie mich und jene, die wirklich Wrme ber mehrere Stunden haben wollen. Daher kann ich hier nur uneingeschrnkt eine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.
Gerade bei Handwrmern aus China habe ich schon schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. 10.000 mAh versprochen, 3.800 mAh waren es in der Tat. Zu den weiteren Leistungen muss man dann nicht viel sagen.
Umso erfreute war ich dann ber diesen Handwrmer, der zwar nicht genau ber die angegebene Leistung verfgt, aber den Versprechungen des Herstellers sehr nahe kommt.
I am impressed with the quality of these hand warmers. the battery doesn’t last very long though so id suggest taking the charger out to site with you or taking a charged up battery pack.
I got this because it’s winter, the thermostat inside is turned down a little and I have cold hands. I have neuropathy in my hands and feet from chemotherapy (I am in remission) and it seems to me that my hands are colder now inside than they once were.
I have largish hands and my wife has medium sized (largish for a woman) and they seem to fit and be comfortable for both of us. I bought two of these because I figured I had two hands and therefore needed two hand warmers – And maybe I would if I were outside and it was cold. But I found that for my typical use inside with an iPad usually in my lap, I really only need one hand warmer. I either swap hands periodically between the warmer and the iPad keyboard or hold one warmer between two hands. So I gave my wife one of the warmers and she likes it too.
The control is by a single button for on/off/mode/battery capacity left. I am not a fan of single “do it all buttons” but it’s easy enough to use. At the default 40 degree C (104 degree F) the temperature is perfect for me – warm but not uncomfortable to my bare hands. In truth it feels great if you have cold hands.
The Good:
It feels deliciously warm on my hands.
Plenty of battery capacity.
Easy to use.
Can be used to recharge your smartphone if necessary.
Reasonable price.
Could Use Improvement:
I can live with the centigrade display, but would prefer if Fahrenheit were an option.
Not a big fan of the available colors – I’d like black, red, or silver myself.
The top where the charging ports are seems kind of open to the elements and if I were outside using this I would be concerned about dropping it in a puddle and damaging it.
Do what they should, I took off one star as they are a little heavy
keeping my hands warm when sea fishing, do not leave on, battery will only last for around 4 to 5 hours if left o
I bought this after being remarkably impressed by their smaller-sized version and am equally impressed by this one – again the battery life is as described and it gives off the same heat. Initially I felt I preferred the smaller one, but I’ve found I like them both the same now as the grippier case on this one allows for more uses. I had a query with mine and had to contact LETECH-EU and am pleased to report that their customer support was fantastic and my query was resolved very efficiently. This is a superb product, backed up by the kind of customer support a lot of suppliers could learn from – highly recommended.
Perfect, the best buy in winter, in my pockets my hands warm, it’s a happiness in winter .
Bought before Christmas, I was so impressed by how long the battery lasted when on the highest setting (5 hours at 60) that I decided to buy another, though this time I bought the “ink” coloured one, only to find it’s a considerably larger size (see attached photo). In use, I’ve found both perform as advertised, but although the larger one has a “grippier” finish to the outer casing, I find the smaller one much easier to hold and more effective at keeping my hands warm despite my having largish hands, so those with smaller hands might prefer the smaller sized version. They are both very, very good however, so can recommend them to anyone searching for long-lasting warmth from a rechargeable handwarmer.
Was fed up with playing winter golf and losing all feel from my hands. I wear a “muffler” type thing around my waist, and this heater sits in there, so can put both hands in, in-between shots. (I carry a bag, not pull a trolley). It works very well. You can also keep a ball in there, and alternate your ball every hole – a warmer ball goes further!
These is so great and just what was needed in the cold spell before Xmas. My daughter took it to school and the charge lasted all day. It’s great that you can charge your phone from it too
I have been using this hand warmer for several weeks. I bought just before our visit to the Hollywood Bowl to take my daughter to the Encanto Live concert and it fit in my pocket perfectly. My daughter stole it from me and held it for most of the night. I use it every time we are outdoors. Great hand warmer for what you pay. You will probably want two so that you can have one in each pocket for your two hands. Thank you for this awesome device. I didn’t know
How I’ve lived without this I don’t knowliterally just received and charged up and I love it! As a Raynards sufferer I think this will be amazing. Can’t wait to take it everywhere with me. Yet to test it out but first thoughts are it’s very responsive to use and a nice size. It’s quite heavy for size though and slippery plastic so would make sense if the coating was grippy hence 4 stars. Hope it’s lasts but way cheaper than heated gloves so happy
Der Handwrmer ist sehr leicht und liegt dank seiner schlanken Form auch gut in nur einer Hand. Ein kurzer Knopfdruck zeigt den aktuellen Akkustand in %, meiner war zu 83% vorgeladen. Beim Aufheizen braucht das Gert etwa 1,4 sek pro +1C, hlt die angegebenen 3 sek also um Welten nicht ein. Das Laden dauert lnger, je voller der Akku ist. Von 11% bis 100% brauchte er etwa 5 Stunden.
Leider ist die Bedienung unntig kompliziert:
Ist die aktuelle Temperatur < 50C, stellt ein Knopfdruck sie auf 50C, zwei auf 60C. Ist die aktuelle Temperatur = 50C, stellt ein Knopfdruck sie auf 60C, zwei auf 40C. Ist die aktuelle Temperatur > 50C, stellt ein Knopfdruck sie auf 40C, zwei auf 50C.
Ich fnde es bedeutend leichter, wenn man statt der aktuellen Temperatur die Zieltemperatur angezeigt bekme und mit je einem Knopfdruck 50-60-50-40 durchschalten knnte.
This warmer is spot on for those cold winter days.
Fully charged it and tried it.
Very easy to use. Warms up very quicky and is a great buy for anyone, in fact I’ve bought 2 now as Christmas presents as both my children work outside all year round and this will be of great use to them when the weather is bittery cold.
Would recommend this to anyone.
This electric hand warmer is so amazing. You can control the temperature, see how much battery has left… it gets warm on both sides of the device. It’s so soft that it can slip off your hards of you are are not holding it hard enough and if you are wearing gloves. Battery last long but i do not use the highest temperature so i can’t say how long it last only with highest temperature. This cold winter, you need this
Suggest you use the 50 degree setting if you want this to last most of your golf round
On full charge it managed 15.5 hrs of continuous use before needing a recharge which takes 6 hours on my Samsung S20 mobile fast charger.
I am very happy with it’s performance and keeps my hands lovely and warm without being too hot.
Useful led digital display shows the % of charge and also the temperature when heating. It can even charge you mobile phone from its powerful battery pack
Just perfect for this weather keeps hands warm not only hands I use to to stay warm when I’m out and about I keep it in my jacket upper packet to stay warm it last for long time I charge it while I’m driving so I make most out of it it comes very handy not only to stay warm but also to charge my phone when I run out of battery perfect for hiking camping and on the go
Very good and useful item. Charge stays for long time . It’s a must have item for the traveling.
I got this to use as a hand warmer not a powerbank.
This is a nice size hand warmer perfect to keep in your coat pocket on cold days outdoors.
It has a digital screen to show what heat setting you have the warmer on.
The warmer gets warm on both sides it starts to warm up preety much instantly the heat starts in the middle and then spreads outwards and gradually gets hotter.
Charging Took a few hours to fully charge and lasted a good few uses it was a week before I had to putnit back on charge would probably run down quicker if used as a powerbank aswell.
This hand warmer is very easy to charge and holds the heat for a long time. It fits snugly into my coat pocket and it has helped to keep my hands warm when on bracing country walks. We’ve had workmen in the house recently, and the outside door has been open, so having the hand warmer to warm me up has been fantastic. A great product!
Really good little gadget. Perfect for work and walks with the kids!
My daughter in law is a operating theatre nurse and complains often about how cold her hands, especially her fingers, get during surgery. She has previously used the gel hand warmers but they do not stay warm for long enough. She says this one is amazing and recently used it during a 9 hour procedure with no loss in heat. I suffer from arthritis in my fingers and love holding this while watching tv as it helps a lot and it is very comfortable too. PLUS i have the backup of a powerful power bank available at my fingertips. Totally genius device.
This arrived neatly and well packed so ideal for gifting. The initial first charge takes approximately 3 hours, but after that about 1 hour. There are 3 heat settings ranging from 40 to 60. It can also be used as a power bank. I heats very quickly and warms the hands perfectly so being out and about this is ideal.
In the box you get the hand warmer, wrist strap, instructions, charging cable and a storage pouch.
Would I recommend this, yes absolutely. If you want warm toasty hands this does the job.
Lovely gadget cools down quickly when turned off, used daily at the moment!
A fab item to have. It heats up quickly and is comfortable to hold. Easy to fit into pocket when not using. Definitely recommend.
Arrived today and after a quick charge it’s now sitting in my pocket keeping me warm. A short press of the power button shows you the charge remaining. There are 3 heat settings- 40, 50 and 60 degrees which you get to by long-pressing the power button- once for 40, press again for 50 and again for 60. 40 seems perfectly warm for me. The best bit is that it doubles as a phone charger. Love these 2 in 1 gadgets.
This is a nice handwarmer, that gets warmer than others I’ve tried, and quicker too. Charging time is completely reasonable, and the unit is even decently packaged (for this price point), so would make a gratefully-received gift. Minor grumble: the little LCD display on the side feels a bit 20th Century, compared to the current vogue for LED status indicators. But other than that, this is all good.
With the threat of power blackouts this winter, this hand warmer could be worth it’s weight in gold. It gives of a healthy amount of heat to warm up cold hands.
Not only a great aid to the elderly, it can be used by anyone indoors or outdoors. Well handy.
These are really good for the cold months. With energy prices rising and not being able to put the heating on as much, these give a much needed warmth for your hands, which for me, are always the coldest in winter. They’re easy to use and do emit some good heat. Definitely recommend.
Amazing little gadget. Keeps hands our hands nice and warm, just what is needed for these cold wintry months.
At first glance I was thinking this is actually really expensive for a single hand warmer however soon inspection it’s also a portable charger which is actually quite useful.
Good quality hand warmer and charges my phone just fine. Currently priced at 31.99 which clnsidering it has the two uses I feel that’s a fine price.
I get pretty cold hands at the best of times, but especially in the winter. This is great for people who work at computers (hands get very cold), love the outdoors in any weather and especially works well for me in the evenings wrapped up watching the tv. Means I don’t have to put the heating on at the moment. Gets hot very quickly and 30 degrees Celsius seems to work for me
This item doubles up nicely as both a rechargeable handwarmer and a power bank. It has a capacity of 10,000mah, so you can get about 4 full smart phone charges out of it. As a hand warmer, it has 4 heat settings; 30, 40, 50 and 60 degrees Celsius. Making it useful when it is mild, to when it is literally freezing outside.
It seems to be very robust. I have accidentally dropped this on the pavement twice while walking, and it still works exactly as it should.
It is very easy to use and handy. Go so nice in my bag.
I love this product! I had high expectations for this little hand warmer and charger but I’m honestly blown away with how amazing it is. You can have hot, very hot and super hot. It’s easy to use and heats up quickly. I love it!
Ideal for carrying in coat pocket for hand warming but also to charge any portable devices or phones. Has a temperature gauge with three temperature settings. 10000mAh battery which will give hours of hand heat or multiple mobile phone charges. Shows percentage battery status too. Great item with no negatives
Great utility, warms your hands and can charge your phone!
What an amazing idea, especially with outside events coming up! Something to keep my hands warm and charge my phone! Love it!!
I like the shape of this hand warmer very much, it is comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand and is very tactile.
The range of temperature settings is useful although I don’t feel that you would need to use the top setting of 60c very often -the lowest setting (default) is 40c which feels like a comfortable temperature to me. The big benefit is the speed with which this heats up, a few seconds after switching it on and you can feel the warmth.
This hand warmer doubles as a power bank which may be useful if stuck in a remote place overnight but my phone is usually fully charged before setting off anywhere so, whilst it is a handy feature, I probably won’t be using this.
The device appears to be well made and comes with a USB C cable, a nice soft material pouch in which to keep it and a cord for wearing it on your wrist so as not to lose it. Overall I am very pleased to have ordered this item and I’m sure that it will get some good use during this coming winter while out walking.
This is a fab hand warmer, perfect for keeping your hands toasty in the cold weather. You can easily slip it into your pocket to warm your hands up.
If you press the on button quickly it will show you how much battery the device has. Hold the button in for a second and the device will start warming up, you can see how many degrees it is on the screen.
I found this felt comfortable in my hands and it defo warmed them up. You can also use the device as a power pack to charge your phone which I found very handy.
Absolutely love this ,it’s really going to come in handy on those cold mornings and evenings when out in the cold watching my little one playing football. And the fact it is also a power bank is so hsmdy
It’s quick to warm up and 40 is more than hot enough.
Feels weighty and well made, the instructions are a little confusing initially but they are pretty straight forward.
Not tried the phone charging capability yet but the hand warming function is grea
A lovely hand warmer that does actually fit in the hand. It weighs 191 grams and is an elongated shape with a smooth surface and I agree with other reviewers that it could easily slip out of your hand. The RARF folk solved this by including a black lanyard and also a draw-string fabric pouch.
The three heat options are easy to change with a small button on one side. A window with a digital display for forty, fifty, or sixty centigrade (in my view sixty is really too hot to hold). Hand warmer batteries are mostly quite powerful, this one is a 10000mAh, so they can be used to charge up a mobile if needed.
I recently tried out the Ocoopa Union 5s hand warmer, more or less the same internal technology but it was a poorly designed shape to grasp in the hand, it was also heavier than this RARF product.
The heat from this is amazing, perfect for waiting for the bus or watching the kids play football and I can charge my phone at the same time
I bought this handwarmer as I enjoy going for walks in the countryside but can’t stand to wear gloves and with the wintertime fast approaching I needed something to replace the function of gloves. After searching on Amazon I found this little device which was reasonably priced and fitted the purpose which I needed it for. It arrived quickly and was well packaged and included a small travel bag and charging cable. On first use, it heats up very quickly and the temperature control button is easy and simple to use. It is a smooth, curved shape so is easy to hold and also comes with a detachable wrist strap for secure handling. It also has the added function of portable charging which is a nice feature for when out on country walks as it will allow me to use my devices without worrying about battery usage. All in all I am very pleased with my new purchase and will definitely be recommending it to all my walking friends as well as others.
I had a hand warm that burned lighter fuel when I was younger — this electric model by RARF seems a much safer option! This hand warmer arrives nicely presented in a box ideal for gifting and is simple to charge and to use. This HW01 model seems well made from decent materials and can give up to 18 hours use from a full charge. It has a built-in 10000mAh rechargeable battery that can double up as a power bank to charge your phone in an emergency. For your peace of mind there appear to be good safety features built-in and it meets various International standards – the design makes it just about the right size for portability and performance. Currently unavailable from Amazon I can’t comment on value — but it would be a handy device to have in your pocket on a chilly day — the dual features of hand warmer and power bank would give a five star rating at the right price.
The hand warmer is very simple to operate by one button. Long press turns it on, then press the button to up the temperature in 10s (40C-50C-60C). Press again and the temperature drops down to 40C again. Long press to turn it off. Using the powerbank is straight forward by connecting the cable from the powerbank to the device charging. Charging the hand warmer is again straight forward via the usb cable. The display shows the power level.
There’s no price listed as yet on the web page. It is an effective device. The heater can be turned on whilst charging which seems odd to me but since it requires a long press of the button to switch on/off it seems likely that you would be aware of this.
The display of the charge level reads in degrees C in single degree increments. This is helpful when charging. I like it.
The display of the temperature is similarly in single degree increments (see pic).
The instructions state that the temperature of the device may cause inaccuracy. I have found this to be very much the case. I have observed that after a long period on the high (60 degree C) setting the charge level read 99%. Without further heating draining the power bank but after cooling the reading had dropped to just 83%. Given consideration of as to when readings are taken the information is, I think, more useful than a simple ‘high, medium or low’.
The maximum temperature setting is 60 degrees C. This is exceptionally high in my experience. Low temperature burns can be caused by temperatures just above body heat. Apparently 42 degrees C can do it or so my research would suggest. This is more of a concern for people with diabetes. So IMHO the high maximum setting of this device is somewhat of a double edged sword. Great in the right context and bad in the wrong.
The provided input and output ports make this device very versatile.
I love the very rounded shape. It sits in the hand or the pocket quite nicely (see pic). Overall I like the design very much. Looks good and feels good.
Very nicely manufactured.
What an ideal gift if like me you use your done a lot when out especially on cold days. Power bank and hand warmer all in one. Just what I needed. Would recommend this to anyone
I’m a bit addicted to hand warmers, we have a few Raynauds sufferers in the house and these are perfect for keeping the hands warm. This one heats up nice and quickly and like most others has 3 heat settings. It’s nice and easy to use, and perfect for travelling as there are 3 different ports for charging, so whatever cable you have with you will work to charge it (except IPhone). It comes with a cable, a lanyard and a carry pouch. Very good.
This is just one piece warmer. I guess this is not so bad because you only have one to carry and charge. Not too big, just right. Good colour and a small display screen. Options for a couple of USB is always good.
.You receive hand warmer, charging cable and instructions booklet.Simple to use with variable temperature and clear digital display.I own quite a few hand warmers both because we often go to rugby games and these are great in colder weather but also my husband works outdoors at mobile homeless outreach van and they good for keep his hands warm and appreciated by clients to warm up.This does get pretty hot on full temperature and recommend only use with gloves.Not available at moment so can’t comment on value but great quality little hand warmer that is comfortable to hold and packs some hea
Brilliant products works as it’s supposed to with it’s rapid start time, will have you warm in no time. Easy to use, has type c charger so widely used and can easily adjust temperature. Overall very pleased would buy again.
What a fantastic hand warmer this is it gets so hot it’s truly amazing I would recommend this to everybody is fantastic